Cobb County Secures World Series in Real Time - Esri

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Cobb County Secures World Series in Real Time - Esri
Cobb County Secures
 World Series in Real Time
 By Carl Walter

 By the time the World Series came to Cobb County, Georgia, in fall 2021, the                         been tried and tested during big events.
 technology and expertise demonstrated by the county staff orchestrating                              This includes the home games of profes-
 public safety couldn’t help but win the attention of Major League Baseball’s                         sional baseball’s National League Division
                                                                                                      Series, the National League Championship
 technical team.
                                                                                                      Series, the World Series, and security for the
                                                                                                      National Football League’s 2019 Super Bowl
“They could walk into any conference room             Smith’s 97-miles-per-hour, four-seam fast-      game in Atlanta. This time the huge celebra-
 and with just a click, they could see dash-          ball was grounded out to end game six and       tion would include a parade that would wind
 boards with maps showing the location of             the series on November 2, officials in Cobb     through downtown Atlanta and culminate at
 security staff, live traffic, and 911 calls,” said   County, had only 35 hours to organize a         the Braves’ home ballpark, Truist Park.
 Jennifer Lana, GIS manager at Cobb County            party for 350,000 guests.                          Jeremy “J.D.” Lorens, a lieutenant in
 Government. “They hadn’t seen dynamic                                                                charge of traffic management at the Cobb
 data that was so accessible before.”                 Instantly Planning a Party                      County Police Department, was assigned
   Yet, as the Atlanta Braves took control            It had been a while since the Atlanta Braves    to handle parade security using up-to-
 of the seven-game series the week of                 had a world championship to celebrate. The      date maps and remote control of traffic
 November 1, 2021, and county officials               last time was in 1995 when the team was in      lights. For home games at the ballpark,
 wanted to plan for a massive victory cel-            a different stadium and a different jurisdic-   Lorens had already worked with a team of
 ebration, preparations had to be delayed.            tion. Even though there were no set plans       GIS specialists to apply mapping for crowd
 There’s a long-standing superstition in              or knowledge about how to accommodate           control, security, and traffic management.
 baseball that planning a celebration before          championship crowds, Cobb County’s in-          Lorens would need the same detailed
 the World Series concludes invites bad               vestment in sophisticated mapping and           maps—outside the stadium—to create
 luck. So once Braves relief pitcher Will             monitoring technology and staff have            the parade route.

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Cobb County Secures World Series in Real Time - Esri
End Notes

    The GIS team provided tools to help         Advanced Stadium Technology                     officers synchronize the flow of vehicle and
 the Braves organization as well as state       Before Truist Park opened in 2017, Cobb         pedestrian traffic during regular games.
 and county officials define and approve        County authorities invested in advanced            Cobb County’s Public Safety depart-
 the route. Lorens gathered barricades that     traffic management technology to move           ments regularly use GIS dashboards and
 matched the narrow three-lane corridor         fans quickly and easily to and from the         data to ensure public safety. These sea-
 he had mapped to reduce roadway width          ballpark. Truist Park is located near the in-   soned GIS users trust and know how to use
 and put the crowd in proximity to players.     tersection of two interstate highways, and      the data, maps, and dashboards and have
“I knew there would be families with little     authorities wanted to ensure that the sta-      seen how location intelligence helps them.
 kids,” he explained. “I wanted to get them     dium location lessened rather than added        These trained users then became the train-
 as close to the parade as possible.”           to Atlanta’s traffic congestion.                ers as more personnel were added during
    During the parade, GIS maps displayed          Lorens oversees traffic management at        the playoff run.
 the location of every officer along the        the ballpark and runs the control center with      For the 2021 World Series games, the
 route, allowing incident commanders to         live feeds of 70 cameras monitoring path-       number of police officers for a typical game
 see the location of each asset in case of an   ways and The Battery Atlanta, an entertain-     was doubled to handle the larger crowds
 emergency. The smooth operation of the         ment district. There are 30 more cameras        and longer hours. Officers were organized
 parade allowed Lorens to craft an efficient    at critical intersections. GIS allows Lorens    into three main groups: inside the stadium,
 plan for removing the barricades begin-        and the team to visualize the location and      traffic and operations, and overall campus
 ning when the procession was halfway           condition of every traffic light and camera.    security. The groups relied on GIS for real-
 through its route.                             Using these inputs and controls, he and his     time information and communication.

