Application of photocatalyst and kinetic studies of degradation of copper surfactants derived from non-vegetable oils for sustainable green chemistry

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Application of photocatalyst and kinetic studies of degradation of copper surfactants derived from non-vegetable oils for sustainable green chemistry
Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment___________________________________Vol. 23 (10) October (2019)
 Res. J. Chem. Environ.

 Application of photocatalyst and kinetic studies of
 degradation of copper surfactants derived from non-
 vegetable oils for sustainable green chemistry
 Sharma Swati1, Sharma Rashmi1 and Sharma Arun Kumar2*
 1. Department of Chemistry, S. P. C. Government College, Ajmer-305001 Rajasthan, INDIA
 2. Department of Chemistry, Govt. P.G. College, Jhalawar-326001 Rajasthan, INDIA

Abstract The oil known as “Pongam Oil” is used for leather dressing,
In the present investigation, photocatalytic soap and candle-making, lubrications and illumination. It is
degradation has been applied for degradation of applied in scabies, rheumatism, herpes and leucoderma and
copper neem and karanj surfactants derived from non- also given as stomachic and cholagogue8. Copper (II) soaps
 play a vital role in its selection in specific phenomena such
edible oils. Both copper surfactants were synthesized
 as foaming, wetting, detergency, emulsification etc. and also
by reported methods and characterized by elemental in their use as herbicides, fungicides, pesticides and
analysis as well as spectroscopic techniques such as IR insecticides etc.9,10 After their use, surfactants in the
and NMR. The degradation was carried out by environment have created a new problem i.e. environmental
irradiating the aqueous solutions of copper surfactants pollution because these are either slowly biodegraded or do
containing ZnO with UV. In this technique a not biodegrade at all.
semiconductor ZnO is used which is non-toxic in
nature. The rate of reaction was estimated from Therefore, it is necessary to find out some alternate and rapid
residual concentration spectrophotometrically by method for the degradation of surfactants. Photocatalytic
measuring the absorbance of the reaction mixture at degradation is considered as a favoured, promising, cleaner
 and greener technology for the removal of various pollutants
definite time intervals. Different parameters such as the
 from water by using photocatalyst11. ZnO is an attractive
concentration of surfactant (0.4-0.96 g l-1), amount of semiconductor for numerous applications because of its
semiconductor (0.01-0.06 g), light intensity (26-54 hardness, chemical stability, optical transparency, large
mWcm-2), effect of solvent polarity (20-80%) and time excitation energy and piezoelectric properties12.
period for degradation (0-18 h) were varied to achieve Photodegradation of various dyes i.e. naphthol green B dye
the optimum rate of photo degradation. using antimony trisulphide as a heterogeneous catalyst13,
 aniline blue dye using different semiconductors such as
The observations revealed that both copper surfactants ZnO, ZnS and SnO14, Evans blue an azo dye and its mixture
were degraded successfully by using ZnO under UV. with amaranth in presence of ZnO15, methylene blue using
The disappearance of copper surfactants follows a buoyant TiO2-coated polystyrenebeads16, rhodamine B by
pseudo-first-order kinetics according to the Langmuir– using ZnO17, commercial dyes by TiO218, some of
 pharmaceuticals entacapone by using UPR19, tetracycline on
Hinshelwood (L–H) model. A tentative mechanism has
 polyester resin20 have been reported.
been proposed for the photo degradation of copper
surfactants. Some dyes, pharmaceuticals, drugs and other organic
 pollutants have been degraded from time to time. In this
Keywords: Zinc oxide, Photo catalytic degradation, study, an attempt has been made on the synthesis and
Semiconductor, Copper neem and karaj surfactants. characterization of copper neem and karanj surfactant and its
 kinetics study by feasibility of reaction by using amount of
Introduction ZnO as a photocatalyst, influence of concentration of
The phenomenon of micellization of surfactants in the bulk surfactant, light intensity, solvent polarity and time period
phase as well as their ability to be accumulated at an for degradation. The developed method is easy due to its
interface are of immense theoretical, applied and biological simple operation and low cost.
interests as indicated by large number of publication of
papers and reviews in last three decades1-5. The neem oil is Material and Methods
a major non-wood product of Neem. The oil is used in skin Synthesis: First copper neem and karanj surfactants were
diseases, ulcers, rheumatism, leprosy, sprain metritis, ear prepared by direct metathesis of corresponding potassium
trouble, dental and gum troubles and asthma. It exhibits surfactant with slight excess of required amount of copper
antiseptic, anti-microbial and anti-fertility activities7. sulphate at 50-55 0C. After washing with hot water and the
Karanj oil is used in indigenous systems of medicine; the oil alcohol, the sample was dried at 80-100 0C and recrystallized
is also used for tanning, soap making and lighting purposes. with hot benzene. The synthesized compounds are denoted
The oil cake is a good fertilizer and can be used in poultry by CN and CK and structures of both copper surfactants is
rations. shown in fig. 1. The fatty acid composition of both oils used

