Page created by Willie Morris
     C L A S S O F 2021
  T H E T W E N T Y- S E CO N D O F M AY
 T WO T H O U S A N D T W E N T Y- O N E
CL ASS OF 2021
  L M C U B A L L PA R K
Class of 2021,

Congratulations! This occasion marks a significant moment for you—the culmination of your hard
work and dedication. You have not only achieved your degree, but you have cultivated lifelong friend-
ships, grown in your faith, and made this community richer and fuller through your presence.

 You have also learned some life lessons, especially during the pandemic season in which you are
finishing your time at Calvin, on what it means to persevere. Throughout Calvin’s 145-year history,
students have endured trials of many kinds, many of them personal and unspoken, and others experi-
enced together in community. During your time at Calvin, you have undoubtedly faced both personal
and community-wide trials. And over the past 15 months, the whole world as a global community has
gone through one of these trials together.

While we lament the losses of this season, I encourage you to take time to celebrate the ways you
both individually and in community grew over the past 15 months —how you adapted, innovated,
and ultimately persevered. And as you move through this season into the next, remember the words
of Hebrews 12:1–3, which serve as a reminder that you are not alone when you go through trials of
many kinds. Be encouraged by those who have gone before you and those who are walking alongside
you, none greater than Christ.

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that
 hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for
 us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured
 the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who
 endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.”

As students, you have deeply blessed our campus community, and as alumni, you will indelibly shape
the world. Do not grow weary, but persevere as Christ’s agents of renewal in the world.

Blessings on the road ahead,

Michael K. Le Roy

                           ORDER OF CEREMONY

 Ballpark Medley

 Sine Nomine                                 Ralph Vaughan Williams, arr. by Alfred Reed

 Michael K. Le Roy, PhD, president

 Mary S. Hulst, PhD, university pastor

 Rejoice in All Your Works                          Wendell Kimbrough, arr. Greg Scheer

* Please rise in body or spirit.

Rejoice in All Your Works
                                       Rejoice in All Your Works
  # 6                                                              ë                                                                ë
 & # 8 ‰                    œ œ           œ
                                                    œ             œ œ. ‰                                           ë
                                                                                                                  œ œ              œ œ.
                   œ                                                                      œ œ œ
                1 Ev - ery mouth that cries                       for       food,         ev - ery lung          that yearns       for breath,
                2 Ev - ery tree  that thirsts                     for        rain,        ev - ery bird          that seeks        its nest,
    choir only: 3 May the pon - d'rings of                        my        heart        and the song             up - on          my lips
  #                                                                ë                         ë
 & # ‰ œ œ                     œ         œ
                                                œ                 œ            œ            œ œ                      œ
                                                                                                                      ë        œ.
                 ev - ery    eye    that search - es                         through       the    dark              for      light,
                 ev - ery    heart  that waits     in                        hope            to    be              made      glad,
                with the     chor - us     of     cre                       - a    -       tion   join               in      praise
  #                                                          ë                                                                       ë
 & # Œ.            ‰                      ë
                                         œ œ                œ œ.                     ‰                              ë
                                                                                                                   œ œ              œ œ.
                        œ œ œ                                                             œ œ œ
                       all cre - a - tion looks             to       you,                for its breath and for                     its food;
                       all cre - a - tion looks             to       you,                for its breath and for                     its food;
                       to the God who made                  all     things,               to the Spir - it who                     sus - tains,

  #                                                                 ë                       ë
 & # ‰ œ œ                         œ      œ œ
                                          ì                        œ           œ           œ œ                     œ
                                                                                                                    ë       œ.
                from the       good - ness       of           your           hand        they're sat         -      is - fied.
                from the       good - ness       of           your           hand        they're sat         -      is - fied.
                  to the       Son    who        o      -      ver            all          cre - a       -        tion   reigns.

  #                                               ë                                                                  ë
 & # Œ.            ‰ œ œ œ             œ œ
                                       ì         œ œ.                       ‰ œ œ œ                 œ œ
                                                                                                    ì               œ œ.              ‰ œ œ
                       Oh re - joice   in all   your works,                    King of heav - en, King              of    earth!         Ev-ery
  #          ë                                               Œ . Œ . ‰ œ œ œ œ œ œë œ . ‰ œ œ
 & # œ œì œ œ œ œë œ                                     ë
                                                        œ œ.                 ì
         crea-ture you have made de-clares your praise.                                    We re- joice in all you've made, God of

  #                            ë                                                                   ë                ë
 & # œ ìœ œ                   œ œ.           ‰ œ œ œ                               œ œ
                                                                                   ì              œ œ              œ œ              ë
                                                                                                                                   œ œ.
          all    su-stain - ing grace;          with the moun - tain, sky,                    and      sea        we sing      your praise.

Words and Music: Psalm 104, Wendell Kimbrough © 2014 Wendell Kimbrough
Used by permission. CCLI #400063.

Rejoice in All Your Works
                                              Translation, not for singing

Literal Translation - Spanish                                   Literal Translation - Korean
Alégrate en todas tus obras                                     기뻐하소서 (시편 104편)

Toda boca que clama por comida,                                 양식을 위해 부르짖는 모든 입과,
cada pulmón que anhela respirar,                                호흡을 갈구하는 모든 허파,
todo ojo que busca luz en la oscuridad:                         어둠 속 빛을 찾아 헤메는 모든 눈—
toda la creación te busca                                       이 모든 피조물이 주를 우러러 봅니다.
para respirar y alimentarse;                                    주께서 주시는 호흡과 양식을 바라며.
de la bondad de tu mano estamos satisfechos.                    주의 선하신 손으로부터 우리는 만족됩니다.

Coro:                                                           후렴:
¡Oh alégrate en todas tus obras,                                기뻐하소서, 오 하늘과 땅의 왕 되신 주여!
rey del cielo, rey de la tierra!                                주의 행하신 모든 일들로 인해 기뻐하소서.
Cada criatura que has hecho declara su alabanza.                주께서 만드신 모든 피조물이 주를 찬양합니다.
Nos regocijamos en todo lo que has hecho,                       은혜로 만물을 붙드시는 하나님이여!
Dios, todo lo sustentas con tu gracia;                          우리도 주의 지으심을 인해 기뻐하며,
con la montaña, el cielo y el mar, te cantamos alabanzas.       산과 하늘과 바다와 함께 노래하며 주를 찬송합니다.

Todo árbol que tiene sed de lluvia,                             비를 갈망하는 모든 나무와,
cada ave que busca su nido,                                     둥지를 찾아 떠나는 모든 새,
todo corazón que espera alegrarse:                              기쁨을 소망하며 기다리는 모든 마음—

toda la creación te busca                                       이 모든 피조물이 주를 우러러 봅니다.

por su aliento y alimento;                                      주께서 주시는 호흡과 양식을 바라며.

de la bondad de tu mano estamos satisfechos.                    주의 선하신 손으로부터 우리는 만족됩니다.

¡Que las meditaciones de mi corazón                             나의 마음의 묵상과
y la canción en mis labios                                      나의 입술의 노래가
se unan con el coro de la creación para alabar                  온 세상 만물의 화답과 함께
al Dios que hizo todas las cosas,                               만물을 지으신 성부,
al Espíritu que las sostiene,                                   만물을 붙드시는 성령,
y al Hijo que reina sobre toda la creación!                     만물을 다스리시는 성자 하나님을 찬양합니다.

Sarah A. Visser, PhD, vice president, Student Life

“The Gifts of Hindsight”
Claire S. Murashima ’21, student body president

Colossians 3:16 –17
Adelaide E. Nyanyo ’21, graduate

“High Calling Work”
William P. Robinson, PhD, president emeritus, Whitworth University

Led by Bruce A. Los, chair, Board of Trustees
and Jeremiah W. Brooks ’21, graduate

Leader:     Almighty God, we cannot know how many prayers you are answering on this
            glad day. But we know this: great is your faithfulness.

Student:    Holy Spirit, we cannot know, either, how many new prayers you are kindling in
            this graduating class. But we know that your love is broader than the measure
            of our minds.

Leader:     Lord, we come to you in joy at what these students have accomplished, but we
            also come to you keenly aware of how deeply we need to rely on your providence,
            not our own plans.

Student:    Lord, we come to you with joy, but some of us fnd ourselves wrestling with
            uncertainties, too. So teach us to trust you. Refne the questions and prayers we
            carry within us. Remind us that there is no shadow of turning with you.

Leader:     Even as we praise you for your constancy, though, let us thank you for the ways
            that Calvin has changed. Let us thank you for the beginning of this school’s
            story, when it was a small seminary for the sons of Dutch immigrants [...]

Student:    and let us thank you for your mercies in the present moment, as Calvin
            University honors students who have studied at the Grand Rapids Campus,
            at the Handlon Campus, and in digital classrooms across the globe.

Leader:     We thank you for making us one community. And we thank you because you have
            made us, without regard for gender or passport, your siblings.

Student:    Jesus, there is a wideness in your mercy. May we, then, not turn inward but
            instead follow you into the whole world, which you hold in your hands.

Leader:     God of all centuries, give your church a thousand tongues in which to praise
            your name.

Student:    God of every second, call us by name. Be Thou our vision.

All:        Amen.

