Coming back to Salisbury by road

Page created by Warren Sparks
Coming back to Salisbury by road
 Salisbury Cathedral


                                 EASTER 2020

                     Reference Coronavirus: see page 19

C   oming back to Salisbury by road
    there's a moment when the
cathedral appears (always on the
left) and you know you are nearly
home. People must have been
experiencing this since the building
of the cathedral began 800 years
ago. Cathedrals are remarkably
enduring and stable features of our
lives. It sometimes seems that
nothing has changed.
There was plenty in the recent
                                          endured? But that is not true either.
Sarum Lights that showed this is just
                                          One of the things I love about
not true. I could not read the script
                                          English parish churches is the way in
projected on the west front at the
                                          which there is something from every
start of the light show. I would not
                                          generation collected within what
have understood the language of
                                          Simon Jenkins calls “the museums of
services 800 years ago and the
                                          England”. It is no less true of the
pattern of services would also have
                                          cathedral. A spire was added. Many
been strange, with most if not all
                                          of the side altars have gone. The
priests each celebrating daily Mass
                                          bell tower came and went. There
at one of many altars. In the light
                                          was a massive clear out at the end
show there was also a lot of recent
                                          of the eighteenth century. For better
history - the first girls’ choir, woman
                                          and for worse in the 1960s, a
Dean... and an extraordinary Pathe
                                          beautiful choir screen was taken out
News film at the top of the spire
                                          to make the remarkable and unusual
(from just after the War?) with a
                                          connection between nave and choir
voice that represented an England
                                          in what now feels like a single room
that already seems long since gone
                                          for worship. Now three great
but which was of my childhood.
                                          contemporary art commissions by
Maybe it is the people who have           Elisabeth Frink, Gabriel Loire and
changed, but the building has             William Pye interpret the building to
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2 FRIENDSNEWS                                                                                                                                   FRIENDSNEWS 3
us and our visitors. There have been     fundamental, as is said by some          events in the run up to the festive
functional additions of the refectory    today about issues to do with our        season, as well as in the early
and shop and more recently of Little     understanding of what it is to be        months of 2020.
Paradise. In reality, in this enduring   human with regard to sexual              We enjoyed the spectacular Sarum
building that points beyond itself to    orientation and non-binary or trans      Lights just before Lent and great
God and earth’s heaven, change has       understandings of gender.                things are planned for the rest of the
been constant.                                                                    year. Details of the first six months
                                         The genius of the Church is that
Perhaps that is the genius of the        change happens. It is contested          can be found in this edition.
Church? Very few secular institutions    because faith and belief matter          We marked Shrove Tuesday with
have this sort of longevity. It can      deeply. That which is of God clarifies   cathedral marketing officer Shane
seem as though nothing changes, but      and is received, and becomes what        Brennan running for us in St             A section of window s26, which has been
in reality the Church has adapted        we all think right because it helps us   Thomas’s Pancake Race. He did us         restored, in the glaziers’ workshop.
and changed progressively in ways        to celebrate the divine in our lives.    proud!
that later generations barely seem       For this the cathedral in its                                                     the south nave aisle. A fitting use of
to notice. But that’s not true either.   celebration of the Christian Gospel      The Salisbury Florilegium Society        income and donation derived from
Change in the life of the Church has     has provided an enduring framework       was formed in 2016 by local artists      floral beauty!
cost blood. Just think of the            since its foundation 800 years ago.      Sally Pond and Nick Stiven following
                                                                                                                           This year we will celebrate our
Reformation or the English Civil War.                                             an exhibition of work during our
                                         In celebrating such a significant                                                 Friends’ 90th anniversary by holding
In our time the marriage of                                                       Friends’ Secret Gardens of the Close
                                         anniversary,                                                                      a dinner for 90 people on Friday 3rd
divorcees within the lifetime of a                                                event.
                                              For all that has been, Thanks.                                               July in the cathedral refectory,
former partner and the ordination of                                              The Society grew quickly and many        following a fizz reception in the
                                              To all that will be, Yes.
women to all three orders of                                                      of its members’ beautiful artworks       south transept.
                                                             Dag Hammarskjold
ministry have become settled                                                      were exhibited on Secret Gardens
matters. Forty years ago they were       The Rt Revd Nicholas Holtam,                                                      We have very special guests joining
                                                                                  day in the Medieval Hall, courtesy of
hotly contested and seemed               Bishop of Salisbury                                                               us and look forward to an evening of
                                                                                  its owner, John Waddington.
                                                                                                                           fine dining in fabulous surroundings.
                                                                                  More than 100 of these artworks
                                                                                                                           Details of our dinner can be found in
                                                                                  were published in a book by the
From the Chairman                                                                 Society and just before Christmas,
                                                                                                                           this newsletter and we look forward
Welcome to the Friends’ Easter                                                                                             to celebrating this milestone with
                                                                                  the Friends’ charity received a
newsletter for 2020, this special                                                                                          Friends and their guests.
                                                                                  cheque for £9,000 from the sales of
800th anniversary year, as we                                                     the books and many of the original       The Friends have only two more
commemorate laying the foundation                                                 paintings. We are extremely grateful     instalments to pay for the Little
stone of our wonderful cathedral.                                                 for this donation.                       Paradise development, which
The year is full of events and                                                                                             features store rooms, boiler house
                                                                                  The Friends’ council has decided to
experiences, as we celebrate the                                                                                           and the best cathedral toilets in the
                                                                                  add this amount to the income from
Friends’ 90th birthday as well.                                                                                            land!
