COMMUNICATION 2021 - Massey University

Page created by Don Howell
COMMUNICATION 2021 - Massey University
COMMUNICATION 2021 - Massey University
COMMUNICATION 2021 - Massey University

               02 Study communication at Massey

               04 Bachelor of Communication

               13 Diploma in Communication
               14 Postgraduate Diploma in Journalism

               CONTACT MASSEY
               16 Contact Massey for more information

               UPDATED MAY 2020
               Please note: The information contained in this publication is indicative of the
               offerings available in 2021 and subsequent years. This information may be subject to
               change. While all reasonable efforts will be made to ensure listed programmes are
               offered and regulations are up to date, the University reserves the right to change the
               content or method of presentation, or to withdraw any qualification or part thereof,
               or impose limitations on enrolments. For the most up to date information please go to
COMMUNICATION 2021 - Massey University
Communication student Nicole
Barbour has had her horizons
blown wide open by study. "I have
learnt to question everything.
To look a level deeper at what
people say and do, there is always
a deeper story," she says. Her
long-term plan is to take all the
skills she's mastered at Massey to
"revolutionise businesses through
social media".

                                                                  NICOLE BARBOUR
                                                          Bachelor of Communication
                                     Public Relations major and Expressive Arts minor
COMMUNICATION 2021 - Massey University

                                                    AT MASSEY
                                                                                                        THE DIPLOMA IN COMMUNICATION (PAGE 13)
                                                                                                        The Diploma in Communication is taught at
                                                                                                        Massey University at Manawatū, Auckland and
                                                                                                        Wellington campuses. Courses may also be
                                                                                                        taken via Distance Learning.
                                                                                                        The Diploma in Communication is designed to
                                                                                                        introduce students to a selection of disciplines
                                                                                                        in the communication field. It provides students
                                                                                                        with employment pathways in the fields of public
                                                                                                        relations, communication management, arts
                                                                                                        administration, event management, stakeholder
                                                                                                        relationship management, journalism, web
                                                                                                        content management, social media adviser,
                                                                                                        brand management, advertising, marketing/
                                                                                                        communications executive, or media planning/
                                                                                                        buying, among others.

                                                                                                        THE POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN JOURNALISM
                                                                                                        (PAGE 14)
                                                                                                        The Postgraduate Diploma in Journalism is
                                                                                                        New Zealand’s leading journalism qualification.
RANKED WITH THE BEST IN THE WORLD                   THE BACHELOR OF COMMUNICATION (PAGE 04)             A one-year full-time course, blending the
Massey University’s communication and               Combine your love of words and creativity           theory with practical skills, this internationally
media-related programmes are ranked as some         with the study of business to become a highly       recognised degree is based on leading overseas
of the best in the world by the international       employable communication specialist.                journalism qualifications. It is ideal for those
university ranking agency QS (Quacquarelli          Massey’s Bachelor of Communication (BC) builds      with who have a degree from a non-journalism
Symonds). We are in the top 200 out of 800          the skills you need to make an outstanding          discipline who want to enter the industry, or
leading world universities. Our communication       contribution in whatever field of communication     those with a journalism degree or experience
and marketing programmes originated in              interests you. This relevant three-year degree is   seeking advanced skills and knowledge. It builds
the 1970s and provide national leadership in        unique in New Zealand. You’ll join our graduates    a firm foundation for an exciting career in print,
education and research. Our journalism teaching     with exciting careers around the world.             online or broadcast journalism.
is internationally acclaimed, and enjoys a          The world needs communicators. It needs people
close working relationship with industry. The       who have the creativity and imagination to
Bachelor of Communication (with a major in          develop content that will inspire and connect
Journalism, Digital Marketing, Public Relations,    people, and the logic, analysis and language
or Communication Management) are accredited         skills to deliver that content in a strategic and
by the Accrediting Council on Education             meaningful way. Massey University’s BC will
in Journalism and Mass Communications               give you these skills.
(ACEJMC). Massey’s School of Communication,
Journalism and Marketing became the only
School in the Asia-Pacific region to receive this
prestigious accreditation.
COMMUNICATION 2021 - Massey University

