Global Petroleum Limited - Walvis Basin, offshore Namibia July 2020
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Overview Experienced Team • Global has operated in Namibia since 2010. Technical team has Namibian experience going back to 2003 Highly prospective adjacent acreage • New licence PEL 94 identified as highly prospective, enhancing Global’s adjacent PEL 29 • Global has a 78% Participating Interest as operator • Plan is to work up existing data, showcasing high potential, and then partner with a credible deep water operator to acquire 3D seismic data in the eastern part of the licence • Low cost option to evaluate own acreage, plus assess outcome of nearby activity, before making expensive commitments Namibia Exposure • Gives investors low risk / low cost future exposure to wider Namibian exploration, which has huge upside. 3
Namibia, PEL 94 / Block 2011A • Petroleum Agreement for new c.5,800 km² Block 2011A signed in September 2018; Licence PEL 94 issued October 2018 1910B 2010A 2011A PEL30 • Global is operator and holds a 78% interest. State oil company, PEL37 Namcor, and a local company, Aloe, have carried interests of 17% and Licence Licence PEL 29 / 5% respectively Blocks PEL 94 / Block 1910B & 2011A • Adjacent to existing Licence PEL 29 2010A - also c.5,800 km² Oil recovered • Aggregate of c.11,600 km², making 50 Km to surface in 2014 Global one of the largest net acreage holders in the region 5
PEL 94 / Block 2011A Work Commitments • Initial Exploration Period Years 1 and 2 - Undertake geological, geochemical and geophysical and related studies of all the data, including a gravity and magnetic study as well as a source rock and basin modelling study - Licence the existing 2010-vintage 3D seismic data survey (announced 7th April 2020), and all 2D seismic data of reasonable quality and reprocess it • Initial Exploration Period Years 3 and 4 (Global can elect to relinquish after year 2) - If the Company elects to continue into years 3 and 4 , then additionally the Company will acquire and process 2,000 square kilometres of 3D seismic data in the Eastern Area - If the Company elects not to enter into years 3 and 4, the Block will be relinquished • First and Second Renewal Exploration Periods - First and Second Renewal Periods, of two years, each with a well commitment 6
Technical essentials: oil and gas proven in the area and multiple plays present Shallow water carbonates • Gas sampled in seabed cores PEL 30 (ECO Atlantic): in PEL 94, migrant oil 3D seismic sampled in Sasol’s well 2012/13-1 and wet gas PEL 37 shows in Tullow’s Cormorant Global’s PEL 29 (Tullow): 3D well point to oil and gas prospects seismic migrating throughout the Deep water PEL 94 3D seismic & sandstone section in and around PEL 94 Welwitschia Deep prospects • Shallow water carbonates prospect proven in a number of wells and tied on seismic to PEL 94 Deep water mudstones • Large Welwitschia Deep prospect is already covered 50 Km by existing 3D seismic data • New Albian sand play confirmed by the Cormorant Albian facies map with prospects and 3D seismic outlines well and Global’s model is that this play extends into PEL 94 (Block 2011A) 7
Namibia PEL 94 – technical essentials Welwitschia Deep & Marula prospects • Welwitschia-1A well drilled in western part of PEL 94 in 2014, targeted Upper Cretaceous sandstones, which were absent at this location, but the well proved excellent seals • Global believes that there is significant prospectivity – similar to that in PEL 29 – in deeper Albian carbonates (“Welwitschia Deep”), which Welwitschia-1A did not reach • Additional prospectivity in Upper Cretaceous reservoirs on the flanks of the Welwitschia structure e.g. the Marula prospect 8
Namibia PEL 94: Welwitschia Deep prospect PEL 94: Top Albian carbonates depth map PEL 94: 3D seismic line across the Welwitschia Deep and Marula prospects • Albian carbonates in a fault and dip-closed trap • Mapped on 3D seismic data • Best estimate (P50) unrisked prospective resource 671 MMbbls gross in PEL 94, 523 MMbbls net to Global with a geological chance of success of 17% 9
