Page created by Sara Conner
“Corals have many mechanisms by which they
                                            can potentially adapt or acclimatise. The problem
                                                  with climate change is the rate of change, so
                                                 there’s concern that corals may not be able to
                                              respond quickly enough. Nearly half of the coral
                                              present was lost from the Great Barrier Reef due
                                                  to the back-to-back bleaching events of 2016
                                               and 2017. To combat this, we are manipulating
                                            corals and their microbial symbionts to accelerate
                                             naturally occurring evolutionary processes in the
                                              hope that we can create some varieties that are
                                              more resilient to predicted future environmental
                                                   conditions. We call this ‘assisted evolution’.”
                                                         Professor Madeleine Van Oppen,
                                                                             Marine Biologist
                                                    School of BioSciences and the Australian
                                                                  Institute of Marine Science


    Why science?                        3
    Prepare for every future            4
    Bachelor of Science                 6
    Science majors                      8
    Concurrent diplomas                18
    Your network                       19
    Engineering                        20
    Information technology             22
    Psychology                         24
    Enhance your study                 26
    Scholarships                       28
    Access Melbourne                   29
    Your career                        30
    Your next steps                    32
    Pathways to professional careers   34
    Admissions                         36
    Entry requirements                 37
    Get started now                    38


Look at the world around you. Do you see something that could be better? Maybe
it’s the cracked glass on your phone, an incurable disease, lack of renewable energy
options, pollution, or the missing ‘theory of everything’.

It’s only when you understand how                                 IT’S DIVERSE
something works that you can hope to
improve it, and science gives you the                             A Science degree is a sure way to
tools to work out what’s really going on.                         kick-start a career in science, education,
Be a leader of tomorrow and tackle the                            engineering, the health sciences or
world’s greatest challenges with science.                         information technology. If you want a
                                                                  job in an emerging industry, or maybe
                                                                  one that hasn’t even been thought of yet,
IT’S FUTURE-PROOF                                                 Science may be for you.
In the next decade, an estimated
75 per cent of jobs in the fastest-growing
industries will need skills in science,
technology, engineering, mathematics
and medicine (STEMM).

Also, STEMM graduates are more likely to
be in a high income bracket.Q

When you graduate, you’ll be ready to
make a difference in society — just like
our researchers, who are:

••   Growing greener cities with plant-
     based roofs on buildings that increase
     human productivity, prevent urban
     flooding, create energy savings and
     reduce inner-city temperatures
••   Developing iron and zinc biofortified
     rice that could change the lives of the
     billions of people who obtain most of
     their calories from rice
••   Building tools that will enable doctors
     to identify babies at high risk of
     stillbirth while still in the womb.

When you graduate, you could join one
of our research teams through graduate
research study, or take your new skills
into industry, government or the not-for-
profit sector.

Q Office of the Chief Scientist (2016). Australia’s STEM Workforce: Science,
  Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Australian Government, Canberra.


    The Melbourne Model is designed
    to help you maximise your
    strengths, discover new ones and
    stand out in the workplace.

    You’ll start with an undergraduate
    degree, developing a deep understanding
    of your chosen area of interest and a
    breadth of knowledge across multiple
    disciplines. On graduation you can enter
    the workforce, or progress to one of over
    400 specialised graduate programs.

    The Melbourne Model lets you design
    your own study path while developing the
    knowledge, skills and interdisciplinary
    perspectives you need to thrive in every
    kind of future.

YOUR UNDERGRADUATE                                              higher level. We encourage every student                    Others use breadth to improve their
                                                                to engage with organisations outside                        career prospects by complementing their
DEGREE                                                          the University, through internships with                    major with a language, communication
You’ll join a group of committed students                       business and community groups, applied                      skills or business expertise. Many
who are benefiting from the University’s                        research projects and overseas study                        discover new passions through breadth,
reputation for the highest quality of                           programs.                                                   and some even change their career plans!
teaching and research in Australia.Q From
day one you can study towards a career                          Our graduates are in demand. More                           ‘Breadth tracks’ (groups of breadth
in engineering, climatology, medicine,                          than 250 Australian and international                       subjects taken throughout your degree)
veterinary medicine, nanoscience,                               organisations – consulting and technology                   may even qualify you for graduate study in
psychology or dozens of other specialty                         firms, government and industry – actively                   a field that’s very different to your major.
areas – it’s up to you! We give you the                         recruit on campus each year.
flexibility to structure your study program
to suit your strengths, interests and
                                                                                                                            YOUR NEXT STEPS
career goals. So, if you want to become
                                                                YOUR MAJOR                                                  After you finish your Science degree, you
a civil engineer, the Bachelor of Science                       Your major is your chosen specialisation                    can choose to join the workforce, or go on
with a major in Civil Systems is your first                     that you’ll focus on throughout your                        to further study at graduate level.
step in your professional engineering                           degree. In most cases you’ll be able to try
qualification. Or, if you’ve always wanted                      a few different study areas before deciding                 Choose graduate study at Melbourne
to become a veterinary surgeon, taking                          on your major(s) in your third year.                        and you’ll get the full benefit of the
the major in Animal Health and Disease                          There are 40 majors to choose from – turn                   graduate school experience by studying
is part one to qualifying as a vet. If you’re                   to page 8 to start exploring your options!                  intensively, in small classes led by experts
not sure or have interests in many STEMM                                                                                    and alongside others who share your
areas, you can leave your options open                                                                                      deep interests and desire to succeed.
during first year and explore several                           YOUR BREADTH STUDIES                                        Your graduate degree will be
disciplines before choosing from among                                                                                      internationally recognisable, setting you
                                                                Breadth is a unique feature of the
our 40 majors.                                                                                                              apart from those who study a traditional
                                                                Melbourne Model. It gives you the chance
                                                                                                                            Australian single or double degree.
                                                                to explore subjects outside of science,
                                                                developing new perspectives and
YOUR CONNECTIONS                                                                                                            See page 30 to find out where your
                                                                learning to collaborate with others who                     Science degree could lead you.
The Melbourne Model connects                                    have different strengths and interests –
students with each other, the University                        just as you will in your future career.
community and the wider world. You will
be surrounded by other high-achieving                           Some of our students use breadth to
students who will inspire you to take on                        explore creative interests or topics they
new challenges and push yourself to a                           have always been curious about.

M E L B O U R N E M O D E L G R A D U AT E S :
University of Melbourne Career Outcomes Survey 2017

Q Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2018.
W $26 000 difference in annual salary between holders of a graduate vs bachelors degree. Graduate Careers Australia 2015.


    Science at Melbourne maintains the highest standards and quality of teaching and research in
    Australia, attracting the highest calibre of students.

