Commentator 'I CHOSE YOU' -

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Commentator 'I CHOSE YOU' -
                             T H E                         C A T H O L I C

   June 3, 2022 Vol. 60, No. 8                            2 021 L PA G E N E R A L E XC E L L E N C E AWA R D R E C I P I E N T                  

                                             ‘I CHOSE YOU’
         By Debbie Shelley
      The Catholic Commentators

    Outshining the perfect weather on
May 28 was the joy in St. Joseph Ca-
thedral as Bishop Michael G. Duca or-
dained two transitional deacons for the
Diocese of Baton Rouge.
    Even before Mass began candidates
Albert Blount and Joseph Bresowar
embraced family members and friends
as they prepared to take their next step
toward ordination to the priesthood,
scheduled in May 2023. Likewise, Bish-        Bishop Michael G. Duca, center, ordained Deacon Albert Blount, left, and Deacon Joseph Bresowar as transitional deacons dur-
op Duca and clergy greeted the family         ing the Rite of Ordination Ceremony on May 28 at St. Joseph Cathedral in Baton Rouge. Deacon Blount and Deacon Bresowar are
members, with the bishop even joking          scheduled to be ordained to the priesthood in May 2023. Photo by Richard Meek | The Catholic Commentator
with some of Deacon Bresowar’s young-
er family members before the ceremony         cessional, which included Bishop Duca,         During the Rite of Ordination then-       fayette, called them forth to approach
began.                                        Bishop Emeritus Robert W. Muench            candidates Blount and Bresowar con-          the altar. Father Andrew Merrick, direc-
    As the jubilant opening hymn “Lau-        and fellow clergy proceeded toward the      fidently responded “present” when            tor of vocations for the Diocese of Baton
da Jerusalem” played, those in the pro-       altar.                                      Deacon Nick Ware, of the Diocese of La-                 SEE ORDINATION PAGE 20

                                                                Citizens learn the lessons of politics
                                                                    By Debbie Shelley                  The Louisiana Conference of          of legislative activities, Costanza
                                                                 The Catholic Commentator           Catholic Bishops sponsored the          said, “It could be overwhelming,
                                                                                                    day, with St. Joseph Cathedral as       but I think they got a glimpse of
                                                                Catholics emerged from St.          the gathering hub of prayer and         how the Catholic Church is pres-
                                                             Joseph Cathedral Parish Hall in        hospitality.                            ent and how they might participate
                                                             Baton Rouge on a sunny, breezy            LCCB Executive Director Tom          more fully in the future.”
   SCHOOLS OUT! – Catholic Schools in the Diocese            day May 18 after praying together,     Costanza explained to the attend-           After a morning of participat-
   of Baton Rouge recently dismissed for summer              learning about Catholic social jus-    ees as they first gathered, about ar-   ing in and observing committee
   break. Students at Holy Family School in Port Al-         tice teachings and getting updated     eas of priority for LCCB during the     hearings, the group returned to
   len were dismissed after an awards assembly               on actions being taken by the Loui-    current session, which is sched-        the cathedral for Mass, celebrated
   which recognized students achieving academic,             siana State Legislature.               uled to end June 6: Stabilizing the     by pastor Father Cary Bani. Lunch
   faith and citizenship excellence. Rain poured as             They walked down the street         care of vulnerable children in in-      followed, during which time four
   proud parents accompanied their children to               with confidence and a sense of         termediate care facilities; pro-life    legislators and an elected official
   their cars, but students jubilantly smiled be-            purpose in their step and entered      issues; promoting parental choice       shared how their faith played a role
   cause of their upcoming summer hiatus. Pic-               the Capitol to watch the legislators   and religious freedom; continuing       in their public life.
   tured are smiling third-grade students, Melanie           in action. Most importantly, they      restorative justice programs; ad-           Attendees then returned to the
   Laurent, left, and Camden Pizzolato. Photo by Debbie      gained an appreciation about their     dressing poverty; and caring for        Senate and House chambers to
   Shelley | The Catholic Commentator                        roles as Catholics in the political    God’s creation.                         watch legislators debate bills.
                                                             process.                                  Speaking of the complexity                     SEE CITIZENS PAGE 19
Commentator 'I CHOSE YOU' -
2   The Catholic Commentator	                                                                                                                                                       June 3, 2022

                                                                                     Receive the Holy Spirit
       Happy Birthday                                                                             By Dina Dow

                                                                                  The Easter season concludes as we cel-
                                                                                                                                          peared to the apostles in the upper room,
                                                                                                                                          and “he breathed on them and said to
                                                                                                                                          them, “Receive the Holy Spirit” (Jn 20:22).

