COLLEGE OF BUSINESS - Eastern Washington University

COLLEGE OF BUSINESS - Eastern Washington University

                         Welcome to the fall 2020 College of Business newsletter! As I
                         look back at what has surely been one of the most unique and
                         challenging years in recent history, I am struck by the resilience
                         and dedication of our EWU students, faculty, and staff. The
                         COVID-19 pandemic not only changed the way we teach and
                         learn, but also forced us to reimagine awards ceremonies,
                                                                                                    Volume 2

                                                                                              WE’VE MOVED!

                                                                                              In September, the College of Business
                                                                                              moved to the new Catalyst building,
                                                                                              located just across the Gateway Bridge
                                                                                              in Spokane’s University District. Business
                                                                                              is one of several EWU programs that
                                                                                              will be housed in the Catalyst building
                                                                                              including; Computer Science, Electrical
                         Commencement, career recruitment activities, and internships.
                         Despite the obstacles, we continued to find ways to celebrate        Engineering, Design, Computer
                         our students, prepare and connect students with employers, and       Engineering and Creative Writing. The
                         to host special events and guest speakers. The pandemic even         College of Health Science and Public
provided topical course material for some of our instructors, who challenged students         Health Dean’s Office and some program
to imagine how the current global environment would affect management decisions in            staff will also relocate to the Catalyst.
an organization.                                                                              Housing these programs together in
   The College continues to look toward the future. We recently relocated to the new          downtown Spokane creates an incredible
Catalyst building. The Catalyst, located just across the Gateway Bridge in Spokane’s          opportunity for faculty and students
University District, creates a dynamic, interactive environment where students and            to apply their learning to real-world
faculty will partner with local business and industry experts for community-based             problems, working with local business
learning. Faculty have developed new transdisciplinary entrepreneurship degree                and industry experts for community-
programs designed to provide students with the skills needed to launch initiatives or         based learning.
work in entrepreneurial companies in a variety of fields including analytics, information
                                                                                                 The Catalyst is part of the planned
systems, computer science, and music technology. Our accelerated MBA program
is experiencing tremendous growth and we recently launched an online Master of                South Landing Eco-District, which will
Professional Accounting program.                                                              serve as a transformative model for
   In this edition, I am proud to share some of our recent accomplishments. As always,        sustainable development in the heart of
I look forward to hearing from you. Please contact me if you have any comments,               Spokane. The collaboration between
suggestions, or stories that you would like to share.                                         Avista, McKinstry, Katerra, Michael
                                                                                              Green Architecture, Emerald Initiative
  Sincerely,                                                                                  and EWU started with the bold vision by
                                                                                              Avista Chairman Scott Morris to create
                                                                                              the five smartest blocks in the world.
                                                                                              The state-of-the-art Catalyst building
  Jonathan W. Anderson, PhD                                                                   aims to be the largest zero energy
  Interim Dean, College of Business                                                           building in North America certified by
                                                                                              the International Living Future Institute
                                                                                              (ILFI). The adjacent Morris Center is the
                                                                                              heart of the shared energy model, where
                                                                                              a centralized plant will power the two
                                                                                              new buildings and additional buildings in
                                                                                              the future.
                                                                                                 The College of Business is proud to be
                                                                                              a part of this initiative and we cannot
                                                                                              wait to welcome our students to our new
                                                                                              building and expand their opportunities
                                                                                              for hands-on, practical, and
                                                                                              transdisciplinary experiential learning.
                                                                                                 Visit our website to watch the virtual
                                                                                              grand opening and learn more about the
                                                                                              Catalyst and South Landing Eco-District.
COLLEGE OF BUSINESS - Eastern Washington University
                                               $40,000 STARTUP CHALLENGE
                                               The 2020 EWU $40,000 Startup Challenge was held on May 21, 2020. This year,
                                               60 EWU teams entered the event, with students representing all five colleges. In total,
IN USASBE MEMBER                               $43,000 was awarded in prizes and business development money. Our top student
SPOTLIGHT                                      business for this year earned $16,500 to get their company going. All of the finalists
                      Bruce Teague, PhD,       also had the opportunity to pitch their idea to Tom Simpson, the president of the
                      was recently featured    Spokane Angel Alliance. Here are the results of the final stage:
                      in the United States
                      Association for          Automated MicroMalthouse - Jake Hays and Cody Fox
                      Small Business and       Winner of the $10,000 Catalyst Prize
                      Entrepreneurship         Winner of the Most Innovative New Product $3,000 Prize
                      (USASBE) Member          Co-Winner of the Best Business Pitch of the Year $1,000 Prize
                      Spotlight. Teague        Company Description - The world’s first totally automated barley malting machine.
is the Eastern Washington University           I created a computer vision program that analyzes the length of barley rootlets to
(EWU) Foundation Endowed Professor             determine when to start the kilning process after germination.