Application of photocatalyst and kinetic studies of degradation of copper surfactants derived from non-vegetable oils for sustainable green chemistry
Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment___________________________________Vol. 23 (10) October (2019)
 Res. J. Chem. Environ.
for synthesis is given in table 1. The physical and analytical regular time intervals by UV-visible spectrophotometer
data of CN and CK surfactants are given in table 2. (Systronics Model 106).
Elemental analysis was done for surfactants for their metal
content following standard procedures21. The effects of the various parameters such as concentration
 of soap, amount of semiconductor, effect of light intensity,
 KOH Cu (II) effect of polarity of solvent on the rate of photocatalytic
RCOOH -------- → RCOOK ---------------- →(RCOO)2Cu (1) degradation are as follows:
 EtOH Benzene Cu (II)
 Effect of Concentration of Soap: The rate of photocatalytic
Results and Discussion degradation of CN and CK is likely to be affected by change
Photo-chemical degradation studies: Solution of the in concentration of the surfactant and therefore, the
surfactants was prepared in hot benzene (Qualigens). The concentration of CN and CK was varied from 0.40-0.96
solutions were clear and free from solid impurities. For each g l-1. The results are graphically presented in fig. 2 (A-B)
observation 25.0 ml of solution was taken in a reaction flask with RSD ±0.2%. The rate of photocatalytic degradation was
and ZnO as semiconductor was added to it. The infrared found to increase with increasing concentration of CN
fraction of light was eliminated by keeping a water filter surfactant up to 0.56 g l-1while for CK surfactant up to 0.72
between irradiation source and reaction mixture. The pre- g l-1. Further increase in the surfactant concentration resulted
aerated reaction mixture was exposed to tungsten lamp. in a decrease of the rate of degradation (Table 3) which also
Irradiation was carried out in a covered glass bottle (Pyrex, coincided by rate constant k (Fig. 3).
50 ml) for the protection of evaporation of the solvent with
200 W tungsten lamp (visible light, Philips). Absorbance of The increase in the rate may be due to the fact that as the
the reaction mixture was observed at regular time intervals. concentration of copper surfactant was increased, more
 surfactant molecules were available for excitation and
In a control experiment, photocatalytic degradation was energy transfer and hence, an increase in the rate was
carried out in the absence of ZnO. It was observed that there observed. The decrease in the rate may be attributed to the
was no appreciable photodegradation of copper surfactants fact that the surfactant molecules will start acting as a filter
indicating that for photodegradation of copper surfactants, for the incident light and it will not permit the desired light
semiconductor ZnO plays a key role. 3.0 ml aliquot was intensity to reach the semiconductor particles, thus
taken from the reaction mixture at regular time intervals and decreasing the rate of photocatalytic degradation.
the absorbance was measured spectrophotometrically at λmax
value of 420nm21. It was observed that the absorbance of the Moreover, at the higher concentration, the number of
solution decreases by increasing the time of exposure, which collisions between copper surfactant molecules increases
indicates that the concentration of copper surfactants whereas the number of collisions between copper surfactant
decreases with increasing time. The calculation of molecules and ZnO decreases. Consequently, the rate of the
degradation efficiency ψ was made by the relation22: reaction is retarded. An unsuitable steric orientation is also
 another factor for a decrease in the rate of reaction23.
 A0 - A
Degradation % = x 100 (2) Selection of suitable catalyst: The rate of photo catalytic
 degradation was carried out on three different catalysts i.e.
Here A0 is initial absorbance and A is absorbance after ZnO, TiO2 and ZnS (Table 4). It was found that higher rate
degradation of copper surfactants at time t. A plot of 2 + log constant k was observed for ZnO. Therefore, for present
 study, ZnO was taken (Fig. 4).
A versus time was linear following pseudo-first order
kinetics. The rate constant, k was calculated by using the
expression: Effect of amount of Semiconductor (ZnO): The amount of
 semiconductor is also likely to affect the process of
 surfactant degradation and hence, different amounts of
k = 2.303 x slope (3)
 photocatalyst were used ranging from 0.01 g to 0.06 g. The
 results are graphically presented in fig. 5 (A-B) with RSD
To predict the effect of various factors on the rate of ±0.2%. A perusal of the results indicates that the rate of
degradation process, the concentration of the surfactant was photodegradation of copper surfactant increases with an
varied from 0.40-0.96 g l-1. Photo catalyst (semiconductor) increase in the amount of semiconductor and then ultimately,
was used ranging from 0.01g to 0.06 g, the light intensity it becomes almost constant after a certain amount. The rate
was varied from 26mW cm-2 to 54 mW cm-2 with the help of was found to be maximum at 0.04 g (Table 5) which also
a solarimeter (CEL India Model SM 201) and the percentage coincided by rate constant k (Fig. 6). This may be attributed
of methanol varied from 20% to 80% to observe solvent to the fact that as the amount of semiconductor was
effect. According to calibration curve, λmax was found at 420 increased, the exposed surface area also increases but after a
nm and the progress of the photo catalytic reactions was certain limit, if the amount of semiconductor was further
observed by measuring the absorbance at 420 nm (λmax) in increased, then there will be no increase in the exposed

