Class Big Oil has some grand ambitions indeed for exploring Newfoundland and Labrador's offshore

Page created by Linda Patton
Class Big Oil has some grand ambitions indeed for exploring Newfoundland and Labrador's offshore
             Big Oil has some grand ambitions indeed for
             exploring Newfoundland and Labrador’s offshore

Class Big Oil has some grand ambitions indeed for exploring Newfoundland and Labrador's offshore
               the biggest oil and gas conference in Atlantic Canada back in
               June of 2018, Nalcor Energy’s Jim Keating strode to the podium
               with confidence.
                  The Crown corporation’s executive vice-president for
corporate services and offshore development is a regular speaker at NOIA’s
annual show. On this day he came to tout the potential of Newfoundland and
Labrador’s offshore to a packed crowd at the St. John’s Convention Centre.
   That potential had already been brought up by previous speakers. That day
J.D. Irving, Limited CEO Jim Irving talked up the Flemish Pass and Orphan
Basins, which he said held potentially 37 billion barrels of oil and 33 trillion
cubic feet of natural gas. But Irving said that potential was in danger of being
stranded due to an onerous Canadian regulatory regime.
   Keating struck a more positive tone, reminding his audience the province’s
offshore contains “a couple of dozen monster prospects.” He also told a story
about the time his father asked him, perhaps impatiently, when exploration
wells were going to start being drilled in the province. Keating’s response
to his dad was simple and measured: “It’s the oil and gas industry. We need         Jim Keating, Nalcor Energy’s vice-
patience.”                                                                          president for corporate services
   That patience is paying off. The Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador                and offshore development, says
                                                                                    Newfoundland and Labrador’s offshore
Offshore Petroleum Board received a record bid total of $1.38 billion during its    has multiple “monster” oil and gas
2018 land sale. What’s more, there are seven applications for drilling projects     prospects. Photo courtesy Nalcor Energy
before the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (CEAA) involving
some of the biggest oil and gas companies in the world. In those applications,
the companies are proposing to drill more than 100 exploration, delineation
and appraisal wells in provincial waters over the next 10 years.
   That represents a tremendous amount of activity for the sector. In the
following pages, we provide a snapshot of each project and what Big Oil has
planned for Newfoundland and Labrador’s offshore.

Flemish Pass exploration drilling project

Formerly known as Nexen Energy ULC,               drilling depth and expected weather and                 CNOOC PETROLEUM
the Canadian division of the Chinese              ice conditions and associated mobility                  NORTH AMERICA
government-owned company filed its                requirements,” CNOOC writes in its project              FAST FACTS
project description with CEAA in April 2017.      description. It adds that two MODUs could
   CNOOC says between 2018-2028 it                be used at the same time. It’s proposing to             Personnel required on a
wants to conduct exploration drilling on          drill as many as 10 exploration and appraisal           MODU during offshore
two exploration licences―1144 and 1150―           wells between 2018-2028.                                operations
it holds in the Flemish Pass Basin. The              The location of the well sites hasn’t been
western edge of the project area is over          selected yet. CNOOC says no excavated                   10,634 km²
400 kilometres from Newfoundland. The             drill centres or underwater construction                The size of the
maximum water depth found in the project          will be needed for the planned exploration              project area
area is 1,200 metres.                             activities. If any of the wells show
   The company says the wells may be              commercial amounts of hydrocarbons, a well              45-160 days
drilled by a semi-submersible mobile              flow test may be done to sample and identify            The approximate time
offshore drilling unit (MODU) or a harsh          formation fluids and to measure produced                CNOOC says it will take
environment drill ship MODU. The type             flow rates. As this magazine went to press,             to drill and evaluate each
of MODU used for a well will “be based            CEAA was still waiting for responses to                 well
primarily on the characteristics of the           its request for information regarding the
physical environment at the proposed drill        company’s environmental impact statement
site, particularly water depth, expected          for the project.