of Entrepreneurship, and the Founding          Automated MicroMalthouse Pitch Video
Director of the EWU Center for
Entrepreneurship. He also serves as            GFG (Green Filtration Guys) - Lloyd V. Dees, Tanner Cunningham, Ryan Van Meter
the Chair of the EWU Management                Winner of the Best Technology Commercialization $3,000 Prize
Department. In the interview, Teague shares    Company Description - Our mission at Green Filter Guys (GFG) is to create a safer
his professional journey and how his passion   smoking experience that improves the act of smoking for the user, without taking
for entrepreneurship, and specifically, the    away the desired effects. At GFG, we designed a filter and tip combo that slides over
study of what entrepreneurs do, led to his     the end of joints and cigarettes. Our filters remove 60% of carbon monoxide, 80% of
role in the development of the current EWU     formaldehyde, and up to 99% of particulate matter from smoke.
entrepreneurship program.                      GFG Pitch Video

                                               Eikasia - Alexys Preston
GIVING TUESDAY                                 Winner of the Best Scalable Business $2,000 Prize
Giving Tuesday is a global day of generosity   Co-Winner of the Best Business Pitch $1,000 Prize
that took place on Dec. 1, 2020. This          Company Description - Eikasia is a sonic interaction and design technology business
year, EWU focused on raising funds to          that focuses on innovative non-intrusive ways to transform the way musicians interact
help students by finishing up scholarship      with their tools.
endowments. Several scholarship funds
are very close to being endowed, and
                                               Spot - Chaz Hurd, Robert Moreno, Jose Garcia
those scholarships were featured on the
                                               Winner of the Most Market Ready New Business $2,000 Prize
EWU Giving Tuesday webpage.
                                               Company Description - An application that you can choose to park your vehicle at.
  The College of Business provides a
                                               Each parking spot is owned by an individual and rents it out for a specific amount of
wide variety of scholarships to students
                                               time for money, much like Air BnB. This solves two problems, the first is for someone to
studying in the business majors. Visit
                                               find a parking spot for their stuff (i.e. boat, car) and the person owning the land gets
our website to see the list of College of
Business Scholarships and to read about
                                               Spot Pitch Video
the generous donors whose gifts have
made these scholarships possible.
  For more information on providing            Winners of the Top-Ten Business of the Year $500 Prize:
                      scholarship support      Alliance of Adventures - Stephanie Henry
                      or contributing          Ambient Co. - Ashley Croney
                      in other areas,          Astra eSports Financial - Ben Bailey
                      please contact Ken       Beacon - Sukhleen Bolina
                      Tucker, Director of      Endolysins - Samual Hatfield, Toriana Kent, Daniel Carulli, Erin Smith
                      Philanthropy, at         The Food Guide - Kurt Lamon
or by email at
COLLEGE OF BUSINESS - Eastern Washington University
                                               promoted to Athletics Operations
                                               Manager at Gonzaga University.            ALUMNI IN THE NEWS
                                                                                         Ali Abdullah Al Ahmed, UAE’s
                                               Katie Seigendall, ’20 MBA, was            ambassador to France was appointed
College of Business alumni work in a           hired by Itron as a proposal analyst.
variety of fields in the public and private                                              the emirates’ permanent delegate to the
                                               Seigendall earned her Bachelor of         United Nations Educational, Scientific
sectors. Here are just a few career success    Business Administration in finance in
stories from our alumni:                                                                 and Cultural Organisation (Unesco).
                                               2019, and continued in the accelerated    Al Ahmed holds a bachelor’s degree in
                                               online MBA program, earning her MBA       business administration from Eastern
Ashleigh Schultz recently earned her           degree with a concentration in finance
MBA from Eastern, and is now starting                                                    Washington University, and a master’s
                                               in 2020.                                  degree in strategic and security studies
the Doctor of Business Program at
DePaul University in Chicago. Schultz is                                                 from the National Defence college in the
                                               Logan Morley, ’19 BAB management,         UAE. Read the full story here.
currently manager/controller at Macklin        was hired as a recruiter for Aerotek in
& Little, Inc., where she started her          January 2020.
career as an office assistant. Macklin &                                                 Kim Peone, ’04 BAB professional
Little were supportive of Schultz as she                                                 accounting, is the first Native woman
                                               Abeer Nimri, ’19 BAB professional         to serve as executive director of the
pursued her undergraduate and graduate         accounting, was hired in March 2020
degrees, and plan to continue to provide                                                 Southwestern Association of Indian Arts.
                                               as a manufacturing planner at Boeing,     “An enrolled member of the Confederated
support for her DBA program at DePaul.         Seattle.
