Page created by Ross Ford

RFI 01-2021 Institutional Constituent
Relationship Management (CRM) System


FED EX or UPS Delivery – Tracking Number Required
College of Western Idaho
Attn: RFI 01-2021 CRM System
c/o Sue Heathman, Manager I, RFP/Contracts
4007 N. Whitehead Street
Boise, ID 83703
  1. I N T R O D U C T I O N ................................................................................................................................................................. 3
1. 1         P U R P O S E ....................................................................................................................................................................... 3
  2. I N S T R U C T I O N S T O P R O P O S E R S ..................................................................................................................................... 4
2 .1         BID SUBMISSION DELIVERY INSTRUCTIONS .............................................................................................................. 4
2.2          S C H E D U L E O F E V E N T S ................................................................................................................................................ 5
2 .3         C O N T A C T W I T H C O L LE G E P E R S O NN E L ................................................................................................................... 5
2.4          P R O P O S A L LIMITATIONS .............................................................................................................................................. 5
2.5          P U B L I C R E C O R D S ......................................................................................................................................................... 5
  3. S U B M I T T A L R E Q U I R E M E N T S .......................................................................................................................................... 6
3.1          P R O P O S A L F O R M A T .................................................................................................................................................... 6
3.2          P R O P O S A L C O N T E N T .................................................................................................................................................. 6
  4. C O M P A N Y S U M M A R Y ........................................................................................................................................................ 6
4. 1        O V E R V I E W ..................................................................................................................................................................... 6
4.2          S T A F F R E S O U R C E S AND EXPERIENCES ........................................................................................................................ 7
4. 3        R E F E R E N C E S .................................................................................................................................................................. 7
  5. R E L E V A N T C O L L E G E L I N K S ............................................................................................................................................... 7
  6. S C O P E O F S E R V I C E S R E Q U E S T E D ............................................................................................................................... 7
6.1         PROSPECTIVE STUDENT TO ADMISSIONS........................................................................................................................ 7
6.2         STUDENT RETENTION AND SUCCESS ............................................................................................................................... 8
6.3         ADVANCEMENT AND ALUMNI ENGAGEMENT ................................................................................................................ 8
6.4         MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS ............................................................................................................................ 9
6.5         LEGAL DOMAIN................................................................................................................................................................ 9
  7.0 TEHNICAL DOMAINS ........................................................................................................................................................... 9
7.1        TECHNICAL RESPONSES ..................................................................................................................................................... 9
  APPENDIX A - SIGNATURE BLOCK ............................................................................................................................................. 11

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1. I N T R O D U C T I O N
The College of Western Idaho (“CWI” or “College”) is a public, open-access and comprehensive
community college, providing higher education programs to residents of Western Idaho, with facilities
currently located in Nampa and Boise, Idaho. CWI is committed to providing affordable access to quality
teaching and learning. The College offers a full range of academic and professional-technical courses
leading to an Associate of Arts or Science degree, transfer degrees, professional-technical degrees,
continuing education, and certificates. It also offers basic academic skills to help prepare for a GED, dual
credit for high school students, and fast-track career training for working professionals.

1. 1      PU RPOS E
The purpose of this Request for Information (RFI) is to seek information from qualified Constituent
Relationship Management (CRM) System providers. CWI is seeking to deploy a single CRM to assist in
providing actionable information across the student life cycle (pre-admission to alumnus) to improve the
student experience. Additionally, the College is seeking a scalable solution that can grow with the
Institution. Subordinate main functions the College requires is for the software to record various
employee and student interactions (over email, phone calls, social media or other channels, depending on
system capabilities), automating various workflow processes such as tasks, calendars and alerts, and
giving managers the ability to track performance and productivity based on information logged within the

The overriding goal of this RFI is to assist the CWI in improving the student experience and associated
data and processes to achieve its goals as set forth in the recently approved 2020-2023 Strategic Plan
and further progress towards the institution’s “Vision 2040”.

Information gathered from this RFI will assist in identifying proposers to invite in for presentations and
demonstrations, which may in turn facilitate in the design and development of a Request for Proposal
(RFP) for said services.

