Climate Active Bricks - TUM

Page created by John Reynolds
Climate Active Bricks - TUM
Technical University of Munich
                                                  TUM Department of Architecture

                            Tenue Track Assistant Professorship Digital Fabrication
             Associate Professorship of Architectural Design and Building Envelope
                      Chair of Building Technology and Climate Responsive Design

                                                       Module Summer Term 2020

                                                     Basics of Robotic Fabrication
                                                      Adaptive Building Envelopes

Climate Active Bricks
Climate Active Bricks - TUM
Technical University of Munich
                                               TUM Department of Architecture

                                               Tenue Track Assistant Professorship
                                               Digital Fabrication
                                               Associate Professorship of Architectural
                                               Design and Building Envelope
                                               Chair of Building Technology and
                                               Climate Responsive Design

                                               Climate Active Bricks
                                               Module Summer Term 2020

                                               Basics of Robotic Fabrication          6 ECTS
                                               Adaptive Building Envelopes            6 ECTS

                                               Kick Off
                                               23.04.2020 | 09:45h | on Zoom

                                               Thursday Jour Fixe
                                               session 1		                09:45h - 12.00h
                                               session 2		                13:15h - 16:30h

                                               Submission/Examination Dates
                                               Project Presentation 1  14.05.2020
                                               Submission Expose Text 28.05.2020
                                               Project Presentation 2  18.06.2020
                                               Project Presentation 3  02.07.2020
                                               Final Presentation      23.07.2020

                                               TT Professorship Digital Fabrication

                                               Prof. Dr. sc. ETH Kathrin Dörfler

                                               Dipl.-Ing. Julia Fleckenstein

                                               Associate Professorship of Architectural
                                               Design and Building Envelope

                                               Dr.-Ing. Philipp Molter

                                               Chair of Building Technology and Climate
                                               Responsive Design
Image: Museum Yves Saint Laurent - Marrakech
Photo: Dan Glasser - Studio KO                 M.Sc. Ata Chokhachian
Climate Active Bricks - TUM
07   introduction

                                                                                                      11   preface

                                                                                                      17   schedule

                                                                                                      19   context

                                                                                                      21   the module

                                                                                                      29   imprint

Diagram: Self shading brick patterns
Image: Associate Professorship of Architectural Design and Building Envelope - Sánchez, Aaron; Con-
treras, Andrea; Palacios, Sebastian; Bernabéu, Jaume; Sánchez, Beatriz; González, Eva
Climate Active Bricks - TUM

                                                       Building Envelopes and
                                                       Impact on Microclimate

                                                       In the last centuries, history of hu-     in construction. Due to its close rela-   optical performance of façade and
                                                       man settlement was very much re-          tion to common construction practi-       pavement materials on microclima-
                                                       lated to the use of brick as a key        ce, digital fabrication allows for        te of cities. The issue is important
                                                       element for shelter as structure of       the control of the micro and macro        due to urban heat island phenome-
                                                       architectural space (Serena, 2012).       structure of a building component,        na described as temperature diffe-
                                                       Since the very beginning of human         per-formance optimization through         rences between downtown and su-
                                                       settlement, sun dried mud and la-         the design of the cross section (Bon-     burbs. Due to decreased sky view
                                                       ter burned bricks made out of clay        wetsch, Kobel, Gramazio, & Kohler,        factor in urban canyons as function
                                                       have been used to build shelter and       2006). Therefore, this technology is      of compactness and increased den-
                                                       buildings all over the globe. The wi-     supposed to increase the spread of        sity of cities, the trapped heat and
                                                       dely use of mud-bricks as a key           brick construction in architectural       solar radiation keeps surface tem-
                                                       element in prehistoric architecture       context. Howev-er, since the 1980s,       peratures high even during night
                                                       and the following centuries is rela-      energy regulations have pushed the        time. As consequence, the buildings
                                                       ted to its modular and highly flexi-      innovation of bricks towards better       that are dependent on night time
                                                       ble use and adaptability to various       U-values especially in northern and       cooling can-not recover and they
                                                       applications allowing for a high de-      central Europe. Thus, the latest de-      cause significant health issues. The
                                                       gree of design freedom and struc-         velopments have been pushed to-           summer of 2003 could be relevant
                                                       tural performance (Oates, 1990).          wards insulating bricks since they        instance in Europe for the extreme
                                                       According to statistics in 1990, ap-      incorporate both the structural and       heat wave that caused 15000 addi-
                                                       proximately 30% of the world’s po-        the thermal functions of the buil-        tional deaths in France (Ata Chok-
                                                       pulation lived in earthen brick made      ding envelope (Wernery et al., 2017).     hachian, Santucci, & Auer, 2017).
                                                       structures (Coffman, Agnewl, Aus-         The work of this research focuses
                                                       tin, & Doehnel, 1990). In the last ye-    on the potentials of brick as a clima-    The phenomena of urbanization and
                                                       ars brick architecture has experi-        te active material improving urban        industrialization concerning its effect
                                                       enced a revival and will grow even        (thermal) comfort conditions. Re-         on environmental change has been
                                                       further. As said by Compound Annu-        search and practice has already pro-      known and studied for many centu-
                                                       al Growth Rate, (CAGR) for the brick      ved that brick is one of well perfor-     ries all over the world. Addressing
                                                       product segment the estima-tion is        ming material for climate control due     the topic of environmental change,
                                                       to raise 3.5% during 2017-2027 and        to its high thermal capacity and ther-    we need to refer to relevant metrics
                                                       it is anticipated to dominate over        mal mass effect (Al-Sanea, Zedan,         depending on the context and sca-
                                                       the forecast period (TMRGL, 2017).        & Al-Hussain, 2012, 2013) neverthel-      le. Urban Heat Island effect (UHI) is
                                                       The mentioned advantages of brick         ess energy regulations have limited       one of the widely investigated phe-
                                                       construction are also subject of          the innovation of bricks towards bet-     nomena to measure the effect of ur-
                                                       further research in digital fabrication   ter thermal performance only. The-        banization and built environment on
                                                       with robots enabling ar-chitects to       re have been various studies per-         the climate of cities. It is one of the
Image: Hoechst AG in Frankfurt a.M. by Peter Behrens   directly control complex geometries       formed to understand thermal and          most common manifestations on ur-

