COMMUNITY - 2020 IMPACT REPORT - Bader Philanthropies

Page created by Jonathan Holt
COMMUNITY - 2020 IMPACT REPORT - Bader Philanthropies
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COMMUNITY - 2020 IMPACT REPORT - Bader Philanthropies
When you see something
that is not right, not fair, not
just, you have to speak up.
You have to say something;
you have to do something.
- John Lewis
 US Congressman & Civil Rights Leader
COMMUNITY - 2020 IMPACT REPORT - Bader Philanthropies

Bader Philanthropies has an unwavering commitment to investing in          have not allowed us to bring people together for Outward Mindset
communities and the people who live in them.                               trainings, our community partners are practicing the tenets through
                                                                           their compassionate service every single day.
The COVID-19 global pandemic has afforded every single person—
young and old—around the world to define history. The Foundation           We are excited to share and publicly release, An Independent Spirit:
has witnessed selfless acts of kindness, innovation, and resilience. Our   The Quiet, Generous Life of Helen Daniels Bader by Priscilla Pardini.
community partners have turned challenge into opportunity learning         An Independent Spirit: The Quiet, Generous Life of Helen Daniels Bader
how to provide “socially distanced” and at times technology-based          brings into sharp focus the story of one of Milwaukee’s most beloved
options for young people to learn the lessons of craftmanship and          and magnanimous benefactors. Enhanced with more than 250 images
teamwork; helping older adults remain safe, healthy and independent in     —most from family collections—it details Helen Bader’s remarkable
their homes; unleashing artistic talents and energy through dance; and     touching journey—one steeped in a lifetime of humility, determination,
preserving the teaching of Judaic values through day school education.     resistance and empathy for others, that played out amid years of personal
                                                                           disappointment and sorrow. Rising to the challenges thrown her way,
The Foundation completed renovations on a two-story building adjacent      Helen set an example that persists today as a model well worth emulating.
to its global headquarters which is now the home of Shalem Healing,
an integrated and holistic care clinic; Refua Medicinals, which blends     As we close the year, we know the events of this past year will
traditional Chinese medicine and modern nutritional science to enhance     undoubtedly bring moments of sadness. But, we hope the pages
the wellbeing of Shalem Healing patients; and Sam’s Place, a jazz café.    that follow provide you with moments of joy and pride as you see the
The tenants bring to life the voices of our neighbors and serves as a      Harambee neighborhood’s Swahili translation, “all pull together” in
physical reminder of what is possible when we live in community.           action around the world.

The practice of Arbinger Institute’s Outward Mindset tools has been        Best wishes,
invaluable in helping Bader Philanthropies “get curious” and “listen
longer” to better understand the myriad of needs in our community. It
has given us the gift of seeing people as people and to stand with you
as we embrace all that has come before us—a global pandemic, civil
unrest, an economic downturn and human loss. While circumstances           Daniel J. Bader
COMMUNITY - 2020 IMPACT REPORT - Bader Philanthropies
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COMMUNITY - 2020 IMPACT REPORT - Bader Philanthropies
Make a difference
about something other
than yourselves.
- Toni Morrison
COMMUNITY - 2020 IMPACT REPORT - Bader Philanthropies
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       GRANTS &
       Since March 26, 2020, Bader Philanthropies has provided   FEEDING AMERICA
       62 emergency grants totaling $1,407,650 to
                                                                 EASTERN WISCONSIN
       Wisconsin organizations offering programs and services
                                                                 FOOD PICK-UP
       in direct response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
COMMUNITY - 2020 IMPACT REPORT - Bader Philanthropies
COMMUNITY - 2020 IMPACT REPORT - Bader Philanthropies
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       COVID-19 GRANTS

       4th Dimension Sobriety, Inc.                       Junior Achievement of Wisconsin, Inc.          Sixteenth Street Community Health Centers, Inc.
       African American Breastfeeding Network, Inc.       Lutheran Social Services of Wisconsin and      Sojourner Foundation, Inc.
                                                            Upper Michigan, Inc.
       Alma Center, Inc.                                                                                 St. Ann Center for Intergenerational Care, Inc.
                                                          Meals On Wheels of Sheboygan County, Inc.
       Arts at Large, Inc.                                                                               St. Marcus Evangelical Lutheran Church, Inc.
                                                          Milwaukee Center for Independence, Inc.
       City On A Hill, Inc.                                                                              St. Vincent De Paul Society of Milwaukee
                                                          Milwaukee Christian Center, Inc.
       Columbia St. Mary’s Foundation, Inc.                                                              The Best Camp, Inc.
                                                          Milwaukee Jewish Free Loan Association, Inc.
       Dr. James Cameron Legacy Foundation, Inc.                                                         The Gathering of Southeast Wisconsin, Inc.
                                                          Milwaukee Rescue Mission
       Elmbrook Senior Taxi, Inc.                                                                        The Guest House of Milwaukee, Inc.
                                                          Muslim Community and Health Center
       ERAS Senior Network, Inc.                           of Wisconsin, Inc.                            The Middle Ground, Inc.
       Faith in Action of Marathon County, Inc.           Neighborhood House of Milwaukee, Inc.          The Milwaukee Jewish Federation, Inc.
       Feeding America Eastern Wisconsin, Inc.            Nia Imani Family, Inc.                         The Parenting Network, Inc.
       Fresh Start Learning, Inc.                         Northcott Neighborhood House, Inc.             The Pastime Club, Inc.
       Greater Milwaukee Foundation, Inc.                 Park Place, Adult Day Services, Inc.           Torah Academy of Milwaukee for Girls, Inc.
       Health Connections, Inc.                           Prism Economic Development Corporation         TRUE Skool, Inc.
       Hmong/American Friendship Association, Inc.          (Prism EDC)                                  United Methodist Children’s Services
                                                          Riverwest Artists Association, Inc.              of Wisconsin, Inc.
       Hope House of Milwaukee, Inc.
                                                          Saint Francis Children’s Center, Inc.          Variety - The Children’s Charity of Wisconsin, Inc.
       Imagine MKE, Inc.
                                                          Saukville Community Food Pantry, Inc.          Vessels of God, Inc.
       Impact Alcohol & Other Drug Abuse Services, Inc.
                                                          Shalem Healing, Inc.                           Westcare Wisconsin, Inc.
       Islands of Brilliance, Inc.
                                                          Silver Spring Neighborhood Center, Inc.        Wis Hope, Inc.
       Jewish Beginnings Lubavitch Preschool, Inc.
                                                                                                         Wisconsin Center For Nursing, Inc.
       Jewish Family Services, Inc.
COMMUNITY - 2020 IMPACT REPORT - Bader Philanthropies
Always show more
kindness than seems
necessary, because the
person receiving it needs
it more than you will
ever know.
- Colin Powell
  Former US Secretary of State
  and Four-Star General
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Excellence is to do a common
thing in an uncommon way.
- Booker T. Washington
 American Educator
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       ALZHEIMER’S &
       TOTAL GRANTS                                                2

