Cinematic 29 + 30 APR 2022 - CONCERT HALL, QPAC PROGRAM | CINEMATIC I - Queensland Symphony Orchestra

Page created by Hazel Dean
Cinematic 29 + 30 APR 2022 - CONCERT HALL, QPAC PROGRAM | CINEMATIC I - Queensland Symphony Orchestra
     29 + 30 APR 2022
              PROGRAM | CINEMATIC I
Cinematic 29 + 30 APR 2022 - CONCERT HALL, QPAC PROGRAM | CINEMATIC I - Queensland Symphony Orchestra
                                                                                                                        The lights dim, the curtains open and conversations descend into whispers. The smell of
                                                                                                                        popcorn and slurping of slushies fills the void until ten blue words appear on the black screen:
                                                                                                                        'A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…'. What follows is an interminable silence as yellow
                                                                                                                        crawl text edges up the screen and the audience begins to wonder if the movie will ever start.
                                                                                                                        This is what would have happened if one of the greatest movie franchises ever made
                                                                                                                        hadn’t been paired with music written by one of the greatest composers of our time.
                                                                                                                        Thankfully, John Williams crafted a musical landscape that not only matched the magic
                                                                                                                        of the onscreen world but in fact enhanced it, leaving audiences spellbound.
                                                                                                                        My personal experiences with movies are viscerally linked to the scores that accompany
                                                                                                                        them. The excitement of a feast at Hogwarts, the explosion of the Death Star, a first
                                                                                                                        encounter with a dinosaur, skateboarding with the lost boys..! The stories are fantastic,
                                                                                                                        the CGI is mesmerising, but it’s the music that makes it memorable, and it is this music
                                                                                                                        that we have the pleasure of sharing with you today. I hope that as we perform our way
                                                                                                                        through the film scores of John Williams, you too are transported to Neverland, Isla Nublar,
                                                                                                                        Little Whinging, Tatooine, and more.
                                                                                                                        Our Cinematic concerts are a personal highlight for me as they are an opportunity to live out

                                                                                                                        my own Peter Pan syndrome and embrace my inner child. Our costumes add an element of
                                                                                                                        theatre to our performances, and whether I’ve appeared as Chewbacca, the Joker, or today’s
                                                                                                                        character of choice, I always look forward to sharing this experience with you. Have fun!
                                                                                                                        Paul O’Brien
                                                                                                                        Double Bass

                                                                           WELCOME                        1             PROGRAM
                                                                                                                        All pieces by John Williams

                          IF YOU'RE NEW TO THE ORCHESTRA                                                 2              March from Superman                                                                           4’
                                                                                                                        Love Theme (Can You Read My Mind?) from Superman                                              5’

                                                             LISTENING GUIDE                             4              Theme from J.F.K.
                                                                                                                        Shark Theme from Jaws
                                                                                                                        March from 1941                                                                               4’

                                                                                                                        Theme from Schindler’s List                                                                   4’
                                                          ARTIST BIOGRAPHY                                              Excerpts from Close Encounters of the Third Kind                                              8’
                                                                                                                        Theme from Angela’s Ashes                                                                     6’

                                                                                                                        Parade of the Slave Children from Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom                       5’
                                SUPPORTING YOUR ORCHESTRA                                                               Flying Theme from E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial                                                  4’
                                                                                                                        INTERVAL                                                                                   20’

                                 MUSICIANS AND MANAGEMENT                                            26                 The Flight to Neverland from Hook
                                                                                                                        Viktor’s Tale from The Terminal
                                                                                                                        Theme from Jurassic Park                                                                     6’
                                                                                                                        Sayuri’s Theme from Memoirs of a Geisha                                                      4’
                            Queensland Symphony Orchestra acknowledges the traditional custodians of Australia.
             We acknowledge the cultural diversity of Elders, both past and recent, and the significant contributions
                                                                                                                        Hedwig’s Flight from Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone                                 2’
           that Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples continue to make to Queensland and Australia.     Raiders March from Raiders of the Lost Ark                                                   5’
         To ensure an enjoyable concert experience for everyone, please remember to turn off your mobile phones         Princess Leia’s Theme from Star Wars IV: A New Hope                                          5’
           and all other electronic devices. Please muffle coughs and refrain from talking during the performance.      The Asteroid Field from Star Wars V: The Empire Strikes Back                                  5’
II PROGRAM | CINEMATIC                                                                       Photos by Peter Wallis.    Main Title from Star Wars IV: A New Hope                                                     6’
Cinematic 29 + 30 APR 2022 - CONCERT HALL, QPAC PROGRAM | CINEMATIC I - Queensland Symphony Orchestra
IF YOU'RE NEW TO THE ORCHESTRA                                                                                 WHO'S ON STAGE TODAY

                                TIMPANI                                   PERCUSSION

                      FRENCH HORN               TRUMPET                  TROMBONE          TUBA

                                          CLARINET          BASSOON

                                            FLUTE                OBOE


                                                                                       DOUBLE BASS

                                          VIOLIN 2               CELLO

                             VIOLIN 1                                       VIOLA

Orchestras sit in sections based on types of instruments. There are four main sections
in the symphony orchestra (strings, woodwinds, brass, and percussion) and sometimes
a keyboard section.

STRINGS                                                    BRASS
These instruments produce sound by bowing or               Brass players create sound by vibrating their
plucking stretched strings.                                lips. When this vibration is pushed through large
  First / Second Violin                                    brass tubes, it can create significant noise.
  Viola                                                       French Horn
  Cello                                                       Trumpet
  Double Bass                                                 Trombone/Bass Trombone
  Harp                                                        Tuba

WOODWIND                                                   PERCUSSION                                                                                                                 Find out who's on stage today,
Wind instruments produce sound by being                    These instruments create sound by being                                                                                       scan the QR code below.
blown into.                                                struck or shaken. Some instruments just make
  Flute / Piccolo                                          a sound; others play particular pitches.
  Clarinet / E flat Clarinet / Bass Clarinet                  Timpani, Bass drum, Snare drum, Cymbals,
  Oboe / Cor Anglais                                          Glockenspiel, Xylophone, Vibraphone,
  Bassoon / Contrabassoon                                     Tam-tam, Triangle, Sleigh Bells.

