Cloud Ingest of Live Video- An open approach to RIST, SRT and retransmission protocols - Net Insight

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Cloud Ingest of Live Video- An open approach to RIST, SRT and retransmission protocols - Net Insight
Official NAB 2019 Conference Paper

  Cloud Ingest of Live Video –
  An open approach to RIST, SRT and
  retransmission protocols

Love Thyresson
Net Insight
Stockholm, Sweden                      White Paper
Cloud Ingest of Live Video- An open approach to RIST, SRT and retransmission protocols - Net Insight
As cloud production becomes an integral part of broadcasters’ live workflows, the
      corresponding cloud infrastructure becomes an integral part of the media
      transport network. Cloud infrastructure providers, often public in nature, are
      accessible either through the public Internet or through leased lines. In both these
      cases, broadcasters are challenged with the quality of the transport often not
      being sufficient for high-end broadcast applications. While the established
      approach to overcome this challenge is retransmission technology, there is today
      a plethora of options to choose from. This paper aims to discuss the pros and cons
      of these different options and why today there is no silver bullet solution.

Table of content

INTRODUCTION                                                             page 1

CLOUD RESOURCES FOR LIVE MEDIA                                           page 2

RETRANSMISSION TECHNOLOGY                                                page 3

IMPLEMENTATIONS, AN OVERVIEW                                             page 5

KEY USE CASES                                                            page 7

CONCLUSION                                                               page 9
Cloud Ingest of Live Video- An open approach to RIST, SRT and retransmission protocols - Net Insight
Over the past decade, providers of public             At 10 years in the making, what is
cloud infrastructure have established              generally referred to as retransmission
themselves as a generalized compute                technology, or Adaptive Repeat reQuest
platform for a large number of applications        (ARQ), has proven itself many times over
with media being one of them. The                  and is by now an established part of the
advantages are plentiful with a more flexible      tier 2/3 production ecosystem.
cost model and a higher degree of reusability
                                                        While the introduction of
and resilience. To reap the benefits of the
                                                   retransmission started as a way of
cloud transition, media functions are moving
                                                   delivering broadcast quality media
away from FPGA and ASIC architectures for
                                                   connectivity over lossy infrastructures at a
most general-purpose tasks, enabling the
                                                   low price point, it now boosts
cloud to become the de-facto execution
                                                   functionality ranging from simple
environment also for high-end media
                                                   point-to-point connections, to
applications. Due to the stringent
                                                   point-to-multipoint, load balancing across
requirements of live production, the natural
                                                   Internet Service Providers (ISPs), seamless
starting point for broadcasters to fully utilize
                                                   switching, and more.
these benefits is within file-based workflows,
having left most live workflows to dedicated            While in-studio adoption of IP
media equipment on-premise.                        technology has been reasonably slow due
     Simultaneously, media networks are in a       to the inherent difficulties in getting
transition towards IP and Ethernet. However,       vendors and broadcasters to agree on a
while delivering on these stringent                common framework, the tier 2 and 3
requirements for live media is certainly           markets instead turned to proprietary
achievable in Local Area Network (LAN)             solutions leading to multiple parallel
environments, meeting those same                   protocols and ecosystems as a
requirements in a Wide Area Network (WAN)          consequence. And even while solutions
setting, and even more so in shared WAN            with a “standards-oriented approach”,
networks, is a lot more challenging.               such as the Video Services Forums (VSFs),
                                                   have emerged in recent years, adoption is
      To solve many of these challenges,           bound to be slower due to the
SMPTE’s ST 2110 suite describes how to build       investments already made by
IP networks for media services. Starting           broadcasters in existing proprietary
in-studio and driven by a promise of lower         ecosystems.
cost and higher flexibility, standardizing on IP
as a bearer protocol for high-end media also
implies better interoperability with
datacenters and public cloud environments.
Consequently, there is now a new challenge
that needs solving in terms of high-end media
services over WANs.

       However, as SMPTE is fully occupied
with solving the in-studio challenge for live
tier 1 productions, other solutions have
emerged for lower tier content as a direct
consequence of cost pressure.