Cheryl K. Brandsen, PhD, provost
Michael K. Le Roy, PhD, president


Michael K. Le Roy, PhD, president

om All Blessings Flow
                                         C    G     D

       ˙        œ œ œ œ                  ˙ ˙ ˙
       ˙        œ œ œ œ                  ˙ ˙ ˙
                * CLOSING SONG
 ; praise him, all crea-
            Praise   Godtures
                               Whombe - low;
                                        All Blessings Flow
                œ Dutch
                    œ œœ œœ              ˙ ˙ ˙˙
                                         ˙ ˙
                    Aan God de Vader zij de eer,
                                                                                         만복의 근원 하나님
        #           aan God de Zoon voor immermeer,                                      온 백성 찬송드리고

   ˙ œ
  D/F       G       aan
                      D God C deGGeest
                                  /D D dieGtroost en leidt                               저 천사여 찬송하세

         œ     œ œœ ˙ ˙ w
                    zij lof nu en te allen tijd.                                         찬송 성부 성자 성령
   ˙ œ . English
           #œ œ        ˙ . nœ w
            JPraise God, from whom
                                   all blessings fow;                                    颂赞上主万福之源;
 praise Fa - ther, praise
                    Son, and
                               all- ly below;
   ˙˙ œ œœ
                        œœ œœ ˙˙ ˙˙                w
                    praise him above, ye heavenly host;                                  颂赞圣灵,我保惠师;

                    praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.                                  崇敬至尊三一真神。
                   Gloire à Dieu, notre Créateur;                                       Navajo
                   Koreanà Christ, notre Rédempteur;                                      Bóhólníihii baa dahohniih,
                   만만만à근근  l’Esprit
                               하하하   Consolateur!                                         ‘Éí baa ‘ahééh danohsinii,
 ur;               Louange
                   만만만 찬찬하찬찬 et gloire à Dieu, Sauveur.                                   Nihookáá’ diné nohlíinii
               알알알알 알알알알                                                                  Chánahgo bich’i’ dahohtaal.
mpteur;      German
 onsolateur!   만 주주주
               Gott     주 dem
                    Vater, 하하하 sei ewig Herr,                                           Portuguese
               힘 주주주
               Gott     주 der
                    Sohn,  예예하ist der einig Herr,                                        A Deus, supremo benfeitor.
 eur.          주만 dem
               und  성성 찬찬하찬
                        Tröster, Heiligen Geist,                                         Ao FilhoIeterno,
               von nun 알알알알
               알알알알    an bis in알알알알
                                 Ewigkeit.                                               Deus deIamor.
                                                                                         Ao Santo Deus consolador,
 benfeitor. Japanese
              Japanese                                                                   Ó anjos eIhomens
              たたえよ主の民                                                                    dai louvor.
 nsolador,    御使いとともに
                                                                                          A Dios, el Padre celestial,
                                                                                          al Hijo, nuestro Redentor,
                     Mandar n                                                             al eternal Consolador
 elestial,           颂赞上主万福之源;                                                            unidos todos alabad.
 edentor,            颂赞基督救赎恩洪;
ador             Dutch: Ambrose (340–397) tr. J. W. Nordholt, P.D.; English: Thomas Ken, 1709, P.D.; French: Théodore Monod (1836–1921), P.D.; German:
                 Martin  Luther, 1543 P.D; Japanese: Reita Yazawa ©2012 Faith Alive Christian Resources; Korean: The United Methodist Hymnal Committee
                 © 2001  The United Methodist Publishing House, admin. The Copyright Company; Mandarin: Jiang huimin, tr. and adapt. 2002; Navajo:
                 source unknown; Portuguese: Sarah Poulton Kalley, 1861, © Imprensa Metodista; Spanish: tr. Used by permission. CCLI # 400063.
 r zij de eer,                                                                      8
Calvinite March                                                                                      Dale Grotenhuis

The Calvinite March offers an energetic musical flourish that culminates with the melody of Calvin’s Alma Mater,
evoking its concluding affirmation, “Calvin, Calvin, God has been thy guide. Dear alma mater, thy strength He shall
provide. Be loyal, ever, to the faith of old; God’s name and honor we ever shall uphold.”

                         The audience is requested to remain seated during the
                       recessional until trustees, faculty, and graduates have exited.


William J. Boer                Timothy S. Goudzwaard             Christopher J.             Alicia G. Sinclair
Grand Rapids, MI               Oak Forest, IL                    Kingdom-Grier              Toronto, ON
                                                                 Grand Rapids, MI
Janice K. Buikema                                                                           Scott A. Spoelhof
                               Wendy L. Hofman
                                                                 Alice C. Klamer            Holland, MI
Frankfort, IL                  Lansing, MI
                                                                 Beamsville, ON
                                                                                            Carl B. Triemstra
E. Wayne Coleman               Marjorie G. Hoogeboom
                                                                 Mary E. Tuuk Kuras         Palos Park, IL
Paterson, NJ
                               Grand Rapids, MI                  Ada, MI                    Steven J. Triezenberg
Nathan A.                                                                                   Ada, MI
                               Timothy Howerzyl                  Jonathan S. Kuyers
DeJong McCarron
                               Gallup, NM                        Pella, IA                  Ray VanderKooi
Grand Rapids, MI
                                                                                            Grand Rapids, MI
                               Benjamin T. Ipema                 Bruce A. Los
Fernando L. Del Rosario
                               Kalamazoo, MI                     Holland, MI                Rachel M. Vander Veen
San Lorenzo, CA                                                                             San Jose, CA
                                                                 Richard P. Mast
Jeffrey L. DeNooyer            Lambert H. Kamp
                                                                 Edmonton, AB               Thomas J. Wybenga
Kalamazoo, MI                  Orland Park, IL                                              Bellevue, WA
                                                                 Lois A. Miller
Andrew J. Elliot               Andrea P. Karsten                 Bloomfield Hills, MI       Willemina L. Zwart
Rochester, NY                  Grand Rapids, MI                                             London, ON
                                                                 Rhonda M. Roorda
                                                                 Brighton, MI

Claire S. Murashima

Claire Murashima is a third-generation Calvin graduate from
Orange County, California, and Chapel Hill, North Carolina. She is
passionate about advocating for the needs of underrepresented com-
munities. At Calvin, Claire has served as senator, vice president, and
student body president on Student Senate; an orientation leader;
the co-host and producer of the ofcial podcast from Chimes; and the
president of Calvin Dance Marathon. She leaves a legacy of starting
Dance Marathon at Calvin, which has raised over $75,000 for the
Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital since 2017. Claire is graduating
today with a BA in Marketing Management, and she plans to pursue
a career in journalism.

William P. Robinson

Bill Robinson is president emeritus of Whitworth University in
Spokane, Washington. While there, he worked closely with his
friend and colleague, Calvin President Michael Le Roy. Since 2010,
after serving 24 years as a college president, Bill’s work-life has
consisted of speaking, consulting, writing and service on boards,
including that of Princeton Theological Seminary which he chaired
from 2013–2017. In 2014, Bill served as interim president of The
Council for Christian Colleges & Universities (CCCU) and in 2015
was awarded the Senator Mark O. Hatfeld Leadership Award,
CCCU’s highest recognition. In 2010, a second edition of his book
Leading People from the Middle: The Universal Mission of Mind
and Heart was released. In February 2009, Incarnate Leadership was
published by Zondervan (Harper Collins). Bill and his wife, Bonnie,
a professional musician, live in Spokane, Washington.

              F R O M T H E PA S T F O U R Y E A R S
   The Calvin LifeWork
   program launches. The
   innovative, co-curricular                           For the fourth
   program equips                                      consecutive year,
   students with practical                             Calvin wins the MIAA            Calvin is one of
   skills that complement                              Commissioner’s Cup,             13 institutions
   their classroom                                     an award given to the           nationwide to be
   experience.                                         top athletics program           awarded a Beckman
                                                       based on its cumulative         Scholars Program,
                                                       performance in the              a prestigious award
            Calvin advances                            league’s 20 sports for          recognizing places
            its commitment to                          men and women.                  that excel in providing
            sustainability with                                                        undergraduate research
            President Michael Le                                                       opportunities for
            Roy signing Second                                                         students.
            Nature’s Presidents’

            Climate Commitment.

                                                                                 The Calvin Institute of Christian
                Off-Campus Programs celebrates                                   Worship establishes the Ministry
                its 50th anniversary of sending                                  Leadership Cohort, a two-year
                students abroad. The Institute                                   program for students who show
                for International Education                                      potential for leadership in the
                ranks Calvin as a top-five                                       local church.
                baccalaureate institution for
                total number of students who
                study abroad.                             Calvin launches the de Vries
                                                          Institute for Global Faculty
                                                          Development. The university
StreetFest, a service-learning                            is now home to 12 Centers
opportunity that occurs during                            and Institutes which promote
Calvin’s first-year student                               thought and action in key areas
orientation program, celebrates                           of education and culture. An
its 25th anniversary.                                     $11 million gift to the institute
                                                          follows in 2020.

Following its inaugural
                                                                year as a university,
                                                                Calvin debuts as #3
                                                                out of 157 schools in
                              The first cohort of               the Midwest Regional
                              students in the Calvin            Universities category as
                              Prison Initiative                 ranked in U.S. News &
As part of Vision 2030,       completes their                   World Report.
Calvin College changes        requirements to earn
its name to Calvin            a bachelor’s degree.
University on July 10.        Calvin is the first
                              institution in Michigan                                      Calvin launches
                              to offer a full bachelor’s                                   graduate programs in
                              degree to inmates.                                           Geographic Information
                                                                                           Science (GIS) and Media
                                                                                           and Strategic Communi-
                                                                                           cation (MSC), with more
                                   The Class of 2020                                       graduate programs
                                   becomes the first class                                 launching in fall 2021.
                                   to complete degrees at
                                   Calvin University.

                2019–2020                                                     Calvin breaks ground on its
                                   In response to the                         School of Business building.
                                   COVID-19 pandemic,                         The new 15,000-square foot
    Calvin creates an              beginning March 16,                        building is expected to be
    associate provost              Calvin University moves                    ready for fall 2022 classes.
    position to focus on           all classroom instruction
    extending Calvin’s             online for the remainder
    mission to reach new           of the spring semes-
    populations through the        ter. In-person classes            A $1.2 million U.S. Depart-
    Calvin Global Campus.          resume in fall 2021.              ment of Education grant puts
                                                                     Calvin on a path to be the first
                                                                     university in Michigan to offer
                              Calvin men’s basketball                a Comprehensive Transition
                              wins both contests with                and Postsecondary Program
                              Hope in the Rivalry’s                  for students with intellectual
                              centennial year.                       disabilities.