                                                                                  our 2019 Secret Gardens event to
Since our Christmas newsletter, the                                               meet the £20,000 cost of restoring       Therefore, in 2022 we will make the
Friends’ charity has made a busy                                                  the beautiful stained glass window       last of eight annual payments of
start to this year, holding popular                                               s26, which will soon be reinstalled in   £74,000 and be ready to raise funds
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for the next phase of major              This year’s grants of £115,100 will       need to honour and continue our               get creative with your craft
improvements to our cathedral and        ensure that we keep plenty of funds       predecessors’ amazing work. It’s the          skills?
its environs - the development of the    in reserve for the major projects         Dean’s 2020 Challenge.
                                                                                                                              • And yet another way might be to
south side of the cathedral, as          that are planned. Exciting times          Quite simply, I challenge each of our        recall the hospitality that we all
outlined in the 2015 Masterplan.         ahead: we will keep you advised.          Friends to raise £90: £1 for each of         associate with our cathedral.
I look forward to enlarging on this in   Finally, please persuade a friend or      our 90 years.                                This is a place where all are
our annual report Spire in a few         relative to join the Friends’ charity.    How might you rise to the challenge?         welcome. Perhaps you might
months’ time.                            We will need more members if we                                                        gather friends (and Friends)
                                                                                    • One way might be to ponder the            together, to drink tea, make
Thank you all for your continued         are to make significant grants to the        slogan that Salisbury has
support and generosity.                  cathedral for the projects that are                                                    music or share stories?
                                                                                      adopted for its anniversary year,
Last year we gave grants totalling       soon to become a reality, enhancing          ‘A City On The Move’. Our              Whatever you choose to do, make
£189,000 to special projects             our medieval masterpiece for the             predecessors moved a cathedral         sure you let us know! We can then
(especially the Father Willis organ      future. Thank you.                           and built a city. Perhaps you          tell other Friends and encourage
refurbishment) in our cathedral.         Duncan Glass, Chairman                       could walk, or cycle, or push a        their endeavours. And, however you
                                                                                      buggy to raise £90?                    raise your £90, what you raise will
                                                                                                                             be the precious fruit of your faith,
The Dean’s 2020 Challenge                                                           • Another way might be to                skill and strength - and will support
                                                                                      respond to our Archbishops’ call
B   y now I hope that all our Friends
    will know that in 2020 we
celebrate the 800th anniversary of
                                                                                      that we should care better for
                                                                                      God’s creation. Perhaps you
                                                                                                                             our cathedral for the next 90 years,
                                                                                                                             the next 800 years - and beyond.

the re-foundation of the cathedral                                                    might sell plants, make jam, or        Nick Papadopulos, Dean
on its present site. As I write, a
year-long and city-wide programme
                                                                                   Anniversary dinner                        Before ordination she was chief
of festivities has begun. The glorious
                                                                                                                             nursing officer in the Department of
spectacle of Sarum Lights was
enjoyed by thousands over the                                                      T   he Friends are delighted to
                                                                                       announce that the VIP guest and
                                                                                   after dinner speaker at our 90th
                                                                                                                             Health and was made a Dame in
                                                                                                                             2005 for her contribution to nursing
February half-term week, and we
                                                                                   anniversary dinner on Friday 3rd July     and midwifery.
are looking forward to everything
that is planned for the year.                                                      will be the Bishop of London, the Rt      She trained for the ministry at the
                                         them if at the same time we were          Revd and Rt Hon Dame Sarah Mullally.      South East Institute for Theologian
But…but…the 800 years that have
                                         not thinking of the future. We            Many of you will remember that            Education and served her curacy in
elapsed since the foundation stones
                                         worship in our beautiful cathedral        Bishop Sarah was formerly Canon           Southwark Diocese from 2001 to
were laid do not comprise the only
                                         today because of their faith, skill,      Treasurer of our cathedral and            2006.
anniversary that Salisbury Cathedral
celebrates this year. For in 2020 the    and strength. Our beautiful               Chapter representative on our             For the following six years she was
cathedral may be 800 - but its           cathedral still needs faith, skill, and   Friends’ council.                         team rector at Sutton, also in
Friends are 90!                          strength: it needs our faith, strength                                              Southwark Diocese, before coming to
                                                                                   Bishop Sarah sits in the House of
                                         and skill.                                                                          Salisbury Cathedral.
And while it’s wonderful to rejoice                                                Lords as one of the Lords Spiritual, is
at the achievements of our               So: here’s a way to bring together        a member of the Privy Council and         In 2015 she was made Bishop of
predecessors, we would be untrue to      the Friends’ 90th birthday and the        Dean of Her Majesty’s Chapels Royal.      Crediton in the Diocese of Exeter
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                                               “I could not have undertaken to                                                                The money raised last year is going
                                               respond to this call if I had not been                                                         towards the restoration of the
                                               a Canon Treasurer at Salisbury                                                                 magnificent S26 window in the south
                                               Cathedral and I am looking forward                                                             nave aisle of the cathedral.
                                               to sharing with you my journey –
                                                                                                                                              The gardens open this year will
                                               including straight lines and square
                                                                                                                                              include some new ones and there
                                                                                                                                              will be tea and homemade cakes
                                               Friends’ chairman Duncan Glass said:                                                           available at South Canonry, the
                                               “We are looking forward to hearing                                                             home of Bishop Nicholas and his
                                               Bishop Sarah’s account of such a                                                               wife, Helen. Proceeds from the teas
The Bishop of London, the Rt Revd and Rt Hon   meteoric rise to the top of the                                                                will go to the Sudan Medical Link.
Dame Sarah Mullally will be guest speaker at   Anglican Church.
the Friends’ 90th anniversary dinner.                                                                                                         Salisbury Florilegium Society members
                                               “We were very sorry to see her leave                                                           will be exhibiting and selling their
and was installed as the 133rd                 Salisbury, but knew she was destined                                                           paintings in the Medieval Hall, and
Bishop of London at St Paul’s                  for high office.”                                                                              visitors will also be able to buy their
Cathedral in May 2018.                                                                                                                        book, Secret Gardens of the Close.