Climate Active Bricks - TUM


                                                                                                                           Akbari, H., Pomerantz, M., & Taha, H. (2001).            vironments: a micromorphological approach in an        review on the generation, determination and mi-

                                                                                                                           Cool surfaces and shade trees to reduce ener-            ethnoarchaeological context in northern Greece.        tigation of Urban Heat Island. Journal of Envi-

                                                                                                                           gy use and improve air quality in urban are-             Journal of Archaeological Science, 41, 556-567.        ronmental Sciences, 20(1), 120-128. doi: htt-

ban climate studies and since its          the peak electricity load for cooling   passive microclimatic converter and     as. Solar Energy, 70(3), 295-310. doi: https://          doi:         ps://

advent by Luke Howard (1818), it is        purposes may be tripled especially      the results show that the wall sur-                    Han, R., Xu, Z., & Qing, Y. (2017). Study of Passi-    Santamouris, M., Papanikolaou, N., Livada, I., Ko-

still the topic of researchers in dif-     for higher set point temperatures,      face temperature are averagely lo-      Al-Sanea, S. A., Zedan, M. F., & Al-Hussain, S. N.       ve Evaporative Cooling Technique on Water-retai-       ronakis, I., Georgakis, C., Argiriou, A., & Assi-

ferent regions of the world. UHI by        while the minimum COP value of air      wer than ambient air temperature by     (2012). Effect of thermal mass on performance of in-     ning Roof Brick. Procedia Engineering, 180, 986-992.   makopoulos, D. N. (2001). On the impact of ur-

definition is known as higher tem-         conditioners may be decreased up        5 °C over day time (He & Liu, 2012).    sulated building walls and the concept of energy sa-     doi:      ban climate on the energy consumption of

peratures or heat content stored in        to 25% because of the higher am-        Addressing the wide spread of           vings potential. Applied Energy, 89(1), 430-442. doi:    He, J., & Liu, K. Q. (2012). Numerical Analy-          buildings. Solar Energy, 70(3), 201-216. doi: htt-

urban areas caused due to the an-          bient temperatures (Mofidi & Akba-      brick buildings as well as the men-           sis of Passive Microclimatic-Modifying Ef-             ps://

thropogenic heat released from ve-         ri, 2017; Santamouris et al., 2001).    tioned problems with urban heat         Al-Sanea, S. A., Zedan, M. F., & Al-Hussain, S. N.       fects of a Moist Void-Brick Wall. Applied Me-          Schmandt-Besserat, D. (2015). The Begin-

hicles, power plants, air conditio-        There has been several approa-          island and outdoor comfort, this        (2013). Effect of masonry material and surface ab-       chanics and Materials, 193-194, 1156-1164. doi:        nings of the Use of Clay in Turkey. Anatolian Stu-

