Prospectus 2018 Innovate. Seek opportunities - Master of Business Administration & Postgraduate Programmes - Regent Business School

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Prospectus 2018 Innovate. Seek opportunities - Master of Business Administration & Postgraduate Programmes - Regent Business School
Master of Business Administration
& Postgraduate Programmes
                                    Prospectus 2018

                                    Seek opportunities.
Prospectus 2018 Innovate. Seek opportunities - Master of Business Administration & Postgraduate Programmes - Regent Business School
Break away from the conventional thinking
and continually build a culture of excelling
your efforts. Welcome to the blue ocean
strategy of thinking.
Prospectus 2018 Innovate. Seek opportunities - Master of Business Administration & Postgraduate Programmes - Regent Business School
Welcome to REGENT Business School.                members of HONORIS United Universities,
            Our MBA is designed to develop managers           which was launched in July 2017 in London.
            and leaders for both the local and global         HONORIS United Universities is the first
            markets. The programme is multidisciplinary       Pan-African network of private higher
            and is focused on integrating key areas           education institutions built upon its unique
            of management, enhancing leadership               “collaborative intelligence” concept, and
            potential and developing the critical skills      brings together pioneering efforts of
            required to succeed in a fast paced and           leading tertiary education institutions in
            dynamic business environment. Our MBA             North Africa and Southern Africa. As a
            provides graduates with the business              whole, Honoris United Universities offers
            management skills, tools, and expertise           more than 100 degrees in fields including
            which will enable them to add value to their      Health Sciences, Engineering, IT, Business,
            organisations and broader society.                Law, Architecture, Arts and Design, Media,

 MESSAGE    The MBA challenge is for driven individuals
            who are committed to making a positive
            leadership contribution and unlock their
                                                              Education and Political Science.

                                                              We welcome you to REGENT Business
                                                              School and look forward to your joining our

            potential. It is for individuals looking for an   accredited MBA programme. We are certain
            intellectual challenge, who will be energised     that you will find it an inspiring, enjoyable
            by the opportunity to embark on an exciting       and life-enriching experience.
            and demanding journey of development

            through learning and practice.

            Since its inception, an entrepreneurial
            spirit and inspired thinking have been

            part of REGENT’s fabric. Whether you
            are constrained by location, cost, life
            commitments or just by time, we are
            passionate about giving you access to
            higher education that fits with your
            demanding, modern life. Graduates of our
            MBA must stand tall among their peers from
            local and international business schools of
            good standing.

            To this end, RBS’s academic and research
            linkages extend to partnerships with
            institutions in countries as far afield
                                                               Professor Marvin M Kambuwa
            as Tunisia, Morocco, Russia, China,
            Kazakhstan, India and the United Kingdom,
            to name a few. REGENT is proud to
                                                                             REGENT Business School
            announce that it is one of the founding

Prospectus 2018 Innovate. Seek opportunities - Master of Business Administration & Postgraduate Programmes - Regent Business School
              At the core of its institutional   grounded its mission and          and expertise from academic,
              philosophy, REGENT                 purpose. To expand access         professional, private, public
              Business School (RBS)              to higher education for           and civil society sectors
              is about innovation and            young minds, leaders and          from a range of countries

              entrepreneurship. It is about      entrepreneurs to expand their     across the globe. This active
              nurturing and shaping leaders      knowledge base and skills sets    research focus coupled with
              and entrepreneurs to have          in order for Africa to be more    the wealth of intellectual
              an impact in their context. At     competitive, expand trade         capital, a pool of qualified

              RBS, understanding today’s         and remove barriers to enter      and experienced lecturers
              important challenges that          new markets. RBS’s annual         and specialised experience in
              confront business and society,     student surveys show that         delivering distance-learning
              and discovering tomorrow’s         RBS alumni hold executive         programmes over the past

              interesting opportunities are      and leading positions across      two decades, has allowed
              at the heart of our teaching       Africa, the Middle East,          RBS to design and deliver
              and learning, research and         Western Europe and Asia.          effective higher education
              community engagement.              Further, the current student      programmes for students
              RBS is a niche Business            population of RBS is very         both in the public and private
              School with a community of         representative of the             sectors.
              passionate and dedicated           demographic make-up
              people who understand              of communities in South
              and appreciate that higher         Africa and countries in the
              education is now the center        SADC region. The supported
              of gravity of the development      distance learning mode of
              debate, and rightly so.            delivery, carefully designed
              More than 50 percent of the        curricula as well as affordable
              population of sub Saharan          fee structures make RBS
              Africa is younger than 25          programmes a preferred
              years of age, and every year       choice for persons in full-time
              for the next decade, 11 million    employment in particular.
              youth are expected to enter        RBS has established academic
              the job market. This so-called     and research linkages with
              demographic dividend offers        partner universities and
              tremendous opportunities for       research institutions in
              Africa to build a formidable       Africa, the United Kingdom,
              base of human capital that         Russia, China and India.
              will serve as the key driver for   This ensures that RBS staff,
              the economic transformation        students and alumni are
              of this continent. It is           continually exposed to
              this context that RBS has          international best practices
Prospectus 2018 Innovate. Seek opportunities - Master of Business Administration & Postgraduate Programmes - Regent Business School
• Member Institution of HONORIS United

• Almaty Academy of Economics and
  Statistics (Kazakhstan)

• YK Business School (Mauritius)

• Namibia Chamber of Commerce

• Gitam University (India)

