Hallmark Building Services 2018 - Hallmark Developments
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1. About Us 2. Services 3. Projects 4. Residential Developments 5. Company Policy 6. Clients and Partners CONTENTS
WHO WE ARE Hallmark is a professional construction, WHY HALLMARK? Hallmark Building Services is driven by our mix of development and property management company practical and professional expertise which includes which provides a comprehensive suite of services project managers, building surveyors, engineers to both the public and private sectors. Hallmark and architects. Their presence and complementary builds quality homes in new developments and skills empower us to make informed decisions and also provides a complete project management UHVSRQGWRPDUNHWGHPDQGVIDVWDQGHHFWLYHO\ service. We have experience in managing small scale The short lines of communication also support our domestic projects to large multi-million construction excellent customer and professional relationships. projects. Hallmark is highly experienced in projects that We advise on planning, land acquisition and site demand a short turnaround time, quick design and VXLWDELOLW\:HDOVRRHUGHYHORSPHQWDVVHVVPHQWV SODQQLQJDQGDKDQGVRQDSSURDFK2XUNQRZOHGJH DQGUHSRUWVIRUȴQDQFLDOLQVWLWXWLRQVDVZHOO of planning and development as well as our stringent DVRHULQJIXQGLQJDGYLFH2XUIXOOUDQJHRI control of design and construction means customers services helps to guide clients through the whole receive the quality they expect and deserve. development process to transform each initial We continually review performance on every project design into reality. to ensure continuous improvement across our business. We encourage clients to give us feedback on topics as diverse as value engineering and We focus on building sustainable family home design, workforce competence and health, safety GHYHORSPHQWVDWDRUGDEOHSULFHV2XUVWUDWHJ\LV and environmental results. to ensure we develop communities that serve our Using a combination of internal and retained customer requirements in high quality, well serviced external specialists with expertise and an locations. XQGHUVWDQGLQJRIVSHFLȴFFXVWRPHUQHHGV+DOOPDUN We recognise that the integrity and reputation of VWULYHVWRȴQGVROXWLRQVWKDWRHUJUHDWHUXWLOLVDWLRQ our business rests not only on us delivering quality faster delivery and lower lifecycle costs. homes and business environments but also on our Hallmark project managers have the ability to adapt ability to understand people’s ever-changing needs to all manner of project situations and can ensure the and desires. It is our belief that this will lead to a project runs smoothly from concept to completion. better outcome for our business, our community 2XUEXVLQHVVLVUHVSHFWHGIRULWVSURIHVVLRQDOLVP and ultimately our customers. quality standards and customer care. Construction is all about people’s performance and We have the proven track record and experience our people are skilled, highly trained and have the WRXQGHUWDNHDQ\QHZEXLOGSURMHFW2XUSRUWIROLR relevant experience to deliver the most complex includes a wide range of projects – including small to and challenging projects within demanding project ODUJHVFDOHUHVLGHQWLDOSURMHFWVRɝFHEORFNVOHLVXUH deadlines and meticulous quality standards. complexes and educational/healthcare centres. What they all have in common is a high standard of delivery and a commitment from our team to meeting each client’s brief to time and budget.
OUR TEAM Kieran Flynn – Managing Director Emmet Gyves – Project Manager Justin Ross – Project Manager Tony Kelly – Quantity Surveyor Sheena Horan – Accounts Manager Helena McCarthy – John McGuire – Site Foreman Chris Delaney – Site Foreman CERTIFICATION/ REGISTRATION We are a registered member of the following organisations: • Construction Industry Federation (CIF) • Construction Industry Registry Ireland (CIRI) • Irish Home Builders Association (IHBA) • Master Builders & Contractors Association (MCBA) • Homebond In addition, we are in the process of implementing the ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management and 14001:2015 Environmental Management Systems.
