Cinderella - March 19, 2023 TCU Place-Saskatoon, SK - Jörgen Dance

Page created by Doris Banks
Cinderella - March 19, 2023 TCU Place-Saskatoon, SK - Jörgen Dance
National Presenting Partner


                      March 19, 2023
                  TCU Place– Saskatoon, SK

                       Akari Fujiwara; Photo by Kristie Jones
Cinderella - March 19, 2023 TCU Place-Saskatoon, SK - Jörgen Dance
Message from the Artistic Director
                      Cinderella is one of those timeless stories that has been
                      with us since the Pharaohs of Egypt. Over the years it has
                      been retold and reshaped by cultures around the world. I
                      was struck and inspired by the simple beauty of the many
                     classical versions of Cinderella that existed long before
                     Disney defined this story, and I have tried to capture some
                     of the qualities from earlier stories in our production. Our
  heroine Cinderella is not perfect but, then again, who is? Our stepsisters are
  perhaps a bit more human than we care to admit. The magic, as in stories          For 35 years Jörgen Dance has brought the joy of dance to
  past, springs from the seed of a tree and is broken by a kiss. In the end, good   countless individuals, families, and communities across Canada
                                                                                    and beyond. While we are firmly rooted in our history
  transcends evil and love is, as in any fairy-tale, ‘forever after’.
                                                                                    as an exceptional professional ballet company,
                                                                                    we have grown to be so much more! Today we
  I am indebted to The Michael Young Family Foundation for their extraordinary      offer a wide range of training and community
  financial support of this production and Ballet Jörgen. This performance is       programs across many
  made possible by National Presenting Partner BMO Financial Group, The             dance styles to ensure
                                                                                    dance is truly accessible
  Canada Council for the Arts and The Richardson Foundation. Support for
                                                                                    for all Canadians. Whether
  Ballet Jörgen’s Western Canada Local Participant Program is provided by           you are looking to attend
  Scotiabank.                                                                       a performance, learn to dance,
                                                                                    or engage with the arts for the first time; there
  Thank you for coming and enjoy the show!                                          is something for you under the Jörgen Dance
                                                                                    umbrella. You will be welcomed, educated,
  Warmest Regards,
                                                                                    entertained, and be a respected member of our
                                                                                    in-person and virtual community. As an organization
                                                                                    we genuinely believe in our motto Dance for All.
  Bengt Jörgen C.M.
                                                                                    Visit the website today and subscribe for email
                                                                                    news and updates.


