CITY MANAGER'S UPDATE - S taff from the City's Police, Fire, EMS, Public Works

CITY MANAGER'S UPDATE - S taff from the City's Police, Fire, EMS, Public Works
                                                       JUNE 8, 2018

                    Active Shooter Training Exercise

        taff from the City’s Police, Fire, EMS, Public Works,   collaboration between Clear Creek ISD, the Galveston
        Emergency Management, and Communications                County Sheriff’s Office, and City police, fire, and EMS assets
        Departments collaborated with representatives           necessary to save lives and protect public health and safety.
        from the Clear Creek Independent School District        A second, on-site exercise is being planned between the
and the Galveston County Sheriff’s Office to hold a             groups for later this summer, before the start of school.
tabletop, training exercise on Wednesday, June 6.

The exercise involved an active shooter scenario at a
school building with several casualties. The purpose was to
provide participants with an opportunity to evaluate current
response concepts, plans, and capabilities for a response to
an active shooter event in the City of League City.

The exercise also took into account lessons learned
from the recent school shooting in Santa Fe and
focused on emergency responder command and
control coordination, critical decisions, notifications,
communications with the public and media, and

    Public Meeting on FM 270 Proposed Expansion                                                 2019 Budget
City staff members held a public meeting      the City Manager to submit a formal
on Tuesday, June 5, at the Civic Center       application for this project to the          This week, Department
to solicit citizen feedback on a proposed     Houston-Galveston Area Council in            Directors began presenting
plan to reconstruct a 2.2-mile segment of     response to their formal FY 2019-2022        to the City Manager their
                                              Call for Projects. Council is slated to      proposed priorities, goals,
FM 270 from Abilene Street to FM 646.
                                              act on a resolution authorizing the          and budgets for the 2019
                                              application at their June 12 Council         Fiscal Year. The presentations
The current road is a two-lane asphalt
                                              Meeting.                                     will continue next week
section with open ditches. The proposed
                                                                                           as Directors explain any
project includes the creation of a                                                         proposed projects, increased
four-lane divided, concrete curb and                                                       expenditures, or personnel
gutter section with raised medians                                                         requests for the coming
and grass landscaping. The proposed                                                        budget cycle. The City
plan also includes storm water sewer                                                       Manager will vet and review
improvements and traffic signal                                                            these requests before they
replacements.                                                                              are included in any budget
                                                                                           presentation to Council in
A public meeting is required before                                                        the coming weeks.
the League City Council can authorize
CITY MANAGER'S UPDATE - S taff from the City's Police, Fire, EMS, Public Works
League City | City Manager’s Update                                                                  JUNE 8 | 2018

  Hurricane Harvey Federal
                                                                Strategic Action Plan
       Aid Distribution
 City Council members, City staff, and various county        City Council, the Mayor, and City management will
 and city leaders from throughout the Bay Area joined        meet at 6 p.m. on Monday, June 11 at the Johnnie
 Galveston County residents at a Houston-Galveston           Arolfo Civic Center for a Strategic Planning Workshop
 Area Council meeting to give their input about the          to finalize a proposed “strategic action plan” to guide
 proposed distribution of federal aid in our area for        the work of City staff over the next three to five years.
 Hurricane Harvey relief.                                    The workshop is a follow-up to an April 7 Strategic
                                                             Planning Retreat, held with the Novak Consulting
 The meeting on June 5 was held at the Helen Hall            Group, where the groups collaborated to develop
 Library and was packed with League City residents           a key set of strategic priorities for the City based on
 who asked questions and voiced their concerns about         eight success factors. Those success factors, which
 H-GAC’s proposal to distribute funding for home             were developed by the Council, City management,
 buyouts and infrastructure repairs in League City and the   and the Mayor include:
 Galveston County area. Two additional public hearings
 on the distribution plan are occurring in late June and     1. Develop and maintain the City’s infrastructure
 will be promoted to residents via the City’s website and
                                                             2. Financial stability
 social media channels.
                                                             3. Safe and desirable community
                                                             4. Quality community amenities
                                                             5. Trained, committed, and valued workforce
                                                             6. Economic development and tourism
                                                             7. Quality built environment
                                                             8. Engaged residents

                                                             Since the April retreat, the City Manager, along with
                                                             Department Directors and other City staff members,
                                                             have been meeting to develop a series of action steps
                                                             related to the priorities developed by Council and
                                                             City management. At the June 11 workshop, Council
                                                             is expected to review and discuss the action steps
                                                             and related priorities, and either approve, change, or
                                                             amend them to create a formal Strategic Action Plan
                                                             for the City.

