COLLECTION 2022 - TL at Home

Page created by Willie Pope
COLLECTION 2022 - TL at Home
C O L L E C T I O N   2 0 2 2
COLLECTION 2022 - TL at Home
This year marks my 10th anniversary as owner of TL at Home and the
Traditions brand. In recognition of this major milestone I am taking deliberate
steps to take care of my company and myself in refreshing new ways. In
assessing what is important in my life and my business, the themes that
emerge aren’t surprising at all: I value time with family and friends, and I
value the relationships I’ve created through the amazing design community
of retailers, interior designers, vendors, partners, employees, territory
managers, makers, coaches and more. At the end of the day, I want to put
more emphasis on growing these relationships in significant and conscious
ways. The changes are evident in my personal choices and in our Winter 2022
Collection, and I’m so excited to share it all with you! Focusing on a warm
palette of caramel, true grey and marshmallow, with elegant pops of mist
and bordeaux, this season is all about textures (of course), natural fibers and
falling into our deepest dreams of everyday luxury living.

I’ll be working differently this year, returning to a new home base for my family
in Downeast Maine. My collection and my staff are staying put in the beautiful
Hudson Valley of New York, giving me the perfect excuse to enjoy the best of
both places. Of course, I’ll still be on the road at trade shows and, hopefully,
visiting you at your retail store or design center one of these days very soon.

This pivotal new year we will be celebrating our accomplishments and our
many new endeavors, and we want you to be part of it all. Keep up with our
special events via our website, weekly
blog, bi-monthly digital newsletter, and social media on
Instagram + Facebook.

We are living our dreams. We are “Made with love.”

We invite you to join us all along the way.

                                                                          SHARI    KLINE

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COLLECTION 2022 - TL at Home
T A B L E             O F   C O N T E N T S

    I NT ROD UCIN G                         STO CK ED SHEETI NG        62
        PIPER                        6 		      CO O PER                62
        G AV IN                      8         PI PE R                 63
        PAU L                       10         STANDAR D               64
        TO N I                      12         R I LEY                 64
        N OL AN                     14         FLO R E NCE             65
        CYP RE S S                  16
        JENNA                       18      MADE TO O RDER SHEETI NG   66
        E MIL IE                    20         FO R D                  66
        C OOP ER                    22         CO RTI NA               68
                                               VE R BI E R             69
    FAS HION FABR ICS               24         PI SA                   70
                                               AR LE SI ENNE           71
    D EC O RAT IVE PILLOWS          30         DI O LI NDA             72
                                               E DUAR DO               73
    C OV E RLETS                    36         STELLA                  74
        H UD S ON                   37         CHAR LI E               75
        E MIL IE                    38         R E NATA                76
        B OYC E                     39         SO HO                   77
        LOU ISA                     40         FI O NA                 78
        A L EXA                     41         KE LSEY                 79
        B LAIR                      42
        C L ARE                     43      STO CK ED TOWELS           80
        WH ITN EY                   44         PE TR A                 79
        T RAC E Y                   45
        C OU TU RE                  46      MADE TO O RDER TOWELS      81
        F LYN N                     47         ME L
                                               BE LLI NI
    Q U I LTS                       48
        G AV IN                     48      FORMS & I NSERTS           82

    B L A NKETS & T H ROWS          49
        CYP RE S S                  49
        JENNA                       50
        J O U RN E Y                51
        PAU L                       52
        TON I                       53
        N O L AN                    54
        C AM P                      55
        R U STIC L IN E N           56
        DAX                         57
        K AS H M IN A               58
        C ATAL IN A                 59
        V I N TAG E V ELV ET        60
        B ROOKLYN                   60
        A RL ES IEN N E             61

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                                                                                                                             M   CCOOLLLLEECCTTIIOONN 22002222   5
COLLECTION 2022 - TL at Home

                            PIPER COLLECTION

                                                                         P IPE R
    As soft as you can imagine, our Piper collection is made from

    pure 100% linen that has been tumbled and washed giving it an

    incredible hand and easy care. Available in charcoal or ivory.

    Our unique embroidery creates a frame for the top of the bed and

    inside the shams. Also offered in a lovely body pillow silhouette.

    Effortlessly lovely, just as it should be.

    SKU: PIP

    COLORS: IVORY (001), CHARCOAL (004)

    QUEEN DUVET		          91” X 95”

    KING DUVET		           105” X 95”

    STANDARD SHAM          21” X 26

    KING SHAM		            21” X 36”

    EURO SHAM		            26” X 26”

    BODY PILLOW		          18” X 60”

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COLLECTION 2022 - TL at Home

                           G AV I N C O L L E C T I O N

    Quilts make bed dressing easy and we love making things easy!

    Our Gavin quilts are stonewashed cotton. They’re not overly thick,

    and they offer great color, great texture and a simple solution that

    can be layered or stand alone. Available in charcoal, ivory,

    oatmeal, bordeaux and camel.

    SKU: GAV

    COLORS: IVORY (001), CHARCOAL (004), CAMEL (025), OATMEAL (022),
    BORDEAUX (029)

    TWIN QUILT		          70” X 92”

    QUEEN QUILT		         92” X 98”

    KING QUILT		          112” X 98”

    EURO SHAM		           26” X 26”

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COLLECTION 2022 - TL at Home

                               PAU L C O L L E C T I O N

                                                                        PAU L
     Everyone loves Paul! Soft cotton & stonewashed with a retro mod

     pattern, Paul can be layered into your collections effortlessly.

     Offered as oversized throws, shams and decorative pillows.

     Elevate your style with a piece from the Paul collection

     SKU: PAU

     COLORS: Charcoal (004)

     Throw			57” x 89”

     Dutch Sham		             26” x 36”

     Decorative Pillow        22” x 22”

     Decorative Pillow        15” x 36”

     Body Pillow		            18” x 60”

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COLLECTION 2022 - TL at Home

                              TONI COLLECTION

                                                                              TO N I
     Toni is a lovely cotton/linen blanket construction offered in 3

     colors. This is a lightweight blanket that you’ll love to layer in for

     a great stripe look. Choose from Rose, Sky or Spice, and enjoy

     the easy care of our stonewashed process. Available as fringed

     throws, blankets and Dutch Shams, Toni is an easily gifted and

     loved part of the TL collection.

     SKU: TON

     COLORS: Sky (010), Rose (018), Spice (068)

     Throw			50” x 70”

     Twin Blanket		          70” x 92”

     Queen Blanket		         92” x 98”

     King Blanket		          112” x 98”

     Dutch Sham		            26” x 36”

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COLLECTION 2022 - TL at Home

                            NOLAN COLLECTION

     Nolan is one of our favorite new introductions! Our linen blanket

     construction has never looked better than it does in Nolan.

     Offered in Natural and Blue, this piece is amazingly comfortable

     all through the year. Available as throws (which double as picnic

     blankets, tabletop, or wraps) and blankets (which also make great

     tablecloths), you’ll want to find a place for Nolan in your life.

     Stonewashed for easy care. Wash and dry this piece over and

     over and it will just get softer and softer.

     SKU: NOL

     COLORS: Natural (002), Blue (001)

     Throw			50” x 70”

     Twin Blanket		         70” x 92”

     Queen Blanket		        92” x 98”

     King Blanket		         112” x 98”

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COLLECTION 2022 - TL at Home
                                 I N T RI O
                                             RCO IDNUGC I N G

                            CYPRESS COLLECTION

     Overloaded with texture, our Cypress collection is made from 100%

     cotton and stonewashed bringing interest with a lovely soft touch.

     Perfect for layering in with anything, you’ll find these basics elevate your

     design. Available in charcoal, ivory, and camel.

     SKU: CYP

     COLORS: IVORY (001), CHARCOAL (004), CAMEL (025)

     THROW		                  60” X 90”

     QUEEN BLANKET		          91” X 95”

     KING BLANKET		           105” X 95”

     DUTCH SHAM		             26” X 36”

     DECORATIVE PILLOW		      22” X 22”

     DECORATIVE PILLOW		      15” X 36”

     BODY PILLOW		            18” X 60”

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COLLECTION 2022 - TL at Home

                            JENNA COLLECTION

     Jenna is a new waffle blanket construction made from pure

     cotton. This piece is unique because we weave our colors with

     a natural cotton thread to create a beautifully blended mélange

     with extra textural interest and a soft cozy touch. Welcome your

     guests with a Jenna throw draped over a chair or in a basket and

     know that they’ll always be comfortable. Rest easy knowing Jenna

     is easy to wash and dry at home without any special care needed.

     SKU: JEN

     COLORS: BLUE (001), BLACK (039), SAND (031)

     THROW			50” X 70”

     TWIN BLANKET		         70” X 92”

     QUEEN BLANKET          92” X 98”

     KING BLANKET		         112” X 98”

     DUTCH SHAM		           26” X 36”

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                           EMILIE COLLECTION

     Emilie is one of our favorite intros this season with its retro

     modern sensibility and is bound to achieve TL Classic status.

     100% cotton stonewashed coverlet construction, ivory ground

     with charcoal detail. Offered as throws, coverlets, shams, and

     decorative pillows.