                                                                   SOCIAL ISOLATION
                                                                   & TECHNOLOGY

                                   1                              3            4

                                   PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT
                                   $1,850,600                     $262,500     5      6
                                 4 APPLIED RESEARCH $115,000   5 TECHNOLOGY $42,500
                                 6 OTHER $8,500


WICHP’s mission statement is “to empower and support Island residents
to make choices for successful aging, to maintain a safe and independent
                                                                                    You are never too old to
lifestyle and to make informed decisions about their health care.” The target       set another goal or to
group is seniors age 60 and above. Programs include in-home supportive
care, advocacy, medical equipment, medical travel fund, Meals on Wheels,            dream a new dream.
monthly education/outreach luncheons, blood pressure clinics, referrals and
connection to in home services (ie: Wraparound, LifeAssist, Unity, Memory
Care, Door-Tran, Door CANcer, Neighbor to Neighbor, Food Pantry and
                                                                                    - C.S. Lewis
Community Van).                                                                      Writer
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                                               APPLIED RESEARCH
       TOTAL DOLLARS                           $59,000

                                               EDUCATION / TRAINING
                                 $67,500       $25,000

EMDA, the Alzheimer’s Association of Israel, was founded in 1988 by family
members of people with Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. In
                                                                                     Though those with
2017, EMDA worked with key partners to adapt the global Dementia Friends             Alzheimer’s might forget
model to help those with Alzheimer’s remain part of the community, tailoring
it for Israel’s unique cultural needs. Each Dementia Friend can be a neighbor,       us, we as a society must
worker, or community member who learns how to be more aware of those
with dementia in the community, and what small gestures can help make their
                                                                                     remember them.
interactions more positive for everyone.
                                                                                     - Scott Kirschenbaum
                                                                                      Filmmaker, You’re Looking at
                                                                                      Me Like I Live Here and I Don’t
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       44                                                 2
                                 CULTURAL RECOGNITION
                                 $938,500                 $777,500

       $2,313,000                3
                                 IMPROVING EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES

MATI-Jerusalem offers entrepreneurship programs that help aspiring small business
owners across the city to start a viable business or to build an existing one. In the
neighborhoods of East Jerusalem, poverty rates are high, with less than one-in-
three women participating in the workforce full time, so small businesses provide
a culturally relevant way to increase families’ earned income. At its East Jerusalem
hub, MATI offers various tracks that empower local women through increased
confidence and new skills, as well as the wider networks that are essential to
successful enterprises.

                   How you climb a mountain is
                   more important than reaching
                   the top.
                   - Yvon Chouinard
                       Patagonia Founder
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       TOTAL GRANTS                                         2

                                                            JOB CREATION
                                                            & EXPANSION

                                  1                         REDUCTION
                                                            $350,000         4
                                  JOB PREPARATION
                                  & READINESS
                                  $1,256,500                5                    6
                                 4 LINK TO EXISTING/EMERGING JOBS $205,000
                                 5 SPUR COLLABORATION $170,000 6 OTHER $70,000

I.C.Stars trains young adults to enter the tech sector. Participants learn by doing;
building web-based applications to solve the challenges facing employers in the
tech industry with coding, business, and leadership instruction provided along
the way. Young adults also gain the professional network needed to jumpstart
their careers. Each person is chosen after 12 hours of assessments from a
candidate pool of approximately 350 before going into a cohort of 20. I.C.Stars
begins with a four month immersion, where participants respond to a request for
proposal from a corporate partner. Participants develop employer-facing soft skills
through leadership workshops. Following the bootcamp, support continues for 20
months with career assistance, higher education support, case management and

counseling. Three cohorts are trained per year.

                   Far and away the best prize that
                   life offers is the chance to work
                   hard at work worth doing.
                   - Theodore Roosevelt
                       US President
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       TOTAL PRIs

       TOTAL DOLLARS              1
                                                             OR COMMUNITY

                                  ENTREPRENEURIAL            $565,000
                                 3 INVESTMENTS LEVERAGED $16,000


Founded in 1983, the Volunteer Center of Washington County was established     to create a community gathering space and commercial kitchen for catering
as a single place to connect community members with meaningful volunteer       and to support The Hub coffee shop. It is more than a gathering space; it is a
opportunities. Today, the Volunteer Center matches nearly 10,000 people each   place where activities and programs engage and strengthen the community
year with volunteer opportunities at 50+ community organizations. With core    as a whole. Aligned with the organization’s mission, the expanded space will
programs like the Do Good Bus, Camp Super Hero and day-to-day volunteer        mobilize volunteers and resources to improve the quality of life in Washington
matching which supports the local nonprofit community, the organization        County. It will also open the doors to more individuals, families, school groups,
is always seeking new ways to connect with the next level of Washington        nonprofits and businesses looking to engage with their community. More
County residents. Recently, the Volunteer Center purchased a facility. This    space for mission-forward activities like educational workshops, fundraising
has given them an opportunity to expand into the remaining space in the        events, and core Volunteer Center programs will help inspire volunteerism and
building. In addition to their volunteer-run coffee shop, “The Hub - Social    benefit nonprofit partners.
Good Brews,” the organization is renovating the vacant areas in the building
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       THE ARTS


       46                                                2

                                   1                     3              4
                                   SUSTAINING            PERFORMING     OTHER
                                   ARTS EDUCATION        ARTS           $100,000
                                   $820,000              $250,000
                                 5 VISUAL ARTS $25,000

ABOVE THE CLOUDS                                                          ”
Above the Clouds uses creativity and movement through its classes,
internships, and scholarships to fulfill its commitment to connect
children to the arts. It offers a wide range of courses such as ballet,
hip-hop and martial arts. Since 2001, Above the Clouds has provided           You use a glass mirror to see
free, faith-based art programs and educational training to inspire
young students, ages 5-17 in the Milwaukee area. Above the Clouds
                                                                              your face; you use works of
has served 7,780 young people over the years.                                 art to see your soul.
                                                                              - George Bernard Shaw
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       31                                                     2
                                                              (URBAN EDUCATION)