LEARNING                           FAITH
                                 BROAD                       INFORMED
                                  DEEP                      COURAGEOUS
                                ENGAGED                        LIVED

                        CITIZENSHIP                     VOCATION
                                 LOCAL                       RESPONSIVE
                                GLOBAL                       DISCERNING
                               CHRISTLIKE                     DYNAMIC

The mission of Calvin University is to equip students to think deeply, to act justly, and to live
wholeheartedly as Christ’s agents of renewal in the world.

Calvin’s educational framework is derived from that mission. It articulates a frame that ensures
integrated, coherent, holistic programs and practices in which students learn and develop. The
framework names university-wide goals that ground the institution’s curricular and co-curricular
activities. It attempts to answer the question,“What are the enduring characteristics or qualities of
thinking, doing, and being that mark a Calvin University graduate?”

The four primary components of the educational framework will be projected on the ballpark’s big
board prior to today’s ceremony.

            FO R D EG R E E S A N D C E RT I F I C AT E S
                              2 02 1

             The multi-colored flower arrangement that includes an iris flower as a focal point on
             the platform is in loving memory of the life of student Iris Jones, March 8, 1999 —
             August 19, 2020. Iris is remembered by the Calvin community for her joy, leadership,
             and determination, and for the way her kindness impacted the lives of many.

Cobe R. Benzel, MAcc        Creaghan A. Diekema,            Christopher T. Leys, MAcc   Elizabeth L. Plowman,
Accounting                  MAcc                            Accounting                  MAcc
                            Accounting                                                  Accounting
Allison N. Bosch, MAcc                                      Marisa G. Neil, MAcc
Accounting                  Tyler J. Haveman, MAcc          Accounting                  Hudson R. Siegers, MAcc
                            Accounting                                                  Accounting
Janice Brian, MAcc                                          Jacob S. Niewiek, MAcc
Accounting                  Austin J. Huizenga, MAcc        Accounting                  Graham M. Umlauf, MAcc
                            Accounting                                                  Accounting
Owen N. Brookhouse, MAcc                                    David J. O’Brien, MAcc
Accounting               Hyosun Jang, MAcc                  Accounting                  Daniel J. Vanden Berge,
                         Accounting                                                     MAcc
Megan S. DeBoer, MAcc                                       Chris Osei Boapem, MAcc     Accounting
Accounting               Ryan M. Leunk, MAcc                Accounting
                         Accounting                                                     Oliver G. Weesner, MAcc
Samuel I. Dennen, MAcc                                                                  Accounting

Heidi R. Groenboom, MA       Abigail E. León, MA               Simon J. Post, BA
Media and Strategic          Media and Strategic               Media and Strategic
Communication                Communication                     Communication

Jenna N. Abi-Mansour, MA     Lindsey D. Gilder, MA             Natalie M. Jacob, MA         Morgan P. Stearns, MA
Speech-Language Pathology    Speech-Language Pathology         Speech-Language Pathology    Speech-Language Pathology
Ashton H. Bowersock, MA      Joy Gloria L. Gregorio, MA        Hemi Kong, MA                Hailey M. Valk, MA
Speech-Language Pathology    Speech-Language Pathology         Speech-Language Pathology    Speech-Language Pathology
Sydney M. Boyer, MA          Hannah E. Gritter, MA             Megan K. Noordewier, MA      Eileen Warner, MA
Speech-Language Pathology    Speech-Language Pathology         Speech-Language Pathology    Speech-Language Pathology
Meghan A. Bronkema, MA       Aubrie J. Helmus, MA              Amanda J. Redeker, MA        Mackenzie R. Wiegers, MA
Speech-Language Pathology    Speech-Language Pathology         Speech-Language Pathology    Speech-Language Pathology
Mariah A. Camarena, MA       Alexa F. Hollenbeck, MA           Leland P. Robertson, MA      Emma E. Winter, MA
Speech-Language Pathology    Speech-Language Pathology         Speech-Language Pathology    Speech-Language Pathology
Lauren K. De Vries, MA       Shannon G. Hulliberger,           Brianna D. Romero, MA        Amanda R. Yoder, MA
Speech-Language Pathology    MA                                Speech-Language Pathology    Speech-Language Pathology
                             Speech-Language Pathology
Grace A. Eisma, MA                                             Erica C. Ross, MA
Speech-Language Pathology    Courtney M. Hunt, MA              Speech-Language Pathology
                             Speech-Language Pathology
Hannah L. Genzink, MA                                          Della G. Snoeyink, MA
Speech-Language Pathology    Katie E. Irons, MA                Speech-Language Pathology
                             Speech-Language Pathology

Mina Baek, MEd               Jordin R. Dahlberg, MEd           Hye Kyung Kim, MEd           Bevan Vanderhill, MEd
Inclusive Education          Literacy                          Educational Leadership       Curriculum and Instruction
Kelli J. Boender, MEd        Elizabeth E. Donkersloot,         Ginette L. Mack, MEd         Averi M. L. Vroegop, MEd
Curriculum and Instruction   MEd                               Educational Leadership       Literacy
Lisa J. Boone, MEd                                             Jianpeng Qin, MEd            Julie A. Watson, MEd
Inclusive Education          Tricia M. Figueroa, MEd           Literacy                     Inclusive Education
                             Inclusive Education
Traver S. Carlson, MEd                                         Caryn Stransky, MEd          Eena M. Wright, MEd
Curriculum and Instruction   Morgan E. Green, MEd              Curriculum and Instruction   Educational Leadership
                             Curriculum and Instruction
Justin D. Crull, MEd                                           Kaitlin L. Thrasher, MEd     Aminta D. Young, MEd
Curriculum and Instruction   Leeann E. Hanse, MEd              Curriculum and Instruction   Literacy
                                                                                            Ryan C. Zuiderveen, MEd
                                                                                            Inclusive Education

Oreoluwa O. Adebayo, BSE    Benedict J. Arthur, BSE           Samantha Y. Ballast, BA          Esther R. Berkompas,
Engineering                 Engineering                       Graphic Design                   BSN
                            magna cum laude                                                    Nursing
Ugochi A. Adiele, BS                                          Amy Baray, BA
                                                                                               magna cum laude
Biochemistry                Paul A. Atherley, BA              Kinesiology
                            Interdisciplinary                                                  William S. Berry, BSE
Isabelle G. Adsmond, BA                                       Laura K. Barbachyn, BSE
Strategic Communication,    Justin W. Aurich, BSW             Engineering
Psychology                  Social Work                                                        Tucker N. Besch, BA
                                                              Mitchell A. Barbee, BA
cum laude                   cum laude                                                          Marketing
Alfred Agyei Marfo, BS      Kimberly I. Ayala, BSW            cum laude                        Grace A. Beversluis, BA
Computer Science Plus       Social Work                                                        Marketing
                                                              Rebecca K. Barnes, BSN
Robert L. Akinie, BSE       Elizabeth A. Baas, BA             Nursing                          Victor-Ivan E. Bienaime,
Engineering                 Elementary Education,                                              BS
                                                              Julia I. Bass, BA
                            Spanish                                                            Biochemistry
Michael M. Akpabey, BS                                        Writing
                            magna cum laude
Biology                                                                                        Alyssa J. Bingle, BA
                                                              Luke R. Batt, BS
                            Lauren R. Baas, BA                                                 Writing
Ian M. Allan, BA                                              Biochemistry, Philosophy
                            History, Political Science
Business-Entrepreneurship                                     magna cum laude                  Stephanie M. Blakemore,
                            magna cum laude
Concentration                                                                                  BSW
                                                              Lawrence K. Beamer, BA
                            Rebekah G. Baas, BA                                                Social Work
Bryce D. Allen, BCS                                           Film and Media
                            International Relations                                            cum laude
Computer Science
                                                              Ivan L. Bechtol, BA
                            Karley E. Babcock, BSE                                             Matthew S. Blanker, BSA
Elise D. Allen, BA                                            Faith and Community
                            Engineering                                                        Accounting
Graphic Design                                                Leadership
                            Margaret A. Backus, BA            summa cum laude                  Abigail G. Blauser, BA
Nathaniel D. Ames, BSN
                            Linguistics with honors,                                           Speech Pathology and
Nursing                                                       Dorie B. Bekins, BSW
                            Spanish                                                            Audiology
                                                              Social Work
Kenneth Amoah Nyame,        summa cum laude                                                    magna cum laude
BSE                                                           Spencer G. Bell, BA
                            Esther N. Baidoo, BA                                               Bernard K. Boadu, BS
Engineering                                                   Religion
                            Economics                                                          Computer Science Plus
Victoria O. Anaele, BSW     magna cum laude                   Laura A. Bennink, BA             cum laude
Social Work                                                   Elementary Education, Early
                            Frances X. Bailey, BS                                              Ammann Boakye, BSE
                                                              Childhood Education
Julia V. Anderson, BA       Psychology                                                         Engineering
                                                              cum laude
                            Marshall R. Bailey, BA                                             Kwaku Boateng, BSE
                                                              Cailynn A. Berg, BSE
Benjamin E. Anema, BA       Marketing                                                          Engineering
Political Science                                                                              magna cum laude
                            Dena M. Baker, BS
                                                              Amelia G. Berglund, BA
Danish Ansari, BS           Environmental Health and                                           Cecily P. Bobrowski, BA
                                                              Linguistics, Classical Studies
Biology                     Conservation                                                       Marketing
                                                              magna cum laude
                            cum laude                                                          magna cum laude
Maame K. Appiah, BS
                                                              Alex C. Bergsma, BA
Biology                     Joel W. Baker, BSE                                                 Noah M. Boelens, BA
                            Engineering, Religion                                              Marketing
Kai A. Arbogast, BSE

