CHRONICLES Vol - 6 Department of Computer Science & Engineering - Mangalore Institute of Technology ...

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CHRONICLES Vol - 6 Department of Computer Science & Engineering - Mangalore Institute of Technology ...

           Department of Computer Science & Engineering

                                               Vol - 6

CHRONICLES Vol - 6 Department of Computer Science & Engineering - Mangalore Institute of Technology ...
Department of Computer Science & Engineering

To establish as a Centre of Excellence in Education and        3.   Design/development of solutions: Design solutions
Research in the field of Computer Science & Engineering             for complex engineering problems and design system
for transforming the students into Competent                        components or processes that meet the specified
Professionals.                                                      needs with appropriate consideration for the public
                         MISSION                                    health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and
                                                                    environmental considerations.
1.   Provide strong theoretical and practical background
     in Computer Science & Engineering and allied fields       4. Conduct investigations of complex problems:
     of Engineering.                                              Use research-based knowledge and research
                                                                  methods including design of experiments, analysis
2.   Provide excellent state of the art infrastructure and
     competent man power to facilitate the need based             and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the
     technical education to the students with ethical and         information to provide valid conclusions.
     social values.
                                                               5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply
3.   Encourage the students to involve in Co-curricular           appropriate techniques, resources, and modern
     and extracurricular activities.                              engineering and IT tools including prediction and
4. Promote Research and Innovative activities among               modeling to complex engineering activities with an
   the staff and students.                                        understanding of the limitations.

                                                               6.   The engineer and society: Apply reasoning
        Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)                       informed by the contextual knowledge to assess
                                                                    societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues
Graduates of Computer Science and Engineering                       and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the
program will :                                                      professional engineering practice.
1.   Design, develop and maintain reliable software
     systems to satisfy the needs of customers                 7.   Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact
                                                                    of the professional engineering solutions in societal
2.   Do research and development to meet the challenges
                                                                    and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the
     of changing information technologies
                                                                    knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
3.   Work in teams to fulfil the societal and industrial
     needs                                                     8.   Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to
                                                                    professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of
                                                                    the engineering practice.
          Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)
                                                               9.   Individual and team work: Function effectively as
Computer Science and Engineering graduates will be able to:         an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse
1.   Design, develop, test and maintain the software systems        teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
     that fulfill the needs of the industry and society
                                                               10. Communication: Communicate effectively on
2.   Apply the concept of networking, data storage and
                                                                   complex engineering activities with the engineering
     computation to solve the real world problems
                                                                   community and with society at large, such as, being
                                                                   able to comprehend and write effective reports and
                                                                   design documentation, make effective presentations,
                Program Outcomes (POs)
                                                                   and give and receive clear instructions.
Engineering Graduates will be able to:
                                                               11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate
1.   Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of                 knowledge and understanding of the engineering and
     mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals,               management principles and apply these to one’s own
     and an engineering specialization to the solution of          work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage
     complex engineering problems.
                                                                   projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
2.   Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research
     literature, and analyze complex engineering problems      12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have
     reaching substantiated conclusions using first                the preparation and ability to engage in independent
     principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and              and life-long learning in the broadest context of
     engineering sciences.                                         technological change.
CHRONICLES Vol - 6 Department of Computer Science & Engineering - Mangalore Institute of Technology ...
Inauguration of CORE Activities 2018-19 -A student’s Association of Computer Science & Engg and
fresher’s welcome function for II Year students to the department was held on 28th Sep 2018. Mr.
Vipin Kumar, Technical Lead ETA wing, Infosys Ltd was the chief guest of the event and event was
graced by our beloved Principal Dr. Eashwara Prasad G.L, HOD of computer science and engineering
Dr.Venkatramana Bhat P and CORE Staff Coordinator Mr. Siddanagouda, the President of CORE Mr.
Rupesh Sadanand.

The event started by seeking the blessing of god ,followed by Chief Guest Mr. Vipin Kumar delivered
an inaugural address and enlightened the student on proper usage of resource for building better
systems and also given brief introduction about IT technology Landscape and how we can convert
the ideas from technology into business in the Industry.