     SKU: EMI

     COLORS: Ivory (001)

     Throw			56” x 90”

     Queen Coverlet		      92” x 98”

     King Coverlet		       112” x 98”

     Dutch Sham		          26” x 36”

     Decorative Pillow     22” x 22”

     Decorative Pillow     15” x 36”

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                               INTROD UC ING

                             COOPER COLLECTION

     Stonewashed cotton Cooper features a subtle stripe that reads as

     a texture. It’s soft and lightweight to the touch. This construction is

     wonderful for duvet covers and shams because it’s not too heavy,

     perfectly dreamy with a gauze-like appeal. Cooper is easy to live with,

     easy to layer with and is an exciting new addition to the TL Collection.

     SKU: COO

     COLORS: MOON (001)

     TWIN DUVET              65” X 87”

     QUEEN DUVET             91” X 95”

     KING DUVET              105” X 95”

     STANDARD SHAM           21” X 26”

     KING SHAM               21” X 36”

     EURO SHAM               26” X 26”

     DUTCH SHAM              26” X 36”

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F A S H I O N            F A B R I C S

     At the heart of TL at Home is our collection of fashion fabrics. As you

     get to know us, you will see that some fabrics stick around for multiple
                                                                                BARRINGTON WHITE FN80   BARRINGTON HONEY FN86     BROOKLYN SAPPHIRE BN437                           ESSEX IVORY AN02
     seasons, and others can come and go in a flash.

     We always try to keep things fresh, interesting, and fashion forward!

     Around here, #theTLexperience is our mission to provide great

     products and great service.

     Over the last 49 years, we have perfected the technique of making
                                                                                BARRINGTON SAND FN81    BARRINGTON PAPAYA FN87    BROOKLYN SNOW DROP BN443                         ESSEX NATURAL AN03
     bed linens to order, one piece at a time. Our experience in this market

     makes us a perfect partner for stocking retail stores and for interior

     design and hospitality projects. Based in Hudson, NY, our cut and sew

     operation uses a workforce of highly trained sewing experts who share

     our passion for beautiful linens.
                                                                                BARRINGTON LINEN FN82   BROOKLYN BLUSH BN441      BROOKLYN TOAST BN442                             ESSEX WHITE AN01
     Our goal is to help you make your linens dreams come true. Always,

     made with love.

                                                                                BARRINGTON CLOUD FN83   BROOKLYN CHARCOAL BN438   DAMARA EN118                                     EZRA SEAGLASS CN182

                                                                                BARRINGTON GREY FN84    BROOKLYN GREY BN439       DUNE WALK FN74                                  HAYES KN32

                                                                                BARRINGTON SPA FN85     BROOKLYN MIST BN440        ESSEX FLAX AN288                               HAZEL KN35

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F A S H I O N    F A B R I C S

 HOLDEN AMBER EN101            IZZY SKY MN102     LINEN BURLAP EN97    SKYLAR BLUSH BN430         TUSCANY EGGSHELL DN129                           TUSCANY OLIVE CN118

 HOLDEN CITRON EN99            IZZY COCOA MN104   MAGGIE KN30          SKYLAR GREY BN436          TUSCANY GREY CN136                             TUSCANY STONE EN101

 HOLDEN CORAL EN98             IZZY SAND MN103    MIMI MINERAL CN177   TIERRA CN205               TUSCANY MALT EN86                               TUSCANY TRUE GREY DN126

 HOLDEN SLATE EN100            JEFFREY MN101      OAKLEY DN171         TRAVIS EN92                TUSCANY NAVY DN137                              TUSCANY WETSAND DN127

 IZZY BLACK MN105              KAYLA MN106        PALOMA LN26          TUSCANY BLUE BELLE EN108   TUSCANY OCEAN EN109                              TUSCANY WHITE CN106

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F A S H I O N              F A B R I C S

     V I N T A G E V E LV E T

                                                                                                Now that you have found a fabric you love, let’s talk about what can you do with it. This is where our expertise

                                                                                                in “made to order” comes in. Our production team will make sure that your order is processed with superior

                                                                                                attention to detail to make sure your order comes to you exactly as you expect it to. We make duvet covers,

                                                                                                shams, decorative pillows, and we sell all the fabrics by the yard.

     VV ALUMINUM JN42             VV CIDER LN22       VV KIWI BLACK LN13   VV OATMEAL LN23
                                                                                                Made to order duvet covers start with one of our fashion fabrics. Choose your fabric, and then decide if you’d

                                                                                                want it to reverse to self or to sheeting quality percale. Your duvet cover will have a hidden zipper closure at

                                                                                                the bottom and interior ties to hold your duvet in place. We make our duvet covers one at a time, so if you

                                                                                                wanted something customized, just ask! If we can do it, we are happy to provide a quote.

                                                                                                Made to order shams start with one of our fashion fabrics. Choose your fabric and then decide if you want
     VV ANTIQUE ROSE LN19         VV COBALT LN15      VV MIST LN25         VV ROSE LN20
                                                                                                it to have a plain edge, or one of our other construction options. Your retail store or designer can help you

                                                                                                decide what is right. Your shams will have an envelope closure in back and are shipped flat, but we do sell

                                                                                                down and alternative down sham fillers for every size.

                                                                                                Made to order decorative pillows start with one of our fashion fabrics and are finished with a hidden zipper.

                                                                                                With so many styles, finishes and trims look out for all the possibilities. Decorative pillows are priced with a
     VV APPLE GREEN JN33          VV COCOA LN24       VV MOSS LN26         VV SILVER JN28
                                                                                                down form included, but if you’d prefer an alternative down instead, please let us know.

                                                                                                There are some restrictions to what we can do with some of our fabrics, but if it is possible, we will make it

                                                                                                happen! With a full range of sizes and custom capabilities, you are sure to find what you need. Please ask if

                                                                                                you are envisioning something you don’t see. Our team is focused on making your linens dreams come true.

     VV BLUE GREEN FN30           VV DARK TEAL LN17   VV NUDE LN21         VV SLATE BLUE JN39

     VV CHARCOAL JN46             VV JADE LN14

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     Let’s get this pillow party started! When you are looking

     to refresh a space with pillows, look no further than the

     TL at Home collection. Offered in a range of fashion

     fabrics and stocked options, we have a decorative pillow

     for every space. Our prices include a 90/10 feather

     down form, and alternative down forms are available to

     substitute upon request.

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                                                           Antique Rose
     V I N T A G E V E LV E T

     One of our favorite fabrics to make up into           Cocoa

     decorative pillows is our collection of silk and

     rayon Vintage Velvet. Offered in a range of
     delicious colors, these are fabrics that really

     need to be seen and touched to be appreciated!        Rose

     Available either with a plain or corded edge,

     and finished with a hidden zipper closure, these
                                                           Kiwi Black
     pillows become the “jewelry” of your design.

     You’ll love the way this fabric picks up the light.
     What we love best is that it can be machine

     washed using a gentle detergent and either hung
     or tumbled dry on low heat.

     All Vintage Velvet products are made to order in      Blue Green
     Hudson, NY.
                                                           Apple Green
     Besides decorative pillows, we also regularly

     use our Vintage Velvet for throws in two sizes,       Dark Teal

     blankets, duvet covers, shams, and even bed

     skirts. We always sell our fabrics by the yard for    Cobalt

     custom projects as well.


                                                           Slate Blue





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S T O N E W A S H E D                 C O V E R L E T S

                              NOW OFFERING DUTCH SHAMS!                                                                          HUDSON COVERLET

     TL at Home offers the most comprehensive and quality driven collection of stone washed coverlets on      Featuring a distincitve wave design and modern deconstructed                             Available sizes:
                                                                                                              applied linen edge detail. Finished with our stonewashing process,
     the market. These pieces have a relaxed look and offer effortless care because you can wash and dry                                                                                               OT    Oversized Throw 50” x 90”
                                                                                                              this unique piece is offered in our natural linen (cotton linen blend)
                                                                                                              and pure white. We can see this coverlet in modern, industrial,                          TC    Twin               72” x 90”
     them at home and they’ll never shrink or change. You can feel confident knowing that our coverlets can
                                                                                                              transitional rooms. Imagine the possibilities! Coverlets and shams                       QC    Full /Queen        90” x 96”
     be found in the finest boutique hotels in the world, and that when you bring one home, you’ll have a     have a straight edge and shams havean envelope closure in back.                          KC    King               112” x 98”
     piece that can be enjoyed for years to come.                                                             Stocked in our Hudson, NY warehouse.
                                                                                                                                                                                                       SS    Standard Sham      21” x 26”

                                                                                                              SKU: HUD-                                                                                KS    King Sham          21” x 36”

                                                                                                                                                                                                       ES    Euro Sham          26” x 26”
                                                                                                              Colors: Natural Linen (002), White (003)
                                                                                                                                                                                                       DS    Dutch Sham         26” x 36”

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E M I L I E Emilie is a new construction featuring a retro modern        Available sizes:                                     BOYCE COVERLET
     pattern that will be lovely in all sorts of layering this season. 100%
                                                                              OT Throw                 56” x 90”
     cotton stonewashed coverlet construction, ivory ground with                                                                   Featuring an all over diamond design and a cotton / linen
                                                                              QC Queen Coverlet        92” x 98”
     charcoal detail. Offered as oversized throws with fringe detail,                                                              construction, the multi-dimensional color of this coverlet
     coverlets, shams, and decorative pillows. Stocked in our Hudson, NY      KC King Coverlet         112” x 98”                  is the star of the show. Finished with our stonewashing
     warehouse.                                                               DS Dutch Sham            26” x 36”                   process, this layering piece is offered in cool colors
                                                                                                                                   perfect for waterfront homes. Coverlets are finished
     SKU: EMI-                                                                22   Decorative Pillow   22” x 22”
                                                                                                                                   with a clean folded hem and shams have a 1” self-flange
                                                                              15   Decorative Pillow   15” x 36”
                                                                                                                                   and envelope closure
     COLORS: Ivory (001)
                                                                                                                                   in back. Stocked in our Hudson, NY warehouse.
                                                                                                                                   Dutch Shams are made to order.

