Community Connections - JUNE 2022 - Town of Bashaw

Page created by Beth Baldwin
Community Connections - JUNE 2022 - Town of Bashaw
JUNE 2022

Community Connections
          by the Bashaw & Area Community Resource Centre

                                 MONTHLY NEWSLETTER

                      Our Sincere Thanks to all of
                 Our Program Sponsors and Supporters


Ways to Give Back
Bashaw & District Support Services recognizes all of the contributions made by past and
present volunteers. Several of our programs rely on volunteerism and would not function
without it. We thank all of the dedicated individuals who help in so many ways. Volunteers
support: Meals on Wheels, Santa's Anonymous, board membership, community activities and
fundraising events.

We are so excited of for the opportunity to take part in the upcoming
Big Valley Jamboree Casino. It has been a long pause since large
scale events have been hosted and we are very grateful for the
occasion to fundraise again. All proceeds will go to BDSS AND
Bashaw & Area Community Resource Centre, directly impacting the
programs and services offered in our community. If you are looking      BVJ Casino
for ways to get involved and make a difference, this is your chance!    Volunteers
July 26 - July 31: Afternoon and evening shifts are available.,
meals, snacks and non-alcoholic beverages will be provided.
                                                                         Needed!  Ph. 780-372-4074
                  Follow us @BashawCRC
                                               Fx. 780-372-3951
                                                                        BASHAWCRC.COM        1
Community Connections - JUNE 2022 - Town of Bashaw
                                  Bashaw Community              DELICIOUS FOOD AND
             monkey                    Kitchen                    GOOD COMPANY...

business                          The last Plans & Cooks
                                                               Does this sound like a nice
                                                                    afternoon to you?
                                      until the Fall,
       After June,                                                 On Friday, June 10,
                                      are scheduled
       playgroups                                                  join us on the next
                                         for June.
will pause until the fall...                                     Adult/ Senior Outing
                                    Join in the Plan on           to Cherry Lane B&B.
                                  June 22, to participate
       Drop-in on                                              You won't be disappointed!
      June 3 and 17!              in the Cook on June 29.
                                                               Fee: $10/ person for transport,
                                                                   plus the cost of lunch.
Home Support- Light housekeeping, light                            *Book your spot soon.
meal preparation, laundry, and local errands. If                Pick-up will start at 11:30AM,
you are a senior or have health concerns and                     register by the day before
need help in your home please inquire.                              the outing (June 9).

                               $20/hour + 55¢/km
                         *If located outside of Bashaw*

                                                              MEALS ON WHEELS PROVIDES HOT
                                                                          MEALS DELIVERED
                                                                       RIGHT TO YOUR DOOR!
                                                                    This lunch is a 3-course meal
                                                                  prepared at Bashaw Meadows.
                                                                               Cost: $8.00 / meal
                                                                            Meals are available
                                                            on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
                                                                                      Order Now!

                                                                 Junior Golf Camp
                                                            at Bashaw Golf & Country is back!
                                                                 For questions or to access
                                                               the registration forms, email
                                                                   Separate schedule for
                                                                ages 6-10 and 10+, during
                                                                  June, July and August.
Community Connections - JUNE 2022 - Town of Bashaw

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Community Connections - JUNE 2022 - Town of Bashaw
June 2022
                              COMMUNITY HAPPENINGS

                                   Red Hot Science-
                                    Robotics Camp
                                    Bashaw Municipal Library
         Seed                               June 3-4
    Library/Swap                       9:30AM-12:30PM
   Bashaw Municipal Library            & 1:30PM -4:30PM          Library Hours
                                                                Bashaw Municipal Library
                                    Grades 6 and up can
  Stop by to pick out some              attend alone.             Library hours are
   seeds for your garden.            Grades 4 & 5 must         Mon 1:30PM- 4:30PM, Wed
  Try something new, like           attend with an adult.             1:30PM-7PM,
        Orca beans                  FREE! Option to own             Tues/Thurs/Fri
                                         your robot!                 10AM-4:30PM
   Contact Cindy for more               Sign up NOW.
    details, 780-372-4055.                                     (Closed 12:30PM-1:30PM).
               .                   Contact Cindy for more
                                    details, 780-372-4055.

                                  DON'T FORGET!

   BDSS AGM &                                                      Community
  Food Bank AGM                   Church Service
        Bashaw CRC               Bashaw Community Church
                                                                      Bashaw CRC
         June 13                      Every Sunday                Deadline: June 24
   BDSS AGM- 6:30PM                       10AM
   Food Bank AGM 7PM
                                                               Contact us to have your
 AAll welcome to attend.           Contact Bob & Ruth          content included in next
                                 Thompson, 780-372-3581           month's newsletter.
    Contact us for more           or Roberto Angelone,             Ph. 780-372-4074,
information, 780-372-4074 ,           780-298-9355.            Fx. 780-372-3951 or Email                            

                                   Recycling &                  Regular Council
      Pickleball                                                   Meetings
      Outdoor Courts             Garbage Pick-up
                                                                       June 14
    Tues/ Thurs/ Sat                   June 6 & 20
                                    Recycling pick-up is                6PM
    9:30AM - 11:30AM                Every 2nd Monday.
                                                                In-person or via zoom.
 Contact Chris Brosinsky,
                                    June 6, 13, 20, 27           Everyone is welcome,
                                    Garbage pick-up is            Contact to confirm
    or Marj Savage,
                                                               location or access Zoom
                                      Every Monday.
                                                                  links, 780-372-3911.
Community Connections - JUNE 2022 - Town of Bashaw

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Community Connections - JUNE 2022 - Town of Bashaw
Open Weekdays 9AM-4PM
Bashaw & Area Community Resource Centre                                                                                            Closed all statutory holidays.

