Christmas Message 2020 - Ballinlough Village

Page created by Susan Fernandez
Christmas Message 2020 - Ballinlough Village
Christmas Message 2020
It is now more that twenty years since I arrived in
                                                                                             Photo: Lisa Anne Campbell

                                                           resources we have. Some new families have settled in
                                                           the area, it would be pleasing if there was more
                                                           employment and more families could settle locally.
                                                           I must compliment all the different organisations who
Ballinlough and took up duties as Parish Priest. Being a
                                                           are active in the parish community. Each one of them
Parish Priest was new to me then. I am well acquainted
                                                           plays their part, without these organisations our
with the role now. So as Christmas draws near I
                                                           community would be all the poorer for that.
extend warm Christmas greetings to all the people of
the community of the ancient parish of Kiltullagh.
                                                           Especially I want to complement Enterprise Kiltullagh
                                                           for all the efforts it makes and all the work it has done
I pray and wish God’s blessing and the blessing of
                                                           to improve the area and all its facilities. We are
Christmas on all of you. May the peace of Christmas
                                                           grateful for all the efforts Enterprise Kiltullagh have
with health and happiness be God’s gift to you.
                                                           made. May they reap the rewards of the labour.
May that peace be in all your homes and among all the
                                                           On a personal note I must thank the many people who
members of your families.
                                                           help me with the affairs of the local churches of the
This Christmas will certainly be a different kind of
                                                           parish. Not so long ago there were three active priests
Christmas. As they say so much has changed.
                                                           in this parish, now there is one – and the future is very
We all used to enjoy freedom of movement,
                                                           uncertain. Without the help of so many skilled and
unrestricted social gatherings, pilgrimages,
                                                           generous people it would be impossible for me to
participation in public worship at mass and the
                                                           continue on. Even the care of all the building take up
sacraments, regular visits to family and friends.
                                                           so much time. Your help is very much appreciated.
People especially miss the traditional Irish funeral.
                                                           I thank you all for your help and kindness.
We always bid farewell to our loved ones so well.
Now there are many restrictions, as a result loneliness
                                                           Our local school Carrick N.S. now has all modern and
and a feeling of isolation have become common place.
                                                           up to dat e facilities. The school looks so well with its
This pandemic has presented us with many challenges.
                                                           parking facilities. Our sincere thanks to all who worked
                                                           so hard on this undertaking.
In spite of all the challenges that life today puts be-
                                                           Finally, I again congratulate and compliment
fore us, we must continue on. There is always the past,
                                                           Enterprise Kiltullagh for all they do.
the present and the future. Christmas seems to join all
three together. Christmas certainly is a time when we
                                                           I welcome home those who have come to spend
look back. The older we get the more we tend to look
                                                           Christmas in the parish. May your stay be a happy one.
back. The past has so many memories for us, some
                                                           I welcome new people to the parish and I sympathise
joyful, others that bring sadness. At Christmas we think
                                                           with all you who have lost a loved one.
of all the people we spent Christmas with, some of
                                                           May Gods comfort be with you.
them are no longer with us.
                                                           A Happy Christmas and best wishes
As we look to the future, let us look with confidence
                                                           to you all for the new year.
and hope. Sport is going well in community and there
                                                           Fr. Joe
seems to be an enthusiasm for developing the natural
Christmas Message 2020 - Ballinlough Village
A word from Enterprise Kiltullagh                           particular the very welcome development of our beau-
                                                            tiful amenity that is Lough O Flynn, well done to all

                                                            Through a spirit of volunteerism and commitment we
                                                            endeavour to make our community a better place for
                                                            all. As sponsor of the Community Employment Scheme
                                                            I would like to thank CE manager Ciaran
                                                            Grogan and his team for their work throughout the
As we near the end of another successful year, Enter-       year as they support many clubs and organisations in
prise Kiltullagh is delighted to publish this commu-        the area
nity newsletter. We would like to thank all those who
contributed articles and photographs and we hope
the newsletter will bring you up to date on the many
positive developments in our area.
Despite the pandemic, 2020 has been a very busy
year for the board of Enterprise Kiltullagh. News
that we had been granted funding from the Leader
programme to develop the premises formerly known
as Connelly’s Bar and Lounge into a digital hub, was
very welcome. This building had lain idle and unused
for many years. Enterprise Kiltullagh purchased the
building from the receiver where it had been for sale
many years. This premises had many incarnations
over the years. In the eighties and nineties, it was
running as a public house and dancing venue. Many
locals will have happy memories of great nights in
The Lake and Lantern. The new incarnation for this
building will be a digital hub. It will contain eight to
ten hot desks which will enable people who travel
long distances to work or who have to work remotely
due to the pandemic, to rent a hot desk for a day, a
week or more long term and work from a comforta-
ble modern facility in Ballinlough. It will also house
a modern conference centre encompassing all the fa-
cilities for remote conferencing or for smaller groups
to meet.
We are currently at an advanced stage of the reno-
vation process and as I write preparations are un-
derway for the installation of the new windows. Now
finally, the local community will see evidence of the
progress, the result of many long hours of voluntary
work. We plan to be in a position to formally launch
the facility in the very early new year and at this point
welcome expressions of interest from those interest-
ed in availing of the facility.