                                                                                                                                   SKU: BOY-

                                                                                                                                   Colors Sky Linen (010), Terra Linen (007),
                                                                                                                                   Ivory Linen (001)

                                                                                                                                               Available sizes:

                                                                                                                                               TC    Twin               72” x 90”

                                                                                                                                               QC    Full /Queen        90” x 96”

                                                                                                                                               KC    King               112” x 98”

                                                                                                                                               SS    Standard Sham      21” x 26”

                                                                                                                                               KS    King Sham          21” x 36”

                                                                                                                                               ES    Euro Sham          26” x 26”

                                                                                                                                               DS    Dutch Sham         26” x 36”

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     Customer favorite Louisa has been a consistent
     bestseller at TL for over 20 years. Loads of texture
     from the stone washing give Louisa the softest hand,
     and with a range of six amazing colors, there is one
     designed to enhance any room. Colors White, Ivory,
     Mist, Grey and Navy are made from 100% Cotton.
     Color Linen is made from 11% Linen and 89% Cotton.
     Coverlets are finished with a simple self corded hem.
     Shams have a pearl button closure in back and a self
     corded hem. Stocked in our Hudson, NY warehouse.
     Dutch Shams are made to order.

     SKU: LOU-

     Colors: White (003), Linen (002), Ivory (001),
     Mist (010), Navy (011), and Grey (006)

      Available sizes:

      TC   Twin               72” x 90”

      QC   Full /Queen        90” x 96”

      KC   King               112” x 98”

      SS   Standard Sham      21” x 26”

      KS   King Sham          21” x 36”

      ES   Euro Sham          26” x 26”

      DS   Dutch Sham         26” x 36”


                                                             ALEXA       One of our most beloved coverlet designs features                     Available sizes:
                                                             an all over ripple pattern on the front and our Kashmina blanket
                                                                                                                                               TC      Twin                  72” x 90”
                                                             softness on the back. Perfect for cooler climates and air
                                                                                                                                               QC      Full /Queen           90” x 96”
                                                             conditioned bedrooms with an abundance of style. White and Ivory
                                                             colors are made from 100% Cotton, Linen color is made from 11%                    KC      King                  112” x 98”
                                                             Linen / 89% Cotton. Coverlets are finished with a 1” folded hem.                  SS      Standard Sham         21” x 26”
                                                             Shams have an envelope closure in back and a 1” flange detail.
                                                                                                                                               KS      King Sham             21” x 36”
                                                             Stocked in our Hudson, NY warehouse. Dutch Shams are made
                                                                                                                                               ES      Euro Sham             26” x 26”
                                                             to order.
                                                                                                                                               DS      Dutch Sham            26” x 36”
                                                             SKU: ALE-

                                                             Colors: White (003), Ivory (001), Linen (002)

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C L A R E A simple stripe taken from a seersucker
                                                                                                                        inspiration offers a sophisticated style choice with the
                                                                                                                        stripes running vertically on the bed. Finished with our
                                                                                                                        stone washing process, this coverlet is an easy choice for
                                                                                                                        a wide variety of looks from camp and cottage to modern
                                                                                                                        industrial to city sleek. White and Earth colors are made
                                                                                                                        from 100% Cotton, Linen color is made from 11% Linen/
                                                                                                                        89% Cotton. Coverlets are finished with a self corded
                                                                                                                        hem. Shams have an pearl button closure in back and
                                                                                                                        a self corded hem. Stocked in our Hudson, NY
                                                                                                                        warehouse. Dutch Shams are made to order.

                                                                                                                        SKU: CLA-

                                                                                                                        Colors: White (003), Linen (002), Earth (008)

                                                                                                                          Available sizes:

                                                                                                                          TC    Twin                   72” x 90”

                                                                                                                          QC    Full /Queen            90” x 96”

                                                                                                                          KC    King                   112” x 98”

                                                                                                                          SS    Standard Sham          21” x 26”

                                                                                                                          KS    King Sham              21” x 36”

                                                                                                                          ES    Euro Sham              26” x 26”

                                                                                                                          DS    Dutch Sham             26” x 36”

 BLAIR COVERLET             Featuring an all over diamond design,
                                                                         Available sizes:
 the classic matelasse pattern and finished with our stone washing
                                                                         TC   Twin            72” x 90”
 process, this classic coverlet is a TL favorite for bedrooms that are
 traditional, modern, classic, transitional, and anywhere you want       QC   Full /Queen     90” x 96”
 a finished layer that helps your other layers, patterns and textures    KC   King            112” x 98”
 shine. White and Ivory colors are made from 100% Cotton, Linen color    SS   Standard Sham   21” x 26”
 is made from 11% Linen / 89% Cotton. Coverlets are finished with a 1”
                                                                         KS   King Sham       21” x 36”
 folded hem. Shams have an envelope closure in back and a 1” flange
 detail. Stocked in our Hudson, NY warehouse. Dutch Shams are            ES   Euro Sham       26” x 26”

 made to order.                                                          DS   Dutch Sham      26” x 36”


 Colors: White (003), Ivory (001), Linen (002)

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WHITNEY       Delicate patterning, lightweight
     finishing and a gauze inspired detail give Whitney an
     especially appealing look. Perfect for warm sleepers,
     the Whitney offers all the benefits of a stone washed
     coverlet with a lighter finish for warmer climates or
     those who prefer more layers. Works well as a blanket
     cover, and is a customer favorite when they feel the
     hand and see the soft color options. Made from 100%
     Cotton. Coverlets are finished with a simple self corded
     hem. Shams have a pearl button closure in back and
     self corded hem. Stocked in our Hudson, NY warehouse.
     Dutch Shams are made to order.

     SKU: WHI-

     Colors: White (003), Ivory (001), Feather Grey (006)

      Available sizes:

      TC   Twin              72” x 90”

      QC   Full /Queen       90” x 96”

      KC   King              112” x 98”

      SS   Standard Sham     21” x 26”

      KS   King Sham         21” x 36”

      ES   Euro Sham         26” x 26”

      DS   Dutch Sham        26” x 36”

                                                                                        TRACEY COVERLET

                                                                Featuring an all over honeycomb inspired dot, this pattern works in coastal,                  Available sizes:
                                                                transitional, contemporary and classically designed rooms. Quilted texture
                                                                                                                                                              TC      Twin            72” x 90”
                                                                from the stone washing gives Tracey loads of interest, and a range of colors
                                                                                                                                                              QC      Full /Queen     90” x 96”
                                                                designed to work with most bedroom settings. Made from 100% Cotton.
                                                                Coverlets are finished with a simple folded hem. Shams have an envelope                       KC      King            112” x 98”
                                                                closure in back and 1” flanged hem. Stocked in our Hudson, NY warehouse.                      SS      Standard Sham   21” x 26”
                                                                Dutch Shams are made to order.                                                                KS      King Sham       21” x 36”

                                                                SKU: TRA-                                                                                     ES      Euro Sham       26” x 26”

                                                                                                                                                              DS      Dutch Sham      26” x 36”
                                                                Colors: White (003), Seaglass (018), and Navy (011)

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C O U T U R E Made from mercerized cotton for an extraordinary        Available sizes:                  F LY N N   Flynn features an all over basket weave design with                 Available sizes:
     soft hand, this pattern features an oversized graphic floral design   TC   Twin            72” x 90”    transitional design aesthetic. Our stone washing process adds an
                                                                                                                                                                                            TC      Twin                    72” x 90”
     oozing with sophistication. Stone washing gives Couture an                                              abundance of textural appeal making this pattern perfect for his
                                                                           QC   Full /Queen     90” x 96”
     intricate quilted appearance without the bulk. All colors                                               and hers rooms in all kinds of settings. Color White is made from              QC      Full /Queen             90” x 96”
                                                                           KC   King            112” x 98”
     are offered in 100% Cotton construction. Coverlets are finished                                         100% Cotton. Color Linen is made from 11% Linen and 89% Cotton.                KC      King                    112” x 98”
     with a self corded hem. Shams have an envelope closure                SS   Standard Sham   21” x 26”    Coverlets are finished with a simple folded hem. Shams have an                 SS      Standard Sham           21” x 26”
     in back and a self corded hem. Stocked in our Hudson, NY              KS   King Sham       21” x 36”    envelope closure in back and a 1” flange detail. Stocked in our
                                                                                                                                                                                            KS      King Sham               21” x 36”
     warehouse. Dutch Shams are made to order.                                                               Hudson, NY warehouse. Dutch Shams are made to order.
                                                                           ES   Euro Sham       26” x 26”
                                                                                                                                                                                            ES      Euro Sham               26” x 26”
     SKU: COU-                                                             DS   Dutch Sham      26” x 36”    SKU: FLY-                                                                      DS      Dutch Sham              26” x 36”
     Colors: White (003), Cream (009), Grey (006)
                                                                                                             Colors: White (003), Linen (002)

46                                                                                                                                                                      SA L E S @ T R A D I T I O N S L I N E N S .C O M      COLLECTION 2022   47
Q U I L T S                                                                                             B L A N K E T S                  A N D          T H R O W S

                                                                                                             Our collection of blankets and throws offer you a wonderful variety of choices for all the layering

                                                                                                             options. Warmth, texture and style drive this collection that is made to be used, be loved, be washed

                                                                                                             and bring joy to your experience of relaxation at home. Make the most of your most treasured

                                                                                                             moments with TL at Home.

