COLUMBUS MEDIA KIT - Petcetera Columbus

Page created by Derrick Olson
COLUMBUS MEDIA KIT - Petcetera Columbus
COLUMBUS MEDIA KIT - Petcetera Columbus
photo by Jen Brown Photography
            [pet set-er-uh, pet se-truh]
            1. lifestyle magazine for Columbus area pets and their people
            2. resource for local pet owners to connect with their pets, other pet owners and pet-related businesses

            3. pets and related topics; dogs, cats and others; and so forth; and so on

            Origin: August 2018, Columbus Ohio

Helping pets and people live their best lives, together, through          Highly targeted local audience of pet lovers.
useful content, engaging stories, and beautiful images.
                                                                          Distributed free to readers through pet-oriented locations in the
Articles that celebrate the connections between pets and people, an       Columbus metro’s most affluent and high-growth communities.
events calendar, places to go and things to do with pets, information     Central Ohio = Franklin and the six surrounding counties.
about keeping pets safe and healthy, and pet-lover lifestyle features
will have readers looking forward to each new issue.                      10,000 copies > 25,000 readers. With a starting circulation of 10,000
                                                                          copies and generally-accepted standard of 2.5 readers per copy, we’ll
Our editorial style in 6 words:                                           reach approximately 25,000 readers per issue at launch.
Fun • Friendly • Positive • Curious • Empathetic • Storytelling
                                                                          High-quality content and production. Our creative contributors
We believe life is always better with pets, people crave connection       are all experienced professionals and pet lovers, bringing their
with their pets and each other, and readers appreciate quality content,   personal passion to each story and photograph. Upgraded paper
imagery, and useful information.                                          stock, tasteful design, and expert printing makes our magazine and
                                                                          your business, brand, product or service shine.
Connecting the pet lover community. Our goal is to connect
people with their pets, pet lovers with each other, and pet-focused       Niche magazines allow advertisers broad reach to a targeted
businesses to their customers.                                            audience. Our people (and yours) are pet lovers in the Columbus
                                                                          area. When they pick up or subscribe to Pet•cetera we know they
Quarterly and seasonal editorial calendar:                                are local and have a strong interest in pets, providing a pre-vetted
Spring (Feb) • Summer (May) • Fall (Aug) • Winter (Nov)                   audience for your product or service.

Published four times per year, each issue will feature seasonal stories   Connecting advertisers and marketing partners to our readers.
and images plus non-seasonal content.                                     Your audience is our audience too, and we want to help you reach
                                                                          them in a way that is authentic and helps grow your business.
Each issue’s content includes
> Articles featuring connections between pets and people.                 Ads in the print magazine are easy for the reader to find, and
> Let’s Go! with an events calendar, parks and neighborhoods.             we consider section themes or facing content when planning ad
> Domesticated, focused on safety, services, and products.                placement. We also offer opportunities to create unique branded
> At Work, featuring pet-friendly local businesses.                       content directly targeted to our audience of pet lovers through
> Stuff We Love from local stores, vendors, artists, and makers.          advertorials and sponsored content. Print advertisers will also be
> Metropawlitan with celebrity interviews, DIY crafts, and more!          listed online with a link to their site.

COLUMBUS MEDIA KIT - Petcetera Columbus
Why Pets?
                                 68% of all U.S. households have a pet.1
                                 Columbus Metro area has approximately 780,000 households.2 That’s
                                 over 530,000 pet households in our region.

                                 48% of U.S. pet-owner households have dogs, 38% have cats.1

                                 Pets are family, across generations.
                                 U.S. pet ownership broken out by generation:

                                                                                                                                                                                                    photo by Shelli Welch
                                 35% Gen Y | 27% Gen X | 27% Baby Boomers | 6% Builders1

                                 76% of pet owners in the U.S. said their pets are “beloved members
                                 of the family”.3