Keyboard instruments are played by pressing keys.

2 PROGRAM | CINEMATIC                                                                                          Pictured left to right: Sarah Meagher, Alexa Murray, Vivienne Brooke               PROGRAM | CINEMATIC 3
Cinematic 29 + 30 APR 2022 - CONCERT HALL, QPAC PROGRAM | CINEMATIC I - Queensland Symphony Orchestra
LISTENING GUIDE                      For full piece titles refer to page 1.

John Williams (1932 – )
John Williams is undoubtedly the most prolific film composer of our time. He has forged
a career spanning five decades, collecting five Oscars, four Golden Globes, seven BAFTAs
and 25 Grammys. With 52 Oscar nominations, he is second only to Walt Disney as the
most nominated artist of all time. He shared fruitful partnerships with directors Steven
Spielberg and George Lucas, and is known for his lush orchestral writing and masterful
creation of character motifs. We are indebted to his creativity and are thrilled to perform
some of his most memorable music in our concert today.

Superman (1978)
While we have traditionally opened Cinematic concerts with the Star Wars theme, given
there is plenty of Star Wars music still to come, we thought we’d jump in with a theme
that is equally as big and bold: the March from the 1978 Superman film directed by
Richard Donner and starring Christopher Reeve. The opening notes in the brass are based
around a combination of notes known as a triad - one of the basic chords that underpins
much Western music. It gives an instant straight-up-and-down heroic quality to the
character of Superman that only becomes more elaborate as the march expands. This
music set a new benchmark for many years of what heroic music could sound like.
A secondary theme from the March we just heard is later expanded into the beautiful
Love Theme, showing the romantic side of Williams’ sound world. As well as the main
tunes, there are many distinctive touches to this music - tinkling bells, swirling harps,
all of which Williams has used throughout his career in endlessly creative ways.

JFK (1991)
In 1991, director Oliver Stone created a three-hour plus film that chronicled the
investigation of District Attorney Jim Garrison (played by Kevin Costner) into the death
of President John F. Kennedy. The film tried to argue as persuasively as it could that JFK
was done in by a shadowy conspiracy reaching up to the highest levels of American
government. Stone’s theories have been controversial and not widely accepted, but there
is one element of the film that still holds up well: Williams created a nostalgic and noble
trumpet theme that accompanies the film’s opening montage of footage of the real-life
Kennedy. It immediately sets the mood for this poignant political drama.

Jaws (1975)
Did ever such a simple musical idea do such a lot? Those two sinister notes in the low end
of the orchestra, repeatedly getting faster, signalling the oncoming attack of a giant white
shark, successfully managed to raise the blood pressure of many thousands of filmgoers.
This was actually the second movie directed by Steven Spielberg and scored by John
Williams, but in this case, the music became as famous as the film, and the two
became firm collaborators for many decades to come.

4 PROGRAM | CINEMATIC                                                                          Pictured: Kirsten Hulin-Bobart   PROGRAM | CINEMATIC 5
Cinematic 29 + 30 APR 2022 - CONCERT HALL, QPAC PROGRAM | CINEMATIC I - Queensland Symphony Orchestra

1941 (1979)                                                                                          E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982)
1941, Steven Spielberg’s comedy about a panic that sets into Hollywood when a Japanese               Short of getting in an aeroplane or a glider, humans can’t really soar like birds. It’s only in the
submarine enters waters near Los Angeles, proved to be somewhat of a flop and is widely              movies that we get magical moments where people are able to transcend gravity and fly.
regarded as one of his worst films. However, it does have one of the catchiest military marches of   These moments are magical because we can only imagine them, never experience them.
all time, with its perky tooting on the piccolo and gung-ho playing from the brass instruments.
                                                                                                     John Williams has written his fair share of music for flying characters (in fact, you wonder if
                                                                                                     he checks the script for a flying scene as a starting point). We’ve already heard Superman,
Schindler’s List (1993)                                                                              Harry Potter is still to come - but surely the most majestic and soaring of all his flight music
                                                                                                     is from E.T. The memorable scene where young Elliott takes off from the ground on his bike
One of the towering achievements of cinema in the 20th century was Steven Spielberg’s
                                                                                                     (with the power of E.T. sitting in the front basket) might be a little bit dated in terms of
Schindler’s List, which told the story of the German industrialist Oskar Schindler, who saved the
                                                                                                     special effects, but we’re pretty sure this music will be classic for years to come.
lives of over 1,000 Jews during the Holocaust by employing them in his metalwork factories. A
harrowing yet inspiring story, it was made memorably poignant by two things: being filmed in
black and white at a time when almost all films were in colour, and its main theme, written for      INTERVAL
famed Jewish violinist Itzhak Perlman. Like the film, it is incredibly moving and never forgotten.

                                                                                                     Hook (1991)
Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977)
                                                                                                     We were talking about flying music, weren’t we? This magical theme from Hook, the
While Star Wars was the dominant sci-fi movie of 1977, Close Encounters was the other                Spielberg-directed fantasy where Robin Williams discovers he is the grown-up Peter Pan,
sci-fi masterpiece of that year. It took a completely different approach and explored                is one of the best examples of this music. By now, you might be recognising the technique:
the world’s fascination with stories of UFOs and alien abductions. It used a unique idea:            the strings and the brass will often be given long stretches of melody, which gives the
what if visiting aliens used music to communicate with the Earth? In this case, the aliens           impression of soaring and distance, while the percussion, harp and the woodwinds play
populate the world with a five-note earworm.                                                         all the swoops, tinkles and flourishes. It’s this distinctive musical language of John Williams
You can hear all this in this suite: at first, the music is discordant, highlighting the             - unable to be mistaken for any other composer - that has made its mark.
otherness of the visiting aliens. But, as the five-note theme emerges and takes over,
the music becomes more majestic and beautiful.
                                                                                                     The Terminal (2004)
                                                                                                     The world struggled to make sense of the events of September 11, and so did filmmakers.
Angela’s Ashes (1999)                                                                                Steven Spielberg was to touch on the theme indirectly in a couple of his films, one being
One of the most widely read books of the 90s was Angela’s Ashes, the memoirs of Frank                Munich and the other a gentle comedy called The Terminal. Perhaps a film that is taking
McCourt about his childhood poverty in Ireland. A book this popular was destined to                  on a new relevance even today, it told the story of Viktor Navorski, a traveller from an
eventually be made into a film, and it was in 1999 by director Alan Parker. Featuring solos          Eastern European country. Viktor arrives in JFK Airport in New York only to discover that
for piano and oboe, this music shows Williams’ ear for the character of different instruments,       the country he has left has collapsed politically and so his papers are invalid to enter
as well as successfully capturing the sadness and humanity of the film’s characters.                 America or to return home. So he settles into the only place he can live - the airport
                                                                                                     terminal itself. Like the film, the soundtrack has a light touch. Listen out for the extensive
                                                                                                     solos for the clarinet.
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984)
In the second outing of famed archaeologist and adventurer Indiana Jones (Harrison
Ford), he stumbles across a sinister cult in India that is enslaving children to do mining
work. The scene where Indy rescues the kids has some great action, all driven by this
Parade of the Slave Children (a modified march). It’s not heard live very often, so we’re
delighted to be able to include it as a special feature of today’s concert.