                                               The three-course dinner in the
The title of Bishop Sarah’s talk will be       refectory will be preceded by a                                                                On Choristers’ Green there will be a
Straight Lines and Square Corners -            drinks reception in the south                                                                  number of plant stalls and cathedral
Canon Treasurer, a great preparation           transept.                                      Chichester Cathedral, one of the destinations
for the 133rd Bishop of London.                                                               of the April coach trip.
                                               You will find a booking form for the
“Five Bishops of London have                   anniversary dinner with your                   The afternoon visit to Chichester
travelled from Salisbury, only one a           newsletter. Please book early to               Cathedral includes a tour of the
woman,” said Bishop Sarah.                     avoid disappointment.                          building and tea with the Chichester
Forthcoming events
                                                                                              As the newsletter went to press
T   his year it’s our 90th birthday
    and we are in celebratory mood.
                                                                                              there were still a few places left on
                                                                                              the coach, so if you would like to
We have a host of events planned,                                                             go, please contact the office on
including our grand 90th anniversary                                                          01722 335161 or 555190.
dinner in the cathedral refectory on                                                          Our fifth annual Secret Gardens of
Friday 3rd July (see previous article).                                                       the Close event takes place on
But before that, there’s our coach                                                            Sunday 24th May from 1pm to 5pm
                                               James Bulpitt, who looks after one of the
trip on Wednesday 29th April to the            smaller gardens, takes a moment to relax and   with some stunning gardens on show.
Weald & Downland Living Museum                 enjoy his handiwork.
                                                                                              We are hoping for warm, sunny
and Chichester Cathedral.                      than 50 rural houses and buildings             weather and a huge turn-out of                  Cathedral clerk of the works Gary Price will
The museum in the South Downs                  from the Anglo-Saxon period to the             visitors to enable last year’s total of         again be offering visitors the chance to have
National Park is made up of more               Edwardian era.                                 £9,000 to be beaten.                            a go at stone carving.
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                                              clerk of the works Gary Price will be                                                      William de Wanda of why they
                                              offering the chance to have a go at                                                        moved, as well as the record of the
                                              stone-carving. Visitors will also be                                                       foundation ceremony.
                                              able to join the Friends at the                                                            “After the 2020 exhibition the cases
                                              Friends’ gazebo and purchase a range                                                       will be invaluable in allowing us to
                                              of goods.                                                                                  display books and documents from
                                              Volunteers are needed on the                                                               both the archive and the library at
                                              afternoon to act as garden stewards                                                        many future events.”
                                              to welcome visitors.                                                                       As well as these grants, the sixth
                                              If you can help, please contact the                                                        instalment (of eight) of £74,000 to
                                              office on 01722 335161 or 555190.                                                          the Little Paradise project will be
                                                                                                                                         paid and, for 2019/2020 only, the
                                              • On Sunday 5th July a group of
                                                                                                                                         grant made to Salisbury Cathedral
                                              members will be setting off on the
                                                                                                                                         Flowers will be raised from £3,000 to
                                              Friends’ five-day holiday to
                                                                                                                                         Council members have also agreed
                                              Highlights include visits to Chatsworth                                                    £2,000 to fund the purchase of an A
                                                                                           s26, the stained glass window, which has
Friends assistant secretary Rosie Wilkinson   House, Bolsover Castle, Hardwick Hall                                                      frame, which will be used to move
                                                                                           been refurbished thanks to a grant from the
welcomes visitors to the Friends’ gazebo.     and Coventry Cathedral.                      Friends. Picture by Sam Kelly.                the piano, and £5,000 for ten more
Grants                                                                                                                                   heavy aluminium ladders to be used
                                                                                           Chapter House and £2,500 for
                                                                                                                                         on the roof of the cathedral.
                                                                                           portable uplighters. Uplighters are
T  here has been a great deal of
   progress on the grants front in
the past few months.
                                                                                           used in the cathedral to enhance
                                                                                           exhibitions and during events.
The Friends’ council has agreed to                                                         Cathedral archivist and librarian
give £20,000 for the refurbishment                                                         Emily Naish said the display cases
of stained glass window s26 in the                                                         would be used in the Chapter House
south nave aisle.                                                                          during 2020 to display a set of
                                                                                           documents to celebrate the 800th
The window was taken down and                                                              anniversary of the laying of the
transported to the glaziers’                  Work to refurbish s26 gets underway in the
                                              glazing workshop. Picture by Sam Kelly.      cathedral’s foundation stones.
workshop last year.
                                                                                           “By means of text, images, and
Council members were able to see              Salisbury Florilegium Society –              documents from the cathedral
work in progress when they visited            representing the sales of copies of its      archive, the display will also touch
the workshop in February (see                 Secret Gardens of the Close book             on how the move took place and
separate account of this visit).              and a number of its original paintings       medieval life,” she said. “Included
The £9,000 raised from the 2019               - will be put towards this project.          will be the Register of St Osmund – a
Secret Gardens event, together with           The Friends will also pay £6,600 for         13th century cartulary containing a           Uplighters being used to enhance the Gaia
the £9,000 given to the Friends by            two new display cases for the                contemporary account by Dean                  exhibition in May 2019.
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Window s26                                                                              “We take it apart and lay it out – it’s   window would be back in place in
                                                                                        like a jigsaw. Everything has to fit to   the south aisle.
In February council members visited
 the glaziers’ workshop to view
progress on the restoration of
                                                                                        the bar work.
                                                                                        “It is impurities that make bars rust,
                                                                                                                                  He said that York Minster and
                                                                                                                                  Canterbury Cathedral had lots of
window s26.                                                                             so the more it is worked, the more        stained glass.
