Co-operative Housing News - Winter 2020 21 - Co-operative Housing Ireland

Page created by Juan Price
Co-operative Housing News - Winter 2020 21 - Co-operative Housing Ireland
Housing News
Winter 2020-21
Co-operative Housing News - Winter 2020 21 - Co-operative Housing Ireland
2   Co-operative Housing News Winter 2020-21

    Dear Member,
    Welcome to the Winter Edition of
    Co-operative Housing News.
    I hope you and your families had a happy Christmas       Finally, I would like to share my sympathies with
    and a peaceful New Year. Covid-19 continues to affect    those who have been affected by the virus and
    how we live our daily lives, but as an organisation we   lost loved ones. My heartfelt condolences to you.
    are hopeful for the possibilities that 2021 presents.    Please remember that we are here to support you in
    Ensuring that the services we provide to you             whatever way we can.
    have been maintained has been a priority of ours
                                                             Stay safe, keep in touch with your loved ones,
    throughout Covid-19 restrictions. We have been
                                                             neighbours, and other Members, and let us know
    delighted to hear some of your positive feedback on
                                                             how we can help.
    this to date.
    In this issue we wanted to highlight some of the
    activities that have taken place over the last number
    of months. We highlighted the importance of secure
    housing in our No Place like Home Campaign, and
    along with An Taoiseach, launched the Brookhill
    estate in Carrigaline, Co. Cork. Despite Covid
                                                             Kieron Brennan
    restrictions CHI delivered 454 new homes in 2020 – a
    record for the organisation. None of this would have     CEO
    been possible without the co-operation between           Co-operative Housing Ireland
    you our Members and our team of dedicated staff.
    As always, thank you for your continued support and
    It has been heartening to witness how Members
    continue to support each other at a distance
    and embody the co-operative principles in these
    challenging times. If you have a story or event you
    would like to share with us, I encourage you to
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In these challenging times, we
at Co-operative Housing Ireland
want to ensure you have access
to the support you need
It is our priority to ensure services
to our Members are not affected
by the challenges presented by
As ever, the Member Services Team
are here to support you. We are
delighted to report we
are still operating at
full capacity and
answering your
queries despite
our new remote
way of working.
It has been
for the team to
hear some of
your positive
concerning the
high quality of
service delivery
We have received many queries over the last few      Please note that it is now possible to pay your rent at
months from Members who have experienced a  – a service we introduced to
change in income due to the impact of Covid-19.      support you making payments safely.
Rest assured that changes in income will be
                                                     There was an increase in queries recently from those
backdated when calculating rent. The team has also
                                                     wishing to learn more about Co-operative Housing
been supporting Members with the annual rent
                                                     Ireland. Many of these queries were from friends of
assessment forms, advising on its completion and
                                                     Members who felt the co-operative model was more
any other documentation that needs to be provided.
                                                     supportive than their current tenancy. It is always
We understand that this has been a particularly
                                                     encouraging for us to learn of new interest in the
stressful time for many of you, so please remember
                                                     co-operative movement via our network of
to contact us if you have any concerns regarding
your tenancy.
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    Pearse O’Shiel, Chair of CHI and An Taoiseach, Micheal Martin, at the launch
    of Brookhill in Carrigaline Co. Cork.

    Brookhill launch Carrigaline,
    Co. Cork
    We were delighted to have                               Housing Ireland, building homes directly as well as
                                                            providing turnkey projects.”
    Taoiseach Micheál Martin launch
                                                            CHI Member Ross and his family received the keys of
    Brookhill, an estate of 69 family                       their home in Brookhill before the launch. Speaking
    homes in Carrigaline, Co. Cork on                       about their new place he said, “I’d easily spend an
    7th December 2020.                                      hour discussing how amazing our new home is. It’s
                                                            as though our dreams have finally come true. The
    The A-rated homes were made possible through            fact that the houses in this estate are so fantastic is
    partnership with Cork County Council, the Housing       the icing on the cake for us.”
    Finance Agency, the Department of Housing, Local        Speaking at the launch, CHI Chairperson Pearse
    Government and Heritage, and Homeland Group.            O’Shiel said, “These homes will go somewhat
    Speaking at the launch, CHI CEO Kieron Brennan          towards alleviating huge pressures on the social
    said, “CHI homes are unique; we foster co-operative     housing waiting list in Cork County.”
    principles in building communities. The importance      He continued, “I’m pleased to say that we have been
    of community has come into sharp focus during the       able to meet delivery targets as well as get members
    Covid-19 pandemic and the necessity for affordability   into their new homes despite Covid-19.”
    and security of tenure.”
                                                            The launch was featured across a variety of national
    Also speaking, Taoiseach Micheál Martin said, “The      and local broadcast and print media including RTÉ
    Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted more than ever        News, Virgin Media News, The Irish Times, Irish
    the importance of working together. It is not an        Independent and Irish Examiner, helping to spread
    either or in the delivery of housing, we need to use    the co-operative message. We look forward to
    all available resources which means local authorities   getting to know our new Members at Brookhill and
    and approved housing bodies, like Co-operative          wish them well in their new homes.
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No Place like Home
We launched our ‘No Place like
Home’ campaign on 17th October
2020 to highlight the importance
of a safe secure home in such
uncertain times.
The campaign focused on the experiences of CHI
Members during the pandemic and what having
a secure home means to them. The launch of
the campaign was featured on RTÉ News. CHI
Member Seán Murphy spoke to RTÉ’s South Eastern
Correspondent Conor Kane about how he was
coping with restrictions. The launch coincided with
the publication of CHI’s 2019 Annual Report.
As part of the campaign, we were delighted to speak      could not believe it because it was our sixth move
to Members all around Ireland. One such Member           in five years. It was great to finally be able to tell
was Amanda, who moved into her new home in               the kids that this is our forever home – this is where
Robertstown, Co. Kildare in October. Speaking about      we’re going to live.”
the move she said, “When I told my daughter Áine,        We would like to say thank you to everyone
who’s six, that we were moving her first reaction        who supported No Place like Home by sharing
was, ‘oh no, we’re not moving again.’ I had to explain   their stories or by promoting it online through
to her that this was going to be our final home. She     social media.

