China Railway Signal & Communication Corporation Limited* -

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      China Railway Signal & Communication Corporation Limited*
               (A joint stock limited liability company incorporated in the People ’s Republic of China)
                                               (Stock Code: 3969)

                         ANNOUNCEMENT ON BID-WINNING OF

This announcement is made by China Railway Signal & Communication Corporation Limited* (the
“Company”) pursuant to Rules 13.09 and 13.10B of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities
on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “Listing Rules”) and the Inside Information
Provisions (as defined in the Listing Rules) under Part XIVA of the Securities and Futures
Ordinance (Chapter 571 of the Laws of Hong Kong).

In May and June 2021, the Company has totally been awarded twelve important projects in rail
transit market, among which, six important projects are acquired from the railway market, namely
the weak current system integration project in respect of the newly-built Guangzhou (Xintang)-
Shanwei Railway (the “Guangzhou-Shanwei High-speed Railway”) with a tender amount of
RMB549 million; the project of signaling, communications and information system for the Stara
Pazova (excluded)-Novi Sad (excluded) section of the Hungary-Serbia Railway in Serbia with
a tender amount of RMB299 million; the subcontracting project communications, signaling,
information and electric power construction for the Lianjie-Leshan Line of a newly-built local
railway with a tender amount of RMB210 million; the four-power system integration and related
engineering self-purchase materials procurement negotiation (track circuit) project in respect of
the newly-built Fuzhou-Xiamen Railway with a tender amount of RMB136 million; the capacity
expansion and renovation project of Zhunchi Railway Wochang Station of the Xinshuo Railway
with a tender amount of RMB110 million; the self-closing upgrading and renovation and other
construction projects of the second tender section in respect of the Shuohuang Railway section
under the open tender for the seventh batch of large and medium-sized maintenance engineering
projects of the Shuohuang Railway in 2020 with a tender amount of RMB106 million; and six
important projects are acquired from the urban rail transit market, namely the Shanghai Rail
Transit Lines 3/4 signal system upgrading and renovation integrated project with a tender amount
of RMB1.0 billion; the signaling, integrated monitoring and other weak current system installation
engineering projects in respect of the Shenzhen Rail Transit Line 12 PPP project with a tender
amount of RMB259 million; the communication system procurement and installation project in
respect of the trains, control system and overall rail modernization project of the Mexico City
Public Transport System Line 1 with a tender amount of RMB243 million; the signal system
equipment procurement project in respect of the Shenzhen Metro Line 6 branch line and its second
phase project with a tender amount of RMB158 million; the signal and AFC system installation
project in respect of the first phase project of the Wenzhou Municipal Railway S2 line with a
tender amount of RMB133 million; the 01 section project of the weak current system installation
and construction in respect of the first phase project of the Luoyang Urban Rail Transit Line 2 with
a tender amount of RMB132 million.

Details of the projects awarded are hereby announced as below:


                                  Project One                       Project Two                        Project Three