• Shanghai University of International
  Business and Economics (SUIBE) - China

International                                  Quality confirmed by Accreditation
                                               REGENT Business School is registered as a private higher education institution with
Recognition                                    the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) (Registration certificate
                                               number:2000/HE07/012). REGENT Business School has accreditation with the Council
                                               on Higher Education (CHE).
RBS has held the prestigious ‘Two Palme’
award by the Eduniversal International         The REGENT Business School Programmes are:
Scientific committee since 2008. This          1. Accredited by the Council on Higher Education (CHE).
award acknowledges the quality of RBS          2. Recorded on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) by the South African
programmes as well as the international           Qualifications Authority (SAQA).
influence in their delivery. As part of it’s   3. Registered with the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET).
ongoing efforts to strengthen its African      4. Recognised by the Nambian Qualifications Authority (NQA).
roots, RBS participates in the Association     5. Recognised by the Mauritian Tertiary Education Commission (MTEC).
of African Business Schools (AABS) and         6. RBS is also a pipeline member of the Association of African Business Schools
is an active member of the South African          (AABS).
Business Schools Association (SABSA).

Prospectus 2018 Innovate. Seek opportunities - Master of Business Administration & Postgraduate Programmes - Regent Business School
An Inspiring Choice.
                                                                    programmes at a leading
                                                                    Business School in

When you enrol for the           international practice and
MBA programme, you join          ways of conducting business.
a network of like-minded         Our graduates are competent
students and graduates           and comfortable in national
spanning the world. RBS is       and international business
a place where students find      environments. Evidence of this
friendship, build their social   comes through the annual RBS
and resource networks, learn     survey of alumni, tracking the
and develop to be world-         progress and achievements
class leaders. The Alumni        of RBS graduates. RBS
Association of RBS exists to     alumni population has shaped
promote and facilitate links     the community with their
between REGENT Business          distinct characteristics; highly
School and its alumni            professional and talented,
community and to foster a        energetic, supportive,
life-long commitment.RBS         empathetic and innovative.
delivers its MBA programme       Our graduates continue to
in various international         hold executive positions in
locations through experienced    countries as widely dispersed
faculty members. This            as Hong Kong, Pakistan, UK,
offers opportunities for         Saudi Arabia, Oman, Australia,
rich academic and cultural       Kenya, Namibia, Botswana
exchange, enabling a             and many other African
better understanding of          countries.
Prospectus 2018 Innovate. Seek opportunities - Master of Business Administration & Postgraduate Programmes - Regent Business School
The philosophy of the           of emerging economies.
MBA programme at                It is quite obvious that
REGENT Business School          many of the emerging
is in congruence with the       economies of the world are
institutional vision, mission   experiencing a renaissance.
and core values, adding         However, entrepreneurship,
further significance to the     management and leadership
transformative business and     skills development have been
management educational          seriously lagging. Equally,
needs of global emerging        issues of corruption, ethics,
economies. Furthermore,         social responsibility and
it provides a global view       environmental sustainability
of entrepreneurship,            have left an indelible mark on
management and leadership       the fabric of these economies.
perspectives, while embracing
the relevance of regional and
local context. In essence,
while RBS continues with
its quest to make business
and management education
affordable and accessible,
the primary aim of the MBA
programme is to shape and
nurture socially responsible
entrepreneurs, public and
private sector managers and
leaders for the renaissance
Prospectus 2018 Innovate. Seek opportunities - Master of Business Administration & Postgraduate Programmes - Regent Business School

                        Impactful          Effective
                       Leadership        Communication

AN MBA FOR              Enhanced           Innovative

                        Emotional        Transformation

                     Critical Decision     Influential
                          Making             Change
                      Competences           Initiation

                               CULMINATING IN

                       Professional         Business
                        Behaviour          Excellence
Prospectus 2018 Innovate. Seek opportunities - Master of Business Administration & Postgraduate Programmes - Regent Business School
                  The word entrepreneur originates from the French word, entrependre,
                  which means ‘to undertake’. In a business context, an entrepreneur
                  is one who organises, manages and assumes the risks of a business

BUSINESS          The MBA at REGENT Business School encapsulates the following
                  salient aspects of preparing and developing an entrepreneurial spirit:

                  • Pioneering of change
                  • Contributing to value creation
                  • Innovative approaches to business
                  • Mitigating risk

DEVELOPS AND      More importantly, the MBA will allow you to find your nich’e within the
                  private or public sector. This will enable:
                  • the creation of opportunities to be involved in the development of
                    policy imperatives

PREPARES AN       • the analysis of economic variables
                  • an understanding of the nuances of culture that influence economic
                    and political issues, and
                  • insights into the global political economy.

ENTREPRENEURIAL   Peter Drucker said: “The entrepreneur always searches for change,
                  responds to it, and exploits it as an opportunity.”

                  The REGENT Business School MBA will prepare you to put Drucker’s
                  views into practice. In other words it will prepare you to understand
                  that an entrepreneur who can take an idea and transform the concept
                  into reality can bring to market a viable product or service that people
                  want or need.