KIERAN 3HUVRQDO3URȴOH Hallmark Building Services Ltd .H\5HOHYDQW6NLOOV • Development Planning & Appraisals FLYNN Position - Managing Director . . . 2010 to Present • Land & Property Acquisitions • Zoning & Planning Applications Hallmark Building Services was founded in 2010 by • Contract & Construction Management Kieran Flynn and has become a recognised force in • Site Resolution Planning MANAGING DIRECTOR property development and construction. Kieran is • Asset & Project Management DTXDOLȴHGFLYLOHQJLQHHUZLWKH[WHQVLYHH[SHULHQFH • Commercial Management at senior management level in the construction • Statutory Compliance industry. He is committed to providing strong and • Facilities / Properties Management decisive leadership to help guide the company • Excellent Leadership & Communication Skills towards continuous and unparalleled growth. Prior to establishing Hallmark, Kieran worked as a Contracts Manager with Castlelands Consruction Ltd, PJ Walls Construction and PJ Hegarty & Sons Ltd. He has managed a number of high quality developments including commercial, residential, educational and healthcare projects. 4XDOLȴFDWLRQV 2YHUDOO'XWLHVDQG 3URMHFW([SHULHQFH Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering (B.Eng) 5HVSRQVLELOLWLHV • Rose Hill, Annabella, Mallow (58 Residential Units & Member of the Institute of Engineers of Ireland Associated Services) (MIEI) ȏ2YHUDOOPDQDJHPHQWRIWKHGD\WRGD\UXQQLQJRI • Maryborough Ridge Apartments, Douglas the company including supervision of all site and &RPSOHWLRQ )LW2XWRI$SDUWPHQWV RɝFHEDVHGVWD • Downview Apartments, Farranlea Road, Cork City • Liaising with legal representatives regarding the following: &RPSOHWLRQ )LW2XWRI$SDUWPHQWV • Contract Production & Team Appointments. • Castle Heights, Carrigaline (285+ Residential Units & • Tender Procurement and contractor Associated Services) appointments. • Abbeywood, Baneshane, Midleton (400+ Residential • Interaction with Management Companies Units including Primary School) and transfer of the common areas of the • The Links, Ballyellis, Mallow (7 Residential Units) development under the MUD's Act. ȏ5RVHKLOO.HOOV5RDG.LONHQQ\ 6RFLDO $RUGDEOH • Sales Conveyance Units for Kilkenny County Council) • Development Handover • Castle Court, Whitechurch (Mixed Use Development • Assess the status of statutory approvals including: consisting of 88 Residential Units) • Planning permission compliance, capital • Mallow Business Park, Mallow (Commercial Units contributions, status of Part V agreement , status including Primary Care Centre) of bonds in place with local authority, status of any • Garrendarragh, Bishopstown (Mixed Use GLVFKDUJHOLFHQFHVGHDOLQJZLWKVLWHUXQRHWF Development consisting of 250 Residential Units) ȏ&RRUGLQDWHUHYLHZRIȴUHFHUWDQG'$&UHTXLUHPHQWV
EMMET 3HUVRQDO3URȴOH Hallmark Building Services Ltd .H\5HOHYDQW6NLOOV • Planning & Programming projects GYVES Position - Project Manager. . . . . 2016 to Present • Project Management • Quality Control Management (PPHWLVDTXDOLȴHG&RQVWUXFWLRQ0DQDJHUZLWK • Cost Control over 15 years of experience in both Construction • Safety & Compliance Management PROJECT MANAGER and Civil Engineering Projects. During this time • Negotiation Emmet has been employed by some of the country’s • Customer Service leading contractors and overseen construction of • Team Building & Leadership major civil and residential development projects. Prior to joining the team at Hallmark he was a key member of the management teams on a broad range of projects including Cork Main Drainage, Irish Waters Domestic Water Metering Project, and various exceptional residential, commercial and educational projects. 4XDOLȴFDWLRQV 2YHUDOO'XWLHVDQG 3URMHFW([SHULHQFH Bachelor of Science in Construction Management. 5HVSRQVLELOLWLHV • Castlepark, Mallow. (Construction of 522 residential BSc (Honours) units) • Day to day management of all site activities on • Castle white, Whitechurch (Construction of 60 projects of varying sizes residential Units) • Programming and resourcing projects to ensure • Castle Court, Whitechurch (Construction of 88 timely delivery Residential Units) • Set project budget and liaise with quantity • The Links, Ballyellis, Mallow (7 Residential Units) surveyors to monitor costs • Castle Heights, Carrigaline (285 Residential Units & • Ensuring that all sites comply with all current safety Associated Services) regulations and keeping records of same. • Irish Water DWMP South and South West Regions • Liaising with and coordinating design teams to • Cork Main Drainage (Major Civils at Header Tank in HQVXUHVSHFLȴFDWLRQDQGGHVLJQDUHWRWKHUHTXLUHG Mahon) standard • Ensure works are in compliance with company management, quality and environmental systems • Monitor works as they progress and ensure that all ZRUNVDGKHUHWRGHVLJQVSHFLȴFDWLRQDQG&XUUHQW Building Regulations • Coordination of customer services department • Producing weekly progress reports
JUSTIN Hallmark Building Services Ltd Key Relevant Skills • Excellent leadership skills and ability to build ROSS Position - Site Manager . . . . . . . . 2017 to Present subordinates. • Ability to plan, organise, monitor and if necessary construction manager with excellent knowledge take corrective action on projects. PROJECT MANAGER of the construction industry. Possessing extreme • A comprehensive knowledge and understanding of organisational, planning and time management skills related company management sys-tems. as well as boasting a consistent ability to improve • with challenging situations. These characteristics, combined with 10+years of • Can control multiple construction projects construction industry experience across an array simultaneously. • Excellent decision-making skills and the ability to individual with a commercial and clinical approach to solving problems. Able to manage and coordinate • Clinical problem solving abilities, able to identify, all construction activities and ensure that all project assess, evaluate and resolve complex issues quickly deliverables are achieved with regards to safety, • Ability to co-ordinate, control and monitor all sub- quality, programme and cost. • Excellent knowledge of building legislation and regulations. Overall Duties and Project Experience Awarded Bachelor of Science in Construction Responsibilities • Lios Ard, Cork – (109 timber framed residential Management (top 3 Graduate) units and associated works) • Client relationship building • Carraig House, Tralee (28 apartment units