Clean Construction Declaration - Planned Actions to Deliver Commitments - Amazon AWS

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Clean Construction Declaration - Planned Actions to Deliver Commitments - Amazon AWS
© Anders Vestergaard Jensen
Planned Actions to Deliver Commitments
                                         C40   1
Clean Construction Declaration - Planned Actions to Deliver Commitments - Amazon AWS
                                                                                                                                                                                                 • prepare a guide and roadmap for      • develop a monitoring scheme for
                                                                                                                                                                                                    reducing embodied emissions             clean construction developments;
                                                                                                                                                                                                    by 2024;

                                                                                                                             © bluejayphoto / Getty Images
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         • extend clean construction
                                                                                                                                                                                                 • propose legislative change to          methodology to the city level by
                                                                                                                                                                                                    support clean construction both        2030;
                                                                                                                                                                                                    on city level (e.g. harmonising
                                                                                                                                                                                                    infrastructure building and          • integrate clean construction
                                                                                                                                                                                                    procurement regulations across          objectives to city strategies.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    different administrative levels)
                                                                                                                                                                                                    and on national level since the
                                                                                                                                                                                                    current legislative background
                                                                                                                                                                                                    is exceedingly complex and

                                                                                                                                                              Procure and, when possible, use    • hold market consultations to
    Reduce embodied emissions by at       To reduce embodied emission               • prepare a guide and roadmap for                                        only zero emission construction       assess suppliers’ approach to
    least 50% for all new buildings and   in new buildings and retrofits               reducing embodied emission                                             machinery from 2025 and require       zero-emission construction
    major retrofits by 2030, striving     implemented the Municipality of              by 2024;                                                               zero emission construction sites      machinery and available
    for at least 30% by 2025              Budapest, the City will                                                                                             city-wide by 2030                     technologies;
                                                                                    • propose legislative change to
                                            arry out research on building             support clean construction both                                                                           • develop a roadmap to foster the
                                           construction material flows (LCA),          on the city level (e.g. harmonising                                                                          transition from fossil fuel-based
                                           building standards and available            building and procurement                                                                                     machinery to zero-emission by
                                           methodologies and practices                 regulations across different                                                                                 2025;
                                           by 2022;                                    administrative levels) and on
                                                                                       the national level, since the                                                                             • implement indoor pilot projects by
                                            ndergo energy audits for                  current legislative background                                                                               2022 and outdoor pilots by 2025.
                                           municipal buildings and facilities,         is exceedingly complex and
                                           including municipal institutions            inflexible;
                                           and utilities by 2025, and later use                                                                              ADDITIONAL SUPPORTIVE               INTENDED ACTION/APPROACH TO MEET COMMITMENT
                                           the results of the LCA assessments       • develop a monitoring scheme for                                       ACTIONS
                                           for newly built municipal buildings         clean construction developments;
                                           to calculate the potential emission
                                           savings and identify and                 • extend clean construction                                             Prioritise the better use,          • Budapest has already developed
                                           prioritize measures;                        methodology to the city level                                         repurposing, and retrofit of           its guideline on energetic
                                                                                       by 2030;                                                              existing building stock and            refurbishment of historical
                                            tilize its procurement power and                                                                                infrastructure across the city to      buildings which will serve as a
                                           held market dialogue sessions            • integrate clean construction                                          ensure their optimal use before        basis for needs assessment.
                                           with suppliers;                             objectives to city strategies.                                        new construction projects
                                                                                                                                                             are considered.                     • Budapest intends to strengthen its
                                            pply for clean construction pilot                                                                                                                      social housing services by adding
                                           projects and implement                                                                                                                                   new functions to the existing, but
                                           small-scale projects by 2023;                                                                                                                            underutilized building stock.

    Reduce embodied emissions by          To reduce embodied emissions of           • identify potential EU funded
    at least 50% of all infrastructure    infrastructure projects implemented          infrastructural projects
    projects by 2030, striving for at     by the Municipality of Budapest, the         (2021-2027) where clean
    least 30% by 2025                     City will                                    constructions are feasible;

                                          • carry out research on construction     • utilize its procurement power and
                                             material flows (LCA), infrastructure      hold market dialogue sessions
                                             construction standards and                with suppliers;
                                             available methodologies and
                                             practices by 2022;                     • apply for clean construction pilot
                                                                                       projects and implement small scale
                                                                                       projects by 2023, including life
                                                                                       cycle thinking and zero-emission