 Dr.Venkatramana Bhat P, HOD Dept of CS&E welcomed the 2nd year students to the department,
asked students to participate in technical and branch activities . Academic toppers were also felicitated
during this programme. This followed by the presidential address by Dr. Eashwara Prasad G.L.

CHRONICLES Vol - 6 Department of Computer Science & Engineering - Mangalore Institute of Technology ...
                                                               Technical Talk on
                                                       IT Technology Landscape

“IT Technology Landscape” - Mr. Vipin Kumar N, Technical Lead Java Track-ETA wing Infosys Ltd ,
Mangalore, delivered a technical talk for Computer Science & Engineering Students. In his talk, he
enlightens the students on the latest technology of IT industry , streamline of revolution in IT Technology
and its uses in modern era for different applications. The update on latest technology would be indeed
necessary to cope up with software industry demands and provide smart solutions using latest
technology. The knowledge on the new era technologies would help the students to provide solutions
to the new era business problems with greater efficiency. In the end, he discussed and suggested to the
students to take up challenging problems for their project work and possible use of latest technology
for their projects.

    Technical Talk on
    Mathematical Model
    for Computer Science

On 1st march 2019, “Case Study on Mathematical Modeling” by Dr. Ganesh Aithal, Dean (Research) &
Professor, Department of CSE, MITE Moodabidri. In his Technical Talk on “Case Study on Mathematical
Modeling” for 3rd year CSE Students has resolved difficulties of students on understanding the
mathematical modeling concepts for computer science application. In his talk, he enlightened the
students on the basics of mathematical model and its use for representing different computer science

Speaker took the example of case study on Support Vector Machine mathematical model for resolving
the student difficulties in understating the SVM concept and its related mathematical notations. The
wide spread use of mathematical modeling for different computer science applications poses the
need of knowledge on mathematical modeling concepts to computer science students. The basic
knowledge on mathematical modeling would help the students to use and build mathematical model
for their futuristic applications.

CHRONICLES Vol - 6 Department of Computer Science & Engineering - Mangalore Institute of Technology ...
                                                                        Workshop on
                                                                       Cyber Security

On “Cyber Security” a One Day Workshop was organized on 11 March 2019, for third year stdents.
Resource person was Mr. Navaneeth Krishnan, Cyber Security Analyst and Certified Ethical Hacker,
Tata Consultancy Services, Chennai. He ignited the third year students mind on the issues of cyber
security and its impact on internet based transactions. The popularity of internet comes along with
negative effect of insecurity to internet based transactions, which poses the need of knowledge on
cyber security issues and possible solutions.

The workshop was conducted in two sessions. In the morning session, the speaker addressed about
basics of cyber security which would help would help the students to keep their internet based
transactions safe and encourage the students to develop new algorithms to provide more security for
internet based applications. In the afternoon Session, the speaker showcased through practical some
of the security flaws in existing internet, data breach issues and possible ethical hacking for security
issues, data breach.

  Workshop on Linux
  for Computer Science Engineers

Workshop on “LINUX” for 2nd year students of computer science engineers was organized on 12th
march 2019. As a resource person we had Prof. Manmohan K, Asst.Professor-Selection Grade ,
CS&Engg. dept., MIT, Manipal, has enlighten the students on basics of Linux operating system and
its use for different applications for computer science students. The knowledge on Linux operating
system has been a foundation for computer science students to get into the programming domain.
The knowledge on Linux operating system and its features for programming would help the computer
science students to explore more on programming domain with more practicality of understanding.

CHRONICLES Vol - 6 Department of Computer Science & Engineering - Mangalore Institute of Technology ...
                                                                 Technical Talk on
                                                           Light Field Technology
A Technical Talk on “Light Field Technology” by Prof.Ramakrishna M, Asst.Professor-Senior Grade,
IC&T. dept., MIT, Manipal for final year CSE Students. He enlightened the students on improvement
in camera technology and its impact towards acquiring high quality images. Camera technology has
been a backbone for Image processing, which poses the need of knowledge on improvement in the
camera technology towards resolving challenges of getting quality images. The knowledge on camera
technology and its impact on image quality will step up the students to build new algorithms for getting
quality images using latest camera technology features.

