Classroom Profiling Association Inc - TERM 2 NEWS

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Classroom Profiling Association Inc - TERM 2 NEWS
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                                                                              TERM 2 NEWS

                                     Classroom Profiling
                                          Association Inc
                                                             PRESIDENT’S REPORT
                                                       2021 COMMITTEE MEMBERS
                                                         THANK YOU TRACY GREEN
                                                              SECRETARY REPORT
                                                            WELCOME SARA JANKE
                                                           PROFILING HIGHLIGHTS
                                                               JANET’S JOTTINGS
                                                    GUIDE FROM MATTHEW POTTER
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Classroom Profiling Association Inc - TERM 2 NEWS
                                                            Recently, he has been working with others to try to find
                                                            a working solution to the database problems. Thanks

                                                            Melissa Benge – Mel has been our NQ correspondent on
                                                            the Management Committee since October 2019. Her
                                                            insights and guidance relevant to what is happening
 by Classroom Profiling Association President Pete Keen in NQ has allowed the whole committee to adopt a
                                                            broader view of planned improvement work. She is an
                              G’day Classroom Profilers,    active Instructor in her region and is a great advocate
                              This AGM seems to have for our association. Thanks Mel.
                              come around very quickly Tracy Green – Tracy, you will all know, has been our
                              since the last one… diligent Office Manager since the end of 2019. She has
                              because it has! The changes decided to step away from her role with the association
                              to our Constitution adopted for a little while. Tracy’s attention to detail and customer
                              at the AGM last November service, as our first point of contact for members, has
                              means that we have reset been high quality. She has worked alongside Janet in the
                              our calendar to align with Treasurer’s role as well as a few different accountants to
                              the financial year as per get our fiduciary record taking and invoicing practices
                              most associations. There are up to scratch. Thanks Tracy.
                              also a multitude of other
                              changes which all bring our Our own Richard Nash has stepped up to take on the
association’s operating environment into the modern Office Manager role in a temporary capacity for the
age. One of those key changes is how the Management moment. Big shoes to fill. Thanks Richard.
Committee will be comprised and operate. A total of 9 On top of those people, I would like to thank the
positions will be filled and each year 3 of those positions remainder of the previous Management Committee
will be declared vacant. A member can only be on the (Janet Thomson as treasurer, Simone Kay and Terry
Management Committee now for a maximum of three Rudder as VPs, Richard Nash, Derek Ranclaud, Kym
years before needing to renominate and be elected.          Healy and Bill Schneid as general members) who have
In line with that, I would like to thank a number of all contributed in different ways to the association since
previous Management Committee members who the last AGM. Janet, Terry, Richard, Derek, and Kym will
have indicated they will not be continuing with us for be continuing on the new Management Committee
different reasons.                                          which was finalised at the AGM. Thanks for your
                                                            ongoing commitment. Simone’s, Bill’s and my positions
Warren Wintour – Warren selflessly stepped into the were declared vacant at the AGM.
Secretary position at Easter last year when he was fully
aware there was some significant work to be done Congratulations and welcome to the newly elected
in the area of governance. And he didn’t hesitate. Management Committee members: Sara Janke, Steven
Warren’s advice, input and hard work over that time in Sanderson, and Pete Keen.
particular was invaluable. He has been a member of the Not everyone can be successful in a democratic voting
Management Committee for a number of years prior process when there are so many high quality nominees.
to last Easter as well and has always been a committed My thoughts are with Simone and Bill who both wanted
and thoughtful contributor. Thanks Warren.                  to continue on the committee.
Andrew Maddern – Andrew is a staff member at one of         Simone has been a member of the Management
our Lighthouse Schools and has an inherent interest in      Committee since October 2017 and has filled one of
the success of the association. Whilst he has only been     the VP roles since October 2019. She has provided the
on the Management Committee for a short time since          association with advice and guidance particularly in the
the last AGM, he has been involved in a large number        areas of branding, merchandise, and marketing. She
of Working Party Days, and provided valuable input          has been in attendance at nearly every Working Party
at meetings and via other platforms for many years.         Day and meeting since joining the committee