Schultz earned her Bachelor in Business                                                  Tribes of the Colville Reservation and
Administration in management in 2019,                                                    an Eastern Band Cherokee descendant,
                                               Audrey Seda, BAB ’18, is the founder      Peone is the daughter of parents who met
and then continued in the accelerated          of Anchor Hope Films, and currently
online MBA program, earning her MBA                                                      while attending the Institute of American
                                               works as a writer and post-production     Indian Arts. She’s spent her career after
with a finance concentration in 2020.          assistant at CBS Television in Los        graduating from Eastern Washington
                                               Angeles, California.                      University using her talents in marketing,
Rogelio Alvarado, ’20 BAB management,
was recently hired by Avista as a customer                                               finance and administration for various
                                               Christopher Birge, ’13 BAB marketing,     tribes or tribal organizations across the
service representative.                        recently accepted a new position as       country. Her financial expertise and ability
                                               a digital marketing specialist at Volt    to expand opportunity will be essential in
Tony Beregovoy, ’20 BAB management,            Athletics.
is celebrating five years at REC Silicon,                                                guiding SWAIA over the next year.”
where he is currently a control systems                                                  Read the full story here.
                                               Chelsea McGuire, ’10 BAB marketing
engineering specialist.                        and management, was recently              Jill Ann Smith, who was the first woman
                                               appointed Content & Communications        to receive EWU’s Entrepreneur of the
Zebulon Klemke, ’20 MBA, was recently          Manager at Numerica Credit Union.         Year award in 1995, was featured in the
                                                                                         Inlander. Read the full story here.

Finance students in Vinson Cai’s Portfolio Management class received a check for
$6,770 to the EWU Foundation, representing a share of earnings from their SIP
portfolio. The SIP portfolio is sponsored by D.A. Davidson Investment of Great Falls,
MT, a regional investment banking firm. Each year, the students manage a $50,000
portfolio, and any earnings above 5% are split between EWU and D.A. Davidson. Funds
earned through this program are used to build the endowed balance for the Bill Wynd
COLLEGE OF BUSINESS - Eastern Washington University
                                                                                     COB        ENTREPRENEURSHIP
                                                                                                PROGRAM STUDENT
The EWU Center for Entrepreneurship has received the 2020 Outstanding Emerging
                                                                                                Students who participated in the
Entrepreneurship Center award, presented annually by the Global Consortium of                   Entrepreneurship program last year
Entrepreneurship Centers (GCEC). This award builds on earlier success this year, when           have been finding success starting their
EWU’s entrepreneurship program won the 2020 Model Emerging Entrepreneurship                     businesses in the real world. Five student
Program award, presented by the United States Association for Small Business and                companies have been formed from last
Entrepreneurship (USASBE).                                                                      year’s program, including two companies
                                                         In winning these awards, EWU           that have formed c-corps and are in the
                                                      joins the likes of Brown University,      seed-funding round of investments.
                                                      Dartmouth University, Florida State          One company holds exclusive licensing
                                                      University and North Carolina State       rights to the patent for their technology,
                                                      University. However, only Kansas          and another has applied for a patent
                                                      State University shares the distinction   with a local law firm. One company is
                                                                                                participating in a development program
                                                      of having won both.
                                                                                                for music & technology businesses, and
                                                         Both the center and the                two have formed small businesses.
entrepreneurship program were founded in 2016 by Bruce Teague, PhD, chair of the                   Jacqueline Swanson, senior, design,
Management Department at Eastern and founding directory of the EWU Center for                   found success in working with a Spokane
Entrepreneurship. Over the past four years, Teague has rapidly transformed EWU into             startup company, Organic Nearby.
an entrepreneurial university of national repute.                                               Swanson worked with the company
   “Students these days want to make a difference, not just fill a job upon graduation,”        founder, June Swatzell, to develop a
says Teague. “Our program and center work in harmony to make sure that every EWU                website and newsletter for the company
student has support for transforming their vision into reality—regardless of their degree       utilizing the no-code platform bubble.
or major.”                                                                                      Swanson was introduced to Swatzell
   Eastern currently offers four different entrepreneurship degrees, along with three           through her Business Startup Research
minors. The degrees include bachelor’s degrees in entrepreneurship, music and                   course with instructor Yanxin Liu, PhD.
technology entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial communications, and entrepreneurial
analytics. EWU also offers a minor in entrepreneurship that is open to students from any
degree program on campus, along with two minors in digital entrepreneurship.                    DEPARTMENT
   “Spokane has become a highly desired region for tech companies, startups and
entrepreneurs; particularly as leaders are seeking alternatives to San Francisco, Seattle
                                                                                                CHAIR NEWS
and Portland,” says Tom Simpson, CEO of Ignite NW and president of the Spokane Angel            Congratulations to the following faculty
Alliance. “The Spokane region is fortunate to have numerous leading universities and            members, who were recently elected by
colleges, including EWU, to meet the increasing, underlying demand for skilled workers.         their peers to serve as Department Chair:
   The EWU Center for Entrepreneurship complements the programs by offering
numerous co-curricular opportunities for student involvement. Students at EWU may                                  Arsen Djatej, PhD,
join the Collegiate Entrepreneurs Organization (CEO), can travel to attend the CEO                                 was re-elected
Global Conference, can take part in the annual EWU $40,000 Startup Challenge, or                                   Department Chair
                                                                                                                   for the Accounting
may consider participating in the EWU Technology Commercialization Academy.