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Clean Construction Declaration - Planned Actions to Deliver Commitments - Amazon AWS
Lead by example with municipal          • Budapest has already started to                                               Approve at least one net zero         • Budapest will prepare small-scale
    procurement by requiring life              assess potential pilot projects                                               emission (operational and                pilot projects to identify drivers
    cycle assessments (LCAs) and the           and will provide a list of potential                                          embodied) flagship project               and barriers by 2022.
    diversion of construction and              intervention fields.                                                          by 2025.
    demolition waste from disposal for
    all municipal projects. Use             • Budapest will implement
    municipal purchasing power to              small-scale pilot projects in                                                 Assess the impact our choice of       • Budapest has already published
    procure or demand zero emission            2021-2022 to prepare for                                                      materials and construction design        several guidelines on energetic
    construction machinery in                  large-scale implementation.                                                   will have on our cities’ overall         renewal, brownfield regeneration
    municipal projects. Reward                                                                                               resilience to climate impacts (i.e.      and handbooks on greener
    resource efficient and circular         • Budapest aims to engage the                                                   increasing urban heat island,            infrastructures (green roofs
    design, use of low carbon                  market players from the beginning;                                            impermeable surface increasing           and facades, permeable road
    materials and low to zero waste            therefore, the city will hold market                                          the risk of flooding, etc.).             coverings, urban trees and
    construction sites for all new             consultation and undertake                                                                                             utilities, water-sensitive planning
    projects and major retrofit.               research during 2021-2022.                                                                                             in cities and urban inner-yard

    Demand transparency and                 • Budapest will publish the process
    accountability, starting with              and results on a dedicated website                                            Work with and advocate for            • Budapest will facilitate cooperation
    requiring LCAs in planning                 and facilitate cooperation with                                               regional, national and                   with national stakeholders and
    permissions and embedding                  national stakeholders and                                                     supranational government to              propose legislation to
    them into planning policies,               propose legislation to                                                        take action on sources outside           co-develop baselines and
    processes and building codes               co-develop baselines and                                                      the boundaries of our control.           standards with key stakeholders
    within a year of endorsing this            standards with key stakeholders                                                                                        for clean construction.
    declaration. Require the public            for clean construction.
    disclosure of this data to facilitate
    greater transparency and foster                                                                                          Publicly report every year on the     •Budapest will publish its annual
    accountability to develop robust                                                                                         progress our cities are making           report on a dedicated website.
    baselines, standards, certifications                                                                                     towards these goals.
    and policies.

    Work with businesses, industry,         • Budapest will engage key               • The City will integrate clean
    public institutions, citizens and          stakeholders, with special                construction targets into its
    other organizations to establish a         attention to district                     Sustainable, Green and Innovation
    joint roadmap adhering to circular         municipalities and citizens.              Procurement Strategy by 2021.
    economy principles within two
    years of endorsing this                 • Budapest will implement
    declaration and incorporate it into        gamification and start a
    our Climate Action Plan. The               scholarship to identify novel
    roadmap will provide an                    technologies and models for
    implementation pathway to the              clean construction.
    Clean Construction declaration
    commitments and to reaching its         • Budapest will spread its findings
    targets inclusively and equitably.         and best practices within its
                                               network, such as EUROCITIES,
                                               ICLEI, Climate-KIC, Energy Cities
                                               and Big Buyers Initiative of the
                                               European Commission.

                                                                                                                                                                                                              © City of Budapest
4   Clean Construction Declaration                                                                                                                                                                           C40                   5
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Los Angeles
                                                                                                                                                            ADDITIONAL SUPPORTIVE                   INTENDED ACTION/APPROACH TO MEET COMMITMENT

                                                                                                                           © Raimund Koch / Getty Images
                                                                                                                            © bluejayphoto / Getty Images
                                                                                                                                                            Prioritise the better use,              • LA adopted the Adaptive Reuse          • In 2021, revisit the ARO to see
                                                                                                                                                            repurposing, and retrofit of               Ordinance (ARO) in 1999 which          what enhancements might be
                                                                                                                                                            existing building stock and                offers regulatory exemptions and       helpful.
                                                                                                                                                            infrastructure across the city to          project streamlining for developers
                                                                                                                                                            ensure their optimal use before            reusing an old site for a new         • Encourage adaptive reuse
                                                                                                                                                            new construction projects                  purpose. 72% of ARO projects             of existing buildings through
                                                                                                                                                            are considered.                            are developed within 1/2 mile            developing incentives and fast
                                                                                                                                                                                                       from Metro rail stations and so          track permitting for qualified
                                                                                                                                                                                                       have reduced VMT. ARO buoyed             projects by Q4 2021.
                                                                                                                                                                                                       development during the last
    DECLARATION COMMITMENT                INTENDED ACTION/APPROACH TO MEET COMMITMENT                                                                                                                  recession and is expected to do so
                                                                                                                                                                                                       again during this recession.