    The Bachelor of Science is truly yours         MAJORS                                         ••   Human Structure and Function
    to customise. Its flexibility and breadth                                                     ••   Immunology
    mean that if you already know what you         Bachelor of Science students must
                                                   complete a science major – a series of         ••   Marine Biology
    want to study, you can start shaping
    your career today. If you’re not sure and      subjects in your area of specialisation. You   ••   Mathematical Physics
    have interests in many areas of science,       will develop a study plan made up of first,    ••   Mathematics and Statistics
    technology, engineering, or mathematics,       second and third-year-level subjects that
                                                                                                  ••   Mechanical Systems
    you can leave your options open during         culminate in one of the following majors
                                                   (usually four subjects in a particular study   ••   Mechatronics Systems
    your first year while you explore.
                                                   area taken at third-year level):               ••   Microbiology and Immunology
    You’ll be able to pick from 40 majors,                                                        ••   Neuroscience
    some you may never have even heard             ••   Agricultural Science
                                                                                                  ••   Pathology
    of or had the chance to study before.          ••   Animal Health and Disease
    One thing’s for sure, you’ll definitely find                                                  ••   Pharmacology
                                                   ••   Animal Science and Management
    your passion! Whether you already have                                                        ••   Physics
                                                   ••   Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
    your dream career in sight or are still                                                       ••   Physiology
    searching, we know that planning your          ••   Bioengineering Systems
                                                                                                  ••   Plant Science
    course can feel both exciting and a little     ••   Biotechnology
                                                                                                  ••   Psychology
    overwhelming. Fear not; we’ll work with        ••   Cell and Developmental Biology
    you throughout your studies to make sure                                                      ••   Spatial Systems
                                                   ••   Chemical Systems
    you’re on the right track.                                                                    ••   Zoology.
                                                   ••   Chemistry
                                                   ••   Civil Systems                             See pages 8–17 for more details.
    COURSE STRUCTURE                               ••   Climate and Weather
    The Bachelor of Science requires the           ••   Computational Biology                     BACHELOR OF SCIENCE
    successful completion of 24 subjects
    (300 points), including a major.
                                                   ••   Computing and Software Systems            (EXTENDED)
                                                   ••   Data Science
    Most students study eight subjects                                                            The Bachelor of Science (Extended) is
    each year for three years.                     ••   Ecology and Evolutionary Biology          a four-year degree allowing Indigenous
                                                   ••   Ecosystem Science                         Australian students to build careers
                                                   ••   Electrical Systems                        based on a strong science background.
                                                   ••   Environmental Engineering Systems         You will have access to the full range of
                                                                                                  opportunities available in the Bachelor of
                                                   ••   Environmental Science                     Science, together with additional support
                                                   ••   Food Science                              and resources to ensure academic success.
                                                   ••   Genetics
                                                   ••   Geography
                                                   ••   Geology

“After graduation I plan to study a masters in Human
     Resource Management and work in employment
      relations. I really enjoy learning about the legal
 jurisdictions of employees, and I only discovered my
  love for human resources and project management
                        through the Melbourne Model.”
                              Yargi Kilinc (Australia)
                   current Bachelor of Science student

                 BACH E LO R O F
                 SCI E NCE
                 3 years full time
                 Part time available (domestic students only)

                 February (Semester 1) or
                 July (Semester 2)Q

                 Entry requirements
                 Domestic students
                 Minimum entry 2019: ATAR 85.00, IB 31
                 Alternative entry: See Access Melbourne,
                 page 29

                 International students
                 International applicants will need to
                 meet the academic admission and
                 English language requirements. Visit:

                 Prerequisite subject study areas
                 English, mathematics and science
                 For full details of entry requirements and
                 information for other qualifications visit:

                 Contact hours (first year, full time)
                 Approximately 20 hours per week, plus
                 independent study time of approximately
                 20 hours per week
                 CRICOS: 002153M

                 Q Your course plan will be different if you are commencing
                   in Semester 2. Some majors cannot be completed within
                   three years from a mid-year start date due to subject
                   availability. You should pay close attention to prerequisite
                   subjects and when they are offered to avoid any
                   unnecessary delays to your course.


    Majors within the Bachelor of Science encompass the full range of scientific disciplines,
    from the fundamental and biological sciences to engineering systems and IT.

    AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE                                              ANIMAL HEALTH AND                                                 ANIMAL SCIENCE AND
    The agricultural industry today is                                DISEASE                                                           MANAGEMENT
    less about sowing seeds and more                                  How do you want to help animals? When                             What makes a free-range chicken free-
    about science: logistics, engineering,                            your best friend gets hurt, will you be there                     range? And is it really the most ethical
    robotics, genetics – modern farming is a                          to stitch Fido up? Or will you rush to the                        option? What is the best breeding
    cutting-edge, high-tech industry. At the                          stables for a foaling, or work in the lab,                        practice for livestock? And can we
    University of Melbourne we even have                              tracking disease outbreaks and developing                         finally confirm which are better, cats
    our own robotic dairy. You could use                              vaccines? Whatever you choose, start your                         or dogs? You might never answer that
    your biology and chemistry knowledge                              journey with Animal Health and Disease,                           last question, but in this major you will
    to develop food and fibre products                                where you’ll learn about animals and their                        learn all about animal management and
    that will be sustainable in our changing                          health, behaviour and handling. If you’re                         biology, from genetics and reproduction
    environment, or put your mathematics                              looking to become a vet, you can specialise                       through to behaviour and welfare. You’ll
    and statistics skills to use in managing                          in Veterinary Bioscience, a pathway to the                        understand how we use animals for food,
    livestock and grazing patterns. Within                            Doctor of Veterinary Medicine. Or you could                       fibre, recreation and companionship.
    the major, you can choose to specialise                           learn about disease surveillance in animal                        You can choose to specialise in Animal
    in Agricultural Science, Crop Science or                          populations through the Animal Disease                            Behaviour and Welfare, Livestock
    Animal Production.                                                Biotechnology specialisation, and help                            Production or Animal Science.
                                                                      prevent another swine or bird flu epidemic.

     This course plan includes breadth subjects in Management.

                                           Biology of Cells and                                                          Introduction to Life, Earth            Organisation and
                Semester 1                                                        Chemistry 1
                                           Organisms                                                                     and Universe                           Management
     Year 1
                                           Genetics and the Evolution                                                    Human Sciences: From Cells
                Semester 2                                                        Chemistry 2                                                                   Principles of Management
                                           of Life                                                                       to Societies

                                           Biochemistry in                                                               Animal Structure and
                Semester 1                                                        Companion Animal Biology                                                      Managing Operations
                                           Agricultural Systems                                                          Function
     Year 2
                                           Comparative Animal                     Ecology and Grazing
                Semester 2                                                                                               Topics in Animal Health                Organisational Behaviour
                                           Physiology                             Management

                                           Animal Disease                         Applied Animal Reproduction                                                   Managing Entrepreneurship
                Semester 1                                                                                               Animal Behaviour
                                           Biotechnology 1                        and Genetics                                                                  and Innovation
     Year 3
                                           Animal Disease                                                                Field Biology of
                Semester 2                                                        Animal Systems Analysis                                                       Business Communications
                                           Biotechnology 2                                                               Australian Wildlife

        Subject leading to a major                        Major subject                   Elective subject                  Breadth subjectW