Matthew B. Boelkins, BSE      Forrest J. Bouyer, BA           Abigail C. Brower, BA         Arthur H. Cayce, BA
Engineering                   Marketing                       Speech Pathology and          Faith and Community
magna cum laude                                               Audiology                     Leadership
                              Nathaniel J. Bramer, BSE
Rebecca A. Boeve, BA          Engineering                     Alexandra E. Bryant, BS       Esther H. Cha, BA
Elementary Education                                          Biology, Spanish              Biochemistry
                              Benjamin T. Brander, BS
summa cum laude                                               cum laude
                              Biology, Spanish                                              Matthew A. Chafee, BA
Kimberly E. Bolhuis, BSN                                      Patience W. Buckley, BS       Marketing
                              Michael W. Brandsma, BA
Nursing                                                       Biology
                              Kinesiology                                                   Emily A. Champion, BA
magna cum laude
                                                              Meredith A. Bult, BA          Speech Pathology and
                              Henry R. Breems, BA
Meikea J. Bonnema, BA                                         Speech Pathology and          Audiology
Elementary Education,                                         Audiology                     cum laude
Integrated Science Studies    Madison R. Brink, BS            magna cum laude
                                                                                            Victoria L. Champion, BA
summa cum laude               Biology
                                                              Carissa J. Bush, BSE          Elementary Education,
                              magna cum laude
Alexis L. Bonner, BA                                          Engineering                   Language Arts
Film and Media, Strategic     Jae’l N. Brinks, BA             magna cum laude               magna cum laude
Communication                 Elementary Education
                                                              Joshua M. Bussis, BCS         Halley Chan, BSW
                              magna cum laude
Jenea R. Born, BA                                             Computer Science              Social Work
Kinesiology                   Jennifer R. Brinks, BA          magna cum laude
                                                                                            Hannah Y. Chao, BS
                              Kinesiology, K-12
Ellie J. Borst, BA                                            Holly A. Butler, BA           Biology
Human Resource                                                Speech Pathology and          cum laude
                              cum laude
Management                                                    Audiology
                                                                                            Willie R. Chappell, BA
                              Angela B. Brock, BA             cum laude
Gabriella J. Bortel, BA                                                                     Faith and Community
Public Health                                                 Reece A. Butrick, BA          Leadership
                              summa cum laude
Nathaniel H. Bos, BA                                                                        Kaedyn E. Cheek, BSN
                              Kiara J. Bromley, BS
Geology                                                       James R. Byker, BS            Nursing
                              Biology, Biochemistry
Alexandra L. Bouma, BA                                                                      Timothy J. Cheng, BSE
                              Caroline B. Brooks, BA
Elementary Education, Early                                   Jianfeng Cao, BA              Engineering with honors,
                              Chinese, Digital
Childhood Education                                           History, Classical Studies,   Physics
                                                              Philosophy                    cum laude
Jacob T. Bouma, BA            magna cum laude
                                                              cum laude
Marketing, Kinesiology                                                                      Wanzhu Cheng, BA
                              Jeremiah W. Brooks, BA
                                                              Jasmine S. Carr, BA           Graphic Design
Nathan T. Bouman, BSE         Faith and Community
                                                              Strategic Communication
Engineering                   Leadership                                                    Ethan J. Cho, BSE
                              magna cum laude                 Lydia C. Carrion, BSN         Engineering
Samuel H. Bourne, BA
Psychology                    Kaitlin B. Brooks, BA                                         Sua Cho, BA
cum laude                     Marketing, Chinese              Aidan N. Casillas, BA         Mathematics, Secondary
                              magna cum laude                 Environmental Studies         Certifcation
Tara A. Boutelle, BSW
Social Work                   Benjamin P. Brouwer, BSE        Victoria C. Castellanos, BA   Kendall A. Christian, BA
magna cum laude               Engineering                     Japanese, Strategic           Elementary Education, Early
                              cum laude                       Communication                 Childhood Education
Collette G. Bouwer, BSA
                                                                                            magna cum laude
Accounting                    Sarah M. Brouwer, BS            Brian M. Catlett, BA
summa cum laude               Biochemistry                    Interdisciplinary

Zachary A. Clark, BSE         Elizabeth G. Cyr, BA                Ridge A. DeJong, BSE           Laura J. DeVries, BSN
Engineering                   Marketing, with distinction         Engineering                    Nursing
                              magna cum laude                     summa cum laude                summa cum laude
Caleb J. Cleary, BSE
Engineering                   Andrew C. David, BSE                Karolyn A. DeKam, BA           Logan J. De Vries, BS
                              Engineering                         Sociology                      Integrated Science Studies,
Adrienne M. Coachman,
                                                                  summa cum laude                Secondary Certifcation
BA                            Drevonte J. Davidson,
Sociology                     BSW                                 Benjamin J. DeKryger, BA       Luke C. DeVries, BME
                              Social Work                         Writing, Literature            Music, K-12 Certifcation
Destiny D. Collazo, BSE
                                                                                                 summa cum laude
Engineering                   Jessa E. Davis, BA                  David G. DeKryger, BA
cum laude                     Organizational                      Elementary Education, Social   Sarah A. DeVries, BA
                              Communication                       Studies                        Elementary Education,
Rebecca A. Collins, BA
                                                                  cum laude                      Integrated Science Studies
English, Secondary            Laura J. Davis, BA
                                                                                                 magna cum laude
Certifcation                  Kinesiology                         Olivia C. Deliyannides, BA
                              cum laude                           Psychology                     Zachary J. DeVries, BSN
Mattheus W. Colyn, BS
Mathematics                   Sheri L. Davis, BA                  Will C. De Man, BA
magna cum laude               Graphic Design                      History, Secondary             Joy C. De Windt, BA
                                                                  Certifcation                   Elementary Education,
Carli K. Constant, BSR        Timothy A. Dawson, BA
                                                                                                 Integrated Science Studies
Therapeutic Recreation        Faith and Community                 Caitlyn J. Demaree, BSE
                                                                                                 summa cum laude
                              Leadership, with distinction        Engineering
Claire C. Costello, BSN
                              magna cum laude                                                    Ravyn L. M. DeWitt, BA
Nursing                                                           Samuel R. DeMey, BA
                                                                                                 Special Education-Cognitive
                              Taylor J. DeBoer, BA                Kinesiology
McKenna L. Covey, BSN                                                                            Impairment, Elementary
                              Speech Pathology and                cum laude
Nursing                                                                                          Education, Spanish
                                                                  Kaitlynne N. Dempsey, BSN      magna cum laude
Andrew S. Crago, BA           magna cum laude
Geography                                                                                        Ella R. DeWyn, BSW
                              Jordan R. Decker, BSA
                                                                  Hannah E. DeRitter, BA         Social Work
Carleigh R. Cronkright, BA    Accounting
                                                                  Mathematics, Psychology        magna cum laude
Political Science
                              John P. Deederly, BA                magna cum laude
                                                                                                 Samuel E. Dexter, BS
Rebekah J. Cross, BS          Kinesiology
                                                                  Aimee L. Derr, BSN             Financial Planning
                              Amber L. DeGraaf, BSN               Nursing
                                                                                                 Curtis D. DeZwaan, BSA
Samuel K. Crow, BSE           Nursing
                                                                  Hayleigh A. Deur, BSN          Accounting
                              Lucas J. DeGroot, BS                Nursing
summa cum laude                                                                                  Justin H. Diemer, BSE
                              Integrated Science Studies,
                                                                  Anneke J. DeVries, BA          Engineering
Yujia Cui, BSA                Secondary Certifcation
                                                                  Speech Pathology and           magna cum laude
                              George J. Deindorfer, BA            Audiology
                                                                                                 Camryn H. Dillender, BA
Sofa M. Cuidon, BSW           Film and Media                      magna cum laude
                                                                                                 Public Health
Social Work, German Studies
                              Catherine M. DeJager, BCS           Delia K. DeVries, BA
                                                                                                 Avalon E. Donat, BA
Noah R. Cummisford, BSE       Computer Science                    Kinesiology
Engineering, Physics          cum laude
                                                                  Joshua R. DeVries, BA          Communication
magna cum laude                                                                                  cum laude
                              Calvin L. De Jong, BSN              Finance