1. 2      AUTHORITY
This RFI is issued under Idaho Code 67-2801 et seq., and Idaho Code Section 33-2107(2). All proposals
submitted in response to this inquiry shall be subject to the State of Idaho procurement law. Both state and
federal law prohibits bribes, gratuities, and kickbacks.

Response to this RFI is voluntary and does not constitute a commitment, implied or otherwise, for CWI to
take procurement action in this matter. The College will not be responsible for any costs incurred in
furnishing this information. CWI requests that no copyrighted information, or personally identifiable
information, be submitted in response to this RFI.

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2. I N S T R U C T I O N S T O P R O P O S E R S

Currently, most CWI employees are working remotely. All submissions must be made on or before April 8,
2021 at 5:00 PM MT. Two options are available for proposers to submit responses. Electronically or by FED
EX or UPS Delivery – Tracking Required.

Electronic submissions may be made by going to the following link:
Under the heading “Request for Information (RFI 01-2021) Institutional Constituent Relationship
Management (CRM) System” you will find a link. This link provides you the opportunity to load your
documents. If you have any issues, please contact Sue Heathman, Manager I, RFP/Contracts, at

Physical delivery of submissions must:
   2.1.1    Include two (2) sets in hard copy format along with one (1) electronic copy on a USB Flash
            Drive. One hard copy set is to be clearly marked “original” and will become the official file copy.
   2.1.2    Be delivered physically by FED EX or UPS, a tracking number is required, and the following
            notation on the outside label of the package “RFI 01-2021 CRM System”.
   2.1.3    Be delivered by FED EX or UPS to:

                                        College of Western Idaho
                                        Attn: RFI 01-2021 CRM System
                                        c/o Sue Heathman, Manager I, RFP/Contracts
                                        4007 North Whitehead Street
                                        Boise, ID 83703

   2.1.4    Proposers may email Sue Heathman at to verify CWI’s receipt of their
   2.1.5    Once submissions are received, CWI representatives may reach out to proposers for clarification
            communication. Any communications will be considered unofficial and non-binding on CWI.

    Proposals received after the designated time and date indicated will not be considered for evaluation.

                                                                                                          Page 4 of 11

                                        EVENTS                                            Date and Time*

        Request for Information Issued and Advertised                     March 18, 2021 and March 25, 2021
        Question Period Ends                                              April 1, 2021 at 5:00 PM MT
        Proposals Due                                                     April 8, 2021 at 5:00 PM MT
                                                                          *Dates and times are tentative and
                                                                          subject to change.

2 .3       C O N T A C T W I T H C O L LE G E P E R S O NN E L

       Questions Prior to Submission – Interested parties may submit questions regarding this RFI by email
       to Sue Heathman, Manager I, RFP/Contracts, at Write in the subject line of
       all emails, “Q&A RFI 01-2021 CRM System”. All questions must be submitted by April 1, 2021 at 5:00
       PM MT. Responses to all questions will be posted on CWI’s website (noted below) on April 2, 2021.

       The College reserves the right to modify the Scope and Specifications of this RFI, as circumstances
       require. The RFI and all subsequent addenda may be found on the CWI website. Please check for
       updates and/or amendments at:


2.4        P R O P O S A L LIMITATIONS
       Neither CWI nor any agent on behalf of CWI will be obligated in any way by any submittal to this RFI.
       The issuance of this RFI does not constitute an assurance by the College that any contract will be
       entered into by CWI. CWI expressly reserves the right to:
              • Request additional information and data from any or all respondents.
              • Supplement, amend, or otherwise modify the RFI or cancel this request with or without the
                substitution of another RFI.
              • Disqualify any respondent who fails to provide information or data requested herein or who
                provides inaccurate or misleading information or data.
              • Disqualify any respondent based on any real or apparent conflict of interest, as determined
                solely by CWI.
              • Disqualify any respondent based on past performance on other projects.