6 PROGRAM | CINEMATIC                                                                                                                                                              PROGRAM | CINEMATIC 7
Cinematic 29 + 30 APR 2022 - CONCERT HALL, QPAC PROGRAM | CINEMATIC I - Queensland Symphony Orchestra

Jurassic Park (1993)
Before Jurassic Park came along, special effects were rather more obvious than they are
today. If there was a monster in the film, it was either a giant puppet or a claymation
character and audiences knew it. But in 1993, when the brachiosaurus stepped onto the
screen in Spielberg’s dinosaur blockbuster Jurassic Park, jaws dropped. The only way the
audience could tell it wasn’t a real dinosaur was because dinosaurs are extinct. It was
a magical moment, one which perhaps has been overshadowed by how easily special
effects can be done nowadays.
But one person who understood the magic straightaway was John Williams. Even though
it is at heart a creature thriller, Williams gave his main theme music for Jurassic Park a
hallowed, almost religious effect, reflecting a sense of awe and wonder that dinosaurs
now walked the earth again.

Memoirs of a Geisha (2005)
The 90s into the early 2000s was the era of the premium historical drama, and
Memoirs of a Geisha was another famous book that didn’t quite do as successfully
at the box office as it did in the local bookshop. The film itself was the epitome of the
word “sumptuous”, and the evocative score by John Williams perfectly matches the
imagery onscreen. One of the noticeable trends in modern film composing is that while
soundtracks still utilise strings and brass a great deal, it’s becoming less common to hear
well-written parts for woodwind instruments. Happily, this is not the case with Sayuri’s
Theme, which has some of his most sensitive woodwind writing.

Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (2001)
If you have ever tried to pick out Hedwig’s Flight (or the Harry Potter theme as most of us
think about it now) on a piano, you realise how tricky it is. The opening tune (first heard
on the celeste) is instantly hummable, and yet the leaps between notes are not at all
intuitive. Likewise, the magical swooshes on the violins are some of the hardest things
that John Williams asks musicians to do. But that’s the magic of this theme and his
music in general: below the surface charm lies immense complexity.

8 PROGRAM | CINEMATIC                                                                         Pictured: Thomas Allely   PROGRAM | CINEMATIC 9
Cinematic 29 + 30 APR 2022 - CONCERT HALL, QPAC PROGRAM | CINEMATIC I - Queensland Symphony Orchestra

Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
We return to the movie that launched Indiana Jones' series and created arguably
John Williams’ second-most famous theme of all time, the Raiders March. The exuberant
leaping theme perfectly matches the rough action of Harrison Ford’s legendary
character, while at the same time providing a marvellous throwback to the classic
films that Steven Spielberg and George Lucas both grew up on.

Star Wars IV: A New Hope
Star Wars V: The Empire Strikes Back
No concert of John Williams would be complete without performing surely the most
immortal of all 20th century film music - his music for the Star Wars films. Starting
with the original film in 1977, the Star Wars universe offers a myriad of different delights:
memorable characters, great action sequences and some of the most epic space visuals
ever created. In these three pieces, all moods of this phenomenal music are represented:
the romance of Princess Leia’s theme, John Williams’ action music at its best in The
Asteroid Field sequence and, of course, the mighty brass-fuelled opening theme. Obi-wan
Kenobi famously said “May the force be with you.” We say “May this music be played live
for years to come.”
© Matthew Hodge

                                                                                                 Take your kids
                                     Scan the QR Code
                                to listen to our Cinematic
                                    playlist on Spotify.
                                                                                                to the orchestra!
                                                                                                $30 UNDER 18 TICKETS
                                                                                           / kids
10 PROGRAM | CINEMATIC                                                                                                  PROGRAM | CINEMATIC 11
Cinematic 29 + 30 APR 2022 - CONCERT HALL, QPAC PROGRAM | CINEMATIC I - Queensland Symphony Orchestra
Cinematic 29 + 30 APR 2022 - CONCERT HALL, QPAC PROGRAM | CINEMATIC I - Queensland Symphony Orchestra

Nicholas Buc
Nicholas Buc is an Award-winning               Menken’s Beauty and the Beast (2017) and
composer, conductor and arranger with          Alexandre Desplat’s Harry Potter and the
over 20 years experience in the music          Deathly Hallows Part 2.
industry. As the recipient of the Brian May
                                               He has conducted all of the major
Scholarship, he completed a Master’s
                                               Australian symphony orchestras as well
degree in Scoring for Film and Multimedia
                                               as the Minnesota Orchestra, Houston,
at New York University, receiving the Elmer
                                               Milwaukee, Indianapolis, Austin, Grand
Bernstein Award for Film Scoring.
                                               Rapids and Orlando symphony orchestras
He has composed music for film and             in the US. He also makes regular
television, with some of his work being        appearances in Asia, conducting the
screened at festivals and theatres             Tokyo, Hong Kong, Malaysian, Osaka and
around Australia, Asia and the US. His         Taipei Philharmonic orchestras.
commissioned works have been premiered
                                               He is also the only person in the world to
by the Royal Melbourne Philharmonic
                                               have conducted all three original Star Wars
Orchestra and Choir, The Australian Voices,
                                               films in concert…in one day.
and the Melbourne Chamber Orchestra.
Nicholas has worked with Wynton
Marsalis and the Jazz at Lincoln Center           Nicholas Buc is a co-host of the
Orchestra, Nick Cave and Warren Ellis,            podcast, The Art of the Score. This
Chris Botti, Amanda Palmer, Ben Folds and         in-depth podcast series explores
was conductor/arranger for Tina Arena             the world of film and TV scores.
on six Australian tours. He has written
arrangements for Birds of Tokyo, Missy            Scan the QR Code below to listen.
Higgins, Eskimo Joe, The Whitlams and Vera
Blue as well as working on Junior MasterChef
(2020), five seasons of The Voice Australia
and the 2021 AFL Grand Final.
Nicholas is highly sought after as a
conductor for live film concerts, having
conducted the world premieres of John
Williams’ Star Wars: The Last Jedi and
Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Hans
Zimmer’s The Lion King (2019), Alan