Prospectus 2018 Innovate. Seek opportunities - Master of Business Administration & Postgraduate Programmes - Regent Business School
Prof Philip Stegen     Dr Kogie Archary                Prof Dhiru V. Soni                   Dr Willem Bester               Mr Olivier Niyitegeka
BCom Acc (Hons) CA(SA)         PhD                             DPhil                                DBA                             MCom

                                            It has to be fully appreciated that the             fundamental and core issues the School is able
                                            academics employed by the REGENT Business           to provide a global view of the imperatives
                                            School are individuals that hold, the highest       of the intricate nuances that permeate
                                            academic qualifications ranging from Masters        political economy debates, the importance of

                                            Degrees in Business Studies and the Social          entrepreneurship in the contest of Africa as a
                                            Sciences, including Doctoral Degrees in Public      whole, and sees to it that, management and
                                            Management, Philosophy and other fields of          leadership perspectives are enhanced within its
                                            engagement within academia. These faculty           teaching and learning programmes. The long

                                            members derive from diverse academic                and short of this approach is to embrace and
                                            backgrounds and, have served at other               nurture the relevance of the MBA programme
                                            universities both locally and internationally       to the regional and local contexts, by providing
                                            and, some of them have been tried and tested        quality, affordable and accessible education,

                                            technocrats and policy makers within the public     for purposes of shaping and nurturing socially
                                            service of the Republic of South Africa. This       responsible entrepreneurs, public and private
                                            diverse academic and public sector experiences      sector managers, in order to meet the skills
                                            hold them in good stead, in respect of the          shortage that, not only confronts South
                                            aim and philosophy of the REGENT Business           Africa but Africa as a continent. The aim of

      FACULTY                               School’s flagship programme, the Master’s
                                            Degree in Business Administration (MBA).
                                            The wide experience of these academics is
                                            in congruence with the institutional vision,
                                                                                                the MBA programme in the context of Africa
                                                                                                is therefore, geared towards enhancing
                                                                                                critical debate in areas such as environmental
                                                                                                sustainability, ethics, and social responsibility
                                            mission and core values, which very seriously       and, to deal with issues such as corruption, and
                                            addresses the transformation agenda of              good governance that, must impinge upon
                                            South Africa and Africa as a whole. The             these emerging economies positively. The
                                            REGENT Business School together with                faculty with its diverse and wide experiences
                                            its highly qualified and committed faculty          are more than actively involved in research and,
                                            adds further import to the transformative           play a pivotal role in all aspects of curriculum
                                            business and management educational needs           development and, in so doing understand
                                            of higher education, within the context of          the facets of globalisation which bears direct
                                            global emerging markets. In addressing these        relevance to the teaching programme.
                              The REGENT Business School MBA consists of twelve coursework modules (eleven
                              core modules and an elective module) and a dissertation component. The duration
                              of the programme is 20 months.

                              The programme structure is outlined as follows:

                               YEAR      DURATION                 MODULES

                                  1      Semester One             • Strategic and Change Management
                                         (6 months)               • Accounting and Finance
                                                                  • Leadership and Human Capital Development
                                                                  • Governance and Sustainability

                                         Semester Two             • Managerial Economics
                                         (6 months)               • Strategic Marketing
                                                                  • Information and Knowledge Management
                                                                  • Operations and Supply Chain Management
                                                                  • Global Political Economy

                                  2      Trimester One            • Entrepreneurship
Success is not just about                (4 months)               • Research and Statistical Methods
                                                                  • Elective
getting a degree,
but developing the critical              Trimester Two
                                         (4 months)
                                                                  • Dissertation

thinking and leadership
skills to support a           *Refer to page 38 for RBS MBA access pathways and
successful career.            admission requirements

Russia                                                      Shanghai

STUDY   International Study Tours

        International Study Tours are organised for
        MBA students. Some of the key objectives

        of the study tour are to:

        • Enhance the classroom curriculum. Study
          tours offer students and their faculty
          adviser an intense, first-hand experience
          of the business culture of their chosen
          country or region.

        • Introduce students to issues related to                                          India
          business globalisation.

        • Ensure students understand how the advances in transportation, technology, infrastructure and
          communication have dramatically increased the level of global interaction.

        • Identify the socio-cultural implications in doing business locally and abroad.

        • Expose students to the ideas, knowledge and skills of peers from other disciplines and cultures.

        • Present networking opportunities for students.
THE MBA                                       1. Face to face interaction
                                              Face to face contact is provided at a range of venues, dependent on student numbers.
                                              These contact sessions are conducted over weekends to accomodate working professionals.

PROGRAMME                                     2. RBS Orientation session
                                              All students will join us either online or physically for a RBS orientation, which will involve
                                              lectures, case studies, group work, examination practice, networking and social events
                                              along with study skills sessions.

                                              3. Study materials and workbooks
                                              At registration, each student receives a comprehensive study pack containing study
                                              materials for each of their registered modules, a detailed academic calendar and other
The MBA programme is primarily offered        relevant details of the academic programme, either included or shared via the Learner
through the distance mode of delivery.        Management System (LMS). You will also have scheduled activities throughout each
This includes a flexible blend of workshops
and lectures, syndicated learning and         4. Module co-ordinator
independent study as well as ongoing          Module tutors will provide support for students. They will facilitate live sessions, moderate
academic support and mentoring by             online discussions, make sure students are up to date with subject-relevant topical
academic staff.                               information, and generally oversee their development of study skills. Tutors will also be
                                              available telephonically and by email.
The programme delivery is sensitive to
the diverse needs of students especially      5. Student Support
those who continue to work full-time while    RBS has a dedicated student support division which provides a range of services supporting
studying.                                     the holistic development of the student and is augmented by available academic support.
                                              Provision is made for a wide range of support services, teaching resources and learning
                                              resources that promote students’ academic skill and success at all levels of study. Additional
                                              support ranging from managing the challenges of distance studies, to professional
                                              individual and group counselling services are made available to students.

            The MBA degree is offered through a delivery format referred to at RBS as the
            ‘Supported Distance’ MBA. This format is geared towards students who prefer
            increased contact through their studies.

            MBA students on the ‘Supported Distance’ format attend lectures, undertake
            case study analysis, business simulations and group work.