 Cobb County had to quickly plan a giant celebration after the Atlanta Braves World Series victory including a parade that would wind
 through downtown Atlanta and culminate at the Braves’ home ballpark, Truist Park.
 For the World Series games and the victory celebration, Cobb County Police Department had to ensure the safety of massive crowds.

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Cobb County Secures World Series in Real Time - Esri
“We normally see 40,000 people in            at 11:00 a.m. for a 7:00 p.m. game.”            changes in traffic-light sequences to keep
the stadium and another 5,000 people in           Location is also critical for the county’s   people and vehicles flowing.
The Battery,” Lorens said. “For the World      artificial intelligence (AI) system used to        “We have 50 different datasets on the
Series games, we had 100,000 people on a       analyze foot traffic from the video feeds.      map from the footprint of the stadium, all
100-acre footprint, and we saw traffic start   GIS and AI technologies combine to inform       the businesses, the lights and cameras,
                                                                                               the traffic data feed, 911 calls, traffic from
                                                                                               Uber and Lyft rideshares, and the location
                                                                                               of Cobb County vehicles,” Lana said. “We
                                                                                               have built that awareness over time, so we
                                                                                               didn’t have to change much for the World
                                                                                               Series, but there were modifications.”
                                                                                                  Lorens has learned that each game has
                                                                                               a distinct traffic pattern, and he developed
                                                                                               specific maps for day versus night games or
                                                                                               weekday versus weekend games. When it
                                                                                               came to the playoffs though, he could not
                                                                                               count on prior predictability.
                                                                                                  “Once you get to a championship series,
                                                                                               it doesn’t matter what day the game falls
                                                                                               on, because everyone takes off work,”

                                                                                                Before Truist Park opened in 2017, Cobb
                                                                                               County authorities invested in advanced
                                                                                               traffic management technology to monitor
                                                                                               and move fans quickly and easily to and
                                                                                               from the ballpark and maintain public safety.

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End Notes

 Cobb County relied on ArcGIS Mission
to track the location of roving plainclothes
officers working throughout the area
surrounding Truist Park. This enabled
the operations center to make tactical
resource assignments and get real-
time updates from the field, then share
information across teams.
 Managing the parade route required
rapid and careful planning.

Lorens said. “You go to the most robust
map you have, and you use that.”

Dashboards and Real-Time
Having a well-provisioned stadium security
setup has helped Cobb County deal with
the unanticipated nature of professional
baseball planning. As the team worked its
way through the playoffs, each subsequent      field, then share information across teams.   dangerous situation was happening, and
win and series ratcheted up interest and at-   The fact that the app could be accessed       in the command center we knew no officer
tendance at the games.                         on a smartphone was key to the stealth re-    could get lost in the crowds.”
   The primary GIS toolset Cobb County         quirements of the operation.                     Other smartphone features also came in
relied on included ArcGIS Mission, which          “Undercover officers are in a unique       handy.
tracked the location of roving plainclothes    situation because they don’t have radios,”       “Our analysts,” Lorens said, “could look
officers working throughout The Battery.       Lana said. “But everyone on the planet        up a license plate tag or provide back-
With command and control software, the         has a smartphone, and nobody is going         ground information. When it’s just a text,
incident commanders in the operations          to think twice about someone looking          that can get siloed between two people,
center could make tactical resource assign-    at a map on their phone. On the app, of-      and here everybody was able to see it and
ments and get real-time updates from the       ficers could see each other and where a       add to it if needed.”