14 PROGRAM | CINEMATIC                                                                       Pictured: John Williams with Nicholas Buc at the annual Hollywood Bowl   PROGRAM | CINEMATIC 15
                                                                                             John Williams: Maestro of the Movies concert in 2018
                         CONDUCTOR DANE LAM
                        SOPRANO NATALIE AROYAN
                           TENOR DIEGO TORRE
                          BARITONE JOSÉ CARBÓ

                  FRI 10 JUN 7.30PM + SAT 11 JUN 1.30PM
                             C O N C E R T H A L L , Q PA C

16 PROGRAM | CINEMATIC                                        PROGRAM | CINEMATIC 17
Music lovers who support an individual musician’s role within the Orchestra. We thank you.

Warwick Adeney                       Katie Betts                          Vacant                               Alison Mitchell                       Nicole Tait                         TROMBONE
  Prof Ian Frazer AC                   John Story AO and Georgina Story     Support a musician Today             Alan Symons                           In Memory of                      Jason Redman
  and Mrs Caroline Frazer                                                                                        Arthur Waring                         Margaret Mittelheuser AM           Frances and Stephen Maitland
  Estate of Barbara Jean Hebden      Jane Burroughs                       ASSOCIATE PRINCIPAL CELLO                                                                                       OAM RFD
                                       Dr Graham and Mrs Kate Row
  Cathryn Mittelheuser AM                                                 Hyung Suk Bae                        ASSOCIATE PRINCIPAL FLUTE             ASSOCIATE PRINCIPAL
  John Story AO and Georgina Story   Faina Dobrenko                         John Story AO and Georgina Story   Hayley Radke                          BASSOON                             ASSOCIATE PRINCIPAL
                                       The Curavis Fund                                                          Desmond B Misso Esq.                David Mitchell                      TROMBONE
Natsuko Yoshimoto
  Noel and Geraldine Whittaker       Simon Dobrenko                       CELLO                                                                        John and Helen Keep               Ashley Carter
                                       The Curavis Fund                   Kathryn Close                        PRINCIPAL PICCOLO                                                          The K&D / S&R Anketell Foundation
ASSOCIATE CONCERTMASTER                                                     Dr Graham and Mrs Kate Row         Kate Lawson                           BASSOON                              Peterson Family
                                     Delia Kinmont                          Dr Adrienne Freeman                  Dr James R Conner                   Evan Lewis                           In Memory of Nigel Johnston
Alan Smith                             Dr Colin and Mrs Noela Kratzing
  Arthur Waring                                                                                                                                        In Memory of Dr Vicki Knopke
                                                                          Andre Duthoit                        SECTION PRINCIPAL OBOE                  CP Morris                         PRINCIPAL BASS TROMBONE
                                     Natalie Low                            Anne Shipton
FIRST VIOLIN                           Dr Ralph and Mrs Susan Cobcroft                                         Huw Jones                                                                 Nicolas Thomson
                                                                          Matthew Jones                          Prof Ian Gough AM                   PRINCIPAL CONTRABASSOON              Support a musician Today
Lynn Cole                            Tim Marchmont
  Parascos Eagles Family                                                    MJ Bellotti                          and Dr Ruth Gough                   Claire Ramuscak
                                       Peterson Family
                                                                            John Greenaway                                                             CP Morris                         PRINCIPAL TUBA
Ann Holtzapffel                      Nicholas Thin                                                             ASSOCIATE PRINCIPAL OBOE                                                  Thomas Allely
  Aitken Whyte Lawyers                 Simon Mills                        Matthew Kinmont                                                            SECTION PRINCIPAL                    Arthur Waring
                                                                            Dr Julie Beeby                     Sarah Meagher
                                                                                                                 Sarah and Mark Combe                FRENCH HORN
Rebecca Seymour                      Helen Travers                          David Miller                                                                                                 PRINCIPAL HARP
  Dr John H. Casey                     Elinor and Tony Travers                                                                                       Malcolm Stewart
  David Miller                         Wei Zhang & Ping Luo               Kaja Skorka                          OBOE                                    Arthur Waring                     Vacant
                                                                            Robin Spencer                      Alexa Murray                                                               Support a musician Today
Joan Shih                            Harold Wilson                          Anonymous                                                                PRINCIPAL FRENCH HORN
                                                                                                                 Guy and Kathleen Knopke
  Simon Mills                          Dr Michael Daubney
                                                                                                                 In Memory of Les Masel              Ian O’Brien                         PRINCIPAL TIMPANI
                                       Graeme Rosewarne and Jim O’Neill   Craig Allister Young
Brenda Sullivan                                                             Di Jameson                                                                 David Miller and Rosslyn Walker   Tim Corkeron
  Heidi Rademacher and In            SECTION PRINCIPAL VIOLA                                                   PRINCIPAL COR ANGLAIS                                                      Dr Philip Aitken
  Memory of Hans Rademacher                                               SECTION PRINCIPAL                    Vivienne Brooke                       ASSOCIATE PRINCIPAL                  and Dr Susan Urquhart
                                     Imants Larsens                                                                                                  FRENCH HORN                          Peggy Allen Hayes
                                       John and Bonnie Bauld
                                                                          DOUBLE BASS                            Rebekah Ferris and Greg Hall
                                                                          Phoebe Russell                         CP Morris                           Vacant
Stephen Tooke                                                                                                                                          Support a musician Today          SECTION PRINCIPAL
  Tony and Patricia Keane            ASSOCIATE PRINCIPAL VIOLA              Sidney Irene Thomas (In Memory)                                                                              PERCUSSION
                                                                            Ashby Utting                       SECTION PRINCIPAL
                                     Yoko Okayasu                                                              CLARINET                              FRENCH HORN                         David Montgomery
Brynley White                          Dr Damien Thomson
  Graeme Rosewarne and Jim O’Neill                                        ASSOCIATE PRINCIPAL                  Irit Silver                           Vivienne Collier-Vickers             Dr Graham and Mrs Kate Row
                                       and Dr Glenise Berry
                                                                          DOUBLE BASS                            Arthur Waring                         Ms Marie Isackson
Sonia Wilson                                                                                                                                                                             ASSOCIATE PRINCIPAL
  Wei Zhang & Ping Luo               VIOLA                                Dušan Walkowicz                                                            Lauren Manuel                       PERCUSSION
                                                                            John Story AO and Georgina Story   ASSOCIATE PRINCIPAL
                                     Charlotte Burbrook de Vere                                                CLARINET                                Dr John H. Casey                  Josh DeMarchi
Vacant                                 Dr Pamela Greet
  Support a musician Today                                                DOUBLE BASS                          Brian Catchlove                                                            Dr Graham and Mrs Kate Row
                                       and Mr Nicholas Beaton                                                                                        PRINCIPAL TRUMPET
                                                                          Anne Buchanan                          The K&D / S&R Anketell Foundation
Vacant                               Nicole Greentree                                                                                                Rainer Saville
  Support a musician Today                                                  Dr Betty Byrne Henderson AM                                                Support a musician Today
                                       Shirley Leuthner                                                        CLARINET
Vacant                               Bernard Hoey                         Justin Bullock                       Kate Travers
                                                                            Michael Kenny and David Gibson                                           ASSOCIATE PRINCIPAL
  Support a musician Today             Desmond B Misso Esq.                                                      Dr Julie Beeby                      TRUMPET
                                                                          Paul O’Brien                                                                                                    SUPPORT A MUSICIAN
SECTION PRINCIPAL                    Kirsten Hulin-Bobart                                                      PRINCIPAL BASS CLARINET               Richard Madden
                                       CP Morris                            Dave Bourke and Eli Pool                                                   Elinor and Tony Travers
SECOND VIOLIN                                                                                                  Nicholas Harmsen
                                                                          Ken Poggioli                                                                                                    07 3833 5027
Gail Aitken                          Jann Keir-Haantera                                                          John Story AO and Georgina Story    TRUMPET
  Dr John H. Casey                     Mrs Helen Sotiriadis                 Anonymous                                                                                           
                                                                                                                                                     Paul Rawson
Wayne Brennan                        Graham Simpson                                                                                                    Ashby Utting             
  Support a musician Today             Alan Galwey
                                     Nicholas Tomkin
                                       Alan Symons
                                       David Chew & Tony Rea
18 PROGRAM | CINEMATIC                                                                                                                                                                                              19
                                                                                                                                                                                                PROGRAM | CINEMATIC 19
Music lovers who have supported your Orchestra over the last 12 months. We thank you.