Namibia PEL 94: Marula prospect ▪ Sandstone pinches out to west & NW, where amplitudes dim suddenly at pinchout ▪ Amplitudes dim down-dip to east where sands are interpreted to change from oil to water saturated Sharp changes in dip interpreted to be minor fault scarps on the seabed at that time, against which the sandstone bodies Marula Prospect: Upper pinched out Cretaceous sandstone with strong (soft) amplitude anomaly Marula prospect azimuth (edge) attribute on the 3D seismic data Marula prospect amplitude anomaly on the 3D seismic data • Upper Cretaceous sandstones mapped on 3D seismic data in a distal pinchout trap with a strong amplitude anomaly conforming to structure down-dip • Best estimate (P50) unrisked prospective resource 210 MMbbls gross in PEL 94, 164 MMbbls net to Global, with a chance of success of 18% 10
Global Petroleum PEL 29 licence, offshore Namibia • Licence PEL 29 issued in December 2010 comprising Blocks 1910B and 2010A: after Initial Exploration Period relinquishment, acreage held is now c.5,800 km² • Global is operator and holds an 85% interest. State oil company, Namcor, and a local company, Bronze, have carried interests of 10% and 5% respectively • On 3 December 2018 reached the end of the 1 year extension to the First Renewal Period and entered the 2 year Second Renewal Exploration Period • Since award Global has: - Licensed and interpreted 2,800 km of non-proprietary 2D seismic data in 2011 - Underwritten acquisition of and licensed 2,000 km of non-proprietary 2D seismic data in 2011/12 - Re-processed 2D seismic data over the licence area - Acquired and interpreted 834 km of proprietary seismic in 2017 11
Namibia PEL 29: Gemsbok prospect • Gemsbok is a very large, fault and dip-closed structure • Oil from proven Aptian source to east and south and possible Barremian source to SW • Albian carbonates are the main reservoir, but additional reservoirs in Barremian marine and desert sandstones, as well as Upper Cretaceous pinnacle reef limestones 12
Namibia PEL 29: Giant Structures and Mid-High Cases Recoverable Prospective Resources Global Permit Dik Dik Prospect Lion Choje Prospect Lead Gemsbok Pangolin Prospect Lead Prospect 0 50km Lead 7 Figures from CPR issued in January 2018 and available on the website • Extremely large structures with significant prospective resources, particularly in the Gemsbok prospect, which has mid case recoverable prospective resources of 1,091 million barrels in the Albian carbonates reservoir alone (Gemsbok Main) 13
Namibia PEL 94 & PEL 29: Prospective Resources Prospect/Lead Gross Prospective Resources Net Attributable Prospective Resources Geological Risked Net Attributable (MMbbls) (MMbbls) † Chance of Prospective Resources Success (%) (MMbbls) Low Best High Low Best High Best Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate (P90) (P50) (P10) (P90) (P50) (P10) (P50) Gemsbok Main 318 1,091 2,581 270 927 2,194 12.3% 114 (PEL 29) Gemsbok Aeolian 66 330 1,296 56 281 1,102 5.4% 15 (PEL 29) Gemsbok Marine 63 323 945 53 275 803 8.8% 24 (PEL 29) Lion North 104 291 743 88 247 631 7.5% 19 (PEL 29) Lion South 290 823 2,105 247 700 1,789 7.5% 53 (PEL 29) Dik-Dik 224 805 1,969 190 685 1,674 5.0% 34 (PEL 29) Welwitschia Deep 162 671 1,863 126 523 1,453 17% 89 (PEL 94) Marula 109 210 337 85 164 263 18% 30 (PEL 94) TOTAL 1,336 4,544 11,839 1,115 3,802 9,909 - 378 * AGR-TRACS resource report dated January 2018 and the Energy Explorers Limited prospective resources report for PEL 94 dated July 2020 † Global Net Attributable Prospective Resources calculated using Global’s working interest (85% in PEL 29 and 78% in PEL 94) 14
PEL 94 & PEL 29: Prospective Resources ▪ Albian carbonate prospects: PEL 29 ▪ Welwitschia Deep in PEL 94 ▪ Gemsbok, Lion & Dik Dik in PEL 29 3D seismic data • Very large tilted fault blocks coverage shown by identified on 2D seismic data red polygon at Gemsbok, Lion and Dik–Dik prospects. Target Albian PEL94 carbonate reservoirs and mudstone seals proven in wells nearby • Upside in Choje, an Upper PEL29 Seabed cores Cretaceous sandstone lead Marula: Upper Cretaceous sandstone with gas prospect with amplitude anomaly PEL 94 Global Petroleum’s prospect and lead inventory in PEL94 and PEL 29 • Large stratigraphic-structural trap at Marula mapped on 3D seismic data with a strong amplitude anomaly • Very large tilted fault block at Welwitschia Deep prospect confirmed on 3D seismic data. Albian carbonate reservoir and mudstone seals proven in nearby wells • Gas identified in seabed cores 15