SUNDAY                 MONDAY                TUESDAY          WEDNESDAY                        THURSDAY                      FRIDAY                    SATURDAY
29               30                    31                1    Write it Out: Gr 6          2                            3                           4
                                                              @ Bashaw School

                                        Bashaw Bus 9AM                                                                 Monkey Business
                                                                                          Camrose Bus 9AM              10AM @ Library

5                6                     7                 8    Write it Out: Junior High   9    Deadline to register:   10 Adult/Senior Outings: 11
                                                              @ Bashaw School                  Adult/Senior Outing        Charter to
Junior                                                                                                                      Cherry Lane B&B,
Golf Camp:
Ages 6-10,                                                                                                                  11:30AM Pick-up
& Ages 10+
@ Bashaw                                Bashaw Bus 9AM
Golf & Country

                         AGM @6:30PM                          Write it Out: Gr 6
12               13 BDSS
                    Food Bank AGM @ 7PM
                                        14               15   @ Bashaw School             16                           17                          18
Golf Camp:
Ages 6-10,
& Ages 10+
@ Bashaw                                                                                                               Monkey Business
Golf & Country
                                        Bashaw Bus 9AM                                    Camrose Bus 9AM              10AM @ Library
                                                              Write it Out: Junior High
19               20                    21                22   @ Bashaw School             23                           24 DEADLINE:
                                                                                                                          Register for July
                                                                                                                            Outdoor Ed. Camp
                                                                                                                                                                       JUNE 2022

                                                         Community Kitchen:                                             DEADLINE:
                                                         THE PLAN                                                       Submit Ads for
                                        Bashaw Bus 9AM   6:30PM @ United Church                                         July Newsletter

26               27                                           Community Kitchen:
                                       28                29   THE COOK                    30                           1
                                                              6:30PM @ United Church

                                        Bashaw Bus 9AM                                    Camrose Bus 9AM

**Virtual AHS Mental Health Appointments: Book on Monday through Friday, at 10AM-2PM. Call to make an appointment.**

**Bashaw Youth Center (BYC), drop-in for ages 6-17. Located at 4903 50 Ave., contact 780-372-4048.
Open after school, Monday through -Thursday, to 5:30PM. On June 29 & 30, open 11AM-3:30PM**
                                                                                                                                  Bashaw & District Support Services
                                                                                                                                       Bashaw & District Food Bank
       BASHAW BUS                                                                                                                          Bashaw Adult Learning
         SOCIETY                                                                                                                               Bashaw Bus Society
                                                                                                                                                   Healthy Families
       Bashaw Bus - $6                                                                                                                     Navigation and Referral
      Camrose Bus - $15                                                                                                                      Psychological Services
Charter Bus - $30/hour + $1/km                                                                                                              Alberta Mental Health
                                                                                                                                          Family Resource Network
       Call 780-372-3631
       to book your spot.                                                                                                                        Ph. 780-372-4074
                                                                                   4909 50 Street, Bashaw, AB                                     Fx. 780-372-3951
Community Connections - JUNE 2022 - Town of Bashaw

Community Connections - JUNE 2022 - Town of Bashaw
Community Connections - JUNE 2022 - Town of Bashaw

SUBMIT TO or 780-372-4074   9
Community Connections - JUNE 2022 - Town of Bashaw
Do you see your business or
              has your information

     The Town of Bashaw Directory details all local business and organization
                   contact information. This is included at no cost!
       It is printed every 4 months (March, June, September and December)
                            and is always available online.

            Please inform us of any updates to your information.


                            HOW TO SUBMIT YOUR CONTENT

    Community Connections is a space for Bashaw & Area non-profit groups and community
organizations to advertise their information, programs & services, events and activities each month.

                       FREE Option- Content will be displayed as 'text-only' listings.
                                   To submit please provide the following:
               Title, Details, Time, Location, Contact and any other applicable information.

         PAID Option- If you wish to format your own AD, please submit 'camera-ready' content.
                                1/4 PAGE AD- w: 3.4 x h: 4.7, $15.00 per AD
                           VERTICAL 1/2 PAGE AD- w: 3.4 x h: 9.3, $25.00 per AD
                         HORIZONTAL 1/2 PAGE AD- w: 6.8 x h: 4.7, $25.00 per AD
                            *Submissions must be edited and ready for print.*

               Newsletters reach area residents by mail and can be found online, Contact us to have your content included in the next edition.

 VIEW ONLINE                

 SUBMIT TO                   or 780-372-4074                      10
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