            Advantages of the ‘Supported Distance’ programme

            Attending lectures together with the same group of students offers:

            • A network of colleagues with lasting business and social contacts
            • Dedicated study time and interaction with experienced academics

            • Increase in one on one tuition time
            • Engagement in debate surrounding topical issues

            Examination venues
            Examinations are written in a number of venues across South Africa as well as
            in Namibia and Swaziland.
                                                                                                 Strategic and Change
Within the context of the REGENT Business         accounting, quantitative methods,              In today’s volatile environment, with the
School (RBS) MBA Philosophy, the RBS MBA          marketing, finance, organisational structure   accelerated rate of change, organisations
curriculum aims at developing a student’s         and strategic management. The RBS MBA          that successfully manage strategic initiatives
intellectual ability, executive personality and   prepares students to think critically about    save more money and are poised to gain an
managerial skills through an appropriate          business issues in order to enable them to     advantage over their competitors. Today,
blending of business and multi-disciplinary       develop strategic level understanding and      there is much talk about change management
education. The MBA curriculum provides            demonstrate comprehension of complex           because organisations live in a much more
students with a comprehensive management          theoretical constructs in the major business   dynamic environment than in the past. The
education of globally recognised best             disciplines.                                   purpose of this module is to enable students
practices with flexibility of their adaptation                                                   to make a strategic diagnosis based upon the
to indigenous entrepreneurial and societal                                                       analysis of the competitive environment and
context. The curriculum of the programme                                                         the identification of the strategic capability of
ascends from general management education                                                        their organisation in a context of a dynamic
to specialisation in diverse business fields.                                                    environment.
General management skills like oral and
written communication, decision-making,
leadership, and teamwork developed
among the students at the initial level of the
programme will provide them with a solid
foundation for more advanced studies at the
elective level during subsequent stages. Core
modules taught integrate information and
theories from various disciplines, including
communication, economics,
Managerial                                       Strategic                                        Global Political
Economics                                        Marketing                                        Economy

Managerial economics applies economic            Every organisation needs to have clear           It is generally accepted that the world has
theory and methods to business and               marketing objectives, and the major route to     experienced multifaceted and revolutionary
administrative decision making. Managerial       achieving organisational goals will depend       change over the last four decades or so. A
economics prescribes rules for improving         on strategy. It is important, therefore, to be   shift is taking place from the traditional,
managerial decisions. Managerial economics       clear about the difference between strategy      largely bipolar, to a multipolar, world order.
also helps managers recognise how economic       and tactics. The purpose of this module is to    The notion of political economy underlines
forces affect organisations and describes        create an understanding of how marketing         the fact that politics and economics are
the economic consequences of managerial          management creates value in an organisation      closely linked in all countries. The challenges
behaviour. It links traditional economics with   by examining the core principles of the          and complexities facing organisations cannot
the decision sciences to develop vital tools     marketing concept and amplifying the             be separated from broader international
for managerial decision making. Managerial       elements of a marketing strategy.                developments. Organisations operate in a
economics is concerned with the business                                                          global world where economies and societies
firm and the economic problems that                                                               are intertwined. Within the context of global
business management need to solve. It is the                                                      competition and trade, countries are tied
integration of economic theory and business                                                       via their business economic structures. The
practice for the purpose of facilitating                                                          module defines the study of international
decision-making and forward planning by                                                           political economy, summarises major
management.                                                                                       analytical frameworks in the field, and
                                                                                                  identifies current debates. The aim of this
                                                                                                  module is to provide students with an
                                                                                                  understanding of the relationship between
                                                                                                  economics and politics as academic

Governance and                                    Leadership and Human                            Operations and Supply
Sustainability                                    Capital Development                             Chain Management

Governance failures both locally and              In this competitive global economy, managers    Operations and Supply Chain Management is
internationally have filled the media and         must continuously seek ways of improving        concerned with the management of resources
have negatively impacted on confidence in         human capabilities and the performance of       and activities that produce and deliver goods
the free market system. The sheer size and        organisations in order to compete, survive      and services to customers.
complexity of business makes it difficult         and thrive. In addition, one of the main        Efficient and effective value chain activities
to understand all the potential problems          differences between success and failure         and operations provide an organisation
which lie in wait for apparently successful       in any organisation is how its leadership       with major competitive advantages since the
organisations.Globalisation and the pervasive     optimises the use of its human capital          ability to respond to customer and market
use of technology add further complications.      resources to take advantage of strategic        requirements quickly, at a low cost, and with
It is also acknowledged that human activity       opportunities. This module details the task     high quality, is vital to attaining profitability
has an influence on the environment and eco-      and scope of human resources management         and growth through increased market share.
systems in general. Sustainability is the need    in the context of a legislative framework and   As competition becomes fiercer in an
to allow the natural world to refresh itself      a dynamic organisational micro, task and        increasingly open and global marketplace, a
while providing sufficient resource for human     macro environment. In addition, the module      company’s survival and growth becomes
life. The primary purpose of this module is       presents a critical review of the phenomenon    greatly contingent on its ability to run its
therefore to outline the need for governance      of leadership.                                  operations efficiently and to exploit its
measures in the private and public sectors                                                        resources productively. Thus this module
and to enable students to reflect on values                                                       focuses on the concepts, issues, and
and levels of integrity in being a professional                                                   techniques for efficient and effective value
manager.                                                                                          chain activities and operations.
Accounting and                                    Information and Knowledge                       Entrepreneurship
Finance                                           Management