                                            KEY FACTS
                              AVAILABLE AT AUCKLAND

                                                                              BACHELOR OF
                             AVAILABLE AT MANAWATŪ
                            AVAILABLE AT WELLINGTON

                                        EACH CAMPUS
             STUDYING IN NZ OR VIA DISTANCE LEARNING                          BC
          A GOOD FIT IF YOU...                                                           INTERESTING PROJECTS
          > Like to be busy and enjoy multi-tasking                                      The Bachelor of Communication offers you many opportunities to apply
          > Enjoy doing lots of different interesting things every day to keep your      your learning to real-world problems. You’ll produce strategies, media and
            busy brain stimulated                                                        publications that apply your communication learning.
          > Relish taking a leadership role in projects and events                       These can include marketing strategies for community groups, social
          > Enjoy connecting with people                                                 media content, documentary films, scripts for theatre, media or film,
                                                                                         performances and speeches, depending on what courses you choose from
          WHAT IS IT LIKE?                                                               a wide range.
          Combine your love of words and creativity with the study of business to
          become a highly-employable communication specialist.                           REAL-WORLD INTERNSHIP AND PROJECT EXPERIENCES
          Massey’s Bachelor of Communication (BC) builds the skills you need to          Massey offers a range of experiential learning opportunities in
          make an outstanding contribution in whatever field of communication            communication, including a communication internship course for BC
          interests you. This workplace-relevant three-year degree is unique in          students with good grades. It allows you to work for a company while
          New Zealand. You’ll join our graduates with exciting careers around the        you study, network with future employers and gain invaluable real-world
          world.                                                                         experience. You could intern in inspiring organisations like NZ Red Cross,
          The world needs communicators. It needs people who have the creativity         UNICEF, or Forest & Bird, in leading PR agencies or for news media like the
          and imagination to develop content that will inspire and connect people,       New Zealand Herald or Radio New Zealand.
          and the logic, analysis and language skills to deliver that content in a       If you are majoring in a creative area, you can also gain hands-on
          strategic and meaningful way. Massey University’s BC will give you these       experience through ‘Creativity in the Community’, which teaches you
          skills.                                                                        to respond to a real-world challenge in a team. Previous students have
                                                                                         tackled issues including sustainability and youth justice with powerful
          BE SOUGHT AFTER BY EMPLOYERS                                                   creative projects that incorporated poetry, film and theatre.
          Massey's Bachelor of Communication graduates have had outstanding
          employment success. 85% of graduates are employed within six months            ENTRY REQUIREMENTS
          of graduation. These graduates are employed across 20 different industry       To enrol in the Bachelor of Communication (BC) degree you need to have
          categories with more than 300 different job titles (from BC Graduate           an entrance to university qualification, either through Bursaries and
          Survey 2018).                                                                  Scholarship Examinations, NCEA, New Zealand University Entrance,
          Your choices are not restricted – every field uses communication               Admission with Equivalent Status, Discretionary Entrance or Special
          specialists, from healthcare to education to aviation to high-end fashion or   Admission.
          the arts, and your expertise is transferable – Massey’s BC makes sure you
          come out well rounded and flexible.                                            CAREERS
                                                                                         YOUR SKILLS WILL BE IN DEMAND
          ACEJMC ACCREDITATION                                                           Communication roles have grown hugely in the last few years – to the
          In 2016 the School of Communication, Journalism and Marketing / Te             extent that they are recognised by most companies as highly strategic
          Pou Aro Kōrero won coveted accreditation from the US-based Accrediting         and at the heart of a successful business. This rapidly expanding
          Council for Education in Journalism and Mass Communications, for several       area of professional work features a wide variety of jobs and exciting
          of the programme's majors. This makes the Bachelor of Communication            opportunities.
          the only degree outside the Americas and the Middle East to hold this
          accreditation. It is also the world’s only accredited three-year bachelor      HUGE OPPORTUNITIES
          degree.                                                                        The Bachelor of Communication (BC) prepares you for numerous emerging
                                                                                         and current occupations, across almost all industries – the world is truly
                                                                                         your oyster!
COMMUNICATION 2021 - Massey University
                                                                                                                                                             STUDY A

                    BUSINESS                                           BC                   CREATIVITY

Depending on your major and interests you could move into any one of the     TYPICAL PATTERN FOR A BC DEGREE
following areas:                                                             Below is a typical pattern for a Bachelor of Communication with a major in
> Writer, editor, publisher or researcher (for social media, literature,     Media Studies and a minor in Journalism Studies.
   theatre, film and television, corporate, government or non-profit
                                                                              YEAR 1                                         YEAR 2*           YEAR 3*
> Speech writer, travel writer, blogger, social commentator                   115.116 Introduction to Marketing              200-level         300-level
> Social media or social entrepreneur                                                 (15 credits)                           15 credits        15 credits
> Scriptwriting                                                               139.133 Creative Communication                 200-level         300-level
> Relationship management                                                             (15 credits)                           15 credits        15 credits
> Public relations                                                            154.101 Introduction to Media Studies          200-level         300-level
> Public affairs                                                                      (15 credits)                           15 credits        15 credits
> Project management                                                          172.131 Language and Communication             200-level         300-level
> Producing and directing film, theatre, circus, dance and a wide range of            (15 credits)                           15 credits        15 credits
   other creative enterprises                                                 219.100 Introduction to Business               200-level         300-level
> Organisational training and development                                             Communication (15 credits)             15 credits        15 credits
> Media industries including as producer                                                                                     200-level         300-level
> Marketing                                                                   219.101 Media Skills (15 credits)
                                                                                                                             15 credits        15 credits
> Liaison and advisory work                                                   219.108 Introduction to Journalism             100-level         200-level
> Journalism                                                                          (15 credits)                           15 credits        15 credits
> Film making
                                                                              230.111 Tū Kupu: Writing and Enquiry           100-level         200-level
> Event management
                                                                                      (15 credits)                           15 credits        15 credits
> Creative industries or arts administration or management
> Communication consulting                                                    120 credits                                    120 credits       120 credits
> Arts promotion, policy and development
                                                                              Compulsory       Major              Minor/elective
> Artist
> Academic or teacher                                                        If your major or minor requires that you take a 100-level course, one or
                                                                             more of your core courses may be studied in your second year.
                                                                             *Student advisers are available to help you plan your degree; different
                                                                             majors have different patterns for Year 2 and 3.

                                                                             PATHWAY TO POSTGRADUATE STUDY
                                                                             ENROL IN...
                                                                              Bachelor of Communication                   Postgraduate Diploma in
                                                                              [3 years]                                   Communication [1 year]
                                                                                            ä                      è                       ä
                                                                              Bachelor of Communication                   Master of Communication
                                                                              with Honours [1 year]                       [1.5 years]
                                                                                                                   è                       ä
                                                                                                                          Doctor of Philosophy
                                                                                                                          [3-4 years]

                                 KEY FACTS
                  AVAILABLE AT AUCKLAND*
                 AVAILABLE AT MANAWATŪ*
                             AVAILABLE VIA
                        DISTANCE LEARNING
                        DISTANCE LEARNING                        COMMUNICATION MANAGEMENT
           *SOME PLANNING ADVICE (0800 MASSEY) MAY BE REQUIRED   A business major or minor of the BC