Safety Notices
Fire safety
Several instances of Members removing fire safety        Unauthorised and unsafe electrical installations,
equipment such as fire detectors and fire door           when found, will have to be made safe or removed
closers have been reported. We urge all Members to       and returned to standard fittings. The cost
refrain from tampering with fire safety equipment as     associated with this will be charged to the Member.
it places others at risk and is in contravention with
the Fire Services Act. This is a criminal offence and
will be reported to the authorities along with any
evidence, including CCTV footage.

Electrical upgrades
There have also been instances of unsafe
installations of electrical equipment such as light
fittings, chrome switches and electric showers.
Please note that such changes pose a safety risk if
not undertaken by a qualified electrician.
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      Co-operative Housing                                       Co-operative Housing
      Ireland AGM                                                Ireland welcome
      The CHI AGM                       Representing,
                                                                 new National Board

      was held on                       Developing,
                                        Since 1973
                                        Annual Report

      17th October

                                                                 Cinnamon Blackmore
      2020.                                                      Slaney Housing Co-operative
      It coincided with
                                                                 Regina Coakley
      the launch of CHI’s
                                                                 South Leinster Co-operative
      Annual Report which
      you can find at                                            Michael Collins
                                                                 Kenneth Hanrahan
                                                                 Avoca Housing Co-operative

                                                                 Enda McGuane

    Cinnamon Blackmore             Regina Coakley       Michael Collins      Kenneth Hanrahan         Enda McGuane

      Board Skills Training Programme
      Our next Board Skills                                      Programme outline:
      Training Programme is                                      z Communicating to Influence

      open to all Members and                                    z Co-operative Structures & Role of the Board

      will run online in Spring. If                              z Housing Policy

      you are interested please                                  z Leadership Strategy

      contact MemberTraining@                                    z Transformational                                        Change

                                                                 z Finance Basics
      This training may help you in your work or
      volunteering with other organisations and there is         z CHI Finance
      no obligation or commitment to join any CHI board
      or committee. There is no charge, but you do need          z Governance Codes – Charities Regulator
      to register.                                                 & Approved Housing Bodies
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“The upgrades
have made a
huge impact on
our home and
daily living”
CHI was delighted to have SEAI
upgrades undertaken by Kingdom
Installations at Kilcronan Court in
Clondalkin last year.                                     Cian age 7 and Lacey age 11 standing
SEAI upgrades range from new insulation to heating        outside their newly upgraded home.
control improvements and make warmer and more
energy efficient homes. Member Roslyn Byrne spoke
to us about her experience of the upgrades and how        time of course – and we sanitised when we arrived
her family have been coping during Covid-19.              and before we left.