                                                                      Cloud Ingest of Live Video - White Paper I 1
Cloud Ingest of Live Video- An open approach to RIST, SRT and retransmission protocols - Net Insight
Historically, media equipment has been
                                                 I. Two types of cloud realizations
built on FPGA and ASICS based
architectures. This has been necessary to        While we often talk about the cloud in
cater for the extremely rigid requirements       terms of the large public infrastructure
demanded by professional media                   providers, a cloud infrastructure doesn’t
production. As cloud makes its way into          have to be public. It may equally well be a
media production, it is natural to ask what      self-built datacenter, which for example
the consequence of moving a                      could be better suited at handling
general-purpose execution environment            uncompressed workflows. Even though
versus a specialized one actually is. While      handling connectivity within a specific
the differences are many, from a                 datacenter could be challenging in itself, it
technology perspective two of the key            is still fully within the control of the owner
ones are accuracy and dynamicity.                of that datacenter. With public cloud
Accuracy from the point of being able to         environments however, this is typically not
guarantee that a task is executed at a           the case. A video stream as an example
precise and exact point in time. For many        often traverses a number of hops outside of
applications this may not be an issue, but       the datacenter providers operational
for some, such as synchronization and            responsibility. Therefore, the main focus of
monitoring it can be challenging. As cloud       this paper is on connectivity to public cloud
technology evolves it is now possible to         providers although granted the concepts
utilize Graphic Processing Units (GPUs)          can be applied to private datacenters as
and even FPGAs to accelerate functions           well, if required.
that requires a higher degree of accuracy.
This also helps in other tasks, such as
being able to provide real-time encoding
and transcoding operations in cloud
environments. Encoding and transcoding
in cloud is not new of course and has been
possible for some time using the simple
method of overprovisioning CPU cycles.
But by being able to use dedicated
accelerators for these tasks, the economy
of scale changes significantly.

      This also ties into the other major
upsides of cloud, dynamicity and flexibility.
As historically dimensioning the entire
production environment for peak
utilization was financially challenging, it is
now possible to dimension it for average
use, while leveraging cloud resources for
peak usage, providing a more elastic cost

                                                                       Cloud Ingest of Live Video - White Paper I 2
Cloud Ingest of Live Video- An open approach to RIST, SRT and retransmission protocols - Net Insight
Before diving head first into the technology,              used protocol for IP delivery and a part of
let’s first look at what challenges it is trying           the TCP/IP stack. Ultimately providing much
to solve.                                                  needed properties such as guaranteed
                                                           delivery and fairness for users. Its sibling,
II. Requirements from a video perspective
                                                           UDP, is instead a fire & forget type protocol
Looking at live broadcast video and the
                                                           which is well suited for streaming
requirements that has on the underlying
                                                           applications with high throughput and low
transport network, there are two
                                                           latency. Without going into too much
fundamental properties that are specifically
                                                           detail, what is generally regarded as
applicable to retransmission technology.
                                                           retransmission technology within media is a
   • Loss sensitivity: Mostly related to the               way to marry the two, to create a solution
properties of the embedded codec, loss can                 that is ideal for live streaming broadcast
be challenging for streaming media. In                     quality video over lossy networks.
MPEG, as an example, losing an I-Frame                             Table 1 below lists the three approaches and
means worst case several seconds of outage                            their respective pros and cons for live
depending on the GOP length.                                                    streaming media.

   • Latency sensitivity: While this
depends on the application itself, latency
could end up being a deal breaker for using
retransmission technology. Having said that,
in most cases the codec delay is the large
overshadowing factor for the end-to-end
From a retransmission technology
perspective, these are the two parameters                      TABLE 1: COMPARISON OF STREAMING PROTOCOLS
that are constantly balanced against each
other.                                                     Of course, the information in Table 1 is
                                                           assuming a somewhat lossy transport. In an
     If avoiding loss is the primary concern, increase     ideal transport network, there would
   latency. If low latency is key, reduce latency at the   essentially be little difference between the
  cost of increased risk of impact to the video quality.   three.