                                                                                    Adrián Ramírez Juárez; photo by Kristie Jones.
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Cinderella - March 19, 2023 TCU Place-Saskatoon, SK - Jörgen Dance
Synopsis                                                                        Act II
  Act I                                                                           At the Ball
  At Cinderella's House                                                           Cinderella’s Stepsisters and their Suitors, along with the other guests,
  An invitation to the Great Ball given by Prince Charming has arrived at         arrive at the ball. The Prince enters, and the female guests fawn over him.
  Cinderella’s house. While the Tall Stepsister reads the invitation, the Short   Cinderella enters and, enchanted by her beauty, the Prince asks her to
  Stepsister fights to see it. In the ensuing battle, the invitation ends         dance, causing much gossip and jealously among the guests.
  up in Cinderella’s hands. The Stepsisters quickly unite to rip it away.
                                                                                  Prince Charming and Cinderella dance joyfully together while the jealous
  Once again, the Stepsisters squabble and the Short Stepsister’s feelings        Stepsisters demand attention of their own. The Prince and Cinderella
  are hurt. Cinderella attempts to comfort the younger sister but is rudely       finish their dance, gazing into each other’s eyes. The Grand Waltz plays
  rejected. The Short Stepsister laughs in her face and demands                   and all the guests are swept up in the moment. The Prince steals a kiss
  Cinderella act like the servant she is. A dejected Cinderella picks up her
                                                                                  and the spell is broken. Cinderella flees from the ball before her
  broom and is soon lost in a daydream.
                                                                                  stepsisters can recognize her. As she runs out, she drops one of her
  Cinderella’s Stepmother is furious to discover Cinderella lost in her
  thoughts. Cinderella jumps back to work but the Stepmother continues            Act III
  her scolding. The Stepsisters join in the ridicule and Cinderella loses         The Prince and the two Suitors set out to find Cinderella, travelling through
  her temper, lashing out at the three of them. Just as the Stepmother is
                                                                                  the enchanted forest. Neither of the Suitors can resist the Fairies’ magic
  about to hit her with the broom, an Old Woman enters, looking for a place
                                                                                  and fall asleep. Prince Charming survives the Lead Fairy’s test, proving his
  to rest. Cinderella takes pity on the Old Woman although the
                                                                                  love for Cinderella. The Fairies point the way and he continues his search.
  Stepmother insists she send her away. The Stepmother attempts to hit the
  woman with the broom, but Cinderella rushes in to take the blow.
                                                                                  At Cinderella’s house, Cinderella awakens in the kitchen, thinking it all a
  Suddenly, everyone but Cinderella and the Old Woman freeze.
  The Old Woman predicts a bright future for Cinderella. She gives                dream. When she realizes she is wearing the remaining beautiful slipper,
  Cinderella a seed to plant explaining that when it is grown, a fairy will       she hastily hides the slipper in the flowerpot.
  emerge and grant her one wish. The Old Woman disappears and all
  returns to normal.                                                              Cinderella’s Stepsisters enter just having woken, feeling that they made
                                                                                  quite an impression at the Ball. At the sight of Cinderella, they stop their
  Two Suitors arrive to escort the Stepsisters to the ball. Alone, Cinderella     musings and berate Cinderella for her shortcomings and lack of proper
  feels dejected but then remembers the seed and plants it in a pot.              respect for her esteemed stepsisters.
  Strangely comforted, Cinderella falls asleep on the hearth, her world
  dissolving, leaving large trees in its wake. Fairies emerge out of the trees.   The Prince arrives at the house and the Stepmother tries to hide Cinderella
  The Lead Fairy awakens Cinderella from her sleep and the Fairies bestow         from view. The Stepsisters do everything they can to convince the Prince
  upon her everything she needs for the ball. The Fairies warn Cinderella not     that there is no one else living at the house. The Stepsisters attempt to
  to kiss or be kissed by anyone, or the magic will be gone. After promising      squeeze into the slipper and win the hand of the Prince, but to no avail.
  to heed the warning, Cinderella is swept away to the ball.                      Cinderella runs to retrieve her remaining slipper and the Prince realizes he
                                                                                  has found his match.

                                –INTERMISSION–                                    In love, Cinderella and her Prince dance together. The curtain closes on
                                                                                  them content and at peace in each other’s arms.

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Cinderella - March 19, 2023 TCU Place-Saskatoon, SK - Jörgen Dance
The Cast
 In order of appearance, program & cast subject to change.

 CINDERELLA                      Momoka Matsui
 PRINCE                          Leandro Prado
 TALL STEPSISTER                 Hannah Mae Cruddas
 SHORT STEPSISTER                Akari Fujiwara
 STEP MOTHER                     Bengt Jörgen
                                                                              FOR DANCE LOVERS
 SUITOR 1                        Adrián Ramírez Juárez
 SUITOR 2                        Callum McGregor                    
 OLD LADY                        Taisiia Zamula
                                                                              Dance students of all
 LEAD FAIRY                      Ana Zamora                                   ages or experience level
 FAIRIES                         Sakura Kawamura & Lydia-Laure Germain        will enjoy our friendly
                                                                              and accessible online
 *TREE FAIRIES &                 Sydney Epp, Kolbi Rogers, Julia Siebert,     dance lessons.
 BALLROOM ATTENDANTS             Abigail Tamke                                The perfect complement
                                                                              to in-person dance
                                                                              training, or for anyone
                                                                              with a passion for dance.
 COURTIERS WOMEN                 Ana Zamora, Lydia-Laure Germain, Sakura
                                 Kawamura, Esther Zignaigo

 COURTIERS MEN                   Hiroto Saito, Daniel Da Silva, Omar
                                 Hernández, Márcio Teixera

 *Local Youth Participant Role

                                                                            GEORGE BROWN DANCE
                                                                            Unparalleled Dance Training

                                                                            George Brown Dance is a partnership between
                                                                            Jörgen Dance and George Brown College.