                                   1                          3

                                   EDUCATION                  (URBAN EDUCATION)
                                   $720,000                   $140,000
                                                                                  5 6
                                 4 TEACHER DEVELOPMENT (URBAN EDUCATION) $35,000
                                 5 LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT (URBAN EDUCATION) $10,000
                                 6 STAFF TRAINING (JEWISH EDUCATION) $5,000


United Community Center assists individuals in achieving their potential
by focusing on cultural heritage as a means of strengthening personal
development and by promoting high academic standards in all of its
educational programs. UCC works to provide programs to Hispanics and
near south side residents of all ages in the areas of education, cultural arts,
recreation, community development, and health and human services. UCC’s
early childhood facility was renovated to create a fully operational childcare
center that addresses the educational, social, emotional and health needs of
children living in the south side of Milwaukee.


Yeshiva Elementary School (YES) in the heart of Milwaukee’s Sherman Park
neighborhood offers a comprehensive K-8 curriculum which weaves in Judaic
heritage and values. The school exists today through the vision of parents
seeking to provide children with a quality Judaic education that prepares them
for life. For more than 30 years, YES has actively engaged students in learning
using technology, storytelling and the arts to ensure that students can reach their
full academic potential.
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       64                         1
                                  WELLNESS                DEVELOPMENT
                                  $801,500                $667,500

       $2,077,500                 EXTENDED LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES

                                 4 OTHER $55,000

All Hands Boatworks’ mission is to build the capacities, talents, resilience, and
futures of Milwaukee’s youth through STEM-focused wooden boatbuilding
projects, work-based learning experiences, and on-the-water activities that
foster the development of character, educational success, and workforce

preparation. All Hands Boatworks has taught the craft of wooden boatbuilding
to more than 2,500 youth ages 10 to 24 since 2013.

                  If you want to build a ship, don’t
                  just drum up people to collect
                  wood, and don’t just assign them
                  tasks and work, but rather teach
                  them to long for the sea.
                  - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
                      French Writer
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       TOTAL DOLLARS                                                $444,000

       $4,416,235                                                   4
                                   PRESSING ISSUE
                                                                               6   7

                                 4 OTHER $185,000 5 BOARD RELATED $155,000
                                 6 DUES $63,485 7 CULTURE $21,000

MILWAUKEE HABITAT                                                              ”
Milwaukee Habitat for Humanity, a nonprofit helping families in need of
safe, affordable housing, launched a neighborhood revitalization project in        We should learn to live
the Harambee neighborhood. With an initial grant of $1 million from Bader
Philanthropies, Inc., Milwaukee Habitat for Humanity will be establishing 40       and love our neighbors as
new homes, ensuring current homeowners can avoid foreclosure and stay
in their homes. Milwaukee Habitat for Humanity also plans to complete 20
                                                                                   ourselves for the sake of
critical repair projects in Harambee over the next four years, serving more        peace and progress.
than 200 of the community’s residents.

                                                                                   - David McCallum
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WISCONSIN                                                                        To the world you may
                                                                                 be one person. But, to
Westcare empowers everyone with whom they come in contact, especially            one person, you may
individuals struggling with a combination of economic, employment, health
and environmental burdens. The organization offers programming and               be the world.
services addressing basic human needs such as food, housing, and clothing,
and facilitates youth leadership development, job readiness and community        - Dr. Seuss
engagement projects.
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In every moment...we choose
to see others either as people
like ourselves or as objects.
They either count like we
do or they don’t.
- The Arbinger Institute
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       In less than two months, our convening space was reimagined so
       Westcare Wisconsin’s Youth Advisory Council could come together for
       their weekly Friday programs featuring speakers and group work. Small
       groups could continue to meet face-to-face socially distanced using
       state-of-the-art technology to ensure critical conversations could happen
       amid a global pandemic.
                                                                                   GUESTS SERVED

4th Dimension Recovery Centers                   Leadership Circle                       The Gathering of Southeast Wisconsin, Inc.

African American Breastfeeding Network, Inc.     Local Initiatives Support Corporation   The Milwaukee Jewish Federation, Inc.

African American Leadership Alliance MKE         Marquette University                    The People’s Movement of Milwaukee

Bader Hillel Academy                             Martin Luther King Economic             The People’s Revolution
                                                  Development Corporation
Board of Regents of the University of                                                    United Performing Arts Fund, Inc.
  Wisconsin System                               Milwaukee Community Justice Council
                                                                                         Unity in Motion, Inc.
City of Milwaukee                                Milwaukee Jewish Day School, Inc.
                                                                                         University of Milwaukee - School of Education
Congregation Beth Jehudah, Inc.                  Milwaukee Youth Sports Alliance
                                                                                         University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Down Syndrome Association of Wisconsin, Inc.     MKE LGBT Community Center
                                                                                         University of Wisconsin - Parkside
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary School    NATAL
                                                                                         Urban Ecology Center, Inc.
Eastcastle Place                                 Next Door Foundation, Inc.
                                                                                         UW Center for Cooperatives - Madison
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago                  Nonprofit Management Fund
                                                                                         Victory Garden Initiative, Inc.
Foundations Health & Wholeness                   North Central Service Club, Inc.
                                                                                         Waukesha County Department on Aging
Greater Green Bay Community Foundation, Inc.     Office of Early Childhood Initiatives
                                                                                         Westcare Wisconsin, Inc.
Greater Milwaukee Foundation, Inc.               Revitalize Milwaukee, Inc.
                                                                                         Wisconsin CREW
Havenwoods Economic Development Corporation      Safe and Sound, Inc.
                                                                                         Wisconsin Policy Forum, Inc.
Health Data Users Group                          Scaling Wellness In Milwaukee (SWIM)
                                                                                         Wisconsin Women’s Business Initiative
Helen Bader Institute for Nonprofit Management   Serenity Inns, Inc.                      Corporation

Helen Bader School of Social Welfare             Shalem Healing, Inc.                    Yeshiva Elementary School - Milwaukee, Inc.