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Classroom Profiling Association Inc - TERM 2 NEWS
President’s Report continued.
                                                               Classroom Profiling Association Inc.
which demonstrates her high quality work ethic and
dedication to the association. Thanks Simone.                  2021 Committee Members
Bill has been a member of the Management Committee
                                                             Pete Keen		           President
since October 2019. He is one of our high quality            			                   Bribie Island SS
private providers of training. His input and suggestions
around the refining of the training packages and the         Terry Rudder		        Vice-President
accompanying resources has been highly valued.               			                   Kelvin Grove SC
Thanks Bill.
                                                             Richard Nash		        Secretary
You will all be aware of the increasing issues we have       			                   Reflective Education
had with our database and its incompatibility with           			                   Practices
Office 365. Exciting times are ahead as the association
                                                             Janet Thomson         Treasurer
has started working with a company to rebuild the            			                   Bribie Island SS & Bli Bli SS
database from the ground up as a cloud based operating
platform. A survey has recently been circulated to all       Kym Healy		           Wallumbilla SS
Instructors asking for their input into compiling a wish
list of what we want the new database to be able to          Derek Ranclaud        Mountain Creek SHS
do. It would be great if Instructors could respond to
                                                             Sara Janke		 Principal Education Advisor:
the survey quickly so we can include your suggestions        			          PBL, State Schools Team,
into the ongoing concept meetings with the company.          			NQR
Special thanks to Janet, Richard, Warren, Terry, Andrew,
Dwayne, and Tracy for your troubleshooting work with         Steven Sanderson Lead Coach – State Schools
the current, temperamental database. I know it has           			Team, NQR
been a frustrating time… but a new dawn is coming.
We continue to have a fantastic relationship with our
major partner, the Queensland Teachers’ Union, through           The CPA Inc. would like to thank Tracy
their professional development arm, QuEST. Our                      Green for all her hard work in her
fabulous Chief Instructor, Janet Thomson, continues               role as Office manager for the last 18
to travel all over the countryside like a Leyland Brother                        months.
for this purpose. She has been running a Level 1 course
every week this semester and for most of those has                Tracy, a Life Member of the CPA Inc.,
coupled it with a Refresher course as well. Thanks for              has worked tirelessly responding
your efforts with this Janet. It’s not a setup that would            to members and assisting the
excite everyone I don’t think in terms of being away              Management Committee to progress
from home so often, but you continue to provide such                   the association initiatives.
engaging courses for teachers all over the state, if your
participant evaluations and feedback are to go by.                  Tracy has left the association as
                                                                 other commitments her life grow and
We also continue to have a positive symbiotic                      require her attention to detail and
relationship with our endorsed private providers who                      business expertise.
are running training through their own companies. My
thanks to all of those members who maintain the strong                  Thank you Tracy, we wish
connection to our association, even while essentially                       you all the best!
doing your own work. This makes the association and
the Classroom Profiling brand stronger.
Have a great rest of term! Finish as strongly as you
Pete Keen - President, CPA Inc.

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Classroom Profiling Association Inc - TERM 2 NEWS
From the CPA Inc.                                         • One third of the Committee is elected each year to
                                                           ensure ‘corporate knowledge’ is maintained and on-
                                                           going projects are not interrupted by transitioning
    Secretary                                              personnel.
                                                           • Members of the Management Committee are now
                            Hello to all the Classroom elected for a three year term, reflecting the actions
                            Profilers    reading      this mentioned above.
                                                           3. Software Updates
                            The Management Committee
                            hopes you are well and have Changes and updates to Microsoft Office 365 and
                            navigated these interesting Department of Education software security has meant
                            times with a minimum of that our database software is currently offering limited
                            upset and maintained your usefulness. The Management Committee has made
                            health.                        creating a new purpose-built database program its
                                                           major priority.
                            There are some changes
                            around CPA that you may like It is well realised that the reports generated from
                            to be aware:                   data gathered in school sweeps are integral to some
                                                           operational procedures and this current situation is less
1. Staff Change                                            than ideal.
There is a change to the person operating as the Office It is hoped to have this situation rectified as soon as
Manager. Tracy Green has recently resigned and I possible.
personally and the Management Committee would like
to thank her for all her work and effort provided to the If your school has a stand-alone computer with Office
Association in her time as the Office Manager. Tracy has 2019 or earlier – NOT Office 365 – you may still be able
streamlined a number of processes, enacted policies to run the database for the required reports.
and procedures to ensure that the Association is ship 4. Resource Updates
shape and streamlined. CPA Inc would not be the
organization it now is without Tracy’s huge amount of The Instruction and Resources sub-committee, acting
time and effort given to the association. We wish Tracy on the approval of CPA Instructors is updating Module
all the best in her future endeavours.                     B – which has been renamed Observation Handbook.
                                                           It is hoped that this document will be distributed early
For the time-being I will be attending to requirements next term.
of the role. He asked for a little patience and leeway as
he comes to terms with the complexities of the role.       This document will reflect some of the tweaks that the
                                                           Instructors suggested, considered and discussed and
2. Consitutional Changes                                   advised the Instructor and Resource sub-committee.
The Association is now operating under an updated These suggestions were presented to the Management
constitution, the significant changes being:               Committee for consideration and were approved.
• The Association’s year is now April 1st to March 31st of Once the Observation Handbook is complete it will
the following year                                         replace Module B on the website and in ALL trainings.
• Memberships are now aligned to the Association’s 5. Training Details Reminder
year. All memberships have been adjusted accordingly. A reminder to ALL instructors that it is a part of their
• The number of members on the Management agreement with CPA Inc. to provide details of their
Committee has been reduced from 15 to 9.                   training (time and place) and some event details (cost,
                                                           open/closed audience, etc.) Please forward these
• The President, Treasurer and Secretary are no longer details are to me o that I can update your details to
elected directly to these positions, and are now elected
by the Management Committee at the first meeting
after the AGM.                                             Until next time,
                                                           Richard Nash - Office Manager