                                                                    Town Hall Meeting
                                                             On Wednesday, June 20, members of the public are
                                                             invited to a town hall meeting to learn more about
                                                             the proposed Strategic Action Plan and provide their
                                                             feedback and comments. The meeting will be carried
                                                             live on the City’s website and channel 16. Council is
                                                             expected to formally adopt the plan in July.
CITY MANAGER'S UPDATE - S taff from the City's Police, Fire, EMS, Public Works
League City | City Manager’s Update                                                                JUNE 8 | 2018

 Police and Fire Updates
                                      break collected nearly 170 pounds
                                      of food, thanks to the generosity of
                                      League City residents and business.

                                      The non-perishable food items
                                      collected from May 14 to June 4 will
                                      benefit the Galveston County Food
                                      Bank’s summer Kidz Pacz weekly
                                      meal distribution program, which
                                      benefits children in our community
                                      and other cities in Galveston County.   New Rescue Vehicles
                                                                              on Display
                                      New Officers Sworn In                   Staff with the City’s Volunteer Fire
                                      Eight new LCPD members officially       Department got a first-hand look at
 Food Drive to Combat                 took the oath of office and have        several new rescue vehicles this week.
 Summer Hunger                        joined the City’s police force. Five    The City has a donated boat, a new
 League City Police Department’s      of the officers are recent academy      boat, and an additional high-water
 annual donation drive to combat      graduates and the other three came      rescue vehicle that was obtained from
 children’s hunger over the summer    in as certified police officers.        the Texas Forest Service.

   From left to right: Daniel Crites, Christopher Kammer, Trevor Rector, Joseph Cerdas, League City Police
   Chief Gary Ratliff, Garrett Christian, Cameron Bay, Tyler Martin, and Tanner Surratt.
CITY MANAGER'S UPDATE - S taff from the City's Police, Fire, EMS, Public Works
League City | City Manager’s Update                                                                        JUNE 8 | 2018

 CIP Updates
 North Landing Blvd Extension (CIP# TR1301): The                Smith Lane Asphalt (CIP# RE1704C): City staff walked
 Environmental Assessment draft was submitted to TxDOT          Smith Lane and made detailed notes of driveway and
 on May 11. Following a public hearing, and initial review      cross-street transition concerns. These have been
 of the technical reports by TxDOT, the Environmental           provided to Galveston County to address workmanship in
 Assessment (EA) will be revised and a final EA will            some sections.
 be submitted by the end of the year. In general, full
 environmental clearance should be anticipated one year         Asphalt Rehabilitation – Package 2 (CIP# RE1704A):
 from submission of the EA draft. Once received, we will        Repairs to the faulty section on Mulberry Street have
 initiate land acquisition and complete the final design.       been completed. This should be the last report on
                                                                Package 2.
 Clear Creek Village Lift Station Relocation
 (CIP# WW1706): The lift station, located off Claiborne         Asphalt Rehabilitation – Package 3 (CIP# RE1704B):
 Drive between Lafayette Lane and IH-45, is being               Package 3 is out for re-bidding and we anticipate
 relocated in preparation for TxDOT’s IH-45 Widening            awarding the construction work in late June/early July,
 project. The 8-foot diameter well is now in place and          pending a successful bid process. The roads in this
 settled to the required 30-foot depth. The new sanitary        package to be rehabilitated include: Mayhaw (ninth),
 sewer line and new manhole are being installed.                Olive, Peach, Strawberry (west side), Virginia, Arkansas,
 Additionally, we are collaborating with a resident to          Maryland, Oklahoma, Kentucky, Dallas, Waco, and
 improve the aesthetics of the facility. The project is         Perkins.
 anticipated to be completed in September 2018 and is
 currently on schedule and on budget.                           Vance Street – CDBG Funding (CIP# ST1805):
                                                                Vance Street rehabilitation design continues and bid-
                                                                letting is anticipated to be completed by the end of
                                                                June. This project will resurface approximately 640
                                                                feet of asphalt road from the cul-de-sac at the north
                                                                end to the intersection of Vance Street and Walker

                                                                Nature Center Fly Ash Trail Rehab (CIP# PK1801C):
                                                                Substantial progress has been made on this project and
                                                                as of this week, the contractor has installed over 700 feet
                                                                of path along the backside of the Nature Center. Overall,
                                                                the project involves approximately 3100 feet of new path.
                                                                Weather permitting, the project will be completed by the
                                                                end of June, on time and on budget.