PRIMA                              VIVACE                              PRESTO                             STRETTO                              Lynne and Francoise Lip        TUTTI
($250,000+)                        ($5,000-$9,999)                     ($2,500-$4,999)                    ($1,000-$2,499)                      Lesley Lluka                   ($500-$999)
Tim Fairfax AC                     Dr Philip Aitken                    ADFAS Brisbane                     Aitken Whyte Lawyers                 Susan Mabin                    Trudy Bennett
                                   and Dr Susan Urquhart               Sarah and Mark Combe               Julieanne Alroe                      Elizabeth Macintosh            Manus Boyce
ALLEGRO                            The K&D / S&R Anketell Foundation   Justice Martin Daubney             Emeritus Professor Cora V. Baldock   Mr Greg and Mrs Jan Marsh      Brisbane Concert Orchestra
($100,000-$249,999)                John and Bonnie Bauld               Valmay Hill and Russell Mitchell   Dave Bourke and Eli Pool             John and Julienne McKenna      Peter and Tricia Callaghan
Tim Fairfax Family Foundation      David and Judith Beal               In Memory of Barbara Crowley       Quentin Bryce                        Loraine McLaren                Robert Camping
Prof. Ian Frazer AC                Dr Julie Beeby                      Tony and Patricia Keane            Greg and Jacinta Chalmers            Annalisa and Tony Meikle       Catherine Carter
and Mrs Caroline Frazer            M.J. Bellotti                       John and Helen Keep                Robert Cleland                       In Memory of Harry Miles       Ian and Penny Charlton
CON BRIO                           Constantine Carides                 In Memory of Dr Vicki Knopke       Dr Ralph and Mrs Susan Cobcroft      B and D Moore                  Dr Beverley Czerwonka-Ledez
($50,000-$99,999)                  Elene Carides                       Dr Colin and Mrs Noela Kratzing    T.C. and M.R. Cooney                 Dr Tom Moore                   Terry and Jane Daubney
Malcolm and Andrea Hall-Brown      Dr James R Conner                   Dr Les and Mrs Pam Masel           Dr Peter Hopson & Julie Crozier      Howard and Katherine Munro     Laurie James Deane
Cathryn Mittelheuser AM            Rebekah Ferris and Greg Hall        In Memory of Jolanta Metter        Dr Michael Daubney                   Andreas Obermair               Mrs Wendy Drew
Trevor & Judith St Baker           Chris and Sue Freeman               G R Nimmo                          Roger and Sarah Derrington           and Monika Janda               Prof. John and Mrs Denise Elkins
Arthur Waring                      Prof. Ian Gough AM                  Heidi Rademacher In Memory of      Electric Bikes Brisbane              Parascos Eagles Family         Dr Chris Elvin and Dr Nancy Liyou
                                   and Dr Ruth Gough                   Hans Rademacher                    Mrs Susan Ellis                      Ian Paterson                   Dr Bertram and Mrs Judith Frost
INTERMEZZO                         Lea and John Greenaway              Graeme Rosewarne                   Dr Adrienne Freeman                  David Chew & Tony Rea          C.M. and I.G. Furnival
($20,000-$49,999)                  Dr Pamela Greet                     and Jim O’Neill                    Dr Colin and Mrs Ann Gallagher       Cath Scully                    D J Gardiner
Philip Bacon Galleries             and Mr Nicholas Beaton              Dr Damien Thomson                  Alan Galwey                          Dr Margaret Soroka             Wendy Green
Birtles Family Foundation          Prof. Andrew and Mrs Kate Lister    and Dr Glenise Berry               Gardiner Family Foundation           Helen Sotiriadis               Dr Alison M Holloway
Peggy Allen Hayes                  Simon Mills                         The Curavis Fund                   Paul and Irene Garrahy               Robin Spencer                  Mr John Hornibrook
GB & MK Ilett                      Desmond B Misso Esq.                Wei Zhang & Ping Luo               Emeritus Professors Catherin Bull    John and Jenny Stoll           Lynn Hu
CP Morris                          Alan Symons and In Memory of        Anonymous (3)                      AM and Dennis Gibson AO              Sandie Tuckett                 Lynette Hunter
John Story AO and Georgina Story   Bruce Short, Kevin Woodhouse                                           Will and Lorna Heaslop               I S and H Wilkey               Mrs Andrea Kriewaldt
                                   and Graham Webster                                                     Mrs. L. A. Hudson
Prof. Hans Westerman and                                                                                                                       Margaret and Robert Williams   Rachel Leung
In Memory of Mrs Frederika         Stack Family Foundation                                                Ms Marie Isackson                    R. M. Wylie                    Jim and Maxine Macmillan
Westerman                          Sidney Irene Thomas (In Memory)                                        Di Jameson                           Anonymous (27)                 Gary & Gayle Martin
                                   Elinor and Tony Travers                                                Ainslie Just
GRAZIOSO                                                                                                                                                                      Timothy Matthies
                                   Dr Geoffrey Trim                                                       Michael Kenny and David Gibson                                      and Chris Bonnily
($10,000-$19,999)                  Ashby Utting                                                           Earl Larmar                                                         Erin McKenna
Associate Professor John Allan     Noel and Geraldine Whittaker
and Dr Janet Allan                                                                                        Shirley Leuthner                                                    Matt McNeice and Steve Spencer
                                   Anonymous (2)                                                                                                                              Guy Mitchell
Joseph and Veronika Butta
Dr John H. Casey                                                                                                                                                              Ron and Marise Nilsson
Professor Paul and Ann Crook                                                                                                                                                  Toni Palmer
Morgans Foundation                                                                                                                                                            Catherine Pearse
In Memory of Mr                                                                                                                                                               Dr Phelim Reilly
and Mrs J.C. Overell                                                                                                                                                          G & B Robins
Peterson Family                                                                                                                                                               Joan Ross
The Honourable Anthe Philippides                                                                                                                                              Rolf and Christel Schafer
Dr Graham and Mrs Kate Row                                                                                                                                                    Barb and Dan Styles
Anonymous (1)                                                                                                                                                                 K. Trent and P. Reed
                                                                                                                                                                              Richard and Helen Wilson
                                                                                                                                                                              Anonymous (31)