          A GOOD FIT IF YOU...                                                                                       n REBECCA ASHCROFT
          > Are fascinated by organisational, group                                                                    BC (Communication Management)
            and team dynamics                                                                                          Client Executive, SenateSHJ, Wellington.
          > Wish to develop your ability to                                                                            "After leaving school, I began to study radio
            influence and lead                                                                                         but soon realised I wanted to do something
          > Think of yourself as a "people" person                                                                     broader and more challenging, so I signed up
                                                                                                                       for the Bachelor of Communication at Massey
          BECOME A COMMUNICATION SPECIALIST                                                                            in Wellington.
          You’ll gain an understanding of the complexities,                                                            The range of subjects, quality of teachers and
          challenges, and rewards of interpersonal and                                                                 tutors, and the overall learning experience
          organisational communication – you’ll be a                                                                   was great, and I would recommend studying a
          communication specialist.                                                                                    Bachelor of Communication.
                                                                                                                       I majored in Communication Management and
          WHAT IS IT LIKE?                                                                                             minored in Linguistics. The range of courses
          Studying communication management at                                                                         that I did opened my mind to a range of career
          Massey gives you in-depth insights into many           international scholarship with real-world             choices and paved my way for pursuing a
          different forms of communication and how they          experience, giving you insights into the world of     career in communications.
          are used at work and in the community. Factors         communication and consulting. You will obtain         At SenateSHJ I engage with a range of clients,
          like culture, gender, and technology all have a        a comprehensive overview of communication             from government to the private sector and
          deep influence on how we connect.                      management issues and processes.                      NGOs. I do a range of interesting work around
          You can choose from courses that will re-shape         At graduation you will be knowledgeable               strategy, media, and internal communications.
          how you understand yourself and your world,            in management communication policies                  In my last semester of study I did a student
          including Cross-Cultural Communication,                and practices, have a theoretical grasp of            exchange to Edinburgh University, which
          Organisational Communication, Gender and               communication processes, and an awareness             was a great experience. When I came back,
          Communication in Organisations, and have               of how to use communications and media                Massey’s careers service and networking
          the option of completing a communication               technologies.                                         helped me find my first job at the Ministry
          internship.                                                                                                  of Business, Innovation and Employment
                                                                 CAREERS                                               (MBIE). At MBIE I worked in the Corporate
          BECOME A SOUGHT-AFTER EMPLOYEE                         You may become an internal communications             Communications team looking after the
          You’ll emerge with skills that potential employers     specialist, a community or engagement advisor,        intranet, event management and working with
          find very desirable. Communication management          or you could get a role as a consultant, helping      the broader team on strategy development."
          shows you how to communicate with diverse              organisations communicate effectively across
          groups of people inside various organisational         a range of digital and interpersonal channels.      FUTURE LEADERS SCHOLARSHIPS
          contexts, make presentations to colleagues and         Our Bachelor of Communication (Communication        This Massey Business School scholarship
          clients and write for a range of audiences across      Management) will focus on interpersonal             recognises and supports future leaders enrolling
          traditional and digital formats.                       and organisational communication, managing          in full-time undergraduate degrees, who have a
                                                                 change, and writing and presentation skills.        previous record of leadership and high academic
          LEARN WITH LEADERS IN THE INDUSTRY                     Your future roles could involve specialising in     achievement. Forty scholarships are offered each
          Massey was the first to offer a university-level       any of these areas or being an 'all rounder' in a   year, with the goal of awarding at least 25 per
          communication management programme in                  smaller organisational setting.                     cent to students of Māori and Pasifika descent.
          New Zealand, back in 1979. Our teachers are                                                                Applications close 20 August.
          highly regarded internationally, blending expert                                                 
                                                                                                                                                               STUDY A

                         KEY FACTS
                DISTANCE LEARNING                   A business major or minor of the BC

A GOOD FIT IF YOU...                                                           Newly-established guidelines for digital ethics have been working to
>   Enjoy connecting with people                                               keep up with the rapid expansion of digital media. You will learn the skills
>   Like using creativity to solve practical problems                          and framework for acting ethically in the context of the digital marketing
>   Are interested in digital technologies                                     discipline.
>   Enjoy expressing yourself through writing and online media
WHAT IS IT LIKE?                                                               YOUR SKILLS WILL BE IN DEMAND
COMBINE YOUR LOVE OF TECHNOLOGY AND CREATIVITY WITH THE BACHELOR OF            Communication roles have grown hugely in the last few years – to a
COMMUNICATION (DIGITAL MARKETING).                                             point where they are recognised by most companies as highly strategic
The world needs communicators. It needs people who have the creativity         and at the heart of a successful business. This rapidly expanding
and imagination to develop content that will inspire and connect people;       area of professional work features a wide variety of jobs and exciting
and the logic, analysis and language skills to deliver that content in a       opportunities.
strategic and meaningful way.                                                  When you graduate with the digital marketing major there are many
We increasingly need communicators who have an in-depth understanding          options for employment ¬– could take your new-found skills to become an
of the digital world, and how communication through this medium has an         organisation’s digital specialist, or you could become part of a marketing or
impact. Massey University’s BC in digital marketing will give you these        digital communication agency team. Some examples of roles in this area
skills.                                                                        are:
                                                                               > Digital marketing coordinator
RELEVANT TO EMPLOYERS                                                          > Digital marketing manager
This degree was developed in consultation with employers. They told            > Digital strategist
us the skills they are looking for – skills that other qualifications lack.    > Digital channels advisor
Working collaboratively with employers and industry means your learning        > Search engine optimisation manager
will have a strong practical element, and be highly relevant across a wide     > Social/content marketing manager
range of sectors. Communicating via digital platforms is now a standard of
communication practice, yet many organisations do not understand to use
this to its full potential. Your knowledge will be in demand.
85% of Massey University Bachelor of Communication graduates are
employed within six months of graduation. These graduates are employed
across nine different industry categories with more than 60 different job

You will learn about:
> all forms of digital media
> how to produce effective digital material
> digital branding
> how to use social media effectively, to help companies thrive and grow.

You will apply marketing theory to digital marketing situations and develop
evidence-based digital strategies. Our courses will teach you how to then
translate that strategy into specific tactics that integrate elements of the
digital marketing communication mix.