ners and other heat sources, and           ches toward UHI mitigation by de-       paper proposes an architectural in-     sorptivity on critical thermal mass in insulated buil-   10.4028/            dies, 27, 133-150. doi: 10.2307/3642659

due to the heat stored and re-radi-        signing proportional aspect ra-         vestigation on innovative approa-       ding walls. Applied Energy, 102, 1063-1070. doi: ht-     Howard, L. (1818). The Climate of London: dedu-        Serena, L. (2012). The Geoarchaeology of Mud-

ated by massive and complex ur-            tio for street canyons which allows     ches on the potentials of irrigated     tps://             ced from Meteorological observations, made at dif-     bricks in Architecture: A Methodological Stu-

ban structures which leads to de-          enough sky exposure for night time      solid bricks as a component for cli-    Bonswetch, T., Kobel, D., Gramazio, F., & Kohler, M.     ferent places in the neighbourhood of the metro-       dy from Çatalhöyük, Turkey. Geoarchaeolo-

terioration of living environment          cooling or choosing proper materi-      mate adaptive facades. It is under-     (2006). The informed wall: applying additive digital     polis: W. Phillips, sold also by J. and A. Arch.       gy, 27(2), 140-156. doi: doi:10.1002/gea.21401

and increase in energy consump-            als for building envelopes de-pen-      stood that the focus on this research   fabrication techniques on architecture. Paper pre-       Jandaghian, Z., & Akbari, H. (2018). The ef-           Stevanović, M. (1997). The Age of Clay: The So-

tions (Rizwan, Dennis, & Liu, 2008).       ding on context and orientation of      is clearly an investigation as an ar-   sented at the 25th Annual Conference of the Asso-        fects of increasing surface reflectivity on heat-      cial Dynamics of House Destruction. Jour-

As an example, Analysis of tempe-          each façade. Studies show that          chitectural approach rather than        ciation for Computer-Aided Design in Architecture.       related mortality in Greater Montreal Area,            nal of Anthropological Archaeology, 16(4), 334-

rature trends for the last 100 years       brick facades with low reflectivity     an emphasis on building physics.        Cauvin, J. (2000). The Birth of the Gods and the Ori-    Canada. Urban Climate, 25, 135-151. doi: ht-           395. doi:

in several large U.S. cities indicate      in compar-ison with heavily insula-                                             gins of Agriculture: Cambridge University Press.         tps://              TMRGL. (2017). Concrete Block and Brick Manufac-

that, since 1940, temperatures in ur-      ted envelopes can decrease extre-                                               Chokhachian, A., Perini, K., Dong, S., & Auer, T.        Künzel, H. M. (1994). Verfahren zur ein- und zwei-     turing Market (Product Type - Concrete Block (Hol-

ban areas have increased by about          me heat stress for pedestrians by                                               (2017). How Material Performance of Building Fa-         dimensionalen Berechnung des gekoppel-                 low, Cellular, and Fully solid), Brick (Clay, Sand lime,

0.5 - 3.0 °C. Typically, electricity de-   26% during the day time (Ata Chok-                                              çade Affect Urban Microclimate. Paper presen-            ten Wärme- und Feuchtetransports in Bau-               and Fly ash clay), and ACC Block - Global Industry

mand in cities increases by 2 - 4 %        hachian, Perini, Dong, & Auer, 2017).                                           ted at the Powerskin 2017, Munich, Germany.              teilen mit einfachen Kennwerten. 42.                   Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast

for each 1 °C increase in tempera-         Additionally, there has been sever-                                             Chokhachian, A., Santucci, D., & Auer, T.                Lengsfeld, K., & Holm, A. (2007). Entwicklung          2017 - 2027 (pp. 174): Transparency Market Research.

ture. Hence, we estimate that 5 -          al studies about evaporative cooling                                            (2017). A Human-Centered Approach to En-                 und Validierung einer hygrothermischen Raumkli-        Uğurlu, E., & Böke, H. (2009). The use of brick–

10 % of the current urban electrici-       potential of building envelopes whe-                                            hance Urban Resilience, Implications and Ap-             ma-Simulationssoftware WUFI®-Plus. Bauphysik,          lime plasters and their relevance to climatic con-

ty demand is spent to cool buildings       re Han, Xu, and Qing (2017) explo-                                              plication to Improve Outdoor Comfort in Den-             29(3), 178-186. doi: doi:10.1002/bapi.200710025        ditions of historic bath buildings. Construction

just to compensate for the increa-         red the effect of two passive coo-                                              se Urban Spaces. Buildings, 7(4), 113.                   Mofidi, F., & Akbari, H. (2017). Personalized ener-    and Building Materials, 23(6), 2442-2450. doi: htt-

sed 0.5 - 3.0 °C in urban tempera-         ling systems, water-retaining bricks                                            Coffman, R., Agnewl, N., Austin, G., & Doehnel,          gy costs and productivity optimization in offi-        ps://

tures (Akbari, Pomerantz, & Taha,          on roof and radiation shield on roof                                            E. (1990). ADOBE MINERALOGY: Characterizati-             ces. Energy and Buildings, 143, 173-190. doi: ht-      Wernery, J., Ben-Ishai, A., Binder, B., & Brun-

