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Updated – 11/2/20 CLASSROOM AMBASSADOR HANDBOOK NORTHSHORE CHRISTIAN ACADEMY COVID Compliance Year “Show me your ways, Lord, teach me; guide me in your truth, for you are my God, my Savior.” -Psalm 25:4-6 Kim Forbes Room Parent/ Classroom Ambassadors Coordinator Stephanie Lloyd Room Parent/ Classroom Ambassadors Coordinator
NCA Room Parent Handbook CONTENTS Welcome Letter I. Purpose II. Room Parent Structure III. Responsibilities A. Encourage and Support Your Teacher B. Making Connections with Families C. Welcome New Families to NCA D. Communicate with Parents E. Connecting Parents to the PTF • Parent-Teacher Fellowship (PTF) • PTF Teacher Appreciation Days F. Teacher Gifts G. Teacher Birthday Party H. Party Planning • Class Parties/Activities • Party Sign-up • Party Food • Adopt A Party I. Support the Auction Art Project Parent J. Helping Families in Difficult Circumstances IV. Room Parent Resources V. Addendums A. Google Docs Instructions B. Peanut-Free and Nut-Free Treats VI. School Administrators VII. Parent Teacher Fellowship (PTF) Board 2
NCA Room Parent Handbook Welcome! Dear Room Parent, Welcome to the school year and your role as an NCA room parent/ Classroom Ambassador in this unique year of COVID compliance measures. Thank you for volunteering in your child’s classroom this year! This is a very special and important service to which God has called you to be in a leadership role and He will do great things through you. It will be fun, exciting, and challenging! As part of your support team, our hearts are to serve the NCA teachers by encouraging and equipping you to be the best room parent you can be. We encourage you to pray for the NCA Academy, teachers, staff, and families. During your orientation in the room parent role, we are providing you with the following resource materials: • Room Parent/ Classroom Ambassador Handbook • Classroom Directory • Teacher Gift Idea List • Room Parent Gift Idea List (for you to complete) • Room Parent List (for your grade level) We are looking forward to working with you this year! Kim Forbes and Stephanie Lloyd 3
NCA Room Parent Handbook I. Purpose The purpose of the Classroom Ambassadors/ Room parent role is to provide support to the teachers, administration, and parents of the children in the classroom. II. Room Parent/ Classroom Ambassador Structure A. Names of potential Classroom Ambassadors/ room parents are submitted to the office for approval by the NCA division principals. New first year families need to wait a year before becoming Classroom Ambassadors. B. Each class in Grades K to 5th will have one Classroom Ambassador C. Since middle school students plan their own parties, each grade may share Classroom Ambassadors. D. A Classroom Ambassador may serve in only one class (unless the 2nd class is an ELC or 6-8 class). E. Exceptions to the above must be approved by the division principal. III. Responsibilities (See detailed description on following pages) A. Encourage and support your teacher and assigned specialist B. Welcome new families as they enter your classroom C. Connect and communicate with parents D. Teacher birthday recognition E. Support families with serious illnesses (through PTF family care and the principal) 4
NCA Room Parent Handbook NCA Classroom Ambassador Role Virtual ELC K-2nd 3rd-5th 6th-8th Academy Welcome New and Existing families with an e-mail and phone call Y Y N N N Teacher Appreciation- ongoing Christmas Gift for teachers, Staff Appreciation Week, Teacher Birthday Y Y Y Y Y All e-mails should be approved by principal/ teacher prior to sending to classroom Y Y Y Y Y Direct questions to appropriate NCA Admin/ Teachers Y Y Y Y Y Party supply acquisition only- Parties clarify with principals/ follow Parties will will be current CDC/DOH/ SHD be teacher teacher mandates Y Y ran only ran only Virtual Parties OK Share class lists- verify all are ok to share Parent Directory N Y Y Y Y 5