    Q This is a sample course plan only. Subjects offered may change from year to year. You will be advised of current subject offerings prior to subject selection and enrolment. This sample study
      plans assumes that students have undertaken VCE Chemistry Units 3 and 4 or equivalent.
    W The breadth subjects featured in this plan are examples only. You can choose breadth subjects according to your interests. You must complete at least four breadth subjects in this degree,
      plus another two subjects either as breadth or as science electives.
#1 in Australia for
          – QS World University Rankings
                 by Subject 2018

  “The Bachelor of Science offers such a
huge range of subjects that it can often
  be hard to know which direction to go
  in. Keeping your subject choice broad,
   particularly in first year, allows you to
find what you enjoy, and can often lead
    you to discover areas of science that
    you have a real passion for. Looking
        ahead to interesting subjects can
    also help inform your subject choice,
       to make sure that you have all the
     prerequisites up your sleeve when it
           comes to picking your major.”
               Ryan Lowe (Australia)
Bachelor of Science (Biochemistry and
       Molecular Biology), 2015–2017

BIOCHEMISTRY AND                                                  BIOTECHNOLOGY                                                     CHEMICAL SYSTEMS
     MOLECULAR BIOLOGY                                                 Biotechnology uses biological knowledge                           In this modern world we take lots of
     It took 13 years and $1 billion to sequence                       to develop new processes and products                             things for granted, but without chemical
     the first human genome. Today, you only                           in industry, health, agribusiness and                             engineers, we wouldn’t have plastics,
     need to spend a few thousand dollars and                          other areas of human technology. It is                            pharmaceuticals, toiletries, household
     you’ll get the results tomorrow. Build the                        one of the world’s biggest and fastest-                           cleaners or processed food and drink.
     knowledge and techniques now needed in                            growing industries, and because it’s so                           Chemical engineers invent, design and
     many rapidly advancing fields of medical                          broad, we let you tailor this major to suit                       implement processes that convert raw
     research and biotechnology. In this major,                        your interests or background in areas                             materials into valuable products used
     you will develop your understanding                               like biology, chemistry, physics and                              every day. Follow this major through to the
     of basic biological processes as well as                          engineering. Depending on your focus,                             Master of Engineering and join students
     more specialised areas of molecular                               you can go on to careers in medical or                            working on important projects like clean
     science. And of course, you’ll spend lots                         veterinary science, food technology,                              energy biofuels, targeted drug delivery for
     of time in the lab developing the skills                          agriculture or forensic science. You can                          cancer treatment and new methods of air
     you need to work in this field. Careers                           also choose to complete further study                             pollution control.
     await in fields like pharmaceutical                               with the Master of Biotechnology.
     research, the biotechnology industry, or
     in the development and production of
                                                                       This major is also available in the                               CHEMISTRY
                                                                       Bachelor of Biomedicine.
     biochemical consumables.                                                                                                            Wondering what chemistry is all about? The
                                                                                                                                         better question is, what isn’t chemistry all
     This major is also available in the Bachelor
     of Biomedicine.
                                                                       CELL AND                                                          about? Whether it’s harnessing renewable
                                                                                                                                         energy sources, next-gen nanotechnology
                                                                       DEVELOPMENTAL                                                     or new medical breakthroughs, chemistry
                                                                       BIOLOGY                                                           is an ever-present and vital tool for
     BIOENGINEERING                                                                                                                      shaping the technologies of the future.
                                                                       We’re all made of cells, and we all start
     SYSTEMS                                                           with just one. But what are cells made                            The future of science is multidisciplinary,
     If you can’t choose between operating                             of? Find out and learn how they work,                             and chemistry sits at the intersection of
     robots and operating theatres, then this                          and then explore the genetic, molecular                           so much that will change our world over
     major is for you. You’ll study elements of                        and cellular basis of development in a                            the coming century. This major covers the
     engineering, science and medicine, and                            variety of organisms and experimental                             fields of molecular design and synthesis,
     learn to use all three to develop new and                         models. See what happens when                                     analysis and spectroscopic identification
     improved medical treatments, processes                            cellular processes go bad, resulting in                           of chemical species, quantum chemistry,
     and instruments. University of Melbourne                          developmental disorders or diseases                               molecular dynamics, chemical kinetics and
     bioengineers are working on ground-                               like cancer or diabetes. In this major, we                        thermodynamics.
     breaking innovations like the bionic eye,                         also make sure you consider the ethical
     implants that help control epilepsy and                           issues associated with new technologies,
     improved ways of delivering life-saving                           including IVF, birth control, stem cell
     drugs to the body. Follow this major                              technology and genetically manipulated
     through to the Master of Engineering and                          foods and crops, to prepare you for
     imagine what you could do next.                                   possible careers in research laboratories
                                                                       and the medico-legal area.
     This major is also available in the
     Bachelor of Biomedicine.                                          This major is also available in the
                                                                       Bachelor of Biomedicine.

      This course plan includes a sample breadth track in Spanish.

                                                                                                                          Biology of Cells and
                 Semester 1                 Foundations of Computing               Calculus 2                                                                    Spanish 1
      Year 1
                                                                                                                          Genetics and the Evolution
                 Semester 2                 Foundations of Algorithms              Linear Algebra                                                                Spanish 2
                                                                                                                          of Life

                 Semester 1                 Elements of Data Processing            Probability                            Principles of Genetics                 Spanish 3
      Year 2
                 Semester 2                 Statistics                             Experiments in Genetics                Genes and Genomes                      Spanish 4

                                                                                                                          Evolutionary Genetics and
                 Semester 1                 Linear Statistical Models              Machine Learning                                                              Spanish 5
      Year 3
                                                                                                                          Science and Technology
                 Semester 2                 Modern Applied Statistics              Applied Data Science                                                          Spanish 6

         Subject leading to a major                        Major subject                   Elective subject                  Breadth subjectW

     Q This is a sample course plan only. Subjects offered may change from year to year. You will be advised of current subject offerings prior to subject selection and enrolment. This sample study
       plan assumes that students have achieved a score of 29 or above in VCE Specialist Mathematics Units 3 and 4 or equivalent. Students who have not met this requirement will need to take
       Calculus 1, before Calculus 2.
     W The breadth subjects featured in this plan are examples only. You can choose breadth subjects according to your interests. You must complete at least four breadth subjects in this degree,
10     plus another two subjects either as breadth or as science electives.
CIVIL SYSTEMS                                  COMPUTING AND
Take a look around. The building you’re in,    SOFTWARE SYSTEMS
the road you drive on, the train you catch,    You don’t need us to tell you that the
even the drainage system in your street        software industry is huge, and it’s only
are all the work of civil engineers. Learn     going to get bigger. Whether you’re
about planning, design and construction        interested in app development, gaming,
of the built environment and explore the       productivity software, financial products
best ways of interacting with the natural      or website development, this major will
environment. Follow this major through to      build the knowledge and skills you need
the Master of Engineering and start creating   for a career in the software industry.
innovative solutions to urban problems.        You’ll use programming languages, learn
Build a bridge – literally.                    about the systematic processes behind
                                               the software development life cycle
This major is also available in the Bachelor
                                               and gain an appreciation of advanced
of Design.
                                               computing. Then, level up your major in
                                               the Master of Engineering or Master of
CLIMATE AND WEATHER                            Information Technology.