                                                        KEY FACTS
                                         AVAILABLE AT AUCKLAND*
                                        AVAILABLE AT MANAWATŪ*
                                       AVAILABLE AT WELLINGTON*
                                 AVAILABLE VIA DISTANCE LEARNING
                                                   STUDYING IN NZ                          EXPRESSIVE ARTS
                                     *SOME PLANNING ADVICE (0800 MASSEY) MAY BE REQUIRED   An arts major or minor of the BC

          A GOOD FIT IF YOU...
          > Love drama, creative writing,film-making, crafting images and videos
            online, or public speaking/debating
          > Are in lots of student clubs and societies at school
          > Enjoy putting on creative events
          > Are interested in a professional communication career with an
            organisation in the public or private sectors

          If you love theatre, performance, creative writing, and making videos or
          films, but you want to ensure you have broader career prospects, the
          Bachelor of Communication (Expressive Arts) is for you.

          WHAT IS IT LIKE?                                                                 n WHITNEY NUKU BC(Expressive Arts/Media Studies composite major)
          Expressive Arts is unique in New Zealand and was created in response to            Communications and Engagement Advisor - ACC
          student demand. As part of your study, you will be able to devise, direct          Since graduating with a Bachelor of Communication majoring in
          and write theatre, creative writing and digital video productions.                 Expressive Arts and Media Studies, my career in communications has
                                                                                             been truly diverse. This suits me well because I like a challenge!
          CHOOSE THE CREATIVE DISCIPLINE YOU LOVE                                            I started out as the Māori Communications Advisor at the New Zealand
          Students told us they wanted a little bit of theatre, or creative writing,         Qualifications Authority, where I used events, publications and videos to
          or digital media production, or some combination of all three, but not             try to make NCEA understandable for diverse audiences.
          necessarily to focus just on one. So we invented ‘expressive arts’. We             Then I spent a fun and varied two years as a communication professional
          call it the ‘triple dip’ major where you can add as much or as little as           in the United Kingdom, developing specialty expertise in creative
          you like to your degree from any of the three creative discipline areas of         strategic planning, online communication, copywriting, stakeholder,
          theatre, creative writing, or digital media production. You choose what to         project and event management. I worked in a few award winning fully
          emphasise, whether it’s one, two or all three of these areas.                      integrated creative agencies based in London, where I specialised in
                                                                                             creative development and management of digital promotions, experiential
          CAREERS                                                                            activations and social media. In these and other roles I was involved in
          Surveys have shown that today’s employers seek graduates who are                   hands-on copywriting for social media, marketing campaigns, websites
          collaborative, creative and can communicate well. They want staff who can          and events, and providing leadership for online community building –
          give compelling presentations, problem-solve creatively, think originally,         work that definitely requires creative thinking.
          analyse perceptively, communicate effectively (both in person and on               I gained a lot of transferable skills in the Bachelor of Communication at
          paper) and work well in teams. Learn these skills through expressive arts.         Massey that have helped me perform in my career. These include using
          When combined with the communication and corporate skills that you                 creative writing techniques to turn product facts or government policies
          learn through your Bachelor of Communication you will have a qualification         into an interesting read, filming and editing videos to help audiences
          that can be applied across an amazing range of roles.                              understand complex information, or coordinating, designing, editing and
          Graduates with an expressive arts major are working today in government            proofing written and online content.
          outreach, social media management, arts publicity, human resources,                Plus, Expressive Arts in particular was a lot of fun!
          advertising, marketing and public relations, filmmaking, television                Currently I’m back in Aotearoa New Zealand, contracting at ACC as a
          and journalism, teaching, theatre and entertainment and creative and               Communications and Engagement Advisor. If you like a lot of variety
          professional writing.                                                              in your working life, and enjoy developing your creative flair, a BC
                                                                                             Expressive Arts might be the pathway for you.
                                                                                                                                                               STUDY A

                          KEY FACTS
                    AT WELLINGTON
                      AVAILABLE VIA
                DISTANCE LEARNING
                     SOME COURSES
       STUDENTS STUDYING IN NZ OR                     JOURNALISM
            VIA DISTANCE LEARNING                     A business major or minor of the BC

A GOOD FIT IF YOU...                                  Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism
> Want to join a journalism programme with            and Mass Communication (ACEJMC).
  an established reputation                           Accreditation means your degree is
> Want a career as a journalist or in                 internationally recognised, making it easier
  communication                                       to arrange a student exchange and find
> Are interested in current affairs                   employment overseas.
> Enjoy researching, writing and story-telling
> Enjoy learning how the news media works             LEARN FROM THE BEST
> Want to learn how to tell stories in print, radio   You will learn from lecturers who have real-
  and video forms                                     world experience (often as leading journalists
> Want to work with some of the world’s               themselves) and are leaders in the industry. Our
  leading communication scholars                      tutors include working journalists who know how
                                                      to help you write stories and get them published.
JOIN AN INTERNATIONALLY RENOWNED                      Out staff have written some of the standard
JOURNALISM PROGRAMME                                  textbooks used by other tertiary institutions.
Join a prestigious group of leading journalists in    As a student you’ll be able to hear from
New Zealand that have studied at New Zealand’s        internationally and nationally renowned
longest-running, internationally accredited           journalists.
journalism programme at Massey.                                                                           n MATT TWORT BC (Journalism Studies).
                                                      GET REAL WORLD EXPERIENCE WHILE YOU STUDY             "In my third year I was covering the Jubilee
WHAT IS IT LIKE?                                      You can take advantage of Massey’s close              Cup Rugby Final for the Dominion Post.
In this three-year degree you’ll learn how to have    relationships with the journalism industry by         I’ve wanted to be a sports journalist as long
a career as a journalist – one of the best careers    taking part in the Communication Internship.          as I can remember. Having that passion for
for young people. It gives you wide experience        This gives you professional work in a local           sport and learning that I could follow sport for
of life, travel, and you become an eyewitness         organisation and great networking plus already-       a career and write about it for a living! What
to history as it is being made. (And your work        built relationships with potential employers          I’ve learnt at Massey is how to structure a
stories are the best!) You’ll learn about the         before you even graduate.                             journalism story, how to interview people, what
news media’s role, build essential journalistic                                                             information is important to the public.
skills and expertise in specialised fields such       CAREERS                                               If you want to do it, enrol yourself and come
as news reporting, feature writing, media law,        This qualification is a great degree if you wish      and meet the great lecturers that we have."
investigative reporting, and the new forms of         to become a journalist. Many students seeking
digital story-telling.                                further in-depth development as a journalist also   FUTURE LEADERS SCHOLARSHIPS
You will learn how to write stories about things      opt for a fourth year in the Postgraduate Diploma   This Massey Business School scholarship
that matter, and experience the thrill of seeing      in Journalism.                                      recognises and supports future leaders enrolling
your work published. It will give you a solid base                                                        in full-time undergraduate degrees, who have a
to head straight into a journalism career. 85% of                                                         previous record of leadership and high academic
Massey’s Bachelor of Communication graduates                                                              achievement. Forty scholarships are offered each
are employed within six months of graduation.                                                             year, with the goal of awarding at least 25 per
                                                                                                          cent to students of Māori and Pasifika descent.
INTERNATIONAL RECOGNITION                                                                                 Applications close 20 August.
Massey’s communication programme is one of                                                      
seven outside of the US to be recognised by the