Megan N. Dozeman, BA          Lindsay K. Elliott, BS              Zachary M. Farrell, BS        Bryant E. George, BCS
Speech Pathology and          Biochemistry                        Chemistry                     Computer Science,
Audiology                     magna cum laude                                                   Mathematics
                                                                  Isaac M. Favila, BS
cum laude                                                                                       summa cum laude
                              Vanessa E. Elliott, BA              Biology
Lauren E. Drewing-Baker,      Public Health                                                     Sarah E. George, BA
                                                                  Jared Feyer, BSA
BSN                           magna cum laude                                                   Interdisciplinary
                              Carson D. Ellis, BA                                               Ryan J. German, BS
cum laude                                                         Olivia A. Finn, BA
                              Political Science                                                 Biology with honors
                                                                  Speech Pathology and
Benjamin D. Duimstra,
                              Jonathan D. Ellis, BCS              Audiology with honors         Sarah E. Gilbert, BS
                              Computer Science                    summa cum laude               Financial Planning
                              summa cum laude
magna cum laude                                                   Angie P. Folkersma, BA        Avery G. Gill, BA
                              Sydney C. Ellsworth, BA             Elementary Education,         Psychology
Peter N. Duimstra, BS
                              Special Education-Cognitive         Spanish                       cum laude
                              Impairment, Elementary
                                                                  Bryan C. Fowler, BCS          Brian M. Goins, BS
Emily A. Dwyer, BSE           Education
                                                                  Computer Science              Computer Science
                              Brooke G. Elzinga, BSN
                                                                  Darin D. Fox, BA              Clayton T. Gonzalez, BA
Amanda R. Dykehouse, BA       Nursing
                                                                  Business-Operations           Faith and Community
Elementary Education, Early
                              Jacob A. Elzinga, BA                Concentration                 Leadership
Childhood Education
                              Marketing, Psychology
summa cum laude                                                   Amen F. Gabre, BA             Alyssa M. Gooding, BA
                              Susannah C. Epp, BA                 International Relations,      Speech Pathology and
Adelaide E. Dykstra, BSE
                              French, International               Economics                     Audiology
                              Relations                           cum laude                     summa cum laude
Laura R. Dykstra, BS          summa cum laude
                                                                  Lydia J. Gall, BSR            Emma A. Gordon, BA
                              Calin T. Erdmann, BS                Therapeutic Recreation        International Development
summa cum laude
                              Biochemistry                                                      Studies, Spanish
                                                                  Leann M. Gasaway, BA
Carly L. Eastham, BA
                              Crisanto Escabalzeta, BA            Marketing                     Ryan P. Gorman, BA
History, Spanish
                              Faith and Community                                               Film and Media
                                                                  Dane R. Gates, BSE
Meghan L. Economou, BS        Leadership, with distinction
                                                                  Engineering                   Elizabeth S. Gorton, BS,
Biology                       cum laude
                                                                  magna cum laude               BA
Rachel M. Edema, BA           Alexander G. Exler, BS                                            Mathematics, Chemistry,
                                                                  Delaney K. Gawenda, BSE
Writing                       Biology                                                           with distinction
                              cum laude                                                         magna cum laude
Annaka R. Ediger, BA
                                                                  Kennedy A. Geiger, BA
International Relations,      Jori S. Falak, BA                                                 Audrey L. Grabowski, BS
                                                                  Special Education-Cognitive
French                        Elementary Education,                                             Biology
                                                                  Impairment, Elementary
                              Early Childhood Education
Araceli J Eikenberry                                              Education                     Ethan R. Gray, BSE
                              cum laude
Mancilla, BA                                                                                    Engineering
                                                                  Ryan D. Gelderloos, BA
Environmental Studies         Rebecca M. Falb, BSN
                                                                  Economics, Chinese            Meagan R. Greenfeld, BA
magna cum laude               Nursing
                                                                  summa cum laude               Film and Media
Robyn E. Ellens, BSN          Erin M. Fankhauser, BA
                                                                                                Jacob P. Gregor, BSA
Nursing                       Graphic Design, Film and
cum laude                     Media

Martin F. Grimley, BSE        Katherine E. Haan, BA            Elle D. Hazlett, BA         Jagger N. Hofman, BSE
Engineering                   Psychology, Chinese, with        Strategic Communication,    Engineering
cum laude                     distinction                      with distinction
                                                                                           Lucas C. Holcombe, BSA
                              magna cum laude                  magna cum laude
Benjamin R. Gritter, BA                                                                    Accounting
Social Studies, Religion,     Lucas J. Haan, BA                Jax T. Heil, BSW            cum laude
Secondary Certifcation        Art, Japanese                    Social Work
                                                                                           Samuel A. Holland, BSA
                                                               cum laude
Megan M. Gritter, BA          Nolan J. Hadder, BSA                                         Accounting
Speech Pathology and          Accounting                       Abigail G. Hendriksma,      cum laude
Audiology                     summa cum laude                  BA
                                                                                           Kiersten G. Hollis, BA
                                                               Elementary Education,
Kayla M. Groen, BS            Nicole D. Hale, BS                                           Finance
Chemistry                     Biochemistry
                                                                                           Youna Hong, BA
                              summa cum laude                  Marcos A. Hernandez, BS
Heidi R. Groenboom, BA                                                                     International Development
                                                               Computer Science
Strategic Communication       Bryan A. Hall, BA                                            Studies
                              Actuarial Science                Juan A. Hernandez Arias,
Jacob R. Groenendyk, BSE                                                                   Hannah J. Hooley, BSW
                              magna cum laude                  BA
Engineering                                                                                Social Work, Psychology
                                                               Economics, International
                              Robert C. W. Halls, BA                                       magna cum laude
Tyler J. Groot, BA                                             Relations
International Relations                                                                    Jillian G. Horjus, BA
                                                               Matthew T. Herrema, BSE
                              Kelli S. Haney, BSN                                          English, Secondary
Bryce A. Grover, BA                                            Engineering
                              Nursing                                                      Certifcation
Integrated Science Studies,                                    summa cum laude
Secondary Certifcation        Kyle R. Harkema, BA                                          Joshua A. Horstman, BSE
                                                               Nathan C. Heyboer, BA
                              Marketing                                                    Engineering
Alexandra R. Grumbley,                                         Marketing
BSW                           Lauren M. Harkema, BA                                        Graceanne P. Horton, BA
                                                               Hayden B. Heys, BA
Social Work                   Marketing                                                    Public Health, Political
Daniel A. Guarizo, BSN        Daniel I. Harmon, BA
                                                               Nathan E. Hilbrands, BA     magna cum laude
Nursing                       Economics
                                                               Geography with honors,
                                                                                           Hannah R. Horvath, BA
Rachel C. Guikema, BSN        Rachel Harmon, BS                Environmental Health and
Nursing                       Biology with honors,             Conservation
                              Biochemistry, Spanish            cum laude                   Ethan J. Houskamp, BS
Megan E. Guinter, BA
                              magna cum laude                                              Biochemistry with honors,
English, Secondary                                             Krista J. Hoek, BSA
Certifcation                  Carly A. Harris, BS              Accounting
                                                                                           summa cum laude
cum laude                     Psychology                       magna cum laude
                              magna cum laude                                              Jiazong Hu, BA
Christian J. Gums, BSE                                         Kate L. Hoekstra, BS, BSN
Engineering                   Tyler J. Harris, BSN             Psychology, Nursing
                              Nursing                                                      Daniel C. Huan, BA
Lucie D. Gundlach, BSN                                         Audrey J. Hoekwater, BA
                                                                                           Elementary Education
Nursing                       Joshua M. Hartlein, BSE          Speech Pathoology and
                              Engineering                      Audiology                   Harlie E. Hubers, BA
Madison G. Gunnink, BA                                         magna cum laude             Elementary Education,
Elementary Education,         Zachary E. Hartwig, BSN
                                                                                           Integrated Science Studies
Spanish                       Nursing                          Jenna J. Hoekwater, BSN
                                                                                           cum laude
cum laude                                                      Nursing
                              Hannah R. Hayes, BS              magna cum laude             Rachel K. J. Hubka, BA
Sophia P. Gutbrod, BA         Biochemistry
                                                                                           Psychology, Linguistics

Olivia L. Huizenga, BSN       Blake A. Jarrett, BA               Frank Jones Jr., BA          Jacob M. Kaspryk, BS
Nursing                       Kinesiology                        Film and Media               Chemistry
Jonathan R. Hull, BA          Derek J. Jay, BSN                  Valmarcus N. Jones, BA       Elianna M. Kearby, BA
Kinesiology, K-12             Nursing                            Faith and Community          Speech Pathology and
Certifcation                  magna cum laude                    Leadership                   Audiology
                                                                                              cum laude
Katherine A. Hulst, BS        Madeline W. Jeninga, BA            Abigail G. Jonker, BSN
Biology, Biochemistry         Mathematics with honors,           Nursing                      Noah E. Keene, BA
                              Spanish, Secondary                 summa cum laude              Writing
Gabrielle J. Hunderman,
BA                                                               Yebin Joo, BSN               Anna C. Kelley, BA
                              magna cum laude
Spanish, K-12 Certifcation                                       Nursing                      Kinesiology
magna cum laude               Joshua R. Jennings, BA
                                                                 Yejin Joo, BSN               Sophie M. C. Kelly, BA
Kaia S. Hurley, BA                                               Nursing                      Speech Pathology and
Human Resource                Daniel J. Jensen, BS                                            Audiology
                                                                 Caroline C. Jordan, BA
Management                    Biology
                                                                 Speech Pathology and         Sarah G. Kemink, BA
                              magna cum laude
Grace S. Im, BA                                                  Audiology, Spanish           Social Studies, History,
Graphic Design                Taylor A. Jensen, BA               summa cum laude              Secondary Certifcation
                              Art                                                             cum laude
Addison P. Irish, BA                                             Boyoung Jung, BS
Marketing                     Hanna Jeong, BS                    Computer Science             Emily A. Kempster, BSW
summa cum laude               Integrated Science Studies,        magna cum laude              Social Work
                              Secondary Certifcation
Sydney E. Irish, BA                                              ChungChan Jung, BA           Shaneel Z. Kenyon, BA
                              magna cum laude
Elementary Education,                                            Kinesiology                  Kinesiology
Spanish                       Shengmin Jin, BA
                                                                 Brennan K. Kaiser, BSE       Tony Kerr, BA
magna cum laude               Social Studies, History,
                                                                 Engineering                  Faith and Community
                              Secondary Certifcation
Maxwell R. Israels, BA                                                                        Leadership
                                                                 Reese K. Kaiser, BSE
Applied Film and Media        Yena Jin, BS
                                                                 Engineering                  Heidi Keswick, BS
                              Biochemistry with honors
Aleksander D. Ivancich,                                                                       Environmental Health and
                              cum laude                          Zachary W. Kammeraad,
BSE                                                                                           Conservation
Engineering                   Nathan R. Jindra, BA
                                                                 Financial Planning           Kaleigh S. Ketelhut, BA
                              Political Science
Owen M. Jackson, BA                                                                           Human Resource
                                                                 Kenneth J. Kane, BA
Kinesiology                   Caleb B. Johnson, BS                                            Management
magna cum laude               Environmental Science,
                                                                                              Jessa M. Kieser, BA
                              Geology                            Hayeong Kang, BME
Samuel S. Jacobs, BSA                                                                         Speech Pathology and
                                                                 Music, K-12 Certifcation
Accounting                    Isabel J. A. Johnson, BS                                        Audiology
magna cum laude               Biochemistry with honors,          Inji Kang, BA
                                                                                              Binnah Kim, BSW
                              Psychology                         History, Political Science
Tuba Jaherun, BS                                                                              Social Work
Chemistry, with distinction   Joely L. Johnson, BSN              Austin R. Kanis, BA
                                                                                              Changhee Kim, BSA
cum laude                     Nursing                            Writing
Eunhae Jang, BSE              Seanna Johnson, BS                 Kristina M. Kaput, BS
                                                                                              Daniel Kim, BSE
Engineering                   Biochemistry, with                 Biochemistry
cum laude                     distinction
                                                                 Allison D. Karl, BSN