For retransmission technology itself there                       Another key concept of retransmission
are also a number of other factors at play                 is the control plane establishments. Due to
such as packet pacing, bandwidth variation,                the nature of the environment this
etc. While most of these challenges have                   technology is used in, firewalls are rather
also been solved by modern day solutions,                  the rule than the exception. To overcome
these are outside the scope of this paper.                 this challenge, most solutions introduce
                                                           what is often called a push/pull or
III. Technology                                            caller/listener concept. It is based on the
Within media, retransmission technology, or                fundamental concept that firewalls typically
ARQ, is often described as a groundbreaking                pass traffic outbound but block inbound.
solution to a media problem. From a                        This means, that the device, or function,
historical perspective though, retransmission              initiating the video channel should be
is a fundamental part of TCP, the most                     behind the firewall, whereas the listener not
widely                                                     behind a firewall.
                                                                                 Cloud Ingest of Live Video - White Paper I 3

                    Initiator                                        Listener

If both sides are behind a firewall traffic can still be passed, however port-forwarding is

                                FIGURE 2: FIREWALL AT SENDER AND RECEIVER

The caller/listener concept is fundamental part of the ARQ establishment and provides a
practical solution for most use cases.
     Also, it is worth to note that retransmission technology is not the only way to improve
quality over lossy links, there are also other methods such as Forward Error Correction (FEC)
that can also be combined with retransmission. However that discussion is outside the scope
of this paper.

                                                                         Cloud Ingest of Live Video - White Paper I 4
Due to the availability of open source                  This makes it simple to verify connectivity
options, but more importantly because                   without costly hardware or software
retransmission technology can easily be                 solutions. From a technology standpoint,
implemented in software, the number of                  SRT supports ARQ, video encryption and a
vendors in the Internet contribution space              variety of statistics [3].
is staggering with new entrants
                                                        VI. Reliable Internet Streaming Transport
continuously making its way in the market.
While fundamentally all these are based
on the concept of retransmission in one                 Perhaps the closest thing to an actual
form or another, the broadcast                          standard is VSFs RIST, or TR-06. The RIST
networking side of the market has three                 technical recommendation has been agreed
implementations that warrant a closer                   upon through a standardization-like process
look. These have been chosen because of                 and already has more than 30 supporting
either their reach and large eco systems,               members [4] and growing rapidly. Given
or their openness in nature.                            that this is the only community-developed
     The three ones being explored in this              open solution to date, it is reasonable to
article are Zixi, Secure Reliable Transport             believe RIST will be a mandatory
(SRT) and Reliable Internet Streaming                   requirement from many broadcasters going
Transport (RIST).                                       forward.
                                                             In addition, while the RIST Forum and
 IV. Zixi                                               the RIST activity group have a fairly
Having been early into the market, Zixi has             aggressive roadmap, proprietary solutions
a strong field-proven implementation that               will likely be superior for niche use cases, at
in addition to standard ARQ also supports               least in the short-term.
video encryption, ARQ with FEC, link
bonding, primary and secondary backups                        With the initial release (TR-06-1) RIST
and hitless mode.                                       supports a simpler but highly important
                                                        feature set, including packet loss recover
    The Zixi protocol is also integrated into a large   and bonding (optional). In addition, RIST also
     number of vendor equipment ranging from            allows for interoperability with non-RIST
        encoders and decoders to cameras [1].
                                                        receivers by running in an RTP-only mode,
                                                        effectively making it compatible with
V. Secure Reliable Transport (SRT)                      SMPTE 2022-1 and SMPTE 2022-2 receivers.
Originally created by Haivision, SRT made               It is also worthy to note that given the
a big splash in 2017 when the SRT Alliance              experience involved in drafting the
was formed and through that an                          specifications, the RIST work group is
open-source publication of the SRT source               moving forward quickly and alluding to
code. With a strong team of backers (210+               future functionality such as video
members at the time of writing [2]), SRT                encryption, VPN tunneling, NAT traversal,
has gained a large footprint in a relatively            Null Packet Suppression and Adjustable
short amount of time.                                   Bitrate Encoding [5]. Many of these already
                                                        schedule for ratification in 2019.
    Besides being a free, open source alternative,
         SRT now comes pre-integrated into
         everything from GStreamer to VLC.                Similar to SRT, RIST already see a support base in the
                                                            open source software community, with support
                                                                          in VLC and Gstreamer.