    Reduce embodied emissions by at       •S
                                            elect a set of City buildings and    • Launch working groups in 2021
    least 50% for all new buildings and    calculate the embodied carbon             for architecture, engineering,                                         Lead by example with municipal          • Since 2010, the City of LA has a      • Work with BOE to implement Buy
    major retrofits by 2030, striving      of their design, construction, and        contractors, developers, and                                           procurement by requiring life              policy requiring all mixed C&D           Clean CA requirements for steel,
    for at least 30% by 2025               operation to pilot as a baseline, by      tenants to develop a roadmap                                           cycle assessments (LCAs) and the           waste to be taken to City-certified      flat glass, and mineral wool board
                                           Q4 2021.                                  to 2030.                                                               diversion of construction and              C&D waste processing facilities.         insulation procurement
                                                                                                                                                            demolition waste from disposal for         Non-compliance penalties of              throughout 2021.
                                            ollaborate with industry groups                                                                                all municipal projects. Use                $5,000 per load are levied.
                                           to deliver training on the EC3 tool                                                                              municipal purchasing power to                                                    • Work with BOE to pilot LCA
                                           so the industry gains familiarity                                                                                procure or demand zero emission         • Launch Zero by Design, a utility        review for City buildings by
                                           with low-carbon products and                                                                                     construction machinery in                 program to incentivize design             utilizing the LEED v4.1 pilot credit
                                           design choices throughout 2021.                                                                                  municipal projects. Reward                teams to reduce operational and           by Q4 2022.
                                                                                                                                                            resource efficient and circular           embodied carbon, by Q2 2021.
                                                                                                                                                            design, use of low carbon
    Reduce embodied emissions by          •S
                                            elect a set of City infrastructure   • Pilot use of above products                                            materials and low to zero waste         • By Q4 2021, investigate how
    at least 50% of all infrastructure     projects and calculate the                throughout 2021.                                                       construction sites for all new             to offer preference points for
    projects by 2030, striving for at      embodied carbon of their design,                                                                                 projects and major retrofit.               contractors who utilize zero
    least 30% by 2025                      construction, and operation to         • Work with Contract                                                                                                emission construction equipment
                                           pilot as a baseline by Q4 2021.           Administration, Procurement,                                                                                      on City projects.
                                                                                     and relevant departments to
                                            end market signals for                  standardize terms for all City
                                           low carbon and/or carbon                  infrastructure project contracts                                       Demand transparency and                 • Encourage LCA review and
                                           sequestering concrete                     by 2022.                                                               accountability, starting with              disclosure for projects through
                                           throughout 2021.                                                                                                 requiring LCAs in planning                 developing incentives and fast
                                                                                                                                                            permissions and embedding                  track permitting for qualified
                                                                                                                                                            them into planning policies,               projects by Q4 2024.
    Procure and, when possible, use       •B
                                            y Q1 2021, investigate potential     • By Q4 2021, develop with South                                         processes and building codes
    only zero emission construction        to add procurement preference             Coast Air Quality Management                                           within a year of endorsing this
    machinery from 2025 and require        to City contracts for contractors         District a trade-in program for gas                                    declaration. Require the public
    zero emission construction sites       who use zero emission equipment.          equipment to electric equipment.                                       disclosure of this data to facilitate
    city-wide by 2030                      Implement for Public Works                                                                                       greater transparency and foster
                                           contracts by 2022.                                                                                               accountability to develop robust
                                                                                                                                                            baselines, standards, certifications
                                            onvene focus groups in 2021 for                                                                                and policies.
                                           general contractors to discuss how
                                           to advance electric equipment use
                                           in the region in accordance with
                                           the 2025 and 2030 goals.

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Work with businesses, industry,       • During Q4 2020, prepare a
    public institutions, citizens and        stakeholder map and set up a
    other organizations to establish a       working group meeting schedule
    joint roadmap adhering to circular       for 2021. Working group invitees
    economy principles within two            will include, but may not be
    years of endorsing this                  limited to: architects, engineers,
    declaration and incorporate it into      contractors, developers, tenants,
    our Climate Action Plan. The             and City Departments.
    roadmap will provide an
    implementation pathway to the         • The working group will craft
    Clean Construction declaration           implementation targets with a
    commitments and to reaching its          foundation of equity and economic
    targets inclusively and equitably.       inclusion. The roadmap will be
                                             developed by 2022 and will be an
                                             addendum to LA’s Green New Deal
                                             (our CAP).