20 PROGRAM | CINEMATIC                                                                                                                                                                                    21
                                                                                                                                                                                      PROGRAM | CINEMATIC 21
Visionary supporters whose regular, lifetime giving exceeds $10,000. We thank you.

PLATINUM                                         SYMPHONY                                            CONCERTO                                Dr Alison M Holloway
($500,000+)                                      ($20,000-$49,999)                                   ($10,000-$19,999)                       Trevor and Wendy Jackson
Tim Fairfax AC                                   Associate Professor John Allan and Dr Janet Allan   Aitken Whyte Lawyers                    Ainslie Just
Tim Fairfax Family Foundation                    David and Judith Beal                               Julieanne Alroe                         In Memory of Dr Vicki Knopke
Prof. Ian Frazer AC and Mrs Caroline Frazer      Birtles Family Foundation                           The K&D / S&R Anketell Foundation       M. Lejeune
Harold Mitchell AC                               Joseph and Veronika Butta                           Dr Geoffrey Barnes                      Shirley Leuthner
Dr Peter Sherwood                                Dr Betty Byrne Henderson AM                         and In Memory of Mrs Elizabeth Barnes   Prof. Andrew and Mrs Kate Lister
Arthur Waring                                    Mrs Roslyn Carter                                   Prof. Margaret Barrett                  Annalisa and Tony Meikle
                                                 Dr Ralph and Mrs Susan Cobcroft                     M.J. Bellotti                           In Memory of Jolanta Metter
DIAMOND                                          Sarah and Mark Combe                                Trudy Bennett                           Rosslyn Walker and David Miller
($250,000-$499,999)                              Dr James R Conner                                   Dr John and Mrs Jan Blackford           Simon Mills
Philip Bacon Galleries                           Mrs I. L. Dean                                      Kay Bryan                               Mrs Rene Nicolaides OAM
Cathryn Mittelheuser AM                          Alan Galwey                                         Constantine Carides                     and the late Dr Nicholas Nicolaides AM
Trevor & Judith St Baker Family Foundation       Ian and Cass George                                 Elene Carides                           Mr Jordan and Mrs Pat Pearl
                                                 Prof. Ian Gough AM and Dr Ruth Gough                Greg and Jacinta Chalmers               Peterson Family
                                                 Dr Pamela Greet and Mr Nicholas Beaton              T.C. and M.R. Cooney                    In Memory of Pat Riches
                                                 Will and Lorna Heaslop                              Mrs Ruth Cox                            Neil W Root and Trevor J Rowsell
Estate of Barbara Jean Hebden
                                                 Leonie Henry                                        Professor Paul and Ann Crook            Iain G Saul
Malcolm and Andrea Hall-Brown
                                                 Ms Marie Isackson                                   Dr Peter Hopson & Julie Crozier         Bruce and Sue Shepherd
Di Jameson
                                                 Tony and Patricia Keane                             Justice Martin Daubney                  Siganto Foundation
Jellinbah Group
                                                 John and Helen Keep                                 Tony Denholder and Scott Gibson         Helen Sotiriadis
CP Morris
                                                 Michael Kenny and David Gibson                      Mrs Elva Emmerson                       Robin Spencer
John B Reid AO and Lynn Rainbow Reid
                                                 Dr Colin and Mrs Noela Kratzing                     Chris and Sue Freeman                   John and Jenny Stoll
Dr Graham and Mrs Kate Row
                                                 Dr Les and Mrs Pam Masel                            Sophie Galaise                          Dr Geoffrey Trim
Mrs Beverley June Smith
                                                 Page and Marichu Maxson                             Emeritus Professors Catherin Bull AM    The Curavis Fund
John Story AO and Georgina Story
                                                 Morgans Foundation                                  and Dennis Gibson AO                    Margaret and Robert Williams
Greg and Jan Wanchap
                                                 Ian Paterson                                        Dr Edgar Gold and Dr Judith Gold        Anonymous (9)
Noel and Geraldine Whittaker
                                                 Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University       Dr Edward C. Gray
Anonymous (2)
                                                 Graeme Rosewarne and Jim O’Neill                    Lea and John Greenaway
MAESTRO                                          Anne Shipton
($50,000-$99,999)                                Alan Symons & In Memory of Bruce Short,
Dr Philip Aitken and Dr Susan Urquhart           Kevin Woodhouse and Graham Webster
Dr Julie Beeby                                   Stack Family Foundation
Dr John H. Casey                                 Sidney Irene Thomas (In Memory)
Peggy Allen Hayes                                Dr Damien Thomson and Dr Glenise Berry
GB & MK Ilett                                    Elinor and Tony Travers
The John Villiers Trust                          Prof. Hans Westerman
Mrs Andrea Kriewaldt                             and In Memory of Mrs Frederika Westerman
Frances and Stephen Maitland OAM RFD             Anonymous (2)
Desmond B Misso Esq.
In Memory of Mr and Mrs J.C. Overell
The Honourable Anthe Philippides
Heidi Rademacher In Memory of Hans Rademacher
R. M. Wylie
                                                                                                                                                           Queensland Symphony Orchestra is
                                                                                                                                                         proud to acknowledge the generosity
                                                                                                                                                         and support of our valued supporters.
                                                                                                                                                        (Supporter lists as at 18 February 2022)
22 PROGRAM | CINEMATIC                                                                                                                                                 PROGRAM | CINEMATIC 23