                                                                                                                   Department. Djatej
   EWU is supported by a strong advisory board that is comprised primarily of successful                           has served as
alumni entrepreneurs. Their active involvement ensures that activities on campus prepare                           Department Chair
students for real-world success. Last year’s Startup Challenge winner earned $16,000 to                            since 2016.
start their business. They recently formed a C-Corporation and filed for a patent.
   This will only improve when students return to the classroom at EWU. Entrepreneurially                          Elizabeth Tipton,
minded students will find themselves working and studying in the brand new, state-of-                              PhD, was elected
the-art Catalyst building, located in Spokane’s U-District. This new location will create                          Department Chair
opportunities for students from entrepreneurship, business, and STEM disciplines to                                for the Information
interact more regularly. At the same time, the new location will support greater interaction                       Systems and
with members of the thriving Spokane entrepreneurial ecosystem.                                                    Business Analytics
COLLEGE OF BUSINESS - Eastern Washington University
                      Yanxin “Fred” Liu,
                                               FACULTY INTELLECTUAL CONTRIBUTIONS
                                               College of Business faculty use their expertise to contribute to their disciplines by
                      PhD, was promoted        publishing articles in peer-reviewed journals, books and book chapters. Their research
                      to Associate             is published in academic and professional conference proceedings, and they are often
                      Professor with tenure.   invited to present their papers at national and international conferences. Faculty write
                      Liu holds the PhD        grants that provide funding for academic and co-curricular activities. Samples of recent
                      in Organizations         intellectual contributions by College of Business faculty can be found on our College of
                      and Strategic            Business Intellectual Contributions webpage.
Management from the University of
Wisconsin-Milwaukee (2014), the MA
in Cross-Cultural Management from              2019-20 HONORS AND AWARDS
the University of International Business
and Economics, Beijing, China (2006)           The annual Honors and Awards Program for 2019-2020 was presented virtually, as a
and the BA in English Education from           video. The full video is available to view on our website. Award recipients include:
Liaoning Normal University (2000). Liu
joined the College of Business at EWU                                  EWU Trustee’s Medal
in fall 2014 as assistant professor of                                 Elizabeth Tipton, PhD, Professor of Decision Sciences (Analytics)
management. He teaches management
and entrepreneurship courses. Since                                    Frances B. Huston Medallion
starting at Eastern, Liu has published                                 Madison Doepker, ‘20 BAB professional accounting
several peer-reviewed journal articles                                 Quinn Paterson, ‘20 BAB management information systems and
and is co-author on an invited chapter                                 business analytics
that was accepted for publication in           Elizabeth Tipton, PhD
the 2020 United States Association for                                 College of Business Teaching Excellence Award
Small Business and Entrepreneurship                                    Elizabeth Tipton, PhD, Professor of Decision Sciences (Analytics)
annual conference. Liu presents his
research at regional and national                                      College of Business Research Excellence Award
conferences. Liu served as Director of                                 Duanning Zhou, PhD, Professor of Management Information
Technology Commercialization in 2018                                   Systems
and on various department, college, and
university committees. Liu is a member of      Madison Doepker
                                                                       In addition, we honored our inductees into Beta Gamma Sigma,
the Academy of Management, Strategic                                   the International Business Honor Society. Since 1913 Beta Gamma
Management Society, and United States                                  Sigma has recognized and honored top performing students from
Association for Small Business and                                     around the world in business schools accredited by The Association
Entrepreneurship.                                                      to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). Only the top
                                                                       20% of graduate business students and top 10% of undergraduate
                                                                       business students are eligible to join BGS.
FACULTY SUCCESS                                                           We also celebrated our fellowship and scholarship recipients and
                                                                       shared their stories on our website. Our students have received
                    Christine Kuglin, JD,      Quinn Paterson
                                                                       scholarships from a wide variety of sources, including scholarships
                    MPAcc, LLM, was                                    awarded by the university and by industry organizations.
                    appointed to the                                      Congratulations to all of our award winners, honor society
                    Washington State                                   inductees, and scholarship recipients!
                    Bar Association Pro
                    Bono and Public
                    Service Committee.
  Kuglin, was also appointed to the
inaugural editorial board of The National      Duanning Zhou, PhD
Association of Enrolled Agents (EA)
COLLEGE OF BUSINESS - Eastern Washington University
Under the guidance of Professor
                                            ENTREPRENEURSHIP STUDENT SPOTLIGHT
                                                                 Lloyd Dees, senior, psychology, is an active member of the
Christine Kuglin, two students in the                            entrepreneurship program at EWU. Dees serves as the president
Master of Professional Accounting                                of the EWU Chapter of Collegiate Entrepreneurship Organization
(MPAcc) program have been working                                (CEO). Dees is also the EWU ASEWU Student Body President.
on a comprehensive research project to                              As a result of participating in the EWU Technology
design a cost accounting case study.                             Commercialization Academy, Dees and his teammates founded
                                                                 the Green Filtration Guys Inc. (GFG). The GFG team competed
                    Candy Stutzke                                in the National Science Foundation program, Innovation Corps at
                    designed the case       Washington State University, and received a $2,500 grant to complete the program.