and 5 • Programming, advanced planning and organisation commercial units – Complete build) of sites • The Orchard, Tralee (12 residential units and • Monitoring and proactively tackling safety, associated works) quality and environmental issues, continu-ous • Dunnes Stores upgrade works (Fit out and upgrade implementation of safety systems and quality works to 12 stores) control systems • JRI America – Kerry Technology Park (Fit out, overall • Formulate policies, manage daily operations, and management and associated works - 14000 sq. ft.) plan the use of materials, subcontrac-tors and • Blackmore court student accommodation, Cork labour • Liaising with the construction team and • coordination of cost control measures, interim • Bausch and Lomb, Waterford (Fit-out – 10000sq.ft.) • Tallow Collection scheme (surface water, foul water • Progression of all site works to meet agreed and water supply replacement works for the entire timelines, within budgetary constraints and to the town) highest level of quality • Derrinturn waste water treatment plant, Kildare (construction of town treatment plant and all associated pipelines and works)
TONY 3HUVRQDO3URȴOH Hallmark Building Services Ltd .H\5HOHYDQW6NLOOV • Excellent negotiating skills KELLY Position - Quantity Surveyor . . . 2017 to Present • Financial and numeracy management • Attention to detail and a methodical approach to Tony is an accomplished professional with over 13 work years’ experience in Quantity Surveying gained in • The ability to absorb complex information and SENIOR QUANTITY the construction industry on medium to large scale assess requirements readily projects in various international locations. Tony is • Strong relationship-building and interpersonal a highly motivated professional, an excellent team skills SURVEYOR player with a proven ability of working in diverse environments across multiple locations, whose key values include hard work, honesty, integrity and • Strong teamwork skills in order to lead and PRWLYDWHVWD • Detailed knowledge of existing technology, transparency. construction, building regulations and legal issues • The capacity to create detailed reports that are Prior to joining the team at Hallmark, he was a key easily understood by a wide array of people member of the management teams on a broad • Problem solving skills UDQJHRISURMHFWVLQFOXGLQJKLJKSURȴOHSURMHFWV in the Pharmaceutical, Data Centre, Road, Airport, Wind Farm, Land Fill and Waste Energy sectors. 4XDOLȴFDWLRQV 2YHUDOO'XWLHVDQG 3URMHFW([SHULHQFH Bachelor of Science in Construction Economics. BSc 5HVSRQVLELOLWLHV • Covanta Waste to Energy Plant Development, (Honours) Ringsend, Dublin (Civils, Landscaping & Security ȏ3ULFHIRUHFDVWWKHFRVWRIWKHGLHUHQWPDWHULDOV Building Packages) needed for the project • Dub056 Data Centre Development, Belgard Road • Prepare tender documents, contracts, budgets, bills Dublin (Earthworks & Drainage Packages) of quantities and other documentation • Irish Waters Domestic Water Metering Project – • Track changes to the design and/or construction Nationwide (Client Representative) work and adjusting budget projections accordingly • Project GRQ, Groningen, Netherlands (96MW Data • Carry out feasibility studies Centre Development) • Risk analysis evaluations • LIDL Refurbishment Projects - Tralee, Newcastlewest • Procure or agree the services of contractors and/or & Skibbereen subcontractors who work on the construction of the project • LIDL New Build Projects – Clonakility & Cornmarket • Analyse completed work and arrange payment to St Cork contractors • Emergency Lighting Upgrade Project, RTE Studios, • Allocate upcoming work to contractors Dublin 4 • Carry out site visits, assessments and projections for • Central Exchange, Birmingham, UK (8MW Data future works Centre Development) • Liaise with the client and other construction • Victoria Hall Student Apartments, Wolverhampton, professionals, such as site managers, project UK (200 student apartments within 3 separate managers and site engineers apartment blocks
SHEENA 3HUVRQDO3URȴOH Hallmark Building Services Ltd .H\5HOHYDQW6NLOOV ȏ3URȴFLHQWLQ6DJHSDFNDJHVȂ6DJH4XLFN3D\ HORAN Position - Accounting Technician . . .2016 to Present DQG6DJH2QH3D\UROO ȏ3URȴFLHQWLQDOO0LFURVRIW2ɝFHSDFNDJHVLQ Sheena has over 10 years’ experience in both particular – Excel and Word. ȴQDQFLDODQGDFFRXQWLQJVHFWRUVDQGEULQJVD ȏ3URȴFLHQWLQDQXPEHURIDFFRXQWLQJSDFNDJHV ACCOUNTS MANAGER wealth of knowledge to the company. Having including Big Red Book and Relate Accounts spent 6 years with AIB Sheena gained exceptional Production. experience in dealing with clients, preparing and ȏ3URȴFLHQWLQDQXPEHURISD\UROOSDFNDJHV monitoring monthly branch reports and assisting including Thesaurus and Collsoft. senior management in handling a large portfolio • Excellent time management and multi-tasking skills RIFOLHQWV6KHKDVVSHQW\HDUVZLWK2ȇ&RQQRU • Team player with the ability to work on her own Pyne Accountants working in the payroll and audit initiative departments. During those two years Sheena gained • Ability to work under pressure experience in accounts preparation, bookkeeping, • Flexible working attitude management accounts and all aspects of payroll • Excellent interpersonal, communication and from processing payroll to revenue returns. organizational skills. • Analytical and problem solving skills. 4XDOLȴFDWLRQV 2YHUDOO'XWLHVDQG %DFKHORURI&RPPHUFH %&200 5HVSRQVLELOLWLHV Accounting Technicians Ireland Diploma (MIATI) ȏ$QDO\VLVȴQDQFLDOLQIRUPDWLRQDQGSUHSDUHUHSRUWV • Provide all necessary support to the company in detailing monitory expenditure in each project. UHJDUGVWRRɝFHDGPLQLVWUDWLRQWDVNV7RSURYLGH • Interacting with clients in relation to any queries HR administration support to the MD when they may have. requested. ȏ5HYLHZLQJDQGDQDO\VLQJGHWDLOHGȴQDQFLDO • Provide all necessary support to assist in ensuring information WKDWWKHRɝFHLVRSHUDWLQJWRPD[LPXPHɝFLHQF\ • Planning, organising and executing reports/ which include preparing the necessary reports appraisals on time and within budget. for the weekly scheduling meetings and monthly • Assisting with fees and budgets management meetings. • Assess cost plans and development budgets to check that all aspects of the Project are adequately covered and that the project costs fall within the relevant benchmarks. • Complete monthly bookkeeping tasks, producing FDVKȵRZIRUHFDVWVSHUSURMHFWSUHSDUHTXDUWHUO\ PDQDJHPHQWDFFRXQWVDQGSURYLGHȴQDQFLDO reports to the MD.