                                      A One Day Workshop on “Image Processing with SciLab” by
                                      Dr. Venugopal P S, Associate Professor, Dept of CSE, NMAMIT,
                                      Nitte has enlighten the students on the fundamentals of image
                                      processing. The wide spread use of image processing for different
                                      applications poses the need of image processing knowledge
    11.04.2019                        for proposing novel image processing solutions. The acquired
    One Day Workshop                  knowledge on image processing would help the students to
    on Image Processisng              resolve the challenges of image processing domain and take up
    with SciLab                       the image processing related projects.

                           Publication in Journal/conference
•    Sunil Kumar S, Ganesh Aithal and •                 Kokila R, Sannidhan M S, Abhir Bhandary,
     P.Venkatatamana Bhat, “ Design, Calibration        “Development of cost effective digital ECG
     and Experimental study of Low Cost                 data acquisition system for biomedical
     Resistive based Soil Moisture Sensor for           device”, ICEECCOT-2018, 14th -15th Dec 2018,
     detecting moisture at different depth of           GSSS, Mysore.
     Soil.”, International Conference on Artificial
     Intelligence and Data Engineering (AIDE-2019). •   Raghunandana K R ,Shreyank Bhat, Dr. Surendra
                                                        Shetty ,Dr. G Aithal ,“Survey on Various RSA
•    Raghunandan K R, Ganesh Aithal, Surendra           Attacks” , 3rd International conference
     Shetty, “Secure RSA Variant System to Avoid        ICEECCOT-2018, 14th-15th December 2018,
     Factorization Attack using Phony Modules           GSSS, Mysore.
     and Phony Public Key Exponent”, International
     Journal of Innovative Technology and •             Raghunandan K R, Ganesh Aithal, Surendra
     Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), ISSN: 2278-        Shetty, Rakshith N “Enhancement of RSA
     3075, Volume-8 Issue-9, July 2019.                 algorithm using fake modulus and fake public
                                                        key exponent”, 3rd International conference
•    Sudeep K B, G Aithal , “Generation of pseudo       ICEECCOT-2018, 14th-15th , December 2018,
     random number sequence from discrete               GSSS, Mysore.
     oscillating samples of equally spared objects
     and application for stream cipher system”, •       T.Shreekumar , K.Karunakar, “A Video Face
     Concurrency     computing      practice  and       Recognition System with Aid of Support Vector
     experiments WILEY publication, February 2019.      Machine and Particle Swarm Optimization
                                                        (PSO-SVM)”, Journal of Advanced Research in

CHRONICLES Vol - 6 Department of Computer Science & Engineering - Mangalore Institute of Technology ...
Dynamical and Control Systems, 2018/4/20 :            based on local linear regression and particle
    ISSN:1943-023X.                                       swam optimization:An Evaluation”, IEEE-

•   T.Shreekumar , K.Karunakar, “Face recognition         EECCMC, 28/2/2018.

                             Faculty Development Program
•   Mr. Sandeep Kumar S, Assistant Professor,         •   Mr. Guruprasad, Assistant Professor, Dept. of
    Dept. of CSE, attended five days workshop             CSE, done NPTEL-AICTE FDP on “Introduction
    on “Machine Learning and Deep Learning                to Internet of Things” for 12 weeks from July
    with Python Programming” from 22.07.2019 to           2018 to October 2018.
    26.07.2019 held at VTU Center for PG Studies,
    Bengaluru Region.                                 •   Mr. Siddanagouda G.R, Assistant Professor,
                                                          Dept. of CSE, done NPTEL-AICTE FDP on
•   Ms. Jyothi G N, Assistant Professor, Dept.            “Introduction to R Software” for 8 weeks from
    of CSE, attended five days workshop on                August 2018 to September 2018.
    “Applications of Data Mining and Deep
    Learning Techniques in Multidisciplinary Area”    •   Ms. Jyothi G N, Assistant Professor, Dept.
    from 24th - 28th June 2019, NITK Surathkal            of CSE, done NPTEL-AICTE FDP on “Cloud
                                                          Computing” for 8 weeks from August 2018 to
•   Mr. Shivaprasad T K, Assistant Professor,             September 2018.
    Dept. of CSE, attended five days workshop
    on “InfyTQ Based FDP” dated 23.05.2019 to         •   Mr. Sandeep Kumar S, Assistant Professor,
    29.05.2019 held at Vidya Academy of Science           Dept. of CSE, done NPTEL-AICTE FDP on
    & Technology, Trissur.                                “Introduction to R Software” for 8 weeks from
                                                          August 2018 to September 2018.
•   Mr. Shivaprasad T K, Assistant Professor,
    Dept. of CSE, attended five day FDP Program       •   Mrs. Padmashree G, Assistant Professor,
    conducted by UiPath on “Robotic Process               Dept. of CSE, done NPTEL-AICTE FDP on
    Automation” held at SRM University, Chennai           “Introduction to Machine Learning” for 8
    from 5.5.2019 to 11.5.2019.                           weeks from August 2018 to September 2018.