The window, one of 12 by Clayton &                                                      impurities are worked out of the          However, when Salisbury Cathedral
Bell, was erected by ‘grateful                                                          metal.                                    was being built, the work was going
patients and friends’ in memory of                                                      “Nowadays it’s stainless steel that is    more quickly than expected, so the
William Martin Coates in 1886.                                                          used – we cannot afford to have the       windows had to be installed quickly.
The restoration is being funded by the                                                  bars blacksmith-made!                     This explains why there are more
Friends’ 2019 Secret Gardens event                                                      “Every light has at least a couple        painted grisaille windows: these use
                                             Glazier Tom Clarke shows council members
and the sales of Salisbury Florilegium       Keith Millman and Dudley Heather the
                                                                                        of bars on it to hold it totally in       clear glass with simple ornamental
Society’s books and paintings.               materials and equipment he uses in the     place.”                                   non-figurative designs painted onto
Senior conservator Sam Kelly told            restoration process.                       During the February visit Sam said        them in black lines.
council members that action had                                                         that the window would be fixed in         “Salisbury Cathedral has the biggest
been required as water had been              blacksmithing was being done. Most         March, so by the time members             collection of grisaille windows in
pouring through the window.                  of the bar work of the nave windows        received their newsletter, the            Europe,” said Sam.
                                             was 16th century.
“When we put up the scaffolding, we
discovered that the top was hanging          However, the bars above the 16th           Salisbury Florilegium Society
out,” he said. “It could have fallen         century ones were medieval and this
out.”                                        explained why water was pouring in:
                                             in medieval times handmade
                                                                                        A   magnificent £9,000 was raised
                                                                                            for the Friends by Salisbury
                                                                                        Florilegium Society in just two
He said that during the 16th century         blacksmith’s nails would have been
a huge amount of glazing and                                                            months from the sales of its books
                                             used and when these fail, the bars
                                                                                        and an online auction of a number of
                                             that held the glass in place also fail,
                                                                                        its paintings.
                                             letting in water.
                                                                                        Society members Sally Pond, Anne
                                             Sam said that once the window was
                                                                                        Oaten and Nick Stiven presented a
                                             removed to the workshop, two
                                                                                        giant cheque at a ceremony at the
                                             rubbings were made of it. All the
                                                                                        Friends’ office just before               Duncan Glass (second right), chairman of the
                                             details of the work to be done were                                                  Friends of Salisbury Cathedral receives a
                                             marked on the rubbings: the one on                                                   giant cheque from Salisbury Florilegium
                                             brown paper was the working                Sally said: “We are delighted with        Society members Nick Stiven, Anne Oaten
                                             document and the one on white              the book sales to date and very           and Sally Pond.
                                             paper would be kept forever to             pleased with the outcome of the
                                                                                                                                  Friends’ chairman Duncan Glass paid
                                             enable future glaziers to know what        online auction.
                                                                                                                                  tribute to society members for their
Senior conservator Sam Kelly explains the    materials had been used.                   “We look forward to making further
process of restoring window s26 to council                                                                                        “inspiration, artistry and
members Michael Joseph, Duncan Glass and     “After this is done, we strip the old      donations to the cathedral in this its    generosity”, and thanked them for
Valerie Shrubb.                              leadwork out and re-lead,” he said.        800th year.”                              making the Friends the beneficiary
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of the sales of the books and                                                            The society will be exhibiting and           • The book, priced at £25, is
paintings.                                                                               selling framed paintings at the              available from a number of outlets
                                                                                         Medieval Hall during the Friends’            including the Friends’ office, Sarum
He said: “We are delighted to
                                                                                         Secret Gardens of the Close event            College, and Salisbury Cathedral gift
announce that the £9,000 so kindly
                                                                                         on Sunday 24th May, at which the             shop, as well as via the society’s
donated to us by the society is being
                                                                                         books will also be on sale.                  online shop.
put towards the restoration of a
prominent window in the cathedral.                                                       Friends’ Day 2020
“This window (for more details see
the article on grants) is one of the
treasures of our medieval                The Secret Gardens of the Close book is
                                                                                         W    e are looking forward to
                                                                                              welcoming everyone to Friends’
                                                                                         Day in this our 90th anniversary year.
                                         launched at a ceremony at Sarum College.
masterpiece and will be appreciated
                                         From left: Anne Oaten, Nadja Guggi, Nigel       Due to Confluence, the flower
and admired by all for generations to    Salisbury, Sally Pond, Nick Stiven and Duncan
come.”                                                                                   festival, taking place in the
                                                                                         cathedral from 15th to 20th
He also thanked the Close residents                                                      September, Friends’ Day will be held
                                         cost of designing and printing the
who have allowed the Friends to use                                                      earlier, on Saturday 5th September
                                         books, and an online auction of the                                                          Christopher Somerville will be giving the
their gardens and who invited the                                                        in the north transept.                       Friends’ Day lecture.
                                         original paintings was held.
artists to produce artworks from
their homes.                             It finished at the end of October               We are delighted that journalist and         “Mine is about talking to lots of
                                         when the book, designed by Nadja                author Christopher Somerville will           people, the back-room boys and
Salisbury Florilegium Society was                                                        be giving the lecture.                       girls, from the Bishop to the Holy
founded by Sally and Nick in 2016 as     Guggi and entitled Secret Gardens of
                                         the Close, was launched at Sarum                One of Britain’s most respected and          Dusters,” he said.
a result of the Friends’ first Secret
Gardens of the Close afternoon.          College.                                        prolific travel writers, he is the           “It’s trying to look at them with a
Since 2016, the 20 artists, many of                                                      author of Ships of Heaven – The              travel writer’s eye and the eye of an
                                         At the ceremony, attended by more
whom attend Sally’s botanical                                                            Private Life of Britain’s Cathedrals –       ordinary punter distracted by the
                                         than 80 people, Duncan thanked the
painting classes at Sarum College,                                                       and he has chosen this title for his         scratches on the wall – the way the
                                         society for its hard work and
have created a collection of 120                                                         Friends’ Day lecture.                        ordinary person looks at a cathedral,
                                         generosity on behalf of the Friends.
botanical paintings depicting the        He also thanked former Friends’                 It is the account of his walks across        rather than the way an expert on
flowers, trees and plants from the       trustee Nigel Salisbury for coming up           Britain to tell the story of his favourite   cathedrals does.”