                                                                            Márcio Teixeira & Valentina Polanco;
                                                                            Photo by Kristie Jones.

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Cinderella - March 19, 2023 TCU Place-Saskatoon, SK - Jörgen Dance
Meet Your Dancers

     Hannah Mae Cruddas       Daniel Da Silva      Adam Davidson            Márcio Teixeira                Ana Zamora              Esther Zignaigo
    Dartmouth, Nova Scotia    São Paulo, Brazil    Zephyr, Ontario         São Caetano, Brazil            Havana, Cuba               Lima, Perú
      Company Member         Company Member       Company Member           Company Member               Company Member            Company Member
         since 2012             since 2009           since 2019                since 2019                   since 2022               since 2021

        Akari Fujiwara          Lydia-Laure         Omar Hernández          Taisiia Zamula               Victoria Collier             Estelle Tang
        Nagoya, Japan        Germain Montréal,     Pinar del Rio, Cuba      Moscow, Russia                Georgia, USA                Hong Kong
      Company Member         Québec Company        Company Member            Apprentice             Junior Company Member      Junior Company Member
         since 2017          Member since 2022         since 2022

     Adrián Ramírez Juárez    Sakura Kawamura       Momoka Matsui
      Mexico City, Mexico       Nagoya, Japan       Fukuoka, Japan           Chabi Arauz                Adrianna Cote             Aria Lara Wilton
      Company Member          Company Member       Company Member        Panama City, Panama             Saskatoon,              Kingston, Ontario
          since 2014             since 2022           since 2015          Mentorship Student            Saskatchewan                Mentorship
                                                                                                      Mentorship Student              Student

      Callum McGregor          Leandro Prado        Hiroto Saito                              Clea Iveson
      Glasgow, Scotland                                                                      Toronto, ON                    Learn more about
                               Altamira, Pará,       Kobe, Japan                       Principal Character Artist
      Company Member           Brazil Company     Company Member                                                              your dancers!
         since 2019                                                                       Company Member
                              Member since 2016      since 2007                              1992 – 2012