2.5        PU BLI C RE CORDS
       Pursuant to Idaho Code section 74-101 et seq., information or documents received by CWI in a
       proposal from a Proposer may be open to public inspection and copying following the announcement
       of a contract award, unless exempt from disclosure. If a proposal contains any information that is
       considered exempt under Idaho Code 74-101 et seq., such information must be clearly marked with
                                                                                                    Page 5 of 11
the following clause:

                         “This information is exempt under the Idaho Public Records Act”

       Proposer must also provide the applicable Idaho code supporting the exemptions. College assumes
       no liability for disclosure of proprietary material submitted by a Proposer. If the exempt status of this
       information submitted by the Proposer is challenged, the information will not be released until the
       Proposer has been notified of the challenge and has been given the opportunity to respond. Proposers
       agree to defend and hold CWI harmless from and against any disputes arising from their designation
       of information as exempt and to indemnify CWI for any costs, attorney fees, and penalties incurred by
       CWI related to any such dispute. Variation of this term is not offered.

       A Proposer shall not label an entire document as “exempt” merely because a portion of that document
       is or may be a trade secret. If a proposal is marked as “exempt” in its entirety, it will be considered
       public record in its entirety, and will be disclosed, if requested.

3. S U B M I T T A L R E Q U I R E M E N T S

3.1         PROPOS A L FORM AT
       Each official paper response should be bound separately in a simple, effective manner, and printed on
       standard 8½” x 11” paper clearly indicating the company’s name, address, and web address. Each response
       shall also include the company’s contact(s) responsible for the proposal, their phone numbers, and their
       email addresses.

       Proposers to this RFI are responsible for all costs associated with preparing their proposals, answering
       all questions, and providing the College with requested information. The College is under no obligation
       to incur or reimburse any Proposer for any proposal costs. Most CWI employees are working remotely
       so it is very likely that clarifications on content submitted will be by video conferencing.

3.2         PROPOS A L CONT E NT
       Proposals must include a detailed Table of Contents. All proposals should respond directly to all
       requirements and questions posed in this RFI and comment on capabilities to meet such
       requirements. Emphasis should be on clarity and brevity. Any additional material that a Proposer
       deems necessary should be attached as appendices.

4. C O M P A N Y S U M M A R Y

4. 1       OVERVIEW
       Describe the history and current focus of your firm. Indicate the number of years your firm has
       been performing CRM System services. Please describe your business philosophy and how you
       would define and measure success.

                                                                                                           Page 6 of 11
4.2            S T A F F R E S O U R C E S AND EXPERIENCES
       Please describe your firm’s principals and their professional backgrounds. Provide the names, titles,
       and biographies of key individuals who would be directly responsible for developing, implementing,
       and providing customer service and continued advising to CWI. Please provide the location of the
       office that would serve the College.

4. 3           REFERENCES
       For references, include at least three (3) present clients. Include contact name, title, address,
       telephone number, and email address for each reference. Indicate the areas in which the reference
       is specifically related to the identified needs of the College, and the higher education industry (if
       applicable), and length of service to date.

5. R E L E V A N T C O L L E G E L I N K S
       The following CWI links are relevant to developing Proposer RFIs:

                     •    Public Plans and Reports located at:

                     •    Strategic Plan Summary and Execution Roadmap FY2018-2022 located at:

                     •    New Comprehensive Strategic Plan FY2018-2022 located at:

                     •    General Facts located at:

                     •    Programs/Catalog located at:

6. S C O P E O F S E R V I C E S R E Q U E S T E D

       CWI would like information regarding your company’s enterprise CRM System. Provided below are
       CWI’s objectives, the functional domains, and a series of informational requests/questions it needs
       answered to evaluate the RFI response.
        It is expected that proposers will respond to all domains listed below.

        Please provide the following comprehensive information for your company regarding your practices,
       strategies, and technologies it can deliver:
       6.1.1     To use mobile technology to reach and enroll best fit students.
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6.1.2     To assist recruiters in identifying and engaging prospective students.
      6.1.3     To create and manage events, as well as track RSVPs and attendance, and matriculation from
                those events.
      6.1.4     To provide support for students from varying cohorts including but not limited to age, gender,
                ESL, first generation, and disability statutes.
      6.1.5     To provide data, dashboards, and other reporting tools to inform CWI decision making.
      6.1.6     Map key data relationships with shared business domains including, but not limited to:
                Instruction and Student Services, Finance, Financial Aid, Payroll, Human Resources,
                Advancement, and Registrar’s Office.
      6.1.7     To personalize and automate communication with constituents over a variety of channels. (e.g.
                email, text, voice, live text/video chat, social media, mobile, etc.).
      6.1.8     To assist in managing and standardizing the multiple application processes (e.g. specific
                program admission) while allowing for constituents to save data in progress and return at later
                date prior to full submission.