NCA Room Parent Handbook Emailing Families • Classroom Ambassadors can help build community between parents, academy, and teachers, answer questions, introduce families to one another and maintain a positive perspective • Introduce yourself to your class via email or distribute a letter in the Thursday Folder All emails this year must be approved by the grade level principal, please send “DRAFT” for approval, and allow a little extra time for planning Email format must be: To: Your email Address Cc: Principal, teacher, Classroom Ambassador Coordinators (Kim Forbes & Stephanie Lloyd) Bcc: Use this for all email addresses for the class* *The email list that you are provided with is all of the emails for your class, some families have asked to not have their emails shared Distribution of Class Lists DO NOT DISTRIBUTE CLASS LISTS - - PLEASE REFER TO TEACHER FOR GETTING A LIST THAT IS APPROVED Welcome New Families to NCA (Check chart for grade level specifics) • This is very important. Please make a phone call to new families • Starting a new school can be overwhelming for the parents as well as the students and your role is a key factor in helping them make a smooth transition • Welcome them to NCA and let them know about your role as a Classroom Ambassador • Check with them throughout the school year • Refer any questions regarding specific school policies to the grade level principal (i.e. CDC, DOH) Teacher Gifts • Classroom Ambassadors are responsible for contacting the parents regarding opportunities to give gifts to their teacher during the year – Christmas, Birthday, Staff Appreciation Week • Send a reminder to them when the teacher’s birthday is near • Any students that want to give your teacher a gift can choose whichever occasion they would prefer • Please refrain from theme gift baskets this year as to comply with DOH, CDC, State regulations • ****Do not collect for a group gift from the class. Basic rule: “Do not ask for money for a gift.” 6
NCA Room Parent Handbook • To assist you and other parents with gift ideas, the teachers have filled out a “favorite sheet” with ideas for their favorite foods, drinks, places to eat, etc. – please share the PDF that is provided to you with your class Staff Appreciation Week • Teacher Appreciation Days for 2020-2021 are April 26,27,28, 2021 • Each day has a theme and suggested activities that parents, and students can do for their teachers o Monday – Acts of Service o Tuesday – Words of Encouragement o Wednesday – Gifts (PTF Catered luncheon) • Please remind your class parents about these special days • You may coordinate additional ways to show appreciation for your teacher but it is not required Examples: having each student bring a flower to combine into a class bouquet, recruit parents to deliver a special beverage or lunch (deliver to front desk) Party Planning • Classroom parties will be planned by the teachers • Classroom Ambassadors are responsible for contacting their teacher for dates of parties • Parents are not allowed to attend parties this year • All food brought to a party must be store purchased and individually wrapped • Acquisition of supplies for the parties must not be through cash collected, please use the following tools to request: o Sign Up Genius o Amazon Wish List • All supplies for parties must be carried in by students or left at the front desk for delivery to the classroom o PLEASE REMIND FAMILIES TO LABEL ITEMS WELL WITH TEACHER NAME Collecting Money from Parents • Do not request cash for any reason from parents – this includes, teacher gifts & party supplies • VENMO or other electronic fund transfer apps are not allowed • Please have parents purchase their individual supplies through other channels such as Amazon Wish List NOTE: This is a change in policy since the Zoom Orientation on 10/22/2020 7
NCA Room Parent Handbook Sample Introduction Letter Subject: NCA- Teacher Name Classroom Parents Let me introduce myself. My name is Suzie Smith, and I am the Classroom Ambassador for (teacher name). I have two children at Northshore, Sammie who is in 8th grade and Stacy who is in 3rd grade. This is my 9th year at Northshore. I work part-time at Northshore Christian Church and my husband’s name is Joe. I love our teachers! Classroom Ambassador: I see my job as a Classroom Ambassador as someone who recruits and organizes parents to help with our teachers and I will need your help. We are blessed with some awesome teachers at NCA and I want to encourage and support them in their role at NCA, and help them with some of their responsibilities so they can spend more time and energy focused on teaching our children. Classroom Parties: (teacher name) will be planning the parties