     I.   General information

          1. Name of the project The Guangzhou-Shanwei High- The project of signaling,                 The subcontracting project of
                                     speed Railway                      communications and                communications, signaling,
                                                                        information system for the        information and electric
                                                                        Stara Pazova (excluded)-          power construction for the
                                                                        Novi Sad (excluded) section       Lianjie-Leshan Line of a
                                                                        of the Hungary-Serbia             newly-built local railway
                                                                        Railway in Serbia
          2. Bid originator      China Railway Guangzhou Group China Railway International             Sichuan Railway Construction
                                     Co., Ltd.                          Co., Ltd.* (中國鐵路國際有                Co., Ltd.
                                                                    China Communications
                                                                        Construction Company
          3. Tender amount       5.49                               2.99                               2.10
             (RMB100 million)
          4. Overview of the     The newly-built section of the The Stara Pazova (excluded)-           The main line of the project
             project                 Guangzhou-Shanwei High-            Novi Sad (excluded)               is 123.079 km long,
                                     speed Railway project is           section of the Hungary-           starting at Lianjie Station
                                     202.763 km long in total           Serbia Railway in Serbia          in Weiyuan County,
                                     and the designed running           i s 44 k m l o n g w i t h a      Neijiang City, passing
                                     speed of the line is 350 km/       total of 4 stations and 1         through Renshou County
                                     h. The line will be equipped       line station, and will be         in Meishan City, as
                                     with the CTCS-3 level high-        equipped with the ETCS-           well as Jingyan County,
                                     speed train operation control      2 level train control system      Wutongqiao District,
                                     system. The Company                standard. The Company             Shizhong District and
                                     will be responsible for the        will be responsible for the       Shawan District in Leshan
                                     equipment procurement and          equipment procurement and         City, with Shijing Station,
                                     system debugging and other         system integration including      Wangyang Station, Jingyan
                                     system integration works           system debugging for all the      Station, Mata Station,
                                     for all engineering such as        signaling, communications,        Leshan Port Station and
                                     the communications and             information and other             Taiping Station newly
                                     signaling of the whole line of     aspects of the project,           established along the line,
                                     Guangzhou-Shanwei High-            and will coordinate joint         and ending at Yangang
                                     speed Railway, and will            debugging, trial operation        Station in Emeishan
                                     coordinate joint debugging,        and other tasks.                  City. The Company will
                                     trial operation and other                                            be responsible for the
                                     tasks.                                                               construction, installment
                                                                                                          and system debugging and
                                                                                                          other works for all the
                                                                                                          communications, signaling,
                                                                                                          information, electric power
                                                                                                          and other aspects of the
                                                                                                          project, and will coordinate
                                                                                                          joint debugging, trial
                                                                                                          operation and other tasks.

Project One                   Project Two                     Project Three

II.   Information of the

      1. Name of the          China Railway Guangzhou Group China Railway International Sichuan Railway Construction
         enterprise               Co., Ltd.                     Co.,Ltd.* (中國鐵路國際有          Co., Ltd.
                                                            China Communications
                                                                Construction Company
      2. Nature of the        State-owned enterprise        State-owned enterprise      State-owned enterprise
      3. Legal                Wu Yong                      Ju Guojiang                      Kou Guangming
         representative                                    Wang Tongzhou
      4. Registered capital RMB249,254.03 million          RMB1,200.00 million              RMB1,000.00 million
                                                           RMB16,174.735425 million
      5. Date of            1992-12-05                     2014-12-30                       1993-01-19
         incorporation                                     2006-10-08
      6. Main office        No. 151, Zhongshan 1st Road, No. 10, Fuxing Road, Haidian       N o . 88, W e s t S e c t i o n I I
         location              Yuexiu District, Guangzhou,     District, Beijing                 of Second Ring Road,
                               Guangdong Province          No. 85, Deshengmenwai Street,         Chengdu
                                                               Xicheng District, Beijing
      7. Major shareholders China State Railway Group Co., China State Railway Group Co.,   Sichuan Railway Group Co.,
                               Ltd.                            Ltd.                            Ltd.*(四川省鐵路集團有
                                                           China Communications                限責任公司)
                                                               Construction Group
                                                           HKSCC NOMINEES LIMITED
                                                           China Securities Finance
                                                               Corporation Limited

Project One                     Project Two                   Project Three

8. Principal business Railway passenger and freight Consultation, survey, design Railway works, building works,
                         transportation and related     and construction general      highway works, road traffic
                         services; manufacturing,       contracting of various        works, highway subgrade
                         installation, maintenance      domestic and foreign          works, highway pavement
                         and leasing of railway         projects; undertaking         works, water conservancy
                         transportation equipment,      overseas market operations    and hydropower works,
                         facilities and accessories;    or international tendering    port and waterway works,
                         manufacturing, installation,   projects; undertaking design, port and coast works,
                         maintenance, sales and         construction, transportation  waterway works, river
                         leasing of railway special     and management general        and lake regulation works,
                         equipment and related          contracting of foreign        environmental protection
                         industrial equipment;          economic assistance projects  works, earthwork
                         organization and management    from China; building          engineering services,
                         of railway passenger and       materials, equipment sales    building decoration works,
                         freight transportation,        and other import and          pre-mixed concrete works,
                         technology and other           export operations; foreign    mechanical and electrical
                         industrial development;        investment; passenger         works, bridge works,
                         survey, design, construction   and freight transportation    tunnel works, airport
                         and maintenance of             operation and management      runway works, urban
                         construction projects inside   of related overseas railway   and road lighting works,
                         and outside railways; general  projects.                     foundation works, electric
                         contracting and management                                   power works, railway
                         of projects; engineering General contracting of ports,       electrification works,
                         design; domestic freight       waterways, highways           railway electrical works,
                         forwarding; general freight    and bridges construction      etc.
                         transportation; loading,       projects; engineering
                         unloading and delivering;      technology research and
                         building decoration            consultation; engineering
                         engineering; technology        design, survey, construction,
                         development, transfer, service supervision as well as
                         and consultation in the field  procurement, supply and
                         of railway transportation      installation of related
                         technology; engineering        integrated equipment and
                         management services, etc.      materials.