I would like to sincerely thank our subcommittee            Thanks also to Joe Cullen and the RSS team for their
Fergal Coyle, Gerry Markham and Michael McGreal             work during the year..
for their time and commitment to seeing this project        Finally, on behalf of the Directors of Enterprise
through to fruition. I would also like to thank             Kiltullagh I would like to wish a happy and safe
Niall Towey for his IT support and indeed his work          Christmas to everyone in our community and
compiling this newsletter.                                  best wishes for health and happiness in 2021.

I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge        Yvonne Ryan, Chairperson.
the other ongoing work in our local community, in
Christmas Message 2020 - Ballinlough Village
Looped Walks
2020 saw more people than ever use our Looped Walks,
The Lake O Flynn loop and the longer Wild Goose Walk
and the short loop incorporating the Board Walk. It
was a great avenue of escape from the COVID-19 Lock-
down for the locals and visitors from further afield. It
provides plenty of space for distancing, beautiful scen-
ery and plenty of fresh air. The flora and fauna of the
area is rich in variety.

                                                           Enterprise Kiltullagh
                                                           Community Employment Scheme
                                                           What a year 2020 has been. The year of the covid
                                                           pandemic. Through this year we have seen local com-
                                                           munities rally together, and show the importance of
                                                           community spirt. There has being a major re-think in
                                                           peoples mind of the benefits of living in rural Ireland.
                                                           There are great voluntary organisations in every village
                                                           Gorthaganny, Cloonboniffe, Ballinlough, and Cloonfad.
                                                           Great work has been carried out in the past and new
                                                           projects are on-going. These projects all enhance and
                                                           benefit our local area.
                                                           I would ask everybody to support then because “It is
                                                           not who gets it done but that it gets done that’s im-
                                                           The local Community Employment Scheme is there to
                                                           assist, if it is possible to do so. Yet again I want to
                                                           express my gratitude to the local committees we work
The walks are maintained by the Enterprise Kiltullagh
                                                           This year was difficult for everybody. However, the CE
Community Employment Scheme and their work is
                                                           participants throughout the country got on with it.
much appreciated. The Rural Social Scheme added the
                                                           They worked in small pods, kept all essentials going
extra length of boardwalk over the wettest section of
                                                           throughout i.e., meals on wheels, caretaking, cleaning
the walk. Well done to Ciaran and his team and to Joe
                                                           roles, administration also. Club and leisure facilities
and his crew. Earlier this year the walks were inspect-
                                                           were enhanced and maintained through the year also.
ed by a representative of Sport Ireland (The nation-
                                                           I would like to thank them for there commitment in
al body responsible for all Looped Walks nationwide),
                                                           the most testing of times.
and scored in the high nineties in all categories. This
                                                           Your work sometimes goes under the radar but hope-
inspection is necessary for inclusion in the national
                                                           fully people will realise now, the beautiful villages and
register of walks. Any suggestions for improvements to
                                                           amenities wouldn’t be in the condition they are with-
this facility will be welcome.
                                                           out the work you do.
Litter continues to be a concern.
It is very difficult to understand people who would
                                                           Also, to Enterprise Kiltullagh for sponsoring the
spoil such a beautiful place by leaving their rubbish
                                                           scheme voluntary.
after them. PLEASE PLEASE bring your litter home.
Recently, we have been given a quarterly donation for
                                                           Finally, to all CE participants and you
the upkeep of the walks from McDon Peat, the compa-
                                                           the local community, I wish you all
ny that is extracting peat from the local bog. We thank
                                                           a safe and happy Christmas.
them for this generous gesture.
We hope to see many locals and visitors use the fa-
                                                           Ciaran Grogan
cility over the Christmas period. Stay safe, keep your
distance and have a great Christmas and New Year.
Gerry Markham
Christmas Message 2020 - Ballinlough Village
Carrick National School                                  and science. We are also very careful making sure we
                                                         wash our hands properly and hand sanitise during the
                                                         day and staying in our pods in class. The pupils are
                                                         doing extremely well and we are very proud of them.
                                                         We were delighted that our 3rd class pupils were able
                                                         to make their First Holy Communion in September. It
                                                         was a very different but very special occasion.
                                                         Thanks to Canon Joe Feeney, our 3rd and 4th class
                                                         teacher, Mr. Dunleavy and our 1st and 2nd class teach-
                                                         er, Mrs. Kenny for all their hard work and dedication in
                                                         making sure this special sacrament took place safely.
                                                         For Halloween, we dressed up in our scary costumes.
                                                         A great day was had by all!