Queensland Symphony Orchestra (QSO) has been captivating audiences
for 75 years – thank you for making QSO the organisation it is today.

 Health and Wellbeing                              Corporate Partnerships
 Share the joy of music with those that            Experience 'Money Cannot Buy' and
 need it most.                                     commercial benefits.

 Regional                                          Become a Music Chair Supporter
 Expand QSO's reach throughout                     Join this special group - support your
 greater Queensland.                               favourite musician.

 Education and Community
                                                   Annual Giving
 Provide the gift of music to our most
                                                   Guarantee the vitality and longevity of QSO.
 important citizens, the children of Queensland.

 Digital                                           Planned Giving
 Help us connect with remote communities.          Make your musical passion your legacy.

For more information on how you can support QSO please contact
the Development Team – P: 07 3833 5027 E:

24 PROGRAM | CINEMATIC                                                                            PROGRAM | CINEMATIC 25
PRINCIPAL CONDUCTOR            VIOLIN 1                     CELLO                  BASS CLARINET              BOARD OF DIRECTORS                                        QUEENSLAND PERFORMING ARTS CENTRE
AND ARTISTIC ADVISER           Lynn Cole                    Hyung Suk Bae =        Nicholas Harmsen *         Rod Pilbeam        Deputy Chair
                                                                                                              Valmay Hill        Executive Director                     PO Box 3567, South Bank, Queensland 4101
Johannes Fritzsch              Ann Holtzapffel              Matthew Kinmont +
                                                                                   BASSOON                    Mary Jane Bellotti                                        T: (07) 3840 7444 W:
                               Rebecca Seymour              Kathryn Close
                                                                                   Nicole Tait ~              Emma Covacevich                                           CHAIR
                               Joan Shih                    Andre Duthoit
                                                                                   David Mitchell >>          Tony Denholder                                            Professor Peter Coaldrake AO
                               Mia Stanton                  Matthew Jones
                                                                                   Evan Lewis                 Tony Keane
Warwick Adeney                 Brenda Sullivan              Kaja Skorka                                       John Keep                                                 DEPUTY CHAIR
Natsuko Yoshimoto              Stephen Tooke                Craig Allister Young   CONTRABASSOON                                                                        Leigh Tabrett PSM
                               Brynley White                                       Claire Ramuscak *          MANAGEMENT
                                                            DOUBLE BASS                                       Ros Atkinson        Executive Assistant to Chief          TRUST MEMBERS
ASSOCIATE                      Sonia Wilson
                                                            Phoebe Russell ~       FRENCH HORN                                    Executive and Board Chair             Dr Sally Pitkin AO
                               VIOLIN 2                     Dušan Walkowicz >>     Malcolm Stewart ~          Rodolphe Deus       Chief Financial Officer               Dare Power
Alan Smith                                                                                                                                                              Georgina Richters
                               Gail Aitken ~                Anne Buchanan          Ian O’Brien *              Amy Herbohn         Financial Controller
                                                                                                              Bernadette Fernando Finance Coordinator                   Susan Rix AM
                               Wayne Brennan ~              Justin Bullock         Vivienne Collier-Vickers
                                                                                                              Louise Smith        Payroll Officer                       Leanne de Souza
                               Katie Betts                  Paul O’Brien           Lauren Manuel
JOINT PATRONS                  Jane Burroughs               Ken Poggioli                                      Lisa Meyers          Director - People and Culture        EXECUTIVE STAFF
Her Excellency                 Faina Dobrenko                                      TRUMPET                    Madeline Gibbs       Coordinator - HR and WHS             John Kotzas AM        Chief Executive:
the Honourable                                              FLUTE                  Rainer Saville ~           Timothy Matthies     Director - Artistic Planning         Jackie Branch         Executive Director – Stakeholder
                               Simon Dobrenko
Dr Jeannette Young                                          Alison Mitchell ~      Richard Madden >>          Elaine Seeto         Producer - Artistic Planning                               Engagement Strategy
                               Delia Kinmont
PSM, Governor of                                            Hayley Radke >>        Paul Rawson                Murray Walker        Producer - Artistic Planning         Jono Perry            Executive Director - Curatorial
                               Natalie Low
Queensland and                                                                                                Kristian Scott       Administrator - Artistic Planning    Roxanne Hopkins       Executive Director – Visitation
                               Tim Marchmont                PICCOLO                TROMBONE                   Judy Wood            Manager - Community and
Professor Graeme                                                                                                                                                        Bill Jessop           Executive Director – Venue Infrastructure
                               Nicholas Thin                Kate Lawson *          Jason Redman ~                                  Education                                                  and Production Services
Nimmo RFD                      Helen Travers                                       Ashley Carter >>           Peter Laughton       Director - Performance Services
                                                                                                                                                                        Kieron Roost          Executive Director – Business Performance
                               Harold Wilson                OBOE
                                                            Huw Jones ~            BASS TROMBONE
                                                                                                              Murray Free          Orchestra Manager                    ACKNOWLEDGMENT
                               VIOLA                        Sarah Meagher >>                                  Elise Baker          Coordinator - Performance Services   The Queensland Performing Arts Trust is a statutory body
                                                                                   Nicolas Thomson ~
                               Imants Larsens ~                                                               Anika Vilée          Coordinator - Performance            of the State of Queensland and is partially funded by the
                                                            Alexa Murray
                                                                                   TUBA                                            Services (Scheduling)                Queensland Government.
                               Yoko Okayasu >>
                                                            COR ANGLAIS            Thomas Allely *            Vince Scuderi        Production Manager
                               Charlotte Burbrook de Vere                                                                                                               The Honourable Leeanne Enoch MP: Minister for
                                                            Vivienne Brooke *                                 Ben Shaw             Production Coordinator
                               Nicole Greentree                                                               Nadia Myers          Orchestra Librarian                  Communities and Housing, Minister for Digital Economy
                               Bernard Hoey                 CLARINET                                          Ruby Cooper          Library Coordinator                  and Minister for the Arts
                                                                                   Tim Corkeron *
                               Kirsten Hulin-Bobart         Irit Silver ~                                                                                               Director-General, Department of Communities and