                    study of Candy’s        GFG were finalists in the three competitions they entered: Collegiate Entrepreneurship
                    Mini Donut Shop.        Organization Global Pitch Competition, Eastern Washington University Eagle Nest
                    She created eight       Pitch, and Texas Christian University’s Values and Ventures Competition. The GFG
                    problems using real     team was recognized as the Best Technology Commercialization team at the EWU
                    data to analyze         $40,000 Startup Challenge and won a $3,000 prize to help build their business.
                    everything from a         Last summer, Dees participated in the Virtual Venture in Management program
cost/volume/profit analysis to master       at Harvard Business School (this year’s virtual version of Harvard Business School’s
budgets to run the shop. Her analysis       (HBS) annual Summer Venture in Management Program). The program is a weeklong
takes students through all chapters in      residential and academically rigorous program for graduating and rising college
an introductory cost accounting course.     seniors. A yearly event at HBS, this unique educational experience helps participants
Students will complete problems in CVP      develop a broader understanding of the challenges business leaders face, the many
analysis, budgeting and more. Stutzke’s     dimensions of the business world, and their impact on their community and the world
project uses the same data for all          through business leadership.
problems which is unique and beneficial       Dees also was selected for a summer internship at Capital Innovators, a top-rated
to students learning these concepts.        accelerator program that provides venture fund management and corporate innovation
                                            based in St. Louis. As an intern, Dees sourced startups, wrote and edited blog posts,
                     Ayesha Horton          and judged startups for investment.
                     then completed
                     a comprehensive
                     literature review
                     and analysis for
                                            E. CLAIR DANIELS SYMPOSIUM
                     determining how a                            EWU College of Business and the Washington Society of Certified
                     comprehensive case                           Public Accountants (WSCPA) presented the 22nd annual E. Clair
                     study using cohesive                         Daniels Symposium on November 5, 2020. This year’s keynote
data, which would mimic the problems                              speaker was Bill A. Simer, ’78 BAB professional accounting. Simer
found in an introductory cost course,
                                                                  is a partner at Eide Bailly, LLP, one of the top 25 accounting firms in
can benefit and impact accounting cost
education. She used previously published                          the country. He is a past chair of the WSCPA, former member of the
studies as well as AICPA best practice                            Council of The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants,
suggestions to establish how this case      and past board chair for the EWU Foundation. This year’s theme was “The Accounting
study would benefit accounting students     Profession: Where We’ve Come From, Where We Are Now, Where We’re Going.”
in their first jobs.                          The E. Clair Daniels Symposium is an annual professional development event that
   Professor Kuglin is now using the case   brings industry leaders in accounting and finance to share their experience with EWU
to document the impact on her course        faculty, staff and students, as well as other local industry professionals.
and the students’ final exam results. The
group plans to submit their findings for
peer review and potential presentation      MBA STUDENT SPOTLIGHT
at the Western American Accounting
Association (AAA) conference.                                     Joni Wynecoop recently celebrated earning her Master of Business
                                                                  Administration (MBA) from Eastern Washington University with
                                                                  an inspiring post on social media. For Wynecoop, the MBA degree
                                                                  is the most recent in a list of achievements earned through the
                                                                  determination to overcome obstacles and improve her life.
                                                                  Read Joni’s story.
COLLEGE OF BUSINESS - Eastern Washington University
Capsim Teams
                                                  Chester Team
                                                  Dylan Griffin, senior, management
                                                  Mariah Huey, senior, management
                                                                                                    CMA INSTITUTE
Students in Management 490:                       Dakota Mullikin, senior, professional
Department Senior Capstone, utilize               accounting                                        SCHOLARSHIP
Capsim business simulation software,              Alex Wells, senior, finance
                                                                                                                          Jessi Bader, senior,
which place individuals in the role of                                                                                    professional
executive management at a multi-million           Digby Team
                                                                                                                          accounting, was
dollar company, competing directly                Nick Aemmer, senior, marketing
                                                                                                                          awarded a competitive
against other real or simulated teams             Chris Barragan Montano, senior,
                                                                                                                          scholarship from the
to grab market share and grow their               international business, marketing
                                                                                                                          Certified Management
business. Student teams analyze the               Brandon Bieber, senior, finance
                                                                                                                          Accountant Institute.