•   Mr. Ashuthosh Holla, Assistant Professor,         •   Mr. Manjunatha A.S, Senior Assistant Professor,
    Dept. of CSE, attended two week FDP on                Dept. of CSE, done NPTEL-AICTE FDP on
    “Entrepreneurship for Academicians” from 7th          “Database Management System” for 8 weeks
    to 19th January, 2019 held at SDMIT, Ujire.           from August 2018 to September 2018.

•   Mr. Annappaswamy D.R, Associate Professor,        •   Mr. Shivaprasad T K, Assistant Professor,
    Dept. of CSE, attended one week FDP on “Big           Dept. of CSE, done NPTEL-AICTE FDP on
    data analytics with Hadoop”, organized by             “Introduction to Machine Learning” for 8
    E&ICT Academy, NIT Warangal at SDMIT, Ujire           weeks from August 2018 to September 2018.
    from 7th to 12th January2019 .
                                                      •   Mrs. Sumalatha U, Assistant Professor, Dept.
•   Mr. Shivaprasad T K, Assistant Professor,             of CSE, done NPTEL-AICTE FDP on “Database
    Dept. of CSE, attended one week workshop              Management System” for 8 weeks from
    on “Infosys Faculty Enablement Program”               August 2018 to September 2018.
    conducted by Infosys Ltd at SJEC, Mangalore
                                                      •   Mr. Ashwin Kumar M, Senior Assistant
    from 07.08.2018 to 12.08.2018.
                                                          Professor, Dept. of CSE, done NPTEL-AICTE
•   Mr. Annappaswamy D.R, Associate Professor,            FDP on “Cloud Computing” for 8 weeks from
    Dept. of CSE, done NPTEL-AICTE FDP on                 August 2018 to September 2018.
    “Introduction to Programming in C” for 12
    weeks from July 2018 to October 2018.

•   Mr. Ravinarayana, Associate Professor, Dept. of
    CSE, done NPTEL-AICTE FDP on “Introduction            “  Technology will not replace great
                                                             teachers but the technology in the hands

    to Programming in C” for 12 weeks from July           of great teachers can be transformational
    2018 to October 2018.
                                                                                    - George Couros

CHRONICLES Vol - 6 Department of Computer Science & Engineering - Mangalore Institute of Technology ...
Student Achievements
    Clyde Shelton Bangera, Priya S Kotian, Chrislene         Vineeth V Pai and Shashan Ram K of 2nd year CSE
    Dias, Divya T & Dr. Ganesh Aithal, presented a           presented a paper on “Anti-Theft App for Andoid
    paper “Flood and Heat Wave Prediction using              Operating System” at 15th ISTE Karnataka State
    Weighted Moving Average, Anomaly Detection and           Students Convention-2018 held at Mangalore
    K-Nearest Neighbors for the City Of Mangalore” in        Institute of Technology and Engineering,
    IEEE International conference Discover 2018, held        Moodabidri on 6th of October 2018.
    on 13th & 14th August 2018 at MITE.

                                                             iTech 2018-19 Hackthon was held on 8th and 9th
                                                             December 2018. Over 2000 teams applied for the
                                                             entry level and out of which 36 teams got selected,
                                                             in which one team belonged to MITE, Mangalore.
                                                             This team comprised of two participants Arpith S
                                                             and Adarsh Revankar of CSE Department. Out of
                                                             36 teams selected this team won the Special Jury
         iTech 2018                                          Award for their work on Android Application on
         ITC Infotech, Bangalore                             Labour Management.