HELENA Hallmark Building Services Ltd Key Relevant Skills • Strong communication skills; both oral, written and MCCARTHY . . . . . . 2011 to Present • customer service skills and strong aptitude for experience and is currently completing her problem resolution. OFFICE MANAGER diploma as an accounting technician. Since joining • Knowledge and understanding of the relevant Hallmark, Helena has become an integral part of information/documentation required and provided the Hallmark team. She maintains payroll, bank by/to solicitors, clients, suppliers, sub-contractors, accounts, invoicing, debtors and creditors ledgers, interior designers, architects etc. VAT returns and monthly credit control. Additionally, • Helena deals with client queries, establishing and • Ability to plan, prioritise and manage workload maintaining excellent relations with all our clients to meet deadlines; maintain highest professional for the project duration and ensures that all standards at all times as well as respond to relevant records are available to the client. She also changing priorities while maintaining attention to undertakes marketing and PR roles for the company. detail and productivity levels. Helena brings great organisation skills and solid • Understand the importance and value of business acumen to the role, having gained a wide • Ability to work autonomously and with little direction; Banking and in previous advertising roles in Cork. recognises the value in training and upskilling. Overall Duties and • • Management of rental accounts and associated Responsibilities records. • Representing the company at relevant meetings. Secretarial Diploma • First point of contact for Hallmark which includes sub-contracts, purchasers, tenants, government • Liaising with couriers, dispatch teams and bodies etc. managing the post in and out. • Liaise with solicitors, clients, suppliers, sub- Diploma in Quality Assurance • Liaises with our IT maintenance company and contractors, interior designers, architects etc. resolves any issues that may occur. • Obtaining quotations and organise approved • Cash and stationery management. works. • • Dealing with correspondences, complaints and administrative systems. queries. • Subject Matter Expert (SME) on SAGE & Thesaurus • Conducted research using internet and other for Hallmark. • Manage all areas of payroll. project needs. • Responsible for processing invoices, payments and • Liaise with employees and Management to determine best practice and apply where • appropriate to other departments in Hallmark. folders; hard and soft copies. • Host induction and training for new employees. • Liaising with Irish Revenue ensuring legal •
JOHN Hallmark Building Services Ltd Key Relevant Skills • Ability to delegate responsibilities. MAGUIRE Position - Site Foreman . . . . . . . . 2012 to Present • Ability to supervise and work with teams. • Ability to work at a high standard of quality and John has over 20 years experience in construction. • Detail oriented and positive. SITE FOREMAN oversees site operations on a day to day basis. • Excellent leadership, communication and He provides clear leadership and direction to the negotiating skills. site team and coordinates work between sub- • Liaising with clients and co-workers. contractors ensuring work is done on time and with • Planning and building maintenance. high quality standards. • Stress management and problem solving. • Interpret blueprints and construction documents Prior to working with Hallmark, John worked with and plan construction activities accordingly Murphy Construction Ltd. He has worked on a number of high quality developments including commercial, residential and educational projects. Overall Duties and Project Experience SOLAS Safe Pass Responsibilities • Castle Heights, Carrigaline (285+ Residential Units SOLAS CSCS Slinger/Signaller & Associated Services) SOLAS CSCS Telescopic Handler • Oversees site operations on a day to day basis. • The Links, Ballyellis, Mallow (7 Residential Units) SOLAS CSCS Excavator • Ensuring the safety of crew members. • Castle Court, Whitechurch (Mixed Use SOLAS CSCS Dumper • Ensuring health and safety legislation is complaint Development consisting of 88 Residential Units) with HSA policy. • Chestnut Meadows, Glanmire (54 Residential Units Manual Handling and Abrasive Wheel • Implement Health and Safety Polices and maintain & Associated Services) First Aider health and safety records. • The Paddocks, Glanmire (10 Residential Units & • Provide clear leadership and direction to the site Associated Services) team. • Copper Valley, Glanmire (132 Residential, • Train and supervise workers on company policies, Associated Services Units & Creche) safety practices, regulations and procedures. • Ard Carraig, Glanmire (26 Residential Units & • Inspects work in progress and completed Associated Services) work to make sure work complies with project • Fernwood, Glanmire (176 Residential Units, Associated Services & Creche) • Manage and assist skilled craft workers in • The Brook Inn, Glanmire (Refurbishment) performing their assigned duties under close • O’Sullivan’s Bar & Restaurant, Douglas supervision. (Refurbishment) • Coordinating, supervise and managing sub- • Barry’s of Douglas (Refurbishment) contractors and personnel on site.