Ever wondered what causes cyclones,
or what’s really happening to the ozone        DATA SCIENCE
layer? Our climate and weather systems
                                               Over the past decade there has been an
influence a lot more than what you decide
                                               explosion in the amount of data captured
to wear each morning. In fact, ongoing
                                               from mobile phones, the internet, sensors
and unpredictable changes to our climate
                                               and instruments. Capturing this data is big
and weather will greatly challenge
                                               business, but how do we make sense of it
how – and where – we live in the future.
                                               all? That’s where you come in. Develop a
Study Earth’s atmosphere, oceans and
                                               strong foundation in the statistical aspects
land surfaces through this major, and
                                               of data analysis (data collection, data
discover how they combine to influence
                                               mining, modelling and inference) and the
temperatures, rainfall and other weather.
                                               principles of computer science (algorithms,
Learn about climate modelling and
                                               data structures, data management and
prediction, the role of principal wind and
                                               machine learning). Learn to integrate
ocean current systems, and build your
                                               and apply statistical and computational
skills in many of the different sciences
                                               principles to solve real-world problems
that play a role in climate and weather.
                                               with large-scale data science, and set
                                               yourself up for the career of the future.
Did you know that computational
biologists helped stop the spread of
Ebola in 2014? Or that their models led to
more sustainable fishing practices?
A University of Melbourne computational
biologist was even responsible for
identifying the bones of King Richard III,
which were found buried under a parking
lot. Study biology, mathematics and
statistics, and computer science in this
truly multidisciplinary major. You’ll learn
to interpret biological phenomena using
mathematical and statistical models,
computational tools and algorithmic
design. Get ready for the jobs of

                                                                                                 #1 in Australia
                                                                                              for Biological Sciences
                                                                                                – QS World University Rankings
                                                                                                       by Subject 2018

ECOLOGY AND                                                        ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS                                               ENVIRONMENTAL
     EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY                                               Electrical engineers design and build                            SCIENCE
     Have you ever wondered about the                                   electronic devices on all scales –                               Our environment is facing some
     history of life on Earth? When and where                           from nanoelectronics to nationwide                               serious challenges – from changing
     did a species originate? How did it                                power grids. And at the University of                            climates to habitat loss, environmental
     evolve? What controls where a species is                           Melbourne, our electrical engineers are                          degradation, species extinction and
     found and how abundant it is? Are birds                            improving lives by developing systems                            overpopulation. Environmental science
     really dinosaurs? This major combines                              and instrumentation for bionic vision,                           combines knowledge in biology,
     disciplines from genetics through to                               hearing technologies and life-support                            chemistry, statistics and earth sciences
     ecosystem science to give you a deep                               systems. This major introduces you to                            for a multi-disciplinary approach to
     understanding of the evolutionary basis                            the fundamental mathematics of signals,                          overcoming these challenges. You’ll also
     of ecosystems, habitats and biodiversity,                          systems and information, and the physical                        gain important skills in risk assessment
     and the relationships between species                              science of electrical phenomena. You can                         and environmental monitoring, which
     and their environments. You can                                    then go on to further study in the Master of                     are crucial to careers in consulting,
     specialise in Ecology, Conservation                                Engineering.                                                     environmental management and
     Ecology, or Evolution and Biodiversity.                                                                                             laboratory research.
     ECOSYSTEM SCIENCE                                                  ENGINEERING SYSTEMS                                              FOOD SCIENCE
     We all like to think we’re green but, for                          As an environmental engineer, your                               Not even Jamie Oliver will be able
     the first time ever, more than 50 per                              job is to build sustainable solutions to                         to feed the 9.7 billion people we can
     cent of people around the world live in                            environmental problems. In this major,                           expect to be sharing the planet with by
     cities. Some think this removes us from                            you’ll learn about the complexities of                           2050.Q Study food science and learn
     nature, but we’re now recognising the                              natural systems and how they interact                            new ways to improve, preserve, process,
     value of urban ecosystems, green spaces                            with the built environment by examining                          package, store and deliver food products
     and urban forests in making our cities                             land use and management, salinity, water                         globally. This major could lead to a
     more liveable for us, and for our plant                            resources management, water quality                              career designing new and better ways
     and animal neighbours. Meanwhile,                                  and soil rehabilitation. Follow this major                       to feed the world in growing industries
     outside the cities, we see dwindling                               through to the Master of Engineering and                         like product research and development,
     forests worldwide and an ever-expanding                            join our graduates alongside biologists,                         food safety and regulation, nutrition
     appetite for forest products and ask,                              ecologists and resource managers to                              assessment and quality assurance.
     what can we do? This major will show                               create a better, more efficient and more
     you how to care for, use and protect                               sustainable world.
     urban and forest ecosystems. The Urban
     Ecosystems specialisation will teach you
     to build and manage the greener, liveable
     cities of the future, while in the Forest
     Ecosystem specialisation you’ll discover
     how to sustainably manage what goes
     into, and what comes out of, forests.

      This sample course plan includes breadth subjects in Creativity, the Arts and Young People.

                                                                                   Biology of Cells and
                 Semester 1                 Chemistry 1                                                                    The Global Environment                 Creativity, Play and the Arts
      Year 1
                                                                                   Genetics and the Evolution                                                     Creative Projects –
                 Semester 2                 Chemistry 2                                                                    Understanding Planet Earth
                                                                                   of Life                                                                        Digital Technologies

                                                                                   Chemistry: Reactions and
                 Semester 1                 Environmental Chemistry                                                        Analysis of Biological Data            Concepts of Childhood
      Year 2
                                                                                   Chemistry: Structure and                                                       Science Communication and
                 Semester 2                 Ecology                                                                        Dangerous Earth
                                                                                   Properties                                                                     Employability

                                            Environmental Risk                                                             Hydrogeology/Environmental             School Experience as
                 Semester 1                                                        Imaging the Environment
                                            Assessment                                                                     Geochemistry                           Breadth
      Year 3
                                            Problem Solving in                     Analytical and Environmental
                 Semester 2                                                                                                Applied Ecology                        Story, Children and the Arts
                                            Environmental Science                  Chemistry

         Subject leading to a major                        Major subject                   Elective subject                   Breadth subjectE

     Q United Nations: World Population Prospects: the 2012 Revision.
     W This is a sample course plan only. Subjects offered may change from year to year. You will be advised of current subject offerings prior to subject selection and enrolment.
     E The breadth subjects featured in this plan are examples only. You can choose breadth subjects according to your interests. You must complete at least four breadth subjects in this degree,
12     plus another two subjects either as breadth or as science electives.
“As an international student
                                                                                                                                                          I felt very welcomed at
                                                                                                                                                   Melbourne University, in the
                                                                                                                                                  company of new friends and
                                                                                                                                                experienced staff. Additionally,
                                                                                                                                               studying advanced technology,
                                                                                                                                               working with gifted teammates
                                                                                                                                                   from different backgrounds
                                                                                                                                                   and participating in various
                                                                                                                                                         social events made my
                                                                                                                                                      life more colourful. It also
                                                                                                                                                  increased my confidence for
                                                                                                                                                            finding a decent job.”
                                                                                                                                                       Guoxin Sun (China)
                                                                                                                                               Bachelor of Science (Electrical
                                                                                                                                                        Systems), 2015–2017

 This course plan includes a sample breadth track in Economics and Finance.