Application of photocatalyst and kinetic studies of degradation of copper surfactants derived from non-vegetable oils for sustainable green chemistry
Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment___________________________________Vol. 23 (10) October (2019)
 Res. J. Chem. Environ.
surface area of photocatalyst. After this particular amount The percentage of methanol varied from 20 % to 80 %. The
would only increase the thickness of the layer at the bottom results are graphically presented in fig. 9 with RSD ±0.2%.
of the vessel, once the bottom of the reaction vessel was
completely covered by the semiconductor. It was observed that the rate of degradation continuously
 decreases with increase in the polar solvent such as
This multilayer structure would not permit the entire methanol. In the case of copper surfactants degradation, it
semiconductor particles to be exposed to light and as such, has been clearly observed that rate decreases with the
the rate of the reaction became almost constant. It may be increase in polarity of solvent (Table 7) which also coincided
considered like a saturation point, above which an increase by rate constant k (Fig. 10). Surfactants are surface- active
in the amount of semiconductor has negligible or no effect compounds and they behave differently due to micellar
on the rate of photo degradation. This was further confirmed activity. It may be suggested from the above observations
by stirring the reaction mixture, whereby the rate again that the polarity inhibits the reactivity of the surfactant
increased. This point of saturation depends on the molecule26.
dimensions of the vessel. This was confirmed by taking the
reaction vessels of different dimensions. The saturation Mechanism: A tentative mechanism for the photocatalytic
point shifts to a higher value for larger reaction vessels degradation may be proposed as follows27,28:
whereas it was shifted to a lower value for reaction vessels
of smaller size. SC ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗
 ℎ SC* (4)