Illinois Facilities Fund                         Sojourner Foundation, Inc.              Young Development Group, LLC

JCP Construction                                 SSI/SSDI Outreach, Access,              Young Nonprofit Professionals Network
                                                   and Recovery (SOAR)                     (YNPN) Greater Milwaukee Chapter
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        TEST DATES



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       Bader Philanthropies, Inc. renovated a two-story building located at the      Refua Medicinals brings together traditional Chinese medicine and modern
       corner of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive and Fifth Street, across from     nutritional science. The result is an array of teas that enhance the well being of
       its global headquarters at 3300 N. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive in the   Shalem Healing patients and other health conscious consumers.
       Harambee neighborhood. The renovated building is now occupied by
       three tenants—Shalem Healing, Inc., Refua Medicinals and Sam’s Place.         Sam’s Place will be the second location in Milwaukee for CITY.NET Jazz Café,
                                                                                     Milwaukee’s Jazziest Coffeehouse. “Sam’s Place is all about community,” said
       Shalem Healing, formerly located in the Riverwest neighborhood, offers        Sam Belton, owner of Sam’s Place. “People from all walks of life can gather
       a wide range of integrated medical and holistic care to more than 3,000       here, meet a friend or neighbor, and connect for a meeting in a great eatery while
       patients annually. The medical care provided by Shalem Healing is at a        experiencing the sounds of classic jazz. Patrons can also enjoy freshly roasted
       reduced rate or on a sliding scale based on the patient’s income.             coffee on site and expect live performances from local and national artists. Our
                                                                                     roots are deep in Milwaukee and we are dedicated to rebuilding our community.”
       “Shalem Healing’s commitment to holistic wellness, especially for
       people living in the underserved areas of the city, is the core of what we    “Harambee residents gather at ‘Chat with Bader’ events to reminiscence, share
       do,” said Dr. Robert Fox, Shalem Healing’s founder and executive director.    resources and speak their minds,” said Milwaukee 6th District Alderwoman
       “It is simple —we want to make holistic care such as herbal medicine,         Milele A. Coggs. “Time and time again, I have heard residents talk about how
       acupuncture, food as medicine, stem cell treatment, nutraceuticals,           much they miss having a place to go to meet a friend for coffee, listen to music
       and proper education on seemingly chronic diseases accessible to the          or how challenging it can be to care for their physical wellbeing. It is inspiring to
       residents living in Harambee and many others who will travel from             know that Sam’s Place and Shalem Healing will soon be serving the needs of
       around Milwaukee.”                                                            Harambee residents and beyond.”
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Who is wise? One who learns
from every man… Who is
strong? One who overpowers
his inclinations… Who is rich?
One who is satisfied with his
lot… Who is honorable? One
who honors his fellows.
- Ben Zoma
 Ethics of the Fathers, 4:1
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       Bader Philanthropies made its largest grant award—$40 million (USD)—to Queen’s University to
       revitalize and expand the Agnes Etherington Art Centre and create a new home for the
       Bader Collection.

       The philanthropic investment has the potential to create one of the largest university art museums
       in Canada and will help Queen’s researchers and students play a fundamental role in enabling
       societies to better understand, protect, and experience the world’s artistic and cultural treasures.

       The revitalized Agnes will create a single hub for the presentation, research, and study of visual
       arts on campus. The facility will include the Art Centre, as well as homes for the graduate program
       in Art Conservation, and the Art History undergraduate and graduate programs.


    Art is an effort to create,
    beside the real world,
    a more humane world.
    - Andre Maurois
     French Author
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       In 2020, the Milwaukee Jewish Federation created the Helen           for other initiatives such as teacher benefits, updating facilities,
       Daniels Bader Jewish Education Fund, the largest permanent           materials for classes, and more. More than 660 students are
       endowment for Jewish education in Wisconsin. The $12 million         currently enrolled across the six schools: Bader Hillel Academy
       endowment replaces the Helen Bader Scholarship Fund,                 (BHA), Bader Hillel High (BHH), Milwaukee Jewish Day School
       which had received $500,000 in annual donations from Bader           (MJDS), Torah Academy of Milwaukee (TAM), Wisconsin Institute
       Philanthropies, Inc., since 1992. The endowment will make            for Torah Study (WITS) and Yeshiva Elementary School (YES).
       30 percent more funds available for the six Jewish schools; in the
       2020-2021 school year, the amount distributed to schools is          “Investment in Jewish education with this type of endowment
       likely to exceed $675,000.                                           is unique for a community our size,” said Miryam Rosenzweig,
                                                                            Milwaukee Jewish Federation’s President and CEO. “A child’s
       The endowment went into effect at the beginning of the school        education is a long-term investment, and with the Helen Daniels
       year in fall of 2020. The funds are no longer limited to tuition     Bader Jewish Education Fund, we can ensure cost is not a
       assistance, as previously required; schools may use the monies       reason for families to turn away from our schools.”

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       In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, Bader Philanthropies published An Independent Spirit:
       The Quiet, Generous Life of Helen Daniels Bader by local writer and editor, Priscilla Pardini.

       An Independent Spirit brings into sharp focus the story of one of Milwaukee’s most beloved and
       magnanimous benefactors. The book details a remarkable touching journey—one steeped in a
       lifetime of humility, determination, resistance and empathy for others, that played out amid years
       of personal disappointment and sorrow. Rising to the challenges thrown her way, Helen Daniels
       Bader set an example that persists today as a model well worth emulating.

       Her legacy is significant. The $100 million Helen Daniels Bader Foundation was established
       in 1991, two years after her death; over the next 24 years, it awarded $250 million in grants
       designed to advance the well-being of the impoverished and disadvantaged. And, today, her
       life—and specifically her belief in the value of social work—is further immortalized through the
       Helen Bader School of Social Welfare at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
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There are so many things
you can learn about.
But you’ll miss the best
things if you keep
your eyes shut.
- Dr. Seuss
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        OUR IMPACT



               2015                    2016          2017          2018          2019          2020


                                                                       COMMUNITY MATTERS

                                                                       ALZHEIMER’S                 5
                                                                       & HEALTHY AGING             EMPLOYMENT
                                                                       $3,054,830                  $2,491,000

                                                                       6                   8

                                                                       EQUALITY            THE ARTS          INVESTMENTS
                                                                       $2,313,000          $1,660,000        $1,381,000

  MAJOR GIFTS                                                          7                   10
                                                                                                        URBAN & JEWISH

  $40,000,000                                                          YOUTH

                                                                       $2,077,500          $1,299,500
                                                                                                        12          13

2 0 2 0 I M PA C T R E P O R T
                                                  4th Dimension Sobriety, Inc.         Amery Area Senior Citizens, Inc.
                                                  50 50 Startups, Inc.                 Ara Art, z.s.
                                                  A.F.A.R., Inc.                       Artists Working in Education, Inc.
                                                  Above the Clouds, Inc.**             Arts at Large, Inc.
                                                  African American Breastfeeding       ArtWorks For Milwaukee, Inc.
                                                    Network, Inc.
                                                                                       Ashuja’an Association for Juvenile
                                                  African American Chamber of            Diabetes (a.r.)
                                                    Commerce of Wisconsin, Inc.
                                                                                       ASSAF Aid Organization for Asylum
   OUR IMPACT                                     AIDS Resource Center of                Seekers and Refugees in Israel (a.r.)