     G AV I N   Stonewashed cotton Gavin Quilts offer a simple bedding       Available sizes:                C Y P R E S S Cypress is a new blanket construction made from                        Available sizes:
     solution for easier mornings. With a relaxed look and soft hand,                                        100% cotton and stonewashed with amazing texture and softness.
                                                                             TQ   Twin Quilt    70” x 92”                                                                                         OT      Throw               60” x 90”
     our Gavin quilts are handsomely refined. They’re not overly thick,                                      Perfect for layering in with anything, you’ll find these basics elevate
                                                                             QQ   Queen Quilt   92” x 98”                                                                                         QB      Queen Blanket       91” x 95”
     and they offer great color, great texture and a simple solution that                                    your design. Available in charcoal, ivory, and camel. Stocked in our
     can be layered or stand alone. Available in charcoal, ivory, oatmeal,   KQ   King Quilt    112” x 98”                                                                                        KB      King Blanket        105” x 95”
                                                                                                             Hudson, NY warehouse.
     bordeaux and camel. Stocked in our Hudson, NY warehouse.                ES   Euro Sham     26” x 26”                                                                                         DS      Dutch Sham          26” x 36”
                                                                                                             SKU: CYP-
     SKU: GAV-                                                                                                                                                                                    22      Decorative Pillow 22” x 22”
                                                                                                             COLORS: Ivory (001), Charcoal (004), Camel (025                                      15      Decorative Pillow 15” x 36”
     COLORS: Ivory (001), Charcoal (004), Camel (025), Oatmeal (022),
     Bordeaux (029)                                                                                                                                                                               60      Body Pillow         18” x 60”

48                                                                                                                                                                        SA L E S @ T R A D I T I O N S L I N E N S .C O M   COLLECTION 2022   49
JENNA     Jenna is a new waffle blanket construction made                                               JOURNEY BLANKET             Our stonewashed cotton
                                                                         Available sizes:                                                                                                 Available sizes:
     from 100% pure cotton in three shades blended with a natural                                            Journey blanket is a soft layering piece that you’ll reach
                                                                         TH      Throw		        50” x 70”                                                                                 TB   Twin Blanket                   70” x 92”
     base color to enhance the textural interest. You’ll love the soft                                       for week after week. Woven in a mélange of shades
     hand, and the perfectly weighted warmth of this piece. The          TB      Twin Blanket   70” x 92”    from ivory to blue, this piece offers and easy style                         QB Full/Queen Blanket               92” x 98”

     throws have a natural fringe detail. Blankets and shams are fin-    QB      Queen Blanket 92” x 98”     boost at a great price. Finished with simple details,                        KB   King Blanket                   112” x 98”
     ished with a clean edge. Stocked in our Hudson, NY warehouse.                                           Journey is offered as blankets and shams and is                              ES Euro Sham                        26” x 26”
                                                                         KB      King Blanket   112” x 98”
     SKU: JEN-                                                                                               stocked in our Hudson, NY warehouse.
                                                                         DS      Dutch Sham     26” x 36”                                                                                 DS Dutch Sham                       26” x 36”
     COLORS: Blue (001), Black (039), Sand (031)                                                             SKU: JOU-

                                                                                                             Colors: Blue (001)

50                                                                                                                                                                        SA L E S @ T R A D I T I O N S L I N E N S .C O M        COLLECTION 2022   51
PAU L   Paul is a lovely cotton stonewashed        Available sizes:
     construction with lots of modern interest in a     TH   Throw             57” x 89”
     overlapping block pattern. We’ve had such a
                                                        DS   Dutch Sham        26” x 36”
     strong response to this piece, and we’re excited
                                                        22   Decorative Pillow 22” x 22”
     to finally bring it to market. Don’t miss our
     amazing new body pillow in Paul! Easy to care      15   Decorative Pillow 15” x 36”   T O N I Toni joins our collection as a lovely cotton/ linen blanket in                  Available sizes:
                                                                                           3 color choices. This is a lightweight blanket that you’ll love to layer
     for, wash and dry without worry. Stocked in our    60   Body Pillow       18” x 60”                                                                                           TH     Throw                  50” x 70”
                                                                                           in for a great stripe look. Choose from Rose, Sky or Spice, and enjoy
     Hudson, NY warehouse.                                                                 the easy care of our stonewashed process. Available as fringed                          TB     Twin Blanket           70” x 92”
                                                                                           throws, blankets and Dutch Shams, Toni makes a fantastic gift item!
     SKU: PAU-                                                                                                                                                                     QB     Queen Blanket          92” x 98”
                                                                                           Stocked in our Hudson, NY warehouse.
                                                                                                                                                                                   KB     King Blanket           112” x 98”
     Colors: Charcoal (004)                                                                SKU: TON-
                                                                                                                                                                                   DS     Dutch Sham             26” x 36”
                                                                                           Colors: Sky (010), Rose (018), Spice (068)

52                                                                                                                                                       SA L E S @ T R A D I T I O N S L I N E N S .C O M   COLLECTION 2022   53
NOLAN      Nolan is a woven stonewashed linen blanket that is              CAMP BLANKET & THROW                Stonewashed linen stripes in                    Available sizes:
     gorgeously constructed. Available in Natural and Blue, this piece is       bold color combinations have become a TL classic piece. Made
                                                                                                                                                                    TH     Throw                   50” x 70”
     amazingly comfortable all through the year. Offered as throws and          from 100% linen. Blankets and throws are finished with a 1” mitered
                                                                                                                                                                    TB     Twin Blanket            70” x 92”
     blankets you’ll want to find a place for Nolan in your home. Wash          corner hem and are stocked in our Hudson, NY warehouse. Shams
     and dry this piece over and over and it will just get softer and softer.   are made to order with an envelope closure in back and a 1”                         QB     Full/Queen Blanket      92” x 98”

     Stocked in our Hudson, NY warehouse.                                       self-flanged detail. Decorative pillows, shown below, are made to                   KB     King Blanket            112” x 98”
                                                                                order with a hidden zipper closure and plain edge. We can also
     SKU: NOL-                                                                  make duvet covers from these blankets upon request.

     Colors: Natural (002), Blue (001)                                          SKU: CAM-

      Available sizes:                                                          Colors: Navy (011), Lake (005), Sunset (012), Charcoal (004)

      TH Throw                      50” x 70”

      TB Twin Blanket               70” x 92”

      QB Queen Blanket              92” x 98”

      KB King Blanket               112” x 98”

54                                                                                                                                             SA L E S @ T R A D I T I O N S L I N E N S .C O M   COLLECTION 2022   55
DAX THROW               Stonewashed and made
                                                                                                    from 100% Linen, the Dax Throw is finished
                                                                                                    with a simple folded hem and offers amazing
                                                                                                    textural detail and a casual interesting vibe.
                                                                                                    Soft, cozy, washable and family friendly.
                                                                                                    Made in Portugal. Stocked in our Hudson, NY

                                                                                                    SKU: DAX-

                                                                                                    Colors: Natural Linen (002)

                                                                                                     Available sizes:

                                                                                                     OT     Oversized Throw 50” x 90”

                                                                                                     ES     Euro Sham            26” x 26”

                                                                                                     DS     Dutch Sham           26” x 36”

     R U S T I C L I N E N T H R O W Stonewashed and made from
     100% Linen, the Rustic Linen Throw has a raw edge and hemstitch
     detailing that offers a bit of rustic sophistication or a modern
     appeal depending on your mood. Wonderful gift item. Made in
     Portugal. Stocked in our Hudson, NY warehouse.

     SKU: RLI-

     Colors: Ivory (001), Natural Linen (002)

      Available sizes:
      TH Throw       50” x 70”

56                                                                      SA L E S @ T R A D I T I O N S L I N E N S .C O M      COLLECTION 2022       57
C A T A L I N A B L A N K E T Stonewashed linen in it’s purestD form,               Available sizes:
                                                                                                                 solid ivory or natural linen blankets that offer a richly textured
                                                                                                                                                                                                     TB    Twin Blanket           70” x 92”
                                                                                                                 layer that is divinely subtle and absolutely lovely. Catalina blankets
                                                                                                                 are a wonderful layering piece and can be found in a wide variety                   QB Full/Queen Blanket        92” x 98”
                                                                                                                 of transitional design settings. Made from 100% linen. Catalina
                                                                                                                                                                                                     KB    King Blanket           112” x 98”
                                                                                                                 blankets are finished with a 1” mitered corner hem and are stocked
                                                                                                                 in our Hudson, NY warehouse.