Hayoung Kim, BA               Betty Kliewer, BS                  Matthew D. Krul, BSE         Joeun Lee, BSN
Elementary Education,         Biology, German Studies            Engineering                  Nursing
Spanish, K-12 Certifcation                                       cum laude
                              Miriam J. Kluitenberg,                                          KangJin Lee, BSE
Irene J. Kim, BSN             BSW                                Benjamin R. Kuiper, BA       Engineering, Biochemistry
Nursing                       Social Work                        Elementary Education         cum laude
Jinsung Kim, BA               Juliana J. Knot, BA                Daniel J. Kuiper, BCS        Samantha K. Lee, BA
Elementary Education,         German Studies, Philosophy         Computer Science             Global Development Studies
Integrated Science Studies    with honors, Mathematics
                                                                 Julie M. Kujawa, BSA, BA     Yealin Lee, BA
                              summa cum laude
Joshua A. Kim, BA                                                Global Management            Elementary Education
Kinesiology                   Heather L. Kocol, BA               Accounting, German Studies   magna cum laude
                              Elementary Education,              summa cum laude
Kendrick S. Kim, BA                                                                           Briana R. Leegwater, BA
                              Integrated Science Studies
Psychology                                                       James W. Kulaga, BSE         Kinesiology, K-12
                              Justin C. Koehn, BSE               Engineering                  Certifcation
Minji Kim, BSA
                              Engineering                                                     magna cum laude
Accounting                                                       Eunchan Kwan, BA
cum laude                     Arianna K. Koeman, BA              Elementary Education         Allie J. Leerar, BA
                              Strategic Communication            cum laude                    Mathematics, Secondary
Myungha Kim, BS
Data Science, International   Benjamin R. Kole, BSA              Gabriel J. LaGrand, BA
Relations                     Accounting                         History                      Carlos M. Lemagne, BA
                                                                 cum laude                    Music, Business-Marketing
Seongil Kim, BCS              Caroline M. Komodore, BA
Computer Science              Philosophy                         Nicholas A. Lambers, BS
                                                                 Financial Planning           Joseph Samuel N.
Yae Hyun Kim, BA              Dawit Kong, BA
                                                                                              Lensing, BSA
Film and Media                Integrated Science Studies,        Shaylan Y. Lammers, BA
                                                                                              Accounting, Political Science
                              Secondary Certifcation             Linguistics, Asian Studies
Yena Kim, BS
                                                                 magna cum laude              Abigail E. León, BA
Public Health, with           Abigail M. Koops, BA
                                                                                              Digital Communication
distinction                   Finance                            Eliana R. Lander, BS
magna cum laude               cum laude                          Biology                      Joseph M. Lepidi, BA
Yonggi Kim, BSE               Charles E. Kornoelje, BCS          Robert F. Lang, BA
Engineering                   Computer Science with              Finance                      Myeshia M. Lewis, BSW
                              honors                                                          Social Work
Yoo Cheol Kim, BA                                                Autumn N. Lau, BA
                              summa cum laude
Kinesiology, K-12                                                Literature, Philosophy       Jianmiao Li, BA
Certifcation                  Sonja M. Kozuch, BA                                             Kinesiology
                                                                 Kelli N. Laube, BS
cum laude                     Japanese
                                                                 Environmental Health and     Xiang Li, BA
                              cum laude
Young In Kim, BA                                                 Conservation                 Interdisciplinary
Computer Science              James T. Kratochvil, BA
                                                                 Lindsay E. Laurie, BA        Collin J. Lilienthal, BA
Jonah B. King, BA                                                Digital Communication        Economics
Geology                       Andrea J. Krudy, BS
                                                                 Jack O. Lee, BA              Ian R. Lilienthal, BA
                              Environmental Health and
Amy Kliewer, BA                                                  Social Studies, History,     Digital Communication
Human Resource                                                   Secondary Certifcation
                                                                                              Seongmin Lim, BA
Management, Psychology        Caleb J. Krugman, BA               cum laude
                                                                                              International Relations

Dario E. Lirio, BA        Nicholas S. Lyon, BA              Joshua E. May, BA           Madeline K. Meyer, BA
Marketing                 Chinese                           Marketing, German Studies   Special Education-Cognitive
                                                                                        Impairment, Elementary
Xiaoxuan Liu, BSN         Hannah L. Mack, BA                Jenna C. McAbee, BA
Nursing with honors       Marketing                         Finance
                                                                                        summa cum laude
magna cum laude                                             cum laude
                          Lake V. MacKenzie, BS
                                                                                        Haley E. Michaels, BSR
Xinru Liu, BA             Biochemistry                      Emma K. McCallion, BA
                                                                                        Therapeutic Recreation
Elementary Education                                        Linguistics, French
                          Noah G. Madrid, BS                                            cum laude
cum laude                                                   cum laude
                          Computer Science, Japanese
                                                                                        Abigail J. Miedema, BA
Danny J. Lo, BSE          magna cum laude                   Joseph P. McCarthy, BA
                                                                                        Speech Pathology and
Engineering                                                 History, Social Studies,
                          Hannabeth K. Magnussen,                                       Audiology, French
magna cum laude                                             Secondary Certifcation
                          BS                                                            cum laude
Anna L. Lobbes, BA        Biochemistry with honors          Linnea N. McDonough, BA
                                                                                        Caroline R. Miller, BSW
Graphic Design, German    magna cum laude                   Marketing
                                                                                        Social Work
Studies                                                     cum laude
                          Paige S. Maguire, BA
                                                                                        Hallie E. Miller, BSW
Matthew C. Lobbes, BSA    Elementary Education,             Audrey G. McFarland,
                                                                                        Social Work
Accounting                French                            BSN
                          cum laude                         Nursing                     Greison A. Mitchell, BA
Monica L. Locker, BSN
                                                                                        International Development
Nursing                   Micalyn E. Maier, BA              Zhouzhou McKean, BA
                                                                                        Studies, Spanish
                          International Development         Strategic Communication
Alexis J. Loerop, BSN
                          Studies                                                       Kathryn E. Mollison, BS
Nursing                                                     Hannah R. McNulty, BA
                          Stacey W. Maina, BA               French, Literature
Winona K. Loewen, BA
                          Psychology                                                    Madeleine J. Monat, BSN
Environmental Studies                                       Garrett J. Medina, BA
                          Kelly M. B. Makela, BA            Political Science
Quinn J. Loosle, BS
                          International Development                                     Sophia R. Morgan, BA
Biochemistry                                                Noah R. Meincke, BA
                          Studies                                                       History, Environmental
Jacob D. Lopez, BSE                                                                     Studies with honors
                          Logan D. Mansberger, BA
Engineering                                                 Micah J. Meindertsma, BS    cum laude
                          Film and Media
Brandyn M. Louwsma,                                                                     Stephany R. Morrow, BA
                          Haley M. Marco, BSE
BSN                                                         Erin R. Meinema, BA         Business-Marketing
Nursing                                                     Elementary Education        Concentration, Kinesiology
                          Benjamin P. Mars, BSE             magna cum laude
Brenna C. Lubbers, BSW                                                                  Melvin G. Moseley, BA
Social Work                                                 Emily J. Meister, BA        Kinesiology
                          Anna D. Martin, BA                Spanish, Secondary          cum laude
Malinda R. Lugbill, BA
                          Kinesiology                       Certifcation
Speech Pathology and                                                                    Matthew C. Muller, BSA
Audiology                 Lauren G. Martin, BS              Elizabeth N. Memmelaar,     Accounting
cum laude                 Biology, Biochemistry             BSN                         magna cum laude
                          magna cum laude                   Nursing
Zachary R. Lundell, BA                                                                  Troy A. Munchbach, BS
Biology                   Nancy J. Massa, BS                Braden R. Menini, BS        Biology
                          Biology                           Financial Planning
Lexie J. Lundquist, BSE                                                                 Claire S. Murashima, BA
Engineering               Peyton K. Masselink, BA           Joshua Metz, BA             Marketing
                          Marketing, Graphic Design         Economics