                                                    Wisconsin, Inc.
                                                                                       Association for the Integration
                                                  Ajeec - Negev Institute (a.r.)         of Minorities
                                                  Albany Pro Musica, Inc.              Association of Friends of the Israel
                                                                                         Museum in Jerusalem (a.r.)
                                                  Alive Mke, Inc.
                                                                                       Atid Plus Fund for Education in
                                                  All 4 Kidz, Inc.                       Israel (a.r.)

                                                  All Hands Boatworks, Inc.            Audio & Braille Literacy
                                                  Alliance for Strong Families and       Enhancement, Inc.
                                                     Communities                       Averroma (z.s.)

   & PRIs
                                                  All-In Milwaukee, Inc.               Bar-Kayma for Culture, Art, Music,
                                                  Alma Center, Inc.                      and Peace (a.r.)

                                                  AlManarah - Association for the      Be-Atzmi (a.r.)
                                                    Advancement of Disabled            Bellin College, Inc.
                                                    Persons (a.r.)
                                                                                       Best Buddies International, Inc.
                                                  Alzheimer’s Disease and Related
                                                    Disorders Association, Inc.        Betty Brinn Children’s Museum, Inc.
                                                    (Wisconsin Chapter)
                                                                                       Between Heaven and Earth (a.r.)
                                                  Amanina (a.r.)
                                                                                       Big Brothers and Big Sisters of
                                                  American Committee for the Tel         Metropolitan Milwaukee, Inc.
                                                   Aviv Foundation
                                                                                       BizStarts Milwaukee, Inc.
                                                  American Friends of The Hebrew
                                                   University, Inc.                    Black Arts MKE, Inc.