    Approve at least one net zero         • LA has several City projects that
    emission (operational and                are net zero energy, as well as one
    embodied) flagship project               certified as LEED Net Zero Energy
    by 2025.                                 (our utility headquarters).

                                            eview buildings within our
                                           portfolio in 2021-2022 that are
                                           ready for retrofit and identify
                                           one or more that can be fully
                                           decarbonized, powered by on-site
                                           renewable energy, and use low
                                           carbon materials.

    Assess the impact our choice of       •H
                                            eat island effect is of paramount
    materials and construction design      concern in LA and several
    will have on our cities’ overall       initiatives and code updates are in
    resilience to climate impacts (i.e.    progress to establish cool streets
    increasing urban heat island,          and cool neighborhoods, make all
    impermeable surface increasing         new roofs cool roofs, and increase
    the risk of flooding, etc.).           cool hardscapes on private
                                           property. The SRI number range is
                                           the prescriptive standard by which
                                           we verify project compliance, it
                                           has been calculated by ASTM E
                                           1980 and verified by Lawrence
                                           Berkeley National Lab to be
                                           appropriate for LA’s
                                           climate conditions.

    Work with and advocate for            • Mayor Garcetti’s leadership with
    regional, national and                   networks of Mayors, Congressional
    supranational government to              leaders, and all levels of
    take action on sources outside           government – as well as planning

                                                                                    © Barry King / Alamy Stock Photo
    the boundaries of our control.           for COP26 – can draw attention to
                                             embodied carbon action on a
                                             large scale.

    Publicly report every year on the     • Report ongoing progress to C40
    progress our cities are making           on an annual basis.
    towards these goals.

8   Clean Construction Declaration                                                 C40                                 9
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Mexico City
                                                                                                                                                            Buscar y, cuando sea posible,        • Actualización de los lineamientos     •A
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ctualizar y agregar lineamientos
                                                                                                                                                            utilizar sólo maquinaria de             de compras del gobierno                para el Programa de Certificación
                                                                                                                                                            construcción de cero emisiones a        enfocados a la adquisición             de Edificaciones Sustentables

                                                                                                                            © bluejayphoto / Getty Images
                                                                                                                                                            partir del 2025 y exigir sitios de      sustentable tanto de bienes como       para el Q4 2021, este programa
                                                                                                                                                            construcción de cero emisiones          de servicios contemplando que          incluye el uso de materiales de
                                                                                                                                                            en toda la ciudad para el 2030          esté sea finalizado para el Q3 2021    construcción reciclados para uso
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           no estructural y el uso de pinturas
                                                                                                                                                                                                 • Revisión de Anexos técnicos            con bajo contenido de COV’s.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    de los servicios de obra pública
                                                                                                                                                                                                    contratados para el gobierno.