                                 Pet owners recognize benefits like
                                 > companionship/love/company/affection.
                                 > pets are fun to have in the home.
                                 > pets are like a family member.
                                                                                                                   Why Print?
                                 > pets can relieve stress1.                                                       Americans of all ages read magazines (even younger people)1
                                                                                                                   > 91% of Adults | 94% Under 35 and Under 25 read magazines
                                 Pets are an integral part of people’s lives.
                                 > 11% of owners said pets are allowed in their workplace.1                        People spend an average of 52 minutes per issue, more undivided
                                 > 12% of have financially provided for their pet in a will.4                      attention, with a magazine than other media.2 Magazine media is
                                 > 37% have named a caretaker/guardian for their pet.4                             considered trustworthy, inspiring and motivating.3
                                 > 27% would get another pet within a month if theirs died.1
                                                                                                                   Reading on paper is slower, deeper and people remember more–
                                 Pet spending has increased nearly 30% over the last 5 years.5                     it’s neuroscience!
                                 > 2018 = $72.13 billion spending (estimated)
                                 > 2017 = $69.51 billion spending                                                  Paper-based reading
                                 > 2016 = $66.75 billion spending                                                  > is more focused attention with less distraction.
                                 > 2015 = $60.28 billion spending                                                  > drives sensory involvement which contributes to reader impact.
                                 > 2014 = $58.04 billion spending                                                  > has slower reading speeds.
                                 > 2013 = $55.72 billion spending                                                  > stimulates emotions and desires.
                                                                                                                   > has higher comprehension and recall.
                                 Pets are perceived as members of the family, meaning products                     > is preferred by the majority (even millennials!).4
                                 for pets are considered nondiscretionary spending. Discretionary
                                 spending on pet services is continuing to rise4 and most say their pet            Magazines have an extended shelf life and audience reach. The
                                 ownership is not influenced by the economy.1                                      reader keeps a magazine, looks through more than once, and tears
                                                                                                                   out stories or ads that interest them. When they’re finished, it gets
                                                                                                                   passed along to a friend or put it in their waiting room. Generally-
                                                                                                                   accepted magazine pass along rate is 2.5 readers per copy.
                                 1 The 2017-2018 APPA National Pet Owners Survey
                                 2 Columbus, OH Metro Area,, 2016 census data
                                                                                                                   68% of regional magazine readers purchase products and services
                                 3 “We’re Treating Pets Like Humans–and That’s Great for Business”,,
                                                                                                                   from ads seen in those publications.5
                                 September 7, 2016
                                 4 IBISWorld Industry Report 45391: Pet Stores in the US, March 2017
                                                                                                                   In addition to the print magazine, Petcetera will have an online
                                 5 Press Center // Pet Industry Market Size & Ownership Statistics,
                                                                                                                   presence where readers can get and share more information, interact
                       , April 2018
                                                                                                                   with other readers, and connect with advertisers. Print exposes and
                                                                                                                   attracts people to the brand–then leads them to our website, social
                                                                                                                   channels, events and other interactions. The conversation starts with
                                                                                                                   print but continues online and in-person.

                                                                                                                   1 GfK MRI, Fall 2016; MPA The Association of Magazine Media, Magazine Media
                                                                                                                   Factbook 2017/18
photo by Jen Brown Photography

                                                                                                                   2 GfK MRI, Special Tabulators, Fall 2016; MPA The Association of Magazine Media,
                                                                                                                   Magazine Media Factbook 2017/18
                                                                                                                   3 Simmons Research, Multi-Media Engagement Study, Spring 2016; MPA The Association
                                                                                                                   of Magazine Media, Magazine Media Factbook 2017/18
                                                                                                                   4 “What Can Neuroscience Tell Us About Why Print Magazine Advertising Works?”,
                                                                                                                   a white paper from MPA The Association of Magazine Media, Scott McDonald Ph.D.,
                                                                                                                   Nomos Research, October 2015
                                                                                                                   5 2016 City and Regional Magazine Association Readership Survey, CRMA City and
                                                                                                                   Regional Magazine Association

COLUMBUS MEDIA KIT - Petcetera Columbus
photo by Jen Brown Photography
             RATES AND SPECS

                Standard       1x open rate   2x save 5%   4x save 15%
                                                                         > All prices are cost per ad insertion
Full Page                         $975          $926         $829        > Prices effective 4/15/2018
V 8.5” x 11.125”                                                         > Special pricing for 501(c)(3) organizations

                                                                         Space Reservation Deadlines
2/3 Page                          $710          $675         $604        > 11/28/2018 for Spring 2019 issue
V 4.92" x 10.125"                                                        > 2/27/2019 for Summer 2019 issue
H 7.5" x 6.67"                                                           > 5/29/2019 for Fall 2019 issue
1/2 Page                          $585          $556         $497        > 8/28/2019 for Winter 2019 issue
V 3.63" x 10.125"
H 7.5" x 4.94"                                                           Art Submittal Deadlines
                                                                         > 12/5/2018 for Spring 2019 issue
1/3 Page                          $475          $451         $404        > 3/6/2019 for Summer 2019 issue
V 2.33" x 10.125"                                                        > 6/5/2019 for Fall 2019 issue
H 7.5" x 3.21"                                                           > 9/4/2019 for Winter 2019 issue
1/4 Page                          $380          $361         $323        Specs
V 3.63" x 4.94"
                                                                         > For Full Page, Inside Cover, or Outside
H 7.5" x 2.35"
                                                                         Back Cover artwork add .125" on all sides
1/8 Page                          $215          $204         $183        for bleeds
H 3.63" x 2.35"                                                          > For 2-Page Spread or Advertorial artwork
                                                                         add .125" on all exterior sides, no gutter
                                                                         allowance required, art may run across the
Market Spot                       $165          $157         $140        center seam
limited availability
                                                                         > Images must be 300 dpi or higher
2.33" x 2.33"
                                                                         > All files must be created as or converted to
               Premium         1x open rate   2x save 5%   4x save 15%   CMYK before submitting
                                                                         > Black text must be 100% black (not 4C)
Inside Cover                     $1,175        $1,116        $999        > Preferred file format is press-optimized
V 8.5” x 11.125”                                                         PDF file set to high resolution with all fonts
Outside Back Cover               $1,375        $1,306       $1,169       > High-resolution JPG files also accepted
V 8.5” x 11.125”                                                         > Email art to
                                                                         > Ad templates and additional specs available
                                                                         upon request
2-Page Spread                    $1,750        $1,663       $1,488       > Creative, design or production services
H 17” x 11.125”                                                          available at standard rates
                                                                         > Questions? Just contact us prior to the ad
                                                                         deadline and we'll be happy to help
Advertorial                      $1,750        $1,663       $1,488
limited availability
                                                                         Have a question or special request?
H 17” x 11.125”
                                                                         Contact us at

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