Project One                        Project Two                       Project Three

III.   Major terms and
          conditions of the
          contract to be

       1. Amount of the    5.49                                  2.99                              2.10
          contract (RMB100
       2. Payment schedule Payments of the project will          Payments of the project will Payments of the project will
                               be made based on upfront             be made based on upfront      be made based on upfront
                               payments, progress payments,         payments, interim payments    payments, progress
                               payments on completion               for each batch and other      payments, payments on
                               and acceptance, warranty             processes.                    completion and acceptance,
                               payments and other                                                 warranty payments and
                               processes.                                                         other processes.
       3. Place of         Within Guangdong Province             Within Serbia                 Within Sichuan Province
       4. Term for         From the signing date of the          From the signing date of the From the signing date of the
          performance          contract to the end of the            contract to the end of            contract to the end of
                               warranty period of the                the warranty period of            the warranty period of
                               project. The project execution        the project. The project          the project. The project
                               cycle is approximately 22             execution cycle is                execution cycle is
                               months, and the warranty              approximately 7 months,           approximately 10 months,
                               period is 12 months, totaling         and the warranty period           and the warranty period
                               34 months.                            is 60 months, totaling 67         is 24 months, totaling 34
                                                                     months.                           months.
       5. Conditions for the The contract shall become           The contract shall become The contract shall become
          contract to take      effective once signed and            effective once signed and         effective once signed and
          effect                affixed with official seals by       affixed with official seals by    affixed with official seals
                                the legal representatives or         the legal representatives or      by the legal representatives
                                authorized representatives of        authorized representatives        or authorized
                                both parties.                        of both parties.                  representatives of both
       6. Contract signing    Guangzhou                          Beijing                            Chengdu

Project Four                 Project Five                 Project Six

I.   General information

     1. Name of the          The four-power system The capacity expansion The self-closing upgrading
        project                 integration and related     and renovation project    and renovation and
                                engineering self-           of Zhunchi Railway        other construction
                                purchase materials          Wochang Station of the    projects of the second
                                procurement negotiation     Xinshuo Railway           tender section in respect
                                (track circuit) project                               of the Shuohuang
                                in respect of the newly-                              Railway section under
                                built Fuzhou-Xiamen                                   the open tender for
                                Railway                                               the seventh batch of
                                                                                      large and medium-
                                                                                      sized maintenance
                                                                                      engineering projects of
                                                                                      the Shuohuang Railway
                                                                                      in 2020
     2. Bid originator       China Railway Construction Shenhua Zhunchi Railway China Energy Shuohuang
                                Electrification Bureau      Company Limited* (神       Railway Development
                                Group Co., Ltd.* (中國        華准池鐵路有限責任公                Co., Ltd.* (國能朔黃鐵
                                鐵建電氣化局集團有限                  司)                        路發展有限責任公司)
     3. Tender amount        1.36                        1.10                      1.06
        (RMB100 million)
     4. Overview of the  T h e m a i n l i n e o f t h e This project is a newly- T h e m a i n l i n e o f t h i s
        project              newly-built Fuzhou-            built LTE broadband       project is 76.8
                             Xiamen Railway is              mobile communication      kilometers long with
                             277.42 kilometers              system for the section    4 stations, namely
                             long, with 7 stations          from Wochang to           Yuanpingnan, Huifeng,
                             on the whole line, 2           Shenchi South Station,    Dongye and Nanwan.
                             new multiple-unit train        covering a railway        The Company will be
                             maintenance stations           length of approximately   responsible for the
                             and 2 new multiple-            59.135 kilometers.        overhaul of the signal
                             unit train storage yards.      The Company will          centralized monitoring
                             The Company will be            be responsible for        system of this project
                             responsible for the            the construction of       and related projects
                             supply of track circuit        the newly-built LTE       such as communications
                             equipment and system           broadband mobile          and power optical cable
                             debugging for this             communication system      relocation.
                             project.                       and supporting machine
                                                            rooms, electricity and
                                                            other related projects
                                                            for this project.

