Methodological Learning Strategies Based on Disruptive Innovation in Research for Students of a Public University
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International Journal of Learning and Teaching Vol. 7, No. 3, September 2021 Methodological Learning Strategies Based on Disruptive Innovation in Research for Students of a Public University Manuel Padilla and Ibis López National University of San Martí n-UNSM, Tarapoto, Peru Email:, Baldo Olivares and Ana León National University of Callao, Callao, Peru Email:, Mario Chauca National Technological University of South Lima, Lima, Peru Email: Abstract—The objective of the investigation was: To participate in research activities in the university or determine the effect of the application of the university networks of research as well as national and international. investigation program to improve the investigation Research and teaching constitute a unit put into action; capacities in the students of cycle VIII, IX and X of the it is a requirement that raises the academic level in the different faculties of the National University of San Martín- Tarapoto. From this perspective, it has been hypothesized university institution. In that perspective; however, that the application of a university research program UNSM-T is seriously affected in research and teaching, produces significant effects in the improvement of research since there are deficiencies in development, consequently capacities in students of cycle VIII, IX and X of the various affecting the academic level. Reason why, it was faculties of the National University of San Martín-Tarapoto. necessary to apply a university research program that The explanatory study, of the experimental level, of the develops and strengthens investigative capacities. quasi-experimental design, has been carried out with a The university research program was implemented sample of 187 students from the various faculties of the with the objective of developing investigative capacities UNSM-T. The comparison of the pre and post test scores, in the dimensions: epistemological, methodological and obtained from the students' responses, has allowed us to reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative critical-transformational to improve research in hypothesis, which shows that: The application of the undergraduate students. This is fundamental, because university's research program significantly influences the investigative capacities have to do with cognitive and improvement of research capacities, dimensions: intellectual processes leading to the construction of Epistemological, methodological and transformational critical thinking skills and various research alternatives. criticism of the students of the different faculties of the Since it allows observing, discovering, consulting, National University of San Martín-Tarapoto. interpreting and developing scientific knowledge. Regarding the main method used in the investigation, it Index Terms—University research, research capabilities, was the analytical method. In this perspective, the epistemological, methodological and transformational analysis focuses on the observation and examination of criticism the investigative capacities of the students of the National University of San Martí n -Tarapoto, with which it has I. INTRODUCTION been possible to: explain, make analogies and establish Methodological learning strategies based on disruptive new proposals. innovation is a tool of great importance to develop University research is considered today as a tool of investigative skills in undergraduate; since it seeks to great importance in the development of research work on the students with the basic skills that allow them capabilities, it seeks the generation of knowledge that to perform the occupational role that the labor market involves not only the understanding of the world but also demands. Since university instigation is search, it is the the understanding of man himself and his inextricable creation and innovation of knowledge; it is the use of interrelation. rigorous methods, a sense of critical peer judgment, in [1] Affirm that research has become a priority in the such a way that teachers, students and graduates 21st century as a means of generating knowledge. In this way, research in education has been conceived as a viable path for educational entities that seek to improve teaching Manuscript received November 16, 2021; revised July 23, 2021. and, therefore, the teaching-learning process. © 2021 International Journal of Learning and Teaching 226 doi: 10.18178/ijlt.7.3.226-232
International Journal of Learning and Teaching Vol. 7, No. 3, September 2021 In this sense, it is also stated that research training has it defines the strategies related to the identification of differences according to the case, the undergraduate or problems and research needs of the institution, the region, the postgraduate. According to [2] and [3], he declares the company, the educational, social sectors and all those "In undergraduate research training, the aim is to work on who have or seek a relationship with the academic skills that often were not strengthened with basic and processes and the projection of the university, facilitating secondary education, helping the professional to have the the definition and implementation of policies in the areas basic skills that allow him to perform their occupational or sectors object of the research program. role in the labor market " A Scientific Research Program, according to [7] "... is From this perspective, the university is a key instance the Descriptive Unit of great scientific achievements, also that allows professors and students to contribute, through considered as an Epistemological Analysis Unit research, to the sustainable development of the society in consisting of a sequence of scientific theories with space- which we operate and to be effectively energized in a time continuity that relates its members, establishing process of constant reflection. In this regard [4] points out modified versions according