       Catholic Church!
                                                                               ebrate Pentecost Sunday, followed by The                   Then, on Pentecost, the Holy Spirit poured
                                                                               Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity. We                     out upon those in the upper room, the ear-
                                                                               read in the Sunday Gospels of the outpour-                 ly apostles, and Mary, the church! From
                                                                               ing of the Holy Spirit upon                                                  this moment onward they
                                                                               those in the upper room, and
                                                                                                                          Life-Giving                       went out, filled with the
    Put the candles on the cake
and let the Holy Spirit light the
                                       Spirit enabled the disciples to
                                       speak in many different tongues
                                                                               of the joy of life in union with
                                                                               the Blessed Trinity.                             FA I H                      power of the Holy Spirit to
                                                                                                                                                        proclaim the good news. From
fire, it’s time to wish the church a   to a large crowd. To their amaze-          Receive the Holy Spirit                                               fearful to fearless.
Happy Birthday!                        ment, the people, who were from         (Acts 2:1-22)                                                               The Holy Spirit continuous-
    The feast of Pentecost, cele-      different parts of the world, heard        Christ Jesus makes good on his prom-                    ly pours out upon the church those gifts
brated June 5 this year, marks the     the message in their native lan-        ises! We read in Chapter 2 of The Acts of                  to enable us to follow the path of Jesus,
birth of the church when the Holy      guage. They were shocked and be-        the Apostles that the apostles, together                   to stay united to the will of God and to, in
Spirit descended upon the apos-        wildered and some even accused          with Mary are in the upper room 10 days                    our own way, “renew the face of the earth”
tles, Mary and the first followers     the disciples of drinking too much      after the Lord’s ascension into heaven,                    by our light. The gifts received empower
of Jesus, emboldening them to go       “new wine.”                             where our risen Lord promised them, “you                   us to act in free cooperation with God, to
out and preach the Gospel.                St. Peter quickly cleared up         will receive power when the Holy Spirit                    help us lead to lives of holiness by way of
    The feast of Pentecost occurs      that misconception and deliv-           comes upon you, and you will be my wit-                    virtue and to accompany others on their
50 days after Jesus’ resurrection      ered a fiery speech of repentance.      nesses in Jerusalem, throughout Judea                      walk to eternal life as we witness life in Je-
and 10 days after                                      From there, the         and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth”                 sus Christ. As such, the advocate, the Holy
his ascension.                                         formerly timid dis-     (Acts 1:8). They did receive this power 10                 Spirit, dwells in our hearts, renews us and
    In St. Luke’s         That divine                  ciples went forth       days later on Pentecost. In fact, the com-                 helps us as we pursue missionary activity
Gospel Jesus ap-                                       from     Jerusalem      ing of the Spirit was so loud that those in                and bring Jesus to all we meet. So when
pears to the disci-      “spark” of the                and preached the        the streets outside the upper room gath-                   does this begin for us?
ples in Jerusalem                                      Gospel.                 ered to see what had happened. Little did                      God’s gift: Life in the Trinity (Jn
after his resurrec-       Holy Spirit                     There are vari-      they know what had taken place and how                     16:12-15)
tion, reassuring his                                   ous celebrations of     this moment would “renew the face of the                       Our life in the most Holy Trinity begins
terrified followers       enabled the                  Pentecost through-      earth.”                                                    in the sacrament of baptism, ”the gateway
that he was not                                        out the world. The         The advocate (Jn 14:15-16, 23-26)                       to life in the Spirit”(Catechism of the Cath-
a ghost but real,      disciples to speak              most notable, per-         Jesus’ command to love is foundation-                   olic Church Para 1213), in the father’s plan
showing them the                                       haps, is in Italy,      al in his teachings. Built upon love is the                for salvation through Christ’s redeeming
wounds from his        in many different               where Pentecost         mission of the disciples who are sent out                  act of his passion, death and resurrection.
crucifixion       and                                  Sunday is known         to proclaim the good news, the teach-                      Those baptized in the life of the Trinity are
asking for a piece     tongues to a large              as “Pascha Rosat-       ings of Jesus to all the nations. Yet, Jesus               regenerated and renewed by the Holy Spir-
of fish. He then                                       um,” or “the Feast      knew their mission would require much                      it. Each time we make the sign of the cross,
opens their minds           crowd.                     of Roses.” Rose         strength, divine strength, beyond human                    we are reminded of the nature of our rela-
to Scripture and                                       petals, represent-      capacity. Thus, he promised to send help,                  tionship with our triune God, father, son
gives them a com-                                      ing the tongues of      saying, “I will ask the father, and he will                and Holy Spirit. As missionary disciples
mand, saying, “You are witnesses       fire of the Holy Spirit descending      give you another advocate to be with you                   we are called to respond to others with
of these things. And (behold) I am     on those gathered, are scattered        always.” And “the advocate, the Holy Spir-                 the same love we receive in the most Holy
sending the promise of my father       from the ceiling of various cathe-      it whom the father will send in my name,                   Trinity, united in one.
upon you; but stay in the city until   drals and churches while “Veni          will teach you everything and remind you                       God is love
you are clothed with power from        Creator Spiritus” is sung at the        of all that I told you” (Jn 14:15-15). Reflect-                I will conclude this article with a
on high” (Lk 24:48-49).                conclusion of Mass.                     ing on this thread, St. John Paul II wrote,                powerful teaching from the catechism,
    The concept of novenas takes          In Rome, the rose ritual is held     “The Holy Spirit comes after him (Jesus)                   “God is love and love is his first gift,
root in Pentecost in that after        in the Pantheon. A Roman fire           and because of him, in order to continue in                containing all others. God’s love has
Christ’s ascension, the disciples      brigade throws the rose petals          the world, through the church, the work of                 been poured into our hearts through the
kept a nine-day vigil of prayer,       on the crowd during the special         the good news of salvation” (Dominum Et                    Holy Spirit who has been given to us. By
waiting the Holy Spirit’s arrival.     Pentecost Mass, representing the        Vivificantem, 3).                                          this power of the Spirit, God’s children
    Then that long-awaited day         descent of the Holy Spirit on the          From the cross, Jesus handed over his                   can bear much fruit. He who has graft-
came which is described in vivid       faithful like tongues of fire.          Spirit. Three days later he resurrected, ap-                               SEE GOSPEL PAGE 3
detail in Chapter 2 of the Acts of        In Catholic and other West-
the Apostles.                          ern churches, priests often wear
    “When the time for Pentecost       red vestments during Pentecost
was fulfilled, they were all in        to symbolize the “tongues of fire”
one place together. And suddenly       that descended on the disciples
there came from the sky a noise        from the Holy Spirit.                            |
like a strong driving wind, and it        While the church has its mo-
filled the entire house in which       ments of “risings” and “fallings,”         Bishop Michael G. Duca Publisher                          Wanda L. Koch Advertising Manager
they were. Then there appeared         the Holy Spirit continues working        Father Tom Ranzino Associate Publisher                       Lisa Disney Secretary/Circulation
to them tongues as of fire, which      and making its presence known,                    Richard Meek Editor                                 Nicole Latiolais Graphic Designer
parted and came to rest on each        with connections particularly                Debbie Shelley Assistant Editor
one of them. And they were all         seen in the sacrament of confir-
filled with the Holy Spirit and be-    mation and Catholic Charismatic                                 The Catholic Commentator (ISSN 07460511; USPS 093-680)
                                                                             Published bi-weekly (every other week) by the Catholic Diocese of Baton Rouge,1800 South Acadian Thruway,
gan to speak in different tongues,     group gatherings.                     Baton Rouge, LA 70808; 225-387-0983 or 225-387-0561. Periodical Postage Paid at Baton Rouge, LA. Copy must
as the Spirit enabled them to pro-        Happy Birthday, church! Keep       reach the above address by Wednesday for use in the next week’s paper. Subscription rate: $14.00 per year. POST-
claim.”                                the flames of the candles burning     MASTER, send address changes to The Catholic Commentator, P.O. Box 2028, Baton Rouge, LA 70821-2028.
    That divine “spark” of the Holy    brightly.
Commentator 'I CHOSE YOU' -
June 3, 2022	The Catholic Commentator                                                                                                                                                3

  Educator hired as assistant schools superintendent
       By Richard Meek                School from 2017-2021.               reimagined heading into the          mittee which included Fa-           of education from Vanderbilt
   The Catholic Commentator              “I am especially excited about    2022-23 school year, Willis said     ther David, leaders from the        University in secondary educa-
                                      working with (Davis),” she add-      her primary role is to help (Da-     Catholic Life Center, pastors,      tion and is pursuing a master of
    Longtime Catholic educa- ed, praising Davis for the enthu-             vis) meet her vision and to pro-     principals, Davis and Dioce-        business administration degree
tor Claire Willis has been hired siasm she will bring to diocesan          vide support to principals and       san School Board representa-        from LSU – Shreveport.
as assistant superintendent of schools.                                    teachers.                            tives. She also went through           Willis replaces former as-
Catholic Schools for the Diocese         “She brings a new perspec-           She said being a part of the      an extensive interview pro-         sistant superintendent Michael
of Baton Rouge effective July 1.      tive, which is good, especially      38-school, national Cristo Rey       cess, with the final candidate      Miller, who resigned earlier this
    In announc-                                         since we al-       network will prove an asset in       approved by Bishop Duca.            year.
ing the hiring                                          ready have a       her new role. Willis said she        Willis earned a bachelor of arts       Davis replaces Dr. Melanie
May 16, Bishop                                          strong school      learned how to unite a large         in history and English from         Palmisano, whose resignation is
Michael G Duca                                          system       and   number of principals, all work-      LSU. She later earned a master      effective June 30.
praised Willis’                                         strong staff.      ing toward that vision.
“vision to es-                                          She can help          Also, she said that principals