                                                                                                              Toni Palmer          Director - Development               Housing and Digital Economy: Ms Clare O’Connor.
                               Jann Keir-Haantera           Brian Catchlove >>     PERCUSSION
                                                                                                              Belinda Edhouse      Manager - Relationships
                               Graham Simpson               Kate Travers           David Montgomery ~         Fiona Gosschalk      Manager - Development                QPAC respectfully acknowledges the Traditional Owners
                               Nicholas Tomkin                                     Josh DeMarchi >>           Gabrielle Booth      Coordinator - Relationships          of the Lands across Queensland and pays respect to their
                                                                                                              Tess Poplawski       Coordinator - Experiences            ancestors who came before them and to Elders past,
                                                                                                                                                                        present and emerging.
                                                                                                              Matthew Hodge        Director - Sales and Marketing
                                                                                                              Renée Jones          Manager - Marketing                  Patrons are advised that the Performing Arts Centre has
                                                                                                              Rachel Churchland    Coordinator - Public Relations       EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURES, a FIRE ALARM
                                                                                                                                   and Digital Marketing                system and EXIT passageways. In case of an alert, patrons
                                                                                                              Joumanna Haddad      Coordinator - Marketing              should remain calm, look for the closest EXIT sign in GREEN,
~ Section Principal                                                                                           Samuel Muller        Digital Content Specialist           listen to and comply with directions given by the inhouse
= Acting Section Principal                                                                                    Michael Hyde         Senior Manager - Sales               trained attendants and move in an orderly fashion to the
>> Associate Principal                                                                                        Liz Thomas           Manager - Ticketing Services
+ Acting Associate Principal                                                                                                                                            open spaces outside the Centre.
                                                                                                              Cara Daily           Ticketing Services Officer
* Principal
^ Acting Principal                                                                                            V Jowsey             Ticketing Services Officer
                                                                                                              Allie Renzetti       Ticketing Services Officer

26                                                                                                                                                                                                                              27
PARTNERS                                                                                                             YOU MAY ALSO ENJOY

Government Partners                                                                  Principal Partner

                                                                                                                                      Mozart's Requiem
                                                                                                                                      FRI 20 MAY 11.30AM
                                                                                                                                      SAT 21 MAY 1.30PM & 7.30PM
                                                                                                                                      Concert Hall, QPAC
Premier Partners                                                                     Education Partner
                                                                                                                                      Conductor     Jonathan Stockhammer
                                                                                                                                      Soloists      Sara Macliver, soprano
                                                                                                                                                    Fiona Campbell, mezzo
                                                                                                                                                    Andrew Goodwin, tenor
                                                                                                                                                    Pelham Andrews, bass
Health and Wellbeing Partners
                                                                                                                                      Choir         Brisbane Chamber Choir
Principal Partner                Community Partners                                   Education & Research Partner

                                                                                                                                      Opera Gala
Maestro Partners                                                                     Young Instrumentalist Prize                      FRI 10 JUN 7.30PM
Major Partner       Supporting Partner        75th Birthday Partner                  Supporting Partner
                                                                                                                                      SAT 11 JUN 1.30PM
                                                                                                                                      Concert Hall, QPAC

                                                                                                                                      Conductor     Dane Lam
                                                                                                                                      Soloists      Natalie Aroyan, soprano
                                                                                                                                                    Deborah Humble, mezzo soprano
Major Partners                                                                                                                                      Diego Torre, tenor
                                                                                                                                                    José Carbó, baritone
                                                                                                                                      Choir         Brisbane Chorale

Trusts and Foundations                                                                                                                Fantasy and Folklore
                                                                                                                                      SUN 24 JUL 11.30AM
                                                                                                                                      Concert Hall, QPAC
                                                             F R A Z E R FA M I LY
                                                               F O U N DAT I O N
                                                                                                                                      Conductor     Umberto Clerici
                                                                                                                                      Host          Guy Noble

Industry Collaborators                                                                                                                In this relaxed Sunday morning concert, conductor
                                                                                                                                      Umberto Clerici will wave his baton and whisk
                                                                                                                                      you away on an exotic musical journey of magic
                                                                                                                                      and mystery.


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