Climate Change Update - Jenner & Block

Page created by Geraldine Figueroa
A Publication
                                                                                                       of the
                                                                                           Climate and Clean Technology
                                                                                                    Law Practice

Climate Change Update                                                                                                            July 2010
Editors: Gabrielle Sigel, Jennifer Cassel and Rachel Loftspring

Federal Legislative Developments              regulation of those emissions under            amendment to a pending small
                                              the Clean Air Act (“CAA”), as well             business tax relief bill that would
Comprehensive Energy and
                                              as varying state regulations.                  impose a 2-year delay of EPA
Climate Bill, Cap-and-Trade,
                                                                                             regulation of GHG emissions from
Abandoned For Summer                          Momentum Renewed to Stop
                                                                                             stationary sources, which is similar
On July 22, 2010, Senate                      EPA’s Authority Under the Clean
                                                                                             to Senator’s Rockefeller proposal.
Democrats abandoned their                     Air Act
efforts to pass this summer                   With the Senate Democrats’                     Senate Attempts to Pass
a comprehensive energy and                    announcement tabling a                         Legislative Response to Oil Spill
climate change bill, including a              comprehensive energy and climate               before Recess
greenhouse gas (“GHG”) cap-                   change bill that would have                    On July 27, 2010, Senator Reid
and-trade program. Instead,                   prohibited EPA from regulating                 introduced the Clean Energy Jobs
Senate leadership has decided to              GHG emissions, there is renewed                and Oil Accountability Act. The
delay work on a bill until after the          bipartisan interest in checking EPA’s          $15 billion bill responds to issues
Senate returns from its August                authority over emissions under the             concerning the oil spill in the Gulf of
recess. Democrats say the delay               CAA. In the House, Representative              Mexico and provides scaled-down
will provide the time necessary to            Rick Boucher (D-Va.) co-sponsored              clean energy legislation. Under
attract the 60 votes required for             a bill that would require a 2-year             Reid’s bill, the $75 million liability
Senate passage. According to                  “timeout” before EPA emissions                 cap for responsible parties under the
Senator John Kerry (D-Mass.), one             rules go into effect. In the Senate,           Oil Pollution Act would be removed,
of the most vocal proponents of               Senator Jay Rockefeller (D-W.V.)               making responsible parties liable for
climate change legislation, “We’ve            has proposed a similar 2-year                  the full extent of economic damages
known from Day 1 that in order                postponement, on which Senate                  caused by a spill. Responsible
to pass comprehensive climate                 Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.)            parties would face further increased
change legislation, you’ve got to             plans to allow a vote later this year.         civil liability and criminal and
reach 60 votes. To reach that, you            According to Senator Rockefeller,              civil penalties for environmental
need some Republicans. As we                  “I am continuing to push hard for              violations. The bill also includes a
stand here today, we do not have              my bill to suspend EPA action for              measure that would streamline the
one Republican.”                              two years, so that Congress, not               claims process against the Oil Spill
The Senate’s decision leaves many             federal regulators, can set national           Liability Trust Fund, raise the Fund to
businesses, particularly in the               energy policy.”                                $5 billion from the current $1 billion
utility and fossil fuels industries,          As reported in the June 2010                   authorization, and authorize
with uncertainty regarding future             Climate Change Update, the                     $100 million in advances to
regulatory controls and investment            more sweeping EPA preemption                   claimants. Senator Reid’s bill further
incentives. Renewable energy                  plan sponsored by Senator Lisa                 requires oil drilling companies to
businesses, which were hoping                 Murkowski (R-Alaska) was defeated              improve their oil spill response plans
for tax and other benefits to make            in June. While President Obama                 before drilling begins. In addition,
wind, solar, and other green power            had promised to veto Senator                   the bill includes provisions for a
businesses more competitive with              Murkowski’s bill if it reached his             study of the economic impacts of the
fossil fuels, are also impacted by            desk, there has been no White                  Administration’s offshore drilling ban.
the delay. Moreover, businesses               House statement regarding the                  Beyond measures to respond to oil
with significant GHG emission now             President’s position on a 2-year               spills, the bill provides $5 billion
face potential U.S. Environmental             delay of EPA regulation. Senator               in point-of-sale rebates for energy
Protection Agency (“EPA”)                     Murkowski has now filed an                     efficient appliances under the Home