                                                        KEY FACTS
                                          AVAILABLE AT AUCKLAND
                                        AVAILABLE AT WELLINGTON
                                 AVAILABLE VIA DISTANCE LEARNING
                           AVAILABLE FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS                          LINGUISTICS
                                                   STUDYING IN NZ                        An arts major or minor of the BC

          A GOOD FIT IF YOU...                                                           SKILLS YOU WILL LEARN:
          > Are curious about language and how it’s used in everyday contexts            > Analytical skills
          > Want to learn to interpret and use language effectively                      > Logical thinking
          > Are interested in the ways language can help or hinder successful            > Ability to produce clear communication
            communication in both social and professional spheres                        > Ability to diagnose communication effects and processes
                                                                                         > Ability to advise on the role of specific language strategies as part
          WHAT IS IT LIKE?                                                                 of a broader communication strategy
          In the Bachelor of Communication (Linguistics) you will explore how            > Ability to understand language structures at the root of all languages,
          language users manage the unwritten rules of human interaction. You’ll           not just English, thereby enhancing cross-cultural communication and
          also uncover the underlying structures that shape our understanding of           foreign language learning
          language and communication in settings as different as social media,
          boardrooms, newsrooms and living rooms. For example, you might examine         n REBECCA FORREST BC (Linguistics) with a minor in Communication
          murderers’ text messages, provide a commentary for a sports match,               Management
          construct an alien language, listen to global hip hop to track the influence     Digital Project Manager, Vinad Media, Vietnam.
          of African-Americanisms, and observe people talking to dogs. The BC              My first job – just three weeks after finishing my BC – was teaching
          (Linguistics) gives you enhanced language skills for both the social and         English in Korea. I taught comprehension and phonics, carried out
          professional worlds. You will gain an understanding of the functions of          testing, provided coaching for speech competitions and worked
          language and the cultural implications of how we communicate in media,           alongside the head teacher to interview new teachers. It was amazing to
          socio-political and legal contexts.                                              see the cultural components of the degree come to life.
                                                                                           Returning to New Zealand, I worked in communication roles – non-profit
          SKILLS SOUGHT AFTER BY EMPLOYERS                                                 and corporate – where I really got to use my communication skills, writing
          You will acquire transferable skills that employers actively seek, including     brochure, newsletter and website copy, editing policies, and contributing
          excellent written and oral communication skills. You will also learn how         to business strategy.
          to identify the subtexts and indirect messages that are characteristic of        After a year back in New Zealand I couldn’t shake my affections for Asia,
          interaction in a wide range of contexts, and diagnose communication              so I packed up once again and set off to China. I taught English again
          problems or ‘bottlenecks’.                                                       then, after a bit of proactively and a little networking, scored a marketing
                                                                                           internship at an international branding consultancy in Shanghai: Added
          CAREERS                                                                          Value, the agency behind the 100% Pure New Zealand campaign! I
          Massey University's linguistics major prepares graduates to work in              worked there over summer and continued teaching for extra income.
          a growing number of fields where an understanding of the systems,                I found a full-time communication strategist role for global social media
          structures, functions and contemporary uses of language strengthens              marketing agency ‘We Are Social’. My role was varied and busy:
          knowledge of communication.                                                      copywriting, creating campaign ideas, coining compelling hashtags, and
                                                                                           even appearing in client videos.
          CAREER FLEXIBILITY                                                               However, given the erratic nature of visa regulations in China, my stint
          Careers could include work as a creative, technical or specialist writer         there ended sooner than I’d hoped. I headed out to Vietnam where I now
          and in market research and analysis. Large technology companies seek             work in digital marketing.
          linguistics graduates to work on natural language processing, speech             Saigon is so different to Busan, to Shanghai, and miles different to
          analysis and data collection. Your highly sought-after skills will also be       Sydney. The people are so warm. The rainy season is beyond anything
          useful for many roles in communication, writing and editing for the web or       I've experienced or could have ever imagined. The food (obviously) is
          printed media and editing, in fact with any position that deals with human       delicious. I'm eating everything! I'm very happy for now and will stay here
          language.                                                                        for as long as it makes sense, I guess!
                                                                                                                                                                 STUDY A

                                               KEY FACTS
                                 AVAILABLE AT AUCKLAND
                                AVAILABLE AT MANAWATŪ
                               AVAILABLE AT WELLINGTON
                  AVAILABLE FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS                          MEDIA STUDIES
                                          STUDYING IN NZ                        An arts major or minor of the BC