2001; Jandaghian & Akbari, 2018). It       concluding that the maximum coo-                                                on of Adobes from around the world. Paper pre-           tps://            ner, S. (2017). Aerobrick — An aerogel-filled insu-

is found that for the city of Athens,      ling capabil-ity can be achieved                                                sented at the 6th International Conference on the        Oates, D. (1990). Innovations in mud-brick: De-        lating brick. Energy Procedia, 134, 490-498. doi:

where the mean heat island intensi-        through on-roof water-retaining                                                 Conservation of Earthen Architecture: Adobe 90.          corative and structural techniques in ancient Me-

ty exceeds 10 °C, the cooling load         bricks. Another study explores the                                              Friesem, D. E., Karkanas, P., Tsartsidou, G., & Sha-     sopotamia. World Archaeology, 21(3), 388-

of urban buildings may be doubled,         effects of a Moist Void-brick wall as                                           hack-Gross, R. (2014). Sedimentary processes in-         406. doi: 10.1080/00438243.1990.9980115

                                                                                                                           volved in mud brick degradation in temperate en-         Rizwan, A. M., Dennis, L. Y. C., & Liu, C. (2008). A

Climate Active Bricks - TUM
                                                                                                                                     - Basics of Robotic Fabrication

                                                    Prof. Dr. sc. ETH Kathrin Dörfler   The The Tenure Track (TT) Profes-         The TT Professorship is based at the
                                                                                        sorship Digital Fabrication is a new-     Department of Architecture and af-
                                                                                        ly founded research group dedica-         filiated with the Department of Civil,
                                                                                        ted to the research and teaching of       Geo and Environmental Engineering.
                                                                                        computational design and digital
                                                                                        fabrication processes in architec-        Seminars of the TT Assistant Pro-
                                                                                        ture. Currently, the team of the Pro-     fessorship Digital Fabrication de-
                                                                                        fessorship consists of four research      velop in relation to a task-specific
                                                                                        and teaching associates with diffe-       scenario and a constructively moti-
                                                                                        rent professional backgrounds. The        vated question regarding Architec-
                                                                                        research group’s goal in teaching         ture and Digital Fabrication. The
                                                                                        is to engage students in interdisci-      analysis of the task and technolo-
                                                                                        plinary thinking, merging the fields      gical boundary conditions are as
                                                                                        of architectural design, enginee-         much the content of the design pro-
                                                                                        ring, and construction, and to ex-        jects as the research of reference
                                                                                        plore how computational design            projects, the literature on the state
                                                                                        and new robotic fabrication tech-         of science and analysis on the topic,
                                                                                        nologies can lead to more effici-         and the development of a structu-
                                                                                        ent building construction and redu-       ral and spatial concept, materiali-
                                                                                        ce the use of resources. Parametric       ty, and architectural language. The
                                                                                        and algorithmic design strategies         focus is on the conception and ela-
                                                                                        provide a platform for explorati-         boration of an architectural design,
                                                                                        on into the integrative use of com-       which is developed on the basis of
                                                                                        putational processes in architectu-       concrete, exemplary studies and the
                                                                                        ral design, with a particular focus       further implemen-tation of prototy-
                                                                                        on integrative methods for the ge-        pes on a model scale and exemp-
                                                                                        neration, simulation and evaluati-        larily on a 1: 1 scale. Depending on
                                                                                        on of highly performative material        the topic, the project may also have
                                                                                        and building systems. With the use        an interdisciplinary character and
                                                                                        of mixed reality tools, the research      deal with topic-related contents of
                                                                                        group also explores the idea of a hy-     adjacent disciplines. The developed
                                                                                        brid, dually augmented human-ro-          interdisciplinary topics are incor-
Image: Research Lab - Technical University Munich                                       bot workforce aiming towards a ful-       porated into the project investiga-
Photo: Augmented Fabrication Lab                                                        ly integrated digital building culture.   tions and support the design theses.