The start of 2020 was a very special one at Carrick      In November we held our first assembly of the year
National School as the ten members of our Car Park       outside in our beautiful new Car Park. As part of this
Steering Committee, made up of parents, teachers         assembly we remembered all the people who have
and Board of Management Members, along with the          died within our school community, especially our pu-
Aisling Duggan Memorial Fund, achieved their goal        pil, Aisling Duggan, and our parents, Brídann Keane
of making Carrick N.S. a safer place by overseeing the   and Anne Grogan. We ended our assembly with the
construction and opening of the Aisling Duggan Car       children singing “Over the Rainbow” reflecting Aisling’s
Park. Sincere thanks to the Duggan Family for their      love of rainbows. We are now in the build up to Christ-
generosity in giving their time and effort to make       mas and the children are getting very excited for this
this project happen. Many thanks to every parent and     lovely time of year. We wish you all a very happy and
local community member, near and far, who helped         safe Christmas.
out by donating financially or by giving their time to
the landscaping and putting the final touches to the     Nollaig Shona daoibh go léir agus athbhliain
Car Park, making our Car Park a beautiful space in our   faoi mhaise daoibh ó gach duine anseo i mBunscoil
school which will ensure the safety of our children      na Carraige.
for many years to come. We will be eternally grateful.

From March onwards school life in Carrick N.S. be-
came very different as we went online doing all our
lessons and school work on Seesaw, a website for pu-
pils and teachers to complete and share their work.
Parents, pupils and teachers did extremely well, as
this was a very new experience for everyone.

Since September we are delighted to be back in
school with our pupils. We are busy catching up and
revising our English, Irish, maths, history, geography
Christmas Message 2020 - Ballinlough Village
Christmas Message 2020 - Ballinlough Village
Ballinlough National School 2020                            time outside whatever the weather. We also envisage
                                                            using the space as an outdoor classroom. The versatile
                                                            school benches which we purchased four years ago
                                                            will have found yet another use as they can easily be
                                                            moved outside when we are using our new space.

                                                            From mid September we enjoyed having one of our
                                                            past pupils, who is currently in Transition Year in Bally-
                                                            haunis, back at the school as we facilitated some work
                                                            experience for her.
It seems an understatement to say that 2020 has been
an unusual year. Last January we could never have im-       We congratulate Ed Smyth on his recent ordination
agined what lay ahead and here at Ballinlough               and look forward to him being able to make his regular
National School we began the new term as usual.             visits to the school again.
During January and February the playschool children
paid us a visit, Church members Ed Smyth and Damian         We have very much enjoyed having occasional on-line
Shorten paid us their usual visits and we welcomed          assemblies with Damian Shorten and look forward to
back one of our past pupils, a recent graduate of NUIG,     being able to see him again in person.
for some work experience with us.
                                                            In early October, we were contacted by the producers
During the first week of March we participated in           of the RTE After School Hub programme. We sub-
Engineering Week activities and the senior children         mitted a number of short video clips made by the
each built a remote control model. On 5th March             children regarding what they like to do after school.
we celebrated World Book Day and enjoyed a writing          There was great excitement when the clips subse-
workshop at the school with author, Ian Jackson. On         quently featured on the show. We continue to have
Tuesday, 10th March, we travelled to the Museum of          regular contact with one of the producers and will
Country Life to view the exhibits and to participate in     continue to send them material.
a fantastic bi-lingual circus workshop, which was fol-      Before mid-term we held a fund raising day in aid of
lowed by a trip to the bowling alley. Then, on Thursday,    the Roscommon Family Resource Centre.
12th March everything changed.                              We participated in Science Week activities as usual
                                                            this year between the 9th and 13th of November.
We re-opened our doors in September and were all
delighted to be back, if not quite to normal, at least to   Rather than cancel this year’s Christmas Concert
the new version of normal. The children were brilliant      we decided to film our show (A Christmas Carol by
and adjusted to any changes we had to implement very        Charles Dickens) scene by scene at various locations
quickly and very well.                                      in and around the school. The experience of working

We continued our participation in the “Mile with a
Smile” initiative and on 7th September, Frank Greal-
ly arranged to walk past the school as he began his
awareness and fundraising journey. His aim was to
walk the 200km journey to Dublin over the course of
12 days having left his starting point in Ballyhaunis
earlier that morning. A group of supporters accom-
panied him and he made time to explain to us what
he was doing and also thank us for our support. He
encouraged us to keep walking a mile with a smile
every day, outlining the health benefits to the children.
We wished him well and were able to cheer and wave
him off as the group continued on the first leg of their