industry, markets, and competition,               Am’mi Hanna, senior, professional
                                                                                                                          Bader’s future goals
and then formulate and execute a                  accounting, finance
                                                                                                    include passing the CMA exam before
strategy to grow their business. Students         Ashley Miller, senior, management
                                                                                                    obtaining her Bachelor of Arts in Business
make key decisions across the four                                                                  Administration, Professional Accounting
major functions including research &              Erie Team
                                                                                                    in June 2021. She plans to pursue her
development, marketing, production,               Mortada Alabbad, senior, marketing
                                                                                                    Master of Professional Accounting and sit
and finance. Teams are benchmarked                Nujud Albaqshi, senior, management
                                                                                                    for the CPA exam upon graduating. Bader
to over 1900 peer teams from teaching             information systems
                                                                                                    plans to gain experience in the accounting
and research universities including Ohio          Fatimah Alsaif, senior, finance and health
                                                                                                    industry and create a program to help
State University, Rochester Institute of          services administration
                                                                                                    teach young adults and underprivileged
Technology, Temple University, University         Mohammed Alshareef, senior,
                                                                                                    people how to navigate the financial system
of Cincinnati, and York University,               management information systems and
                                                                                                    in hopes of reducing the poverty trap. She
among others.                                     human resource management
                                                                                                    recently secured an internship at a small
   In addition to the team challenge,             Ismaeil Wafaullah, senior, management
                                                                                                    woman-owned accounting firm. Bader was
student take the CompXM final exam,               information systems and human resource
                                                                                                    awarded the CMA Program Scholarship by
which is a comprehensive simulation-              management
                                                                                                    the Institute of Management Accountants
based exam to determine business                                                                    based on her academic excellence and
aptitude and measure program learning             Ferris Team
                                                                                                    a recommendation from her accounting
outcomes. Subject areas include strategy,         Emily Dodge, senior, business analytics
                                                                                                    professor. This is a national scholarship
finance, accounting, human resources,             Marcos Mendoza, senior, management
                                                                                                    award that will allow Bader to prepare for
operations, and marketing.                        Ryan Van Liew, senior, finance
                                                                                                    and take the CMA exam at no cost.
   During summer 2020, the following              Jarret Walter, senior, management
teams, taught by Dr. Yanxin Liu and Mr.           Areielle White, senior, finance,
James Clanton, finished in the top ten            professional accounting

The Eagle Career Network is a a new professional networking and mentorship community launched through EWU’s Career Center and
Office of Alumni Relations. The ECN aims to connect EWU alumni and students in a professional networking platform to provide all Eagles with
                     additional support and connections in their field of choice. The Professional Accounting Collaborative Group is a pilot
                     group in the ECN. We encourage faculty, staff, and students to explore the platform and connect with others in your field.
                        Our Career Center professional staff are here and ready to assist you in providing career support for Eagles. Do you have
                     an idea for a virtual networking event? We are ready to partner with you to get our students where they want to go. Please
                     reach out to us if you have ideas you would like to explore.

                     Najeda (Jade) Patolo | Career Advisor | | 509.359.6417
COLLEGE OF BUSINESS - Eastern Washington University
The College of Business launched
                                               product or service launch initiatives or to
                                               work in entrepreneurial companies that
                                               are either in the capital raising or in early
                                                                                               SERVICE MILESTONES
                                                                                               Congratulations to the following
several new programs this fall:                growth phases of their life-cycles. These       faculty and staff members:
                                               companies disproportionately account
Master of Professional Accounting              for new job growth.                                                20 Years
(MPAcc) is now offered as an online                                                                               Debra Morgan,
program. Tuition for the 36-credit             Bachelor of Arts in Music Technology                               Senior Lecturer
program is $12,168 and students can            and Entrepreneurship is designed                                   of Management
complete their degree in as few as 7           to provide professional training for                               Information Systems
months. The program features the same          students who aim to succeed as creative
affordable, pay-by-the-course tuition for      entrepreneurs, performers, songwriters,
all in-state and out-of-state students.        engineers, and producers in the music
The online MPAcc program is designed           industry. This program includes a                                  Lorene Winters, MBA
to prepare students for advanced roles in      contemporary music curriculum that                                 Program Specialist
professional accounting firms and other        addresses the dynamic and changing
businesses that require detailed technical     landscape of the music profession.
knowledge. In addition to licensure            Additionally, this degree includes courses
preparation, this applied accounting           from Engineering and Business to provide
master’s program empowers graduates            relevant training in this emerging field.
to move their career forward with an in-       The advancements in technology impact
depth study of accounting law, auditing,       how music is performed, consumed,                                  15 Years
taxation and more. Built with flexibility in   produced and marketed, and there is an                             Jeffrey Culver, Senior
mind, students can tailor their degree by      abundance of opportunity for today’s                               Lecturer of Decision
choosing electives that fit their personal     musician not addressed in traditional                              Sciences
and professional interests. Plus, this         undergraduate music degree programs.
hands-on accounting program includes
an optional internship that can enhance        Digital Entrepreneurship Development
the student’s resume, expand their             Minor combines courses from
portfolio of skills and provide valuable       entrepreneurship and management                                    Larry Davis,
networking opportunities.                      information systems. Student explore                               Senior Lecturer of
                                               how e-commerce is emerging and                                     Management
Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurial         evolving and learn those from aspects
Analytics combines rigorous analytical         of entrepreneurship with cutting
skills with a strong foundation in             edge information technologies in
entrepreneurship, new venture                  the experiential learning setting,
creation, and value proposition design.        leading to the development of working
Graduates will be able to analyze data         prototypes aimed at significant market                             Tam Limpaphayom,
in a variety of forms. They will be skilled    opportunities.                                                     Lecturer of
at interpreting findings to help guide                                                                            Management
decision-making and organizational             Digital Entrepreneurship Experience
development. Analytical skills developed       Minor is designed for non-computer
include programming, information               science/management information
systems, applied statistics, data analysis,    systems majors and offers a broad
qualitative data analysis, and data            understanding of technology innovation
visualization. The program goal of the         and entrepreneurship. Graduates with                               Goitom Tsegay,
new BS in Entrepreneurial Analytics            this minor learn the basics of information                         Professor of
is to prepare graduates to apply their         technology skills with a foundation in                             Marketing
analytical skills in order to lead new         digital entrepreneurship.