Climate Active Bricks - TUM
                                                                                                                                                            - Adaptive Building Envelopes

                                                                               Dr. - Ing. Philipp Lionel Molter   The Associate Professorship of Ar-
                                                                                                                  chitectural Design and Building
                                                                                                                  Envelope is part of the TUM De-
                                                                                                                  partment of Architecture. It's in-
                                                                                                                  terdisciplinary design approach
                                                                                                                  in teaching and research:

                                                                                                                  The focus area 'Experimental' in-
                                                                                                                  vestigates in architectural designs
                                                                                                                  in the context of Additive Manufac-
                                                                                                                  turing focussing on 'functional ge-
                                                                                                                  ometries' for the building envelopes.
                                                                                                                  The aim is to use advantages of dig-
                                                                                                                  ital fabrication and complex geom-
                                                                                                                  etries in order to augment indoor
                                                                                                                  and outdoor comfort and energy ef-
                                                                                                                  ficiency of buildings by reducing
                                                                                                                  technical devices in the same time.

                                                                                                                  The focus area 'adaptation' re-
                                                                                                                  searches in the ability of building en-
                                                                                                                  velopes to respond to exterior cli-
                                                                                                                  mate conditions. Just as our natural
                                                                                                                  environment is in a constant pro-
                                                                                                                  cess of adaptive change, architec-
                                                                                                                  ture can adapt to climatic require-
                                                                                                                  ments. With nature as the model,
                                                                                                                  the Associate Professorship of Ar-
                                                                                                                  chitectural Design and Buildung
                                                                                                                  Envelope developed building en-
                                                                                                                  velopes which, analogous to natu-
                                                                                                                  ral envelope systems, considered
Diagram: Impact of materiality on urban micro climate                                                             either diurnally or annually, be-
Image: Associate Professorship of Architectural Design and Building Envelope                                      have adaptively and responsively.

Climate Active Bricks - TUM
                                                                                                         - Simulation of Thermal Comfort

                                     M. Sc. Ata Chokhachian   The Chair for Building Technology         The chair contributes through prac-
                                                              and Climate Responsive Design is          tice oriented research with two
                                                              part of the Department of Architec-       main focus areas: “Environmen-
                                                              ture. Its core focus in teaching and      tal Quality” and “Energy Man-
                                                              research is a holistic design ap-         agement” tries to bring new
                                                              proach for buildings in considera-        insights in the holistic design ap-
                                                              tion of the sustainability goals of the   proach for buildings and cities.
                                                              European Union (EU). A 90% reduc-         Through this module we will ex-
                                                              tion of CO2 emissions in the building     plore environmental modeling tools
                                                              sector compared to 1990 is the main       to quantify local impacts of brick
                                                              goal of the EU carbon roadmap.            walls. We will use computation-
                                                              The implementation of the car-            al simulations to provide optimized
                                                              bon roadmap will have major im-           alternatives for robotically manu-
                                                              pact on the built environment. The        facturing of brick elements. These
                                                              necessary transformation process          tools will support us in the pro-
                                                              goes hand in hand with the ongo-          cess of design and decision mak-
                                                              ing transformation in the wake of cli-    ing to understand the microcli-
                                                              mate change and urbanization. In          matic impacts on human scale.
                                                              research the chair is dealing with
                                                              transformations of the built environ-
                                                              ment and develops a holistic design
                                                              approach hand in hand with archi-
                                                              tects, engineers and urban planners.
                                                              In the past, energy efficiency was
                                                              primarily driven by technology. At
                                                              the moment, however, there is a re-
                                                              thinking of more holistic concepts
                                                              that increasingly incorporate the ur-
                                                              ban and regional scale. The overall
                                                              objective of this approach is to cre-
                                                              ate maximum comfort in the interior
                                                              as well as in the exterior of the built
Thermal simulation of Chicago, IL.                            environment while minimizing the
Image: Dustin Phillip, 2019                                   use of resources at the same time.