•       Shashan Ram of 2nd year CSE was declared as          •   Ms.Neha Rao, of final year CSE has secured runner-
        winner at competition held during three day              up in Badminton in inter-collegiate VTU zonal level
        National level workshop on “ Andoid & JAVA”,             tournament held at NMAMIT, Nitte.
        organized by department Computer Science
        & Engineering PA College of Engineering of PA        •   Mr. Rizwan Ramzan Ahamed, of final year CSE has
        college of Engineering, Mangalore held on 2nd,           secured second position in Football held during
        3rd & 4th Nov 2018.                                      Revels’19 the National cultural & sports fest of MIT
                                                                 held from 6th to 9th March,2019.
•       Vineeth Pai and Akshay A S of 2nd year CSE
        attended three day National level workshop           •   Mr. Yadhukrishna, has secured runner-up in
        on “ Andoid & JAVA”, organized by department             Badminton in inter-collegiate VTU zonal level
        Computer Science & Engineering PA College                tournament held at NMAMIT, Nitte.
        of Engineering of PA college of Engineering,
                                                             •   Mr Arpith S, has secured runner-up in Table Tennis
        Mangalore held on 2nd, 3rd & 4th Nov 2018.
                                                                 in inter-collegiate VTU Zonal level tournament
•       Mohammed Nabhan, Aayush Aman & Prem                      held at Sridevi Institute of Technology, Kenjar,
        Shankar Mishra from 2nd year Computer Science            Mangalore.
        & Engineering Department presented an idea
                                                             •   Mr Arpith S, has secured First place in Table Tennis
        titled ‘The Food Ambulance’ for Business plan
                                                                 tournament organized as a part of Adrenaline’2018
        presentation event named “MANTHAN” which
                                                                 at Father Muller Medical College, Mangalore.
        was Organized by Federation of Karnataka
        Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FKCCI).             •   Mr. Shetty Adithya of 3rd year secured first prize in
        Total 163 teams had registered for the event and         VIBE during Incridea’19 held at NMAMIT, Nitte on
        we were one among top 60 teams who were                  13th -16th February ,2019.
        called for Knowledge Workshop on 4th April
        2019 at Bangalore. We were trained on how to         •   Mr. Vibin Hegde secured second prize in Digital
        make a complete business plan.                           Assault during Incridea’19 held at NMAMIT,Nitte on
                                                                 13th -16th February,2019.
•       Ms.Pratheksha Hegde, of final year CSE has
        secured runner-up in Badminton in inter-collegiate   •   Forty six students attended three days short term
        VTU zonal level tournament held at NMAMIT, Nitte.        course on Data Mining and Analytics conducted by
                                                                 prof. Sang Won Yoon, Binghamton University, USA

CHRONICLES Vol - 6 Department of Computer Science & Engineering - Mangalore Institute of Technology ...
Under NAIN New Age Incubation Network Govt. of Karnataka, in following projects Computer Science
                          and Engineering students are contributing

         Kitchen Yantra                                   Equinox                                      Lifeline
An IOT based Home Stock                    Implementation of Quadcopter in               A portable device that detects various
Remainder, the product is being            Agriculture. A Quadcopter based field         health problems. It is mainly based on
developed in order to identify the         monitoring system which helps to look         the ancient Ayurveda method. So the
exhausted product in the home              after the agricultural land and identify      device detects the variation in these
using IOT Technology. It is an inter-      diseases with much ease which would           nerves and then predicts the disease
branch project where from CSE we           otherwise take a large amount of              and asks the user to consult the
have G M Mufeed and Darshan Patil          manual labor . It is an inter-branch          doctor. It is an inter-branch project
3rd year CSE.                              project where from CSE we have Arpith         where from CSE we have Anusha K R
                                           S, Akshaya M and Adarsh Revankar.             , 3rd year.