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Classroom Profiling Association Inc - TERM 2 NEWS
Welcome!                              The
                                 New 2021
                                 Committee                                  with
                                  Member -                                Steven
                                 Sara Janke                              Sanderson

Hi all,I am excited to join the Management Committee and             Name: Steven Sanderson
champion the work, processes and resources that support              Profiling Level: Classroom Profiling Instructor - Lvl 3
all educators to establish relationship rich environments.
I am in a regional behaviour support role in Townsville,             Teaching Area: Regional Office
North Queensland. I have previously worked in Doomadgee              When were you trained? 2009
as the Head of Department for Wellbeing and Classroom                Who trained you? Mark Davidson
Management. I have experienced the meaningful impact of
profiling at individual and school level, and look forward           When were you last profiled? 2020
to partnering with schools to create a cluster approach              How were you first introduced to profiling?
to support collaboration through Classroom Profiling in              In my role as a cluster Behaviour Support Teacher I was
North Queensland.                                                    provided with the opportunity to participate in CP1. As a result,
                                                                     I was able to utilise this effective observation and reflection tool
Being Profiled by Kym Healy                                          to support teachers’ capability to create safe, supportive and
                                                                     inclusive learning environments.
         Committee member, Wallumbilla SS                            How has profiling helped you become a better teacher?
It was within my first six months of teaching when I was informed    Classroom Profiling has provided me with a framework to reflect
I was to be profiled. Profiled is probably not the term to be used   on my effective teaching practices and refined my ability to be
on a beginner teacher.                                               present in the ‘consciously competent’ domain.
My mind went through many portals of imagination. I knew of
criminals being profiled, psychopaths are profiled but, “what is     What is your ‘go to’ classroom strategy?
going on here” I thought to myself?                                  My default strategy usually lands within the ‘Top 5’ arena,
With great trepidation I booked in my time and date, as the days     however, it is dependant on the function of behaviour that is
counted down I found myself feeling unsure and insecure. The         being observed to ensure the most appropriate strategy is used
day came, and in walked a woman I had never actually met             to achieve the best outcome for the student.
before. She entered silently while my class was in full swing,       How have you used profiling to help and strengthen other
she sat at the back of the classroom while I continued with my       teachers around you?
teaching. All I could see was that she was taking what seemed        In previous roles I was fortunate to be tasked with the
to be notes, I remember trying to imagine she was not there for      responsibility to grow Classroom Profiling across the North
some reason.                                                         Queensland region. The key message which positively impacted
Later that day I found in my pigeonhole an A3 envelope with a        participation was that Classroom Profiling is a performance
chocolate inside and the largest piece of paper with what could      development tool, not a performance measurement tool.
have been some foreign language, along with a note to meet
her.                                                                 Have you had any funny or memorable moments that
Today I love being profiled, it often takes an outside eye to see    occurred while you were profiling a class?
what we do not see or notice ourselves.                              A memorable moment occurred during an observation session
Do I give my class verbal or non-verbal cues?                        when the school went into a lock down. The lights went out,
Do I sweep the room?                                                 teacher, students and profiler sat on the floor yet the profile
There is so much to learn from being profiled. Today I am proud      continued. Needless to say, individual close talk and non-verbals
to say “I am a profiler”!                                            were identified as a strength during the reflection session.