Climate Active Bricks - TUM

                                                                                 Thursday     Session 1 - BE		   9.45h - 12.00h
                                                                                 Jour Fixe    Session 2 - DF		   13.15h - 16.30h

                                                                                 23.04.2020   09.45h			          Kick Off and Introduction Lectures BE & DF
                                                                                 		           13.15h 			         Assignment of the Research Topic

                                                                                 30.04.2020   no Session		       Field Trip Slot (for Design Studios)

                                                                                 07.05.2020 09.45h			            Session BE -Lecture “Performative Envelopes”
                                                                                 		         13.15h 			           Session DF: Getting Started with Python

                                                                                 14.05.2020   09.45h			          Project Presentation 1 (Research Idea)
                                                                                              13.15h			          Session DF: Datastructures and Geometry

                                                                                 28.05.2020 09.45h			 All-Day Design Workshop with Deskcrit
                                                                                 					Submission of the Research Exposé

                                                                                 04.06.2020 09.45h 			 Session BE: Lecture “Simulation of Thermal
                                                                                 						                             Comfort” by Ata Chokhachian
                                                                                 		         13.15h			  Design Research Workshop with Deskcrit

                                                      Research-by-Design Phase

                                                                                 18.06.2020 9.45h			   Project Presentation 2 (Design Concept)
                                                                                 		13.15h			           Session DF: Datastructures for Robotic Fabrication

                                                                                 25.06.2020 9.45h			   Design Workshop with Deskcrit
                                                                                 		         13.15h 			 Session DF: Robotic Fabrication Basics

                                                      Phase 1

                                                                                 02.07.2020   9.45h			           Project Presentation 3 (Design Completed)
                                                                                 		           13.15h 			         Session DF: Fabrication Workshop

                                                                                 09.07.2020   9.45h 			          All-day Fabrication Workshop

                                                                                 16.07.2020   9.45h 			          All-day Fabrication Workshop

                                                      Production Phase
                                                                                 23.07.2020   9.45h			           Final Presentation (Fabrication Completed)
                                                      Phase 2
                                                                                 28.07.2020				                  Submission of Project Documentation

Image: Brick Pattern House by Alireza Mashhadimirza
Photo: Alireza Mashhadimirza

Climate Active Bricks - TUM

                                                                                                                         One of the main aspects of life is the   light is a very important component       Thermal radiation has a ma-
                                                                                                                         dynamics of its elements. Climate        for human health and therefore the        jor influence on the heat ba-
                                                                                                                         conditions, behaviors and comfort.       building envelope needs to provi-         lance of humans.
                                                                                                                                                                  de precise regulation of glare, illu-
                                                                                                                                                                  minance, brightness, luminous flux.       Fresh Air Supply: besides human
                                                                                                                         The ‘comfort’ depends on perso-          Acoustic Comfort is achieved when         emissions of CO2 and humidity, ga-
                                                                                                                         nal perceptions and also on tem-         spaces provide appropriate acousti-       ses, odours, biological impurities
                                                                                                                         porarily changing feelings of an in-     cal support for interaction, confiden-    that transmit diseases, aerosols and
                                                                                                                         dividual user. It mainly consists        tiality, and concentrative work and       dust require sufficient amount of ap-
                                                                                                                         of four comfort parameters:              habitation by regulating noise levels,    proximately one volume exchange
                                                                                                                                                                  sound absorption, sound attenua-          per hour of an internal space. This
                                                                                                                         -        visual comfort                  tion, sound insulation and reverbe-       is a significant energy consuming
                                                                                                                         -        thermal comfort                 ration time. The building envelope        part of a building. And since recent
                                                                                                                         -        acoustic comfort                provides mostly high sound insula-        buildings tend to become more and
                                                                                                                         -        supply of fresh air             tion from exterior to the interior of a   more airtight, an autonomous de-
                                                                                                                                                                  building by using sound absorbing         centralized ventilation system pro-
                                                                                                                         Those four comfort parame-               surface towards interior spaces.          viding fresh air supply is the fo-
                                                                                                                         ters are essential for human well-       Thermal Comfort: Thermal com-             cus of various researchers working
                                                                                                                         being and human health.                  fort is very much related to the air      on adaptive building envelopes.
                                                                                                                                                                  temperature as well surface tem-          However, the regulation of the
                                                                                                                                                                  perature of our human body. It is         above mentioned comfort pa-
                                                                                                                                                                  further depending on physical ac-         rameters has been underesti-
                                                                                                                         Visual Comfort: The visual com-          tivity, age, gender, surface tempe-       mated in the last decades.
                                                                                                                         fort defines the conditions of the hu-   ratures, humidity, air speed and in-
                                                                                                                         man environment in terms of ligh-        sulation between human body and           At the same time the building en-
                                                                                           „operative temperature“ DIN   ting levels, glare, light distribution   surrounding space. Most of these          velope has not only an impact on
                                                                                          7730 (perceived temperature)   and light color. For the users the       parameters are significantly driven       its internal spaces but has also a
                                                                                   human beings are not only sen-        main aspects of visual comfort are:      by the performance of the building        major impact on its exterior envi-
                                                                                  sitive to the dry air-bulb tempera-    - the comfort of human beings that       envelope by Sun shading devices,          ronment: The façade (of lat .: fa-
                                                                                  ture but also the air relative humi-   provides the feeling of well-being       thermal insulation materials, radia-      cies:. Face) shapes the external
                                                                                   dity, the mean radiant temperature,   - the performance which enables          tion reflecting or absorbing mate-        appearance of a building and ge-
                                                                                    the air velocity and the personal    working people to manage visu-           rials. (ASHRAE Stan-dard 1981)            nerates the expression of the es-
                                                                                                                         al tasks even under difficult circum-    Thermal comfort in rooms de-              sence of an edifice and determi-
Diagram: Comfort temperatures and operative temperatures in an office with different heating methods.                    stances over a long time period.         pends partly upon radiati-                nes outside comfort conditions.
Image:                                However, adequate supply of day-         ve exchange between occup-
tive_temperatures_in_an_office_with_different_heating_methods [accessed Feb 26 2020].                                                                             ants and their surroundings.