                                                  American Jewish Joint Distribution   Blue Lotus Farm & Retreat Center
                                                   Committee, Inc.                     Board of Regents of the University
                                                                                         of Wisconsin System
      *Program Related Investment(s)
     **Program Related Investment(s) & Grant(s)
Board of Regents of the University      Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin 		    Dominican Center for Women, Inc.      Faith in Action of Marathon
  of Wisconsin System - University        Foundation, Inc.                                                             County, Inc.
  of Wisconsin Parkside                                                        Door County Habitat For
                                        Citizens Build a Community (a.r.)        Humanity, Ltd.                      Faith in Action Washburn County UA
Board of Regents of the University of
  Wisconsin System - UW-Superior        City Net Cafe Abyssinian Coffee        Door County Young Men’s               Family Caregivers Rock, Inc.
                                          Roasters LLC*                          Christian Association, Inc.
Bokra Guide - Association for the                                                                                    Feeding America Eastern
  Development of Communication          City of Milwaukee                      Down Syndrome Association               Wisconsin, Inc.
  Strategies in the Israeli Arab 		                                              of Wisconsin, Inc.
                                        City of Oshkosh                                                              Fellowship Open, Inc.
  Society (a.r.)                                                               Dr. James Cameron Legacy
                                        City On A Hill, Inc.                     Foundation, Inc.                    First Stage Milwaukee, Inc.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater
  Milwaukee, Inc.                       City Year, Inc.                        Dror Growth Basis (a.r.)              Fisc Consumer Credit Counseling
                                                                                                                       of Door County, Inc.
Branco Weiss Institute - Think,         Civic Leadership (a.r.)                Early Music Now, Inc.
  Innovate, Educate (a.r.)                                                                                           Florentine Opera Company, Inc.
                                        Clearwater Foundation, Inc.            Eau Claire Area Hmong Mutual
BraveHearts Therapeutic Riding and                                               Assistance Association, Inc.        Folklore Village Farm, Inc.
  Educational Center                    COA Youth and Family Centers, Inc.
                                                                               Eco-Justice Center, Inc.              Fresh Start Learning, Inc.
Burleigh Street Community               Colliers Training Institute, Inc.
  Development Corporation, Inc.                                                Elmbrook Senior Taxi, Inc.            Friends of the Kaukauna
                                        Columbia St. Mary’s                                                            Public Library
Candid                                   Foundation, Inc.                      ElSabar Association (a.r.)
                                                                                                                     Friends of Wehr Nature Center, Inc.
Cannedwater4kids, Inc.                  Community Advocates, Inc.              EMDA - Dementia, Alzheimer’s and
                                                                                Related Diseases Association of      Friendship Circle Delaware Valley
Carroll University, Inc.                Community Clothes Closet, Inc.                                                 North, Inc.
                                                                                Israel (a.r.)
Casa Romero Renewal Center, Inc.        Concordia University, Inc.                                                   GiGi’s Playhouse-Milwaukee, LLC
                                                                               Epic Center Community
CEDU - Centre for Democracy             Congregation Beth Jehudah, Inc.          Organization, Inc.                  GPS Education Partners, Inc.
 in Education                                                                  ERAS Senior Network, Inc.
                                        Congregation of St. John’s Cathedral                                         Grantmakers In Aging, Inc.
Center For Veterans Issues, Ltd.                                               Eretz - Academics for Public
                                        CORE/El Centro, Inc.                                                         Great Lakes Community
Central City Churches, Inc.                                                      Service (a.r.)                        Conservation Corps, Inc.
                                        Council on Foundations, Inc.
Centro Legal Por Derechos 		                                                   ERIC’E - Empowerment and              Greater Green Bay Chamber of
  Humanos, Inc.                         Cristo Rey Jesuit High School            Resilience in Children
                                          Milwaukee, Inc.                                                              Commerce Foundation, Inc.
                                                                                 Everywhere (r.a.)
Cesta von o.z.                                                                                                       Greater Green Bay Community
                                        Cross Evangelical Lutheran Church      European Foundation Centre              Foundation, Inc.
Chabad Lubavitch of Doylestown
                                        Curative Connections, Inc.             Ex Fabula, Inc.                       Greater Milwaukee Committee for
Charlie Karlín, z.ú.                                                                                                   Community Development
                                        Czech Chemical Society                 Exponent Philanthropy
Children’s Crisis Treatment                                                                                          Greater Milwaukee Foundation, Inc.
  Center, Inc.                          Czech Fundraising Center               Express Yourself, Milwaukee, Inc.
                                        Danceworks, Inc.                       Faculty of Arts, Charles University   Gush Etzion Foundation
Children’s Dyslexia Centers, Inc.
                                        Data You Can Use, Inc.                                                       Hadassah Academic College (a.r.)
Hakem (PSC)                            Interfaith Caregivers of Ozaukee      KHER, z.s.                              Makom LeKulam - Promoting
                                          County, Inc.                                                                integration in the community (a.r.)
HaMiffal - Cooperative Society Ltd.                                          Kids from Wisconsin, Ltd.
                                       Islands of Brilliance, Inc.                                                   Malaika Early Learning Center, Inc.
Harry and Rose Samson Family                                                 Koret Israel Economic Development
  Jewish Community Center, Inc.        J.K. Lee City Youth Martial Arts        Funds (a.r.)                          Marcus Center for the Performing
                                         Program, Inc.                                                                Arts, Inc.
Have-Rut (p.s.c.)                                                            Ko-Thi, Inc.
                                       Jacarrie Kicks For Kids, Inc.                                                 Marquette University
Health Connections, Inc.                                                     L.A. Mayer Museum for Islamic
                                       Jackson County Interfaith Volunteer     Art (a.r.)                            Martin Luther King Economic
Highland Community School, Inc.          Caregivers, Inc.                                                             Development Corporation
                                                                             La Causa, Inc.
Hillel Academy, Inc.                   Jerusalem African Community                                                   Masaryk University - Department
                                         Center                              Lake Park Synagogue, Ltd.                of Chemistry
Hinneni Amuta for the Advancement
  of the Absorption of the Jews of     Jerusalem International YMCA (a.r.)   Lasta Wahdak Association for the        MATI Ra’anana (a.r.)
  Ethiopia (a.r.)                                                              Support and Integration of the
                                       Jewish Beginnings Lubavitch             Disabled (a.r.)                       Mazar - Center for Advancement of
Hispanic Professionals of Greater        Preschool, Inc.                                                              Education in the Arab Sector (a.r.)
  Milwaukee, Inc.                                                            Latino Arts, Inc.
                                       Jewish Family Services, Inc.                                                  Meals On Wheels of Sheboygan
Hmong American Women’s                                                       Lauder’s Kindergarten, Elementary        County, Inc.
 Association                           Jewish Funders Network                  School and Grammar School at
                                                                               the Jewish Community in Prague        Medical Center Foundation of
Hmong/American Friendship              Jewish Home & Care Center                                                      Hartford, Inc.
 Association, Inc.                       Foundation, Inc.                    Leaders of the Future (a.r.)
                                                                                                                     MEET - Middle East Education
Hope House of Milwaukee, Inc.          Jewish National Fund -Keren 		        Leadership Forum, Inc.                   Through Technology (a.r.)
                                         Kayemeth LeIsrael-, Inc.
Hope Street Ministry, Inc.                                                   Lehetiv, Doing good in the              Melabev-Community Center for
                                       Jewish Social Services of               world (a.r.)                           Eldercare (a.r.)
Hotline for Refugees and                 Madison, Inc.
 Migrants (a.r.)                                                             Life Changing Ministries, Inc.          Menomonee Valley Partners, Inc.
                                       Joint Israel (PBC)
Imagine MKE, Inc.                                                            Lifestriders, Inc.                      Mequon Jewish Preschool, Inc.
                                       Journey House, Inc.
Impact Alcohol & Other Drug                                                  Lighthouse Youth Center, Inc.           Mequon Nature Preserve, Inc.
  Abuse Services, Inc.                 Junior Achievement of
                                         Wisconsin, Inc.                     Lissan (a.r.)                           Merchavim – The Institute for Shared
Impact Cubed                                                                                                          Citizenship in Israel (a.r.)
                                       Just One More Ministry, Inc.          Literacy Lab
Inner-City-Computer Stars                                                                                            Meriter Foundation, Inc.
  Foundation, Inc.                     Kairos Alive!                         Local Initiatives Support Corporation
                                                                             Lubavitch of Wisconsin, Inc.            Messmer Catholic Schools, Inc.
Institute for Debt Prevention          Kathy’s House, Inc.
  and Resolution                                                             Lutheran Social Services of             Meta House, Inc.
                                       Kav Laoved (a.r.)
Institute for the Study of                                                     Wisconsin and Upper                   MetroGO!, Inc.
  Totalitarian Regimes                 Kav Mashve (a.r.)                       Michigan, Inc.
                                                                                                                     Mile Bluff Medical Center, Inc.
Institute of Contemporary History of   Kesher-The Home for Special           MacCanon Brown Homeless
  the Czech Academy of Sciences          Families (a.r.)                      Sanctuary, Inc.                        Milwaukee Alliance for Jewish
                                                                                                                       Reconnection, Inc.

*Program Related Investment(s)
Milwaukee Area Technical College       Milwaukee Urban League               Park Place, Adult Day Services, Inc.
  Foundation, Inc.
                                       Milwaukee Youth Arts Center, Inc.    Pathfinders Milwaukee, Inc.
Milwaukee Art Museum, Inc.
                                       Milwaukee Youth Symphony             Penfield Children’s Center, Inc.
Milwaukee Artist Resource                Orchestra, Inc.
  Network, Inc.                                                             Penfield Montessori Academy, Inc.
                                       Mission Investors Exchange, Inc.
Milwaukee Ballet Company, Inc.                                              Philanthropy Roundtable
                                       MKE Urban Stables, Inc.
Milwaukee Bar Association                                                   Physicians for Human Rights
  Foundation, Inc.                     Museum of Romani Culture               in Israel (a.r.)

Milwaukee Center for                   Muslim Community and Health          Playworks Education Energized
  Independence, Inc.                    Center of Wisconsin, Inc.
                                                                            Pointing Out the Great
Milwaukee Chamber Theatre, Ltd.        Nativity Jesuit Academy, Inc.          Way Foundation

Milwaukee Christian Center, Inc.       Nazareth Nursery Institute (a.r.)    Present Music, Inc.

