COCA-COLA HBC - Technogroup
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MAJOR EUROPEAN BOTTLER FOR COCA-COLA PRODUCTS | COCA-COLA DRINKS FOR EVERYONE: OVER 500 DIFFE- CLEAN AND TIMELY: PERFECTLY COORDINATED PROCESSES | COCA-COLA RENT PRODUCTS | COCA-COLA COCA-COLA HBC – MORE SWISS THAN YOU THINK PROFESSIONAL MAINTENANCE FOR SMOOTH PROCESSES THE INITIAL SITUATION Coca-Cola was invented in 1886 and estab- Coca-Cola Hellenic Group, the world’s second 1.2 billion Swiss francs for the Swiss economy lished a Swiss subsidiary in 1936. It is one of largest bottler of Coca-Cola products and the along its entire value chain. the most valuable brands in the world – and largest in Europe. certainly the most famous. Every day, around Its Swiss headquarters in Brüttisellen near 1.6 billion people in over 200 countries and Coca-Cola employs over 1,000 people in Swit- Zurich is where all departments are located, five continents quench their thirst with Co- zerland – and over 90 % of its beverages for including production and distribution, mar- ca-Cola products. the Swiss market are produced locally. Around keting and sales, public affairs, finance, hu- 95 % of all ingredients are sourced from Swiss man resources, legal and IT. Over 350 people Coca-Cola HBC Switzerland is part of the suppliers. Coca-Cola generates around work there.
THE IT THE CHALLENGE The head office in Brüttisellen also houses the Gysi describes the process requirements at by 160 sales representatives across Switzer- company’s IT infrastructure and data centre. Coca-Cola HBC: “Logistics is obviously a key land. The sales representatives are given Its server hardware is made by IBM, its net- issue for a company like ours. A manufactur- iPads to access the headquarters and current work components are developed by Cisco, and ing company’s processes are complicated data via the Swisscom network, enabling its core software is provided by SAP. Its server enough as it is – purchasing and stocking raw them to quickly retrieve all customer enquir- farm in Switzerland includes 33 virtual servers materials, precisely mixing ingredients, con- ies and optimise their customer service. and 30 physical servers. The local IT depart- trolling temperatures and bottling – and then ment is directed by Richard Gysi and consists logistics are thrown into the mix for good The company’s IT specialists have taken all the of an on-site support technician, an infra- measure. The current stocks of raw materials necessary precautions to make sure its IT sys- structure specialist and an IT support trainee. can be viewed at any time right up to the cre- tem meets all requirements and to prevent As the Country IT Service Desk Manager, Rich- ation of the finished product, such as Diet any production downtime that might be ard Gysi has been responsible for all IT service Coke, and our forklifts are controlled by scan- caused by IT faults, broken scanners in the in- operations at Coca-Cola HBC Switzerland for ners”. All truck drivers have an on-board com- coming goods department and forklift areas, the past 12 years. puter (tablet), which is connected to the or the inability to load trucks due to unavaila- headquarters in Brüttisellen. The aim of this ble IT. The entire front office is covered by the on- intelligent solution is to optimise routes, re- site support service, where four specialists duce loading times, enable direct communi- provide installation and support for all end-us- cation with the head office and ultimately er devices (PCs, laptops, scanners, iPads, termi- ensure happy customers. These complicated nals). The help desk for first-level support has processes would only be half as effective if THE SOLUTION been outsourced to ATOS in Istanbul, which is the central computer could not be accessed the first point of contact for all IT users in Switzerland. All central requirements of the Coca-Cola HBC Switzerland decided to have local IT team are covered by the shared servic- all its hardware serviced by Technogroup es in Sofia, which manage IT tasks and pro- jects for all 28 countries and offer third-level support. The main data centre of the KEEP around two years ago. The company had been drawn to Technogroup after hearing about its high performance and happy customers – and Coca-Cola Hellenic Group serves 28 countries. It is based in Vienna, where the central servers are located (SAP, Lotus Domino). The pro- IT they were not let down. “We thought we couldn’t go wrong with Technogroup – and we were right. They’ve offered a one-stop grammes are tailored specifically to the appli- cations of Coca-Cola HBC, including the pro- grammes used to manage inventories, print RUNNING shop for all our needs, ensured personal com- munication in all situations and always solved our problems. That’s the attitude we were delivery notes, plan routes for trucks and re- looking for”, explains Gysi. cord the working hours of drivers and staff. TECHNOGROUP Technogroup is the market leader for Technogroup’s comprehensive ser vice ernex are the number-one provider of spare third-party maintenance (TPM) in the D/A/ packages to prevent faults, fix their hard- parts for all major manufacturers in Eu- CH region – and Evernex is the European ware and affordably extend the service life rope. market leader. Technogroup is a one-stop of their IT systems. Some of the company’s shop for services and consulting, covering additional services include IT monitoring, all important IT systems in data centres. network services, refurbished hardware Companies in different sectors can utilise and IMAC services. Technogroup and Ev-