A reverse trend was observed for smaller vessels, where it is SC* → SC [h + (VB) + e− (CB)] (5)
shifted to lower side. This can be rationalized in terms of
availability of active sites on catalyst surface and light
penetration of photo activating substance into the e- + Cu+2 (Coloured 3d10) → Cu+ (Coloured 3d9) (6)
suspension. The decreased degradation rate at higher catalyst
loading may be due to deactivation of activated molecules 1Surfactant0 ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗
 ℎ 1Surfactant1 (7)
by collision with ground state molecules. Hence, an
optimum catalyst has to be added in order to avoid 1Surfactant1 ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗
 ISC 3Surfactant1 (8)
unnecessary excess catalyst and also to ensure total
absorption of solar light photons for efficient photo- 1Surfactant1 → 3Surfactant1 (9)
 Initially on exposure to light, the semiconductor (SC) will be
Effect of Light Intensity: The effect of light intensity on the excited to give SC*, the excited state of semiconductor. This
photocatalytic degradation of copper surfactant was also excited state will provide an electron in the conduction band
studied. The light intensity was varied from 26 mWcm-2 to (CB) and a hole in the valence band (VB)29.
54 mWcm-2. The results are graphically presented in fig. 7
(A-B) with RSD ±0.2%. When the solution of soap in the benzene was exposed to
 light in the presence of a semiconductor, the soap molecule
The data indicate that the rate of photocatalytic degradation may be first excited to its first excited singlet state. These
of CN was found to increase with increasing light intensity excited molecules are transferred to corresponding triplet
up to 42 mWcm-2 while for CK up to 38 mWcm-2 (Table 6) state through Inter System Crossing (ISC) and triplet state of
which also coincided by rate constant k (Fig. 8). Further soap molecules oxidized with atmospheric oxygen
increase in the light intensity resulted in a decrease in the converted into degraded products30. The decoloration of the
rate of degradation. As the number of photons striking per soap solution also suggests that some of the Cu++ ion of the
unit area of semiconductor powder increases with the soap may reduce to Cu+ to some extent during the process of
increase in light intensity, there is a corresponding increase degradation31.
in the rate of photocatalytic degradation of soap. As a result,
more electron–hole pairs are generated resulting in an Langmuir Isotherm: An adsorption isotherm describes the
overall increase in the rate of the reaction. fraction of sorbate molecules that are divided between liquid
 and solid phases at equilibrium. This model assumes that
The rate of photocatalytic degradation was found to decrease there is no interaction between molecules adsorbed on
with a further increase in the light intensity due to thermal neighboring sites. Based upon these assumptions, Langmuir
side effects, hence higher intensities of light have been represented the following equation32:
avoided. Higher photochemical radiations generate the
temperature in reaction which caused thermal effect 1/ qe = 1/ Q0 + 1/ bQ0Ce (10)
resulting in photodegradation25.

Effect of Solvent: The rate of photocatalytic degradation of where Ce is the equilibrium concentration of the adsorbate,
copper surfactant is also affected by the change in solvent. qe is the amount adsorbed and Qo and b is Langmuir
 constants related to maximum adsorption capacity and

Application of photocatalyst and kinetic studies of degradation of copper surfactants derived from non-vegetable oils for sustainable green chemistry
Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment___________________________________Vol. 23 (10) October (2019)
 Res. J. Chem. Environ.
energy of adsorption relatively. When 1/qe is plotted agents there is no strong competition between the solvent and the
1/Ce, L shape graph is obtained (Fig. 11) which shows that surfactant to occupy the ZnO surface sites.

 Fig. 1: Structure of copper surfactants (CN and CK), where-R Mixed fatty acid chain as per given table-1

 Table 1
 Percentage fatty acid composition of oils used for preparation of copper surfactants
 Percentage Fatty Acid (Carbon Number)
 Name of Oil
 16:0 18:0 18:1 18:2 20:0 20:1 22:0 24:0
 NEEM OIL 14.9 14.4 61.9 7.5 1.3 - - -
 KARANJ OIL 5.2 5.0 57.3 13.8 2.7 10.3 4.1 1.6

 Table 2
 Analytical and Physical Data of Copper Surfactants Derived from Neem / Karanj Oil
 Metal Content
 Name of Colour M.P. (0C) Yield (%) Observed Calculated S.V. S.E. Av.
 Surfactant M. W.
 CN Dark Green 50 96 10.3632 10.1087 198 283.33 628.166
 CK Dark Green 51 95 9.4996 9.3426 181.5 309.091 679.682

 Table 3
 Effect of concentration of copper surfactant on degradation efficiency
 [Concentration of Degradation efficiency Degradation Degradation Degradation
 surfactants] % efficiency % efficiency % efficiency %
 g l-1 w.r.t. k1 w.r.t. k2 w.r.t. k1 w.r.t. k2
 (CN) (CN) (CK) (CK)
 0.40 38.91 27.80 45.92 46.24
 0.48 54.67 41.77 52.64 58.35
 0.56 58.91 39.47 58.69 59.97
 0.64 34.22 26.36 64.07 67.40
 0.72 32.90 18.07 72.10 68.44
 0.80 29.79 13.49 30.42 40.58
 0.88 22.14 11.75 26.20 20.30
 0.96 15.41 5.14 18.78 19.21
Light intensity-42 mW cm-2, solvent-benzene, amount of ZnO-0.04 g

 Table 4
 Effect of different catalyst on degradation efficiency of copper surfactants
 Catalyst Rate Constant. k1 Rate Constant. k2 Degradation Degradation
 (s-1) (s-1) efficiency % efficiency %
 w.r.t. k1 w.r.t. k2
 ZnO 3.33E-05 1.14E-05 33.45 23.37
 ZnS 1.61E-05 9.39E-06 19.14 16.50
 TiO2 7.03E-06 8.45E-07 13.75 7.26
 Amount of ZnO- 0.04 g, Concentration of CS = 0.4 g l-1, Light Intensity-42 mW cm-2

Application of photocatalyst and kinetic studies of degradation of copper surfactants derived from non-vegetable oils for sustainable green chemistry
Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment___________________________________Vol. 23 (10) October (2019)
 Res. J. Chem. Environ.