                                                                Bay Colony Community Multi-Use Path (CIP# PK1802):
                                                                Teamwork Construction was awarded the contract in
                                                                May. City staff members are currently coordinating with
 Butler Longhorn Museum (CIP# RE1705A): The                     Texas New Mexico Power for the installation of street
 contractor finished the work needed for the City to            lights and a 6-foot trail along Cross Colony Drive. The
 achieve Windstorm Certification. Gutters have been             construction of the trail is scheduled to start July 2018.
 added to control rooftop water flow and an exterior            Weather permitting, construction will have an eight-
 section on the third story was replaced and sloped             week duration.
 correctly with flashing installed to fix a long-time leak
 found during Hurricane Harvey interior demolition. Crews       Smith Lane Lift Station (CIP# WT1502): City staff is
 are in the process of moving furniture and exhibits upstairs   reviewing design plans and we anticipate bid-letting in
 to start the interior rebuild process.                         August, with construction to begin soon thereafter.
CITY MANAGER'S UPDATE - S taff from the City's Police, Fire, EMS, Public Works
League City | City Manager’s Update                                                                JUNE 8 | 2018

On May 23, members of League City’s Water                  place brisket, third place ribs, third place chicken, and
Production Department participated in the 2018             second place mystery protein. As a result of the team’s
National Public Works Week Annual BBQ Cookoff. Our         total points in all categories, they were named the
City team placed in all meat categories including: third   Grand BBQ Cook Off Champion. Congrats to the team!

          3rd place brisket                 2nd place mystery protein                     3rd place ribs
CITY MANAGER'S UPDATE - S taff from the City's Police, Fire, EMS, Public Works
League City | City Manager’s Update                        JUNE 8 | 2018



       The City of League City is looking for your input on the
     renovation of the FM 270 boat ramp. The public is invited
              to a meeting on the following date/time.

                           Thursday, June 28
                           6:00p.m. - 7:30p.m.

                         Clear Creek Intermediate
                                  2451 E. Main St.,
                                League City, TX 77573
CITY MANAGER'S UPDATE - S taff from the City's Police, Fire, EMS, Public Works
League City | City Manager’s Update                                                                 JUNE 8 | 2018

        Wastewater Update                                        IH-45 Ramp Closure
 Wastewater Department staff began the media                The next phase of work on IH-45 will begin this
 replacement of the Odor Control System at the East         weekend and will require a total closure of the exit ramp
 Main Lift Station, on Monday, June 4. This lift station,   at FM 646 starting at 9 p.m. on Friday, June 8 through
 located east of Clear Creek High School on FM 2094,        5 a.m. Monday, June 11. Residents are being alerted
 has a longstanding history of nuisance odor complaints     to the closure via the City’s website and social media
 in the nearby area.                                        channels.

 Since the installation of the Active Biological Odor
 Control System in 2015, complaints have been                       Regional Bike
 significantly reduced. The system utilizes a unique
 filtering media comprised of select clamshells that             and Pedestrian Plan
 provide the optimum environment for sulfide-reducing
 bacteria. The media has an expected service life of        The Communications Department will be assisting the
 approximately 24-36 months. City staff working with        Houston-Galveston Area Council to distribute online
 the manufacturer’s field representative will remove and    surveys to League City residents in order to gather
 replace approximately 66,000 pounds of clamshells over     metrics on the state of the region’s biker/pedestrian
 a 4-day period.                                            community. The information gathered will help us make
                                                            informed roadway and trails infrastructure decisions in
                                                            our City. You can take the surveys at the links below.



                                                                    Upcoming events
                                                            June 15: Business Expo

                                                            June 22-24: Outlaw Boat Races

                                                            July 3: Fireworks Extravaganza

                                                            Get this week’s LC Lowdown
CITY MANAGER'S UPDATE - S taff from the City's Police, Fire, EMS, Public Works CITY MANAGER'S UPDATE - S taff from the City's Police, Fire, EMS, Public Works CITY MANAGER'S UPDATE - S taff from the City's Police, Fire, EMS, Public Works
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