Alexis A. Murawski, BA     Katherine E. Niska, BA               En-Qi G. Ong, BSOT           Anna N. Pastoor, BA
Speech Pathology and       Special Education Studies            Occupational Therapy         Kinesiology
Audiology                                                       magna cum laude
                           Anna M. Noll, BA                                                  Joseph B. Pastucha, BA
cum laude
                           Public Health, Japanese              Caitlin N. Orr, BA           Information Systems
Colin F. Murphy, BA        cum laude                            Speech Pathology and         magna cum laude
Mathematics, Secondary                                          Audiology
                           Bryan M. Noonan, BA                                               Jessica G. Paulson, BA
Certifcation                                                    magna cum laude
                           Faith and Community                                               Human Resource
cum laude
                           Leadership, with distinction         Emily M. Orr, BSN            Management
Kyle T. Musch, BS, BA      summa cum laude                      Nursing
                                                                                             Lindsay R. Pederson, BS
Biology, Geology
                           Samuel K. Norman, BSE                Michaella B. Ouoba, BA       Chemistry with honors
Mitchell J. Mustert, BA    Engineering                          Psychology, French           magna cum laude
                           Sarah A. Norris, BA                  Marissa A. Ouwinga, BA       Evalyn K. Pelfrey, BS
Enoch K. Mwesigwa, BCS     Kinesiology                          Art, K-12 Certifcation       Geology
Computer Science with                                           cum laude
                           Adelaide E. Nyanyo, BA                                            Tara R. Perry, BA
                           Economics, with distinction          Lindsay M. Owens, BSW        Special Education-Cognitive
Carly A. Nagelkirk, BSN    cum laude                            Social Work                  Impairment, Elementary
Nursing                                                         magna cum laude              Education
                           Jacob L. Oakes, BSE
                                                                                             cum laude
Mary G. Najmon, BA         Engineering                          Richard A. Padilla, BSA
Interdisciplinary          cum laude                            Accounting                   Andrew D. Peterson, BA
cum laude                                                                                    Organizational
                           Abena A. Oduro, BA                   Daae Park, BA
Joan Nakakande, BSN        Economics, Chinese, with             Digital Communication
Nursing with honors        distinction                                                       Seyoung Pi, BS
                                                                Heon Soo Park, BSE
                           magna cum laude                                                   Biochemistry
Angeline A. Needs, BSE                                          Engineering
Engineering                Nana A. Oduro, BSN                                                Caleb E. Pickens, BSE
                                                                Hyungseok Park, BS
magna cum laude            Nursing                                                           Engineering, Biochemistry
                                                                Computer Science Plus
                           cum laude
Meghan R. Nelson, BA                                                                         Abigail C. Pickett, BA
                                                                In Young Park, BA
Psychology                 Jenna A. Oezer, BSN                                               English, Secondary
                           Nursing                                                           Certifcation
Charles C. Newton, BA
                           magna cum laude                      Sarang Park, BSA
Computer Science                                                                             Emily R. Pilarski, BFA
                           Hyein Oh, BSA                                                     Art
Ryan W. Ng, BSE
                           Accounting                           Si Hyeon Park, BA
Engineering, Mathematics                                                                     Daniel M. Pirkel, BA
                           cum laude                            Elementary Education,
magna cum laude                                                                              Faith and Community
                                                                Integrated Science Studies
                           Yehyeon Oh, BSN                                                   Leadership, with distinction
Tra Nguyen, BA                                                  magna cum laude
                           Nursing                                                           magna cum laude
Marketing with honors,
                                                                Julia R. Parker, BA
Psychology                 Andrew J. Olson, BA                                               Garrett Pitter, BSE
                           History, Philosophy                                               Engineering
Tran P. Nguyen, BA
                           magna cum laude                      Haley M. Parks, BA
Psychology                                                                                   Kaitlyn R. Plohetski, BA
                                                                Strategic Communication
                           Peter M. Olson, BA                                                Speech Pathology and
Kylea D. Nielsen, BSN                                           cum laude
                           Political Science with honors                                     Audiology
                           magna cum laude                      Agustin P. Parraguez-        magna cum laude
Mitchell O. Niesar, BCS                                         Huisman, BA
Computer Science                                                Marketing

Michael J. Pluymert, BSN      Quinton M. Quagliano, BS             Zachery B. Renauldo, BA       Jackson L. Ross, BS
Nursing                       Psychology                           Film and Media                Chemistry, Physics,
                              cum laude                                                          Mathematics, with
Tyler R. Poel, BS                                                  Kassandra Renteria, BA
Data Science                  Ashley D. Quist, BSR                 Human Resource
                                                                                                 magna cum laude
                              Therapeutic Recreation,              Management
Nathan M. Pohl, BA
                              Environmental Studies                                              Abigail E. Roy, BSW
Marketing                                                          Josephine E. Rice, BA
                                                                                                 Social Work
cum laude                     Morgan E. Race, BSN                  Marketing
                                                                                                 cum laude
Hannah M. Pohlad, BA                                               Olivia G. Richards, BA
                                                                                                 Ryan J. Ruba, BS
Sociology                     Moriah R. Railton, BA                Marketing, Music
                                                                                                 Financial Planning
                              Elementary Education,
Abigail M. Poirier, BA                                             Jenta Riddell, BSA
                              Integrated Science Studies                                         Eyerusalem G. Ruhland,
Writing                                                            Accounting
                              magna cum laude                                                    BA
Damion T. Pompey, BA                                               Philip A. Rienstra, BA        Public Health
                              Christopher V. Ralph, BS
Marketing                                                          Writing, Music
                              Biology                                                            Josephine R. Ruter, BSN
Simon J. Post, BA                                                  Elizabeth L. Rinke, BSN       Nursing
                              Madison M. Ramsey, BSR
Strategic Communication,                                           Nursing with honors
                              Therapeutic Recreation                                             Elise M. Ryskamp, BA
Spanish                                                            magna cum laude
                              Amanda K. Raterink, BSN
Jillian M. Postma, BSN                                             Peyton G. Risselade, BA       Concentration, Film and
Nursing                                                            Elementary Education, Early   Media
summa cum laude               Alexandra M. Raycroft, BA            Childhood Education           magna cum laude
                              Political Science, Philosophy        cum laude
Josie L. Postma, BSW                                                                             Yahia A. Said, BA
                              magna cum laude
Social Work                                                        Brad D. Ritzema, BCS          Organizational
                              Rick T. Reamsma, BA                  Computer Science              Communication
Lucas B. Potter, BA
                              Faith and Community
Integrated Science Studies,                                        Anneke M. Roberts, BA         Samuel M. Sajdak, BSN
                              Leadership, with distinction
Secondary Certifcation                                             International Relations,      Nursing
cum laude                     Elizabeth K. Redfeld,                German Studies with honors    cum laude
                              BSN                                  summa cum laude
Mark H. Primus, BSA                                                                              Carlos A. Salas, BA
Accounting                                                         Riley J. Robertson, BSE       Graphic Design
magna cum laude               Samuel C. Reed, BA                   Engineering
                                                                                                 Blanca L. Sanchez, BS
                              Elementary Education,
Henri C. Prudhomme,                                                Jacob E. Rodriguez, BSW       Mathematics
BCS                                                                Social Work
                              magna cum laude                                                    Derek N. Sanchez, BA
Computer Science,
                                                                   Rene’ F. Rodriguez, BA        Marketing
Mathematics                   Montenae C. Reid, BA
                                                                   Faith and Community           magna cum laude
                              Political Science
Jason R. Pruim, BCS                                                Leadership
                                                                                                 Julia S. Schaefer, BA
Computer Science,             William J. Reinhart, BA
                                                                   Nancy Roman, BSW              Elementary Education
Mathematics                   Marketing, Strategic
                                                                   Social Work, Spanish          cum laude
magna cum laude               Communication
                                                                   Denise K. Roorda, BSE         Christopher J. Schenk,
Caleb Punter, BA              Diederick I. Reitsma, BA
                                                                   Engineering                   BSE
Kinesiology                   Literature
                                                                   cum laude                     Engineering
Hyejoo Pyun, BSN              Zachary R. Reitsma, BSN
                                                                   Blake E. Rose, BA
Nursing                       Nursing
                                                                   Political Science

Megan J. Schenkel, BA         Luc P. Selles, BS                   Christina M. Smith, BSE          Nicole Stehouwer, BSW
Elementary Education, Early   Biochemistry, French                Engineering, with distinction    Social Work
Childhood Education           magna cum laude                     magna cum laude
                                                                                                   Derek A. Stek, BA
cum laude
                              Gabriel B. Seng, BSA                Ellington L. Smith, BA           Media Production
Caleb J. Schmurr, BSE         Accounting                          Film and Media
                                                                                                   Jonathan D. Stob, BA
                              Hyemin Seo, BS                      Emma L. Smith, BA                Human Resource
Ava M. Schneider, BA          Biochemistry                        Kinesiology                      Management, Psychology
Psychology                                                                                         magna cum laude
                              Jonathan D. Shedd, BA               Joselyn N. Smith, BA
magna cum laude
                              Finance                             Kinesiology                      Grace E. Stock, BSN
Anna M. Scholma, BA           summa cum laude                                                      Nursing
                                                                  McKenna L. Smith, BS
Political Science
                              Rylan J. Shewmaker, BA              Biochemistry, Spanish            Amber M. Storteboom, BA
magna cum laude
                              International Relations,                                             Marketing, Chinese
                                                                  Shaefer M. Smith, BA
Amanda J. Scholten, BSA       Environmental Studies,
                                                                  Strategic Communication,         Kyle T. Streelman, BSA
Accounting                    French
                                                                  Art                              Accounting
magna cum laude               cum laude
                                                                                                   magna cum laude
                                                                  Christian J. Snyder, BA
Brittany G. Scholten, BSN     Lucie S. Shippert, BS, BA
                                                                  Marketing                        Andrea Strydhorst, BSN
Nursing                       Biology, Chinese, with
                              distinction                         Henry J. Soerens, BSA
Claire A. Schotanus, BA                                                                            magna cum laude
                              cum laude                           Accounting
                                                                  cum laude                        Jose D. Suarez Martinez,
magna cum laude               Kelsey L. Shoemaker, BA
                              Strategic Communication             Eun Ki Son, BA
Collin J. Schreur, BS                                                                              Religion, International
                              magna cum laude                     Interdisciplinary
Biology                                                                                            Relations
                              Thaddeus D. Shymanski,              Saara J. Spitzer, BA             cum laude
Katelyn P. Schreur, BSN
                              BA                                  Mathematics, Secondary
Nursing                                                                                            Noah M. Sullivan, BA
                              Kinesiology                         Certifcation, with distinction
magna cum laude                                                                                    Business-Operations
                                                                  summa cum laude
                              Nikita R. Sietsema, BCS                                              Concentration
Lucas M. Schupbach, BSE
                              Computer Science                    Lydia J. Sprague, BA
Engineering                                                                                        Po Hsuan Sung, BA
                              magna cum laude                     Marketing
magna cum laude                                                                                    Marketing
                              Sarah G. Simmons, BSN               Maxwell U. Stallings, BA
Darian D. Seale, BSE                                                                               Colin J. Swaim, BA
                              Nursing                             Film and Media
Engineering                                                                                        Finance
cum laude                     Ana M. Singh, BS                    Andrew J. Stanford, BA
                                                                                                   Carmen K. Tachie-
                              Biology with honors, Spanish        Political Science
Maegan R. Search, BSN                                                                              Menson, BA
Nursing                       Haeley A. Slager, BA                Madelyn R. Stang, BA             Economics, French
                              Elementary Education,               Elementary Education, Early      cum laude
Abigail R. Seaser, BSN
                              Language Arts                       Childhood Education
Nursing                                                                                            Jenna L. Takens, BA
                              Jasmine R. Slofstra, BSN            Amber R. Staniulis, BA           Human Resource
Danielle S. Seeber, BSN
                              Nursing                             Kinesiology                      Management
                                                                                                   cum laude
                              Samuel J. Smies, BSE                Zachary M. Stanley, BSA
Sydney L. Segard, BSN
                              Engineering                         Accounting                       Dillon J. Tameling, BA