 Fig. 2(A): Plot of 2 + log A versus time on effect of concentration of copper surfactant derived from neem oil
 (Light intensity-42 mW cm-2, solvent- benzene, amount of ZnO - 0.04 g.)

 Fig. 2(B): Plot of 2 + log A versus time on effect of concentration of copper surfactant derived from karanj oil
 (Light intensity-42 mW cm-2, solvent- benzene, amount of ZnO - 0.04 g.)

Application of photocatalyst and kinetic studies of degradation of copper surfactants derived from non-vegetable oils for sustainable green chemistry
Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment___________________________________Vol. 23 (10) October (2019)
 Res. J. Chem. Environ.

 Fig. 3: Plot of rate constant k versus concentration of copper surfactant derived from neem and karanj oil
 (Light intensity-42 mW cm-2, solvent- benzene, amount of ZnO - 0.04 g.)

 Fig. 4: Selection of suitable catalyst for degradation of copper surfactant derived from non -edible oil.
 (Catalyst= 0.04 g, light intensity-42 mW cm-2, solvent- benzene, concentration of CS = 0.4 g l-1)

Application of photocatalyst and kinetic studies of degradation of copper surfactants derived from non-vegetable oils for sustainable green chemistry
Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment___________________________________Vol. 23 (10) October (2019)
 Res. J. Chem. Environ.

 Fig. 5(A): Plot of 2 + log A versus time on effect of amount of semiconductor on copper surfactant derived from
 neem oil. (Light intensity-42 mW cm-2, solvent- benzene, concentration of CS = 0.4 g l-1)

 Fig. 5(B): Plot of 2 + log A versus time on effect of amount of semiconductor on copper surfactant derived from
 karanj oil. (Light intensity-42 mW cm-2, solvent- benzene, concentration of CS = 0.4 g l-1)

Application of photocatalyst and kinetic studies of degradation of copper surfactants derived from non-vegetable oils for sustainable green chemistry
Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment___________________________________Vol. 23 (10) October (2019)
 Res. J. Chem. Environ.

 Fig. 6: Plot of rate constant k versus amount of semiconductor on copper surfactant derived from neem and
 karanj oil. (Light intensity-42 mW cm-2, solvent- benzene, concentration of CS = 0.4 g l-1)

 Table 5
 Effect of amount of semiconductor on degradation efficiency of copper surfactants
 Amount of ZnO (g) Degradation Degradation Degradation Degradation
 efficiency % efficiency % efficiency % efficiency %
 w.r.t. k1 w.r.t. k2 w.r.t. k1 w.r.t. k2
 (CN) (CN) (CK) (CK)
 0.01 25.42 12.33 25.73 20.74
 0.02 29.07 16.11 30.40 26.99
 0.03 30.13 16.77 33.08 27.52
 0.04 44.42 23.39 46.52 36.79
 0.05 44.06 23.54 51.74 36.01
 0.06 44.20 23.26 51.76 36.66
 Light intensity-42 mW cm-2, solvent- benzene, concentration of CS = 0.4 g l-1
 Table 6
 Effect of Light Intensity on degradation efficiency of copper surfactants
 Light Intensity Degradation efficiency Degradation Degradation Degradation
 (mW cm-2) % efficiency % efficiency % efficiency %
 w.r.t. k1 w.r.t. k2 w.r.t. k1 w.r.t. k2
 (CN) (CN) (CK) (CK)
 26 15.03 10.08 34.98 11.48
 30 22.10 16.45 38.34 15.06
 34 24.97 19.36 42.38 18.37
 38 31.38 27.29 45.09 38.73
 42 32.33 25.82 41.04 29.78
 46 25.64 21.74 35.76 23.20
 50 24.70 19.55 34.18 12.77
 54 18.87 9.57 34.47 11.73
Amount of ZnO- 0.04 g, solvent- benzene, concentration of CS = 0.4 g l-1

Application of photocatalyst and kinetic studies of degradation of copper surfactants derived from non-vegetable oils for sustainable green chemistry
Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment___________________________________Vol. 23 (10) October (2019)
 Res. J. Chem. Environ.