                                                                                                                  Mr. D’s
tablish a team                                          us get even        acting together as one can also
of dynamic in-
dividuals in the
                                                        better,” Willis
                                                                           secure greater resources.
                                                                              Above all, after having served                                        Tree Service
diocesan Catho-                                            She      said   at a Baton Rouge non-profit for                                         ovEr 40 yEars ExpErIEncE
lic Schools Office                                      having served      the past year and hitting “re-
                                                                                                                                                       Don Decell, owner
who will build                                          in the diocese     set” on her career so she could
on our existing                                         as a principal     be home with her five children,                                             carl BaBin, owner
                                                                                                                                                                       • Economical
strengths      and                                      and      teacher   Willis is happy to be returning to                                        • Fully Insured • Quality Work
success to elevate                                      – she was a        Catholic education in a supervi-
performance and                                         teacher at Our     sory role.                                                                 CALL TODAY!
sustainability in                                       Lady of Mer-          “This is where I wanted to be,”                                       225-292-6756
all our schools.”              Claire Willis            cy School in       she said, unable to conceal her
    He added Wil-                                       Baton Rouge        enthusiasm.
lis is “precisely                                       for five years –      Vicar General Father Ja-
the type of team member who will work to her advantage. She                min David cited Willis’ focus
will work directly with our new believes the principals already            on academic rigor, intention-
superintendent Dr. Pattie Davis.” have a comfort level with her            ality to increase student and
    “I am thrilled to have the op- and having previously served in         staff retention, and strategic
portunity to serve the Catholic that role she understands their            planning experience for or-
schools in the diocese. I will be needs and priorities, including          ganizational vitality as core
working with people I admire resources essential to their indi-            reasons for the unanimous
and respect,” said Willis, who vidual schools.                             choice for her in this position.
served as principal at Cristo Rey        Although the role of the as-      Willis was chosen by a
Baton Rouge Franciscan High sistant superintendent will be                 nine-member search com-

                                                                            GOSPEL 
                                                                            From page 2

                                                                            ed us onto the true vine (Je-
                                                                            sus) will make us bear ‘the
                                                                            fruit of the Spirit: love, joy,
                                                                            peace, patience, kindness,
                                                                            goodness, faithfulness, gen-
                                                                            tleness, self-control. We
                                                                            live by the Spirit. The more
                                                                            we renounce ourselves, the
                                                                            more we walk by the Spirit.           Joe Skibinski, Agent
                                                                            Through the Holy Spirit we
                                                                            are restored to paradise, led
                                                                            back to the kingdom of heav-
                                                                            en and adopted as children,
                                                                            given confidence to call
                                                                            God ‘Father and to share in
                                                                            Christ’s grace, called chil-
                                                                            dren of light and given a
                                                                            share in eternal glory” (Cat-
                                                                            echism 733, 736).
   HAPPY RETIREMENT FATHER PHIL – Most Blessed Sacrament                        Amen! Come Holy Spirit!
   School in Baton Rouge recently celebrated the retirement of Fa-
   ther Phil Spano. Father Spano served in the priesthood for 40               Dow is the director of the
   years, 11 of those years at MBS. He and the students enjoyed a jazz      Office of Evangelization and
   reception in the courtyard. Photo provided by Cheri Gioe                 Catechesis for the Diocese of
                                                                            Baton Rouge.
Commentator 'I CHOSE YOU' -
4   The Catholic Commentator                                         NATIONAL | INTERNATIONAL                                                                                 June 3, 2022

Diocese of Baton Rouge Seminary Scholarship Funds                                                                                                          Pelosi
    What is a Seminary Scholarship fund?
       A seminary scholarship fund is an invested sum of
    money, the interest of which is used in perpetuity to
                                                                       Who do I contact to establish or contribute to a fund?
                                                                          To create a fund or to make a contribution to an
                                                                       existing fund, please send it to the Vocations and
    help fund the education of men studying for the
    How does someone establish a fund?
                                                                       Seminarians Department, P. O. Box 2028, Baton
                                                                       Rouge, LA 70821-2028.
                                                                       For information, call 225-336-8778.
       It is simple. A fund may be established and named for           This is only a partial list of all Seminary Scholarship
                                                                                                                                                          WASHINGTON D.C. (CNA)
    anyone you choose – Friend, family, bishop, priest, religious,     Funds.
                                                                                                                                                      – Responding publicly for the
    etc. Anyone can name or establish a fund.                             Visit our website at for a                          first time to her archbishop bar-
                                                                       complete list of Seminary Scholarship Funds.