            Semester 1                 Engineering Systems Design 1          Calculus 1 W                           Physics 1                              Principles of Finance
 Year 1
                                                                                                                    Physics 2: Physical Science
            Semester 2                 Engineering Systems Design 2          Calculus 2                                                                    Data Analysis 1
                                                                                                                    and Technology

            Semester 1                 Engineering Mechanics                 Linear Algebra                         Engineering Computation E              Business Finance
 Year 2
                                                                             Foundations of Electrical
            Semester 2                 Engineering Mathematics                                                      Engineering Materials                  Econometrics 1
                                                                             Networks E

            Semester 1                 Mechanics and Materials               Imaging the Environment                Corporate Finance                      Investments
 Year 3
                                                                             Thermodynamics and                     Systems Modelling and                  Numerical Programming for
            Semester 2                 Mechanical Design
                                                                             Fluid Mechanics                        Analysis                               Engineers

    Subject leading to a major                       Major subject                   Elective subject                  Breadth subjectR

Q This is a sample course plan only. Subjects offered may change from year to year. You will be advised of current subject offerings prior to subject selection and enrolment.
W Students who have a study score of 25 or higher in VCE Mathematical Methods Units 3 and 4, but did not achieve 29 or higher in Specialist Mathematics Units 3 and 4, take Calculus 1 before
  proceeding to Calculus 2. Students with 27 or 28 in Specialist Mathematics Units 3 and 4 are eligible for entry to Linear Algebra.
E Recommended for students intending to proceed to the Master of Engineering (Mechanical).
R The breadth subjects featured in this plan are examples only. You must complete at least four breadth subjects in this degree.
GENETICS                                                          GEOLOGY                                                           IMMUNOLOGY
     Not long ago, genetics was a highly                               With 4.6 billion years’ worth of records,                         Learn how immunology – the study
     specialised field. Now it is the foundation                       geology has plenty to tell us. In this major,                     of the human immune system, which
     for studies in all the biological sciences.                       you’ll discover the secrets hidden below                          controls infections and provides immunity
     We’re all geneticists. At its core, genetics                      the ground through field-based classes and                        against micro-organisims – can apply
     is the study of the variation between                             laboratory analysis. Explore the origins of                       to a range of areas in the biomedical
     living things and how this variation is                           our planet and the processes that shaped                          sciences. This major will teach you to
     inherited. This can include studies of gene                       it, and how these processes continue to                           acquire, analyse and apply information
     regulation, development, neurogenetics,                           change our planet, sometimes dramatically.                        from multiple sources, both within and
     population genetics and evolution                                 You’ll be able to read the landscape at a                         beyond the laboratory. It opens up careers
     along with genetic disease detection,                             whole new level. Our economy and lifestyles                       in epidemiology, diagnostics, molecular
     prevention and treatment in humans,                               rely in a large part on the resources that                        biology, biotechnology, vaccinology,
     animals and plants. This knowledge                                lie below us, so there are always lots of                         biosafety and regulation.
     is then applied to research in biology,                           career opportunities for geologists in
     biomedical sciences, biotechnology,                               research, environmental assessment and                            This major is also available in the Bachelor
     ecology and conservation. See what we                             remediation, the minerals and petroleum                           of Biomedicine.
     mean by “we’re all geneticists”?                                  industries, and government.

     This major is also available in the                                                                                                 MARINE BIOLOGY
     Bachelor of Biomedicine.                                          HUMAN STRUCTURE AND                                               Marine biology is much more than just
                                                                       FUNCTION                                                          swimming with dolphins – it is the key
                                                                                                                                         to understanding and responding to
     GEOGRAPHY                                                         The human body is amazing. If you want
                                                                                                                                         important issues facing our planet, like
                                                                       to see just how amazing, then you should
     Geographers look at the world around                                                                                                global warming and the impact of tourism
                                                                       do this major. You’ll get hands-on, using
     us and ask: What is going on? And then                                                                                              and pollution on our oceans. You’ll become
                                                                       human cadavers to understand the
     they ask: How can we make it better?                                                                                                an expert in marine biological systems,
                                                                       relationship between human physiology
     This major develops your skills in                                                                                                  and in the application of ecological
                                                                       (function) and anatomy (structure),
     conservation, environmental practices                                                                                               principles and environmental management
                                                                       while being introduced to elements
     and social processes though problem-                                                                                                strategies. You’ll also develop a breadth
                                                                       of other relevant fields like pathology,
     focused and field-based activities. You                                                                                             of knowledge across many disciplines,
                                                                       pharmacology and zoology. This major is a
     can study geomorphology, climate                                                                                                    from biological sciences such as botany
                                                                       great pathway to further study in medicine
     change, coastal processes, biodiversity,                                                                                            and zoology to the physical sciences of
                                                                       or health sciences.
     palaeoecology, sustainable development                                                                                              chemistry, geography and oceanography.
     and globalisation. Optional field subjects                        This major is also available in the Bachelor                      You may then decide to explore careers in
     will take you to East Timor or China and                          of Biomedicine.                                                   commercial aquaculture, environmental
     give you first-hand experience of the                                                                                               monitoring, research or tourism (and yes,
     landscapes, cultures and politics that                                                                                              that may include swimming with dolphins).
     define these fascinating countries.

     This major is also available in the
     Bachelor of Arts.

      This course plan includes breadth subjects in Anthropology and Linguistics.

                                            Biology of Cells and
                 Semester 1                                                        Mind, Brain and Behaviour 1             Fundamentals of Chemistry              Intercultural Communication
      Year 1
                                            Genetics and the Evolution                                                                                            Anthropology: Studying
                 Semester 2                                                        Mind, Brain and Behaviour 2             Chemistry 1
                                            of Life                                                                                                               Human Diversity

                                                                                                                                                                  Engaging the World in
                 Semester 1                 Biological Psychology                  Principles of Genetics                  Developmental Psychology
                                                                                                                                                                  Theory and Practice
      Year 2
                                                                                   Personality and Social                                                         Language, Society
                 Semester 2                 Cognitive Psychology                                                           Biotechnology
                                                                                   Psychology                                                                     and Culture

                                            Neurophysiology: Neurons                                                       Research Methods for                   Power, Ideology and
                 Semester 1                                                        Principles of Neuroscience
                                            and Circuits                                                                   Human Inquiry                          Inequality
      Year 3
                                            Sensation Movement and                                                         Psychological Science:                 Anthropology of Kinship
                 Semester 2                                                        Developmental Neurobiology
                                            Complex Functions                                                              Theory and Practice                    and Family

         Subject leading to a major                        Major subject                   Elective subject                   Breadth subjectW

     Q This is a sample course plan only. Subjects offered may change from year to year. You will be advised of current subject offerings prior to subject selection and enrolment.
     W The breadth subjects featured in this plan are examples only. You can choose breadth subjects according to your interests. You must complete at least four breadth subjects in this degree,
       plus another two subjects either as breadth or as science electives.