A GOOD FIT IF YOU...                                                            design agencies, government departments, non-governmental and private
> Are passionate about the media’s ability to inform, entertain and             organisations. These organisations may engage with, produce or circulate
  communicate                                                                   media.
> Are interested in how the media impact on our lives and our
  understanding of world events                                                 n ADELAIDE MCDOUGALL
> Want to learn the practical, creative and technical skills involved in          BC(Media Studies)
  producing a range of media content                                              Studio Manager, Transistor Studios film
                                                                                  production company
WHAT IS IT LIKE?                                                                  "I graduated with a Bachelor of
Media studies is an exciting discipline that will prepare you for future          Communication majoring in media
challenges in an information-rich society. Media studies analyses the             studies with a minor in public relations.
production, consumption and content of a range of media including social          Soon after I graduated, I flew to New
media, television, popular music, film, and apps. You will explore the            York City to fulfil an internship at a
formal characteristics of these media and their social, cultural, political       fashion PR Company, working with
and business implications.                                                        brands such as Vera Wang and others.
Media studies is taught through an innovative programme that blends               During my experiences I often found
theory with creative practice. The skills you will develop with this major        myself referring back to knowledge I had attained at Massey and I was
are versatile and highly sought-after in many careers, with digital media         able to put that knowledge to use for press releases. I realised that
literacy becoming increasingly important across all sectors.                      Fashion PR was not my calling and decided to explore other fields, which
                                                                                  led me to an internship at a Film Production Company based in Brooklyn
A DEEPER UNDERSTANDING                                                            called Transistor Studios. It was here that I discovered a passion for film.
The Bachelor of Communication (Media Studies) gives you deep                      Following my three-month internship I was offered a position as Studio
understanding of our information-rich society, and it reveals the power of        Manager at Transistor, which I was thrilled about. I spent many happy
the media within culture, society, politics and economics. This equips you        months organising production workflows, assisting in shoots and filming,
to be involved in the media and advise others on how to engage with the           booking freelancers to assist us in the post-production of commercials
media in productive and positive ways.                                            and online videos and contributing to creative discussion with clients.
You will understand better how decisions on what is communicated,                 Some of my projects included working on a shoot for IMAX, a Lupe
through which medium, can impact on our lives and our understanding of            Fiasco music video and a Beats by Dre commercial.
the world.                                                                        I was lucky enough to be offered sponsorship to the United States by
                                                                                  Transistor Studios, however, I was offered a role on Ghost in the Shell in
CAREERS                                                                           Wellington and decided to return to New Zealand. When that finished,
Media studies graduates have pursued careers in wide-ranging fields such          I obtained a production manager role at Robber’s Dog in Auckland,
as advertising, public relations, radio, film and television, with government     working in television commercials for about a year. While I was there, I
agencies and in teaching.                                                         also produced music videos on the side, my most recent project with NZ
Our broad-based introduction to media technologies and forms, such as             artist David Dallas.
photography, video and audio, provides you with the digital know-how              I worked on Westside with South Pacific Pictures, and directed a short
necessary to succeed in a wide range of media functions and careers.              film I wrote – ‘VIRGO’, then I moved to Vancouver to work on feature films.
Media studies gives you the expertise not just to work in the media. It           I wouldn’t have got to this point without Massey. It was at Massey that I
provides you with media expertise within any industry or organisation that        had the opportunity to use camera and editing equipment, making some
engages with the media or with public audiences. In today’s media-rich            of my very first projects. It was such a special time and has been integral
world, that’s almost every organisation. Media studies qualifies you to           to the rest of my journey. My time with Massey prepared me to be able to
work in organisations that connect with and advise on the media. This             participate effectively and professionally in a range of media-related roles
includes media production and post-production companies, advertising and          and ultimately to pursue my passion for film production."

                                   KEY FACTS
                     AVAILABLE AT AUCKLAND
                    AVAILABLE AT MANAWATŪ
                   AVAILABLE AT WELLINGTON
                               AVAILABLE VIA
                          DISTANCE LEARNING
                     *SOME PLANNING ADVICE
                           MAY BE REQUIRED.
              STUDENTS STUDYING IN NZ OR VIA                    PUBLIC RELATIONS
                          DISTANCE LEARNING                     A business major or minor of the BC

          A GOOD FIT IF YOU...                                                                                      n LIZI GUEST BC (Public Relations)
          >   Enjoy planning and research                                                                             Owner, Little Kōwhai
          >   Are a good writer                                                                                       "It’s not something that people often admit, but I
          >   Have a creative streak                                                                                  didn’t really understand what communications
          >   Enjoy keeping up with news and issues                                                                   was when I chose my degree. I did know that I
                                                                                                                      wanted to study at Massey University, and the
          WHAT IS IT LIKE?                                                                                            Bachelor of Communication career outcomes
          The BC (Public Relations) will build the relational                                                         seemed up my alley – so I took the leap and it
          and planning skills you need for a successful                                                               changed my life.
          career in public relations. You will develop your                                                           To date, I’ve been highly commended by the
          interpersonal and inter-group communication                                                                 Public Relations Industry of New Zealand for
          abilities, strategic thinking and planning                                                                  the Young PR Practitioner of the Year award,
          capabilities, your writing, and research and                                                                worked with in-house communications
          information processing skills.                        CAREERS                                               and marketing teams, managed national
          You’ll learn how to help organisations                Your Massey PR education equips you with              and international clients and have become
          communicate in persuasive and ethical                 a sound grasp of the classic PR theories,             recognised locally as a leader in the
          ways with their staff, customers, regulators,         concepts and skills, and the BC structure             communications industry.
          communities, investors, and society. Public           enables you to complement this with areas             I've spent the last few years as the Marketing
          relations practitioners organise events, produce      such as creative communication – a potentially        and Communications Manager at the full
          written and visual communication materials,           winning combination in the contemporary job           service creative agency Blacksheepdesign,
          develop and evaluate strategic public relations       market, where employers increasingly value            alongside a communications team, designers
          plans – all with a focus on building relationships    creativity and adaptability. The internship           and web developers.
          between an organisation and its publics.              course offers you the opportunity to gain real        My clients included Toyota NZ, the Palmerston
                                                                life PR experience as part of your studies, and       North City Council, Hino Trucks, Wildbase
          LEADING THE WAY                                       our students are highly rated by internship           Recovery and even Massey University.
          Massey University was New Zealand’s first             hosts ranging from local councils to creative         Recently I've begun my own communications
          institution to offer university-level courses in      consultancies.                                        consultancy, Little Kōwhai.
          Public Relations. You’ll take advantage of our        Enterprises across the spectrum of private            I think the biggest asset from my degree is a
          extensive knowledge and experience in teaching        sector, government, and not-for-profits now           broad knowledge base, which I've developed
          this discipline.                                      grasp the importance of public relations.             through industry experience. I cover everything
                                                                Surveys show BC graduates consistently                from media liaison, event management,
          FUTURE LEADERS SCHOLARSHIPS                           enjoy high rates of employability, across a           website content, and crisis communications to
          This Massey Business School scholarship               wide range of industry categories. Job titles         digital marketing and social media.
          recognises and supports future leaders enrolling      include communication advisor, digital media          This didn’t come easily, and there is another
          in full-time undergraduate degrees, who have a        coordinator, account manager, social media            big part of what makes Massey University
          previous record of leadership and high academic       specialist, and corporate communications              special. Halfway through my degree, at the age
          achievement. Forty scholarships are offered each      manager.                                              of 20, I became a first-time single mum. The
          year, with the goal of awarding at least 25 per       Public relations practitioners love how every         support of lecturers and staff in the School of
          cent to students of Māori and Pasifika descent.       working day is different, busy and challenging,       Communication, Journalism and Marketing
          Applications close 20 August.                         drawing on creativity and strategic planning to       not only pushed me to complete my studies but
                            make a real difference in their organisations and     gave me the networks, skills and confidence to
                                                                communities.                                          progress very quickly in my career."