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Classroom Profiling Association Inc - TERM 2 NEWS
     Lighthouse School:                                    All shirts available listed below for the sale price of $20
                                                           plus postage!
        Kingaroy SHS                                       Email Tracy at

                                                                   LADIES CUT POLO WITH CP LOGO
In May at Kingaroy State High School, Andrew                         SIZE 16         2 available
Maddern and Robyn Ferling trained six new Classroom                  SIZE 18         5 available
Profilers.                                                           SIZE 20         1 available
Jonathan Mosely, Kara Godwin, Sarah Rush, Alex                       SIZE 22         3 available
Fredericks, Sarah Bedwell and Rebecca Watson                         SIZE 24         2 available
gained insight into the positive supportive strategies               SIZE 26         2 available
that are utilised in classrooms.
                                                              LADIES CUT POLO WITH CP AND EQ LOGO
The three days also included a number of ‘live’ profiles      SIZE 8		               3 available
which the group found valuable. In addition, a ‘live’         SIZE 16                2 available
reflection session, as suggested by the observed              SIZE 18                1 available
classroom teacher, was witnessed by participants              SIZE 26                4 available
which gave authenticity and real-life context to the
reflection process.                                                        MENS WITH CP LOGO
Three of the new profilers had not been profiled                     Small		         8 available
before and are now keen to not only be in a classroom                Medium          13 available
to profile, but also have profilers come into their                  Large		         10 available
classroom.                                                           2XL		           11 available
                                                                     3XL		           3 available
As a Lighthouse School, Kingaroy State High School
                                                                     5XL		           1 available
continues to grow the number of Classroom Profilers
with a total of 33 on staff. Planned trainings in
Semester 2 will grow these numbers further.                       MENS WITH CP LOGO AND EQ LOGO
                                                                     Small		         5 available
                                                                     Medium          4 available
                                                                     Large 		        4 available
                                                                     XLarge		        4 available
                                                                     3XL		           6 available

Photo: Jonathan Mosely(CP1), Kara Godwin(CP1), Robyn
Ferling (CPI 2) Sarah Rush(CP1), Alex Fredricks (front
CP1) , Rebecca Watson(CP1), Sarah Bedwell (CP1) and
Andrew Maddern (CPI 2)

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Classroom Profiling Association Inc - TERM 2 NEWS
CONGRATULATIONS!                                              Some great feedback from Townsville!
                                                              “The professional experience provided the
Congratulations to Sara Janke (Principal Advisor-PBL)
                                                              opportunity to clarify the practice of Classroom
and Stephanie Kirk (ESCM & PBL Coach) for successfully
                                                              Profiling. I gained clarity surrounding the ‘least
completing their Classroom Profiling Instructor - Level
                                                              intrusive’ and ‘most intrusive’ teacher strategies.
1 training and becoming our latest two CP Level 1
                                                              This will allow me to refine the use of positive
Instructors. Accredited by Steven Sanderson (Lead
                                                              supportive strategies as a teacher and support the
Coach – State Schools, CPA Endorsed Instructor Level
                                                              implementation of Classroom Profiling amongst
                                                              our Prossy staff. An integral step in building and
                                                              maintaining safe and supportive classroom
                                                              Elizabeth Crear, Proserpine SHS

                                                                 CALENDAR ON THE NEW WEBSITE
                                                              Have you visited CPA Inc.’s new website? Have
                                                              you perused the calendar to see what Classroom
                                                              Profiling events are happening around the place?
                                                              All events conducted by CPA Inc. or an endorsed
Photo: Stephanie modelling a ‘live’ reflection after the      trainer is listed on the calendar.
group conducted a ‘live’ observation.
                                                              The event’s title reads: Event type - Venue - Instructor
                                                              e.g. CP Level 1 - Nudgee Beach EEC - Richard Nash
                                                              When viewing the calendar by month, the events
                                                              over more than 1 day have the days connected by
                                                              a coloured band. Placing your mouse on the band
                                                              activates a pop-up window with the key information.
                                                              Clicking on the band provides details of the organiser,
                                                              registration details, cost, the event and a map to the
                                                              When viewing the calendar by list, you see the pop up
                                                              information. Clicking on the event title provides the
Photo: Newly certified Classroom Profiling Level 1 training   rest of the information.
participants in Townsville.
                                                              A closed event means that the event is for the staff
Sara and Stephanie co-delivered their first ever CP1          of a particular school / cluster and the course is
training in Townsville to 13 participants from across         individualised to the needs of this group. It could also
the region with Steven Sanderson in attendance to             mean that the event capacity has been reached.
reflect on their professional knowledge, practice
                                                              If the event is not labelled closed, then you are able
and engagement each day and award their final
                                                              to contact the event organiser and inquire as to
accreditation. The daily reflections guided by the QCT
                                                              registration policy and procedures.
professional standards highlighted many strengths
including their ability to differentiate the learning to      ALL events listed on the CPA Inc. calendar are
ensure it was responsive to their point of need and           organised and run by CPA Inc. endorsed instructors.
their aptitude in creating a psychologically safe space       For additional information regarding contact details
for deep learning to occur.                                   for endorsed instructors or events contact our Office
                                                              Manager (