‘secret’ gardens.                        with the idea of the Secret Gardens             cathedrals – but not as a guidebook.         Among the many people he met when
The paintings have been exhibited at     event.                                          “It’s a look at the human side of            he visited Salisbury Cathedral were
the Medieval Hall during the Secret      Sally said she had “a wonderful                 cathedrals,” said Christopher, who is        Canon Treasurer Robert Titley (the
Gardens event and it was always          team” and everyone had enjoyed                  the walking correspondent of The             Friends’ representative on Chapter)
Sally’s aspiration that they should be   working on the project. “It’s been              Times and the author of 42 books             and Friends’ membership secretary
incorporated into a book with the        such fun,” she said.                            and hundreds of newspaper articles.          and former trustee Dudley Heather,
profits going to the Friends for the                                                                                                  who was his tower tour guide.
                                         The auction raised £5,645, rising to            Books about the architecture and
benefit of the cathedral.                £6,445 by the end of December, with             history of Britain’s cathedrals have         He said: “I met a random selection
Society members raised nearly            41 pictures sold. Sales of 260 books            been done and done very well, he             of people. The meeters and greeters
£6,800 – about 95 per cent of the        further boosted the funds.                      said.                                        were a great bunch of people.
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“I thoroughly enjoyed myself.”              “The personal histories on the           the company’s workshops. During
                                            plaques fascinate me.”                   their absence, visitors were able to
Christopher, who first visited
                                            His highlights from his visit to         tour the cathedral’s Pulling out the
Salisbury Cathedral as a boy, grew up
                                                                                     Stops exhibition and play a virtual
near Wells and now lives in Bristol.        Salisbury Cathedral include the font
                                            – “I love that”, the dedication of the
A teacher for ten years, he realised
                                            Holy Dusters, the tomb with the          By January this year everything was
“it was not a career for me” and
                                            upraised fingers, and Dudley             back in position ready for the final
began to write about walking in the
                                            Heather.                                 stage of voicing – the process by
late 1980s/early 1990s.                                                              which the pipes are made to sound
                                            “Dudley organised us like an RAF
“It was a good time for travel                                                       as they did before their removal.
                                            troop, he is a very striking guy,” he
journalism,” he said.                                                                At the end of January Andy Scott,
                                            said.                                                                            Andy Scott, head voicer at Harrison &
He has written extensively about                                                     head voicer from Harrison &             Harrison.
                                            “He told a great story about the
walks in Britain and Ireland, clocking                                               Harrison, gave a talk in the
                                            clerk of works changing the lightbulb
up more than 500 for the Times.                                                      cathedral entitled Voicing the Organ.   they can play again. This is the
                                            on the top of the spire.”
                                                                                                                             process of voicing.
“I try to cover at least one in each                                                 He gave a brief history of ‘Father’
                                            The lecture, at 3pm, will follow the
county every year,” he said.                                                         Henry Willis’s career as an organ       He described the differences
                                            AGM at 2pm.
                                                                                     builder, and the times when             between metal and wooden pipes,
He says he doesn’t remember why             After the lecture, there will be         Salisbury Cathedral’s organ had been    and demonstrated the various sounds
he wanted to write a book on                afternoon tea in the cloisters to        cleaned and overhauled since Willis     they make.
cathedrals - a natural interest, he         include a big 90th birthday cake,        built it in 1877.
ventures.                                                                                                                    He talked about the process of
                                            followed by a short organ recital by
                                                                                     “It has a very distinct and clear       adjusting the height of the mouth of
“Everywhere you go in the UK, the           the organ scholar.
                                                                                     Willis voice, and we are keeping that   a pipe, how a note starts and ends, a
cathedral draws your eye,” he said.         The day will end with Evensong.          fantastic Willis sound,” said Andy,     voicer’s tools, and how voicers
“They are repositories of history, the      A booking form for the lecture and       who started as an apprentice with       communicate – they don’t shout
arts and architecture.                      tea will be included in Spire.           Harrison & Harrison in 1994.            instructions to one another.
                                                                                     “Thirty organ builders worked on the    “I will sound one blip for when I
Organ restoration                                                                    organ before it came back here and      want it louder (open it up and let
                                            The Friends have contributed
                                                                                     the voicing takes eight weeks.          more wind in) and two for softer,”
                                            £106,000 to the project, thanks to a
S alisbury Cathedral’s Father Willis
  organ will back in full voice on Easter
Day, a cause for great celebration.
                                            bequest from a generous and long-
                                            serving Friend.
                                                                                     “It’s our job to make sure the
                                                                                     cathedral is doing the right thing
                                                                                                                             he said.
                                                                                                                             “These are tiny adjustments and it’s
                                                                                     long-term.                              why we need it quiet in the
The £700,000 project to restore the         The work has been carried out by
organ began in January 2019 when it         Harrison & Harrison, renowned organ      “We have not changed anything; it’s
was completely dismantled.                  builders and restorers from Durham,      all the original pipes. We have added   He added that heating and humidity
                                            who have cared for Salisbury’s organ     one stop to the pedal organ.”           “play havoc with an organ”.