                                                                                                                                                            ACCIONES ADICIONALES DE              ACCIÓN PREVISTA/ENFOQUE PARA CUMPLIR EL COMPROMISO

                                                                                                                                                            Priorizar el mejor uso,              • Derivado de las medidas de               colaborativo.
     Reducir las emisiones                •R
                                            evisión de los lineamientos           depositados los mismos mediante                                          reasignación y modernización            higiene y salud en la pandemia        • El programa de certificación
     incorporadas en al menos un           actuales de los residuos de la          el plan de manejo. Se va a verificar                                     del stock de edificios y la             COVID-19, la mayoría de los              de edificios sustentables está
     50% para todos los edificios          construcción, donde se establece        lo descrito en el plan de manejo                                         infraestructura existente en            empleados esta realizando su             desarrollando criterios en conjunto
     nuevos y las principales retrofits    el uso de concreto reciclado en la      de la obra y una vez aprobado                                            toda la ciudad para garantizar          trabajo a                                con el Instituto Nacional de
     para el 2030 y tratar de reducir      construcción de nuevos edificios        se pretende que una unidad de                                            su uso óptimo antes de que se           distancia (teletrabajo).                 Antropología para
     en un 30% para el 2025                con la consulta pública planeada        verificación vaya al edificio para                                       consideren los nuevos                                                            edificios históricos.
                                           en el Q4 2020.                          verificar que efectivamente se                                           proyectos de construcción.           • Debido a este acuerdo, la CDMX
                                                                                   está llevando a cabo conforme a la                                                                               esta considerando permitir a
                                            ctualización de los lineamientos      normatividad.                                                                                                    este sector trabajar a distancia
                                           de compras del gobierno,                                                                                                                                 disminuyendo el uso de los
                                           enfocados en la adquisición            • Con el fin de reducir los residuos                                                                             edificios gubernamentales
                                           sustentable (celdas solares, uso          de construcción y demolición, la                                                                               manteniendo estas áreas abiertas
                                           de material reciclado, instalaciones      CDMX planea el reciclaje de 6000                                                                               al público y creando nuevas
                                           de bajo consumo de agua) a                toneladas de residuos por día. Para                                                                            áreas de coworking o trabajo
                                           realizarse para el Q2 2021.               tal efecto, la CDMX ha emitido un
                                                                                     llamado en febrero del 2020 para
                                            a ciudad utiliza el proceso             la instalación de diferentes plantas
                                           de Manifestación del Impacto              de residuos de construcción y                                          Liderar con el ejemplo con la        • Norma de residuos de la
                                           Ambiental mediante en el cual se          demolición (RCD), siendo del                                           contratación municipal mediante         construcción, donde se establece
                                           reportan los residuos generados           dominio de la CDMX y financiadas                                       la necesidad de evaluaciones del        el uso de concreto reciclado en la
                                           (RCD) y donde han sido                    por el sector privado.                                                 ciclo de vida (ECV) y el                construcción de nuevos edificios
                                                                                                                                                            desvío de residuos de                   públicos y privados.
                                                                                                                                                            construcción y demolición de
     Reducir las emisiones                •R
                                            evisión de los lineamientos          • La ciudad utiliza el proceso                                           la eliminación para todos los        • Actualización de los lineamientos
     incorporadas en al menos un           actuales de los residuos de la            de Manifestación del Impacto                                           proyectos municipales. Utilizar         de compras del gobierno,
     50% de todos los proyectos de         construcción, donde se establece          Ambiental mediante en el                                               el poder adquisitivo municipal          enfocados a la adquisición
     infraestructura para el 2030 y        el uso de concreto reciclado en la        cual se reportan los residuos                                          para adquirir o exigir maquinaria       sustentable, desde una perspectiva
     tratar de reducir en un 30% para      construcción de nuevos edificios          generados (RCD) y donde han                                            de construcción de cero emisiones       de análisis de ciclo de vida en
     el 2025                               con la consulta pública planeada          sido depositados los mismos.                                           en proyectos municipales.               el caso que existan estudio, o
                                           en el Q4 2020.                            Con el fin de reducir los residuos                                     Recompensar el diseño eficiente         mediante el reconocimiento de
                                                                                     de construcción y demolición, la                                       y circular de recursos, el uso de       certificaciones existentes.
                                            ctualización de los lineamientos        CDMX planea el reciclaje de 6000                                       materiales bajos en carbono y
                                           de compras del gobierno,                  toneladas de residuos por día. Para                                    sitios de construcción de residuos
                                           enfocados en la adquisición               tal efecto, la CDMX ha emitido un                                      bajos a cero para todos los nuevos
                                           sustentable (celdas solares, uso de       llamado en Febrero del 2020 para                                       proyectos y la
                                           material reciclado, instalaciones de      la instalación de diferentes plantas                                   instalación importante.
                                           bajo consumo de agua).                    de residuos de construcción y
                                                                                     demolición (RCD), siendo del
                                                                                     dominio de la CDMX y financiadas
                                                                                     por el sector privado.