From black holes, thermodynamics,
electricity and magnetism to acoustics
and aerodynamics, mathematical physics                             school (VCE)
has helped answer many of the big
questions about our world. This major
combines physics and mathematics to
provide you with the tools you need to                             Bachelor of
understand the physical world, and will
build a strong foundation for careers in
                                                                 Science, major
logistics management, market research,                           in Immunology
medical or research analysis, finance,
materials science or mining.

MATHEMATICS AND                                                      Doctor of
STATISTICS                                                           Medicine
Every scientist, engineer, medical
specialist and economist uses maths
and/or statistics. Maths and stats
are powerful tools for understanding
the physical world, as well as human
endeavour and behaviour in fields like
psychology, linguistics and the social
sciences. By majoring in mathematics
you’ll be able to pick an equation
apart, understand its component parts
and, maybe, put it back together with
improvements. And you’ve probably
heard the saying: there’s lies, damn lies
and statistics. That’s half true – there’s
bad statistics, and there’s good statistics.
Can you spot the difference? This major
gives you deep knowledge in one of
four specialisations: Pure Mathematics,
Applied Mathematics, Operations
Research/Discrete Mathematics and
Statistics and Stochastic Processes.

                                                  “I loved biology in secondary school,
                                                   and with no clear direction of where
                                                  I wanted to go with my career, doing
                                                      science was a great choice for me.
                                                    It has opened up my perspective of
                                                      what fields of study there are, and
                                                     the flexibility in subject choice has
                                               allowed me to explore all my options in
                                                                 different science areas.”

                                                            Claire Demeo (Australia)

MECHANICAL SYSTEMS                                                      MICROBIOLOGY AND                                                         PATHOLOGY
     Mechanical engineers design, construct,                                 IMMUNOLOGY                                                               Diseases are a part of life, and a part of
     operate and maintain machines, robots,                                  Life on Earth began with, and has always                                 death. It wasn’t that long ago that we didn’t
     energy systems and manufacturing                                        depended on, the activities of micro-                                    know the root cause of even the most
     equipment – practically anything                                        organisms. Most of these activities                                      common diseases, and there is still so
     with moving parts. With the skills and                                  are helpful to the planet and to us, but                                 much to learn. Discover how pathology has
     knowledge you gain in this major, you                                   occasionally micro-organisms can do                                      made rapid advances by looking at disease
     could help develop new products like                                    bad things, like cause infections, with                                  from all angles – molecular, cellular, tissue,
     mobile phones, gaming consoles, cars                                    potentially disastrous outcomes. Our                                     functional, biochemical and immunological.
     and wind turbines, or the robots that                                   immune system fights infections, and                                     Use cutting-edge medical research and
     make them. Mechanical engineering not                                   usually wins, but it’s an arms race and                                  the latest understanding of human biology
     only interacts with all other disciplines                               we must constantly adapt to battle new                                   and molecular genetics to understand the
     of engineering but, increasingly, with                                  infections. Learn about the incredible                                   mechanisms behind disease. You could
     other disciplines such as medicine,                                     ability of micro-organisms to evolve and                                 end up doing diagnostic pathology in a
     biology and computer technology. This                                   survive, and how our immune system                                       biotechnology lab, or complete further
     major prepares you to solve practical                                   works to control infections and provide                                  study for a career in disease research or as a
     problems with mechanical systems, and                                   immunity against those micro-organisms                                   medical pathologist.
     leads to further study in the Master of                                 that are out to harm us.
     Engineering.                                                                                                                                     This major is also available in the
                                                                             This major is also available in the                                      Bachelor of Biomedicine.
     This major is also available in the                                     Bachelor of Biomedicine.
     Bachelor of Design.
                                                                             NEUROSCIENCE                                                             Some drugs save lives, some destroy
     MECHATRONICS SYSTEMS                                                                                                                             lives. Pharmacology is the study of the
                                                                             How the brain works is both fascinating
     If the future is self-driving cars, Amazon                              and baffling, and there is still so much                                 interaction between drugs and humans
     delivery drones and re-usable rockets, then                             yet to be discovered about these living                                  (and other animals) – it’s how we find
     the career of the future is mechatronics.                               computers. This major will give you an                                   out what works and what doesn’t. In this
     Do you like mechanical, electrical and                                  understanding of how the nervous system                                  major you can choose a research project
     software engineering and can’t decide                                   is organised and how it functions, from                                  that could contribute to major advances
     which to specialise in? Why not combine                                 the biology of nerve cells and neural                                    in the treatment of diabetes, heart attack,
     the three and develop the next generation                               circuits through to neural systems and                                   asthma, cancer, Parkinson’s disease and
     of automated technologies! You’ll                                       complex behaviours. You’ll also find out                                 many other ailments affecting humans.
     develop a fundamental understanding                                     how modern neuroscience interacts with                                   Maybe you’ll be inspired to set off on a
     of the mathematical modelling that                                      molecular and cell biology, physiology,                                  research path in this $1 trillion industry.
     dictates the behaviour, response and                                    psychology, and cognitive and information                                Or maybe your new-found knowledge
     control of mechanical systems. And                                      science. You can then take this                                          will take you elsewhere, into business or
     you’ll learn about electronic sensors, the                              knowledge and apply it to fields like drug                               government. You’ll be studying in the heart
     instrumentation required to support them,                               development, behavioural research, brain                                 of Australia’s pharmaceutical industry, so
     and programming skills used for interfacing                             imaging or whatever other possibilities                                  look out for opportunities to connect with
     computers with machines. You can then go                                your brain can come up with.                                             the many companies and institutes in our
     deeper into this field with further study in                                                                                                     neighbourhood located nearby.
     the Master of Engineering.                                              This major is also available in the
                                                                             Bachelor of Biomedicine.                                                 This major is also available in the
                                                                                                                                                      Bachelor of Biomedicine.

      This course plan includes a sample breadth track in History and Philosophy of Science.

                  Semester 1                    Physics 1                                 Calculus 2                                 Chemistry 1                                Science and Pseudoscience
      Year 1
                                                Physics 2: Physical Science
                  Semester 2                                                              Linear Algebra                             Chemistry 2                                From Plato to Einstein
                                                and Technology

                                                Quantum and Thermal                        Laboratory and                                                                       Technology and
                  Semester 1                                                                                                         Vector Calculus
                                                Physics                                    Computational Physics 2                                                              Contemporary Life
      Year 2
                                                Special Relativity and
                  Semester 2                                                               Real Analysis                             Differential Equations                     Science, Reason and Reality

                  Semester 1                    Quantum Physics                            Electrodynamics                           Complex Analysis                           Science and Society
      Year 3
                                                Laboratory and                                                                       Methods of Mathematical                    Scientific Practice and
                  Semester 2                                                               Statistical Physics
                                                Computational Physics 3                                                              Physics                                    Human Inquiry

         Subject leading to a major                             Major subject                      Elective subject                      Breadth subjectW