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Climate Change Update

Star Program, a program aimed at          According to EPA, the Keystone XL         electricity purchases, could reduce
encouraging middle-class Americans        project would emit 27 million metric      GHG emissions by 101 million metric
to install energy saving products         tons of carbon dioxide-equivalent         tons of CO2 , the equivalent to the
in their home. It also provides full      gases, resulting in a “well-to-wake”      emissions from 235 million barrels
funding for the Land and Water            footprint for tar sands that is 82%       of oil, according to a White House
Conservation Fund, a state and local      more than the average crude refined       press release. Implementation
fund, for the next five years.            in the United States, or approximately    efforts, including doubling the size
Federal Regulatory Developments           the equivalent to the annual carbon       of the federal government’s hybrid
                                          dioxide (“CO2”) emissions from seven      fleet and removing Styrofoam cups
EPA Issues 2011 Proposed                  coal-fired power plants. Advocates        from agency cafeterias, have already
Renewable Fuel Standards                  for the project say it will reduce        begun.
On July 12, 2010, EPA issued its          reliance on Middle East oil. EPA is       Federal Litigation Developments
proposed renewable fuel standards         calling on the State Department to
for 2011. Under the new standards,        include an estimate of the extraction-    Environmental Groups Attempt
the total volume of renewable fuel        related GHG emissions associated          to Stop Coal-Fired Power Plant
required to be included in gasoline       with the project. A decision as to        Construction
increased to 13.95 billion gallons,       whether the Keystone XL project           On July 16, 2010, environmental
constituting 7.95% of fuel. While         serves U.S. national interest is          groups renewed their attempt to stop
that number is 1 billion gallons          expected this fall.                       the construction of a coal-fired power
higher than the 2010 requirement          Obama Expands Federal                     plant being built in Arkansas. Sierra
of 12.95 billion gallons, the total       Government’s Commitment to                Club, et al. v. United States Army
percentage of renewable fuel in 2010      GHG Emissions Cuts                        Corps of Engineers, et al., W.D. Ark.,
was higher, at 8.25%. In 2009, 11.1                                                 No. 4:10-cv-04017, 7/16/10. The
billion gallons of renewable fuel were    On July 20, 2010, President               Sierra Club and others alleged in an
required to be included in gasoline,      Obama announced that the federal          11-count amended complaint against
while in 2008, 9 billion gallons were     government would aim to reduce its        the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
required. Renewable fuel volume           “indirect” GHG emissions, including       (“COE”) that the COE issued a
targets were established under the        emissions from employee commuting         permit that would allow construction
Energy Independence and Security          and travel, by 13% by 2020. The           of the Southwestern Electric
Act of 2007, which has a 2022 goal        federal government is the largest         Power Company’s new power plant
of 36 billion gallons of renewable fuel   user of energy in the country—it          without conducting the necessary
included in gasoline.                     owns 600,000 vehicles, owns and           environmental studies required under
                                          manages nearly 500,000 buildings,         the National Environmental Policy Act
State Department Should Revise            and paid $24.5 billion for utility and    (“NEPA”) and EPA regulations.
Tar Sands Pipeline Analysis,              fuel in 2008. According to President
EPA Says                                  Obama, “Every year the Federal            The COE permit authorizes the filling
                                          Government consumes more energy           of 8.07 acres of wetlands and 8,150
On July 16, 2010, EPA submitted
                                          than any other single organization        linear feet of stream impacts, which
comments to the State Department
                                          or company in the United States.          the Sierra Club states will cause
calling on it to revise its draft
                                          That energy goes towards lighting         irreparable harm to the area. Once
environmental impact statement
                                          and heating government buildings,         the power plant is built, it will have
(“EIS”) regarding the proposed
                                          fueling vehicles and powering federal     the capacity to burn 9,000 tons of
Keystone XL pipeline that could
                                          projects across the country and           coal per day and is expected to emit
eventually transport up to 900,000
                                          around the world. The government          5,280,000 tons of CO2 per year,
barrels of high-carbon Canadian
                                          has a responsibility to use that energy   along with substantial quantities of
tar sands crude, per day, to Texas
                                          wisely, to reduce consumption,            sulfur dioxide, lead, mercury, and
refineries. In its draft EIS, the State
                                          improve efficiency, use renewable         other contaminants. According to the
Department quantified the GHG
                                          energy, like wind and solar, and cut      Sierra Club, the direct and indirect
emissions associated with the
pipeline itself, but did not analyze      costs.” These reductions in indirect      effects of these emissions were not
the climate impacts of extracting         emissions, in conjunction with those      analyzed in a sufficient manner prior
the energy-intensive tar sands, an        previously announced by President         to the issuance of the permit.
omission EPA believes makes the           Obama for direct emissions and            An answer to the amended complaint
analysis “inadequate.”                    indirect emissions associated with        is due by August 16, 2010.