to a common initial plan. that reflexive is oriented to problem solving, efficient, According to the PIC methodology, great scientific and effective decision making. achievements are research programs that can be evaluated Research at the National University of San Martí n is in terms of progressive and regressive transformations of seriously affected given that there are deficiencies in its a problem. The program can be defined by a succession academic development in the formulation of the research of theories and hypotheses and it consists of problem, instrument development, statistical processing; methodological rules, some of which indicate the consequently, the preparation of the final report of the research routes to avoid and others the routes to follow investigation; reason why it was necessary to apply a (positive heuristics). A research program has three parts: i) University Research Program that strengthens and a tenacious nucleus, ii) a negative heuristic and iii) a develops investigative capacities in its dimensions: positive heuristic”. epistemological, methodological and transformational The university research program aims to develop criticism. investigative capacities, epistemological, methodological University research. University research is considered and critical transformational dimensions, with the "a process of seeking new knowledge, a process purpose of improving research in students. characterized by the creation of the act, by the innovation The university research program brings together all the of ideas, by the rigorous methods used, by self-criticism scientific action processes aimed at providing advice to and by the validation and critical judgment of peers" [5]. each student. Each student proposes by affinity to her Along these same lines, [6] they understand formative advisor who should carry out the monitoring and research as that which seeks the generation of knowledge accompaniment during the preparation of the project, the that involves not only the understanding of the world but execution and application of the instruments and the also the understanding of man himself and his preparation of the final report. In addition, scientific inextricable interrelation, in addition, it is necessary to actions and processes are contemplated. say that through he somehow begins the development of The most notable characteristics would be: a) an ideologically critical and autonomous research culture, Modeling: observing the situation; specify the purposes which allows adherence to advances in knowledge. of the action; establish essential dimensions and In this context, the university is a research-oriented indicators to carry out the action; anticipate actions and academic community; its work is focused on research. results, b) Obtain: locate; to select; evaluate; organize; Research constitutes an essential and obligatory function collect information, c) Process: analyze; organize, of the university, which encourages and carries it out, identify key ideas; rework information, compare results, d) responding through the production of knowledge and the Communicate: analyze information; select the variant of development of technologies to the needs of society, with the communication style according to the case; organize special emphasis on the national reality. Teachers, students and graduates participate in the research activity information; prepare the communication and e) Control: in their own institution or in national or international observe results; compare ends and results; establish research networks, created by public or private university essential conclusions; feedback on the process and results institutions. (University Law 30220, 2014, Art. 48 °). of the action. University Research Program Research and teaching must form a unit of action for It is defined as the generic strategy of academic the researcher, since this is the best way to provide the research activities that seeks to put institutional research student with content that raises the academic level; This intentions into operation (well-founded research foci) unit allows the teacher to reflect on her intellectual and through a set of complementary projects or activities scientific concerns while investigating and transferring aimed at achieving a common objective that tends to some of those concerns and knowledge to a prepared solve one or more problems or create opportunities in the audience; in this way, he manages to bring the student fields of knowledge or social sectors. closer to the national reality, with the knowledge In summary, a research program guides the strengths extracted from that reality and surpassing the mediocre of the executing groups and organizes all the resources to and pragmatic level that is so characteristic of the optimize and achieve the research objectives. In this way, teaching chair. © 2021 International Journal of Learning and Teaching 227
International Journal of Learning and Teaching Vol. 7, No. 3, September 2021 The positive attitude that the researcher must have The competence in education approach provides towards research is an important element in teaching. The practical facilities for teachers and institutional systems to way in which teaching is carried out is decisive in the evaluate students, since it allows establishing a series of formation of the spirit of investigation. Although the common or standard minimums that the latter are university allows the flourishing of a mechanical supposed to have and, as a checklist, establishes whether education, of transmission of information, normative, not certain Competences are present through indicators that critical, although there are millions of pesos and integrate the cognitive, the procedural and the attitudinal. equipment, research will not be possible as a work Investigative Capacities. The training and environment, there will be a yes to another researcher, but development of research capacities in the undergraduate isolated , without multiplier effect. Teaching is needed to constitute a topic addressed in various educational ask these questions: What? 