                                                                                                                 SKU: CAT-

                                                                                                                 Colors: Colors: Ivory (001), Natural Linen (002)

     K A S H M I N A B L A N K E T Our Kashmina blankets are impossibly     Available sizes:
     soft an longtime TL customer favorites. This is the original brushed
     cotton blanket and is a linen cupboard staple you’ll want on every     TB   Twin Blanket       70” x 92”
     bed in the house. Made from 100% cotton and finished with a            QB Full/Queen Blanket   92” x 98”
     twill tape edging. Cool in summer, warm in winter, and always
                                                                            KB   King Blanket       112” x 98”
     pure and perfect. Made in Portugal, and stocked in our Hudson, NY

     SKU: KAS-

     Colors: Ivory (001), White (003)

58                                                                                                                                                                            SA L E S @ T R A D I T I O N S L I N E N S .C O M   COLLECTION 2022   59
                                             V I N T A G E V E LV E T B L A N K E T & T H R O W Our       A R L E S I E N N E B L A N K E T & T H R O W Italian stonewashed                    Available sizes:
                                             gorgeous collection of Vintage Velvets are never more        linen with classic waffle texture. Made with love for those who                      TH     Throw                 50” x 70”
                                             beautiful than when presented as blankets or throws.         deserve the very best. Made from 100% Linen. Blankets are finished
                                             Available in 6 sizes, these pieces are a simple expression                                                                                        OS     Oversized Throw       50” x 90”
                                                                                                          with a 1” mitered corner hem. Shams have an envelope closure in
                                             of the beauty of silk and light. These are single sided                                                                                           TB     Twin Blanket          70” x 90”
                                             blankets, finished with a baby hem giving an incredible      back and 1” flange detail. Coordinates perfectly with our Arlesienne
                                             drape and movement. Machine wash with gentle                 Sheeting. Made to order in Portugal.                                                 QB     Full/Queen Blanket 90” x 96”
                                             detergent and tumble dry on low heat. Do not use                                                                                                  KB     King Blanket          110” x 95”
                                             harsh chemicals or iron. Made to order in Hudson, NY.        SKU: ARL-
                                                                                                                                                                                               BS     Boudoir Sham          12” x 26”
                                             SKU: VIN-                                                    Colors: Ivory (001), Natural Linen (002)                                             SS     Standard Sham         21” x 26”

                                             Colors: Aluminum (JN42), Antique Rose (LN19),                                                                                                     KS     King Sham             21” x 36”
                                             Apple Green (JN33), Blue Green (FN30), Charcoal (JN46),                                                                                           ES     Euro Sham             26” x 26”
                                             Cider (LN22), Cobalt (LN15), Cocoa (LN24), Dark Teal
                                             (LN17), Jade (LN14), Kiwi Black (LN13), Mist (LN25), Moss                                                                                         DS     Dutch Sham            26” x 36
                                             (FN26), Nude (LN21), Oatmeal (LN23), Rose (LN20), Silver
                                             (JN28), Slate (JN39)

                                                   Available sizes:

                                                   TH    Throw                    50” x 70”

                                                   OT    Oversized Throw          50” x 90”

                                                   TB    Twin Blanket             67” x 87”

                                                   FB    Full Blanket             87” x 87”

                                                   QB    Queen Blanket            91” x 95”

                                                   KB    King Blanket             105” x 95”

     B R O O K LY N B L A N K E T &
     T H R O W Soft and easy to care
     for polyester velvet in rich textured
     colors makes a blanket and trhow that
     everyone will want to claim for their
     own. Reversible, and finished with a
     simple folded hem.

     SKU: BRK-

     Colors: Blush (BN441),
     Charcoal (BN438), Grey (BN439),
     Mist (BN440), Sapphire (BN437),
     Snowdrop (BN443), Toast (BN442)

60                                                                                                                                                                    SA L E S @ T R A D I T I O N S L I N E N S .C O M   COLLECTION 2022   61
S T O C K E D                 S H E E T I N G

                                                                                                                                 PIPER         Piper is a gorgeous new design made
                                                                                                                                 from pure 100% linen for top of bed that has been
                                                                                                                                 tumbled and washed giving it an incredible hand
                                                                                                                                 and easy care. Available in charcoal or ivory. Our
                                                                                                                                 unique embroidery creates a frame for the top of the
                                                                                                                                 bed and inside the shams. Also offered in a lovely
                                                                                                                                 body pillow silhouette. Effortlessly lovely, just as it
                                                                                                                                 should be. Stocked in our Hudson, NY warehouse.

                                                                                                                                 SKU: PIP-

                                                                                                                                 Colors: Ivory (001), Charcoal (004)

                                                                                                                                    Available sizes:

                                                                                                                                    QD          Queen Duvet         91” x 95”

                                                                                                                                    KD          King Duvet          105” x 95”

                                                                                                                                    SS          Standard Sham       21” x 26

                                                                                                                                    KS          King Sham           21” x 36”

                                                                                                                                    ES          Euro Sham           26” x 26”

                                                                                                                                    60          Body Pillow         18” x 60”


     COOPER        Stonewashed cotton Cooper features a very subtle     Available sizes:
     stripe, almost impossible to see, so that it reads as a texture,   TD        Twin Duvet      65” x 87”
     but it’s soft and lightweight to the touch. This construction
                                                                        QD        Queen Duvet     91” x 95”
     is wonderful for duvet covers and shams because it’s not too
     heavy, perfectly dreamy with a gauze like construction. This is    KD        King Duvet      105” x 95”

     a dreamy piece that is easy to live with, easy to layer with and   SS        Standard Sham   21” x 26”
     is an exciting new addition to the TL Collection. Stocked in our   KS        King Sham       21” x 36”
     Hudson, NY warehouse.
                                                                        ES        Euro Sham       26” x 26”

     SKU: COO-                                                          DS        Dutch Sham      26” x 36”

     COLORS: Moon (001)

62                                                                                                             SA L E S @ T R A D I T I O N S L I N E N S .C O M   COLLECTION 2022         63
                                                                        S TA N D A R D   Our Standard Sheeting is a TL classic
                                                                        in 400 TC percale cotton with a cool crisp feel. These
                                                                        sheets are a staple that you’ll reach for week after
                                                                        week. Easy care (think less ironing), quick shipping, and
                                                                        simple detailing make this pattern a favorite. Available
                                                                        as sheet sets, duvet sets and pillowcase pairs, you’ll
                                                                        want this sheet in your rotation. Stocked in our Hudson,
                                                                        NY warehouse for quick shipping.

                                                                        SKU: STD-

                                                                        Colors: White (003)

                                                                         Available items:
                                                                         TO    Twin Sheet Set (includes one std case)

                                                                         FO    Full Sheet Set (includes two std cases)

                                                                         QO    Queen Sheet Set (includes two std cases)

                                                                         KO    King Sheet Set (includes two king cases)

                                                                         CO    Cal King Sheet Set (includes two king cases)

                                                                         SPP   Standard Pillowcase Pair

                                                                         KPP   King Pillowcase Pair

                                                                         TD    Twin Duvet Set (includes one std sham)

                                                                         QD    F/Q Duvet Set (includes two std shams)

                                                                         KD    King Duvet Set (includes two king shams)

                                                                         CD    Cal King Duvet Set (includes two king shams)

     RILEY       Printed cotton sheet sets in our 280 TC cotton
     percale are amazingly soft and one of our all time favorites for                                                                                                                                                     Available sizes:
                                                                                                                                    FLORENCE         A perfect union of cotton and cashmere
     the weekly rotation. Stocked for quick shipping, you’ll love the
                                                                                                                                    finds eternal bliss in our Florence Collection. These                                 QO        Queen Sheet Set
     modern dot stripe and the crisp cool percale made from long
                                                                                                                                    all-white featherweight sheets are set to the perfect
     staple cotton for a comfortable feel. Offered as sheet sets and                                                                                                                                                      QD        Queen Duvet Cover
                                                                                                                                    temperature, offering gentle warmth that feels appropriate
     pillowcase pairs. Stocked in our Hudson, NY warehouse.                                                                                                                                                               KO        King Sheet Set
                                                                                                                                    any time of year, but especially in the fall and spring. Our
                                                                                                                                    twill weave of cotton with a subtle touch of cashmere offers                          KD        King Duvet Cover
     SKU: RIL-
                                                                                                                                    satisfying warmth that sleeps gentle and warm but never                               SS        Standard Sham
     Colors: Taupe (027), Charcoal (004)                                                                                            hot. They almost float over you, and are actually easy to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          KS        King Sham
                                                                                                                                    fold! Stocked in our Hudson, NY warehouse.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          SPP       Standard Pillowcase Pair
                                                                                                                                    SKU: FLO-                                                                             KPP       King Pillowcase Pair

                                                                                                                                    COLORS: White (03)

64                                                                                                                                                                                                 SA L E S @ T R A D I T I O N S L I N E N S .C O M   COLLECTION 2022   65
M A D E               T O        O R D E R           S H E E T I N G

     F O R D We cannot say enough about our Ford Collection, but
     we can tell you that it gets rave reviews from designers and
     textile enthusiasts across the globe. Offered in 8 colors
     (yes, we’ve added grey this season!) Ford features an applied
     trim that we make by hand on your choice of base sheet
     offering a unique and beautiful look. Wonderful on it’s own or
     mixed into our collections, you’ll wonder why you didn’t get this
     on the bed sooner. Made to order in Portugal.