COLLEGE OF BUSINESS - Eastern Washington University
                                               COLLEGE ADVISORY
                                               BOARD NEWS
                                                                                COB         worked at the Mead School District. We
                                                                                            look forward to seeing their continued
                                                                                            great work within their new roles.
                                                                     Jay McIsaac ’83,         The Board meets regularly throughout
U.S. ARMY EXPERT                                                     ’88, was recently      the academic year and provides
SOLDIER BADGE                                                        appointed to the
                                                                     College of Business
                                                                                            recommendations and support for
                                                                                            College programs, scholarships,
                                                                     Advisory Board.        fundraising and events. Members include
                     2019 EWU graduate
                                                                     McIsaac is currently   business professionals from a variety
                     2nd Lieutenant (2LT)
                                                                     the Manager            of local and regional industries. If you
                     Haley Isaacson
                                                                     of Accounting          are interested in serving on the College
                     became the first
                                               for Idaho Forest Group/Riley Creek           Advisory Board, please contact us at
                     reported alum from
                                               Lumber Company, a company that he   for more information.
                     the university’s Army
                     ROTC program to be        has worked at for the past 14 years.
                     awarded the Expert        McIsaac has over 20 years of experience
                                               working in the local business community,
Soldier Badge during testing held at Joint
                                               both in government accounting and
                                                                                            INSTITUTE FOR PUBLIC
Base Lewis-McChord (JBLM), Washington.
Isaacson earned her Bachelor of Business       manufacturing/cost accounting. He            POLICY AND ECONOMIC
Administration in Management in 2019,          and his wife, Sue, are proud Eastern
and was the Distinguished Military             alumni. McIsaac holds Bachelor of Arts       ANALYSIS (IPPEA) NEWS
Graduate that year.                            in Business Administration degrees
                                               from Eastern in both management                                   Patrick Jones, PhD,
Read the full story.                           and professional accounting. As first-                            Executive Director
                                               generation college graduates, the                                 for the Institute for
                                               McIsaacs have passed on the importance                            Public Policy and
BUSINESS STUDENTS                              of post-high school education to their                            Economic Analysis
                                                                                                                 was recently
EARN ARMY ROTC                                 children, three of whom have obtained
                                                                                                                 invited to join a
                                               college degrees, including one from
SCHOLARSHIPS                                   EWU. We are pleased to welcome him to                             18-month task
                                               our advisory board.                          force of the National Academies of
Two business students recently received                                                     Sciences, Engineering & Medicine. The
                                                  We had two members, Doug Kelley and
recognition and scholarships from EWU                                                       program is an initiative of the Office
                                               Sara Sexton-Johnson, step away from the
Army ROTC.                                                                                  of Special Projects, and the committee
                                               Board this year. They both will continue
                      Mykenzie Belliotti                                                    will oversee the work of the Resilient
                                               to actively support the College and our
                    was awarded an Army                                                     America Program’s project, “Community
                                               University as members of the alumni
                    ROTC scholarship                                                        Engagement in Southeast Texas: Pilot
                                               community. Kelley has been an active
                    worth over $90,000.                                                     Project to Enhance Community Capacity
                                               member of the board since 2007, and
                    Belliotti is a transfer                                                 and Resilience to Floods.”
                                               serves as a Regional Account Executive
                    student from California                                                   AWB Institute recently launched
                                               at Avista Utilities. Sexton-Johnson joined
                    who plans to major in                                                   “Washington in the Making.”
                                               the board in 2018, and serves as Chief
business and try out for the track team.                                                    Washington in the Making is a framework
                                               Project Officer for the EWU President’s
                      Zackary Becker                                                        for driving innovation that will accelerate
                                               Office. We are thankful for their years of
                    received an Army                                                        our state’s economic recovery in every
                                               service and continued support.
                    ROTC scholarship                                                        community. Students and staff from
                                                  We also have some movement of our
                    worth over $36,000,                                                     EWU’s Institute for Public Policy and
                                               board members within the community.
                    which will fully pay for                                                Economic Analysis helped to develop
                                               Rae-Lynn Barden recently joined
                    his Master’s degree as                                                  the project’s database, including data
                                               Volunteers of America of Eastern
                    well as $1,200 annually                                                 collection for 33 indicators for all 39
                                               Washington and Northern Idaho
for books and a $420 monthly stipend,                                                       counties in Washington state, the 11
                                               as Marketing and Communications
among other benefits. Becker recently                                                       metro statistical areas in the state, and 2
                                               Director. Barden previously served as
graduated from EWU with honors, earning                                                     overlapping state boundaries, as well as
                                               Administrative Services Coordinator for
his Bachelor of Business Administration in                                                  the state benchmark for all of the trends,
                                               Spokane Public Library. Mathew Knott
Professional Accounting. He is currently                                                    and US benchmarks when available.