                                                                                                    ONLINE EXTRAS:   NR27
Class Big Oil has some grand ambitions indeed for exploring Newfoundland and Labrador's offshore

                                                 EXXONMOBIL CANADA LTD.                               Like other exploration drilling projects
                                                                                                    in Newfoundland and Labrador’s offshore,
                                                 Eastern Newfoundland offshore exploration
                                                                                                    the project will include other activities and
                                                 drilling project                                   techniques such as possible delineation
                                                 ExxonMobil Canada Ltd, the Canadian arm            drilling in the case of a hydrocarbon discovery,
                                                 of the Houston-based super-major, submitted        geophysical       surveys,     batch    drilling,
                                                 its project description for the drilling project   formation flow testing, geotechnical surveys,
           EXXONMOBIL CANADA                     in November of 2016. It and its partners―          environmental surveys, video surveys,
           LTD. FAST FACTS                       Equinor Canada Ltd and Suncor Energy―              and eventual wellhead decommissioning
                                                 want to conduct exploration, delineation and       and removal. ExxonMobil says exploration
           35                                    appraisal drilling offshore Newfoundland           activities may occur at any time of the year.
           The maximum number of
                                                 and Labrador between 2018-2029.                    An environmental assessment of the project
           exploration, delineation
                                                    The activity will take place on two             by CEAA is currently in progress.
           and appraisal wells
           ExxonMobil is proposing               exploration licences, 1135 and 1137, and could
           to drill                              include drilling up to a whopping 35 wells
                                                 during the project period. The drilling will
           8-10                                  take place in the Jeanne d’Arc and Flemish         EXXONMOBIL CANADA LTD.
                                                 Pass Basins approximately 250 kilometres
           The estimated number                                                                     Southeastern Newfoundland offshore
           of return trips per month             east of St. John’s.
                                                    Specific well sites haven’t been decided        exploration drilling project
           made by supply vessels
           to one drilling installation          on yet. That will occur as project planning        ExxonMobil Canada filed its project
           during the project                    and design activities move ahead. When the         description for this proposed project in what
                                                 wells are drilled, the company says it will        is known as the Carson Basin in September
           29 days                               use a semi-submersible drilling installation       of 2018.
           The approximate time                  or drill ship. The planned project timeframe          The company is applying to CEAA to
           modelling estimates a                 of 12 years provides “an adequate and              conduct an exploration drilling program
           sub-surface release of oil            conservative timeframe within which project        on exploration licence 1136 in the basin.
           from EL 1135 would reach              activities may occur”, ExxonMobil says in its      Suncor Energy and Total E&P Canada Ltd.
           coastal Newfoundland                  environmental impact statement.                    are ExxonMobil’s partners on this licence,

Class Big Oil has some grand ambitions indeed for exploring Newfoundland and Labrador's offshore
which has had no exploration wells drilled         EXXONMOBIL                   CHEVRON CANADA LIMITED
on it so far.                                      CANADA LTD.
                                                                                West Flemish Pass exploration drilling
   During a 10-year period, from 2020-2029,        FAST FACTS
ExxonMobil says it will drill at least one well,                                project
and possibly as many as five exploration           The maximum number of        Chevron Canada filed its project description
and delineation wells, on the licence. “Upon       wells ExxonMobil says it     with CEAA in October of 2018, making it the
evaluation of the first well and the analysis      will drill on EL 1136        most recent project description submitted
of its results, a potential second well location                                for exploration drilling activities in offshore
site will be determined,” ExxonMobil writes        24,335 km²                   Newfoundland and Labrador.
in its project description. However, the           The size of the Carson          The company is applying to conduct
company says more wells could be drilled           Basin exploration drilling   the program on exploration licence 1138
if more exploration licences are added to the      project area                 in the Flemish Pass Basin, 375 kilometres
project. If it gets regulatory and company                                      northeast of St. John’s. Chevron’s partners in
approvals in time, the company plans to            2,730 metres                 the proposed program are Equinor Canada,
drill its first well in 2020.                      The maximum water            which has interests in numerous exploration
   A semi-submersible drilling unit will be        depth of EL 1136             licences offshore Newfoundland and
used for the project. ExxonMobil says these                                     Labrador, and Anadarko Canada. Chevron
units are generally used in deep waters or                                      Canada says in its project description that as
in areas where more mobility is needed due                                      many as eight exploration, delineation and
to ice or other factors and operational risks.                                  appraisal wells could be drilled from 2021-
The drilling program won’t require any                                          2030. It plans to drill the first exploration
excavated drill centres or other underwater                                     well in 2021 pending regulatory approval.
construction         activities.   ExxonMobil                                   Either a semi-submersible rig or a drill ship
estimates each well will take between 60-                                       will be used.
75 days for drilling and possible testing,                                         But the drilling activities won’t be
followed by abandoning or suspending the                                        continuous. The California-based firm says
well. On Nov. 5, 2018, CEAA announced                                           the drilling will be determined by “rig
an environmental assessment of the project                                      availability and previous wells results.”
was required.                                                                   When drilling does occur, Chevron Canada