     SKU: FOR-

     Application Color: Taupe, Navy, Red, Green, Light Blue, Pink,
     Yellow, Grey

      Available sizes

      TD      Twin Duvet                  70” x 90”

      TL      Twin Flat Sheet             73” x 112”

      TI      Twin Fitted Sheet         39” x 75” + 18”

      FD      Full Duvet                  87” x 87”

      FL      Full Flat Sheet             88” x 112”

      FI      Full Fitted Sheet         54” x 75” + 18”

      QD      Queen Duvet                  91” x 95”

      QL      Queen Flat Sheet            95” x 112”

      QI      Queen Fitted Sheet        60” x 80” + 18”

      KD      King Duvet                  105” x 95”

      KL      King Flat Sheet             115” x 112”

      KI      King Fitted Sheet         76” x 80” + 18”

      CI      Cal King Fitted Sheet     72” x 84” + 18”

      BP      Boudoir Pillowcase           13” x 20”

      BS      Boudoir Sham                 12” x 16”
      SP      Standard Pillowcase         22” x 30”

      SS      Standard Sham                21” x 26”

      KP      King Pillowcase             22” x 40”

      KS      King Sham                    21” x 36”

      ES      Euro Sham                   26” x 26”

      DS      Dutch Sham                  26” x 36”

66                                                                          SA L E S @ T R A D I T I O N S L I N E N S .C O M   COLLECTION 2022   67
CORTINA COLLECTION                                           VERBIER COLLECTION

     Featuring a crisp application of linen trim, Cortina is   Featuring a handsome application of linen trim, Verbier is a smart
     a striking nautical inspired design. The application      choice. The application is done in the shape of a U on top of the bed
     is done in the shape of a U on top of the bed for         for the duvet cover, it’s set just inside a 1” flange on all 4 sides of the
     the duvet cover, it’s set just inside a 1” flange on      shams and is applied inside the hem of the flat sheets and cases.
     all 4 sides of the shams and is applied inside the        Made to order in Portugal.
     hem of the flat sheets and cases. Made to order
                                                               SKU: VRB-
     in Portugal.

                                                               Trim Color: Natural
     SKU: CRT-

                                                               Base Sheets: White Percale (WHP), Ivory Percale (IVP),
     Trim Color: Blue
                                                               White Sateen (WHS), Ivory Sateen (IVS), Eggshell Sateen (EGS)
     Base Sheets: White Percale (WHP),
                                                               Available Items: TD, TL, TI, FD, FL, FI, QD, QL, QI, KD, KL, KI, CI, BP,
     Ivory Percale (IVP), White Sateen (WHS),
                                                               BS, SP, SS, KP, KS, ES, DS
     Ivory Sateen (IVS), Eggshell Sateen (EGS)

      Available sizes:

      TD       Twin Duvet                    70” x 90”

      TL       Twin Flat Sheet               73” x 112”

      TI       Twin Fitted Sheet          39” x 75” + 18”

      FD       Full Duvet                    87” x 87”

      FL       Full Flat Sheet              88” x 112”

      FI       Full Fitted Sheet          54” x 75” + 18”

      QD       Queen Duvet                   91” x 95”

      QL       Queen Flat Sheet              95” x 112”

      QI       Queen Fitted Sheet         60” x 80” + 18”

      KD       King Duvet                   105” x 95”

      KL       King Flat Sheet              115” x 112”

      KI       King Fitted Sheet          76” x 80” + 18”

      CI       Cal King Fitted Sheet      72” x 84” + 18”

      BP       Boudoir Pillowcase            13” x 20”

      BS       Boudoir Sham                  12” x 16”

      SP       Standard Pillowcase           22” x 30”

      SS       Standard Sham                 21” x 26”

      KP       King Pillowcase               22” x 40”

      KS       King Sham                     21” x 36”

      ES       Euro Sham                     26” x 26”

      DS       Dutch Sham                    26” x 36”

68                                                             SA L E S @ T R A D I T I O N S L I N E N S .C O M   COLLECTION 2022        69
P I S A Beautiful natural stripe linen banding applied to our sheeting base makes Pisa a stylish
 and versatile choice. Finely detailed and executed, this design brings sophistication to any
 natural décor. 100% linen banding applied to the flat sheet, pillowcase, duvet cover and sham:
 clean, smart, and uncompromising. Made to order in Portugal.


 Base Sheets: White Percale (WHP), Ivory Percale (IVP),
 White Sateen (WHS), Ivory Sateen (IVS),
 Eggshell Sateen (EGS)

 Trim Color: Natural Linen (002)

 Available Items: TD, TL, TI, FD, FL, FI, QD, QL, QI, KD, KL, KI, CI, BP, BS, SP, SS, KP, KS, ES, DS

                                                                                                       A R L E S I E N N E Featuring an application of our Arlesienne                     Available sizes:
                                                                                                       Linen trim, this design offers an amazingly simple yet
                                                                                                                                                                                   TD         Twin Duvet                     70” x 90”
                                                                                                       sophisticated look. The application is done in the shape
                                                                                                       of a U on top of the bed for the duvet cover, it’s set just                 TL         Twin Flat Sheet                73” x 112”
                                                                                                       inside a 1” flange on all 4 sides of the shams and is applied
                                                                                                                                                                                   TI         Twin Fitted Sheet            39” x 75” + 18”
                                                                                                       inside the hem of the flat sheets and cases. Made to order
                                                                                                       in Portugal.                                                                FD         Full Duvet                     87” x 87”

                                                                                                                                                                                   FL         Full Flat Sheet                88” x 112”
                                                                                                       SKU: ARL-
                                                                                                                                                                                   FI         Full Fitted Sheet            54” x 75” + 18”
                                                                                                       Base Sheets: White Percale (WHP), Ivory Percale (IVP),
                                                                                                       White Sateen (WHS), Ivory Sateen (IVS), Eggshell Sateen (EGS)               QD         Queen Duvet                     91” x 95”

                                                                                                       Trim Color: Ivory (001), Natural Linen (002)                                QL         Queen Flat Sheet               95” x 112”

                                                                                                                                                                                   QI         Queen Fitted Sheet           60” x 80” + 18”
                                                                                                       Available Items: TD, TL, TI, FD, FL, FI, QD, QL, QI, KD, KL, KI,
                                                                                                       CI, BP, BS, SP, SS, KP, KS, ES, DS                                          KD         King Duvet                     105” x 95”

                                                                                                                                                                                   KL         King Flat Sheet                115” x 112”

                                                                                                                                                                                   KI         King Fitted Sheet            76” x 80” + 18”

                                                                                                                                                                                   CI         Cal King Fitted Sheet        72” x 84” + 18”

                                                                                                                                                                                   BP         Boudoir Pillowcase              13” x 20”

                                                                                                                                                                                   BS         Boudoir Sham                    12” x 16”

                                                                                                                                                                                   SP         Standard Pillowcase            22” x 30”

                                                                                                                                                                                   SS         Standard Sham                   21” x 26”

                                                                                                                                                                                   KP         King Pillowcase                22” x 40”

                                                                                                                                                                                   KS         King Sham                       21” x 36”

                                                                                                                                                                                   ES         Euro Sham                      26” x 26”

                                                                                                                                                                                   DS         Dutch Sham                     26” x 36”

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E D U A R D O A TL at Home classic design featuring an
                                                                                                                              application of linen surrounded by hemstitching. Eduardo
                                                                                                                              is a clean look that works well in almost any bedroom.
                                                                                                                              The application is done in the shape of a U on top of the
                                                                                                                              bed for the duvet cover, it’s set just inside a 1” flange on all
                                                                                                                              4 sides of the shams and is applied inside the hem of the
                                                                                                                              flat sheets and cases. Made to order in Portugal.