              Fund Contributions November through April
                                                                                                                                                      ring her from Communion in her
                                                                                                                                                      home diocese, U.S. House Speak-
                                                                                                                                                      er Nancy Pelosi remained defiant
                                                                                                                                                      in her support of abortion.
Archbishop Antoine Blanc                                                              Jim Charleville
                                                                                                                                                          Archbishop Salvatore Cordil-
 In Memory of: Larry P Gaspard                                           In Honor of: Teenie and Calvin Bajon and Jo Ann Monjure
                                                                                                                                                      eone announced May 20 that the
           By: Knights of Columbus #8878 $20.00                                   By: Ct. St. Francis of Assisi # 1915, Teenie Bajon,
                                                                                                                                                      California Democrat may no lon-
 In Memory of: Vernon Roy Amar                                        Barbara Schmitt, Lyn Deville, Gay Montealegre, Sharon Grimes,
                                                                                                                                                      ger receive holy Communion in
           By: James/Mary Alice Robert      $20.00                    Sandra Creoli, Geraldine Garafola, Pat Pavlovich, Kathy Morris,
                                                                                                                                                      the Archdiocese of San Francisco
 In Memory of: Allen “Sonny” Trabeaux                                 Donna Calabrese, Patricia Ryan, Irene LaFleur, Mary Casey, Emily
                                                                                                                                                      after publicly supporting abor-
           By: M/M Joseph Daigle            $10.00                    Seale, Barbara Graphia, Kathleen Mokry        $834.00     $24,412.00
                                                                                                                                                      tion as a Catholic politician. His
               KC #8878                     $20.00                    Monsignor Leonard Robin
                                                                                                                                                      decision, Archbishop Cordilen-
 In Memory of: Leah Tatman and Mary “Patsy” McDonner                              By: CDA Court St. John # 1214 $50.00          $22,824.16
                                                                                                                                                      oe said, is a pastoral one and not
           By: M/M Joseph Daigle            $20.00                    Rev. Danny Roussel
 In Memory of: Joseph C Schapaton                                                 By: Paul/Catherine Rachal         $100.00
                                                                                                                                                          Through the years, Pelosi has
           By: M/M Joseph Daigle            $10.00                                    Ronald/Janice Beauvais          $25.00
                                                                                                                                                      defended abortion while citing
               Knights of Columbus #8878 $20.00                                       Alvin J. Fabre                $300.00
                                                                                                                                                      her Catholic faith.
               M/MJames Robert Sr.          $25.00                                    Gale Roy                      $150.00
                                                                                                                                                          On May 24 Pelosi gave no indi-
 In Memory of: Wiley Dial                                                             Donna/Judson King               $25.00
                                                                                                                                                      cation that her position on abor-
           By: M/M Joseph Daigle            $10.00                                    Marilyn Morvant                 $50.00
                                                                                                                                                      tion, and how she speaks about it
               Knights of Columbus 8878 $20.00                                        Judith Bourgeois              $120.00
                                                                                                                                                      as a Catholic, will change.
 In Memory of: Conway Rodney                                                          Karen Savoie                    $50.00
                                                                                                                                                          “I wonder about the death
           By: M/M James Robert Sr.         $25.00                                    Sheila Gassie                   $50.00
                                                                                                                                                      penalty, which I am opposed to.
 In Memory of: Deceased Members of KC Council #8878                                   Walter/Gloria Morrison          $75.00
                                                                                                                                                      So is the church. But they take no
           By: Knights of Columbus 8878 $100.00                                       Elaine W. Legendre              $25.00
                                                                                                                                                      action against people who may
 In Memory of: Earline Ventress and Patterson DeCuir                                  Joni/Vincent Russo Jr.          $50.00      $7,215.00
                                                                                                                                                      not share their view,” she said
           By: M/M James Robert Sr.         $50.00                    St. Margaret, Queen of Scotland
                                                                                                                                                      during MSNBC’s “Morning Joe”
 In memory of: Virginia Valdery                                                   By: CDA of St. Margaret #2678 $282.10
           By: M/M James Robert Sr.         $25.00   $25,447.13          In Honor of: Fr. Jamin David and Fr. Paul Gros
                                                                                                                                                          Pelosi did not say whether she
Louis and Nita Bonfanti                                                           By: Shirley Darouse               $100.00     $16,220.80
                                                                                                                                                      intends to continue to present
           By: Anita Bonfanti              $100.00                    Tomorrows Priest
                                                                                                                                                      herself for Communion. Arch-
           By: Debra A. Bonfanti            $50.00                     In Memory of: Mrs. Myrrh Poche
                                                                                                                                                      bishop Cordileone’s order is only
           By: Lisa/Louis Bonfanti         $200.00    $3,815.00                   By: Dr/M Carl Poche              $2,000.00
                                                                                                                                                      applicable within the San Fran-
Fr. Maynard “Tippy” Hurst                                                             CDA Court Marie Pleine De Grace 2713
                                                                                                                                                      cisco Archdiocese, and Cardinal
 In Memory of: Calvin Clouart                                                                                       $100.00
                                                                                                                                                      Wilton Gregory of the Archdio-
           By: KC Council # 7856            $50.00                     In Memory of: Vincent Miranda
                                                                                                                                                      cese of Washington has not in-
 In Memory of: Rita Valentine                                                     By: Jack/Margaret Williams          $50.00
                                                                                                                                                      structed priests to refuse Com-
               Wade Johnson                                                           Charles/Linda Whitson           $50.00    $85,770.23
                                                                                                                                                      munion to anyone.
               Mary Ann Davis                                         Fr. Clarence Waguespack
                                                                                                                                                          Pelosi reportedly received
               Rita Bernard                                                       By: CDA Notre Dame de la Paix, Court #2316
                                                                                                                                                      Communion at the 9 a.m. Sunday
               Yolande Guidry                                                                                       $100.00
                                                                                                                                                      Mass on May 22 at holy Trinity
               Wilma Achee                                                        By: Karen Savoie                    $50.00    $28,577.00
                                                                                                                                                      Catholic Church in Georgetown,
               Brandon Bailey                                         Deacon Francis Waguespack
                                                                                                                                                      according to Politico Playbook,
               Frank Catanzaro                                         In Memory of: Louise Waguespack
                                                                                                                                                      but the report did not identify
               Charlynn Stabiler                                                  By: Jackie/Grady Savoie           $100.00
                                                                                                                                                      the source of that information.
               Fr. Jack Nutter                                                        Julie/Pat Berry and Michael $50.00
                                                                                                                                                          “I come from a largely pro-life
               Priscilla Bourgeois                                                    Dr/M Michael Marcello           $50.00
                                                                                                                                                      Italian-American Catholic fam-
               Randy Knight                                                           Wayne/Anne Rodrigue $1,300.00
                                                                                                                                                      ily, so I respect people’s views
               Jimmy McKenzie                                                         Therese Friederichsen           $50.00
                                                                                                                                                      about that,” she said, referring to
               Will Browing                                                           Ann/Dale Abadie               $100.00
                                                                                                                                                      abortion. “But I don’t respect us
               Lucy Curry                                                             Eileen Rome                     $50.00
                                                                                                                                                      foisting it onto others.”
               Andrew Littlefield                                                     Colt/Angela James             $100.00
                                                                                                                                                          Pelosi also claimed that,
               Jeanette Coats                                                         Tony/Natalie Harper           $500.00
                                                                                                                                                      as a Catholic, she has tried in
               Deborah Mannio                                                         John Borne                    $100.00       $8,705.00
                                                                                                                                                      vain to speak with Republicans
               David Ledet
               Jerry Cronin
                                                                                Additional Scholarship Funds                                          in the past about supporting
                                                                      Michael Romano ................................................. $13,310.27     “what the Catholic Church was
               Tony Montealegre
                                                                      William and Camilla Roszko ................................ $20,000.00          asking us to do for global family
               Bob Santopadre
                                                                      Russo Family ...................................................... $2,000.00   planning, natural family plan-
                                                                                                                                                      ning, which our law allows to
Commentator 'I CHOSE YOU' -
June 3, 2022	The Catholic Commentator                                                                                                                                          5

    Diocese announces plans for Eucharistic Revival
                                                                                                      By Richard Meek                   parish delegates to participate with a
                                                                                                  The Catholic Commentator              learning mindset so they can assist in
                                                                                                                                        planning smaller eucharistic proces-
                                                                                              The Diocese of Baton Rouge, through       sions on Corpus Christi in 2023 at their
                                                                                          its website, announced the three-year         respective parishes.
                                                                                          Eucharistic Revival in the diocese will          The first year of the revival focuses
                                                                                          begin on the feast of Corpus Christi,         on reviving eucharistic devotion in di-
                                                                                          June 19, with an inaugural Mass and           ocesan clergy, Catholic Life Center em-
                                                                                          procession beginning at 10:30 a.m. at         ployees, church parish staffs and lead-
                                                                                          St. Joseph Cathedral in Baton Rouge.          ers from other apostolates/ministries.
                                                                                              The United Conference of Catho-              The year will include Holy Hours,
                                                                                          lic Bishops has called for a three-year       eucharistic retreats for priests and par-
                                                                                          grassroots revival of devotion and belief     ish staff and additional opportunities to
                                                                                          in the real presence of Jesus in the Eu-      learn about and abide with Jesus Christ
                                                                                          charist. The bishops have said they be-       in the Blessed Sacrament, diocesan offi-
                                                                                          lieve that God wants to see a movement        cials said.
                                                                                          of American Catholics healed, convert-           Additional details will be forthcom-
                                                                                          ed, formed and unified by an encoun-          ing.
                                                                                          ter with Jesus in the Eucharist and for          “As the beginning of these three
                                                                                          those Catholics to be sent on a mission       beautiful years dedicated to eucharis-
                                                                                          “for the life of the world.”                  tic devotion quickly approaches, let us
                                                                                              According to diocesan officials, the      all begin to pray with how the Lord is
                                                                                          procession has a two-fold purpose, the        personally calling each of us to a revival
                                                                                          first being the beginning of the diocesan     of the heart, mind and soul,” Bishop Mi-
                                                                                          participation in the National Eucharis-       chael G. Duca said.
                                                                                          tic Revival.                                     For additional information, visit
                                                                                              Second, the procession will allow

                                                                                                                                            T H E  C A T H O L I C

  CCDBR ‘trucking’ into hurricane season
                                                                                                                                            C O M M E N T A T O R