                                                                                 Cloud Ingest of Live Video - White Paper I 5
VII.   Technology comparison
To better try to understand the capabilities of these three candidates, the table below
summarizes their current capabilities.

                               TABLE 2: SUPPORTED FEATURES FOR RIST, SRT & ZIXI

Diving into these further we can see that                how these different protocols perform in
while Zixi clearly has a head start when it              real life. While there are clearly differences,
comes to features, SRT and RIST are on a                 it is hard to call them conclusive at this
rapid trajectory to catch up. In addition,               point due to a number of outliers in the
there is a certain bit on unfairness in                  results.
comparing Zixi’s full suite with the isolated
protocol capabilities from RIST and SRT. As
an example, many vendors may leverage the                VIII.    Technology Conclusions
RIST standard for point-to-point transport,             Looking at the technology alone, Zixi clearly
but build more advanced switching                       boosts the highest number of features of
capabilities, such as SMPTE 2022-7, outside             the three providing more advanced
of the protocol stack.                                  redundancy features such as
While we do not have much detail about the              primary/backup and hitless mode. Still it is
actual implementation roadmap of SRT                    worthwhile to note, that while SRT is an
given that it depends on both submissions               open-source technology and free to use
from the community and what Haivision                   under the Mozilla Public License, Zixi is a
themselves upstream to the code base, for               paid solution. Also RIST exists in
RIST there is a clear transparent process in            open-source form as an implementation
terms of what is planned.                               under the Gstreamer framework. In addition,
                                                        both RIST and SRT have their
At the current time of writing RIST main                implementation specifications published in
profile (TR-06-2) is set to include capabilities        the open, making them relatively simple to
for encryption as well as firewall traversal            implement.
and null packet compression at which time it
will have everything required in terms of
feature set for most applications. The
publication of Main profile is not fully
decided, but currently looking to be
somewhere in the second half of 2019.

Understanding the feature set is a great way
to understand the strengths and
weaknesses of the different options, and
ultimately the applications where they fit
best. In addition, we have also conducted
benchmarks to better understand

                                                                                  Cloud Ingest of Live Video - White Paper I 6
The applications for retransmissions are of        • Microsoft Azure Media Services:
course many, ranging from contribution to          Microsoft went a different route when
distribution and exchange of video content.        they in 2019 announced support for the
For the purposes of this paper, we are             SRT [7] protocol, making SRT an ingest
focusing on                                        option alongside RTMP. Since then,
•      Cloud ingest of live video                  Haivision has also launched their SRTHub
•      Content exchange                            offering on top of Azure, further
                                                   strengthening their commitment to the
IX. Cloud ingest of live video                     SRT ecosystem
Getting content to the cloud may sound               Announced support for the SRT [7]
simple. After all, most broadcasters have            protocol making SRT an ingest option
business connections to the Internet, where it     alongside RTMP.
connects to massive Internet core routers
which are generally overprovisioned in nature.     It is also worth noting that while some
Still, much like the challenges SMPTE ST 2110      cloud providers support direct
is facing in the WAN, the problem is not           connectivity leased lines, experience
necessarily capacity. It is loss, jitter and       shows that quality is often not good
latency. For loss, even the slightest              enough to meet the stringent
percentage point leads to massive visual           requirements of professional media
impact.                                            without any quality enhancing technology
       Consequently, major cloud providers are     anyway.
 now introducing support for retransmission
 protocols to be able to ingest video into their           PUBLIC CLOUD PROVIDERS
 media cloud services. This also goes hand in
 hand with costs for bandwidth finally coming
 down to price points where it starts to make                                          I

 sense for large scale distribution, in addition                                  ZI

 to just processing and contribution. While
 this is a technical paper in nature, it is
 impossible to discuss the options without
 understanding the path the two prominent
 cloud providers have chosen to take.                 FIGURE 3: INTERFACING MULTIPLE CLOUD PROVIDERS