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Exija transparencia y rendición       • El Gobierno cuenta con un sistema     •L
                                                                                      a Ciudad de México esta             Trabajar y abogar para que el         •L
                                                                                                                                                                   a CDMX continuará en
     de cuentas, empezando por exigir         de transparencia muy riguroso, en      trabajando con la Unión Europea       gobierno regional, nacional y          coordinación con la Comisión
     ECV en los permisos de                   el cual se reportan los procesos       y la Agencia de Cooperación           supranacional tome medidas sobre       Ambiental Metropolitana para
     planificación e incrustándolos           de licitación desde su concepción      Alemana (GIZ) para cuantificar        las fuentes fuera de los límites de    incluir medidas ambientales en el
     en políticas de planificación,           hasta el termino del proyecto.         el número de toneladas de             nuestro control.                       Valle de México.
     procesos y códigos de                    Cualquier obra de construcción         residuos de construcción
     construcción dentro de un año de         requiere de una Manifestación          generadas, incluyendo aquellas                                              •E
                                                                                                                                                                   n los próximos meses se
     respaldar esta declaración. Exigir       de Impacto Ambiental para su           que son depositadas en lugares                                               publicará el programa PROAIRE
     la divulgación pública de estos          autorización, por lo que a través      clandestinos u otras áreas con                                               que contiene medidas a nivel
     datos para facilitar una mayor           de este instrumento pueden darse       valor de conservación natural. El                                            metropolitano.
     transparencia y fomentar la              a conocer los datos relativos a        proyecto cubrirá trabajos públicos
     rendición de cuentas para                obras. La Ciudad planea reforzar       y privados y se espera que este
     desarrollar lineamientos base,           este tipo de instrumentos para que     completado para el Q3 2021.           Informar públicamente cada año        •S
                                                                                                                                                                   e informa a través del Programa
     estándares, certificaciones y            la información sea más precisa y el                                          sobre los progresos que nuestras       de Acción Climática y el Programa
     políticas sólidas.                       seguimiento de los residuos este                                             ciudades están haciendo hacia          de Gestión Integral de Residuos,
                                              actualizado y disponible.                                                    estos objetivos.                       ambos de la Ciudad de México.

     Trabajar con empresas, industria,     •L
                                             a CDMX busca desarrollar un            con objetivos a 5 años donde
     instituciones públicas, ciudadanos     mapa de Economía Circular con            esta establecido el reciclaje y
     y otras organizaciones para            la UNEP, desde la perspectiva de         reutilización de los residuos de la
     establecer una hoja de ruta            empleo con resultados esperados          construcción y demolición.
     conjunta adhiriéndose a los            para el 2021.
     principios de la economía
     circular dentro de los dos años       •E
                                             xisten grupos multidisciplinarios
     siguientes a la aprobación de esta     de trabajo formados por diferentes
     declaración e incorporarla a           Secretarias de Gobierno que
     nuestro Plan de Acción Por             buscan dirigir su trabajo bajo esta
     Climático. La hoja de ruta             visión.
     proporcionará un camino de
     aplicación a los compromisos de       •A
                                             ctualmente, la CDMX cuenta con
     declaración de construcción            un Programa de Cero Residuos,
     limpia y a alcanzar sus objetivos      siendo una política pública
     de manera inclusiva y equitativa.      hacia una Economía Circular,

     Aprobar al menos un proyecto          • Se está trabajando para formar
     emblemático de cero emisiones            vínculos con las oficinas locales
     netas (operativas e incorporadas)        dedicadas (SEDUVI, INVI) a la
     para el 2025.                            edificación de vivienda social para
                                              que incluyan una perspectiva de
                                              sustentabilidad en sus criterios.

     Evaluar el impacto que la             • Se trabaja en el establecimiento de
     selección de materiales y diseño         incentivos para aquellos edificios
     de construcción tendrá en la             que disminuyan su contribución
     resiliencia general de nuestras          mediante estrategias como
     ciudades a los impactos climáticos       azoteas blancas mediante el
     (es decir, el aumento de la isla de      programa de acción climática.
     calor urbano, la superficie
     impermeable aumentando el
     riesgo de inundaciones, etc.).