It was 50 years ago that the 3,720-
                                            since 1978.                              He explained that after cleaning and    Andy began his four-year
pipe organ, built in 1877 at a cost of
£3,500, last underwent such a               Some of the pipes were cleaned on        restoration, the pipes needed           apprenticeship aged 16. Voicing is
comprehensive restoration.                  site, with the remainder taken to        careful testing and adjusting before    taught at the end.
Coming back to Salisbury by road
16 FRIENDSNEWS                                                                                                                                          FRIENDSNEWS 17
                                                                                             years before being accepted for
                                                                                             He did his training at Salisbury and
                                                                                             Wells Theological College, where he
                                                                                             met his wife, the Revd Jayne Tyrer.
                                                                                             They served their curacies in
                                                                                             Manchester Diocese before moving
                                                                                             to Carlisle Diocese, where Nigel
                                                                                             worked in a number of roles.
                                                                                                                                     The Revd Pete Atkinson, minor canon for
                                                                                             His new responsibilities comprise       young people.
                                                                                             supporting and strengthening the
Flashback to early 2019 and organ pipes are boxed ready for transporting to the company’s                                            Diocese of Liverpool to serve his
                                                                                             cathedral community and supervising
workshops in Durham.                                                                                                                 curacy and being involved in a
                                                                                             arrangements for baptisms,
“But I went out tuning at 18,” said           If you would like to make a                    marriages, funerals and interments      project in St Helens to reach young
Andy, who has been with Harrison &            donation towards the restoration of            in the cathedral, working alongside     people not connected to the church.
Harrison 25 years and is also a               the organ, please make your                    the liturgy and music department.       His new role involves overseeing the
church organist.                              cheque payable to Salisbury                    Dean Nicholas Papadopulos said:         Sunday Club and working with
He said Salisbury Cathedral staff had         Cathedral and send it to                       “Nigel is a gifted priest who will      Cathedral School families and
created good conditions for a voicer          Jilly Wright, development manager              come to Salisbury after long years of   others, encouraging them to
to work in, making his job a lot easier.      at: Wyndham House,                             parish ministry with considerable       participate in the cathedral’s
                                                   65 The Close,                             wisdom and skill in pastoral care.”     worship, life and mission.
Assistant director of music John
                                                   Salisbury, SP1 2EN.
Challenger thanked everyone for                                                              Nigel said: “Salisbury has always had   He is also responsible for the young
their donations to the project and            Donations can also be made online              a special place in my heart: Sarum      people who meet in the Close,
for “putting up with the upheaval”.           at              and Wells Theological College is        working with the Diocesan Board of
                                                                                             where I trained for the ministry and    Education, churches and agencies in
Two new priests at the cathedral              be licensed at                                 where I met my wife Jayne.              Salisbury Deanery.
                                              the 10.30am
R  esidents of the Close will have a
   new vicar at the end of April
when Canon Nigel Davies becomes
                                              Eucharist on
                                              26th April.
                                                                                             “The pastoral aspect of ministry is
                                                                                             what drew me to the priesthood in
                                                                                                                                     Dean Nicholas said: “I am thrilled
                                                                                                                                     that Pete is the cathedral’s first full-
                                                                                                                                     time priest for all the young people
                                                                                             the first place, and it is wonderful
part of the cathedral team.                   He succeeds                                                                            who gather in the Close or who
                                                                                             that this will be my primary focus as
                                              the Revd Ian                                                                           worship here.
He will join the Revd Pete Atkinson,                                                         vicar of the Close.”
who in March took up the newly-               who retired                                    Pete worked in St Helens in Liverpool   “His appointment reflects our
created role of minor canon for               last year.                                     Diocese before coming to Salisbury,     determination to care better for
young people.                                                                                an area he knows well, having grown     them.”
                                              Nigel trained as
Nigel, who comes to Salisbury after                                                          up in and around Southampton.           Pete said: “I am delighted to have
                                              a teacher in          The Revd Nigel Davies,
nearly 12 years as team rector of             Lancaster and         who is to be Vicar of    He trained for ordination at Trinity    been appointed to this pioneering
Kendal Deanery’s Beacon Team, will            taught for seven      the Close.               College, Bristol, moving to the         role.”
Coming back to Salisbury by road
18 FRIENDSNEWS                                                                                                                                     FRIENDSNEWS 19

Refectory talk                                 “He encountered a great deal of         He gave a fundraising concert for the
                                               prejudice,” Ms Hogg explained, “as      hospital chapel in 1749, three weeks
C   omposer George Frideric
    Handel’s links with the Foundling
Hospital in London and Salisbury
                                               many people felt it would encourage
                                               irresponsible behaviour on the part
                                                                                       after his first visit.
                                                                                       “It was such a success, he came back
Cathedral Close were explored in a             of the mothers.”                        the following year and performed
talk by Katharine Hogg in January.             After 17 ladies agreed to support       The Messiah – that concert was so
                                               him, official approval was obtained     oversubscribed, a constable had to
More than 70 Friends braved a cold
                                               and the money raised to buy the site    attend to keep out gate-crashers and
and wet evening to hear Ms Hogg,
                                               from the Earl of Salisbury in 1740.     they had to do a second
librarian of the Foundling Museum’s
                                                                                       performance,” said Ms Hogg.
Gerald Coke Handel Collection,                 Children, (who were brought to the
speak about the origins of the                 hospital, not found), moved in in       In the summer of 1739 Handel
hospital, the UK’s first children’s            1745.                                   visited his friend James Harris, who
charity and first public art gallery.                                                  lived in Malmesbury House in the
                                               “They were given a new name and         Cathedral Close.