“We moved into a two-bedroom apartment in                 “The upgrades have made a huge impact on
Kilcronan estate 11 years ago. Four years ago, we         our home and daily living. We can regulate the
were thrilled to move into one of the houses here         temperature much easier and our bills have been cut
which was a great improvement. My son who is the          in half. It has been a cold winter, but I estimate our
youngest in our family was sleeping in my bedroom         bills are now between €35 to €40 a week. During the
with me until that point. He’s seven now so the           summer months this will be much lower, especially
house came at a good time. We have three kids, two        when restrictions lift, and we’re not spending as
daughters and one son. Our eldest is now 16. Having       much time at home. We always have hot water now
space is a real necessity for us with a growing family.   with the new system too, whereas before we would
                                                          have to put the immersion on for at least an hour
“We were delighted to have some SEAI upgrades
                                                          before we used it. It is great to consistently have hot
done to our home over the summer. We got new
                                                          water at the turn of a tap for the kids to wash, or to
windows, new external front and back doors, the
                                                          wash your hands and keep the place sanitised.
attic was insulated, and a new air to water heating
system was installed. Our home was already cavity         “Life during the pandemic has been a challenge for
insulated, but I believe other houses in the estate       everyone, but I’m so impressed with how the kids
had this done too. We were concerned with Covid-19        have been handling it. My eldest has been very
that the upgrades wouldn’t go ahead, but CHI made         understanding and mature about not being able
huge efforts to get it done. All the contractors          to go out and spend time with her friends. I work
were very respectful of our space and kept socially       in B&Q which is classed as an essential service. It
distanced. They always wore foot and face coverings       was very busy during the first lockdown, the whole
and sanitised thoroughly before engaging in any           country was painting or doing home improvements.
work. While the work was taking place, we went to         Thankfully, it’s a bit calmer now. My son has
the community centre here and played some pool. It        underlying conditions so like most people we are
was fantastic to have a space to go to while work was     very much looking forward to when things go back
being carried out. Several families used it – one at a    to normal.”
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    Join the Co-operative Housing
    Ireland Book Club
    Is there a better way to spend                          design your own profile and vote on the book that will
                                                            be chosen to read. Each chosen book will be delivered
    an evening than sitting back                            to you for free.
    and reading a book? Become a                            The CHI book club Members will have between four
    Member of the CHI book club                             and six weeks to read each. Book club meetings
    today. Please note there are only                       will be held on zoom. The zoom meeting will be an
    20 spots, so don’t miss your                            informal chat about the book, focusing on what
                                                            Members thought about the books read.
    You can sign up at
    Once everyone has signed up, we will email you a link
    to the CHI page. Bookclubz is a free
    online management tool for book clubs. Here you can

    In Remembrance
    It is with heavy hearts that we                         person he met. He had a way
                                                            of putting people at ease and
    take a moment to remember our                           making them feel heard.
    colleague, John O’Connor, who                           Nothing was ever too much
    sadly passed last September.                            trouble and the Members of
                                                            the estates he managed knew
    As one of the longest serving staff Members, John       that he could be depended on
    touched the lives of Co-operative Members and the       for solid, fair advice and help.
    people he worked with in the most positive of ways.
                                                            With a heart as big as his personality,
    John had many loves in his life, first and foremost     John’s friendliness has been described as
    his loving family, rugby, music, and his job. It was    contagious. He is sadly missed by all who
    through his job that John made a difference to every    knew him.

    Stock condition surveys 2021
    For CHI to ensure that our housing                      The information collected helps plan and budget for
                                                            future maintenance works and upgrades.
    stock is compliant and to plan for
                                                            Due to Covid-19 restrictions currently in place, the
    the future, we are obliged to carry                     roll out of these surveys will not happen until later
    out inspections on a percentage                         in the year when conditions are more suitable.
    of the housing stock on an                              Please note, we will be in contact with you directly
    annual basis.                                           to let you know if we need to inspect your home.
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Art Competition
We were delighted at the
enthusiasm and creativity of
Members who took part in the
inaugural CHI Art Competition.
The theme of the competition was ‘My Community
at Christmas’, reflecting the co-operative principles
of CHI. The quality of the artwork was outstanding,
and the judges had some very tough decisions to
make. Well done to all the winners and runners up
from each category. We look forward to seeing more
talent on show in the 2021 art competition.
A special thank you to Claire O’Connor and Áine
Macken the two professional artists who judged the
art competition.
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     A great many communities across
     the CHI network applied for the
     community fund.
     Hundreds of boxes of chocolates were delivered to
     communities in Dublin with the support of the
     community volunteers. We also saw Christmas
     lights in Avondale Park and Weavers Walk,
     Christmas raffles in Riverside and Brookview
     Court and a special socially distant Santa
     experience in Newtown Court.
     If your community has an activity or event
     that they would like to run, but need some
     support in doing so, have a conversation
     with your Housing Officer or get in touch
     with Anthony, Anthony.burrowes@
     Keep up to date with all the national events
     taking place in CHI by following the Facebook
     group. You can do this by searching
     ‘CHI Member engagement’ in the
     Facebook search box.

     Song and Stories
     We enjoyed welcoming Members
     to our Christmas songs and stories
     Your engagement added greatly to festivities, from
     dancing around the Christmas trees singing ‘Rudolph
     the Red Nosed Reindeer’, to listening contently to
     the story of a donkey called Soap Hooves and the
     penguin that saved Christmas. A special thanks to
     the talented Seán O’Keefe and Kyle James Riley for
     hosting the Christmas songs and for giving the event
     that extra sparkle.
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Life in Zoom

Harry Byrne from Hazelbrook Lawn,
Rathnew picked up this very full bag
of litter with his mother Aoife.
Thanks Harry!
                                                        The O’Keeffe-Kowalewska family, Dorota, Ross, Ella
                                                        and Céiden, who moved into their new home in
                                                        Brookhill, Carrigaline, Co. Cork in December.

Claire O’Connor and Áine Macken, two professional       We were delighted to have Taoiseach Michéal Martin
artists judge the talented work of Members as part of   launch our Brookhill estate in Carrigaline, Co. Cork on
our inaugural art competition.                          7th December last year.
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