the module

                                                                                 Module Organisation                     Research-by-Design Brief

                                                                                 Online Tools                            Design of a spatial urban microcli-    The module contains
                                                                                 Webinars                                mate intervention (walk-in struc-      two main phases:
                                                                                 •    via Zoom                           ture) for central Munich made out of
                                                                                 Module Material                         bricks with a special focus on:        Phase 1 —
                                                                                 •    Moodle                                                                    Research-by-Design Phase
                                                                                 •    Github                             •   issues of thermal comfort (ur-     Developing a Research Topic
                                                                                 •    Mendeley                               ban heating/cooling islands)       Working on a Design Task
                                                                                 File Submission                                                                Exploring digital Design Tools
                                                                                 •    Moodle                             •   enhanced microclimate by var-
                                                                                 •    Google Drive                           ious methods (e.g., self-shad-     Phase 2 —
                                                                                                                             ing by geometry, evap-             Production Phase
                                                                                 Module Requirements                         oration cooling, etc.)             Fabrication of selected
                                                                                                                                                                demonstrator objects
                                                                                 Operating System                        •   digital modeling, simula-
                                                                                 •  Windows 10 Pro 		                        tion, optimization, and as-
                                                                                    (freely available for all                sembly techniques
                                                                                    TUM students)
                                                                                 Commercial Software
                                                                                 •  Rhinoceros 3D 6.0
                                                                                    (test version is free for 90 days)

                                                                                 Group Structure
                                                                                 •  Groups of Three
Graphic: Climate-Active Furniture
Image: Associate Professorship of Architectural Design and Building Envelope -

the module

                                                                                                                Research Exposé Submission
                                                                                                                Presentation: 14.05.2020
                                                                                                                Zoom session with joint
                                                                                                                presentations and discussions

                                                                                                                Text Subission: 28.05.2020

                                                                                                                Background and Motivation:
Phase 1 —                         In-depth research could be ac-           Research topics                      A clear and concise summary of the       graphic development, Envi-            will conduct the research project.
Research-by-Design Phase          complished in one of the follow-                                              whole paper Including methodolo-         ronmental impact, Health              Which material, tools, loca-
Developing a Research Topic       ing topics. A scientific investigation   •   Urban heat island effect         gy and conclusion. About 300 words                                             tion, effect will you apply?
Working on a Design Task          focuses on strategies augment-                                                                                         Research and Design Objective
Exploring digital Design Tools    ing the performances of a build-         •   Urban microclimate effects       State of the Art                         Identification of research gap/       •   Selection of procedures
                                  ing envelope by responding to the                                             A short description of relevant re-      problem statement, and spe-               and research instruments
                                  surrounding climate conditions.          •   Outdoor comfort in urban areas   search in the field that provi-          cification of research and de-        •   Method for data coll-
                                                                                                                des context to your own work:            sign question and goals:                  ection and analysis
                                  The research focuses on autore-          •   (Digital) brick design           Statement about an area of concern,                                            •   Literature study and review
                                  active, sometimes dynamic pro-                                                a condition to be improved upon, a       Description of what is to be achie-
                                  cesses in biology and technology,        •   Robotic brickwork                difficulty to be eliminated Introduc-    ved by the study Importance:
                                  based on a deeper literature re-                                              tion to the topic being studied and      Narrows down the focus Guides in-     Expected Results
                                  view in scientific online journal da-    •   Self-shading geomet-             the importance of it Places the pro-     formation to be collected Facilita-   Describe expected research fin-
                                  tabases. Therefore we encourage              ries in (brick) facades          blem into a particular context Does      tes development of methodology        dings and what you want to ve-
                                  you to sign up for the Climate Active                                         not state how to do something, nor       Can break down a broad objec-         rify/achieve. Be precise in re-
                                  Bricks Group on Mendeley for col-        •   Irrigated facade systems         does it offer a vague or broad pro-      tive into small logically connec-     gard to what you want to test
                                  laboration, exchange and develop-                                             position or present a value questi-      ted parts Is related to the prob-     digitally as well as physically:
                                  ment of our data pool collection.        •   Evapotranspiration               on Importance: When understan-           lem of a study Smart: Specific,
                                                                                                                ding the nature of the problem, one      measurable, attainable Realistic,     •   Restate your thesis
                                                                                                                is better able to develop a solution     time bound (what is to be done?)      •   Summarize your main findings
                                                                                                                Is a fundamental step in desig-                                                •   Answer the research questions
                                                                                                                ning a research plan It determines       Also think of:
                                                                                                                where and what kind of research          To create a data base to be at        References
                                                                                                                the writer will be looking for It gui-   hand for future design task
                                                                                                                des information to be collected.
Image:                                                                                                          Aspects of societal relevance:           Method
Courant D'Air by Océane Romanet                                                                                 Economic growth, Demo-                   A concise description of how you