                         Department of Computer Science & Engineering
                                              1st and 2nd Topper List 2018-19

                               3rd Semester                                         4th Semester

            1.    Haimashreelakshmi		             9.15        1.     Abigal Sharal Mathias		        9.46
                  4MT17CS042                                         4M17CS005
            2.    Ananya P. Shetty		              9.07        2.     Ananya P. Shetty		             9.18
                  4MT17CS015                                         4MT17CS015

                               5th Semester                                          6th Semester
             1.   Adarsh Krishna Revankar         8.73          1.    Sushmitha Shetty		             8.88
                  4MT16CS003                                          4M16CS106
             2.   Akash Shivaram Poojary          8.42          2.    Pragathi Vijaya N V		          8.35
                  4MT16CS005                                          4MT16CS059

                               7th Semester                                          8th Semester

             1.   Supritha 			                    8.83         1.     Supritha			                      9.25
                  4MT17CS042                                          4M17CS005
             2.   Ashwini V Shetty		              8.83         2.     Pavithra Karantha		              9.20
                  4MT17CS015                                          4MT17CS015

 Dr. Ganesh Aithal, Dean Research,            Dr. Venkatramana Bhat, Head Of             Mr. Prashanth B S, Assistant
 has chaired as session at                    Department , CSE was reviewer              Professor, Dept of CSE was
 International     Conference   on            for international conference on            the resource person for 1 day
 Artificial Intelligence and Data             Emerging research in Electronics           workshop on “Implementation
 Engineering held on 23rd and 24th            and computer science and                   & application of NS2” held on
 May 2019 at NMAMIT, Nitte                    Technology(ICERECT-2018), held             29.8.2018 , at Srinivas Institute of
                                              at PES College of Engineering              Technology, Valachil, Mangalore.

Following students are certified in a course under NPTEL: Final years Mahesh N, Prithesh Chouta ,Krishna Moorthy K
Bhat, Ashwini V Shetty , Kashyap Banu Das , Ankitha ,Dhavan Rao B V; Third years Hariprasad, Darshan Patil, Harish
                               shettigar, Shreya Sheela; second years: Animesh Mehtha.

CHRONICLES Vol - 6 Department of Computer Science & Engineering - Mangalore Institute of Technology ...
External Funding for Research and Development
1. KSCST : Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology, Bengaluru
   “Low Cost IOT Based Smart Plant Phenotyping System”- Ravi Moolya, Shifali, Shweta & Payal
   The proposed “IOT Based Smart Plant Phenotyping System” demonstrates the improved accuracy in the
   collection of physiological data collected from a plant under test. This product uses Gravity Metric System
   to maintain the water stress level. The product can detect the number of leaves and the height of the plants
   using RGB camera.

2. Student Developer Program by McAfee through Swami Vivekananda Youth Movement, Financial
   support of an amount ₹ 20,000/- was received in the month of January 2019, to encourage women
   students in Engineering & Technology and for student’s projects.

                         The following project teams were financially aided

                                                              “Segregation Of Arecanuts Using Image Processing
     Low Cost IOT Based Smart Plant Phenotyping System
                                                              And Machine Learning” by Krisnamoorthy, Dhavan
           by Ravi Moolya, Shifali, Shweta & Payal.
                                                                        Rao and Fathimathul Zuweriya.

     Women Student who were                        Swetha Sherigar                     Vijayshree
        financially aided                           VIII Semester                      VI Semester

          Office Bearers of the CORE Association for the year 2018-2019

                                          President:         Rupesh Sadanand 		        7CS2
                                          Secretary:         Joswy 			                 7CS1
                                     Vice President:         Shravan Rai 		            5CS2
                                          Treasurer:         Akash S 			               5CS1
                                    Joint Secretary:         Aishwarya 			             3CS1
                              Cultural Coordinators:         • Harshitha M V 		        3CS1
                                                             • SowmyaShree 		          5CS2
                            Technical Coordinators:          Shruthi P Nair 		         5CS2
                               Sports Coordinator:           Pratheek			               5CS2

Final year students
C o mp u t e r s c i e n c e & e n g i n e e r i n g





Advisor                                   Staff Co-ordinator                        Editors:
•   Dr. P V Bhat, HOD, CSE.               •   Ashwin Kumar M,Sr. Asst. Prof., CSE   •   Supriya C M, final year
                                                                                    •   Shrirathna Jois, 3rd year
CORE Staff Co-ordinator                   Designed by:
•   Sunil Kumar S, Sr. Asst. Prof., CSE   •   Adarsh Revankar, 3rd year             •   Abigal Sharal M, 2nd year

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