CHRIS 3HUVRQDO3URȴOH Hallmark Building Services Ltd .H\5HOHYDQW6NLOOV • Ability to delegate responsibilities. DELANEY Position - Site Foreman . . . . . . . . 2012 to Present • Ability to supervise and work with teams. • Ability to work at a high standard of quality and Chris has over 25 years experience in construction. ȴQLVK +HLVDQHQHUJHWLFDQGHHFWLYHVLWHIRUHPDQZKR • Detail oriented and positive. SITE FOREMAN oversees site operations on a day to day basis. • Excellent leadership, communication and He provides clear leadership and direction to the negotiating skills. site team and coordinates work between sub- • Liaising with clients and co-workers. contractors ensuring work is done on time and with • Planning and building maintenance. high quality standards. • Stress management and problem solving. • Interpret blueprints and construction documents Prior to working with Hallmark, Chris worked with and plan construction activities accordingly. Murphy Construction Ltd. He has worked on a number of high quality residential developments projects. 4XDOLȴFDWLRQV 2YHUDOO'XWLHVDQG 3URMHFW([SHULHQFH 62/$66DIH3DVV 5HVSRQVLELOLWLHV • The Links, Ballyellis, Mallow (7 Residential Units) 62/$6&6&67HOHVFRSLF+DQGOHU • Glyntown Heights, Glanmire (20 Residential Units & 62/$6&6&6'LJJHU ȏ2YHUVHHVVLWHRSHUDWLRQVRQDGD\WRGD\EDVLV Associated Services) Manual Handling • Ensuring the safety of crew members. • Glyntown Close, Glanmire (20 Residential Units & • Ensuring health and safety legislation is complaint Associated Services) with HSA policy. • Ashington, Glanmire (21 Residential Units & • Implement Health and Safety Polices and maintain Associated Services) health and safety records. • Chestnut Meadows, Glanmire (54 Residential Units • Provide clear leadership and direction to the site team. & Associated Services) • Train and supervise workers on company policies, • The Paddocks, Glanmire (10 Residential Units & safety practices, regulations and procedures. Associated Services) • Inspects work in progress and completed • Copper Valley, Glanmire (132 Residential, work to make sure work complies with project Associated Services Units & Creche) VSHFLȴFDWLRQV • Ard Carraig, Glanmire (26 Residential Units & • Manage and assist skilled craft workers in Associated Services) performing their assigned duties under close • Fernwood, Glanmire (176 Residential Units, supervision. Associated Services & Creche) • Coordinating, supervise and managing sub- • The Brook Inn, Glanmire (Refurbishment) contractors and personnel on site. • Barry’s of Douglas (Refurbishment) ȏ2UGHULQJDQGFRQWURORIPDWHULDOVRQVLWH
We are a registered member of the following organisations: • Construction Industry Federation (CIF) • Construction Industry Registry Ireland (CIRI) ACCREDITATIONS • Irish Home Builders Association (IHBA) • Master Builders & Contractors Association (MCBA) • Homebond In addition, we are in the process of implementing the ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management and 14001:2015 Environmental Management Systems.
WHAT WE DO Hallmark is a professional construction, development and property management company which provides a comprehensive suite of services to both the public and private sectors. Hallmark builds quality homes in new developments and &RQVXOW %XLOG 0DQDJH also provides a complete project management Development Planning & Appraisals Main Contracting Asset & Project Management service. Development Assessment & Reports Residential Building & Development Property & Facilities Management Site Resolution Planning Property Maintenance Commercial Management :HRHUWKHIROORZLQJFRQVWUXFWLRQUHODWHG services: $VVHWV0DQDJHUV 3URMHFW0DQDJHUV 'HYHORSHUV 0DLQ&RQWUDFWRUV 3URSHUW\$GYLVRUV
HOW WE DO IT 2XU$SSURDFK 2XU6LWHV )XQGLQJ )LQDQFH At Hallmark, we specialise in building design-led It’s all about location, location, location for 2XUFXUUHQWLQYHVWRUVLQFOXGHDVHOHFWSRRORI homes to complement today’s modern lifestyle. us at Hallmark. Well-connected sites in areas results-driven, long-standing associates and 7KHIXWXUHLVQRZ2XUZHOOUHVSHFWHGWHDPDQG VHWWREHQHȴWIURPVXEVWDQWLDOXSJUDGHVWR ȴQDQFLDOSDUWQHUVKLSV7RJHWKHUZLWKUHDG\DFFHVVWR established reputation forms a solid foundation for infrastructure and public amenities are crucial to IXQGLQJRXULQFLVLYHȴQDQFLDOGHFLVLRQPDNLQJ\LHOGV this exciting new era of property development. our ultimate vision of people-led communities. compelling returns on capital. We don’t strive to meet your expectations, we 7KURXJK\HDUVRIH[SHULHQFHZHKDYHKRQHGRXU A testament to our commitment and unwavering exceed them. Your needs are at the heart of each skills and depth of industry understanding. This belief in each development, we also back our own home. We analyse these requirements and build knowledge enables us to source prime sites at SURMHFWVZLWKRXURZQȴQDQFH:HNQRZWKDWE\ well-thought out solutions, delivering stylish homes sensible prices. Our access to funding allows us to consistently meeting our clients’ desires, we will with exceptional quality, comfort and convenience - make fast, astute decisions about land purchases, secure substantial returns. all in outstanding locations. resulting in responsible investments with a substantial return on capital. 