Climate Change Update

Five Attorneys General Sue U.S.           These bills would permit shipping          five of the citizen suits would be
Over Asian Carp                           and cargo to pass through the barrier      dismissed entirely and one would be
On July 19, 2010, attorneys               while preventing the transfer of           dismissed in part. Two additional
general from Michigan, Wisconsin,         water and invasive species. Eight          suits, one filed by the Environmental
Minnesota, Ohio, and Pennsylvania         senators have also sent a letter to the    Defense Fund and the other by Kinder
                                          Senate Appropriations Committee,           Morgan CO2, are not covered by the
sued the United States in an effort to
                                          requesting the addition of a provision     proposed settlement and would not
force emergency action that would
                                          in the 2011 energy appropriations          be affected.
prevent Asian carp from entering Lake
Michigan and to accelerate plans          bill that would authorize COE to           State and Regional Developments
for a permanent barrier against the       take emergency actions to prevent
                                          the Asian carp from entering Lake          RGGI Allowances Futures Trading
Asian Carp. See Michigan v. United
                                          Michigan.                                  Down
States, N.D. Ill., No. 1:10-cv-4557,
7/19/10. According to the complaint,      Similarly, a coalition of Great            On July 9, 2010, the Regional
Asian carp are a public nuisance          Lakes governors and mayors, led            Greenhouse Gas Initiative (“RGGI”),
that threaten grave and irreparable       by Chicago Mayor Richard Daley,            a market-based program in 10
harm to public trust resources.           launched a $2 million regional             Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states
Asian carp can grow up to 100             investigation to evaluate the              committed to capping and reducing
pounds, “feed almost continuously,”       separation of the Mississippi River        CO2 emissions from the power
are prone to jumping high out of          and Great Lakes. The study, which          sector 10% by 2018, released a
water when startled, and reproduce        was announced on July 22, 2010,            report analyzing the secondary
rapidly. There is fear that these fish    is called “Envisioning a Chicago           market for RGGI allowances and
could destroy the Great Lakes’ $7         Area Waterway System for the 21st          futures trading. According to the
billion commercial fishing industry       Century” and is expected to take 18        report, the volume of futures trading
and hurt the $16 billion recreational     months to complete.                        declined significantly in the fourth
boating industry.                                                                    quarter of 2009, decreasing from 319
                                          EPA Releases Proposed GHG                  million allowances in the third quarter
The complaint requested two forms         Reporting Settlements in Six               of 2009 to 127 million in the fourth
of relief: (1) a preliminary injunction   Industry Lawsuits                          quarter. Prices for futures similarly
ordering defendants COE and
                                          On July 20, 2010, EPA gave notice          declined. Between third quarter of
Metropolitan Water Reclamation
                                          of proposed settlement agreements          2009 and fourth quarter of 2009,
District of Greater Chicago (a
                                          in six citizen suits filed by industry     futures prices dropped 8% to $2.25.
local government unit tasked with
                                          associations, including the American       Despite these declines, RGGI reports
protecting the quality of Lake
                                          Public Gas Association and Energy          that the number of participants in
Michigan and other Chicago area
                                          Recovery Council, challenging EPA’s        the market for RGGI allowance
waterways) to immediately take all
                                          mandatory GHG reporting rule.              derivatives was mostly constant
available measures to prevent the
                                          The October 2009 rule, which has           in the fourth quarter of 2009, at
migration of Asian carp into Lake
                                          created debate in both Congress and        approximately 34 companies. The
Michigan; and (2) a preliminary
                                          U.S. courtrooms, generally requires        next RGGI auction is scheduled for
injunction requiring COE to expedite
                                          annual reporting of GHG emissions          September 8, 2010.
a feasibility study to develop and
                                          to EPA from sources emitting at least
evaluate options for the permanent                                                   Group Finds Climate Change will
                                          25,000 metric tons of GHGs and
physical separation of the Chicago                                                   Lead to Extreme Water Shortages
                                          suppliers of fossil fuels and industrial
Area Waterway System from                                                            in U.S.
                                          GHGs. Under the proposed
Lake Michigan.
                                          settlement agreements, EPA would           On July 20, 2010, the National
In another attempt to control Asian       propose various amendments to              Resources Defense Council
carp, federal legislators from            subparts of the rule, including revising   (“NRDC”) released a report finding
Midwestern states, including Illinois,    the applicability threshold for local      that climate change will likely lead
Ohio, and Michigan, have introduced       natural gas distribution companies         to decreased precipitation and
legislation in both the House and         and permitting certain complex oil         increased water demands, thereby
Senate that would require COE to          refineries to request authorization        escalating the number of water
establish a permanent physical barrier    to use “best available monitoring          shortages in the United States. The
between the Mississippi River and         methods” through 2015. If the D.C.         report, called Evaluating Sustainability
the Great Lakes (see, e.g., S. 2946).     Circuit approves the settlements,          of Projected Water Demands Under