The purpose of this module is to enable           Early ideas of information and knowledge        This module aims to equip the student
the student to make strategic financial           application have changed into looking at        with knowledge about the critical roles of
decisions as part of the financial management     awareness application showing peoples’          innovative entrepreneurship and business
process which is critical to the success of any   availability and activities. All enterprises,   management in the creation of employment
organisation. This module will also enable the    whether in the private or public sector,        and development of a country’s economy.
student to develop practical skills applicable    need excellent information and knowledge        After the completion of this module, the
to interpreting financial statements,             strategies to succeed. The combined             student will have gained knowledge about
budgeting, cash-flow analysis, analysing          knowledge of the employees is in many           the role of integrating business management
organisational costs and making short-            cases considered to be the main asset of        concepts in a technical and innovative
term and long-term investment decisions.          an organisation. The information that the       setting to meet today’s dynamic business
The study of this module will also enable         knowledge is based upon can, to some extent,    environmental requirements. The study
students to recognise the various sources of      be stored and made available for everybody      of this module will also enable students
finance, evaluate the various costing systems     within the organisation. The purpose of this    to understand how the integration of
and design techniques for the effective           module is to review the value of information    entrepreneurial and business management
management of working capital.                    as a resource to the value chain of an          processes enhance organisational
                                                  organisation and examine the management of      performance.
                                                  information and the information technology
                                                  function in an organisation. This module also
                                                  equips students with knowledge, skills and
                                                  approaches to information and knowledge
                                                  management in organisations.

The MBA Curriculum Electives
 (one to be selected)
Healthcare                                     Public Sector                                      Islamic Finance
Management                                     Management                                         and Banking

This module is concerned with the              The purpose of this module is to expose            Islamic Financial institutions have grown
management of healthcare organisations         students to current trends within the public       rapidly in recent years achieving growth rates
in an environment of dynamic challenges.       sector with a particular focus on issues of        in excess of 15% per annum. Following the
It examines the context in which healthcare    relevance to business. Whilst much of the          global economic meltdown of 2007/2008
occurs and explores dimensions of functional   content makes specific reference to South          there has been increased attention in interest
management relating to healthcare              Africa, substantial attention is given to other    in Islamic Banking and Finance. Islamic
organisations. These include strategic         parts of Africa, particularly those which have     finance derives its intrinsic strength from
management, change management,                 historically emerged from British rule. The        the moral precepts embodied within the
communication management, financial            study of public sector Management covers           Islamic tradition which is consistent with the
management, marketing management and           a multitude of topics. The principal ones          principles of the Shari’ah (Islamic Law). Islamic
human resource management. In addition,        included are public finance and development        products are proving to be competitive since
there is a large focus on the management       (state budgets, development plans etc.),           they focus on ethics and are fast attracting
of HIV and AIDS. The aim of this module        local government with particular reference to      not only Muslims, but non-Muslims as well. In
is to enable students to apply theoretical     service delivery, ethical issues relating to the   South Africa, initiatives have been put in place
knowledge to the analysis of practical         conduct of public officials, the processes by      to facilitate Islamic Banking and Finance,
problems in healthcare management and          which policies are made and implemented,           such as the amendment of Tax Laws, in order
to be able to utilise financial and economic   the significance of new technologies for how       to attract petrodollars from the Middle East
analysis for the provision of healthcare       governments now operate and strategic              countries and to make South Africa the hub of
services.                                      planning and management. Emphasis                  Islamic Banking on the African continent. The
                                               will be placed on carrying out research on         overwhelming demand for Islamic windows
                                               public sector topics to include study of           in the conventional banks has resulted in an
                                               policy documents such as ‘white papers’ and        increasing demand for professionals to be
                                               development plans, and interviewing officials,     conversant with the principles and intricacies
                                               service providers and members of the public        of Islamic Banking and Finance.
                                               requiring service delivery.
Educational Management                                                                           Project
and Leadership                                                                                   Management

Engaging in Educational Management and            The module aims to develop governance,         Contemporary industries require project
Leadership (EML) at the MBA level will           communication, interpersonal and financial      management to build infrastructure,
prepare learners for leadership positions in     skills in a way that enables educators to       implement changes, deliver services and
schools, universities and other institutions     draw from both theory and practice of           improve quality. This module focuses
that cater for the culture of teaching and       management. Educational management              on project management and upper
learning. This module offers advanced            is associated with schools as well as           management skills to produce professional
academic insight that leads to informed          institutions of higher learning like colleges   project managers. The module enhances
educational management or educational            and universities. Educational management        the capacity of managers to improve
administration and leadership. Effective         professionals may also contribute to            production and service delivery, thereby
leaders and education managers must find         governmental agencies, private companies,       contributing to organisational effectiveness.
new ways to address regulatory, leadership       and not-for-profit organisations. Students      The module also provides for the attainment
and management challenges to incorporate         working in the field of educational             of quantitative skills in project finance and
contemporary prospects and opportunities         management may function as policy-makers,       project management. Project management
in the educational environment. Present day      researchers, or consultants to help evaluate    impacts directly on the growth and
educational complexities have engineered         and develop ways to enrich and enhance the      advancement of most modern organisations
various initiatives to push for knowledge and    educational system at all levels.               and is a much-sought-after qualification,
skills transformation to bring about change                                                      and serves as a management discipline
in innovation, technology, human resources,                                                      which underpins much economic activity.
teacher/lecturer qualities and accountability.                                                   Studying project management is not only a
This module is designed to meet the need of                                                      good option for people who wish to pursue a
educational managers in the pressing climate                                                     career in this field, but also for anyone who
of constant change. It incorporates the latest                                                   is often involved in projects, or works in an
strategic thinking in educational leadership                                                     environment where projects are carried out
and management.                                                                                  frequently.