                                                                                                   ONLINE EXTRAS:   NR29
Class Big Oil has some grand ambitions indeed for exploring Newfoundland and Labrador's offshore

           CHEVRON CANADA                        would prefer it take place between May and         Between 2019 and 2026, BP Canada says it
           LIMITED FAST FACTS                    September―avoiding the winter and spring           may drill up to 20 exploration wells in the
                                                 seasons when vicious winter storms can             project area. It says the first well could be
           180 days                              bring eight-metre-high waves and winds             drilled in 2020 pending regulatory approval.
           The time Chevron Canada               gusting over 100 kilometres an hour, along            As with the other drilling programs
           estimates it will take to             with sea ice, to the North Atlantic. The           being proposed in offshore Newfoundland
           drill each well                       company also says it will not be building          and Labrador, BP Canada says in its project
                                                 onshore facilities as part of the project and      description that it will use either a semi-
           187,700 tonnes                        will use third-party facilities to carry out any   submersible rig or a drill ship to drill the
           The estimated maximum                 work required for this proposed exploration        wells. It’s possible the same MODU may not
           amount of carbon dioxide              drilling campaign. On Dec. 20, 2018, CEAA          be used to drill all the wells in the program.
           equivalent emitted                    announced an environmental assessment of           Logistics support for this campaign will be
           annually due to the                   the project was required.                          provided through a fleet of platform supply
           drilling program                                                                         vessels and helicopters.
                                                                                                       As for the drilling, BP Canada says
           20                                                                                       specific drill sites haven’t been decided
           The number of marine                  BP CANADA ENERGY GROUP ULC                         on yet. “Prospective well locations within
           mammals that frequent                 Orphan Basin exploration drilling project          the ELs are being identified based on data
           the waters off Eastern
                                                 BP Canada submitted its project description        obtained through two-dimensional and
                                                 to CEAA for this exploration drilling              three-dimensional seismic data collected
                                                 campaign in January 2018.                          between 2012 and 2015 within the Orphan/
                                                    The London-based super-major, and               Flemish Pass basins,” BP Canada writes in
                                                 its partners in the project―Noble Energy           its project description. In March of 2018,
                                                 Canada and Hess Canada Oil and Gas                 CEAA began its environmental assessment
                                                 ULC―are proposing an ambitious program             of this project.
                                                 that encompasses four exploration licences
                                                 (1145, 1146, 1148 and 1149) that lie within
                                                 the Orphan Basin approximately 343- and
                                                 496-kilometres northeast of St. John’s.