Project Four               Project Five                 Project Six

II.   Information of the

      1. Name of the       China Railway Construction Shenhua Zhunchi Railway China Energy Shuohuang
         enterprise           Electrification Bureau     Company Limited* (神     Railway Development
                              Group Co., Ltd.* (中國       華准池鐵路有限責任公              Co., Ltd.* (國能朔黃鐵
                              鐵建電氣化局集團有限                 司)                      路發展有限責任公司)
      2. Nature of the     State-owned enterprise     State-owned enterprise  State-owned enterprise
      3. Legal              Wan Chuanjun              Zhang Zhiwen                 Ding Maoting
      4. Registered capital RMB3,800.00 million       RMB4,710.00 million          RMB15,231.14905761
      5. Date of           1994-07-21                 2011-10-19                   1998-02-18
      6. Main office        Room 108A8, Building No.73, Shanyang Street,           16th Floor, No.6,
         location              1, Chongxin Building,     Shuozhou (5th Floor,        Caihefang Road,
                               No.3, Xijing Road,        Shanyang Street Sub-        Haidian District,
                               Badachu High-tech         branch of CCB in            Beijing
                               Park, Shijingshan         Shuozhou)
                               District, Beijing
      7. Major shareholders China Railway Construction China Shenhua Energy        China Shenhua Energy
                               Corporation Limited*      Company Limited* (中         Company Limited* (中
                               ( 中國鐵建股份有限公               國神華能源股份有限公                  國神華能源股份有限公
                               司)                        司)                          司)
                                                       Shanxi Jiaochangping        Daqin Railway Co., Ltd.*
                                                         Energy Industries Group     ( 大秦鐵路股份有限公
                                                         Company Limited* (山         司)
                                                         西教場坪能源產業集團                Hebei Construction
                                                         有限公司)                       Investment Transportation
                                                                                     Investment Co., Ltd.* (河

Project Four                    Project Five                   Project Six

8. Principal business C o n s t r u c t i o n g e n e r a l General cargo transportation Coal operation (no physical
                          contracting, professional            by self-built railway,       coal trading, storage
                          contracting, engineering             railway investment and       and transportation
                          technology testing,                  construction; passenger      activities are carried
                          railway transportation               and freight station          out in Beijing); railway
                          equipment maintenance,               services (excluding          transportation of coal
                          electrical equipment                 dangerous goods);            and related products
                          repair, mechanical                   cargo handling services      and other goods;
                          equipment leasing,                   (excluding dangerous         accommodation;
                          technology development,              goods), cargo agency         construction and
                          technical consulting,                and consulting services;     operation of the
                          technical services,                  catering services,           Shuohuang Railway;
                          technology transfer,                 accommodation                railway emergency
                          research and                         services, community          rescue, technology
                          development of special               greening services,           development,
                          railway equipment                    Office building property     technology promotion
                          and accessories,                     management; crop             and technical services
                          urban rail transit                   planting, seedling           in the electronic
                          equipment, electrical                cultivation; sales of        equipment field;
                          signal equipment                     building materials,          technical inspection;
                          and communication                    mining machinery             railway inspection and
                          e q u i p m e n t ;                  accessories, hardware        maintenance (limited
                          manufacturing of special             and electric products        to other cities); railway
                          railway equipment                    and office supplies.         vehicle maintenance
                          and accessories,                                                  (limited to other cities),
                          urban rail transit                                                etc.
                          equipment, electrical
                          signal equipment
                          and communication
                          equipment (limited to
                          engaging in production
                          activities in other
                          cities); sales of special
                          railway equipment
                          and accessories,
                          urban rail transit
                          equipment, electrical
                          signal equipment
                          and communication
                          equipment, etc.