Research with impact.
                                                                   REGENT Business
                                                                   School sees learning and
RESEARCH                                                           research as connected
                                                                   aspects of the student

AND                                                                experience.

The MBA Dissertation

The concluding element of the MBA programme is choosing
a research topic, applying suitable research methods in an
organisational context and then analysing and reporting on the
results in a dissertation of between 12 000 to 15 000 words. The
dissertation draws together the threads running through the
MBA programme. It gives the student an opportunity to apply
general issues of management to an area of specialisation. As
the dissertation is a science-based business research project,
the student first learns appropriate research methods. The
research project and dissertation aim to identify and explore a
significant management issue while also meeting personal career
aims, academic standards and in many instances organisational
The dissertation is likely to focus on one of the following:
• Identification and research of a business or management issue
  of interest or value to students in their careers.
• An organisation-based project, generally with the student’s
• The investigation of a business concept, which could lead to
  self-employment or a business start-up.

Dissertation Support

Once the research proposal has been submitted and approved,
a research supervisor is allocated to the student. The supervisor
will be a specialist in the field of study which the student wishes
to investigate and will provide assistance during the dissertation
writing process. In addition, the research department and library
will be available for help with sourcing material required for
writing up the dissertation.

Research clinics could also be held to aid progress and help
overcome obstacles en route to successful completion.
Such thorough dissertation support enables the student to
work conscientiously, give of her/his best and complete the
dissertation in the allocated time.

Maluta Mukhezakule
              Chief Facilitator
              South African Airways Technical

              REGENT Business School is professional and
              continually support their students. The skills and
              knowledge which I have taken from studying at
              REGENT has been beneficial for strategic management
              with my company which leads to effective results.

              Queen Mashigoane
              HR Analyst

              This was truly a team effort; I extend my gratitude to
              the wonderful staff at REGENT Business School who

RBS CURRENT   always went the extra mile in ensuring that students
              are well supported.

              Janine van Rooyen
              National Customer Development Manager

              REGENT Business School has been a constant support

AND ALUMNI    structure throughout my MBA studies which is a key
              importance for distance learning.

              Kevin Distiller
              Latitude 26

              Founder and Director of Latitude 26, an Organistaional
              Psychology consultancy. Kevin has worked with various
              NGOs and government organisations, as well as with
              multinationals and blue chip companies.

              Thomas K. Iindji
              Chairperson for the Northern NCCI

              The RBS MBA program has provided me with additional
              insight and assisted with understanding the deeper
              needs of the businesses I serve. It has helped with the
              appropriate working tools, techniques and strategies to
              easily find my way through business analysis and senior
              leadership for better decision making.
Course                                                                     On completion of this qualification, graduates
Introduction                                                               will be able to:

The Postgraduate Diploma in Management (PG Dip Man) is a 1 year            • Apply quantitative methodologies in making work-based decisions
qualification that enables students with relevant work experience          • Apply scientific enquiry and research methods
and appropriate qualifications to further develop their functional         • Utilise technology to solve work-based problems
and reflective competencies in management, leadership and                  • Display research skills in solving work related problems in the
administration.                                                              management of a range of organisations
                                                                           • Contribute towards the extension of knowledge on business
The programme aims to develop an integrated conceptual                       management, leadership and administration
understanding, synthesis and critical application of specialised           • Demonstrate the ability to identify, analyse and solve management
qualitative and quantitative issues in management. The qualification         and commercial problems
is directed towards students having relevant work experience and           • Acquire an understanding of how to manage resources and processes
occupying middle and senior management positions and who have                in a business context
completed a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent qualification.                 • Contribute to the resolution of socio-economic problems of a
                                                                             developing Southern Africa in an ethical and responsible manner
This qualification will enable students to develop in-depth, discipline    • Articulate vertically to REGENT Business School’s Master of Business
specific skills and applied competence in the private and public sectors     Administration (MBA) Degree programme
that will provide opportunities for personal intellectual growth, more
purposeful employment and making a contribution to society.                Admission Requirement:
The qualification will empower graduates to solve problems in a            • A Bachelor’s Degree, Advanced Diploma or equivalent qualification
focused way and to effectively manage and allocate resources, to           • At least 2 years of managerial work experience
Communicate effectively and to contribute to knowledge and socio-
economic transformation in a responsible and ethical manner.
Articulation Pathway:
Students who successfully complete the
Postgraduate Diploma in Management can
enrol for the REGENT MBA.

  Postgraduate Diploma in Management

          Opportunities for Credits

                MBA Degree

             Duration: 20 Months

Programme Structure


 Semester 1
 General Management
 Marketing Management
 Business Research

 Semester 2
 Financial Management
 Operations and Innovation Management

Course                                                                On completion of this qualification, graduates
Introduction                                                          will be able to:

The Post Graduate Diploma in Accounting (PGDA) is a one year          • Display the necessary competencies to successfully complete the
programme that prepares students for the Initial Test of Competence     SAICA ITC examination.
(ITC) or the Board 1 examination set by the South African Institute   • Be equipped technically for a career as a chartered accountant.
of Chartered Accountants (SAICA). The Postgraduate Diploma in         • Demonstrate an advanced understanding of the theories and
Accounting is a distance programme supported by regular lectures        practices relating to Financial Accounting, Management Accounting,
and tutorials.                                                          Auditing and Taxation in the context of business and commerce and
* New programme to be offered in 2018.                                • Demonstrate the ability to communicate in a rational and logical
 Kindly contact the institution for more information on the             manner
 programme offering.                                                  • Identify and solve real-world problems pertaining to Financial
                                                                        Accounting, Management Accounting, Finance, Auditing and
                                                                       Taxation in the context of business
                                                                        and commerce and management.
                                                                      • Be able to analyse and evaluate data in order to justify sound and
                                                                        rational decisions

                                                                      Admission Requirement:

                                                                      An appropriate Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting or equivalent
Articulation Pathway:
Students who successfully complete the
Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting can
enrol for the REGENT MBA.