Ballet Jörgen • 8                                                                                                                           Dance for All • 9
Cinderella - March 19, 2023 TCU Place-Saskatoon, SK - Jörgen Dance
Production Credits                        Mentorship Students Chabi Arauz~,         Kathy O’Brien, Bruce Palmer, Trent          Health & Wellness Committee
Choreography Bengt Jörgen, C.M.           Adrianna Cote~, Aria Lara Wilton~         Scherer                                     Kiah Brubacher-Cressman,
Additional Concept Development            Principal Character Artist Clea Iveson    Atlantic Council Anne Coffin,               Nicole Inica Hamilton, Dr. Lisa Liang,
Donald Dawson                             Resident Choreographer Hanna Kiel         Leila Kovacevic, Mara L. Nickerson,         Bonnie E. Robson, Carolina
Music Sergi Prokofiev                     Resident Stage Director Heinar Pillar     candice prior, Diana Rutherford             Rotondo, Ben Sit
Costume Design Robert Doyle               Production Manager Patrick Florin         Saskatchewan Council CeCe Baptiste
Set & Lighting Design Glenn Davidson      Resident Lighting Designer & Assistant    Honorary Trustees David Aylward, Rob
Scenic Carpentry Hamilton Scenic          Production Manager Madhu Seran            D. Brouwer, Steven Carter, Jane Cooke-
Specialty & Paragon Theme                 Technical Director Jacob Gagnon           Lauder Richard W. Dodds, William B.
Trees The Rabbits Choice                  Stage Manager Kayla Ado                   Harris, Buchanan Henderson, Corey
Drafting by Daniele Guevara               Wardrobe Supervisor Glenna Foerster       Keeble, Mara L. Nickerson
Costume Design Robert Doyle               Artistic Working Group Hannah Mae         Cinderella Youth Education Program Credits
Costumes Industry Costumes &              Cruddas, Daniel Da Silva & Hiroto Saito   Local Youth Participants:
                                          Past RBC Foundation Apprentice Dancer
                                                                                                                                Local Youth Participants courtesy of:
Margaret Lamb                                                                       Sydney Epp, Kolbi Rogers, Julia
                                          ~George Brown Dance Graduate                                                          Arts Umbrella, Dance Ink, Tisdale Dance
Cutter/Costumer Kim Crossley                                                        Siebert, Abigail Tamke
                                                                                                                                Centre, VIBEyxe
Costume Construction Kamila Kayser,       Jörgen Dance
Gionilda Stolee, Elizabeth Copeman,       General Manager Stephen Word
Danica Gulin, Patricia McNally & Debbie                                                               DONATE TO LOCAL PROGRAMMING
                                          Education Manager Clea Iveson
Stiles                                    Director of Touring Cameron Smillie
                                                                                                       Visit to learn more.
Dyeing Linda Pinhay & Laura Wemyss        George Brown Dance, Program
                                          Manager Derek Sangster
Ballet Jörgen                             Business Operations Manager
Ballet Jörgen Co-Founders                 Aleksandra Maslennikova
Susan Bodie & Bengt Jörgen C.M.           Marketing Manager Dana Ginsberg
Ballet Jörgen Artistic Staff              Assistant Education Manager
Artistic Director & CEO                   Nina Milanovski
Bengt Jörgen C.M.                         Communications & Content Developer
Ballet Master Hiroto Saito                Casey Spector
Principal Ballet Coach Svea Eklof         Community Programs Lead Elise Tigges
Company Dancers                           Dance Program Coordinator
Hannah Mae Cruddas˘, Daniel Da Silva,     Kia Kotsanis
Adam Davidson~˘, Akari Fujiwara˘,         Canadian Statistics Coordinator
Lydia-Laure Germain~, Omar                Meg Follett
Hernández,                                Bookkeeper Irene Lockrey
Adrián Ramírez Juárez˘, Sakura
                                                                                                Esther Zignaigo & Sakura Kawamura; Photo by Kristie Jones.
Kawamura                                  Board of Directors:
Momoka Matsui˘, Callum McGregor˘,         Chair Heather Baker                                             Ballet Jörgen Extends Special Thanks
Leandro Prado, Hiroto Saito,              Past Chair of the Board and Current
Márcio Teixeira˘, Ana Zamora,             Chair of Atlantic Council
Esther Zignaigo                           Mara L. Nickerson
Apprentices Taisiia Zamula                Chair, Finance & Audit Committee
Junior Company Members                    Rob D. Brouwer                                              Kim Fraser, Physiotherapist, Still Physiotherapy
Victoria Collier, Ryusei Nagafuchi        Directors: Giulia Ahmadi, Anique Asher,                          201-626 Broadway Ave, Saskatoon, SK
Estelle Tang, Taisiia Zamula,             Salvatore Badali, CeCe Baptiste,                                
                                          Megan Boyle, Karen Carter, Kevin                                             306-270-5217
                                          Goldthorp, Kimberley Garston, Kamala                   All of our volunteers that made this production possible.
Ballet Jörgen • 10                        Jean Gopie,                                                                                                         Dance for All • 11
Cinderella - March 19, 2023 TCU Place-Saskatoon, SK - Jörgen Dance
Ballet Jörgen Supporters
                            Major Support Provided by

                     Margaret Fountain C.M. & David Fountain C.M.
                   The Honourable Margaret Norrie McCain CC ONB

                                  Program Partners

   Saskatchewan &           Western Canada Local            Atlantic Youth Engagement
 Manitoba Programming      Participant Programming

                        British Columbia Programming
                          The Bruendl Foundation

                                    Foundation Partners

                             The Bennett Family Foundation

                                  Additional Support

            160 Kendal Ave, Bldg. C, Rm. 126 Toronto, ON Canada M5R 1M3
                     Office: 416-961-4725 | Fax: 416-415-2865
                        Registered Charitable# 118798586RR0001
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