Project Four                      Project Five                     Project Six

III.   Major terms and
         conditions of the
         contract to be

       1. Amount of the      1.36                                  1.10                             1.06
          contract (RMB100
       2. Payment schedule Payments of the project will            Payments of the project Payments of the project
                                be made based on upfront              will be made based      will be made based
                                payments, payments on                 on progress payments,   on upfront payments,
                                delivery and acceptance,              settlement payments,    progress payments,
                                settlement payments,                  warranty payments and   warranty payments and
                                warranty payments and                 other processes.        other processes.
                                other processes.
       3. Place of           Within Fujian Province                Within Shanxi Province           Within Shanxi Province
       4. Term for           From the signing date                 From the signing date of From the signing date
          performance           of the contract to the                the contract to the end             of the contract to the
                                end of the warranty                   of the warranty period              end of the warranty
                                period of the project.                of the project. The                 period of the project.
                                The project execution                 project execution cycle             The project execution
                                cycle is approximately                is 12 months, and the               cycle is approximately
                                30 m o n t h s , a n d t h e          warranty period is 24               18 months, and the
                                warranty period is 24                 m o n t h s , t o t a l i n g 36    warranty period is 24
                                m o n t h s , t o t a l i n g 54      months.                             months, totaling 42
                                months.                                                                   months.
       5. Conditions for the The contract shall become             The contract shall become The contract shall become
          contract to take      effective once signed                 formally effective once             formally effective once
          effect                and affixed with                      signed and affixed with             signed and affixed with
                                contract seals by the                 official seals by the               official seals by the
                                legal representatives or              legal representatives or            legal representatives or
                                authorized representatives            authorized representatives          authorized representatives
                                of both parties.                      of both parties.                    of both parties.
       6. Contract signing Beijing                                 Shuozhou                            Cangzhou


                                 Project Seven               Project Eight                Project Nine

      I.   General information

           1. Name of the        The Shanghai Rail Transit The signaling, integrated T h e c o m m u n i c a t i o n
              project               Lines 3/4 signal           monitoring and other          system procurement
                                    system upgrading and       weak current system           and installation
                                    renovation integrated      installation engineering      project in respect of
                                    project                    projects in respect of the    the trains, control
                                                               Shenzhen Rail Transit         system and overall
                                                               Line 12 PPP project           rail modernization
                                                                                             project of the Mexico
                                                                                             City Public Transport
                                                                                             System Line 1
           2. Bid originator     Shanghai Shentong Metro China Power Construction M É X I C O R A I L W A Y
                                    Group Co., Ltd.* (上海       South Investment Co.,         ENGINEERING
                                    申通地鐵集團有限公司)                Ltd.* (中電建南方建設                TECHNOLOGY,
                                 Shanghai Metro Maintenance    投資有限公司)                       S.A.P.I. DE C.V.(墨西
                                    Support Co., Ltd.* (上海                                   哥鐵路工程技術有限
                                    地鐵維護保障有限公司)                                              公司)
           3. Tender amount      10.00                      2.59                          2.43
              (RMB100 million)
           4. Overview of the  The total length of the The total length of the main The total length of the
              project            main line in this project line in this project is    main line in this
                                 is 62.7 km, with 29       approximately 40.533       project is 18.8 km with
                                 underground stations      km with 33 stations,       20 stations, 1 vehicle
                                 and 17 elevated stations; including 20 transfer      depot; 1 parking lot,
                                 it is equipped with 91    stations. The average      1 control centre and 1
                                 trains/546 vehicles;      distance between           backup control centre.
                                 1 control centre;1        stations is approximately  The Company will be
                                 vehicle depot; 3 parking  1.241 km. The Company      responsible for the
                                 lots; 1 testing line; 1   will be responsible        contracting (including
                                 maintenance centre;       for the installation of    design, supply,
                                 and 1 training centre at  signal system, integrated  installation, testing,
                                 the initial stage of the  monitoring system,         training, trial operation
                                 project. The Company      environment and            and quality assurance)
                                 will be responsible for   equipment monitoring       of communication
                                 signal system upgrading   system, security and       system for the project.
                                 and renovation for the    access control system,
                                 project.                  automatic ticketing
                                                           system and intelligent
                                                           parking lot for the