   Postgraduate Diploma in Accountng

               MBA Degree

           Duration: 20 Months

Programme Structure


 Advanced Financial Accounting
 Advanced Auditing
 Advanced Managerial Accounting and
 Finance (MAF)
 Advanced Taxation

Course                                                                 On completion of this qualification, graduates
Introduction                                                           will be able to:

The Postgraduate Diploma in Educational Management and Leadership      • Apply quantitative methodologies
(PG Dip EML) is a one-year postgraduate qualification that seeks to    • Acquire academic and professional knowledge required for
develop capacity in management and leadership in an educational          leadership of educational institutions
management context. The focus of the programme is to improve the       • Apply management principles in an educational context
practice of management and leadership in the educational sector.       • Administer financial resources in an educational institution
                                                                       • Evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the functioning of an
It is directed towards persons who hold, or are aspiring to hold,        educational institution
management responsibilities within educational institutions. The       • Display knowledge of the provisions of relevant legislation relating
programme enables students with an education background to develop       to the governance of educational institutions
integrated and functional reflective competencies in educational       • Be aware of the implications of information and communication
management. It is intended for educational managers and those            technology
aspiring to occupy managerial positions in educational institutions.
                                                                       Admission Requirement:
The programme examines issues such as management principles,
educational governance, leadership in education, financial             • A Bachelor’s Degree, Advanced Diploma or equivalent qualification
management in educational institutions and the use of information      • At least 2 years of managerial work experience
technology in education.
*Continuous Professional
 Teacher Development

Practising teachers, registered with the
South African Council for Educators (SACE),
qualify for continuous professional teacher
development (CPTD) points on successful
completion of the programme. The PG Dip
EML is endorsed by the SACE.

Programme Structure


 Semester 1
 Principles of Educational Management
 Leadership in Education
 Governance in Education

 Semester 2
 Using Information Technology
 Financial Decision Making in
 Educational Management
 Research in Educational Management

Course                                                                   On completion of this qualification, graduates
Introduction                                                             will be able to:

The course is aimed at providing a deeper understanding of both          • Communicate clearly with clients and manage stakeholder
Islamic Finance and Banking and is intended for graduates. The course      relationships in an ethical and professional manner.
discusses the concepts of Islamic Finance and prohibitions in terms      • Demonstrate the ability to critically analyse the fundamentals of
of financial transactions and also the application of these concepts       Islamic finance and banking.
in the real world of finance. The prohibitions have broad implications   • Critically evaluate the existing Islamic finance and banking products
in structuring contracts dealing with financial transactions including     and services vis a vis conventional banking.
investments in line with the rules and processes laid down by the        • Analyse and evaluate the social responsibility features of the
Shari’ah. Students will also develop analytical skills and discuss the     interest-free banking system.
causes of failures of financial regulation and policies.                 • Differentiate between interest-free Capital Markets, Islamic Venture
                                                                           Capital and Islamic financial instruments.
The purpose of this programme is to equip students with the              • Apply the techniques, methodologies and theories pertaining to
necessary knowledge, skills and abilities in order to further their        Islamic product development issues.
understanding of Islamic Finance and Banking in all forms. It is aimed   • Assess the importance of corporate governance, regulation and
at providing deeper understanding of Islamic Banking and Finance           supervision in the field of Islamic Finance and Banking.
vis-à-vis Conventional Banking. This programme will also assist          • Demonstrate a comprehensive and systematic knowledge base of
practitioners in developing a much needed Islamic secondary financial      Islamic Finance and Banking.
market. The programme has been designed to:
                                                                         Admission Requirement:
1. Provide a professional qualification for commerce and finance
  graduates to initiate a career in the banking sector.                  • An appropriate Bachelor’s Degree or Advanced Diploma or
2. Enhance career opportunities for those who are already in the           equivalent qualification, and
   banking sector but require a professional qualification.              • Two years of work experience
* New programme to be offered in 2018.
 Kindly contact the institution for more information on the
 programme offering.
Articulation Pathway:
Students who successfully complete the
Postgraduate Diploma in Islamic Finance and
Banking can enrol for the REGENT MBA.

      Postgraduate Diploma in Islamic
           Finance and Banking

                MBA Degree

            Duration: 20 Months

Programme Structure


 Semester 1
 Introduction to Islamic Economics and
 Islamic Commercial Law and Contracts
 Evolution of Interest Based Banking

 Semester 2
 Islamic Venture Capital and Financial
 Corporate Governance, Regulations and
 Supervision in Islamic Banks
 Research Project

Course                                                                    On completion of this qualification, graduates
Introduction                                                              will be able to:

The Postgraduate Diploma in Project Management will provide               • Communicate effectively and manage stakeholder relationships in an
project management skills and knowledge to persons who have                 ethical and professional manner.
discipline specific knowledge and experience. As organisations are        • Demonstrate evidence of self-directed learning.
becoming increasingly project based, these skills will enable persons     • Analyse and evaluate data in order to justify sound and rational decisions.
to design and execute multiple projects to operationalise the strategic   • generate and manage projects in an integrated manner to build
objectives of the institution.                                              organisational capacity to successfully execute projects.
                                                                          • Apply appropriate project management techniques and
Project management is regarded as a useful competence to deliver            methodologies to real life scenarios.
products and services on time, within budget and according to             • Display knowledge of corporate governance, risk management, and
predetermined quality specifications. The programme aims to allow           strategic management.
students to develop competencies associated with effective project        • Analyse scenarios related to identifying and solving problems in the
management practices.                                                       context of project management
                                                                          • Integrate skills and knowledge to produce holistic solutions to real-
* New programme to be offered in 2018.                                      life problems and challenges
 Kindly contact the institution for more information on the
 programme offering.                                                      Admission Requirement:

                                                                          • An appropriate Bachelor’s Degree or Advanced Diploma or
                                                                            equivalent qualification, and
                                                                          • Two years of managerial work experience.
Articulation Pathway:
Students who successfully complete
the Postgraduate Diploma in Project
Management can enrol for the REGENT MBA.