ABOUT COCA-COLA HBC AG The Coca-Cola Hellenic Group supplies over A key aspect of the company’s philosophy is protection with the aim of identifying all en- 581 million people with beverages in 28 coun- its corporate social responsibility, where Co- vironmental and social hazards and risks re- tries. The company is based in Steinhausen ca-Cola HBC has defined seven core areas: lated to a bottling station’s water consump- (Zug) and listed on the Main Market of the consumer welfare; employees; water; energy tion. Coca-Cola Switzerland is aiming to fur- London Stock Exchange. and climate change; packaging and recy- ther reduce its consumption to 1.5 litres of cling; supplier relationships, and social com- water per litre of drink by 2020. Coca-Cola HBC Switzerland operates three mitment. While many people recognise Swit- separate production facilities in Switzerland. zerland as one of the world’s leading coun- It also wants to make savings in the areas of The bottling companies purchase huge quan- tries for recycling, not many people know energy and climate change. Although 11 % less tities of sugar, bottles, labels, marketing ma- Coca-Cola is playing a central role by opti- energy is now required to produce 1 litre of terials and services. There are two production mising its packaging and increasing its per- drink compared to the figures recorded in sites in Dietlikon near Zurich and Bolligen centage of recycled PET with less than 10 g of 2001, the company has identified opportuni- near Bern, where Coca-Cola, Fanta, Sprite and waste per litre of drink. ties to save even more energy. By 2020, it Nestea are produced and distributed across wants to reduce its energy consumption per li- Switzerland. The production facility in Vals, in These initiatives also create opportunities to tre of drink by a further 28 % compared to 2011. the Canton of Grisons, was opened in 1961; save energy, because only half as much pow- Valser mineral water is bottled there at the er is required to produce recycled PET com- Last but not least, the Swiss company is also St. Petersquelle and St. Paulusquelle springs. pared to new PET. This cuts costs by 50 % – committed to social projects. It is particularly Ever since the Valser production site was and the company is aiming to increase its worth mentioning its commitment to a bought by Coca-Cola in 2002, it has been percentage of recycled bottles to at least healthy and active lifestyle, supporting a used to produce mineral water distributed 25 % by 2015. Coca-Cola Switzerland has even large number of activities as part of its “Live under the Valser Classic, Valser Naturelle and set a sustainability record, as 3 g have been Positively – Get Active” initiative, such as Valser Silence brands. shaved off the weight of its 500 ml PET bot- around 100 just-for-fun tournaments, the tles by shortening the bottleneck and opti- Coca-Cola Junior League, the Toasted Sports Coca-Cola, Fanta, Sprite and Nestea have be- mising the use of materials. This might not Taster Weekend and a large number of re- come synonymous with consistently high sound great at first, but it means a truck load gional projects at its production sites. quality standards – and end consumers, res- now contains 57 kg less PET packaging – taurants and major supermarkets have also that’s great news for those loading and un- come to expect clean and timely deliveries. loading trucks at the customer’s end and re- The polite handling of problems and com- duces CO2 emissions in transit. But Coca-Cola plaints is another top priority. The company Switzerland is still striving for more improve- conducts regular customer surveys to opti- ments, as reflected by its water manage- mise its communication and service. These ment: 27 % less water is now required to pro- high standards also apply to the IT depart- duce one litre of drink compared to the fig- ment, as it provides key services at Coca-Cola. ures recorded in 2001. At the same time, it is running an initiative for professional source This content was produced with due care and to the best of our knowledge. It provides information about services rendered by Technogroup IT-Service GmbH. © 2020 Technogroup IT-Service GmbH Gmb
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