                         KEY FACTS

                                              DIPLOMA IN

                        TIME STUDY
                  ON EACH CAMPUS
          STUDENTS STUDYING IN NZ             DipC
The Diploma in Communication is designed
to introduce students to a selection of
disciplines in the communication field.
It provides students with employment
pathways in the fields, among others, of
> Public relations
> Communication management
> Arts administration
> Event management
> Relationship management
> Journalism
> Web content management
> Social media advisor
> Brand management
> Advertising
> Marketing/communications executive
> Media planning/buying

Massey University’s business and
management studies programmes rank
in the top 200 in the world, according to
Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) rankings. We
are also ranked in the top 150 universities
worldwide for business administration
programmes by the ShanghaiRanking's
Global Ranking of Academic Subjects.

                                   KEY FACTS                  DIPLOMA IN
                   AVAILABLE AT WELLINGTON
                      NORMALLY ONE YEAR OF
                             FULL-TIME STUDY
                    STUDENTS STUDYING IN NZ                   PGDipJ
          A GOOD FIT IF YOU...                                LECTURERS LEADING THE WAY                           LEARN THE VITAL SKILLS OF JOURNALISM
          > Have an undergraduate degree (or will have        Massey’s lecturers are experienced journalists.     You will learn the vital industry skills to be a
            completed one by the time the programme           They are respected by the industry and are          successful journalist in our modern society.
            starts)                                           contributing to this area of study, not just at     You will learn news reporting, feature writing,
          > Wish to become a journalist in New Zealand        Massey, but internationally.                        sports reporting, radio and television reporting,
            or overseas                                                                                           shorthand, media law and investigative
          > Have excellent English language and written       CLOSE CONNECTIONS WITH INDUSTRY                     reporting. These are all the skills journalism
            and oral communication skills                     Our journalism programme enjoys a close             workplaces expect of their new recruits.
          > Are dedicated to accuracy                         working relationship with the country’s leading     It is no wonder the programme boasts an
          > Have a good knowledge of and interest in          news organisations. Wellington’s Dominion Post,     effectively 100 per cent employment rate.
            current affairs                                   for instance, has hired many of our graduates,      In this postgraduate diploma you will gain skills
          > Are interested in becoming a journalist           hosts our students on work experience and funds     in:
            as soon as possible                               prizes, such as the Alex Veysey Memorial Prize,     > News writing: Write and publish many news
                                                              for our top students.                                   stories
          WHAT IS IT LIKE?                                                                                        > Feature writing: Write features and other
          The Postgraduate Diploma in Journalism              INTERNATIONAL RECOGNITION AND ACCREDITATION             specialist forms of journalism
          is a one-year course, focusing on practical,        Massey Business School is ranked in the top 2%      > Interviewing: Learn the skills of successful
          relevant skills. This internationally recognised    of business schools globally.                           and informative interviewing
          degree is based on leading overseas journalism      The Massey University course is the oldest          > Visual journalism: Learn how to produce
          qualifications and will build a firm foundation     continuously operating journalism school in             quality news photos and video
          for an exciting career in journalism and other      New Zealand, having been training journalists       > Radio and TV reporting: learn how tell stories
          media-related areas. It is expected that it will    since 1966. Recently, the journalism industry           visually and aurally, through video or podcast,
          be available full-time, part-time, or by distance   gave the Massey journalism course an award              to the industry standard
          in 2021.                                            for outstanding contribution to the industry,       > Media law: Learn media law and the proper
                                                              declaring that “no institution can claim to have        procedures for court and local authority
          PRACTICAL, RELEVANT EXPERIENCE, WHILE YOU STUDY     had a greater role in shaping journalists in this       reporting
          On-the-job experience is a key component of         country.”                                           > Media ethics: Consider the big ethical issues
          the qualification, giving you relevant experience   Our journalism programme is part of a                   that confront journalists
          sought after by employers. You will do two full-    prestigious and small group of international        > Shorthand: Reach industry-required speed and
          time work placements at a media organisation.       programmes (and the only one in Australia and           accuracy levels for shorthand
          This could be anywhere in the country, including    New Zealand) to be recognised by the US-based       > New media: learn about the newest media
          online news organisations, newspapers,              Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism          practices including data journalism
          magazines, radio and television.                    and Mass Communication.                             > Work experience: Gain industry experience
                                                              The accreditation recognises the Massey                 through several weeks' work placement at
          AWARD-WINNING STUDENTS                              programme's top international standing,                 media organisations
          Our journalism students are regular finalists       excellent connections with industry, commitment
          and winners of the journalism industry's            to constant improvement, strong leadership, and
          prestigious Voyager Media Awards. They have         quality research output. Journalism educators
          won the leading prize for student investigative     in the US recently judged our programme’s
          journalism, the Bruce Jesson Award, in many of      intensive module on online reporting as the best
          the previous years.                                 teaching idea “by far”, beating out more than 50
                                                              mostly US-based courses.