Covid-19 prompted us to order something that has
long been missing from the school, an outdoor shel-
ter and as I write, we are eagerly awaiting the arrival
of the workmen to erect it. It will enable us to have
Christmas Message 2020 - Ballinlough Village
with this new format for our show was hugely enjoya-        regarding a bigger premises in Ballinlough, which is
ble for us all. We hope that our parents and friends of     currently owned by HSE, but is surplus to requirements.
the school are enjoying watching it as we release it
to them scene by scene over the course of December.         Unfortunately, Covid19 has put a halt on proceedings
                                                            as the HSE are holding onto to all surplus properties
                                                            during the Covid19 crisis. We are still hopeful that
Over the past few years we have attended a number           progress will be made next year and that we will ac-
of performances by the West Midlands Theatre Com-           quire this property which would provide more child-
pany. Of course they cannot take their show on the          care spaces and an afterschool facility. We are contin-
road this year but we are more than happy to be able        uing to ensure that the children will enjoy a full and
to offer them our support by linking up to their virtu-     active programme, despite all the restrictions. We con-
al pantomime, “Cinderella” later this month.                tinue to adhere the Aistear and Highscope curriculums,
Our pupils are beginning to get excited about Christ-       which work hand in hand, offering a range of learning
mas now that we are in December. We have purchase           opportunities, through play, while following the Siol-
each of them an annual from Folens who are cele-            ta framework, in everything we do. We put huge im-
                                                            portance on parental involvement and try to share as
brating their 50th year of publishing Christmas an-
                                                            much as we can with parents, with daily pictures of
nuals. We feel it is a publication and tradition worth      children’s activities and learning experiences.
We look forward to being able to continue our work          This year we are unable to make some of our usual
at the school in 2021.                                      trips but we are hopeful that Santa might call to our
                                                            outdoor gazebo one of the days. We also hope to put
Happy Christmas, Geraldine and Tara                         on a little Christmas show which we will video and
                                                            share with all the parents. We have had a challeng-
                                                            ing year but have received lots of support from staff,
                                                            parents, people in the community and our local Child-
                                                            care Committee, for which we are very grateful. ‘Our
                                                            Mission Statement is to provide a quality, pleasant,
                                                            safe and stimulating childcare environment, which is
                                                            conducive to care and learning for children’s holistic

                                                            Social integration will be encouraged for all children,
                                                            including children with additional needs and of ethnic
                                                            diversity and we will work in partnership with parents
                                                            and the community to achieve this’. Christmas is all
                                                            about new hopes and full of surprises. May your life be
                                                            filled with light and hope and love, luck and happiness.
                                                            Sending you the warmest hugs from the heart of our
                                                            community, our lovely children