Noah J. Tamminga, BA             Mikayla D. Topp, BSE                Janae E. Urmanczy, BA         Luke N. Vanderkooy, BA
Finance, Economics               Engineering                         Speech Pathology and          Marketing
magna cum laude                                                      Audiology
                                 Alyssa J. Topping, BSR                                            Maria S. VanderLei, BA
                                                                     magna cum laude
Pisudtiporn                      Therapeutic Recreation                                            Kinesiology
Tangsirisatian, BA               cum laude                           Tim Urmanczy, BA
                                                                                                   Anna M. Vander Meer, BSA
Psychology                                                           Marketing
                                 Mark S. Townsend, BA                                              Accounting
Hayley N. Taylor, BA             Film and Media                      Jhewe N. Usman, BA
                                                                                                   Luke A. Vander Meer, BS
Elementary Education,                                                Public Health
                                 Reniery J. Triminio                                               Biology, Public Health
                                 Martinez, BSN                       Alexandra J. Utke, BA         magna cum laude
magna cum laude
                                 Nursing                             Environmental Studies
                                                                                                   Emma J. VanderMeulen,
Savannah Taylor, BA
                                 Lydia L. Trout, BA                  Maria K. Vaandrager, BA       BSN
                                 Kinesiology                         Special Education-Cognitive   Nursing
Willem L. Taylor, BA             magna cum laude                     Impairment, Elementary
                                                                                                   Anne M. Vanderwell, BA
History, Classical Studies                                           Education
                                 Ashley N. Tubergen, BSN                                           Elementary Education,
cum laude
                                 Nursing, Psychology                 Isaac J. Valk, BSE            Language Arts
Taylor A. Ten Pas, BS                                                Engineering, Mathematics      cum laude
                                 Samuel J. Tuit, BA
Biochemistry                                                         cum laude
                                 Digital Communication, Film                                       Molly J. Vander Werp, BS,
Nicholas H. Terpstra, BA         and Media                           Drew C. VanAndel, BS          BA
Political Science, Information   magna cum laude                     Environmental Health and      Biochemistry with honors,
Systems                                                              Conservation                  Writing
                                 Emily M. Twigg, BA
                                                                                                   magna cum laude
Tracy T. Tetteh Akwetey,         Strategic Communication             Jeremy R. Van Baren, BSE
BA                                                                   Engineering                   David M.
                                 Alexander R. Twining,
Biochemistry                                                         cum laude                     Vandokkumburg, BA
                                                                                                   Human Resource
Dayton J. Thomsen, BSE           Engineering, German Studies         Erin R. Van Beek, BA
Engineering                                                          Kinesiology
                                 Chiazam P. Ugorji, BS                                             magna cum laude
Zachary V. Thornberry,           Biochemistry, with                  Samuel G. Van Berkel, BA
                                                                                                   Carissa J. Van Donselaar,
BSE                              distinction                         Marketing
Engineering                      cum laude
                                                                     Levi M. Van Dam, BS           Nursing
Abigail R. Thornburg, BA         Mabel T. Uhl, BA                    Financial Planning
                                                                                                   Jasmine L. Van Donselaar,
Linguistics, Spanish             Strategic Communication,
                                                                     Micah G. Van Dam, BSE         BA
summa cum laude                  Graphic Design
                                                                     Engineering                   Writing
Brandon L. Tieng, BA,            Kenneth J. Uncapher, BA                                           cum laude
                                                                     Annake N. Vande Brake,
BSA                              Faith and Community
                                                                     BA                            Kaitlyn J. Van Drie, BS
Economics, Accounting            Leadership, with distinction
                                                                     Film and Media                Psychology
                                 magna cum laude
Dominic M. Timmer, BS
                                                                     Allison C. Vandenberg, BA     Trevor VanDuyn, BA
Biology                          Mark A. Urban, BA
                                                                     Psychology                    Kinesiology
                                 Faith and Community
Julia R. Timmer, BSN
                                 Leadership, with distinction        Courtney J.                   Aaron S. Van Dyke, BA
                                 summa cum laude                     VanderHoning, BA              Classical Studies
Emma T. Tongue, BA                                                   Marketing                     magna cum laude
Graphic Design
magna cum laude

Peter G. VanDyken, BA           Chelsea A. Veldkamp, BA             Nicholas J. Vogel, BSA      Karis L. Wentz, BSE
Political Science, Psychology   Special Education-Cognitive         Accounting                  Engineering
magna cum laude                 Impairment, Elementary              cum laude
                                                                                                Elisabeth J. Westenbroek,
Benjamin G. Van Haitsma,                                            Margaret A. Vos, BA         BA
                                cum laude
BA                                                                  Psychology                  Elementary Education,
Philosophy                      Estela E. Veldkamp, BA                                          Spanish
                                                                    Tyler J. Vos, BSE
summa cum laude                 Public Health                                                   magna cum laude
Mia N. Van Hofwegen, BA         Holly M. Verbrugge, BS              summa cum laude             Stephanie R. Westing,
Graphic Design                  Biochemistry                                                    BSN
                                                                    Allyson L. Voss, BSN
Luke T. Van Koevering, BS       Klein D. VerHill, BA                Nursing
Chemistry                       Religion, Global Development                                    Joshua B. Westra, BSA
                                                                    Tifany A. Waanders, BSE
                                Studies                                                         Accounting
Cornelis E. Van Liere, BSE                                          Engineering
                                                                                                cum laude
Engineering                     Victoria R. Verhulst, BSW
                                                                    Alec R. Walstra, BA
                                Social Work, Spanish                                            Kaitlyn E. Westra, BS
Elena K. Van Loo, BA                                                Kinesiology
                                magna cum laude                                                 Biochemistry
Psychology                                                          magna cum laude
                                                                                                magna cum laude
                                Megan G. Verstraete, BSW
Hannah M. VanManen,                                                 Nathan J. Walter, BA
                                Social Work                                                     Michelle Widjanarko, BSE
BSN                                                                 Information Systems
Nursing                         Abby C. Vicars, BSN
                                                                    Shengjie Wan, BA
                                Nursing                                                         Bethany K. Wierenga, BA
Mason R. VanMeurs, BS                                               Film and Media, Digital
Computer Science Plus           Nelson P. Vink, BS                  Communication
                                Biochemistry                                                    Annalyse T. Wiers, BSN
Brandon P. VanOphem,                                                Lydia R. Ward, BA
BA                              Jared J. Virtanen, BSA              Mathematics, Secondary
Kinesiology                     Accounting                          Certifcation                Benjamin J. Wiese, BSA
                                                                    cum laude                   Accounting
Elizabeth S. VanOyen, BA        Alex W. Visser, BSA
                                                                                                magna cum laude
Marketing                       Accounting                          Audrey G. Warner, BA
cum laude                       magna cum laude                     International Development   Claire J. Wiest, BA
                                                                    Studies                     Speech Pathology and
Annika R. Van Zytveld, BA       Christopher M. Visser, BS
                                                                    magna cum laude             Audiology
Kinesiology                     Biochemistry, Classical
                                                                                                cum laude
                                Studies                             Emmett J. Warners, BA
William Y. VanZytveld, BA
                                                                    Kinesiology                 Joseph R. Wilkinson, BA
Spanish                         Gabrielle K. Visser, BA
magna cum laude                 Elementary Education, Early         Ellie J. Wayner, BA
                                Childhood Education                 Organizational              Bethany R. Williams, BS
Justin J. Varineau, BA
                                cum laude                           Communication               Biology, Public Health
Mathematics, Secondary
                                                                    magna cum laude             magna cum laude
Certifcation                    Grace A. Visser, BS
magna cum laude                 Biochemistry                        James A. Webb, BA           Lorrayya L. Williams, BS
                                cum laude                           Psychology                  Computer Science
Janelle B. Veldhuizen, BA
Speech Pathology and            Jack B. Visser, BS                  Kaitlyn E. Weber, BS        Anthony T. Willis, BA
Audiology                       Biochemistry                        Biochemistry                Faith and Community
summa cum laude                 magna cum laude                                                 Leadership, with distinction
                                                                    Anna E. Weesies, BSA
                                                                                                magna cum laude
                                                                    cum laude

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