Project Seven                Project Eight             Project Nine

II.   Information of the

      1. Name of the       Shanghai Shentong Metro China Power Construction M É X I C O R A I L W A Y
         enterprise           Group Co., Ltd.* (上海       South Investment Co.,   ENGINEERING
                              申通地鐵集團有限公司)                Ltd.* (中電建南方建設          TECHNOLOGY,
                           Shanghai Metro Maintenance    投資有限公司)                 S.A.P.I. DE C.V.(墨西
                              Support Co., Ltd.* (上海                             哥鐵路工程技術有限
                              地鐵維護保障有限公司)                                        公司)
      2. Nature of the     State-owned enterprise     State-owned enterprise   –
      3. Legal              Yu Guangyao                 Zhu Ruixi                 Gao Feng
         representative     Zhang Lingxiang
      4. Registered capital RMB272,545 million          RMB1,000 million          MXN50,000
                            RMB50 million
      5. Date of            2000-04-19                  2012-09-17                2021-01-11
         incorporation      2013-07-01
      6. Main office        No.489 Pudian Road, China   Baoyuan Building, Building Mexico
         location              (Shanghai) Pilot Free-      1,Bijiashan Yilan
                               Trade Zone                  Garden, No.2009,
                            Room 1089, No.6, 1st           Shangbu North Road,
                               Floor, Tower B1,            Huafu Street, Futian
                               No.253 Jianguo West         District, Shenzhen
                               Road, Xuhui District,
      7. Major shareholders Shanghai Jiushi (Group)     Power China Railway C R R C Z h u z h o u
                               Co., Ltd.* (上海久            Construction Investment   Locomotive Co., Ltd.*
                               事( 集 團 )有 限 公 司 ) ,        Group Co., Ltd.* (中電      (中車株洲電力機車有
                               Shanghai Chengtou          建鐵路建設投資集團有                限公司)
                               Holding Co., Ltd.* (上      限公司)                    CRRC (Hong Kong) Co.
                               海 城 投( 集 團 )有 限 公        Power Construction          L t d . * ( 中國中車(香
                               司)                         Corporation of China,     港)有限公司)
                            Shanghai Shentong Metro       Ltd.* (中國電力建設股
                               Group Co., Ltd.* (上海       份有限公司)

Project Seven                    Project Eight                     Project Nine

8. Principal business Industrial investment, rail C o n s t r u c t i o n p r o j e c t E n g i n e e r i n g d e s i g n ,
                         transit construction         investment; investment                procurement,
                         management and               and establishment of                  installation,
                         comprehensive                industry; construction                construction,
                         development and              project management;                   maintenance,
                         operation; protection,       c o n s t r u c t i o n               debugging, testing and
                         maintenance and              contracting; technology               defect correction of rail
                         operation of rail transit    development and                       transit.
                         facilities and equipment;    technical consultation;
                         advertising publishing       equipment leasing; sales
                         leveraging one ’ s own       of building materials,
                         media, etc. Operation        instruments, machinery
                         and management of rail       and equipment; product
                         transit facilities and       development, design,
                         equipment; installation,     sales and technical
                         debugging, maintenance,      consulting of new
                         repair and renovation        functional materials
                         services for rail            in the construction
                         transit facilities and       industry; harbor
                         equipment (excluding         construction, coastal
                         special equipment);          dams, ocean tunnel and
                         comprehensive                bridge construction
                         s u p e r v i s i o n ,      m a n a g e m e n t ,
                         monitoring and               technology research
                         guardianship services        and development and
                         and construction             technical consultation;
                         management services          product research
                         for rail transit facilities  and development,
                         and equipment, high-         design, sales, and
                         tech development             technical consultation
                         and operation for            of prefabricated
                         informatization and          components.
                         automation of rail
                         transit facilities and
                         equipment; inspection,
                         leasing and related
                         technical services for
                         dedicated facilities and
                         equipment (excluding
                         special equipment);
                         property management
                         services related to rail
                         transit facilities and
                         equipment and supply of
                         maintenance materials;
                         technical services,
                         technic a l consul t i ng
                         and investment business
                         related to rail transit,
Project Seven                     Project Eight                    Project Nine