'Why' "For what? For whom? investigations in the international context. One of the Produce receptive minds, but not conditioned or fundamental tendencies of these studies has been the domesticated. When the university has this scheme, it correlation between the terms development of capacities will not only produce people eager to meet, but teachers for research or development of research skills and that of will necessarily have the attitude necessary for research. training for research. The authors of [11] and [12] can be How can this be achieved? A teacher interested in cited among the authors that address the term research who wants to pass it on to his students creates development of investigative capacities. the favorable conditions for them to question what he and The investigative capacity seeks to verify if reality the books say, rather than teaching, he makes his students corresponds to the "permanent verification of the process learn to learn. Recognizes a fact that few consider: the and the results of the application of proposals that University does not give, nor can it give the student constitute scientific alternatives to solve reality problems, everything. What endures is the ability to learn alone. The which allows evaluating their achievements and university that teaches and does not make its students difficulties from scientific and ethical positions". [13]. learn does not fulfill its function of forming, not Dimensions of investigative capacities deforming, to men. Epistemological dimension. This process considers Investigative Competences. From a historical the design of abstract systems with a sense of universality perspective, the discourse of competencies comes from that, by imitating behavioral models of a reality, the field of studies on management and human capital, approaches the construction of knowledge. for [8], which gained great prominence in the postwar It is the theoretical system in a must be of the being of period, but which landed in the field of education more or the studied situation, the main indicator of the constructed less from the 1980s after the traditional education that knowledge. The possibility of generating knowledge took place at that time. On the other hand, the about situations that are not directly observable is left competence-based approach to education is functional to open, that is, through logical arguments and reasoning, train people in the skills required by the labor market, explanatory models can be structured in this regard. which shows a close relationship between the educational Knowledge results from combining the work of various and productive systems. teams in an interdisciplinary way, in such a way that they Understood in this way, investigative competences is a talk about research programs, because of the progress of transversal component in the university curriculum, since the entire process. The respective researcher or team is it must allow the development and construction of free to design their theoretical structure that supports the cognitive and intellectual processes conducive to knowledge that is being generated. observing, discovering, consulting, interpreting scientific Methodological dimension. This dimension refers to knowledge, developing thinking skills and identifying the disposition and investigative capacity that the problems. research. university student must have to design the research An example of the success of the discourse of skills in instruments. The methodology depends on the postulates the field of education is the Bologna Plan, which forced that the researcher considers valid and proposes to put to standardize European higher education and prepare into practice (from what he considers the objective value young people for the labor market. The Tuning Project of science and scientific knowledge), since it will be sought to standardize the principles of the Bologna Plan through methodological action how to collect, order and in Latin American universities. By sponsoring the quality analyze reality. studied. policy in universities, the competencies approach It can be said that there is no longer a perfect emerges, which improves the quality of higher education, methodology, but often several interlocking or symbiotic since it allows overcoming some of its traditional relationships must be linked. In both the human and deficiencies: (a) emphasis on the transmission of social sciences, the coexistence or alternation of various knowledge; (b) little relevance of careers compared to methodologies applied successively to the same object is context; (c) little collaborative work between teachers; (d) common. rigid and authorized evaluation systems; and (e) difficulty According to [14], these methodological capacities in approving studies; The current challenge is for the refer to the researcher's ability to manage the techniques competency-based approach to enable universities to that are used during the development of the investigation. commit to (a) equity; (b) relevance; (c) dialogue; (d) daily They are the set of skills necessary to carry out, detect, work; and (e) orient education towards learning [9], [10]. demonstrate and put into practice the functions and © 2021 International Journal of Learning and Teaching 228