The institution was established by             brought up to be useful – they
Royal Charter in 1739 by Thomas                became servants or went into the        James’s brother Thomas witnessed
Coram to care for abandoned babies.            military,” she said.                    Handel’s will and another brother,
                                                                                       George, who saw The Messiah             George Frideric Handel, who left the score
                                               “Foundlings were taught to read and     performed, may have suggested the       and parts of The Messiah to the Foundling
                                               write and the girls did sewing, and                                             Hospital.
                                                                                       origin of a tradition that remains to
                                               they were trained in choral singing.    this day.
                                                                                                                               “Is this where the tradition of
                                               “Mothers could leave a token and        “George reported that ‘the company      standing up for the Hallelujah
                                               come back and ask for their child,      stood up’,” said Ms Hogg.               Chorus comes from, I wonder?”
                                               but of the 25,000 children taken in
                                               over the 200 years, 200 were
                                               Artist Hogarth, a founding governor,
                                               gave paintings and visitors would          At the time of going to print we are concerned about how the spread
                                               come to see the art (there were no         of the coronavirus may affect Friends’ events. The health and safety
                                               art galleries then) and give a             of our members is our first concern and we will consider each event in
                                               donation.                                  the light of the most up to date advice. Please check our website for
                                               “There was a painting of Moses, the        the latest information on all our events and the cathedral website for
                                               first foundling, found in the              all services and cathedral events. However, please don’t hesitate to
                                               bulrushes,” she said.                      continue to book for the Anniversary dinner in July, as we will
                                                                                          guarantee that, in the event of having to cancel, we will give you a
                                               Handel was the other major                 full refund.
                                               benefactor (there was a foundling
Katharine Hogg, who gave the January talk                                                 Thank you for your support.
in the refectory on Handel and the Foundling   hospital in Halle where he lived as a
Hospital.                                      boy).
20 FRIENDSNEWS                                                                                                                                         FRIENDSNEWS 21

Theatre review                                                                            Confluence – the 2020 flower                                      with Cathedral
                                                                                          festival                                                          Flowers
T   he Friends experimented with a
    new type of event when they
invited a Sussex-based theatre                                                            O   ne of the highlights of the
                                                                                              cathedral’s 800th anniversary
                                                                                                                                                            Susan Branch
                                                                                                                                                            meet regularly
company to put on a show in the                                                           celebrations will be Confluence, the
                                                                                                                                                            to plan the
Medieval Hall before Christmas.                                                           flower festival, which takes place
                                                                                                                                                            festival and will
And judging by the response, with all                                                     from Tuesday 15th September to
                                                                                                                                                            be holding a
tickets sold, the experiment worked!                                                      Sunday 20th September.
                                                                                                                                                            series of
This Is My Theatre, a touring                                                             The festival will involve more than                               workshops for
company of five young actors,                                                             300 flower arrangers from all over                                arrangers.
staged a fast-paced interpretation of                                                     the Diocese of Salisbury,
                                                                                                                                                            Tickets for the
the Dickens classic A Christmas                                                           The theme is movement, reflecting                                 festival are now
                                            The cast of This Is My Theatre’s production
Carol.                                      of A Christmas Carol. From left: Patch        the cathedral’s move from Old                                     on sale.
It was adapted for the stage by the         Harvey, Jennifer Biggs, Ethan Taylor, Simon   Sarum and 800 years of history.         This pretty floral display at the entrance to
                                            Stallard and Hannah Baxter-Eve.                                                       Little Paradise is a foretaste of what will be
company’s artistic director, Sarah                                                        Festival designers Michael Bowyer,      on display at Confluence, the flower
Slator and she included plenty of           Marley’s ghost, made a scary                  Pam Lewis and Angela Turner, along      festival, which takes place in September.
audience participation in the shape         messenger of the doom that lay
of seven carols to sing.                    ahead if Scrooge did not mend his
Hannah Baxter-Eve, Jennifer Biggs,          miserly ways.                                 Cosy coffee mornings                    continue with the coffee mornings or
Patch Harvey, Simon Stallard and                                                                                                  perhaps you would prefer something
Ethan Taylor played the many roles,
requiring speedy costume and
                                            Simon, a talented flautist, was
                                            Scrooge’s timid clerk Bob Cratchit.
                                            His soliloquy to Tiny Tim was deeply
                                                                                          W    et and windy weather has
                                                                                               attended our last two cosy
                                                                                          coffee mornings, but this has not
                                                                                                                                  Do let us know and if you would like
character changes.                          moving.                                       deterred our loyal supporters.          to volunteer at our events, please
Ethan was a convincing Scrooge, all                                                                                               get in touch as we always appreciate
                                            Tim was played by Hannah, who also            Friends turned out from as far afield
scowls and cries of ‘humbug’, and                                                                                                 a helping hand.
                                            narrated much of the story, and               as Andover, Fordingbridge and
Patch, playing the chain-rattling           Jennifer played so many roles, one            Eastleigh as well as from Salisbury
                                            lost count.                                   and the surrounding villages for
                                            It was not just the acting that was           coffee and friendship.
                                            top notch, the music making – using           We are fortunate in that cathedral
                                            just a flute, recorder and drum – was         refectory hospitality manager Sarah
                                            superb.                                       Goodyear allows us to use the Bell
                                            The Medieval Hall, decked out with            Tower Tearooms and kind Friends
                                            greenery, made a festive setting for          donate cakes and biscuits, as well as
                                            the play and the mulled wine and              some of the coffee.
Scrooge, played The ghost of Marley gives   apple juice were welcome on such a
by Ethan Taylor, Scrooge a warning.
                                                                                          We’d love to hear from Friends
                                            cold evening.                                 about what type of events you would     The Friends’ cosy coffee mornings are a
prepares to meet
the three spirits.                          Katharine Shearing                            like us to arrange – should we          chance to get together for a chat.