                                                            – Love and Blessings for Christmas and the New Year.
Jack and Jill Community Playgroup
Our playgroup was delighted to open our doors in late
August after the long covid break. The children were
excited to meet all their friends again and fell into the
routine of the new restrictions and protocols and
returned to school with a wealth of knowledge about
the virus and the new normal. It always amazes me
how quickly young children learn new routines.
Myself and the staff were delighted to welcome back
all the children, and with the help of government fund-
ing were able to put new measures in place to ensure
everyone’s safety. We have been going from strength
to strength over the past number of years and have a
full house this year, with full numbers for September
2021 and big numbers for 2022. Unfortunately, we can
only accommodate 22 children and we are very con-
cerned about the lack of spaces for childcare in the
area. We have been trying to negotiate with HSE and
Roscommon County Council over the past 18 months
Christmas Message 2020 - Ballinlough Village
Michael Glaveys GAA Club in 2020                           diate All Ireland Final but of course due to Covid have
                                                           not been able to play the final against Na Fianna from
                                                           Dublin, while the adult ladies rounders team retained
This year started off like any other, teams heading back   their senior status. Pride of place must go to our u12
to training in January in preparation for league games     girls who defeated Kilbride to win the county final!
in February or March, however before many of our           Well done and massive thanks to all our players and
teams even had the chance to play a match the GAA,         management teams for all their hard work and dedi-
like most sections of the country, had to close their      cation and to all parents/guardians who support their
doors and wait for lockdown to be over.                    children every step of the way.
While this was a strange time for many in GAA circles      2020 marks 50 years since our club won the men’s in-
with no training or matches to attend, many in Glaveys     termediate league and championship in 1970, this was
made the most of our free time. Our ladies and men’s       a very successful team in our club history. In September
adult teams, along with some of their management,          the club also remembered the centenary of the death
took on a fundraiser for the youth mental health char-     of our namesake, Michael Glavey, during the burning
ity Jigsaw Roscommon, “A Marathon a day for seven          of the RIC barracks in Ballinlough. In November the
days”, each day a group of runners completed 7km each      GAA community as a whole commemorated the tragic
to equal the marathon distance. The support for the        events of Bloody Sunday 1920, when 14 people went
fundraiser was incredible with €4845.74 raised after       to a match in Croke Park and never returned home.
“GoFundMe” fees were removed, the club rounded up
this figure so that €5000 was donated to Jigsaw. Thank     During the summer lots of work was going on down at
you to everyone who took part in the fundraiser and        the centre, we were very lucky to receive a Leader grant
supported such a worthy organisation.                      which allowed us to complete much needed upgrades
                                                           to the building to secure it for future generations.
In June we received the news many were delighted           Things like all new windows and doors, electrical and
to hear, that GAA training and matches could recom-        safety upgrades, painting inside and out, upgrades to
mence. In order for this to happen we had to en-           the roof, sanding, polishing and relining the floor in
sure correct sanitising measures were in place, rotas      the indoor hall, and a new link between the gym and
for pitch use, and make sure that all managers and         the indoor hall. The club must provide 25% of the total
players had completed Covid awareness training and         cost of the project, in order to assist with this, we have
health questionnaires. A huge thank you must go to         launched a fundraising raffle online via iDonate, the
all the Covid Supervisors, team managers, players and      prize is €2,021 for the new year 2021.
parents/guardians for doing all of this to keep us safe    So far, we have received great support but we still have
while training and playing.                                a long way to go and every little helps, tickets cost €20
                                                           for 1 or 3 for €50. We are also doing bonus draws as
Just as crowds were getting excited to be able to go       part of the raffle, our first bonus draw winner was Ru-
and watch our teams playing, we hit another bump in        arai Comer, enjoy spending your €50 One4All Voucher!
the road- crowd restrictions. At first it was manage-      As with any building or sports complex we know there
able, 200 in the ground at any one time, this meant        is much more still to do and there will always be more
approximately 50 spectators, but soon no spectators        improvements which need to be made, this is just the
were allowed at all. Technology came in useful here as     start of future proofing the facility for the community
many games were live streamed, but for many people         and Glaveys players of the future.
“nothing beats being there”. Underage teams were al-
lowed one parent per player which made things a little     After a very strange and sometimes difficult year, the
easier for them.                                           club would again like to thank all the many people
                                                           who have supported us and we want to wish all of our
Despite all the difficulties, many of our teams had very   members and players, and the wider community a safe
successful campaigns, our ABCs (u6s) programme was         and healthy Christmas, and best wishes for a hopeful
brilliant with large numbers attending each week, ex-      and prosperous New Year 2021.
cellent work was also done as always, with our u8 and
u10 boys and girls, for these young age groups it is       Sinéad Garvey,
all about the fun and participation. Our adult men’s       Secretary Michael Glaveys GAA Club
team retained senior status, our adult ladies reached
the county semi-final but lost out to St. Faithleachs,     Michael Glaveys Rounders Teams 2020
our u12 boys reached the summer league and Keenan
cup semi-finals but lost out in both, our u14 boys com-    Well the year started in February with a few gentle
bined team reached the county final but due to Covid       warmup sessions in the gym, just to get everyone
never got to play it, similarly our u16 and minor boys’    back to training. But after the 12th March training was
teams combined with Éire Óg reached quarter and            stopped and it looked like the season would not take
semi-finals, our u14 girls reached the county semi-fi-     place.
nal but lost out to Kilbride, while our u16 girls were     Just as the sun was shining in late June the news came
very unlucky not to win the county final after an ex-      through that there would be a rounders season, albeit
cellent match against St. Croans, our minor girls start-   a reduced season, with our first match taking place on
ed training with great numbers attending but unfor-        the 3rd August.
tunately Covid cut their season short with no games
going ahead.                                               Due to a good season last year our Ladies team were
                                                           ranked in the senior league. This was then split into 2
The adult mixed Rounders team reached the interme-
Christmas Message 2020 - Ballinlough Village
groups containing 4 teams each, meaning we had only
3 games to play. The top 2 teams would play against
                                                           Lough Harps Youths 2020 Season
the top 2 from the other group in the semi finals and      Under age soccer for Lough Harps started Mid July
the bottom team in both groups would take part in a        2020 a bit later than normal due to the Pandemic.
relegation match, the losing team moving down to the       We had a great and very successful season.- The age
intermediate league in 2021. We first took on Breaffy      groups we had were Under 7s, 9s, 11s and Under 12s.
of Co Mayo, then Barntown Gaels of Wexford and lastly
the current all Ireland champions Glynn Barntown of        Under 7s
Wexford who were bidding for their 5th consecutive         We had a superb season with these young girls and
All Ireland. With 2 loses and 1 win meant we finished      boys some great games against Cloonfad, Dunmore,
3rd in our group thus securing our place in the sen-       Ballymoe and Ballaghdereen. The soccer games were
ior league for 2021. This was a good season for our        entertaining and all the children learnt so much and
team because although we did lose 2 matches they           had great fun.
were close matches and we showed that not only did
we deserve to be in the senior league but also that we     Under 9s
were able to compete at this higher level.                 Europa and Champions teams played some great foot-
                                                           ball, every game they played they improved so much.
Based on last years mixed results from our first season
in the mixed competition our mixed team was ranked         Under 11s
in the intermediate league for 2020. Again this consist-   We had great success in this age group in 2020.
ed of 2 groups with 5 teams per group. After the sea-      Europa Team played some excellent skilful games and
son the top 2 teams would play off in semi finals and      reached the Europa Cup Final on the 18th of Septem-
the winners of these compete for the intermediate All      ber against Shiven Rovers.
Ireland and promotion to the senior league for 2021.       Game started with Lough Harps scoring a goal –
We first competed against Sean Connollys of Longford,      Lough Harps went down 2 goals to 1 but they came
                                                           back very strong scoring an equaliser in the first half.
                                                           Second half Lough Harps scored a penalty to make it 3
                                                           goals to 2, Final score was 4 goals to 2 to Lough Harps
                                                           great achievement. Well done to all involved.