CAREERS                                                                          SELECTED ENTRY
Graduates of our programme have gone on to work at New Zealand's top             This is a selected entry programme. Applications are taken on a first come,
newspapers, news websites, magazines, radio and television stations,             first served basis, until they close at the end of January in the year of
as well as at the BBC, CNN, SBS in Australia and countless overseas              study.
newspapers and magazines. One of our graduates, Alison McCulloch, was
part of the team that won a Pulitzer Prize in journalism for its coverage of     WHAT DOCUMENTS DO YOU NEED TO SUPPLY TO SUPPORT YOUR APPLICATION?
the Columbine killings.                                                          > A copy of your academic transcript(s)
                                                                                 > A copy of your current curriculum vitae, including academic and
n DR JAMES HOLLINGS                                                                work history
  The course programme leader has an extensive background in                     > If you have one, a portfolio of any journalism you have had published
  journalism. He specialises in investigative journalism, and is the editor of     (not essential)
  'A Moral Truth: 150 years of investigative reporting in New Zealand'. He       > A short cover letter explaining why you wish to undertake the
  is also an international published scholar and a leading expert on New           programme
  Zealand journalism.
                                                                                 n CHRIS BRAMWELL PGDipJ
ENTRY REQUIREMENTS                                                                 Political Journalist, Radio New Zealand
Admission to the Postgraduate Diploma in Journalism (120 credits) is open          "My first job was as the Taupo branch office reporter for the Rotorua Daily
to candidates who have:                                                            Post. I then moved to RNZ after a year as a general reporter specialising
> Completed a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent, and                                 in environmental and science stories. After a year in the newsroom I
> Been selected into the programme on the basis of a CV and where                  starting working in the Press Gallery, first on secondment and then on a
   applicable, a portfolio                                                         permanent basis.
> Candidates whose first language is not English, and who have not                 I chose Massey because I had met a lot of journalists who had done the
   gained a New Zealand university entrance qualification, or an overseas          course and recommended it, and some senior journalists whose work I
   entrance qualification in a country where the main language is English,         admired were trained there.
   will be required to provide satisfactory evidence of their proficiency in       I thought the programme provided an excellent grounding in news-
   English in the form of an academic IELTS with a minimum score of 7.5            gathering and writing. I especially valued having a former journalist with
   with no band less than 6.0, or an equivalent TOEFL score, or other such         more than 20 years experience in the industry as a lecturer.
   evidence that is acceptable to Academic Board.                                  The Diploma was hugely effective in kick-starting my journalism career.
                                                                                   I would have struggled to get to where I have so quickly without having
                                                                                   completed the course. When I did the programme in 2004, students had
                                                                                   to have 50 articles published by the end of the year.
                                                                                   During the year I was behind where I needed to be, so I rang the Rotorua
                                                                                   Daily Post and asked if I could spend a week in their newsroom during
                                                                                   the semester break to boost my story count. I realised the moment I sat
                                                                                   down in the newsroom that I knew exactly what to do, and that I had
                                                                                   been well-trained.
                                                                                   At the end of that week the editor offered me a sole-charge position
                                                                                   starting immediately after the course finished. I have the Massey
                                                                                   University Postgrad Diploma in Journalism to thank for that job."

             CONTACT MASSEY
             FOR MORE
             MASSEY.AC.NZ                                       FACEBOOK.COM/MASSEYUNIVERSITY
             Our website is full of useful information          We have our own Facebook page which
             covering everything you need to know               you can join to keep up to date with what is
             – from what each campus has to offer,              happening at Massey before you come to
             their departments and qualifications,              study with us.
             scholarships, events, accommodation and
             plenty more.                                       TWITTER
             And don’t forget to bookmark the Massey            You can also follow us on Twitter
             site – it’s constantly being updated with the      @MasseyUni
             latest information.
             CALL OUR CONTACT CENTRE                            And follow us on Instagram
             If you’d rather speak to a real person feel        @MasseyUni
             free to give our friendly contact centre staff
             a call on 0800 MASSEY.                             YOUTUBE
             Or, if you’d like to actually see a real person,   There are heaps of videos to check out on
             drop in to our campuses in Auckland,               our channel.
             Palmerston North or Wellington.                    Go to

             STUDENT ADVISERS                                   INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS
             We have heaps of people available to               We welcome more than 5,000 International
             answer any questions you may have about            Students from 100 countries each year. The
             studying with us. We understand it's a big         International Recruitment team is the first
             decision. To speak to someone, or to get           point of contact for prospective students. If
             someone to visit your school or workplace:         you are considering studying at Massey we
             Phone: 0800 MASSEY                                 welcome your enquiry and look forward to
             Text:     5222                                     helping you join us.
             Dedicated international, Māori and Pasifika        FOR MORE INFORMATION
             student advisers are also available.               Phone:    +64 6 350 5701
             ‘YOUR GUIDE TO’ BOOKS                              Web:
             We produce a range of ‘Your Guide To’ books
             grouped around particular interest areas.
             They provide details of entry requirements,
             majors, course structures and career
             outcomes covering all our qualifications.
             To obtain copies of ‘Your Guide to’ books:
             Download them at
             Phone: 0800 MASSEY
             Text:     5222

     0800 MASSEY (627 739)






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