     Q This is a sample course plan only. Subjects offered may change from year to year. You will be advised of current subject offerings prior to subject selection and enrolment. This sample study plans assume that
       students have undertaken VCE Physics Units 3 and 4 and VCE Chemistry Units 3 and 4 or equivalent, and obtained a study score of 29 or more in VCE Mathematical Methods Units 3 and 4 or equivalent.
       Also, that students have achieved a score of 29 or above in VCE Specialist Mathematics Units 3 and 4 or equivalent. Students who have not met this requirement will need to take Calculus 1, before Calculus 2.
     W The breadth subjects featured in this plan are examples only. You can choose breadth subjects according to your interests. You must complete at least four breadth subjects in this degree,
16     plus another two subjects either as breadth or as science electives.
PHYSICS                                                          PLANT SCIENCE                                                      SPATIAL SYSTEMS
Biology, chemistry, engineering,                                 Forget solar panels and Tesla batteries,                           Be part of one of the fastest-growing
medicine, finance – at their most                                the true solar energy and storage                                  IT industries in the world. Spatial
fundamental levels, everything in nature                         powerhouses of the world are plants.                               information has entered the ‘big data’
can be explained by physics. So, if you                          Study the big and the small, from                                  age with huge, complex data sets
want to understand how a bumblebee                               single-celled algae (the solar factories                           that include geographic and location-
flies, how the human metabolism works,                           of the oceans), to giant eucalyptus trees,                         tagged information from thousands of
how to design a wind turbine that doesn’t                        ancient ferns, the crop plants that supply                         sources, like global positioning satellites,
collapse, or how to predict the next                             most of the world’s nutritional needs, or                          surveying, laser mapping (LiDAR) and
global financial collapse, study Physics.                        the plant toxins that might be the basis                           telecommunications. You could build the
You should also study Physics if you are                         for the next life-saving drug. Learn how                           next generation of 3-D visualisations for
inspired by the beauty of the cosmos                             plants’ solar-powered food and oxygen                              Google Earth or create software that will
and want to reveal its mysteries, or if you                      factories work. Plant science can take you                         help us predict and respond to bushfires
want to use the biggest machine ever                             in as many directions as there are plants –                        or other natural disasters. This major
built to see the smallest particles ever                         from agriculture to horticulture, and from                         leads to the professionally accredited
observed.                                                        conservation to biotechnology.                                     Master of Engineering or Master of
                                                                                                                                    Information Technology.

PHYSIOLOGY                                                       PSYCHOLOGY                                                         This major is also available in the
                                                                                                                                    Bachelor of Design.
Discoveries in physiology impact on                              Admit it. Deep down, we all want to know
health and medicine, our environment,                            what everyone else is thinking. Look at the
industry, nutrition, exercise and                                most popular TED talks of all time – nearly                        ZOOLOGY
reproductive biology, and you could set                          all of them are about human psychology.
yourself up for a career in any of these                         Understanding human behaviour is hard,                             Did you know that some female lizards
areas by understanding how cells, organs                         because how we behave is complex and                               can clone themselves, a baby bandicoot
and whole-of-body functions work. Our                            keeps changing as our environment                                  is born after only 12 days of pregnancy
bodies work amazingly most of the time,                          and technology changes. In this major                              and that some baby spiders practise
but what happens when something                                  you’ll learn about every stage of human                            ‘matriphagy’ – eating their mothers after
goes wrong? Learn how disturbances                               behaviour, from behavioural neuroscience                           birth? The Zoology major gives you the
in the endocrine, cardiovascular,                                to cognitive processes, and the practical                          option to study animals at every scale,
musculoskeletal, developmental and                               aspects of developmental, social and                               from the biology of cells to the behaviour
neural control systems impact our health,                        clinical psychology. With further study in                         of whole populations. You can choose
and devise experimental studies that                             one of our accredited masters degrees                              to specialise in Behavioural Ecology,
might help us understand what we can do                          you can gain registration as a professional                        Reproductive Biology or Wildlife and
to stop them.                                                    psychologist.                                                      Conservation. We’re not promising you’ll
                                                                                                                                    be the next Sir David Attenborough, but
This major is also available in the                              This major is also available in the                                he did study zoology at university, so it’s
Bachelor of Biomedicine.                                         Bachelor of Arts.                                                  a start!

 This course plan includes a sample breadth track in Politics and International Studies.

                                       Biology of Cells and                                                          Famine: The Geography of
            Semester 1                                                        Chemistry 1                                                                   The Developing World
                                       Organisms                                                                     Scarcity
 Year 1
                                       Genetics and the Evolution                                                    Biology of Australian
            Semester 2                                                        Chemistry 2                                                                   International Politics
                                       of Life                                                                       Flora and Fauna

                                       Animal Structure and                                                          Blue Planet:
            Semester 1                                                        Analysis of Biological Data                                                   Politics and the Media
                                       Function                                                                      Intro to Marine Environments
 Year 2
                                       Comparative Animal                                                                                                   Development in the
            Semester 2                                                        Ecology                                Environmental Chemistry
                                       Physiology                                                                                                           21st Century

                                       Ecology in Changing                    Marine Ecosystems:                                                            School Experience as
            Semester 1                                                                                               Animal Behaviour
                                       Environments                           Ecology & Management                                                          Breadth
 Year 3
                                       Field Biology of                                                                                                     Science Communication and
            Semester 2                                                        Applied Ecology                        Science Research Project
                                       Australian Wildlife                                                                                                  Employability

    Subject leading to a major                        Major subject                   Elective subject                  Breadth subjectW

Q This is a sample course plan only. Subjects offered may change from year to year. You will be advised of current subject offerings prior to subject selection and enrolment. This sample study
  plan assumes that students have achieved a score of 25 or more in VCE Mathematical Methods Units 3 and 4 or equivalent, and VCE Chemistry Units 3 and 4 or equivalent.
W The breadth subjects featured in this plan are examples only. You can choose breadth subjects according to your interests. You must complete at least four breadth subjects in this degree,
  plus another two subjects either as breadth or as science electives.