Namibia Walvis Basin: recent exploration history • Global signed licence PEL 29 in Tullow’s 2010 early in the last wave of Cormorant well industry activity in Namibia • HRT proved the regional source rock was present and generating oil in the Walvis Basin in 2013 (Murombe and Wingat wells) Licence Licence PEL 29 / Blocks PEL 94 / • In 2014 Repsol drilled the well Block 1910B & 2011A Welwitschia-1: although it failed 2010A to find any reservoirs and it didn’t reach the deeper secondary Oil recovered target in the Albian Chariot’s to surface in Prospect S 2014 • 2 wells drilled in late 2018: well Tullow’s Cormorant and Chariot’s Prospect S proved reservoirs • In the last few years Tullow and ONGC have farmed into PEL 30 and PEL 37 (green outlines) • In 2018 Exxon Mobil farmed into GALP licence (yellow outline) in the Walvis Basin 16
Future Namibian drilling activity • Total drilling the Venus well offshore southern Namibia in late 2020 • Others reporting multiple wells in 2021 in the Walvis Basin and other basins offshore Namibia
Global Petroleum Italy - Eni/Novatek awarded Blocks 4, 5, 9 and 10 in 2016 - Energean • Global submitted applications for 4 - Forecast work programme in excess of $100MM (100%) awarded permits in the southern Adriatic in Q3 Blocks 26 and - Seismic survey start 30 in 2017. 2013 imminent - Total Italy Croatia 30 26 investment • Blocks are contiguous with Cabot $19MM over 7 Montenegro years Energy’s blocks to the south and adjacent to the median lines with Albania, Croatia and Montenegro Shell ‘Shpiragu’ Aquila Field Discovery/Appraisal • Eni and Novatek were awarded 2013. Expanding Rovesti presence in country acreage in Montenegro in 2016, with a Albania forecast programme in excess of Falco $100MM. The blocks are only 35km Medusa from Global’s acreage Giove Energean Montenegro Licence Awards • Multiple play types for oil and gas • Proven hydrocarbon basin: Aquila field; Giove, Medusa, Falco & Rovesti discoveries • Appeals were lodged by various interested bodies against the Environmental Decrees granted for the 4 applications in 2016 and 2017. Most of the appeals were rejected with the exception of 1 for which judgment is expected in November 2020 and another, which has been referred to the European Court. All Italian exploration and applications suspended for 18 months pending a government review 19 evaluating areas suitable for oil and gas production
Global Petroleum Limited: a snapshot • Listed on London’s AIM: ticker code GBP • Market capitalisation US$2.8 million (£2.3 million)* • Current cash of US$1.32 million ** • Experienced management team and Board • Exploration Licences offshore Namibia - PEL 29 since December 2010: 2D seismic completed over huge Gemsbok prospect in 2017, CPR completed, farmout campaign undertaken - PEL 94 since September 2018: another large structural prospect at Welwitschia Deep, with Marula prospect to the south-east, plus multiple other plays • Applications in Italy, offshore southern Adriatic: vast majority of judgements now published – all in Global’s favour – but exploration moratorium * As of 8th July 2020 at a GBP/USD rate of 1.35 ** As of 31st March 2020 as reported on 22nd April 2020 21
Summary Experienced Team • Global has operated in Namibia since 2010. Technical team has Namibian experience going back to 2003 Highly prospective adjacent acreage • New licence PEL 94 identified as highly prospective, enhancing Global’s adjacent PEL 29 • Global has a 78% Participating Interest as operator • Plan is to work up existing data, showcasing high potential, and then partner with a credible deep water operator to acquire 3D seismic data in the eastern part of the licence • Low cost option to evaluate own acreage, plus assess outcome of nearby activity, before making expensive commitments Namibia Exposure • Gives investors low risk / low cost future exposure to wider Namibian exploration, which has huge upside. 22