                                                           Champions Team Under 11s
                                                           Champions Team played some great games and
                                                           reached the Shield Quarter Final just losing out to Bal-
                                                           lymoe by a goal.
then our only home game of the season against Ball-
inagore of Westmeath. Then off to Dublin for a double      Under 12s
header against Kevin’s and a second match the same         This was the first year we had this Age Group in Lough
day against Na Fianna. So with 3 wins and 1 draw we        Harps for a number of years and what a great season
finished top of our group and progressed to a semi fi-     we had playing some great games against Castlerea,
nal game against Fenagh of Co Carlow.                      Dunmore, Ballaghaderren and Cloonfad. This team
                                                           reached Premier Division Quarter Final and narrowly
This semi final was played on Oct 4th in the most aw-      lost out to Sky Valley Rovers.
ful cold and very wet weather up in Co Longford. As
it was a semi final match the innings were extended        Lough Harps are hoping to have an Under 14s Team
by 2 so 7 innings were to be played. Michael Glaveys       for 2021 so please spread the word - all players wel-
lead after each innings so after the 6th innings with      come to join this great club..
Michael Glaveys leading by 27 runs Fenagh decided to
bat on their remaining inning finishing the game on a      On behalf of Lough Harps I would like to thank all
score line of Michael Glaveys 40 Fenagh 16. This win       coaches and parents for giving up their time to train
meant we progressed to the intermediate All Ireland        and bring players to games in this very tough year. On
final against Na Fianna of Dublin (a team who we had       behalf of everyone at Lough Harps I would like to wish
already beat in the group stages and who came 2nd in       everyone a safe and happy Christmas.
our initial group) but due to new restrictions this game   Looking forward to 2021 season.
is still pending with no date yet set for this match.

So it all rests on this game now for the Michael glaveys
mixed rounders team. A win means we progress to the
senior league, a defeat and we have to do it all again
next year in the intermediate league. Keep an eye out
on our Facebook page as we’ll post this result when
the game is played
If anyone would like to join our rounders teams then
don’t hesitate to get in touch. There is no pressure to
play in matches as we realise people have lots of other
commitments at the weekends, we are more than
happy for people to come just for the training.
Christmas Message 2020 - Ballinlough Village
Cloonbonniffe 2020
1: Boats at Lake O’Flynn Olivia Vaughan

2: Sunset over Cloonbonniffe Kathleen Wall

3: Sean and Tom Vaughan and Ryan Dunleavy with
Roscommon footballer Conor Cox

4: Siobhan Egan, Dereen worked as a beauty therapist
on board this private yacht Kiss

5: John and Philomena Greene and their children
pictured with Conor Cox and Tighe O’Rourke



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Happy Jacks Market Garden

                                                      Kat’s Flowers
                                                      Thanks to everyone for their
                                                      support in 2020.
                                                      Wishing you and your family
                                                      a Happy Christmas.
The Old Stone House
“Thank you from Ray, Mags & all the team in The Old
Stone House Restaurant Ballinlough for the amazing
support we received this year.”
Kind Regards, Ray & Mags

                                                      Daybreak Ballinlough
                                                      Seasons Greetings from all the Team at Daybreak.
Kiltullagh Parish Church of Ireland
                                                            It is very important for me to acknowledge and thank
We the parishioners of Ballinlough (part of the Ro-         Roscommon Co. Council who has grant aided these
scommon group of parishes) in recent months are de-         It is very important for me to acknowledge and thank
lighted to see the progress of the interior restoration     Roscommon Co. Council who has grant aided these
works taking shape in our church.                           works through the BHIS scheme as our church is a pro-
In 2019 our parish started restoration work which was       tected building and is very old.
urgently needed due to rot and decay in the interior
walls and flooring. They were in a dangerous condition.     Without the funding from the council and the
The first phase of the interior work started on the East    generous contributions from our very loyal
wall and was finished by the end of 2019.                   parishioners along with parish funds we would not
                                                            have been able to carry our this much needed work to
This year 2020 we start-                                    leave the building safe.
ed phase 2 which was
a follow on from last
years work. The old plas-
ter on the walls has all
been removed, then fit-
ted with steel studding,
insulated plasterboard
fitted and then newly
skimmed plaster.

The roof rafters and ceiling boards have been cleaned,
sanded and re-varnished. The walls have been newly
painted, the heating system is back in place and the
new floor is ready to be fitted and varnished. As I write
works are continuing, the seats were all removed from
the church to carry out the work. They will all be sand-    I want to take this opportunity to thank them all and
ed and newly varnished.                                     to those on the sub-committee for the countless hours
                                                            and weekly meeting put into date on site with the
The communion table, communion rails and pulpit was         contractor. Work is progressing really well and as
sent to ICS church furnishers, in Dromod, Co. Leitrim to    Christmas is fast approaching we are very excited to
be professionally restored. This project has been a ma-     be near completion. As covid-19 restrictions is lifted
jor undertaking and as we went forward with works.          we hope to be open on Sunday 20th December and
We had no option but to carry out more works than           Christmas day a service at 12 Noon to celebrate the
was originally anticipated due to the rot and decay         birth of Jesus and to give praise and thanks to God for
which had to be addressed.                                  his many blessings. This church is getting the major
                                                            facelift and care it truly deserves.
This work in due in no small measure to the dedication
of the sub -committee form out select vestry and to the     “To God be the Glory”
knowledge and experience of the building contractor
and his team – Mike Callaghan, Castlerea.                   Martha Cornwall- Secretary Ballinlough Select Vestry
Ballinlough Development Association