     Postgraduate Diploma in Project

               MBA Degree

           Duration: 20 Months

Programme Structure


 Semester 1
 Project Integration Management
 Project Procurement and Supply Chain
 Project Cost Management

 Semester 2
 Project Leadership
 Project Risk Management
 Project Quality Management

Course                                                                On completion of this qualification, graduates
Introduction                                                          will be able to:

The Bachelor of Commerce Honours (BCom Hons) degree is a 1 year       • Analyse and solve managerial challenges
programme that seeks to develop capacity in managers or persons       • Demonstrate competency in the management of private enterprises,
who are aspiring to hold management responsibilities within the         departments or sections of organisations to the benefit of all
commercial sector.                                                      stakeholders
                                                                      • Interpret and critically evaluate evidence and data objectively
The programme enables students to develop integrated functional       • Recognise and respond to change within organisations
and reflective competences in business and general management by      • Demonstrate competency in the execution of the tasks of planning,
examining issues relating to Marketing Management, Human Resource       organising, leading and controlling in the different fields of strategic
and Industrial Relations Management, Strategic Management,              management, marketing, finance, human resources, research and
Financial Management, as well as undertaking research directed          operations management
towards business and management.                                      • Demonstrate competencies in research including data collection,
                                                                        analysis, interpretation and recommendations
This provides students with cutting edge advanced management skills   • Undertake research in key business fields
by exposing them to the functional areas of business and management   • Articulate vertically to REGENT Business School’s Master of Business
at a postgraduate level, and ensures that they are prepared for the     Administration (MBA) Degree programme
challenges of the global economy.
                                                                      Admission Requirement:

                                                                      • A Bachelor of Commerce Degree or equivalent qualification
Articulation Pathway:
Students who successfully complete the
BCom Honours can enrol for the REGENT

          BCom Honours Degree

          Opportunities for Credits

                 MBA Degree

             Duration: 20 Months

Programme Structure


 Semester 1
 Human Resource and Labour Relations Management
 1 Elective (one of the following):
 Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management
 Purchasing Management
 Operations Management
 Financial Management
 Healthcare Management
 Investment Management

 Semester 2
 Marketing Management
 Strategic Management
 Research Project

Admission requirements for the MBA programme
• An appropriate Honours Degree or equivalent NQF level 8 qualification or;
• An appropriate Postgraduate Diploma or equivalent NQF 8 level qualification or;
• A professional Bachelor’s Degree (4 years) at NQF level 8 (480 credits)
In addition the applicant must:
(i) be 25 years of age or older and;
(ii) have at least three years of working experience.

MBA Access Pathways

     3 Year Bachelor’s          4 Year Bachelor’s           RBS Honours/
       Degree/ NQF              Degree/ Honours/           RBS Postgraduate
   Level 7 or equivalent          Postgraduate                 Diploma
                                   Diploma or

       Honours or                                          Opportunities for
  Postgraduate Diploma                                         Credits

      MBA Degree                  MBA Degree                 MBA Degree
       Duration:                   Duration:                  Duration:
  32 Month Programme          20 Month Programme         20 Month Programme

Admission requirements for Postgraduate Diploma Qualifications?
• A Bachelor’s Degree, Advanced Diploma or equivalent qualification
• At least 2 years of managerial experience

Admission requirement for Honours Qualification?
• A Bachelor’s Degree, Advanced Diploma or equivalent qualification
How are the fees structured?
Flexible fee payment options are designed to provide greater
flexibility to students

Payment options:
• Cash Payment - Early Bird Discount
• Payment Plan A - Deposit Plus 4 Instalments
• Payment Plan B - Deposit Plus 8 Instalments
• Payment Plan C - Deposit Plus 10 Instalments

Fees include:
Registration, modules pack and course materials, workshop
attendance, academic and admin support and main
examination costs.

How to Apply?
Applicants are required to submit the following:

• Completed Application and Registration documents
• Certified copies of all educational qualifications and
  academic transcripts
• Curriculum Vitae
• Reference letters (at least 2)
• A portfolio of evidence (for RPL candidates)
• Certified copy of an identity document or passport
• Letter of company sponsorship (if applicable)
• 2 Passport sized photographs

A Life Changing Experience

35 Samora Machel Street
Durban, 4001
Tel: +27 31 304 4626

2nd Floor, Sunnyside Centre
13 Frost Avenue, Sunnyside, Auckland Park
Tel: +27 11 482 1404

1st Floor TNS House, 6 Hemlock Street
Newlands, Cape Town
Tel: +27 21 422 2567

Plot 132, Mbhabha Street
Manzini next to Swaziland Milling
Tel: +268 25055890

Coolmaster Complex                          Accredited by the Council on Higher Education (CHE)
Ongwediva Main Road, Namibia                and registered with Department of Higher Education and
Tel: +264 6523 8567                         Training (DHET). Registration Number No2000/HE07/012
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