            By Richard Meek                  clude 12 hurricanes, five floods, three         Diocese of Baton Rouge area.
                                                                                                                                          Hot-off the Press
        The Catholic Commentator             tornadoes, tsunami, wildfire and con-
                                             servation. Although 17 of the 23 disas-
                                                                                                “Since 2005, Catholic Charities USA
                                                                                             has provided more than $170 million           & Delivered to
                                                                                                                                            You for Only
   Catholic Charities of the Diocese of      ters were in Louisiana, mostly in the Di-       dollars in donations to the Catholic
Baton Rouge, the preeminent disaster         ocese of Baton Rouge and surrounding            Charities agencies in the state of Loui-
relief agency in the region, is adding an-   areas, CCDBR’s expertise has been felt          siana, who in turn, have assisted more
other weapon in its arsenal just in time
for the start of hurricane season, one in
which forecasters
                                             from the New England states to Ameri-
                                             can Samoa, Aguillard said.
                                                                                             than 1.3 million men, women and chil-
                                                                                             dren with their disaster response and
                                                                                                                  recovery needs,”
                                                                                                                                            $14 per year
are predicting will                                                                                               Aguillard said.
be active.                                                                                                           He added that
   CCDBR         re-                                                                                              of the 168 Catholic
cently unveiled a                                                                                                 Charities agencies
26-foot box truck                                                                                                 across the coun-
intended to assist                                                                                                try, Louisiana has
in distributing di-                                                                                               received human,
saster relief ma-                                                                                                 financial and in-
terials following                                                                                                 kind     resources
a disaster. The                                                                                                   from 110 of those
truck was pur-                                                                                                    agencies, or 67%
chased with funds                                                                                                 of the entire net-
raised during the                                                                                                 work.
                       Catholic Charities of the Baton Rouge has purchased a 26-foot truck to aid in disaster re-
2016 flood ear-                                                                                                      Bishop       Mi-
                       lief services throughout the area and across the country. CCDBR purchased the truck with
marked for disas-                                                                                                 chael G. Duca was
                       funds raised during the 2016 flood earmarked for disaster preparedness through Catho-
ter preparedness                                                                                                  scheduled to bless
                       lic Charities USA. Photo provided by Catholic Charities
through Catholic                                                                                                  the truck before
Charities USA.                                                                                                    he celebrated the
   “CCDBR’s expertise in disasters is                Two years ago, CCDBR relief work- annual Hurricane Mass on June 1 at St.
both respected and actively sought out,” ers responded in Lake Charles when Joseph Cathedral in Baton Rouge.
said CCDBR Executive Director Aguil- that area was decimated by Hurricane                       Hurricane season in Louisiana is
lard. “Since 2005, our agency has been Laura. A year later, those same workers often a time of worry and anxiety for a                           TO SUBSCRIBE,
involved in or deployed to help in 23 di- donned their familiar green vests and lot of people,” Aguillard said. “We are
                                                                                                                                               CALL 225-387-0983.
sasters across the globe.”                       loaded the visible trailers to reach out to wanting to start the 2022 season off
   Aguillard said those disasters in- Hurricane Ida victims throughout the with hope.”
Commentator 'I CHOSE YOU' -
6   The Catholic Commentator	                                                                                                                                                                   June 3, 2022

                                          Missing graces?/Mary’s titles
        I miss being able to receive the          without changing the principles laid        consecrated wine we also receive the                      pray to her to protect us during hurricane
        Blood of Christ at Mass. Am I             down by the Council of Trent, declared      whole Christ (his body, blood, soul and                   season.
        missing out on any graces?                that Communion                                                 divinity).                                Some commemorate places where
                                                  under both kinds (or                                                                                  Mary appeared to us on earth. Exam-

A                                                                                                                     Q
         You are not missing out on any           species) may be grant-                                                          Why does              ples: Our Lady of Lourdes (where Mary
         graces. The Council of Trent,            ed when the bishops                                                             Mary have so          appeared to St. Bernadette in Lourdes,
         which was held in the middle of          see fit. In 1984, the                                                           many titles?          France); Our Lady of Fatima (where
the 16th century, declared “Christ whole          National Conference                                                                                   Mary appeared to three shepherd chil-

and entire, and a true sacrament, are             of Catholic Bishops                                                     Our Blessed                   dren in Fatima, Portugal in 1917).
received under either species alone (the          in America decided                                                      Lady has more                    Some show some aspect of her life.
consecrated host or the consecrated               that the policy was left                                                than 100 titles.              Examples: Theotokos, or “God Bearer,”
wine) and they, who receive one species           to the local bishop of                                          Each one sheds some                   reflects she was the mother of Jesus, the
alone, are not defrauded of any grace             each diocese.                                                   light on her true                     second person of the Holy Trinity; Our
necessary to salvation.”                             To summarize:                                                identity and points to                Lady of Sorrows indicates her intense
   Technically, receiving the Eucharist              The Council of                                               different aspects of                  suffering and grief she experienced
under one species is the law. In the early        Trent decided three                                             her life.                             during her son’s Passion and death.
years of the church, the faithful received
Communion under both species, the
                                                  basic provisions:
                                                  Communion under                Stump the Deacon                    Some depict events
                                                                                                                  in her life. Examples:
                                                                                                                                                           Some reflect her virtues. Examples:
                                                                                                                                                        Mother Most Pure reflects that she
sacred host and the precious blood. By            one species is the law,                                         Immaculate Concep-                    remained sinless her entire life; Second
the time of the Council of Trent, for var-        in receiving Commu-               Deacon George Hooper          tion (where Mary was                  Eve (Mary destroyed Eve’s disobedience
ious reasons, Communion to the faithful           nion under only one                                             conceived in her moth-                in the Garden of Eden, similar to how
using just the consecrated host became            species one receives all                                        er’s womb without                     Jesus destroyed Adam’s disobedience).
common place. So the Council declared             graces possible and the church has the      original sin; Virgin Mother (she became                      As you continue to honor Mary,
that it “has approved of this custom of           authority to determine the best way the     the mother of Jesus through the power of                  remember what she has done for us and
communicating under one species and               sacraments are to be administered.          the Holy Spirit).                                         that she can help us in many ways.
decreed that it was to be held as a law;             When we receive the body of Christ          Some show her powerful role of inter-
which it is not lawful … to change at plea-       under the form of the consecrated host,     cessor for us here on earth. Examples:                    DEACON HOOPER is a deacon assistant
sure, without the authority of the church         we receive the whole Christ (his body,      Queen of Peace (we can seek her help to                   at Immaculate Conception Church in
itself.”                                          blood, soul and divinity), and when we      give us peace here on earth); Our Lady of                 Denham Springs. He can be reached at
   In 1963 the Second Vatican Council,            receive Communion under the form of         Prompt Succor (or Quick Help), we often         

                 T H E        C A T H O L I C

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    AMITE                          Express Mart                      The Fresh Market          Steve Rabalais                        NEW ROADS                       SLAUGHTER
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    Cracker Barrel                 Shell Station                     Rogers Eye                Winn Dixie                           Magnuson Hotel
    CVS                            Shopper’s Value                   Romero’s                                                       Schneider Pediatric Clinic
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    Dixie Maid Drive In            Spanish Town Market               Sherman/Balhoff           LA Vet Home
Commentator 'I CHOSE YOU' -
June 3, 2022                                                                       FAITH JOURNEY                                                                              The Catholic Commentator   7