Milwaukee Community Business           Neighborhood House of                PresenTense Israel, Ltd. (CC)
  Collaborative, Inc.                    Milwaukee, Inc.
                                                                            Prism Economic Development
Milwaukee County Historical Society    Neu-Life Community                     Corporation (Prism EDC)
                                         Development, Inc.
Milwaukee Film, Inc.                                                        Project R.E.T.U.R.N., Inc.
                                       New Beginnings Are Possible, Inc.
Milwaukee Habitat for Humanity, Inc.                                        Public Allies, Inc.
                                       New Berlin Senior Taxi, Inc.
Milwaukee Institute of Art                                                  Queen’s University at Kingston
  & Design, Inc.                       Next Act Theatre, Inc.
                                                                            REDgen, Inc.
Milwaukee Jewish Day School, Inc.      Next Door Foundation, Inc.
                                                                            Refua, LLC*
Milwaukee Jewish Free Loan             Nia Imani Family, Inc.
                                                                            Relief International
  Association, Inc.                    Nini Czopp Association (a.r.)
                                                                            Repairers of the Breach, Inc.
Milwaukee Kickers Soccer Club, Inc.    North Central Service Club, Inc.
                                                                            Risen Savior Evangelical
Milwaukee Public Library               North Country Independent              Lutheran Church, Inc.
  Foundation, Inc.                      Living, Inc.
                                                                            Riveredge Nature Center, Inc.
Milwaukee Public Schools               Northcott Neighborhood House, Inc.
  Foundation, Inc.                                                          Riverwest Artists Association, Inc.
                                       Northland Foundation, Inc.
Milwaukee Public Schools-Dr. Martin                                         Riverworks Development
  Luther King Jr. Elementary School    Ogen - Free Loan Fund (r.a.)           Corporation
Milwaukee Rescue Mission               Optimist Theatre, Inc.               Rocketship Education
                                                                              Wisconsin, Inc.
Milwaukee Riverkeeper, Inc.            Paralyzed Veterans of America –
                                         Wisconsin Chapter, Inc.            Romea, o. p. s.
Milwaukee Tennis & Education
  Foundation, Inc.
Ruach, Inc.                                  Spring Valley Seniors                     The Gathering of Southeast             The Waldorf School Association
                                               Staying Put, Inc.                         Wisconsin, Inc.                        of the Delaware River Valley
Safe & Sound, Inc.
                                             St. Ann Center for Intergenerational      The Guest House of Milwaukee, Inc.     The Young Men’s Christian
Safe Families for Children Alliance            Care, Inc.                                                                       Association of Metropolitan
                                                                                       The House of Kings and Priests, Inc.     Milwaukee, Inc.
Saint Francis Children’s                     St. Anne’s University Hospital Brno
  Center, Inc.                                                                         The Israel Center for Educational      Three Harbors Council, Inc.,
                                             St. Joan Antida High School, Inc.           Innovation (a.r.)                      Boy Scouts of America
SaintA, Inc.
                                             St. Marcus Evangelical Lutheran           The Israeli Opera - Tel Aviv -         TimeSlips Creative Storytelling, Inc.
Sanad Association - Mentoring and              Church, Inc.                              Yafo (a.r.)
  Volunteering (a.r.)                                                                                                         Tishreen for the Advancement of
                                             St. Monica’s Senior Living                The Jerusalem Foundation (a.r.)          Culture in Taybeh (a.r.)
Saukville Community Food
  Pantry, Inc.                               St. Vincent De Paul Society               The Lotus School of Liberal Arts       Torah Academy of Milwaukee
                                               of Milwaukee                                                                     for Girls, Inc.
SecureFutures Foundation, Inc.                                                         The Middle Ground, Inc.
                                             Studio K Flamenco, Inc.                                                          Tovanot Behinuch (a.r.)
Senior Companion Program, Inc.                                                         The Milwaukee Chevra Kadisha, Inc.
                                             Tamar - Interdisciplinary Center (a.r.)                                          Trans Center for Youth, Inc.
Serenity Inns, Inc.                                                                    The Milwaukee Jewish
                                             Tapuach - Association for                   Federation, Inc.                     Trellis for Tomorrow
Shaharit - Creating a Common                   Advancement of the Information
  Denominator (a.r.)                           Age (a.r.)                              The National Library of Israel,        Tricklebee Cafe, Inc.
                                                                                         Ltd. (CC)
Shalem Healing, Inc.**                       TBEY Arts Center, Inc.                                                           TRUE Skool, Inc.
                                                                                       The OccuPaws Guide
Sharp Literacy, Inc.                         Teachers Live                               Dog Association                      Tuke.TV, z.s.
Shutaf - For Advancement                     Tech Careers (a.r.)                       The Parenting Network, Inc.            United Methodist Children’s Services
  and Integration of Children                                                                                                   of Wisconsin, Inc.
  with Special needs in the                  Teens Grow Greens, Inc.                   The Pastime Club, Inc.
  Community (a.r.)                                                                                                            United Performing Arts Fund, Inc.
                                             The Arc Fond du Lac                       The Poetry Center of Chicago
Siena Retreat Center, Inc.                                                                                                    United Way of Greater Milwaukee
                                             The Best Camp, Inc.                       The Professional Dimensions              & Waukesha County, Inc.
Sikkuy - The Association for                                                             Charitable Fund, Inc.
  the Advancement of Civil                   The Cathedral Center, Inc.                                                       Unity in Motion, Inc.
  Equality (a.r.)                                                                      The Province of St. Joseph of the
                                             The Community Warehouse, Inc.               Capuchin Order, Inc.                 Unity Limited Partnership
Silver Spring Neighborhood                   The Education, Culture, and
   Center, Inc.                                                                        The Running Rebels Community           University of Nebraska Foundation
                                               Neighborhood Renewal Company              Organization, Inc.
Sinsinawa Dominicans                           in Tel Aviv founded by the Jewish                                              University of Wisconsin Foundation
                                               Agency of Israel (PBC)                  The Season of Culture in
Sixteenth Street Community                                                               Jerusalem (a.r.)                     Upstream Arts, Inc.
  Health Centers, Inc.                       The Friendship Circle, Inc.
                                                                                       The Threshold, Inc.                    Urban Ecology Center, Inc.
Slovo 21, z. s.                              The Galilee Society: The Arab
                                               National Society For Health             The UWM Foundation, Inc.               Urban Economic Development
Sojourner Foundation, Inc.                     Research and Services (a.r.)                                                     Association of Wisconsin, Inc.
                                                                                       The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute
                                                                                                                              Urban Manufacturing Alliance