Lake O’Flynn holds a special place in the hearts of the
people of Ballinlough. The source of the town’s name
and one of its key attractions; it is a cornerstone of the
town’s amenities. When the committee of Ballinlough
Development Association (BDA) established the jetty
on the lake shore in the nineteen sixties, it established
a facility that served generations of lake users both
from the locality and from overseas.
After fifty years of serving the village, the old jet-
ty structure was showing the effects of time and the         Community Development Council
committee of BDA took the decision to arrange for its
renewal. In 2013, BDA raffled a tractor to fundraise for     Due to the “Lockdown” the CDC were unable to meet to
an initial planning application and an environmental         advance its planning and decision making.
impact assessment survey.                                    However, December is turning out to be a very busy
With an estimated cost of €410,000, securing capi-           month with the launch of the book ;
tal funding was always going to be challenging in a          Ballinlough: Memoirs, Facts and Folklore from the 19th
post-recession environment. In 2018, BDA produced a          and Early 20th Century.
compelling feasibility study that received the support
of Roscommon Leader Partnership, which agreed to             Specifically, the CDC was very active in securing the
provide 75% of the funding for the project. To make up       support of the wider community with An extensive,
the deficit, the committee of BDA have been actively         community wide, social media marketing campaign
fundraising, raffling an ATV in 2019, and while the pan-     Print coverage (in the Roscommon Herald) Delivering
demic of 2020 has temporarily put fundraising on hold,       of books An excellent distribution network via shops
the committee looks forward to the continued support         in Ballyhaunis, Ballinlough, Castlerea and Roscommon.
of the people of the locality.
The project will encompass a floating jetting for boats,     The launch itself is planned for Saturday 12th of De-
a slipway, a playground for children, a fishing stand        cember at 8pm in the Parochial Hall and will be car-
for people of reduced mobility and visitor parking. The      ried out in accordance with social distancing protocols.
committee of BDA hope that the project will be a great       We look forward to seeing you there. All proceeds from
amenity for local people of all ages, while establishing     the book will be donated to the CDC.
Lake O’Flynn as a tourist destination in Ireland’s Hid-      We would also like to take this opportunity to wish
den Heartlands.                                              our ‘Standing Committee’ and wider community a very
As with all works supported by public monies, the con-       happy Christmas. Hopefully the New Year will see
tract for works was put out to tender, and the com-          things improving and that we can all resume normal
mittee were delighted to learn that P. Webster Plant         living again!
& Tool Hire Ltd. was the successful awardee in that
process. A local business with a national presence on
some of the largest construction jobs in the country,
                                                             Ballinlough/Granlahan Community Alert
Philip Webster’s team have brought great expertise to
                                                              The past year is one which we would all like to forget,
the project, something that is evident from the great
                                                             but we won’t forget the loved ones whom we have lost
build quality.
                                                             and the wonderful memories we have . May they all
The project would not have come to life but for the
                                                             rest in peace .
hard work of a dedicated team led Michael Daly, Tony
                                                             However the committee are still here, tg and if any-
Doherty, Joe Garvey and Peter Forde, supported by a
                                                             body needs Panic Buttons installed just contact
committee constituted of Richard and Michaela Sibe-
                                                             John J Cregg / Mary Ruane / Miriam Winston
rry, Mary Lynch, Pat McDonnagh and Anthony Doherty.
Special thanks are due also to Amanda Mee of Roscom-
                                                             The criteria is still the same .Applicant must be over
mon Leader Partnership for her support of the project;
                                                             65 living alone or with another dependent person.
to architect Stephen Blake for his design and project
                                                             The equipment is free ,and monitoring is free for the
management; and to Philip Webster and his team for
                                                             first year .The Scheme is funded by the Department of
their exceptional work.
                                                             Community and Local Government
Anthony Doherty, December 2020
                                                             Nollaig shona dhuit , Agus fanacht sabhailte
                                                             Miriam Winston
Supporting People with Special Needs                        We extend our sympathy to Phil Kelly on the death of
                                                            her husband, Robert, R.I.P and our best wishes go out
-Kiltullagh Branch                                          to Phil herself who is recovering from recent surgery.
Kiltullagh Branch, like all supporting groups, has expe-    Phil has been a very active Branch member for many
rienced a year like no other since it’s inception in Sep-   years and has collected a hugh amount of money. We
tember 1976. We are deeply saddened by the fact that        pray that God will reward Phil now for her great ded-
services have been seriously disrupted by the events        ication and kindness. We remember also Frances For-
of 2020, due to covid 19. This pandemic has affected        ster on the death of her husband Tommy R.I.P. Frances
all of our lives but has been overwhelming for many         is daughter of the late Peggy Henley and she has con-
people with Special Needs. We hope and pray that the        tinued to support Kiltillagh Branch through the years.
longed for vaccination will arrive very soon and enable     We offer our sincere sympathy to all of you, our dear
usual services to resume.                                   friends and supporters on the loss of your loved ones.
Despite all the havov Kiltullagh Branch has received        It is the spirit of families like the Dohertys, The Kellys
substantial support in 2020. Although monthly meet-         and the Foresters that keeps Kiltullagh Branch func-
ings have been cancelled since March the monthly 300        tioning in a very successful way through 44 years. We
Club Draw took place successfully. Our sincere thanks       are greatly indebted to you all.
to all the people who participate in the Draw and to
our collectors. Profit from the 300 Club Draw for 2019      We wish Michael Greally, of Roscara Services health
was €3890. Our thanks also to the shops who are cur-        and happiness on his retirement. Best wishes to Hel-
rently selling Christmas Cards: Daybreak and O’O’Con-       en Waldron who retired recently. Michael has always
nors Ballinlough and Cloonfad P.O. and O ‘Malleys,          been a great support to us in organising various events
Cloonfad. Cards sell @ €2 a pack and are very good          and Helen has been a constant supporter of Kiltullagh
value. We thank The Griffen Inn, Cloonfad for a dona-       Branch through the years.
tion of €105 and Eileen Gillen, The Tap, Ballinlough for    Two of our members had very significant birthdays
€120.11. We received individual donations, during the       during 2019. We wish Mary Morris and Seamus Sloyan
year amounting to €206. We thank all of you sincerely       many happy returns. Mary followed on the Campbell
for your continued support.                                 family support on her return to Ballinlough. Seamus
                                                            has been a Kiltullagh Branch member and a member
In 2019 we sent €10,000 to the County Association.          of the County Roscommon Association for many years.
This Association, in conjunction with the Brothers of       Well done to both of you and we look forward to many
Charity, provide services for children and adults in Co.    more years of working together.
Roscommon. Our Kiltullagh Branch began in Septem-           Congratulations to Mary and Seamus Birmingham and
ber 1976 with two objectives in mind. These objectives      to Teresa and Eddie Birmingham who were 50 years
have not changed since; they are: (1) to raise as much      married this year. Both Mary and Teresa have been Kil-
money as possible to finance and develop the servic-        tullagh Branch members since we began in 1976. We
es and (2) to constantly create awareness of the great      wish continued good health and happiness to both
abilities of People with Special Needs, but these abili-    families.
ties are realised only by proper care and guidance giv-     From all Kiltullagh Branch members we wish you all
en by people specialised in this area.                      a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy 2021
We continue to support St Michael’s Special School.         Branch Officers:
Sadly, their Nativity Play cannot happen this year. We      Chairperson:Eileen Brennan
also support the Sunflower Garden in Roscommon.             Vice Chairperson:John Ryan, Secretary:Mary Caulfield
Some of the people being supported continue to work         Joint Treasurers:Teresa Hebron/Margaret Mc Guire
there every week as this enterprise is outdoor. The at-
mosphere, surroundings and the great variety of work
carried out in the garden is very impressive and every-
body is very happy there. Sadly the Social Farming Pro-
ject could not continue this year but hopefully it will
resume in 2021.This scheme has proved very beneficial
and fulfilling to the participants who take part in it.
Our Summer outing and our Christmas dinner with our
friends from Roscara Services cannot happen this year
due to restrictions but we will be hopeful for 2021!