                    Magnificat helps women find fulfillment
             By Debbie Shelley                                                                                                                               She added, “Magnificat was God’s gift
          The Catholic Commentator                                                                                                                       to me and will continue to be his gift.
                                                                                                                                                         When God blesses, He does so tremen-
    As society grapples with issues of                                                                                                                   dously.”
“women’s empowerment” and “influ-                                                                                                                            Johnson noted during that break-
ence,” the international ministry Magnifi-                                                                                                               fast she learned of redemptive suffering
cat helps women find ultimate fulfillment                                                                                                                through her years as a young child of a
in becoming the person God created them                                                                                                                  broken marriage.
to be.                                                                                                                                                       “The constant fighting in my house-
    Magnificat, a Catholic women’s min-                                                                                                                  hold between my father and stepmother,
istry, is canonically rooted in the church                                                                                                               and then the agony of another divorce, I
as a Private Association of the Christian                                                                                                                simply didn’t have anything to do with
Faithful. It began under the inspiration                                                                                                                 the pain,” she said. “I remember sitting
of a daytime Charismatic prayer group in                                                                                                                 there listening to this new idea that my
New Orleans, according to Judy Zelden                                                                                                                    suffering could be used for the greater
of Baton Rouge, who served on the first                                                                                                                  good.”
Magnificat service team and is the author                                                                                                                    “I smiled knowing that the Catholic
of two Bible studies.                                                                                                                                    Church and that breakfast were right
    “It began to renew our faith and to see                                                                                                              where I was supposed to be.”
God’s word in a new light and see our faith                                                                                                                  Gwen Gillis, coordinator for the St.
in a new way but to also see that what the                                                                                                               Elizabeth of the Visitation Magnificat
world was telling women to be and to do                                                                                                                  chapter, agrees that the opportunity to
was so far from what Scripture says,”          Nicole Johnson speaks about her journey into the Catholic Church at a breakfast meeting                   praise and worship is a unique work of
Zelden said.                                   of the St. Elizabeth of the Visitation chapter of Magnificat. Photo by Debbie Shelley | The Catholic      the Holy Spirit in women’s lives.
    She said besides the emphasis on           Commentator                                                                                                  “My very first Magnificat breakfast
equality, such as women should be paid                                                                                                                   was in 2000,” Gillis said. “When I walked
equal to men for the same job, there were      beginning of the Charismatic Renewal               ies and leads VBS. She also serves as co-             into the prayer breakfast with the beau-
other elements, such as the promotion of       movement in the Catholic Church.                   ordinator of the service team for the West            tiful praise and worship music filling the
abortion that were incompatible with the          “And we started prayer breakfasts four          St. Tammany Chapter of Magnificat.                    room, I felt this is what my heart has been
faith.                                         times a year. And there were women from               She discussed how Magnificat                       longing for.
    “It seemed like women were on a pre-       across the river on the West Bank (of New          brought healing from strained family                      “I could feel an outpouring of the Holy
carious journey away from God’s plan,”         Orleans) who loved it and wanted some-             connections.                                          Spirit. When I left, I was full of the Holy
said Zelden.                                   thing like it in their own area,” Zelden              “I was invited to a Magnificat break-              Spirit. Since then I have always belonged
    As the group grew they attended a          said.                                              fast, even though I had no clue what it               to Magnificat. It has helped me learn how
meeting of “Women Aglo,” a non-denom-             From there, chapters sprouted in the            was,” she said. “I was really struggling              to pray and grow spiritually.”
inational version of Magnificat.               Slidell area, then the Mississippi Gulf            with the sense that God was abandoning                    “Today I serve on the service team,”
    “Women would be drawn to it and            Coast and from there expanded globally.            me even when I was following where he                 she added. “Even with all the work, it
loved it. But they were looking for some-         Zelden said she has made “many won-             sent me.                                              brings me joy. I tell everyone, I am work-
thing like that in the Catholic Church,”       derful connections” through Magnificat,               “I desperately longed to join in the               ing for the Lord, and he blesses me with
Zelden said.                                   and the testimonies given at their meet-           heavenly banquet of souls with unend-                 joy. Magnificat will be the salvation of my
    Magnificat founder Marilyn Quirk ap-       ings are powerful.                                 ing praise and worship that morning.                  soul.”
proached the late Bishop Stanley J. Ott,          “The Book of Revelation says the                After finishing our food, the music began                 For more information about the var-
who was then auxiliary bishop of the           saints overcame (Satan) through the                to play. We entered into a time of praise             ious spiritual growth opportunities
Archdiocese of New Orleans, and the late       blood of the lamb and through word of              and worship. And I knew that I was home               provided by Magnificat, visit magnifi
Archbishop Philip M. Hannan of New             their testimony, and the love of life did          during that time. I heard God whisper to     For more information
Orleans. They encouraged the women             not detour them from death,” she said.             my soul, ‘I haven’t forgotten you, my dear            about the St. Elizabeth of the Visitation
to start a Catholic Charismatic women’s        “So I think a woman who has really giv-            child.’ ”                                             Chapter, email
ministry.                                      en her whole heart and soul to God has
    The women prayed and felt the Holy         a powerful testimony to tell that reaches
Spirit prompting them to move forward.         others and touches others and encour-
The new ministry was given the name            ages others that if the Lord could do
Magnificat, which was inspired by the          that in her life, then he could do that in
Scripture passage of Mary’s visitation         mine.”
with Elizabeth.                                   One such testimony was April 30, giv-
    “The idea of Mary and Elizabeth, two       en by Nicole Johnson about her conver-
women anointed with the Holy Spirit and        sion to the Catholic Church at a breakfast
coming together and sharing the won-           meeting of St. Elizabeth of the Visitation
derful things that came out of that visit      Chapter of Magnificat in Baton Rouge.
(Mary, as the bearer of Christ, and Eliz-         Johnson spoke about how she denied
abeth as the bearer of St. John the Bap-       she would become Catholic. A mother of
tist, who leapt at the sound of Mary’s voice   two at the time and serving on the staff of
and would become the herald of Jesus as        a Methodist church, she began the RCIA
Christ, the redeemer.)”                        process with the intention to show her
    The first sold-out breakfast was held at   Catholic husband how the Catholic faith
the St. Dominic Church in New Orleans          was wrong.
Knights of Columbus Hall. The building            But she received a “wake up call” in
had a capacity of 200 people. The inaugu-      the middle of the night from God that he
ral speaker was Patti Mansfield, who par-      wanted her to join the Catholic Church.            Attendees at Magnificat prayer breakfast pray over speakers before they give their talk.
ticipated in the historic “Duquesne Week-      She and her husband have three children,           Those attending a Feb. 12 meeting of the St. Elizabeth of the Visitation Chapter of Magni-
end” in February, 1967, which marked the       and she is also a lector, teaches Bible stud-      ficat prayed over speaker singer Kitty Cleveland. File photo by Debbie Shelley | The Catholic Commentator
Commentator 'I CHOSE YOU' -
8   The Catholic Commentator	                                                                                                                                                    June 3, 2022