Climate Change Update

Future Climate Change Scenarios,             It is hoped that this virtual generator     markets beginning in 2013. Germany
and its accompanying Water                   will eliminate the future need for          and the United Kingdom, which
Facts summary, projects that the             building other generating facilities.       already have their own established
Great Plains and Southwest areas             The project is expected to be fully         platforms, are particularly interested
of the United States would face              operational by next summer and will         in the opt-out provisions. The
“extreme risk” for water shortages           be the U.S.’s first large-scale test of     European Parliament and Council
due to “changes in precipitation             energy savings in commercial real           have a three-month review period to
and increases in temperature                 estate using smart grid technologies.       consider the draft law.
[that] will mean that projected              International and Business                  China Now the Largest Consumer
evapotranspiration will exceed rain          Developments                                of Energy in the World
and snowfall (precipitation). In these
regions there will not be any available      European Commission Sets 2013               On July 20, 2010, the International
precipitation at all.” In contrast, states   Emissions Cap, Considers New                Energy Agency (“IEA”) announced
in the Northeast part of the country         Emissions Law                               that China surpassed the U.S. as the
face the least risk. The NRDC                On July 9, 2010, the European               world’s largest consumer of energy.
projections were based on trends             Commission (“EC”) announced that            The U.S. had been the world’s largest
in water consumption that assume             those power plants and industrial           consumer for more than a century.
a total increase in water demand of          installations responsible for 40% of        China’s energy demand has doubled
about 12.5% by 2050 from 2000                the European Union’s (“EU”) GHG             since 2000 and, if not for large
demand levels.                               emissions and which are covered by          investments in energy efficiency and
                                             the EU’s Emission Trading System            renewable energy, would have had
Chicago to Host First Commercial                                                         even higher demand, according to
Smart Grid                                   (“ETS”), will be allowed to emit
                                             1.927 billion metric tons of CO2 in         the IEA. Because China’s per capita
On July 21, 2010, the Building               2013. That cap is 6.3% lower than           demand is still ⅓ of the average
Owners and Managers Association              the amount ETS participants were            for members of the International
of Chicago (“BOMA”), a group of              allowed to emit in 2007. However,           Organization for Economic
Chicago business owners, signed              the cap is 8.7% higher than actual          Cooperation and Development, the
an agreement with the Korean Smart           emissions in 2009, a consequence of         opportunity for future growth in China
Grid Association, a consortium of            the economic crisis that caused ETS-        is particularly strong.
Korean technology companies, to              covered installations to drop from          China’s appetite for energy has
launch a smart grid pilot program            1.998 billion tons emitted in 2008 to       caused hesitation among some U.S.
involving approximately a dozen              1.772 billion tons in 2009. According       lawmakers, who are reluctant to agree
downtown Chicago office buildings.           to the EC, the 2013 cap is consistent       to U.S. reductions in GHG emissions
Smart grids deliver electricity using        with EU legislation requiring it to         without comparable restrictions in
two-way digital technology that              reduce GHG emissions 20% by                 China. China is the largest emitter