                                                                                                                              SKU: EDU-

                                                                                                                              Trim Color: Natural Linen

                                                                                                                              Base Sheets: White Percale (WHP), Ivory Percale (IVP),
                                                                                                                              White Sateen (WHS), Ivory Sateen (IVS),
                                                                                                                              Eggshell Sateen (EGS)

                                                                                                                               Available sizes

                                                                                                                               TD        Twin Duvet                    70” x 90”

                                                                                                                               TL        Twin Flat Sheet               73” x 112”

                                                                                                                               TI        Twin Fitted Sheet          39” x 75” + 18”

                                                                                                                               FD        Full Duvet                    87” x 87”

                                                                                                                               FL        Full Flat Sheet               88” x 112”

                                                                                                                               FI        Full Fitted Sheet          54” x 75” + 18”

                                                                                                                               QD        Queen Duvet                   91” x 95”

                                                                                                                               QL        Queen Flat Sheet              95” x 112”

                                                                                                                               QI        Queen Fitted Sheet         60” x 80” + 18”

                                                                                                                               KD        King Duvet                    105” x 95”

                                                                                                                               KL        King Flat Sheet               115” x 112”

                                                                                                                               KI        King Fitted Sheet          76” x 80” + 18”

                                                                                                                               CI        Cal King Fitted Sheet      72” x 84” + 18”

                                                                                                                               BP        Boudoir Pillowcase            13” x 20”
     D I O L I N D A Long time favorite Diolinda is such a                                                                     BS        Boudoir Sham                   12” x 16”
     special pattern. The sheet and pillowcase are cuffed
                                                                                                                               SP        Standard Pillowcase           22” x 30”
     with a pique linen. The duvet and shams are all over
     linen and reverse to the sheeting percale. Simply                                                                         SS        Standard Sham                 21” x 26”
     stunning all made up. Made to order in Portugal.
                                                                                                                               KP        King Pillowcase               22” x 40”
     SKU: DIO-                                                                                                                 KS        King Sham                     21” x 36”

     Trim Color: Natural Linen                                                                                                 ES        Euro Sham                     26” x 26”

                                                                                                                               DS        Dutch Sham                    26” x 36”
     Base Sheets: White Percale (WHP),
     Ivory Percale (IVP), White Sateen (WHS),                * Sheeting sizes can be customized upon request
     Ivory Sateen (IVS), Eggshell Sateen (EGS)

     Available Items: TD, TL, TI, FD, FL, FI, QD, QL, QI,
     KD, KL, KI, CI, BP, BS, SP, SS, KP, KS, ES, DS

72                                                                                                             SA L E S @ T R A D I T I O N S L I N E N S .C O M   COLLECTION 2022               73
S T E L L A An incredibly beautiful application of textured linen          C H A R L I E The classics, when done correctly, don’t need any
     finished by hand with a raw edge detail makes Stella a unique              other embellishments to make them stand out. A single band of
     option. The application is done in the shape of a U on top of the          sateen application, perfect in every way. The application is done in
     bed for the duvet cover, it’s set just inside a 1” flange on all 4 sides   the shape of a U on top of the bed for the duvet cover, it’s set just
     of the shams and is applied inside the hem of the flat sheets and          inside a 1” flange on all 4 sides of the shams and is applied inside
     cases. Made to order in Portugal.                                          the hem of the flat sheets and cases. Made to order in Portugal.

     SKU: STE-                                                                  SKU: CHA-

     Trim Color: Mist (010), Tawny (026)                                        Sateen Color: Choose from Kit.
     Base Sheets: White Percale (WHP), Ivory Percale (IVP),                     Base Sheets: White Percale (WHP), Ivory Percale (IVP),
     White Sateen (WHS), Ivory Sateen (IVS), Eggshell Sateen (EGS)              White Sateen (WHS), Ivory Sateen (IVS), Eggshell Sateen (EGS)

     Available Items: TD, TL, TI, FD, FL, FI, QD, QL, QI, KD, KL, KI, CI, BP,   Available Items: TD, TL, TI, FD, FL, FI, QD, QL, QI, KD, KL, KI, CI, BP,
     BS, SP, SS, KP, KS, ES, DS                                                 BS, SP, SS, KP, KS, ES, DS

74                                                                              SA L E S @ T R A D I T I O N S L I N E N S .C O M   COLLECTION 2022        75
S O H O Simple Soho is clean and modern. The application
                                                                                                                          is done as the flange on the duvet cover, shams, sheets and
                                                                                                                          cases. An unusual design, one of our signature patterns.
                                                                                                                          Made to order in Portugal.

                                                                                                                          SKU: SOH-

                                                                                                                          Sateen Color: Choose from Kit.

                                                                                                                          Base Sheets: White Percale (WHP), Ivory Percale (IVP), White
                                                                                                                          Sateen (WHS), Ivory Sateen (IVS),
                                                                                                                          Eggshell Sateen (EGS)

                                                                                                                          Available Items: TD, TL, TI, FD, FL, FI, QD, QL, QI, KD, KL, KI,
                                                                                                                          CI, BP, BS, SP, SS, KP, KS, ES, DS

     R E N A T A A TL Signature Collection, Renata is totally           Available sizes
     unique. The double application is done in the shape of a U
                                                                        TD      Twin Duvet                70” x 90”
     on top of the bed for the duvet cover, it’s set just inside a 1”
     flange on all 4 sides of the shams and is applied inside the       TL      Twin Flat Sheet           73” x 112”
     hem of the flat sheets and cases. Made to order in Portugal.
                                                                        TI      Twin Fitted Sheet       39” x 75” + 18”
     SKU: REN-                                                          FD      Full Duvet                87” x 87”

     Sateen Color: Choose up to 2 from Kit.                             FL      Full Flat Sheet           88” x 112”

                                                                        FI      Full Fitted Sheet       54” x 75” + 18”
     Base Sheets: White Percale (WHP), Ivory Percale (IVP),
     White Sateen (WHS), Ivory Sateen (IVS), Eggshell Sateen (EGS)      QD      Queen Duvet                91” x 95”

                                                                        QL      Queen Flat Sheet          95” x 112”

                                                                        QI      Queen Fitted Sheet      60” x 80” + 18”

     Sateen Application Choices:                                        KD      King Duvet                105” x 95”
     White, Ivory, Eggshell, Beach, Sand, Café au Lait, Taupe,          KL      King Flat Sheet           115” x 112”
     Chestnut, Rich Brown, Chocolate Brown, Silver, True Grey,
     Steel, Black, Red, Apricot, Orchid, Amethyst, Eucalyptus,          KI      King Fitted Sheet       76” x 80” + 18”
     Apple Green, Aloe Green, Pistachio, French Blue, Swedish Blue,     CI      Cal King Fitted Sheet   72” x 84” + 18”
     Slate, Winter, Navy.
                                                                        BP      Boudoir Pillowcase         13” x 20”

                                                                        BS      Boudoir Sham               12” x 16”

                                                                        SP      Standard Pillowcase       22” x 30”

                                                                        SS      Standard Sham              21” x 26”

                                                                        KP      King Pillowcase           22” x 40”

                                                                        KS      King Sham                  21” x 36”

                                                                        ES      Euro Sham                 26” x 26”

                                                                        DS      Dutch Sham                26” x 36”

76                                                                                                                        SA L E S @ T R A D I T I O N S L I N E N S .C O M   COLLECTION 2022   77
F I O N A Elegant Fiona features 4 lines of embroidery         K E L S E Y Our take on the classic hotel sheeting, Kelsey is
     that highlight your design without compromise. The             simple and refined. Featuring a double line of embroidery, this
     embroidery is done in the shape of a U on top of the           is a beautiful selection that blends effortlessly with your design.
     bed for the duvet cover, it’s set just inside a 1” flange on   The embroidery is done in the shape of a U on top of the bed for
     all 4 sides of the shams and is applied inside the hem         the duvet cover, it’s set just inside a 1” flange on all 4 sides of the
     of the flat sheets and cases. Made to order in Portugal.       shams and is applied inside the hem of the flat sheets and cases.
                                                                    Made to order in Portugal.
     SKU: FIO-
                                                                    SKU: KEL-
     Embroidery Color: Choose from Kit.
                                                                    Embroidery Color: Choose from Kit.
     Base Sheets: White Percale (WHP), Ivory Percale (IVP),
     White Sateen (WHS), Ivory Sateen (IVS),                        Base Sheets: White Percale (WHP), Ivory Percale (IVP),
     Eggshell Sateen (EGS)                                          White Sateen (WHS), Ivory Sateen (IVS), Eggshell Sateen (EGS)

                                                                    Available Items: TD, TL, TI, FD, FL, FI, QD, QL, QI, KD, KL, KI, CI, BP,
                                                                    BS, SP, SS, KP, KS, ES, DS

      Available sizes

      TD       Twin Duvet                   70” x 90”

      TL       Twin Flat Sheet              73” x 112”

      TI       Twin Fitted Sheet          39” x 75” + 18”

      FD       Full Duvet                   87” x 87”

      FL       Full Flat Sheet              88” x 112”

      FI       Full Fitted Sheet          54” x 75” + 18”

      QD       Queen Duvet                   91” x 95”

      QL       Queen Flat Sheet             95” x 112”

      QI       Queen Fitted Sheet        60” x 80” + 18”

      KD       King Duvet                   105” x 95”

      KL       King Flat Sheet              115” x 112”

      KI       King Fitted Sheet          76” x 80” + 18”

      CI       Cal King Fitted Sheet      72” x 84” + 18”

      BP       Boudoir Pillowcase            13” x 20”

      BS       Boudoir Sham                  12” x 16”

      SP       Standard Pillowcase          22” x 30”

      SS       Standard Sham                 21” x 26”

      KP       King Pillowcase              22” x 40”

      KS       King Sham                     21” x 36”

      ES       Euro Sham                    26” x 26”

      DS       Dutch Sham                   26” x 36”

78                                                                                                                                 SA L E S @ T R A D I T I O N S L I N E N S .C O M   COLLECTION 2022   79
S T O C K E D                  T O W E L S                                                     M A D E            T O          O R D E R             T O W E L S