22 FRIENDSNEWS                                                                                                                                       FRIENDSNEWS 23
                                                                               Family Concert – Peter and the Wolf   
                                                                               Saturday 13th June 14:00 to 16:00               uk/worship-music-our-organ/2020-
                                                                               Enjoy this popular children’s story and
                                                                               watch the music being performed live            Organ Prom
                                                                               via video link after an introduction            Saturday 11th July 19:00 to 21:00
                                                                               to the characters and how they are
                                                                                                                               Our hugely popular organ prom
                                                                               portrayed by the different sounds on
                                                                                                                               returns this summer, featuring well-
                                                                               our famous organ.
          Salisbury Cathedral                                                                                                  known classics from television and
                                                                               Free, reserving tickets online in               film.
                 events                Choral Foundation Concert: Bach’s
                                                                               advance is recommended.
                                       St John Passion                                                                         Enjoy drinks from the bar and prom
                                                                                  along to your musical favourites!
For more information and to book       Saturday 4th April 19:00 to 21:30
tickets visit                          The cathedral choir and guest                                                           Tickets from £5 to £10.
                                                                               organ-festival         soloists will sing one of Bach’s most                                         
events or visit the Welcome Desk for   famous and sacred masterpieces in       Organ festival – Gala Organ Concert             uk/worship-music-our-organ/2020-
more information.                      preparation for Holy Week,              Wednesday 17th June 19:30 to                    organ-festival
                                       accompanied by the Orchestra of         21:30
Celebrating                            the Age of Enlightenment and under      Thomas Trotter, one of Britain’s most
800 years of                           the baton of David Halls.               famous and widely admired organists
Spirit and                             Tickets £10.00 - £37.00, available      will perform a diverse programme of
Endeavour                              from Salisbury Playhouse on 01722       works including Elgar’s organ sonata, a
Until Sunday                           320333, online and on the door          fitting choice for the majestic sounds
25th October                      of our cathedral’s great instrument.
Come and see                           uk/events/st-john-passion               Tickets from £10 to £37.
20 iconic and
                                       Organ Festival – opening concert
                                       Wednesday 13th May 19:30 to                                     The Friends of Salisbury Cathedral
pieces of contemporary art by
                                       21:30                                                         Registered Office: 33a The Close, Salisbury SP1 2EJ
notable artists such as Henry Moore                                                                          Open Tues - Fri 9.30am — 1.00 pm
and Grayson Perry. They have been      Internationally acclaimed organist                    Telephone: (01722) 335161 or 555190 Email:
chosen especially to illustrate the    David Briggs will inaugurate the                           
changes in thought and creativity      cathedral’s famous newly-restored                    The Association is registered with the Charity Commission No. 243439
over the past eight centuries and to   ‘Father’ Willis organ with his                President: The Very Revd Nicholas Papadopulos; Chairman: Captain Duncan Glass;
                                                                                 Treasurer: Chris Dragonetti; Executive Secretary: Julia Lever; Editor: Katharine Shearing.
honour the achievements of the         transcription of Mahler’s epic second
                                                                                                               Printed by Sarum Colourview Ltd
ordinary people who built a city and   symphony, known as the                              Tel: 01722 343600 Fax: 01722 343614 Email
a cathedral of such distinction.       Resurrection Symphony.                      Artwork by Firefly Graphics Tel: 01980 863315 Email:
Free, included in your donation to     Tickets £10.00 - £37.00                     Photos by permission of: Salisbury Cathedral (Ash Mills copyright), Katharine Shearing
                                                                                    (copyright), the Diocese of London, the Gerald Coke Handel Collection (copyright),
the cathedral.                              Tricia Glass, Sam Kelly, the Osborne Samuel Gallery and Jane Somerville.    uk/worship-music-our-organ/2020-                              Copyright The Friends of Salisbury Cathedral 2020.
uk/events/spirit-and-endeavour         organ-festival
The Eucharist
     Eucharist with
of palms
   palms from
               with procession
         from Choristers’
               Choristers’ Green
                                        10:30   Holy Week
                                                and Easter
Choral Evensong
Choral Evensong                         16:30

Choral Evensong
       Evensong                         17:30
Compline sung
          sung by
               by the
Cathedral Chamber
          Chamber Choir
                                        19:30   at Salisbury
TUESDAY 7 APRIL                                 Cathedral
Choral Evensong
       Evensong                         17:30
Compline sung
          sung by
               by the
                  the Lay
                      Lay Vicars
                          Vicars        19:30

Choral Evensong
       Evensong                         17:30
Tenebrae: A
          A Service
            Service of
                    of Shadows
                       Shadows          19:30

Eucharist of
          of the
             the Chrism
                 Chrism and
                        and             11:00
Re-affirmation of
                of Vows
Choral Evensong
        Evensong                        17:30
Eucharist of
           of the
              the Last
                  Last Supper
                       Supper           19:30
Watch of
      of the
          the Passion
               Passion                  21:00

Family Service
        Service at
                at                       9:45
St Thomas’s
   Thomas’s Church
Walk of
      of Witness:
         Witness: from
                  from West
                       West Front
                             Front      11:00
(Churches Together
            Together Salisbury)
The Good
     Good Friday
           Friday Devotion
                   Devotion             12:00
The Liturgy
    Liturgy of
            of Good
               Good Friday
                    Friday              13:30

Meditation and
           and prayers
                prayers                 10:00
Evening Prayer
         Prayer                         16:30

The Easter
    Easter Vigil
           Vigil Readings
                 Readings               04:00
The Easter
    Easter Liturgy
           Liturgy                      05:00
The Eucharist
     Eucharist with
                with blessing
                     blessing           10:30
of the
   the Easter
       Easter Garden
Festal Evensong
       Evensong with
                   with re-dedication
                        re-dedication   15:00
of the
   the Willis
       Willis organ

Further details online at
You can also read