                                               recently joined the Spokane Central
pursuing a Master’s degree in Professional                                                  The AWB engagement will be ongoing,
                                               Valley School District as Director of
Accounting and plans to enter the U.S.                                                      providing students and staff continual
                                               Business Services. Knott previously
Army Reserves after completing his degree.                                                  work on the database.
COLLEGE OF BUSINESS - Eastern Washington University
                           Chantell Kensey, who graduated in spring 2020 from the MBA
                                                                                             BETA ALPHA
                                                                                             PSI EVENTS
                           program, was recognized as a member of one of the finalist
                                                                                             Beta Alpha Psi’s Spring Banquet was
                           teams in the 2020 X-Culture Project. Kensey participated in the   held on June 4, 2020. At the event,
                           X-Culture project during her International Business class, and    we celebrated the accomplishments
                           was part of an international team with teammates from Austria,    of Beta Alpha Psi this year, introduced
                           India, Pakistan, and Switzerland. The goal of the project was     incoming officers, announced
                           to develop an international business expansion proposal for a     scholarship recipients, and held a
                           client. Kensey and her team produced an outstanding proposal      giveaway of Wiley CPA Excel Pro
                           and were selected as one of 27 BEST TEAMS out of 1,178 global     Review Courses to students attending.
teams (6,009 students from 142 universities in 93 countries).                                Special speaker Christine Kuglin, JD,
   The X-Culture Project matches students in international business courses at               MPAcc, LLM gave a presentation
participating universities with their counterparts in other countries. Working together      on how “Adversity Can Become
in small virtual teams over a four-month period, students create join proposals that         Unprecedented Opportunity.”
                                                                                                In collaboration with the EWU
address complex issues and opportunities faced by today’s multinational corporations.
                                                                                             Career Center, Beta Alpha Psi hosted
They learn the basics of market analysis and business plan development, as well as best      a series of fall recruitment prep
practices for working with colleagues across countries and cultures.                         webinars. Topics included:
   The student team’s reports were sent out for evaluation to a large group of               • Everything You Need to Know About
International Business experts, mainly International Business professors and coaches           Accounting Recruitment Season
from around the world (171 people from 45 countries). Each report was independently            2020 presented by Jade Patolo from
evaluated by 3 to 7 experts along multiple dimensions, such as report creativity, clarity,     the Career Center
viability of the ideas, style, as well as evaluation of each report section. The experts     • How to Answer the “Tell me about
also provided qualitative feedback. Based on the expert evaluations, 27 teams received         yourself” Question & Other
nearly perfect evaluations. It was impossible to objectively select one best team. Each        Interview Tips with Lisa Cushman
excelled in at least one or several areas and deserved to be a winner. As a member             and Aaron Forquer from CLA
of a finalist team, Kensey received a Best Team certificate and will be invited to the       • Preparing for Interview Questions
                                                                                               about the “New” Work Environment
upcoming 2020 X-Culture Symposium and X-Culture Coaching Program.
                                                                                               with Sam Mansour from Stauffer &
                                                                                             • Resume & Cover Letter Prep for
                                                                                               Accounting with Jade Patolo from
FIRESIDE CHAT WITH JOE HURD                                                                    the Career Center
                                                                                             • Offer Negotiations with Jared Theis
Eastern’s CEO Club presented A Fireside Chat with Joe Hurd on Nov. 16, 2020.
                                                                                               from KPMG
More than 60 people attended the presentation which focused on topics including                 On Tuesday, Sept. 29, over
                  fundraising, scaling companies, and forging partnerships as a diverse      50 students and 22 employers
                  entrepreneur. Joe Hurd is the Global Managing Director at SOSV,            participated in our annual Meet the
                  LLC, a $750M early-stage accelerator and venture fund, where he            Professionals career fair. This year’s
                  leads strategy and business development efforts for the fund’s life        virtual event was hosted on Handshake
                  sciences, deep tech hardware and mobile portfolio companies. He is         and included 28 group sessions and
                  also a venture partner for Good Growth Capital, a female-led venture       84 individual meetings with recruiters.
                  fund, and advises numerous innovative Silicon valley-based pre-seed        Meet the Professionals is presented by
                  and seed stage startups on go-to-market strategy, revenue models,          Beta Alphi Psi and the EWU Career
and international expansion, with a particular emphasis on diverse founders.                 Center.
  A recording of the event is available: Fireside Chat with Joe Hurd

Amy Shadd, Editor                                                  College of Business
                                                                     Catalyst Building
   Eastern Washington University                                  601 E. Riverside Ave.
College of Business                                               Spokane, WA 99202
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