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 With feeds from 30 cameras at critical intersections, the public safety team used GIS   
 to visualize conditions at every traffic light location.                                           ArcGIS Developer

Putting the Wraps on a Stellar                     baseball custom against preplanning for          Customer Care Portal
Season                                             victory, they won’t put plans in motion too
 For Cobb County’s World Series games,             far ahead.                                       Esri US Regional Offices
 the use of ArcGIS Mission was tactical,                                                  
 guiding public safety response to inci-           About the Author                                 Esri Distributors
 dents involving unruly behavior. “There           Carl Walter, Esri’s director of corporate
 were a lot of drunk people everywhere,”           security solutions, is responsible for direct-
 Lana said. “Each time the Braves won, the         ing Esri’s outreach strategies as they relate
 crowds got bigger and crazier.”                   to the use of analytical solutions within
     For Lorens and his public safety team, a      the homeland and national security mar-
                                                   kets globally. He joined Esri in 2010, after     Copyright © 2022 Esri.
 map was key to keeping control of rowdy
                                                                                                    All rights reserved.
 situations. “We were able to see where            20 years of increasing responsibility in law     Printed in the United States of America.
 our people are and put them in places             enforcement and intelligence operations.
 so everybody else saw them,” he said.             Shortly after the September 11 attacks in        The information contained in this document is the exclusive
“For commanders, we could make sure                2001, Walter was appointed director of the       property of Esri or its licensors. This work is protected
                                                                                                    under United States copyright law and other international
 we had coverage so that nothing critical          Boston Regional Intelligence Center, a US        copyright treaties and conventions. No part of this work
 happened.”                                        Department of Homeland Security desig-           may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
                                                                                                    means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying
     Lorens and his team applied GIS in            nated intelligence fusion center. He em-         and recording, or by any information storage or retrieval
 a more integrated way for the victory             braced the new paradigm of intelligence          system, except as expressly permitted in writing by Esri. All
                                                                                                    requests should be sent to Attention: Director, Contracts
 parade. To ensure safety and ease traffic         sharing and established a decentralized          and Legal Department, Esri, 380 New York Street,
 disruptions, the ability to track officers        security node in the Boston metropolitan         Redlands, CA 92373-8100 USA.

 and floats in real time was critical. This        area of responsibility, tasked with meeting      The information contained in this document is subject to
 is an operational methodology that the            regional intelligence needs while providing      change without notice.

 county will employ moving forward. “Now           real-time information to help understand         Esri products or services referenced in this publication are
 we’ve got a blueprint,” Lana said.                the national landscape of terrorist threats      trademarks, service marks, or registered marks of Esri in
                                                                                                    the United States, the European Community, or certain
     Lorens added, “I plan to build out the        and criminal activity. On special assignment,    other jurisdictions. To learn more about Esri marks go to:
 map of where we had bottlenecks and               Walter served as the planning section chief
                                                                                                    w w
 where we responded with more staff, and           for the Democratic National Convention in        /copyrights-and-trademarks/esri-product-naming-guide.pdf.
 I’ll keep that in my back pocket.”                Boston in 2004. He also served as the direc-
                                                                                                    Other companies and products or services mentioned
     With the Braves’ core of young stand-         tor, Bureau of Intelligence and Analysis, for    herein may be trademarks, service marks, or registered
 out players, fans in and around Atlanta           the Boston Police Department. He holds a         marks of their respective mark owners.

 hope there will be cause for another              master’s degree in criminal justice from the
 World Series and parade, another op-              University of North Carolina at Charlotte,
 portunity for Cobb County officials to            and a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice
 demonstrate their championship crowd              from East Carolina University in Greenville,
 expertise. But considering the age-old            North Carolina.

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Cobb County Secures World Series in Real Time - Esri Cobb County Secures World Series in Real Time - Esri
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