this year. I will be assisting in providing you with ways that we may be able to acquire supplies or food items. (NOTE: DOES NOT APPLY TO 3RD -8TH GRADES AS PARTIES ARE PLANNED AND RUN BY THE TEACHERS) Gift Idea: In order to bless our teachers this year, I am providing you with our teacher’s “favorites” list. You are able to use this to bless your teacher as you would like. (e.g., birthday, Christmas, Staff Appreciation Week, or end of the year) Communication: I will be using e-mail a lot to remind you of different school and classroom events. It is easy to overlook things when so many pieces of paper come home during the week. Feel free to contact me with any questions or ideas. Classroom Ambassador name and contact information here 8
NCA Room Parent Handbook Addendum A Google Docs Instructions Before you begin, create your spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel. Save your spreadsheet somewhere easy to find like on your desktop. 1. Create a Google Docs account—Go to: • Click on “create an account now” or “get started” • Provide the “Required information for Google account” • Click “I accept. Create my account.” • Go to your email and open the email from Google Docs. Follow instructions to activate your account. • Once your account is activated, log in. 2. Upload your spreadsheet to Google Docs: • Click “upload” which is in the left corner (box to right of “Create”) • Click “Files . . .” • Find the spreadsheet that you created and select it • Click “Open” • Click “start upload” • Once the upload has finished, right click on the file and choose “Open with” • Select “Google sheets” 3. Sharing your spreadsheet: • Click on “Share” at the top right • Sharing settings will come up—click on “Change” • Click on “Anyone with the link” • Click on “Access: Anyone (no sign-in required) • Click on “Can edit” (in blue pull down) • Click “Save” • Click “Invite people:” • Type in your email address • Click “Share & save” • Open Microsoft Outlook and read the email you just sent to yourself • Right click on the document link in the body of the email you sent yourself • Click on “Copy Hyperlink” • Start a new email in Outlook from scratch. • Click in the body of the email you are drafting and right click and choose “Paste” • This will place the link to the Google Doc in your email • Continue preparing your email as usual by putting parent addresses into the bcc address box. ➢ Note: Make sure to select “anyone with the link,” and “allow anyone to edit.” Missing these steps may mean you have to respond to a confirmation email sent by each person the spreadsheet was sent to. 9
NCA Room Parent Handbook Addendum B Addendum G Parent Teacher Fellowship (PTF) PTF President…………………………… PTF Vice President……..……………… Connie Finch Communications……………………….. 10
NCA Room Parent Handbook School Administrators Superintendent/PTF Liaison Holly Leach 425-322-2361 Assistant Superintendent Jordan Gage Assistant to the Superintendent/ Melissa Mackin 425-322-2396 PTF Liaison Principal, Middle School Julie Schmitke 425-322-2322 Middle School Admin Assistant Noelle Hader 425-322-2363 Middle School Office Manager Rachel Diede 425-322-2394 Middle School Athletic Director Principal, 3rd – 5th Grades Kristen Kreutner 425-322-2398 STEM Assistant to 3rd-5th Grade Principal Greta Goffar 425-322-2319 Principal, K – 2nd Grades Diane Winningham 425-322-2362 ELC Executive Director Assistant Principal, K-5th Grade Pam Jackson 425-322-2305 Assistant to K-2nd Grade Principal Amy Kovach 425-407-1119 ex.1443 Early Learning Center Director Angela Leyba 425-322-2392 Early Learning Center Program Assistant Chris McLeod 425-322-2390 Early Learning Center Admin Assistant/ Alyssa Flude 425-322-2390 Registrar Student Learning Director Janet Christy 425-322-2353 THRIVE Program 11
NCA Room Parent Handbook School Counselor Gene Berge 425-322-2391 K-5th Grade School Counselor Heather Shaw 425.407.1119 ext.1700 6th-8th Grade Development Coordinator Lina Maragliano 425-322-2371 Auction, Walk-A-Thon NCA Registrar Trisha Lodes 425-322-2397 Admissions & Enrollment Manager Tammy Gimbel 425-322-2301 HR Generalist/Marketing Tanya Hansen 425-322-2318 Admin Assistant/ Watchdogs Sarah Doty 425-322-2348 NCA Front Desk Receptionists 425-407-1119 ex. 1315 Corlyn Watson Michelle Smith 12
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