  Please provide the following comprehensive information for your company regarding your practices,
  strategies, and technologies it can deliver:
  6.2.1        Identification of upstream and downstream dependencies among Institutional departments
               including, but not limited to Instruction, Admissions, Advising, Student Affairs, Finance,
               Financial Aid, Payroll, Human Resources, Advancement, and Registrar’s Office.
  6.2.2        To create and manage events, as well as track RSVPs and attendance, and retention from those
  6.2.3        To personalize and automate communication with constituents over a variety of channels. (e.g.
               email, text, voice, live text/video chat, social media, mobile, etc.).
  6.2.4        To provide insight and build predictive models of enrollment and engagement.
  6.2.5        To build student centered experiences in major components including but not limited to:
               Advising, Registration, Financial Aid, Student Accounts, Student Clubs and Organizations.
  6.2.6        To integrate with existing ERP to provide automated communication and student response
               management including but not limited to Student Accounts/One-Stop Admissions Transactions.


      Please provide the following comprehensive information for your company regarding your practices,
      strategies, and technologies it can deliver:

  6.3.1        To plan, execute and track donation campaigns.
  6.3.2        To build and track alumni and donor relationships.
  6.3.3        To identify trends and predictions for donations.

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6.3.4    To integrate with existing ERP to provide automated communication and student response
               management including but not limited to Alumni and Community donations.
      6.3.5    To manage, execute, and track communications for Alumni and Community Donors.


      Please provide the following comprehensive information for your company regarding your practices,
      strategies, and technologies it can deliver:

      6.4.1    To configure and customize the solution to College’s unique and continuously evolving needs.
      6.4.2    To natively integrate common social media and web tracking analytics platforms with the
               system’s marketing and engagement functionality.
      6.4.3    To create and manage web-based forms and workflows (both internal and public facing); note
               any enhanced functionality for admissions applications.
      6.4.4    To develop and execute strategic multi-channel communication campaigns with targeted
               groups of constituents.
      6.4.5    To personalize and automate communication with constituents over a variety of channels. (e.g.
               email, text, voice, live text/video chat, social media, mobile, etc.).

6.5           LEGAL DOMAIN

      6.5.1    Describe contract terms, limitation of liability, payment terms, estimated fees, etc.

   CWI supports a comprehensive portfolio of enterprise software applications that provide data to
   students, faculty, and staff. This portfolio is architected on the Microsoft Stack and includes Ellucian
   Colleague, Perceptive Content, Microsoft SharePoint, SAP Business Objects, Presence, Maxient, and
   Blackboard software applications.

      Provide descriptions how your company will approach the following:

      7.1.1    Knowledge transfer process from proposer to customer.
      7.1.2    The expected level of resources necessary to maintain and operate your recommendations
               based upon previous implementations.
      7.1.3    Information regarding the security practices of your organization, as well as the offered
               solution/application, including but not limited to: Standard SLA’s, compliance and certifications
               (e.g. NIST, ISO, SOC, SAS, etc.), protection of sensitive and confidential information, publicly
               available policies, procedures, and audit reports (must extend to data centers if hosted

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7.1.4   How you approach, facilitate, and help define the integration points between your
        recommendations and other business area processes and systems including but not limited to
        existing communication management software, event tracking, room scheduling, remote
        phone system, student engagement and support software, and ERP.
7.1.5   How you approach the integration of your subject matter experts and technical resources with
        customer resources during and after implementation.
7.1.6   How you approach the institutional access to the Data captured and stored for custom report

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Please complete and sign this page and return a copy of it with your submittal.

        The undersigned, an authorized agent of his/her company, hereby certifies:

        ( ) They have reviewed and understand all terms, conditions, and specifications herein

        ( ) The Respondent is qualified to perform work and services as included.

        ( ) The pricing contained in the proposal is valid for 120 days from submittal.    NA

Company Name

Address - City, State, Zip Code

Federal Tax ID Number

Printed Name of Person Submitting Proposal                     Title


Authorized Signature

Phone Number _________________ Email ________________________________

Date of Proposal Submission _____________________________________________

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