 P ET R A        W HI T E     TOW E L S                                PETRA      IVORY   TOWELS



     P E T R A 550 GSM stone washed cotton towels offer           Available sizes:
     the easy sophistication of our stone washed finishing, the
                                                                  BS    Bath Sheet    39” x 59”
     thirsty pile of a much thicker towel and the convenience
                                                                  BT    Bath Towel    27” x 54”
     and earth friendly ability to dry in one cycle. Generous
                                                                  HT    Hand Towel    19” x 34”     MEL and BELLINI TOWELS                 Our Portuguese embroidered                   Available sizes:
     sizes and quick shipping make these towels a simple
                                                                                                    towels make wonderful hostess gifts, and we say that with 20 years
     choice for stocking in stores and for design projects.       GT    Guest Towel   12” x 20”                                                                                         SH     Bath Sheet             39” x 59”   min 2
                                                                                                    of history to back that up. Our terry towel base is 500 gsm and holds
                                                                  W     Washcloth     12” x 12”                                                                                         BT     Bath Towel             27” x 54”   min 2
     SKU: PET-                                                                                      up beautifully to multiple washings. The embroideries we feature are
                                                                  BM    Bathmat       20” x 27.5”   iconic with lasting style, and you’re certain to find the perfect color             HT     Hand Towel             19” x 34”   min 2
     Colors: White (003), Ivory (001), Blue (015)
                                                                                                    whether it be neutral or bold for any project.                                      GT     Guest Towel            12” x 20”   min 12

                                                                                                                                                                                        W    Washcloth        12” x 12”  min 2
        PETRA BLUE TOWELS                                                                           Colors: White (003)                                                                 * washcloths are plain, no embroidery.

                                                                                                    EMBROIDERY COLORS

                                                                                                    m   WHITE                   m   WEDGEWOOD              m   EUCALYPTUS                  m   MAIZE                      m   LAVENDER

                                                                                                    m   IVORY                   m   SEASIDE BLUE           m   APPLE GREEN                 m   TEAL                       m   PLUM

                                                                                                    m   LIGHT PINK              m   YELLOW                 m   TAUPE                       m   CHOCOLATE                  m   STEEL

                                                                                                    m   MEDIUM PINK             m   MEDIUM YELLOW          m   SWEDISH TAUPE               m   CINNABAR                   m   CHARCOAL GREY

                                                                                                    m   HOT PINK                m   GREY GREEN             m   GREY                        m   TERRA COTTA                m   APRICOT

                                                                                                    m   FRENCH BLUE             m   MEDIUM GREEN           m   TRUE GREY                   m   GOLD                       m   ORCHID

                                                                                                    m   MEDIUM BLUE             m   LIGHT SAGE             m   NAVY                        m   LIGHT GOLD

                                                                                                    m   SWEDISH BLUE            m   WASHED MOSS            m   RED                         m   BLACK

80                                                                                                                                                                SA L E S @ T R A D I T I O N S L I N E N S .C O M     COLLECTION 2022       81
P I L L O W S                 &        F O R M S


     We all know that we spend much of our time in bed and if you’re browsing these pages, you already
     value that time and want to fill your lives with the very best, most comforting, well designed and
     constructed linens you can. Given how much we invest in creating products that will enhance your
     experience in bed, we don’t stop with the linens. Each of our down and down alternative products is
     made in the USA with painstaking attention to detail.

     Our collection of duvet inserts, sham fillers, and pillow forms are crafted using the same attention to
     detail and commitment to quality as the linens themselves. As animal lovers, we are dedicated to care
     and welfare and promise that our products do not come from farms where health and safety practices
     do not meet our stringent standards.

     Each of the items listed below are available in pure white down and also in an allergy free
     down alternative.

                                                                                           Available sizes:

                                                                                           Twin                68” x 88”
                                                                                           Full                88” x 88”
     Our all-season premium snow-white goose down duvet inserts
                                                                                           Queen               92” x 96”
     have 600 FP (fill power) covered in 100% cotton with double needle
     stitching, and cotton piping. We use 10” baffle box construction to                   King                106” x 96”
     keep the down in place. Our down is a unique three-dimensional                        Oversized King      114” x 100”
     cluster, with the ability to trap air and add warmth without weight.
     It’s breathable and wicks away moisture while insulating. Allergy
     free alternative down is also available! Duvet Covers are sold flat,                  Available sizes:
     so please order your duvet inserts separately.
                                                                                           Boudoir             12” x 16”

                                                                                           Standard            21” x 26”
                                                                                           King                21” x 36”
     We take our sham filling seriously here – and want your shams to
                                                                                           Euro                26” x 26”
     stand up and make the statement they were intended to! No droopy
                                                                                           Dutch               26” x 36”
     shams allowed. We use overstuffed and double lined construction to
     make sure your shams look their best. 100% cotton covers. Allergy
     free alternative down is also available. Shams are sold flat, so please
     order your sham fillers separately.                                                   Available sizes:

                                                                                           18” x 18”

     PILLOW FORMS                                                                          22” x 22”

     Our pillow forms are generously stuffed to help your decorative                       24” x 24”

     pillows look their very best. While our decorative pillows include                    12” x 25”
     the pillow form, we also sell all our sizes separately for custom projects.           15” x 36”
     Allergy free alternative down is available upon request.
                                                                                           22” x 40”

82                                                                                                                           SA L E S @ T R A D I T I O N S L I N E N S .C O M   COLLECTION 2022   83
84   SA L E S @ T R A D I T I O N S L I N E N S .C O M   COLLECTION 2022   85
     • All orders ship UPS ground unless otherwise requested.
       Ground shipping and handling is free on orders of $500 or
     • Orders are generally shipped as product is available
       abiding by best practices. If you prefer your orders to ship
       complete, please note it on the order.
     • Backorders are shipped as soon as we have your product
       available.                                                     S H O W R O O M S
     • Delivery date as indicated on your order confirmation
       is an approximate indication of when we expect to be
                                                                      ATLANTA, GA               LAGUNA, CA
       able to ship your order. Unforeseen circumstances may
       add additional days in either direction. This variance is      AmericasMart              Laguna Design Center
       considered normal within a reasonable time frame.              CODARUS                   CODARUS
                                                                      240 Peachtree St. N.W.    23811 Aliso Creek Road
                         TERMS & CONDITIONS                           Suite 15 A1               Suite 132
                                                                      Atlanta, GA 30303         Laguna Niguel, CA 92677
     • Setting up a new account with TL is easy. Just send us an
       email and we’ll show you how to get started.                   Open Daily 10-4           Open Weekdays 9-5
                                                                      800-755-5144              949-329-5770
     • Your price level is determined by your customer account
       type and can be discussed with your territory manager or       404-749-5050
       our customer service department when your account is set                                 LAS VEGAS, NV
       up.                                                            DALLAS, TX                Las Vegas WMC
     • Prices are subject to change without prior notification.       Dallas Design Center      CODARUS
                                                                      CODARUS                   455 S. Grand Central Pkwy
     • Opening orders must be paid with a credit card. (Visa, MC,
       Amex, Discover)                                                1025 N Stemmons Freeway   Building C-354
                                                                      Suite 210                 Las Vegas, NV 89106
     • Net 30 terms may be established upon our approval of
       credit references after 3 paid credit card transactions.       Dallas, TX 75207          Markets January + July
                                                                      Open Weekdays 9-5         800-755-5144
     • No returns will be accepted without prior authorization
       and an RA number. Requests to return product must              214-746-5155
       be reported to our returns department within 7 days of                                   CHICAGO, IL
       receiving your order. Returns must be received in original                               The Merchandise Mart
       packaging, and in new saleable condition.                                                Designers Linen Source
     • Production delays and unforeseen circumstances                                           222 Merchandise Mart Plaza
       sometimes occur. We will make every attempt to ship                                      Chicago, IL 60654
       orders promptly and to keep you informed about any                                       Open Weekdays 10-4
       possible late ship dates.                                                                312-755-0626

     • FASHION FABRICS $250 set includes 8”x10” finished
       swatches with grommet in corner. Individual swatches can
       be purchased for $12 each. Updates sent 2x / year at no
       charge for active accounts.
     • COVERLETS & BLANKETS $250 set includes 8”x10” finished
       swatches with grommet in corner. Individual swatches can
       be purchased for $12 each. Updates sent 2x / year at no
       charge for active accounts.
     • SHEETING & EMBROIDERY $250 set includes 8”x10”                                           ORDERS:
       finished swatches with grommet in corner. Individual                           
       swatches can be purchased for $12 each. Updates sent 2x
       / year at no charge for active accounts.                                                 SOCIAL:
     • FREE SALES TOOLS are available upon request to accounts                                  Facebook: @traditions.linens
       that place a $3000 opening order.                                                        Instagram:
     • CUTTINGS are 4”x6” unfinished samples of fashion fabrics,                                Twitter: @TLinens
       blankets, or coverlets. Cuttings are mailed via USPS with a
       max request of 5.

86                                                                                                                             SA L E S @ T R A D I T I O N S L I N E N S .C O M   COLLECTION 2022   87
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