2020 brought sadness to Kiltullagh Branch. Our very         Kiltullagh branch members Mary Caulfield, Teresa He-
loyal Branch member Sheila Doherty died recently.           bron, Mary Birmingham, Margaret Mc Guire, Teresa Bir-
We will always miss Sheila for her encouragement            mingham celebrating with Mary and Seamus in the Árd
and support. We wish her the joy of Heaven. May she         Rí Hotel, Tuam in February this year.
R.I.P. Our deep sympathy goes out to all her family and
friends and especially to her son Declan who attends
our meetings. May God comfort all of you in your grief.
The year gone by in Gorthaganny
1: 28th December ‘19 - First Social Event in newly
refurbished Marian Hall

2: 24th June - Remembering the late Dermot Earley
DSM on 10th Anniversary of his death.

3: October Project - Sports Capital Programme funded
purchase of Kayaks and upgrade of Errit Lodge
Walking track

4: Errit Lodge looking spectacular during summer

5: November - Broadband Hub opened in Marian Hall
and Gorthaganny Community Development Bonus
Ball Lotto Draw launched.


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Mushroom “village”

                         Hazel Woods

O Sullivan Beara Way:
Loughlynn -Ballinlough

Hawthorn In Bloom

                         Silver Birch Bark

                         Wild Cherry
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