  • AWS Elemental MediaConnect: Having
introduced support for Zixi as an ingest           Looking at the two top cloud providers,
protocol earlier in the year in addition to        they have today chosen different solutions
their previously published RTP/FEC option,         for ingest. This is unfortunate because
AWS MediaConnect now provides all Zixi             instead of unifying one common
users the capability to reliably uplink their      technology stack, it drives the market
content to the AWS cloud service. Perhaps          towards continued fragmentation.
more interesting is that at the 2019 NAB
Show, AWS also announced plans to add
support for RIST as an ingest protocol,
effectively widening the ingest capable
customer base to any customer with a RIST
capable device.

                                                                           Cloud Ingest of Live Video - White Paper I 7
X. Content exchange of live video
                                                                                         Given that at least two of the three
While slightly outside of the scope of this                                        implementations discussed in this paper
paper, content exchange is highly relevant                                         already boosts reasonably large
mainly because much like cloud ingest, it                                          ecosystems, any exchange between
requires a high degree of interoperability.                                        organizations is likely to be a combination
For uncompressed media, the default                                                of them. This does however open up for a
course of action today is SDI, slowly being                                        critical question. Is it really enough to
replaced by ST 2110 and in the interim ST                                          support just one of these retransmission
2022-6. While it could be argued that for                                          implementations, or will media houses need
compressed exchange, ST 2022-2, or VSFs                                            to interwork with all of them?
TR-01 already provides handover
functionality, that is only really applicable                                                          PUBLIC CLOUD PROVIDERS

for ideal network environments, such as

well-managed LANs.

       SDI/ASI/UDP                                                                     MEDIA HOUSE A

                       OP                                                                                                       SATELLITE UPLINK
                                     MEDIA HOUSE A
                                                      GATEW TION

                                                                   MEDIA HOUSE B         As broadcasters need to interwork
                                                                                   with multiple implementations to maximize
                                                                                   their content reach, building solutions that
                                                                                   can work across technology domains while
                                                                                   still providing the same fundamental
As soon as the network conditions require
                                                                                   properties will be key.
some kind of protection, costly dual box
configurations start inserting itself into the
network architecture.

                                                                                                                Cloud Ingest of Live Video - White Paper I 8
As retransmission technology continues to                                                                      Still, let’s not forget that most of the
mature, large ecosystems have already                                                                      market is at this point is still not about
established themselves in broadcasters’                                                                    content exchange and cloud ingest, but
infrastructures.                                                                                           rather focused on contribution or
                                                                                                           distribution feeds within a single
                                     PUBLIC CLOUD PROVIDERS
                                                                                                           organization. Also here, RIST has a part to
                                                                                                           play as it makes it possible for broadcasters
                                                                                                           to employ dual vendor strategies.
                                                                                                               Ultimately, it is reasonable to believe
                                                                                                           RIST, or any standards-based solution, will
                                                                                                           win this game in the long run, but given the
                                                                                                           massive footprints already claimed by a few

                                                                                                           ecosystems, this time is not likely to be any

                                                                                                           time soon.
                                                                                                               For now, we need solutions, products
     While it is likely to assume that VSFs                                                                and vendors that are flexible enough to
RIST will be a requirement from                                                                            work with more than one of these
broadcasters going forward, it is still lagging                                                            implementations. And we need products
behind in functionality compared to many                                                                   and solutions to bridge different technology
of its’ peers. Similar to what has happened in                                                             domains in cases where two or more
other technologies, we can expect                                                                          organizations wish to interconnect but are
standards, or TRs in this case, to act as a                                                                already invested in different primary
common interface for content exchange,                                                                     retransmission technologies.
while proprietary technology still has a
place for niche use cases.

[1], 2019-01-18

[2], 2019-01-18

[3] SRT Alliance Deployment Guide, v1.1,, 2019-01-18


[5] Video Services Forum, Technical Recommendation TR-06-1: Reliable Internet Streaming Transport
(RIST) –Simple Profile,,

eo-in-the-cloud/, 2019-01-18

018/, 2019-01-18

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                                                                                                                                       Cloud Ingest of Live Video - White Paper I 9
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