                                                                                                                                                                                                       © REUTERS / Alamy Stock Photo
12   Clean Construction Declaration                                                                                                                                                                   C40                              13
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                                                                                                                              Procure and, when possible, use      • Oslo’s Climate Strategy towards       •O
                                                                                                                                                                                                              slo is going to set a requirement
                                                                                                                              only zero emission construction         2030 states that municipal             for fossil free construction for
                                                                                                                              machinery from 2025 and require         construction sites shall be            many private sector projects,
                                                                                                                              zero emission construction sites        zero emission by 2025 and all          through its planning permits.
                                                                                                                              city-wide by 2030                       construction sites by 2030.            The city is preparing to require
                                                                                                                                                                                                             zero emission construction in all
                                                                                                                                                                     o follow up the targets in the         planning permits in the future. This
                                                                                                                                                                    climate strategy, Oslo in 2019           was approved in 2020 and fossil
                                                                                                                                                                    approved a set of common                 free construction will be required
                                                                                                                                                                    procurement criteria for all             in all new planning permits.
                                                                                                                                                                    municipal construction sites.
                                                                                                                                                                    These criteria require fossil-free      • In the 2020 financial budget, 40
                                                                                                                                                                    (bio-fuels) construction as a              million NOK is set aside to support
                                                                                                                                                                    minimum and award                          the procurement of zero emission
     DECLARATION COMMITMENT                INTENDED ACTION/APPROACH TO MEET COMMITMENT                                                                              zero-emission technologies in              machinery in municipal agencies.
                                                                                                                                                                    all tender competitions. From
                                                                                                                                                                    1 January 2025, all municipal
     Reduce embodied emissions by at       •O
                                             slo’s overall climate target is to       tender competition criteria to                                               construction sites must be
     least 50% for all new buildings and    reduce greenhouse gas emissions            reward the use of low-emission                                               emission free and transport to
     major retrofits by 2030, striving      by 95% by 2030, compared to                materials. These measures need                                               and from the sites must be
     for at least 30% by 2025               2009 levels.                               to be implemented following the                                              emission free or biogas-fueled.
                                                                                       establishment of a target – starting
                                           • Oslo has conducted a baseline            in 2022. Secondly, how to use
                                              study on embodied carbon in              planning permits and processes
                                              buildings. Using the baseline            to set requirements for the rest       ADDITIONAL SUPPORTIVE                INTENDED ACTION / APPROACH TO MEET COMMITMENT
                                              study, the city is in the process of     of the market for both Life Cycle      ACTIONS
                                              establishing a target on embodied        Assessment (LCA) accounting in
                                              carbon (by end 2021 at the latest)       the 2021/22 timeframe, and also
                                              consistent with the                      for specific materials emission        Prioritise the better use,           • In June 2020, the Agency for          • Project developers are required
                                             declaration commitment.                   requirements in the                    repurposing, and retrofit of            Planning and Building Services           to consider using existing
                                                                                       2022/23 timeframe.                     existing building stock and             launched new guidance and                building stock in their projects,
                                           • In parallel, Oslo is exploring policy                                           infrastructure across the city to       climate criteria to be applied for       including combinations of new
                                              measures to meet such a target.         • Oslo is also using FutureBuilt to    ensure their optimal use before         all new development, building and        and existing buildings. Oslo has
                                              Firstly, for municipal projects by         pilot new technical solutions for    new construction projects               infrastructure projects done by the      in 2020 developed and approved
                                              setting maximum emission limits            low emission buildings.              are considered.                         City of Oslo.                            guidelines for more climate
                                              on embodied carbon and/or using                                                                                                                                  friendly management of excavated
                                                                                                                                                                                                               building masses. Suppliers will also
                                                                                                                                                                                                               be credited for climate friendly/
     Reduce embodied emissions by          •T
                                             he baseline study on                     followed by specific material                                                                                           reduced transport of materials,
     at least 50% of all infrastructure     embodied carbon also looked at             emission requirements and/or                                                                                            personnel and waste.
     projects by 2030, striving for at      infrastructure, but there are much         tender competition criteria to
     least 30% by 2025                      less LCA data on infrastructure            incentivize low-emission materials.
                                            projects and more data collection                                                 Lead by example with municipal       • The climate guidance from the         •There is also a requirement to
                                            is required.                              • Oslo has several large new           procurement by requiring life           Agency for Planning and Building         consider indirect emissions as
                                                                                         infrastructure projects towards      cycle assessments (LCAs) and the        Services includes specific criteria      a result of the production and
                                           • For
                                                infrastructure, the municipality       2030, including a new metro          diversion of construction and           to assess materials choice and           transport of materials.
                                             itself is in charge of almost all           line and a new water supply          demolition waste from disposal for      construction-related emissions.
                                             projects. Oslo is setting low               pipeline. Both these two projects    all municipal projects. Use                                                   • Oslo rewards using low-emission
                                             emission requirements in its                have a strong focus on reducing      municipal purchasing power to        • On materials choice, it is required      and zero-emission solutions in its
                                             procurement processes. The first            embodied carbon (https://www.        procure or demand zero emission         to assess the potential to reduce        public procurement.
                                             step, in the 2021-2022 timeframe,       construction machinery in               climate and environmental
                                             will be requirements to conduct             for-utslippsfri-anleggsplass/).      municipal projects. Reward              impacts through choosing more
                                             LCA accounting for all projects,                                                 resource efficient and circular         sustainable materials, such as
                                                                                                                              design, use of low carbon               wood, biomass-based materials,
                                                                                                                              materials and low to zero waste         low carbon concrete, recycled
                                                                                                                              construction sites for all new          metals etc. The municipal building
                                                                                                                              projects and major retrofit.            agencies require at least two
                                                                                                                                                                      EPDs for each of the ten largest
                                                                                                                                                                      categories of building materials as
                                                                                                                                                                      well as emissions accounting for
                                                                                                                                                                      different phases of the project.