International Journal of Learning and Teaching Vol. 7, No. 3, September 2021 activities inherent to the research work with precision and causes, are deliberately manipulated to measure the effect efficiency. Through these competences, it is sought that they have on another variable of interest. In this the researcher has the ability to carry out a sequential configuration, the quasi-experimental design is used; in it, order in the steps or stages of the research process: design, at least one independent variable is also deliberately experimentation, if necessary, verification and, finally, manipulated to observe its effect and relationship with the systematization of the results obtained. one or more dependent variables, only that they differ Critical Transformational. For [15], they consider from the "pure" experiments in the degree of security or that the critical transformation capacity approach reliability that can be had in the initial equivalence of the suggests a broader active and critical reflection from the groups In this case, the design is with two groups, one ethical, personal, political and collective spheres on the experimental and the other control, with intact pre-post- implications of the acquisition and application of test groups (one of them control). competences. Human capital-based discourses and Quasi-experimental, according to [16] quasi- practices "are instrumental and focus on what employers experimental designs also deliberately manipulate at least want from graduates, rather than what graduates want for one independent variable to observe its effect and themselves, or what educational traditions and theories relationship with one or more dependent variables, only consider desirable to learn” that they differ from the "pure" experiments in the degree It is the domain of the action that is deployed to solve of security or reliability that is can have in the initial research tasks in the educational, labor and adequate equivalence of the groups. In this case, the design is with research fields with the resources of the methodology of two groups, one experimental and the other control, with science”. In the work, it is considered that this concept is pre-test and post-test and intact groups (one of them the one that has the greatest relationship with the control). Likewise, consider that "population is the set of undergraduate training process, since it shows the all cases that agree with a series of specifications. investigative capacities as a transversal axis within the Populations must be clearly located around their substantive processes. characteristics of content, place and time." In this study, University research is a creative task that reproduces, the population of students of cycles VIII, IX and X generates, maintains and perfects scientific knowledge. enrolled in the academic period, from the National One of the functions of the University is research itself, University of San Martí n, based in Tarapoto. which links us to society. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION II. METHODOLOGY Table I shows a highly significant statistical difference The main method used in research was the analytical in investigative capacities (Zc = 145.01 vs Zt = 1.96). As method, that research method that consists of the indicated, the general hypothesis is accepted; that is to dismemberment of a whole, decomposing it into its parts say, the effect of the university research program, in its or elements to observe the causes, nature and effects. In stages: planning, doing, verifying and acting significantly this perspective, analysis is the observation and influences to improve the investigative capacities of examination of a particular fact; in this case, the students of the VIII, IX and X cycle of the various investigative capacities of the students of the various faculties of the National University of San Martí n - faculties of UNSM - T. It was necessary to know the Tarapoto, in this sense [17] proposes the PHVA cycle nature of the phenomenon and the object that was being "that considers a continuous improvement strategy that studied to understand its essence. This method allowed us serves to: Improve processes, solve problems, implement to know more about the object of study, with which it has new procedures and standardize processes. This been possible: to explain, make analogies, better knowledge production process is carried out mainly in understand its behavior and establish new proposals. Universities, so it differentiates two types of research that Experimental design is a statistical technique that take place there: on the one hand, the research that aims allows the causes of an effect to be identified and to train professionals or researchers; and, on the other, quantified within an experimental study. In an that which has the declared intention of producing new experimental design, one or more variables, linked to knowledge or research. TABLE I. RESULTS ACCORDING TO COMPARISONS OF CALCULATED Z AND TABULATED Z: GENERAL HYPOTHESIS TEST Value Value Signi Hipothe Measures Z Tabula Z Calcula ficance Deci sys Statistics ted ted Level sión HG: μd = μPre – μPost =0 d 44.3825 Zt =1.96 Zc =145.01 α = 5% Ho: μd ≠ 0 α = 1% Accept Sd 4.1404 H1 [18], states that in the field of research capacity be configured in the course of the training process and development, new needs appear that lead to the lead to greater demands and faster responses development of alternatives with a view to solving global Table II shows a highly significant statistical problems that concern the human being; These skills can difference in the epistemological dimension of the © 2021 International Journal of Learning and Teaching 229
International Journal of Learning and Teaching Vol. 7, No. 3, September 2021 variable investigative capacities (Zc = 181.59 vs Zt = when he points out that: “theorizing the educational 1.96). The same as it indicates, the acceptance of the reality represents the search, application and socialization alternative hypothesis (H1) where the application of a of the essential scientific knowledge to interpret and university research program produces highly significant explain educational reality, as well as assuming personal effects on research capabilities, dimension; scientific and ethical positions that allow you to project it Epistemologically in the students of the VIII, IX and X in an enriched way ". Consequently, the use of concepts cycle of the various faculties of the National University and categories to support and argue research problems. of San Martí n - Tarapoto, this is corroborated by [19] TABLE II. RESULTS ACCORDING TO COMPARISONS OF CALCULATED Z AND TABULATED Z: GENERAL HYPOTHESIS TEST Value Value Signi Hipothe Measures Z Tabu Z Calcula Ficance Deci sys Statistics lated ted Level sión H2: μd = μPre–μPost =0 