 Fig. 7(A): Plot of 2 + log A versus time on effect of light intensity on copper surfactant derived from
 neem oil. (Solvent- benzene, amount of ZnO - 0.04 g, concentration of CS = = 0.4 g l-1)

 Fig. 7(B): Plot of 2 + log A versus time on effect of light intensity on copper surfactant derived from
 karanj oil. (Solvent- benzene, amount of ZnO - 0.04 g, concentration of CS = 0.4 g l-1)

Application of photocatalyst and kinetic studies of degradation of copper surfactants derived from non-vegetable oils for sustainable green chemistry
Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment___________________________________Vol. 23 (10) October (2019)
 Res. J. Chem. Environ.

 Fig. 8: Plot of rate constant k versus effect of light intensity on copper surfactant derived from neem and
 karanj oil. (Solvent- benzene, amount of ZnO - 0.04 g, concentration of CS = 0.4 g l-1)

 Table 7
 Effect of Solvent polarity on degradation efficiency of copper surfactants
 Polarity of Degradation Degradation Degradation Degradation
 solvent (%) efficiency % efficiency % efficiency % efficiency %
 w.r.t. k1 w.r.t. k2 w.r.t. k1 w.r.t. k2
 (CN) (CN) (CK) (CK)
 20 52.49 32.93 39.67 80.70
 30 40.41 38.70 29.67 41.98
 40 27.43 21.55 16.47 32.90
 50 18.25 16.75 14.12 24.20
 60 16.80 14.44 12.23 23.74
 70 11.65 9.90 8.65 11.37
 80 10.00 5.50 4.89 8.12
Amount of catalyst- 0.04 g, Concentration of CS = 0.4 g l-1, Light Intensity-42 mW cm-2solvent- benzene

Conclusion degradation with ZnO were experimentally determined. The
Photocatalysis has been predicted as a promising technology photochemical degradation of copper surfactants follows
for degradation of pollutants. This work reports a simple, pseudo first-order kinetics.
novel and cost-effective degradation of copper surfactants in
the presence of ZnO. The photocatalytic efficiency for Experimental results indicate that the CN surfactant
copper karanj was observed higher than that of copper neem; degrades best at concentration 0.56g l-1 with light intensity
it is suggested that CK has higher molecular weight 42 mWcm-2and catalyst loading 0.04 g, 20 % methanol
compared to CN co-related by higher rate constant k for CK polarity with degradation efficiency 58.55 %. Similarly, CK
compared to CN. Catalyst was examined by using it for the surfactant degrades best at concentration 0.72 g l-1 with light
photocatalytic degradation of CN and CK surfactants. The intensity 38 mWcm-2and catalyst loading 0.04 g, 20 %
optimum reaction conditions of copper surfactants methanol polarity with degradation efficiency 70.15 %.

Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment___________________________________Vol. 23 (10) October (2019)
 Res. J. Chem. Environ.

 Fig. 9(A): Plot of 2 + log A versus time on effect of solvent on copper surfactant derived from neem oil
 (Light Intensity-42 mW cm-2, amount of ZnO - 0.04 g, concentration of CS = 0.40 g l-1)

 Fig. 9(B): Plot of 2 + log A versus time on effect of solvent on copper surfactant derived from karanj oil
 (Light Intensity-42 mW cm-2, amount of ZnO - 0.04 g, concentration of CS = 0.40 gl-1)

Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment___________________________________Vol. 23 (10) October (2019)
 Res. J. Chem. Environ.

 Fig. 10: Plot of rate constant k versus effect of solvent on copper surfactant derived from neem and karanj oil
 (Light Intensity-42 mW cm-2, amount of ZnO - 0.04 g, concentration of CS = 0.40 gl-1)

 Fig. 11: Copper surfactants isotherm on ZnO at concentration 0.4 g/l, temperature 30 ± 0.1oC.

Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment___________________________________Vol. 23 (10) October (2019)
 Res. J. Chem. Environ.
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