**Program Related Investment(s) & Grant(s)
Variety - The Children’s Charity of   Wisconsin Institute for Healthy
  Wisconsin, Inc.                      Aging, Inc.
Vernon Economic Development           Wisconsin Lutheran Child & Family
  Association, Inc.                    Service, Inc.
Vessels of God, Inc.                  Wisconsin Parkinson
                                       Association, Inc.
Via Foundation
                                      Wisconsin Philanthropy
Village Way - Yemin Orde               Network, Inc.
   Educational Initiatives (a.r.)
                                      Wisconsin Policy Forum, Inc.
Volunteer Center Of Racine
  County, Inc.                        Wisconsin Public Broadcasting
                                       Foundation, Inc.
Volunteer Center of Washington
  County, Inc.**                      Wisconsin Regional Training
                                       Partnership, Inc.
Washington Island Community
 Health Program, Inc.                 Wisconsin Veterans Network, Inc.
Westcare Wisconsin, Inc.              Wisconsin Women’s Business
                                       Initiative Corporation
Western Dairyland Economic
 Opportunity Council, Inc.            Wiscraft, Inc.
Wild Space, Inc.                      Woodland Pattern, Inc.
Wis Hope, Inc.                        Writing Services
Wisconsibs, Inc.                      Xalaat Africa Drum and Dance
                                        for Life, Ltd.
Wisconsin Black Historical Society
 and Museum, Inc.                     Yehuda Tribitch Memorial Fund for
                                        Social Involvement (a.r.)
Wisconsin Center For Nursing, Inc.
                                      Yeshiva Elementary School-
Wisconsin Coalition Against             Milwaukee, Inc.
 Homelessness, Inc.
                                      Young Mens Christian Association
Wisconsin Conservatory of               of the Fox Cities, Inc.
 Music, Inc.
                                      Youth Frontiers, Inc.
Wisconsin Educational Youth
 Development Foundation, Inc.         Youth Leading Change (a.r.)
Wisconsin Humane Society, Inc.        Yozmot Atid (a.r.)
Wisconsin Inmate Education            Yuval Susan Fund (a.r.)
 Association, Inc.
                                      Zefat Academic College
2 0 2 0 I M PA C T R E P O R T

                                                                                         DEIRDRE H. BRITT
                                                                                         Secretary, Board of Directors
                                                                                         Advisory Committee Chair:

                                                                                           Helen Daniels Bader Fund

                                                                                         BEN L. CALLIF
                                                                                         Research & Mindset Director

       BOARD & STAFF                                                                     FRANK E. CUMBERBATCH
                                                                                         Vice President - Engagement

                    DANIEL J. BADER                      LINDA C. BADER                  MARGARET FOSTER
                    President/CEO, Board of Directors    Board of Directors              Board of Directors
                    Advisory Committee Member:           Advisory Committee Member:      Advisory Committee Chair:
                      Helen Daniels Bader Fund             Helen Daniels Bader Fund        Isabel & Alfred Bader Fund
                      Isabel & Alfred Bader Fund           Isabel & Alfred Bader Fund

                    DAVID M. BADER                       MICHELLE BERRONG BADER          MERILOU V. GONZALES
                    Vice President, Board of Directors   Board of Directors              Communications Coordinator
                    Advisory Committee Member:           Advisory Committee Member:
                       Helen Daniels Bader Fund            Helen Daniels Bader Fund
                       Isabel & Alfred Bader Fund          Isabel & Alfred Bader Fund

                    ISABEL BADER                         SANDRA BEDNARZ                  BRIDGETT GONZALEZ
                    Advisor                              Event & Logistics Coordinator   Program Officer
                    Advisory Committee Member:
                      Isabel & Alfred Bader Fund
LISA G. HILLER                        JEFFREY ROSEN                                        ROBERT TOBON
Vice President - Administration       Program Officer                                      Program Officer

TAMARA LYNETTE HOGANS                 LINDA K. RUCKER                                      MARIA LOPEZ VENTO
Community Engagement Officer          Financial Administrator                              Vice President - Grants
                                                                                              & Impact Investments

CLAUDIA MARTINEZ                      DENA SAFER                                           BRANDON WIGLEY
Program Associate                     Israel Logistics Coordinator                         Program Officer

JERE D. MCGAFFEY                      ADINA SHAPIRO                                        FRANCES KLITSNER WOLFF
Chair/Treasurer, Board of Directors   Board of Directors                                   Board of Directors
Advisory Committee Member:            Advisory Committee Member:                           Advisory Committee Member:
  Helen Daniels Bader Fund              Isabel & Alfred Bader Fund                           Helen Daniels Bader Fund
  Isabel & Alfred Bader Fund

HELEN RAMON                           KIM THAO
Senior Program Officer                Operations Director            INTERNS
                                                                     LEIGH BOJAN                         ISABELLE SHAVLIK
                                                                     Office Assistant Intern             Social Media &
                                                                                                         Communications Intern
                                                                     MARTHA GHEBREGZIABIHER
                                                                     Office Assistant Intern             DIAMOND SPIKES
BRIAN REPINSKI                        FRANKIE THOMAS                                                     Program Administrative Intern
                                                                     JACINDA LUANGKHOT
Information Technology                Safety Coordinator             Program Administrative Intern       NECHAMA STEIN
& Systems Director                                                                                       Office Assistant Intern
                                                                     ESTIE MEISTER
                                                                     Office Assistant Intern             HANNAH TIERNEY
                                                                                                         Social Media &
                                                                     AUDREY ROTH                         Communications Intern
                                                                     Social Media &
                                                                     Communications Intern               HALEY VELEZ
                                                                                                         Social Media &
                                                                                                         Communications Intern
                                                            All labor that uplifts humanity
                                                            has dignity and importance
                                                            and should be taken with
                                                            painstaking excellence.
                                                            - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

3300 N. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive | Milwaukee, WI 53212
414-224-6464 |

Photo Credits: Bader Hillel Academy, Bader Hillel High, Feeding America Eastern Wisconsin, Grace Lennon Photography, Lila Aryan Photography, Milwaukee Jewish Day School,
Salam Qasem, Queen’s University, Pat Roberson, Torah Academy of Milwuakee, Vogue Dreams Pro, Wisconsin Institute for Torah Study, and Yeshiva Elementary School
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