                Deacon Blount has ‘given’ himself to Jesus
            By Richard Meek                                                                                                                     is a challenge Deacon Blount embraces.
        The Catholic Commentator                                                                                                                    “What does it change in you, what
                                                                                                                                                does it mean, how does life now look
   During the laying of hands by Bishop                                                                                                         different?” he explained. “How does (re-
Michael G. Duca, while laying prostrate                                                                                                         ceiving the sacraments) affect their lives
on the altar at St. Joseph Cathedral in Ba-                                                                                                     and their walk toward eternity. How
ton Rouge as the Litany of Saints was be-                                                                                                       does it help form them to be saints?”
ing sung, Deacon Albert Blount knew that                                                                                                        Although living life as a celibate, Deacon
was the moment he was “all in” regarding                                                                                                        Blount admitted he has a deep love of
his vocation.                                                                                                                                   marriage and family life, so he is espe-
   “Until you are ordained, until hands                                                                                                         cially looking forward to helping couples
are laid on you (by the bishop) there is no                                                                                                     understand the sacrament of marriage.
100% guarantee things are going to hap-                                                                                                         He said what many couples do not under-
pen,” said Deacon Blount, whose family                                                                                                          stand is they are actually giving the vows
moved to Houma when he was five years                                                                                                           to each other, and it is not the priest giv-
old, said. “There is still an opportunity                                                                                                       ing the vows.
for something to come up, for the Lord to                                                                                                           Deacon Blount will be able to perform
change things. To be all in, the ordination                                                                                                     several sacramental duties of a priest, in-
has happened, there is no more question.                                                                                                        cluding marriage and funeral rites as well
No more flaking out on Jesus.”                                                                                                                  as well as assisting in RCIA classes. How-
   Deacon Blount and Deacon Joseph                                                                                                              ever, he cannot celebrate Mass or hear
Bresowar were ordained as transitional        Bishop Michael G. Duca lays hands on Deacon Albert Blount during The Rite of Ordaining confessions.
deacons, the final rite before priesthood     of Deacons on May 28 at St. Joseph Cathedral in Baton Rouge. Photo by Richard Meek | The Catholic     “For me, to take the opportunity to live
ordination, May 28 at the cathedral. Dea-     Commentator                                                                                       as a deacon and to live that well to serve
con Blount and Deacon Bresowar are                                                                                                              the people and be with the people is excit-
scheduled to be ordained to the priest-          Both deacons will spend the next four at Notre Dame Seminary in New Orle- ing,” Deacon Blount said of his internship.
hood in May 2023.                             months away from the academic grind ans, shifting priorities to their diacon- “To some level it’s intimidating. I must
                                                                                           ate assignments. For Deacon Blount, a preach in front of all of these people.”
                                                                                           self-admitted “people lover,” he relishes                Deacon Blount has taken a non-tradi-
                                                                                           the opportunity to be out of the classroom tional route to the seminary, having con-
                                                                                           and among parishioners at Immaculate verted to Catholicism 10 years ago. He
                                                                                           Conception Church in Denham Springs, admitted his sophomore year at LSU was
                                                                                           where he will serve his internship.                  “kind of a dark year,” figuring out “what
                                                                                              “You are not called to be in seminary was and what is the purpose of life. Life
                                                                                           but to be a priest,” he said. “What is the was kind of like all over the place.”
                                                                                           whole point of the class-                                                     He said a campus
                                                                                           room? To take (what                                                       minister at Christ the
                                                                                           one learns) and to give              “Until you are                       King Parish and Ac-
                                                                                           what I learned to every-                                                  tivity Center in Baton
                                                                                           one else; to serve and               ordained, until                      Rouge inspired him to
                                                                                           put all of the formation                                                  initially discern about
                                                                                           into practice.”                     hands are laid on                     becoming Catholic. He
                                                                                              Deacon Blount said                                                     said the joy and peace
                                                                                           the purpose of the di-             you (by the bishop)                    he found in the cam-
                                                                                           aconate internship is                                                     pus minister left him
                                                                                           twofold: gaining an un-             there is no 100%                      yearning for what she
                                                                                           derstanding of the dai-                                                   had found in her faith
                                                                                           ly operations of a par-           guarantee things are                    and in her life.
                                                                                           ish and also learn what                                                       He initially reject-
                                                                                           it means to be a priest             going to happen.”                     ed the idea of ordi-
                                                                                           and how to be in minis-                                                   nation but while on a
                                                                                           try with the people.                   Deacon Albert Blount               silent retreat in 2015
                                                                                              “Seminary is a lot of                                                  in Connecticut Deacon
                                                                                           academics, a lot of theory,” Deacon Blount Blount, during a moment of silence in
                                                                                           said “My desire is to be home with the eucharastic adoration, said he heard the
                                                                                           people.                                              Lord ask him. “Will you be a priest?”
                                                                                              “And then I’ll learn everything neces-                “It was a simple yes,” he said. “I real-
                                                                                           sary. The Lord will determine what needs ly believe the Lord is calling me to be his
                                                                                           to be learned.”                                      priest.”
                                                                                              He said those lessons will be offered by              Although his roots are planted in Hou-
                                                                                           ICC pastor Father Matthew Graham and ma, and he was living in the northeast at
                                                                                           parochial vicar Father Taylor, although the time, Deacon Blount knows he was
                                                                                           there is the potential for high-level din- called to return to Baton Rouge. So his
                                                                                           ner conversations since all three clergy first contact was with Father Josh John-
                                                                                           members studied engineering at LSU, son, who became his spiritual father.
                                                                                           with Deacon Blount and Father Sanford                    “(Father Johnson) told me ‘it’s about
                                                                                           former classmates.                                   time,’ ” Deacon Blount said of that initial
                                                                                              Administering the sacraments and conversation.
                                                                                           helping people to understanding the spiri-               “This is it. My discernment is over,” he
                                                                                           tual impact and meaning of the sacrament added. “I’ve given myself to Jesus.”
Commentator 'I CHOSE YOU' -
June 3, 2022	The Catholic Commentator                                                                                                                                                             9

 ‘Something more’ set Deacon Bresowar on journey
           By Debbie Shelley                     “It was this thing of ‘I’m taking owner-     couraged him to discuss it with someone                       The first person Deacon Bresowar
        The Catholic Commentator              ship of this.’ I’m putting myself into this     because “you will never know if it’s for you               talked to about his possible call to priest-
                                              and taking a certain amount of pride in it,     if you never ask.”                                         hood was Father Matthew Graham, who
    Knowing “there is something more giving myself to it, and it’s something that                 While he wasn’t ready to “sign up yet”                 at that time was parochial vicar at CTK.
here” set Deacon Joseph Bresowar on a is helping the church,” he said. “It’s some-            there was a bit of excitement and curios-                  Between his junior and senior years at
path of discovery that is leading him to a thing that is a part of what the church            ity and sense that maybe the priesthood                    LSU the process bore fruit and he was
priestly vocation.                            does. Just going and making music on            could be fulfilling.                                       ready to talk to Vocations Director Father
    He will spend the next year as a tran- Sunday and making beautiful music to                   After a couple of days, Deacon Breso-                  Andrew Merrick, who was then parochial
sitional deacon at St. Margaret Queen of help people’s worship experience.                    war went back to “Plan A,” which was to                    vicar at CTK.
Scotland Church in Albany where he will          “There were a lot of moments in (those)      get a college degree, marry and have a                        After finishing his bachelor’s degree in
learn the finer elements of serving hu- that were really kind of watershed mo-                family.                                                    civil engineering in 2017, Deacon Breso-
manity.                                       ments.”                                             However, it was during his college                     war entered seminary at St. Joseph Semi-
    Bishop Michael G. Duca ordained Dea-         Deacon Bresowar thought if everyone          years while attending Christ the King                      nary College in St. Benedict.
con Bresowar                                                                in the church     Church and Student Center in Baton                            There he found the peace and sense of
as a transition-                                                            was engaged       Rouge that his call to discern a priestly                  community he had longed for.
al deacon May                                                               with the Mass     vocation came into clearer focus.                             “What seminary has to teach me is not
28 at St. Joseph                                                            as he felt he         “I was getting more involved in my                     just pertaining to knowing my vocation to
Cathedral. He                                                               was,       they   faith (at CTK) and experiencing a vibrant                  the priesthood. It also teaches me about
is scheduled to                                                             would have vi-    faith community populated with people                      humanity and that each human person is
be ordained to                                                              brant faith.      my own age who actually cared about the                    created in the image of God,” said Deacon
the priesthood                                                                 “Singing for   faith more than I did. That was new for                    Bresowar.
in May 2023.                                                                Mass you have     me. I hadn’t experienced that before,” said                   He expressed excitement about his as-
    A native of                                                             to be engaged     Deacon Bresowar.                                           signment at St. Margaret.
Gonzales, Dea-                                                              with     what’s       He said CTK caught him at the right                       “I’m looking forward to stretching my
con Bresowar                                                                going on,” he     moment when he was ready to say, “I                        wings,” said Deacon Bresowar. “I’m look-
grew up in a                                                                said.      “You   need more of Jesus in my life.” The call to                ing forward to seeing what formation has
musically tal-                                                              have to know      priesthood came to the forefront and he                    done for me in terms of how I am able to
ented, faithful                                                             what’s coming     knew he “had to deal with it, because oth-                 take everything I have been given and
Catholic fam-                                                               next. Even that   erwise, nothing made sense until he dealt                  give it in an authentic, pastoral way to the
ily. His father                                                             simple act of     with the fundamental question.”                            people that I am going to serve.”
was choir di-                                                               ‘Okay, I’m pay-
rector at St. Bishop Michael G. Duca presents Deacon Joseph ing attention
Theresa         of Bresowar the Book of Gospels during The Rite of Or- to what’s going
Avila Church dination of Deacons on May 28 at St. Joseph Cathe- on because I’m
in Gonzales, dral in Baton Rouge. Photo by Richard Meek | The Catholic Com- interested in
and his mother mentator                                                     what’s about
would travel to                                                             to come be-
various churches playing the piano. His cause I might have to sing something and
sister, Rebecca, was choir director at St. I should be prepared for that.’ ”
John the Evangelist Church in Prairiev-          As he sat with the choir and listened to
ille, and she enlisted him to help out with the homily, he found himself pondering
the choir there during his high school the readings and rewriting the homily in
years.                                        the way he would give it.
    While church, itself, was in the fore-       “I had these thoughts sometimes that
ground, Deacon Bresowar said the famil- ‘It’s a shame that I’m not going to be a
iarity of the church environment prompt- priest because (the inspirational thoughts
ed him to become complacent.                  he had) would make a really good homi-
    But it’s in those “aha” moments in re- ly,’ ” said Deacon Bresowar, who grinned
flecting back that Deacon Bresowar can about “God’s sense of humor.”                          The Back to School special section will be in the
see the seeds “planted in darkness” led to       Family members asked him if he con-            July 15 issue of The Catholic Commentator.
his call to discern the priesthood.           sidered becoming a priest. From the time             Find out what will be happening in the
    In the high school PSR program at St. he was 12 years old his cousin, a priest in
Theresa, Deacon Bresowar was one of the the Diocese of Birmingham, Alabama,                      Diocese of Baton Rouge Catholic Schools
most outspoken and engaged of his peers. asked him, “Joseph when are you going to                       for the 2022-23 school year.
He was known as the “teacher’s pet” or be a priest?”
“star pupil” and jealous students snick-
ered behind his back.
                                                 He usually “wrote him off” because he
                                              believed it was coming from the perspec-
                                                                                                                    Deadline is July 1!
    But Deacon Bresowar sees how those tive that any young, single Catholic man
memories played a part in his vocational with a pulse should consider being a priest           To inquire about advertising your products and
discernment.                                  rather than there was “anything special”               services to this specialized market
    “When I went (to PSR class) most of about him. But he agrees it’s healthy for                       or space reservation contact
the high schoolers were just there be- young men to consider the priesthood to
cause their parents made them be there,” discover their true vocational call.                          Wanda Koch at 225-387-0983 or
he said. “I saw that and I thought ‘that         His sister Rebecca, who profoundly                        email
doesn’t seem quite right, seems like influenced his vocational call, asked him