Class Big Oil has some grand ambitions indeed for exploring Newfoundland and Labrador's offshore
one. The company says up to 30 wells could
BP CANADA ENERGY                 EQUINOR CANADA LTD.                                            be drilled. A semi-submersible unit or a
                                 Flemish Pass exploration drilling project                      drill ship may be used to drill the wells.
                                 This is a proposed exploration drilling project                It hasn’t decided what type will be used.
$425,805,000                     for offshore Newfoundland and Labrador                         “The type of installation chosen will be
The amount BP and its            that has been in the Canadian regulatory                       based primarily on the characteristics of
partners bid to obtain the       system for a while. Equinor Canada filed its                   the physical environment at the proposed
four exploration licences        project description in August 2016.                            drill site, particularly water depth, expected
in the project area                The Canadian arm of Norway-based                             drilling depth and expected weather and
                                 Equinor is proposing an exploration drilling                   ice conditions and associated mobility
9,432 km²                        program in the remote Flemish Pass Basin                       requirements,” Equinor writes in its project
The size of the Orphan           between 2018 and 2027. The project area
Basin exploration drilling                                                                      environmental impact statement.
                                 includes exploration licences 1139, 1140, 1141                    The environmental assessment of this
project area                     and 1142 that are located approximately                        project is still ongoing. As this magazine went
                                 480 kilometres east of St. John’s. Equinor is                  to press, CEAA said it was still reviewing
60                               partners with BP Canada and ExxonMobil
The number of days BP                                                                           additional information Equinor Canada had
                                 Canada on ELs 1140, 1141 and 1142. On EL                       submitted in November 2018 relating to its
Canada estimates it will
                                 1139, Equinor is partnered with ExxonMobil                     environmental impact statement.
take to drill each well.
                                 Canada and Anadarko Canada.
                                   The drilling campaign is a significant

                                 EQUINOR CANADA LTD. FAST FACTS
                                 1 in 333,333                            10                                               2-5
                                 The chance of a well blowout            The maximum number of return trips               The number of days flaring
                                 based on oil spill probability          made per month by supply vessels to a            would last if a flow test is
                                 analysis, according to Equinor          drilling installation during the project         done during the project

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                                                                                                                    ONLINE EXTRAS:   NR31
Class Big Oil has some grand ambitions indeed for exploring Newfoundland and Labrador's offshore

           Husky Energy’s proposed
           drilling project involves three
           exploration licences that
           neighbour the province’s four
           producing offshore oil fields
           Image courtesy Husky Energy

           HUSKY ENERGY INC.
           FAST FACTS
                                                 HUSKY ENERGY INC.                                     In its project description, the company
           86                                                                                       says drilling will be carried out by a semi-
           The number of wells                   Husky Energy exploration drilling project
                                                                                                    submersible rig, a drill ship or a jack-up
           Husky Energy has drilled              This project has been on CEAA’s books              rig. The drilling will be done in shallow
           in offshore Newfoundland              for a while. Husky Energy filed its project        water, as the average water depth in the
           and Labrador                          description in September of 2016.                  Grand Banks is just 75 metres. The plan was
                                                   The Calgary-based company, which has been        to drill the first well by the first quarter of
           63,033 tonnes
                                                 exploring for oil and gas in Newfoundland          2018. However, that date has come and gone
           The amount of carbon
                                                 and Labrador’s offshore since 1982, is             as the project is still in the environmental
           dioxide equivalent Husky
                                                 proposing an exploration drilling program          assessment phase. In fact, in December
           Energy estimates will be
                                                 within exploration licences held in the Jeanne     of 2018, CEAA had requested additional
           emitted annually from the
           project                               d’Arc Basin, approximately 350 kilometres          information from Husky Energy regarding
                                                 east of St. John’s. The project area includes      its environmental impact statement for the
           5                                     exploration licences 1151 and 1152 (in which       project that it filed in September 2018. |nrm
           The average number of                 Husky Energy holds 100 per cent interest) and
           helicopter trips required             1155. Husky Energy and BP Canada each hold
           per week to transport                 a 50 per cent interest in 1155. The company is     FEEDBACK
           crew and light supplies               proposing to drill up to 10 exploration wells at   *
           during drilling activities            any time between 2019 and 2027.                    a @NRM_Editor; #WorldClass

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Class Big Oil has some grand ambitions indeed for exploring Newfoundland and Labrador's offshore Class Big Oil has some grand ambitions indeed for exploring Newfoundland and Labrador's offshore
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