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OBSERVATION HANDBOOK - Module B Latest Edition
A consultative process between:
• instructors
• trialling during training and
• approval sought through the CPA Inc. Management team
has lead to an upgrade of the Observation Handbook previously known as Module B.

                                               Major changes to date
1. THE TITLE                                                     3. MIXED GROUP CODING - Mgr
 As of Term 3 all endorsed instructors will be required          A mixed group will be recorded as Mgr not Gr.
to be using the latest version of the Observation                This is to assist with accuarcy when entering data.
Handbook. That is no more Module B being distributed
and used in training. The website will have the
Observation Handbook uploaded and available for all              4. OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION / ADDITIONS
members. Other communication via email will also be
                                                                 A number of valid suggestions have been made by
used to communicate this document to members.
                                                                 active instructors. These are to be discussed at the next
                                                                 Instructors meeting Thursday June 10 4pm via Zoom.
2. RECORDING using a DOT                          If you are an instructor and have missed the invitation to
The following information will now be included in this meeting and would like to be included see the home
the Observation handbook regarding Descriptive page on the website or email info@classroomprofiling.
encouraging and Description of Reality.           com .

                                          When to record using a Dot

       •   A dot is recorded against Descriptive Encouraging as part of the instruction giving sequence to indicate
           generic praise - “Well done Yr 5” - missed opportunity to describe the behaviour(s), eg “Well done Yr 5, all
           people are sitting with their bodies facing to the front and their eyes are to me.”
       •   A dot is recorded against Description of Reality and a connecting line drawn to Oral redirection - redirection
           given to indicate when the teacher highlights inappropriate behaviour(s) eg “You’re calling out.” 9:52am

       NOTE: An anecdotal note with time stamp will assist during reflection session.
                Dots would not be entered as data against the strategy in the observation database.

                             e.g.   W•      Mgr •    B•     G•      U•

                  Classroom Profiling Association Incorporated
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Thanks to Matthew Potter, Tagai State College for sharing his practice with the Association

           Classroom Profiling Association Incorporated
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Congratulations to Toowoomba and surrounding
    QuEST Training Events                                     South-West schools on the twenty-seven proud
                                                              participants who attended their CP Level 1 course.
Wanting to find training?
Check out the CPA Inc. website and join in the highly Participants now have Classroom Profiling in their
professional rewarding experiences in Classroom Pro- tool kit to support teachers.
filing Level 1, Level 2, Refreshers and Instructor Train-
ing. There are multiple instructors in multiple locations
around the state and beyond.

If you’d like a training session to be held in your school
or education providing facility, please contact the CPA
Inc. directly to discuss the possibility of our instructors
travelling to you.

                                                              Photo: Emma Brennan - Charleville State School and
                                                              Jayne McLean - Harristown State School.

                                                                  Feedback from training in
                                                               “Nikki and I have been practising
                                                               and have started to profile some
                                                               of our graduate teachers. I had my
                                                               first ‘official’ reflection session the
                                                               other day and it was incredible!
                                                               The graduate teacher drew her own
                                                               conclusions from the data and is now
Photo: Simone Phillips - Sandgate SHS and Natalie              working on her goal of using ESCM
Tomsett - Woody Point Special School.
                                                               #1 more in her classes.
A QuEST Classroom Profiling Level 1 training was               Thanks for such a great two days.
held in North Lakes recently. It was a wonderful and           It was extremely enjoyable and I am
engaging day of learning.                                      already seeing the benefits of the

                 Classroom Profiling Association Incorporated
                 CONTACT INFO     E | P 0480 238 443 | W
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