there’s something more here.’                 “out of the blue” one night if he had con-                            T H E                   C A T H O L I C
    “I like the moreness of it, that there is sidered the priesthood. He gave the stan-
something more.”                              dard answer: “No, I don’t think so.”
    There was a similar occurrence during        She didn’t push him but said, “Well,
his time in his sister’s choir.               maybe you should think about it” and en-                                 S E R V I N G T H E D I O C E S E O F B AT O N R O U G E S I N C E 19 6 2
Commentator 'I CHOSE YOU' -
10    The Catholic Commentator | June 3, 2022	June 3, 2022 | The Catholic Commentator                                                                                                                                                                                               11

                                                                                         [A]                                                                        [B]                                                                           [C]                               [D]

                                          [E]                                                                                      [F]                                                 [G]                                                        [H]

     [A] Bishop Michael G. Duca shares a light moment with the              [C] Bishop Duca questions Deacon Blount, left, and Deacon      [F] Deacon Blount and his family shared a laugh during the   [I] The congregation joins in the Litany of Supplication while Dea-
     younger members of Deacon Joseph Bresowar’s family be-                 Bresowar regarding their willingness to embrace the office     ceremony when Bishop Duca stressed the importance of         con Blount, left, and Deacon Bresowar lay prostrate on the altar.
     fore the Rite of Ordination of Deacons on May 28 at St. Jo-            of deacon.                                                     sisters during his homily.
     seph Cathedral in Baton Rouge. Photos by Richard Meek | The Catholic                                                                                                                               [J] The newly ordained deacons lay prostrate at the altar during
     Commentator                                                            [D] Deacon Bresowar expresses his joy moments after his        [G] Deacon Bresowar, left, and Deacon Blount enter the ca-   the Litany of Supplication.
                                                                            ordination as a transitional deacon.                           thedral at the start of the ceremony.
     [B] Women religious were in attendance to join in the ordi-                                                                                                                                        [K] Bishop Duca blesses Deacon Blount’s godchild, John Pitre, son
     nation celebration.                                                    [E] Emily Froeba reads one of the readings as Bishop Duca      [H] Deacon Blount was vested by Nick Ware, a seminarian      of Sam and Emily Pitre, during Communion.
                                                                            looks on in the background.                                    from the Diocese of Lafayette.

                                                                                                                                         [I]                                                                                                                                  [J]   [K]
12   The Catholic Commentator	                                                                                                                                                 June 3, 2022

                                                                                                  Bishop Duca commends
                                                                                                 child protection advocates
                                                                                                            By Richard Meek                    are much more knowledgeable about chil-
                                                                                                        The Catholic Commentator               dren abuse and are aware of the danger
                                                                                                                                               signs, the bishop said.
                                                                                                   Bishop Michael G. Duca acknowledged             “We know what it truly means to be
                                                                                                the Catholic Church has endured previous       respectful of others, what it means to
                                                                                                challenges and is still living through dif-    really look out for the care of the young-
                                                                                                ficult times dealing with the profound sin     est and eldest and the most vulnerable,”
                                                                                                in the church of sexual abuse.                 he said. “There is a heighten sense to
                                                                                                   “It is one that has hit hard, hit at the    make sure no one ever has to go through
                                                                                                heart of the church; it is one that took       that again.”
                                                                                                away the innocence that we had, that we            Bishop Duca was passionate in empha-
                                                                                                could believe that things that were in the     sizing that in today’s society “we cannot
                                                                                                church were good,” Bishop Duca dur-            let things slide.
                                                                                                ing his homily at a special Mass on April          “As we get further away from some of
                                                                                                26 at St. Joseph Chapel in Baton Rouge         the most critical moments in church life,
                                                                                                commemorating April as National Child          we tend to become a little lax, and people
                                                                                                Abuse Awareness Month.                         begin to let things slide.”
                                                                                                   “We were robbed of that innocence,”             “If we don’t remember, if we don’t keep
                                                                                                the bishop told the appointed child pro-       remembering and keep everyone else
                                                                                                tection site coordinators of institutions of   aware, we run the risk of it all happen-
                                                                                                the Diocese of Baton Rouge attending the       ing again, especially more so because the
In honor of National Child Abuse Prevention Month, members of God’s Warriors from St.           Mass. “Maybe it was kind of naïve but it       sins we are talking about today seem to be
Theresa Middle School in Gonzales planted pinwheels in the Rosary Garden to raise               was a good kind of naïve.”                     more obvious, seem to be more prevalent,
awareness and prayed for victims of child abuse. Photo submitted by Kim Lacinak | St. Theresa      Today, the public and child advocates                   SEE ADVOCATES PAGE 13

                                                                                                 During his homily at a special Mass commemorating April as National Child Abuse Month,
                                                                                                 Bishop Michael G. Duca commended child protection advocates, calling their ministry
                                                                                                 “one of the most important in the church.” Photo by Richard Meek | The Catholic Commentator
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