'HVLJQ 3ODQQLQJ 6DOHV 0DUNHWLQJ %XLOG0DQDJHPHQW Honesty and open lines of communication are Building a home is more than mere bricks and mortar. Our superior engineering knowledge and essential when implementing the planning process We believe the people behind the walls and their stories WHFKQRORJLFDOH[SHULHQFHLQFRQVWUXFWLQJODQGPDUN of a new development. At Hallmark, we have DUHZKDWPDWWHU)URPȴUVWWLPHUHQWHUVWRORQJWHUP developments cannot be beaten. Unlike other nurtured trusted relationships with both local owners, we are dedicated to creating contemporary developers in the industry, the team at Hallmark authorities and stakeholders for years. These homes that will improve quality of life, creating a haven LVGLHUHQWLQWKDWZHXVHDKDQGVRQDSSURDFKWR PXWXDOO\EHQHȴFLDODOOLDQFHVDOORZXVWRGHOLYHU where treasured memories will last a lifetime. add a personal touch to each project. HɝFLHQWDQGFRQVLVWHQWUHVXOWVWLPHDQGWLPHDJDLQ We understand that purchasing a new property To deliver the highest level of standards whilst We are extremely passionate about pushing the can be equally daunting and challenging. Choosing adhering to strict timeframes and allocated boundaries of design, basing our world-class where to live or deciding how to invest your money budgets, each stage is personally managed developments on one simple ethos; good design is a life-altering responsibility. at director level. We believe this approach is makes life easier and more enjoyable for people. instrumental in unleashing each development’s When it comes to designing your dream home, only At Hallmark, we pride ourselves on initiating honest full potential. the best will do at Hallmark. That is why we choose conversations with our clients from the outset to to work with some of the country’s top architects help you make the most informed decision for you From architectural consultants, right through to and source the highest quality materials available. and your current lifestyle needs. We promise there highly-skilled contractors, each supplier is carefully The constraints of an individual project are marred will be no pressure or unnecessary sales jargon. Our selected in order to fully conform with health and beautifully with its endless possibilities, allowing you team is on hand throughout your buyer journey to safety regulations in the building sector. to create your own story. RHUJXLGDQFHDQGH[SHUWDGYLFH
Downview Farranalea Road, Cork City PROJECTS
PROJECT INFO DESCRIPTION &OLHQW Refurbishment of 31 nos. of apartments, townhouse DQGGXSOH[XQLWVLQFOXGLQJLQWHUQDOȴWRXWH[WHUQDO Stephen Tennant & Paul McCann, Statutory landscaping works, basement boiler replacement 5HFHLYHUVRQEHKDOIRI2\VWHU'HYHORSPHQWV1$0$ and M & E systems upgrade. The scheme provides forty eight apartments, 42 within a four storey 3URIHVVLRQDO7HDP EXLOGLQJWZRȵRRUVRIXQGHUJURXQGFDUSDUNLQJVL[ WZRVWRUH\WRZQKRXVHVDQGVL[GXSOH[ȵDWV7KH Project Manager layout or the buildings formed a landscape open Hallmark Building Services garden to all the units, and provided a landscaped Blackwater House, walkway overlooking the Curraheen River along the Mallow Business Park, Northern edge of the site, preserving the natural Mallow, mature bank of trees along the boundary. Co. Cork Tel. +353 (0)22 34000 Architect E-Project Chartered Architects 21, Lower Main Street, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford Tel. +353 (0)58 48794 Consulting Engineer KEY FEATURES Concept Design 16 North Main Street, Bandon, Co. Cork. Tel. +353 (0)23 8854904 Highly desirable residential location with easy access to CUH and City Centre; Architect designed Quantity Surveyor energy rated homes; Painted smooth plaster MMC Quantity Surveyors ȴQLVKZLWKEULFNID©DGH6ODWHJUH\FRORXUHG39& Unit 10a double glazed windows; Professionally designed South Ring Business Park, landscaping throughout the development; Kinsale Road, Cobblelock driveways with concrete footpaths; Cork. Separate storage unit situated in underground Tel. +353 (0)21 4399590 parking area; 2 designated parking spaces; Secure electric gated pedestrian and wheelchair access to Main Contractor development. CField Construction Centre Park House, Centre Park Rd, Dates Ballintemple, June 2016-June 2017 Cork. Tel. +353 (0)21 5005000 Contract Value €2.9m
An Radharc (1-26) Maryborough Ridge Douglas, Cork PROJECTS
PROJECT INFO DESCRIPTION &OLHQW Completion of 26 nos. of apartments and external ZRUNVLQFOXGLQJODQGVFDSLQJZRUNVLQWHUQDOȴWRXW RSM/NAMA. playground area and utility connections. 3URIHVVLRQDO7HDP Project Manager Hallmark Building Services Blackwater House, Mallow Business Park, Mallow, Co. Cork Tel. +353 (0)22 34000 Architect Kieran J Barry & Associates Ltd Cilldarragh House, Ferney Road, Kilnaglery, Carrigaline, Co Cork. Tel. +353 (0)21 4371375 Consulting Engineer KEY FEATURES Kieran J Barry & Associates Ltd Cilldarragh House, Ferney Road, Kilnaglery, Carrigaline, Co Cork. 5HQGHUH[WHUQDOȴQLVKZLWKEULFNȴQLVKWRNH\ Tel. +353 (0)21 4371375 HOHYDWLRQV/RZPDLQWHQDQFH839&IDVFLDVRɝW and rainwater pipes; Cedar timber cladding to Quantity Surveyor key elevations around front entrance doors; MMC Quantity Surveyors Slate grey coloured PVC double glazed windows; Unit 10A Professionally designed landscaping throughout South Ring Business Park, the development; Cobblelock driveways with Kinsale Road, concrete footpaths; Beautiful greens & play areas; Cork. Superior low energy design. Tel. +353 (0)21 4399590 Main Contractor Dates 0XUQDQH 2ȇ6KHD/WG June 2016-June 2017 Link Road Business Centre, Link Road, Contract Value Ballincollig, €2.8m Cork. Tel. +353 (0)21 2339048