overlays the electricity distribution        2020 compared with 1990 levels.             of GHGs and relies extensively on
grid with an information and net             The cap does not include allowances         coal, the dirtiest-burning fossil fuel.
metering system, permitting the              that will be allocated to airlines, which   Moreover, a recent pipeline explosion
control of power to consumers’               are required to begin participating         in China leaked a reported 1,500 tons
appliances according to the                  in ETS in 2012. ETS will cover all          of oil into the Yellow Sea, near the
electricity flowing in the grid system.      airlines flying into and out of the EU,     busy northeastern port of Dalian.
When power is least expensive, the           regardless of country of origin.
smart grid user can turn on selected                                                     U.N. Developing Contingency
                                             On July 15, 2010, EC approved a
appliances, while at peak times,                                                         Plan Options in Advance of Kyoto
                                             draft carbon emissions law that would
the smart grid user could turn off                                                       Protocol Expiration
                                             create an auctioning platform for ETS
selected appliances.                                                                     On July 20, 2010, the U.N. released
                                             allowances after 2012, a change that
The buildings participating in the pilot     would raise large amounts of money          options for a contingency plan to
program hope to manage their energy          for national treasuries. Under the          avoid a gap in regulation or treaty
usage patterns and monetize their            current system, most allowances             agreements in the likely event that
cost savings. Under the program, the         are distributed to participants for         a new international agreement
buildings also will be used as electric      free. The draft law also permits EU         is not in place when the Kyoto
grid resources, creating what BOMA           member states to opt-out of the ETS         Protocol’s commitment period for
is referring to as a “virtual generator.”    auctioning system and run their own         reducing GHG emissions expires in

Climate Change Update

2012. The U.N.-sponsored climate        that a new agreement would have           Considerations Relating to a
change summit in Copenhagen             to be ratified by October 4, 2012,        Possible Gap Between the First and
last December failed to produce an      to go into effect by January 1, 2013,     Subsequent Commitment Periods.”
agreement applicable after 2012, and    the day after the Protocol will expire.   In the 14-page paper, the AWG-KP
many delegates and leaders believe      Ratification of the Kyoto Protocol took   proposed short-term modifications
the climate change summit scheduled     8 years.                                  to the Kyoto Protocol, including
for the end of 2010 in Cancun,          The Ad-hoc Working Group on the           reducing the number of countries
Mexico will similarly fail to produce   Kyoto Protocol (“AWG-KP”), one            required to approve new targets,
an agreement. Ratification of any       of the two main negotiating tracks        extending the emission caps that
new agreement could also prove          in the United Nations Framework           currently govern for additional years,
challenging. Under U.N. rules, a new    Convention on Climate Change,             and reducing GHG emissions for
agreement cannot go into effect until   produced the outline of contingency       wealthier industrialized states only.
90 days after ratification, meaning     options in a paper titled, “Legal

For more information, please contact:
Gabrielle Sigel                         Jennifer Cassel                           Rachel C. Loftspring
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Tel: 312 923-2758                       Tel: 312 840-7206                         Tel: 312 840-8617
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