14   Clean Construction Declaration                                                                                                                                                                                                             C40   15
Clean Construction Declaration - Planned Actions to Deliver Commitments - Amazon AWS
ADDITIONAL SUPPORTIVE                   INTENDED ACTION/APPROACH TO MEET COMMITMENT                                   Work with and advocate for          •O
                                                                                                                                                                 slo is working with other cities
     ACTIONS                                                                                                               regional, national and               in Norway as well as regionally,
                                                                                                                           supranational government to          to stimulate a larger market for
                                                                                                                           take action on sources outside       clean construction. The Big Buyers
     Demand transparency and                 •T
                                               he new climate guidance from                                               the boundaries of our control.       Initiative plays a key role.
     accountability, starting with            the Agency for Planning and
     requiring LCAs in planning               Building Services will contribute                                                                                •A
                                                                                                                                                                 t the national level, Oslo is
     permissions and embedding them           to drive LCA practices in the                                                                                     seeking broader legislative
     into planning policies, processes        construction and building industry.                                                                               mandates to set stricter
     and building codes within a year of                                                                                                                        requirements in our public
     endorsing this declaration or in the    •A
                                               ll information about public                                                                                     procurement.
     next revision of planning policies       procurement is publicly available.
     and codes. Require the public                                                                                                                             • Internationally, the city of Oslo
     disclosure of this data to facilitate                                                                                                                       has initiated the C40 Clean
     greater transparency and foster                                                                                                                             Construction initiative, launched
     accountability to develop robust                                                                                                                            in 2019. The initiative is very
     baselines, standards, certifications                                                                                                                        important in driving guidance,
     and policies.                                                                                                                                               sharing experiences and mobilising
                                                                                                                                                                 influence on markets.

     Work with businesses, industry,         •O
                                               slo has started to develop a          stream on construction and
     public institutions, citizens and        strategy for circular economy,          buildings, with a particular focus   Publicly report every year on the   •O
                                                                                                                                                                 slo uses a climate budget
     other organizations to establish a       which is expected to be finalised       on reuse of materials. This work     progress our cities are making       approach to monitor progress
     joint roadmap adhering to circular       by mid-2021.                            stream is likely carried forward     towards these goals.                 towards our climate targets.
     economy principles within two                                                    in 2021.                                                                  The climate budget is presented
     years of endorsing this                 •O
                                               slo’s cooperation with the                                                                                      annually as part of the overall
     declaration and incorporate it into      business community “Business                                                                                      budget, and includes progress
     our Climate Action Plan. The             for climate” promotes climate                                                                                     assessment as well as new
     roadmap will provide an                  solutions for the private sector.                                                                                 measures to be implemented.
     implementation pathway to the            New members in this organization
     Clean Construction declaration           must commit to reducing their
     commitments and to reaching its          climate footprint. In 2020, the
     targets inclusively and equitably.       network has had a specific work

     Approve at least one net zero           • Oslo opened a zero-emission
     emission (operational and                  construction site in 2019, for
     embodied) flagship project                 infrastructure development in
     by 2025.                                   the city centre. All construction
                                                machinery at this site is electric.

                                             • Oslo is also using FutureBuilt to
                                                pilot new technical solutions for
                                                low emission buildings.

     Assess the impact our choice of         • The climate guidance from the         • An updated action
     materials and construction design          Agency for Planning and Building         plan was established in
     will have on our cities’ overall           Services includes a requirement to       2019 - Handlingsplan for
     resilience to climate impacts (i.e.        consider if the materials selected       overvannshåndtering. The action
     increasing urban heat island,              for the construction will be             plan includes expanding the
     impermeable surface increasing             resilient to future climate change,      city’s green areas, build rain
     the risk of flooding, etc.).               for instance in terms of increased       beds and open waterways, as
                                                precipitation and temperature.           measures to reduce the risk
                                                                                         of flooding.
                                             • In 2014, Oslo adopted a strategy
                                                for managing surface water runoff,
                                                for the period 2013-2030 -

                                                                                                                                                                                                       © City of Oslo
                                                Strategi for overvannshåndtering

16   Clean Construction Declaration                                                                                                                                                                   C40               17
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