Rosehill Kells Road, Kilkenny PROJECTS
PROJECT INFO DESCRIPTION &OLHQW &RQVWUXFWLRQRIȆWXUQNH\ȇVRFLDODQGDRUGDEOH units for Kilkenny County Council, including all Kilkenny County Council associated site infrastructure works. 3URIHVVLRQDO7HDP Project Manager Hallmark Building Services Blackwater House, Mallow Business Park, Mallow, Co. Cork Tel. +353 (0)22 34000 Architect Hyde Partnership Architects Watergold Building, Douglas, Cork. Tel. +353 (0)21 4918260 Consulting Engineer Barry & Partners Ltd KEY FEATURES Benchmark Business Centre, 3 Eastgate Road, Co Cork. Tel. +353 (0)21 4757800 Architect designed energy rated homes; Paved Quantity Surveyor front driveways with landscaped planting beds; Enright Construction Consultants Grass lawn with paved patio area to rear garden; 13 Fitzwilliam Place Fully landscaped communal grounds designed and Dublin 2 ȴQLVKHGWRWKHKLJKHVWVWDQGDUG+LJKFHLOLQJVDW JURXQGȵRRUOHYHO2DNLQWHUQDOGRRUVWKURXJKRXW Main Contractor 6WDLQOHVVVWHHOȴQLVKLURQPRQJHU\&RQWHPSRUDU\ Hallmark Building Services grooved painted architrave and skirting. Blackwater House, Mallow Business Park, Mallow, Dates Co. Cork September 2011 to September 2012 Tel. +353 (0)22 34000 Contract Value €3m
PROJECT INFO DESCRIPTION 'HYHORSHU Exclusive residential development of 7 homes located in a distinctive cul-de-sac setting on the Hallmark Building Services Ltd outskirts of Mallow Town, adjacent to Mallow Golf Club. Construction of 7 No. detached 3URIHVVLRQDO7HDP dwellinghouses, including all associated ancillary site development works such as access, parking, Project Manager drainage and landscaping Hallmark Building Services Blackwater House, Mallow Business Park, Mallow, Co. Cork Architect Deady Gahan Architects Ltd Eastgate Village Retail Park, Little Island, Co Cork. Consulting Engineer Kieran J Barry & Associates Ltd Cilldarragh House, Ferney Road, Kilnaglery, Carrigaline, Co Cork. SPECIFICATIONS Quantity Surveyor MMC Quantity Surveyors Unit 10A South Ring Business Park Kinsale Road, Cork. Main Contractor Heat Recovery Ventilation Hallmark Building Services Blackwater House, Mallow Business Park, UPVC high performance double Mallow, Co. Cork glazed windows with low u-value (1.2W/M2K) Sales Agent Liam Mullins and Associates 46 Bank Place, Professionally designed Mallow, Co. Cork landscaping throughout the development Solicitors Frank Nyhan and Associates Solicitors 11 The Square, Mallow, Co. Cork 10- Year Homebond Guarantee
Castlecourt Whitechurch, Co Cork RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENTS
PROJECT INFO DESCRIPTION 'HYHORSHU :KLWHFKXUFKLVFRQYHQLHQWO\ORFDWHGRQWKH2OG Mallow to Cork Road. The area has retained its rural Hallmark Building Services Ltd charm while maturing into an ideal base for Cork city commuters, who enjoy a 15 minute drive into town. 3URIHVVLRQDO7HDP Project Manager Hallmark Building Services Blackwater House, Mallow Business Park, Mallow, Co. Cork Architect Dennehy Architects Ballyhennick Eastgate Village Retail Park, Little Island, Co Cork. Consulting Engineer Barry & Partners Ltd Benchmark Business Centre, 3 Eastgate Road, Co Cork. SPECIFICATIONS Quantity Surveyor MMC Quantity Surveyors Unit 10A South Ring Business Park Kinsale Road, Cork. High-quality uPVC windows Main Contractor with soft coat and low Hallmark Building Services emissivity glass Blackwater House, Mallow Business Park, Mallow, Co. Cork Kingspan Solar Panels Sales Agent Liam Mullins and Associates Central data hub wired for 46 Bank Place, phone, data & satellite TV to Mallow, Co. Cork main living areas and master bedroom Solicitors Frank Nyhan and Associates Solicitors 11 The Square, 100% Low energy lighting with Mallow,Co. Cork DPL[RI/('VSRWOLJKWVDQG CFL bulbs
Castleheights Carrigaline, Co Cork RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENTS
PROJECT INFO DESCRIPTION Developer Development of 86 detached and semi-detached McStay Luby Receivers/NAMA houses in the Castleheights area of Carrigaline. These architectural designed houses have high Professional Team energy efficiency lighting and high levels of insulation throughout. Each house has three or Project Manager four bedrooms with a spacious garden to the rear. Hallmark Building Services Blackwater House, Mallow Business Park, Mallow, Co. Cork Architect Kieran J Barry & Associates Ltd Cilldarragh House, Ferney Road, Kilnaglery, Carrigaline, Co Cork. Consulting Engineer MHL and Associates Ltd 10 High Street, Ballinlough, Cork. SPECIFICATIONS Quantity Surveyor MMC Quantity Surveyors Unit 10A South Ring Business Park Kinsale Road, Cork. Main Contractor Hallmark Building Services Blackwater House, Mallow Business Park, Air Source Heat Pump Mallow, Co. Cork Wood-burning stove Sales Agent Savills 11 South Mall, Cork City Heat recovery unit Solicitors Frank Nyhan and Associates Solicitors 11 The Square, 10- Year Homebond Mallow, Co. Cork guarantee.