     Concurrent diplomas offer another                                DIPLOMA IN LANGUAGES                                            DIPLOMA IN MUSIC
     way to develop your interests                                    Languages available: Ancient Greek,                             The Diploma in Music provides the
     and discover new opportunities                                   Arabic, Chinese, French, German,                                opportunity to further your musical
     outside of your chosen degree.                                   Hebrew, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese,                          training or explore areas of academic and
                                                                      Latin, Russian and Spanish.                                     practical interest in music, while gaining
                                                                                                                                      a music qualification alongside your
     FLEXIBLE STUDY                                                   Available to:                                                   undergraduate studies in another field.
     OPTIONS                                                          Students enrolled in Arts, Biomedicine,                         The program can be tailored depending
                                                                      Commerce, Design, Music and Science.                            on your interests, and provides access to
     Our diplomas give you many flexible                              Available in some graduate programs                             the full range of Conservatorium options.
     options to enrich and broaden your                               (pending permission from graduate
     studies – and if you're an undergraduate                         program coordinator).                                           Available to:
     domestic student, you may be eligible to                                                                                         Students enrolled in Arts, Biomedicine,
     receive the final half of the diploma HECS                       Prerequisites                                                   Commerce, Design and Science.
     free. You can study a diploma alongside                          If you are applying for a Diploma in
     your undergraduate degree (adding a                              Languages other than in Ancient Greek,                          Prerequisites
     further year of study), or cross-credit                          Hebrew or Latin and have not studied                            There are no additional prerequisites
     up to 50 points (four subjects) of study                         your chosen language at the University,                         once you are enrolled in your
     in your undergraduate degree and your                            you are required to take a Language                             undergraduate degree. Some ensemble
     diploma, enabling you to complete the                            Placement Test.                                                 subjects require an audition, and entry
     degree and the diploma within 3.5 years.                                                                                         to the music performance stream –
                                                                                           involving individual instrumental or
     High-achieving students may be able                              languages                                                       vocal lessons – is by recorded audition,
     to complete their degree and diploma
                                                                                                                                      submitted in early February.
     within three years. Conditions apply, and
     you should discuss your options with a                           DIPLOMA IN                                            
     course adviser once you enrol in your                            MATHEMATICAL                                                    diploma-in-music
     undergraduate degree.
                                                                      The Diploma in Mathematical Sciences
     DIPLOMA IN                                                       enables you to gain a mathematics
     INFORMATICS                                                      qualification while completing an
                                                                      undergraduate degree.
     The Diploma in Informatics will equip you
     with the understanding of IT technologies                        Available to:
     and tools that employers are seeking.
                                                                      Students enrolled in Arts, Biomedicine,
     The Diploma is designed to complement
                                                                      Commerce, Design, Music and Science.R
     your core studies with fundamental
     programming and data management skills.                          Prerequisites
     Available to:                                                    A study score of 30 in VCE Specialist
                                                                      Mathematics Units 3 and 4 or equivalent,
     Students enrolled in Arts, Biomedicine,Q
                                                                      or successful completion of university-
     Commerce, Design,W Music and Science.E
                                                                      level studies equivalent to VCE Specialist
     Prerequisites                                                    Mathematics Units 3 and 4.
     Successful completion of 50 points of                  
     University study, including the core subject                     degrees/diploma-in-mathematical-
     COMP10001 Foundations of Computing,                              sciences
     with a weighted average of 65%.

     Q   Bachelor of Biomedicine students cannot complete the diploma and the degree within the standard structure and time frame. Consult your course adviser.
     W   Bachelor of Design students majoring in Computing are not permitted to complete the Diploma in Informatics.
     E   Bachelor of Science students who select a major in Computing and Software Systems or Data Science are not permitted to complete a Diploma in Informatics.
     R   Bachelor of Science students who select a major in Mathematics and Statistics or Mathematical Physics or Data Science are not permitted to complete a Diploma in Mathematical Sciences.


With a reputation as a global research leader, world-renowned scientists on staff, state-of-the
art facilities, 11 research Centres of Excellence and a strong culture of industry collaboration,
the Faculty of Science is finding solutions to the issues that matter most.

YOUR TEACHERS                             YOUR PEERS                               YOUR ALUMNI
Do you want to connect with some          We attract the brightest and most        The Faculty of Science alumni
of the best researchers in Australia?     enthusiastic students, so you’ll be      community is made up of over
That’s easy – study science at            mixing with people like you. Together    50 000 graduates. Meaning you are
Melbourne, and they’ll be your            you will be challenged and inspired to   part of a vast, interconnected global
lecturers.                                achieve your best.                       community.

YOUR CAMPUS                               YOUR CITY                                YOUR FACILITIES
The Faculty of Science is based at the    The Melbourne Museum and                 The University of Melbourne’s
historic Parkville campus, in the heart   Melbourne Zoo are a short walk from      $140 million Bio21 Molecular Science
of Melbourne. We also have campuses       the University, and the world-famous     and Biotechnology Institute is one of
in Creswick and Burnley.                  Melbourne cafe and arts culture is       the largest biotechnology research
                                          available right on your doorstep.        centres in Australia, and something
                                                                                   you’ll have access to as a Science
                                                                                   student here.

                                                                                                                               #1 in Australia for
                                                                                                                   Engineering and Technology
                                                                                                                       – QS World University Rankings by Subject 2018

     Study at Australia’s number one university                         HOW TO BECOME A PROFESSIONAL (ACCREDITED)
     for engineering and technologyQ and gain
     fundamental engineering knowledge for a
                                                                        ENGINEER THROUGH THE BACHELOR OF SCIENCE
     successful career, not just your first job.
                                                                                 ST E P 1 : C H O O SE A N EN G I N EERI N G M A J O R (3 Y EA RS )
     Qualified engineers are in high demand
     globally. As an engineering graduate you
     can access a vast range of interesting                                                                       B I O E N G I N E E R I N G SYST E M S
     and well-paid employment opportunities                                                                             C H E M I C A L SYST E M S
     around the world.                                                                                                     C I V I L SYST E M S
                                                                                                         CO M P U T I N G A N D S O F T WA R E SYST E M S
                                                                                                                      E L E CT R I C A L SYST E M S
     ENGINEERING AT                                                                                    E N V I R O N M E N TA L E N G I N E E R I N G SYST E M S
     MELBOURNE                                                                                                        M E C H A N I C A L SYST E M S
     To become a professionally accredited                                                                         M E C H AT R O N I CS SYST E M S
     engineer you’ll complete a three-                                                                                   S PAT I A L SYST E M S
     year undergraduate degree with an
     engineering major or sequence, followed
     by a two-year Master of Engineering at
     the Melbourne School of Engineering.
                                                                                 ST E P 2 : C H O O SE G RA DUATE STU DY I N EN G I N EERI N G
     There are nine engineering systems                                                                     (2 Y EA RS)
     majors in the Bachelor of Science,
     providing you with a broad and flexible
     pathway for studying engineering in a                                                                  MA ST ER O F EN GI N EERI N G
     wider scientific context:                                                                                                         OR
     ••   Focus on your chosen field of                                                MA ST ER O F EN GI N EERI N G ( W I T H B US I N ESS )
          engineering, explore different types
          of engineering or complement your
          course with subjects from outside
          your core discipline                                                             STEP 3 : EM P LOY M EN T A S A P RO F ESSI O N A L
     ••   Gain a world-class education of                                                            (ACC REDI TED) EN G I N EER
          greater technical depth and breadth
     ••   Graduate with two degrees, including
          a higher-level masters qualification.

     The Master of Engineering is the first degree in
     Australia to be accredited by both Engineers
     Australia and EUR-ACE® in Europe.W

     Q QS World University Rankings by Subject 2018.

     W The Master of Engineering (Spatial), (Biomedical with Business), (Electrical with Business) and (Software with Business) are provisionally accredited by Engineers
       Australia until sufficient students graduate from the programs. The Melbourne School of Engineering is seeking provisional accreditation for the Master of
       Engineering (Materials) by Engineers Australia. The Master of Engineering is accredited by EUR-ACE®, apart from the Master of Engineering (Software) and
       (Software with Business), which are accredited by Euro-Inf®.

You can also read