the module

                                                                         Phase 1 —                  Working on a Design Task and           data to support us in the process
                                                                         Research-by-Design Phase   Exploring digital Design Tools:        of design and decision making for
                                                                                                                                           spatial brick structures with the aim
                                                                                                    Based on each individual research      to improve human comfort. Finally,
                                                                                                    topic, each group will develop         in following Phase 2, we will use
                                                                                                    and design an urban walk-              robots for the fabrication of intricate
                                                                                                    in brick structure and examine         designs.
                                                                                                    the microclimate effects of their
                                                                                                    differentiated geometries.

                                                                                                    Through this module, we will explore
                                                                                                    environmental modeling tools to
                                                                                                    quantify local climatic impacts of
                                                                                                    brick walls onto their immediate
                                                                                                    surrounding. We will use simulation
Simulation: Environmental Analysis and Optimization using Ladybug Tool
Image: Ata Chokhachian

the module

                                                                                                                   Phase 2 —                 At the center of the seminar             The intended learning outcomes
                                                                                                                   Production Phase          "Basics of Robot Fabrication" is         include to
                                                                                                                   Fabrication of selected   the imparting of conceptual and
                                                                                                                   demonstrator objects      practical technical basics of digital,   understand the theoretical
                                                                                                                                             and especially robotic, fabrication in   background of basic data
                                                                                                                                             architecture. The seminar provides       structures,
                                                                                                                                             essential theoretical and practical
                                                                                                                                             basic knowledge for computer-aided       apply the basic principles of
                                                                                                                                             integrated design and fabrication        algorithmic design,
                                                                                                                                             processes, as well as the general
                                                                                                                                             use of robot technologies. The           implement basic versions of
                                                                                                                                             basics covered are practically           prevalent algorithms related to
                                                                                                                                             deepened using exercises. Based          architectural geometry and robotic
                                                                                                                                             on simple examples such as the           fabrication,
                                                                                                                                             robotic construction of masonry
                                                                                                                                             structures enables students to learn     use common CAD tools as
                                                                                                                                             the principles of parametric and         interfaces to self-implemented
                                                                                                                                             algorithmic design with the Rhino        solutions, and
                                                                                                                                             and Grasshopper software and the
                                                                                                                                             Python programming language.             understand the scope and relevance
                                                                                                                                             The examination credits of students      of computational methods for
                                                                                                                                             are provided in the form of written      architectural research and practice.
                                                                                                                                             exercises. This is intended to
                                                                                                                                             demonstrate that important teaching
Illustration: Robot setup for the practical experimentation with concepts of robotic fabrication in architecture                             content and functional relationships
Image: Augmented Fabrication Lab                                                                                                             are understood


                                            Text and Concept      TUM Department of Architecture
© 2020 TUM Technical University of Munich - All Rights Reserved   Technical University of Munich

                                                                  TT Professorship Digital Fabrication

                                                                  Associate Professorship of
                                                                  Architectural Design and Building

                                                                  Chair of Building Technology and
                                                                  Climate Responsive Design

                                                                  Arcisstraße 21
                                                                  80333 Munich I Germany

Climate Active Bricks

                  TUM Department of Architecture
                   Technical University of Munich

       Tenue Track Assistant Professorship Digital Fabrication
Associate Professorship of Architectural Design and Building Envelope
    Chair of Building Technology and Climate Responsive Design
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