PROJECT INFO DESCRIPTION 'HYHORSHU Construction of 9 detached and 16 semi-detached houses in an exclusive small development in Rockgate Property Developments Baneshane, Midleton. Midleton is the hub of East Cork and is the principal market town of the 3URIHVVLRQDO7HDP area. These architectural designed houses have KLJKHQHUJ\HɝFLHQF\OLJKWLQJDQGKLJKOHYHOVRI Project Manager insulation throughout. Each detached house has Hallmark Building Services four bedrooms with a spacious garden to the rear. Blackwater House, Each semi-detached house has three bedrooms Mallow Business Park, with a lawn surrounded by a secure timber fence to Mallow, Co. Cork provide privacy on each side of the garden. Architect Deady Gahan Architects, Eastgate Village, Little Island, Co. Cork. Consulting Engineer Barry & Partners Ltd Benchmark Business Centre, 3 Eastgate Road, Co Cork. SPECIFICATIONS Quantity Surveyor MAC Constrution Consultants 15 South Mall St, Cory City. Main Contractor Hallmark Building Services Blackwater House, Kingspan Solar Panels Mallow Business Park, Mallow, Co. Cork Sales Agent Wood-burning stove Savills 11 South Mall, Cork City Heat Recovery Unit Solicitors Frank Nyhan and Associates Solicitors 11 The Square, 100% Low energy lighting Mallow, Co. Cork ZLWKDPL[RI/('VSRWOLJKWV and CFL bulbs
Health & Safety Policy Quality Management Corporate Social Policy Hallmark is aware of its responsibilities, under the Policy As a young and dynamic team of professional Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act, 2005, to engineers and project managers, we passionately provide as safe a place of work as is reasonably Hallmark’s goal is to supply construction services practicable. We recognise that the primary of consistent quality that conform fully with communities and natural habitats. We recognise responsibility for providing and maintaining safe company and statutory requirements. We maintain that we have a responsibility to carry out our working conditions bears on Management and we activities in line with sustainability best practice will endeavour to do everything that is reasonably which applies to all our activities at all times. and we place major emphasis on engagement with practical to comply with this responsibility. The We are committed to the QMS and its continual communities and seek to minimise our impact on achievement of a safe and healthy working the environment. We believe in creating supply environment requires the commitment and co- contractors comply with it. The Directors further chains that use local people and materials wherever demonstrate their commitment to the improvement our work. of the management system by holding management from projects are engaged in the entire process. meetings to review all operational aspects of the Our commitment to sustainable construction is business. implemented through our Sustainability Policy and our Safety, Quality and Environemtal Managament Systems. Environmental Management Policy Hallmark recognise that construction operations may have a damaging impact upon the environment and therefore ensure that all construction activities are carried out in such a manner as to ensure a high standard of environmental protection and awareness. We aim is to minimise adverse activities and promote a positive attitude to the conservation and enhancement of all aspects of our environment. We are establishing an Environmental Management System (EMS) which will comply with the international standard ISO 14001. The EMS includes systems to assess the environmental impact of our operations and the provisions of appropriate levels of training and information to support our environmental aims and objectives.
Over the past number of years we have worked closely with both private and public clients. Our Clients and Partners include the following: Private Individuals Property Developers & Investors Banks, Financial Institutions & Receivers Local Authorities Architects & Consulting Engineers Legal Firms Government Departments Various Contractors Our clients are our number one priority. Hallmark is a KLJKO\HHFWLYHDQGHɝFLHQWFRPSDQ\WKDWLVIRFXVHG on meeting client objectives. We provide our clients with the highest quality workmanship, great attention to detail and above all professionalism. Through RXUH[SHULHQFHGVWDDQGYDVWNQRZOHGJHZHDLPWR successfully and consistently deliver on each project we are engaged in. At Hallmark, we work closely with our business partners such as Architects, Consulting Engineers, Sales Agents etc. We have developed long-term relationships with them and have achieved mutual growth based on mutual trust. Hallmark choses business partners based on their knowledge of the industry, quality of work and performance.
+DOOPDUN%XLOGLQJ6HUYLFHV/WG Blackwater House Mallow Business Park Mallow, Co. Cork, Ireland
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