d 19.9016 Zt =1.96 Zc =181.59 α = 5% Ho: μd ≠ 0 S d 1.4826 α = 1% Accept H1 TABLE III. RESULTS ACCORDING TO COMPARISONS OF CALCULATED Z AND Z TABULATED: SPECIFIC HYPOTHESIS TEST 2 Value Value Signifi Hipothe Measures Z Tabu Z Calcu cance sys Statistics lated lated Level Decision H2: μd =μPre–Post =0 d 18.7486 Zt =1.96 Zc =233.21 α = 5% Accept H2 Ho: μd ≠ 0 S d 1.0875 α = 1% TABLE IV. RESULTS ACCORDING TO COMPARISONS OF Z CALCULATED AND Z TABULATED: SPECIFIC HYPOTHESIS TEST 3 Value Value Hipó the Z Tabu Z Calcu Significance sys Measures Statistics lated lated Level Decision H3: μd = μPre – μPost d 7.7705 Zt =1.96 Zc =68.55 α = 5% Accept =0 S d 1.5335 α = 1% ** H3 Ho: μd ≠ 0 Table III shows a highly significant statistical difference in the methodological dimension of the IV. CONCLUSION variable investigative capacities (Zc = 233.21 vs Zt = 1.96). Likewise, it indicates that the alternative The application of methodological learning strategies hypothesis (H2) is accepted, where the application of a and disruptive innovation has produced significant effects university research program produces highly significant on research in students of public universities. effects on research capabilities, dimension; The analysis of the results of the previous test allowed methodological in the students of the VIII, IX and X the design of didactic proposals to insert students in the cycle of the various faculties of the National University search for knowledge and scientific contributions, in its of San Martí n - Tarapoto; which makes it possible to test dimensions: epistemological, methodological and and adapt a novel technique; a new technology, a work transformational criticism. scheme, an ingenious procedure, etc., and based on the The comparison of calculated Z and tabulated Z, results, to specify and decide on the benefits of it [20], because calculated Z falls in the rejection region, has seeking that the researcher shows willingness and ability allowed strengthening the critical epistemological, to build the instruments research; as well as, the expertise methodological and transformational analysis in the in its application. students' research. Table IV shows a statistically significant difference in When comparing the calculated Z and the tabulated Z, the critical transforming dimension of the variable when the calculated Z fell in the rejection region, it has investigative capacities (Zc = 68.55 vs Zt = 1.96). been established that the effects produced by the Therefore, the alternative hypothesis (H3) is accepted application of methodological learning strategies and when the application of a university research program disruptive innovation have successfully influenced produces significant effects in the improvement of undergraduate research. research capabilities, dimension; transformational critic That research be a tool for change, sustainability and in the students of the VIII, IX and X cycle of the various emphasis on the development of research capacities based faculties of the National University of San Martí n - on methodological learning strategies based on disruptive Tarapoto. Supported in research on higher education from innovation in research for students of a public university. the perspective of capabilities, as requirements in the training of human resources at the present time. CONFLICT OF INTEREST The authors declare no conflict of interest. © 2021 International Journal of Learning and Teaching 230
International Journal of Learning and Teaching Vol. 7, No. 3, September 2021 AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS Copyright © 2021 by the authors. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY- Manuel Padilla and ibis Lopez carried out the research NC-ND 4.0), which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any and data collection: Baldo Olivares, Ana Leon and Mario medium, provided that the article is properly cited, the use is non- commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made. Chauca worked on the analysis and methodology of the research. All authors contributed and had approved the Manuel Padilla Guzmán, He is a Master and final version. Doctor in Educational Sciences, graduated from the National University of Education "Enrique Guzmán y Valle" - La Cantuta. Lima, ACKNOWLEDGMENT currently a main professor at the National University of San Martí n - Tarapoto, teaches We would like to express our gratitude to the students undergraduate and postgraduate university and professors of the National University of San Martin teaching. The topics in scientific research who in one way or another collaborated in the research. where he has ventured are: State of the art of the education of San Martí n, evaluation of university learning, university curriculum, teaching practice, university REFERENCES research and currently in university pedagogy. [1] X. Buendía, L. Zambrano, and E. Alirio, “The development of investigative competences of teachers in training in the context of Ibis Lizeth López Novoa, She has a License pedagogical practice,” Nieva – Colombia, 2017. in Education, a specialty in Initial Education, [2] E. 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International Journal of Learning and Teaching Vol. 7, No. 3, September 2021 2017 Kuala Lumpur-Malaysia, MWSCAS 2010 Washington-USA, JAIIO 2009 Mar del Plata-Argentina, CONeGOV 2016 Florianópolis- Brazil, 2004 SIE Santa Clara-Cuba, ISIT 2017, 2014 Guanajuato, CONIELECOMP 2007,2009,2010 Puebla-Mexico and Peru, author of papers published in Scopus, WoS, IEEExplore and others, Postgraduate and undergraduate teacher, Sustainability Jury Thesis in postgraduate and undergraduate, Advisor, reviewer and jury of Thesis for the Title of Engineer at the Ricardo Palma University and San Luis Gonzaga University in Ica, electronic engineer Project Manager, advisor to the Director General of DGTIC-MININTER and Consultant of Projects, with specialization in Technologies, Master's and Doctorate. © 2021 International Journal of Learning and Teaching 232
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