Board of Directors Peter Taylor has over 40 years’ experience in the oil and gas industry. He Peter Taylor cofounded and was a Director of TM Oil Production which later became Dana Non-Executive Director Petroleum and was taken over by KNOC for £1.8bn in 2010. He also cofounded Consort Resources, a North Sea gas transportation and production company, and Planet Oil International with interests in Mauritania, Guyana and Uganda, which merged with Hardman Resources in 1998. Mr Taylor was appointed as a Director of the Company in October 2001 Peter Blakey was a founding member and Director of TM Oil Production, which Peter Blakey became Dana Petroleum. This company was subsequently purchased by KNOC in Non-Executive Director October 2010 for £1.8bn. He was also a founding member and a Director of Consort Resources, which became a significant North Sea gas production company, and of Planet Oil which was merged with Hardman Resources in 1998. Mr Blakey was appointed as a Director of the Company in October 2001. Mr Draffin is a chartered accountant with over 17 years' experience in Andrew Draffin, Company financial reporting, treasury management and corporate advisory services. He Secretary & Non-Executive currently provides services as a Director, Company Secretary and CFO to ASX listed, OTCQX listed and private companies operating in renewable energy, Director exploration and mining and the investment sectors. Mr Draffin is a director of EnviroMission Ltd and Gladiator Resources Ltd. He was appointed as a director of the Company on 10 June 2016. Mr Higgins is a Melbourne based lawyer and a principal of Grillo Higgins. He Garrick Higgins, practices in energy and resources law and in corporate and securities law, Non-Executive Director including mergers and acquisitions, takeovers, capital raisings, project finance, corporate governance and joint ventures. Mr Higgins is a director of public company Escala Partners Limited. He was appointed as a director of the Company in October 2017. 24
Board of Directors Mr van der Welle has 30 years oil industry experience, having previously qualified as John van der Welle a Chartered Accountant with Arthur Andersen in 1981. He is also a member of the Non-Executive Chairman Association of Corporate Treasurers and the Institute of Taxation. After 11 years at Enterprise Oil where he was Business Development Manager and subsequently Group Treasurer, Mr van der Welle was Finance Director of a number of UK listed E&P companies, including Premier Oil in 1999-2005. He was Managing Director, Head of Oil & Gas, at the Royal Bank of Scotland in 2007-2008, and since 2010 he has been non-executive director of a number of listed and private E&P companies, including current directorships with AIM listed Hurricane Energy plc. Mr van der Welle was appointed a non-executive Chairman of Global in February 2014. Mr Hill has extensive experience in the energy sector as a senior executive with a Peter G Hill significant worldwide track record worldwide in high-level M&A and business development roles, primarily in the oil industry. Most recently Mr Hill was the Chief Executive Global Head of Corporate M&A for Statoil ASA, where he was responsible for several large transactions. He was a key member of the team responsible for Statoil’s merger with Norsk Hydro Oil & Gas in December 2006 and led the acquisition of EnCana’s Gulf of Mexico deep water assets in 2005. Prior to agreeing to join Global, Mr Hill was responsible for supervising the execution of the IPO of Statoil’s Energy & Retail division. Previously Mr Hill set up the international business of Waterous & Co in the UK as Managing Director, and before that worked for Enterprise Oil plc for many years, latterly as Head of International New Ventures. Mr Hill started in the energy industry with Total Oil Marine and is a UK qualified Solicitor, having commenced his career with Clifford Chance. He holds an MA in Law from Oxford University. Mr Hill was appointed a Director of Global in September 2011. 25
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