III.   Major terms and
         conditions of the
         contract to be

       1. Amount of the      10.00                                 2.59                             2.43
          contract (RMB100
       2. Payment schedule Payments of the project                 Payments of the project Payments of the project
                                will be made based                    will be made based       will be made based
                                on upfront payments,                  on upfront payments,     on upfront payments,
                                progress payments, de-                progress payments,       gate-in payments,
                                vanning payments,                     payments on completion   payments on arrival,
                                settlement payments,                  and settlement, warranty payments on
                                payments on acceptance,               payments and other       preliminary acceptance
                                warranty payments and                 processes.               and other processes.
                                other processes.
       3. Place of           Shanghai                              Shenzhen                         Mexico City, Mexico
       4. Term for           From the signing date                 F r o m t h e s i g n i n g d a t e From the signing date
          performance           of the contract to the                  of the contract to the             of the contract to the
                                end of the warranty                     end of the warranty                end of the warranty
                                period of the project.                  period of the project.             period of the project.
                                The project execution                   The project execution              The project execution
                                cycle is approximately                  cycle is approximately             cycle is approximately
                                30 months, and the                      14 months, and the                 32 months, and the
                                warranty period is 24                   warranty period is 24              warranty period is 24
                                m o n t h s , t o t a l i n g 54        m o n t h s , t o t a l i n g 38   months, totaling 56
                                months.                                 months.                            months.
       5. Conditions for the The contract shall become             The contract shall become The contract shall become
          contract to take      formally effective once                 effective once signed              formally effective once
          effect                signed and affixed with                 and affixed with official          signed and affixed with
                                official seals by the                   seals by both parties.             official seals by the
                                legal representatives                                                      legal representatives
                                or authorized                                                              or authorized
                                representatives of both                                                    representatives of both
                                parties.                                                                   parties.
       6. Contract signing Shanghai                                Shenzhen                              Mexico City, Mexico

Project Ten                   Project Eleven                Project Twelve

I.   General information

     1. Name of the        T h e s i g n a l s y s t e m The signal and AFC system The 01 section project
        Project               equipment procurement         installation project in       of the weak current
                              project in respect of the     respect of the first phase    system installation and
                              Shenzhen Metro Line           project of the Wenzhou        construction in respect
                              6 branch line and its         Municipal Railway S2          of the first phase project
                              second phase project          line                          of the Luoyang Urban
                                                                                          Rail Transit Line 2
     2. Bid originator     Shenzhen Metro Group Co., Wenzhou Suburban Railway L u o y a n g R a i l T r a n s i t
                              Ltd.* (深圳市地鐵集團                Line 2 Project Co., Ltd.*     Group Co., Ltd.* (洛陽
                              有限公司)                         (溫州市域鐵路二號線項                   市軌道交通集團有限責
                                                            目有限公司)                        任公司)
     3. Tender amount      1.58                          1.33                          1.32
        (RMB100 million)
     4. Overview of the The total length of the The total length of the The total length of the
        project           metro line in this        metro line in this project metro line in this
                          project is 11 km, with    is 63.63 km, with 20       project is approximately
                          6 underground stations    stations, including 1      18.22 km, all of which
                          and 1 elevated station;   underground station and    are underground lines,
                          it is equipped with 9     other elevated stations.   w i t h 15 s t a t i o n s , 1
                          trains/54 vehicles; 1     The average distance       vehicle depot and 1
                          control centre; 1 testing between stations is        control centre. The
                          line; 1 maintenance       3.27 km, with 1 control    Company will be
                          centre; and 1 training    centre, 1 vehicle depot,   responsible for the
                          centre at the initial     1 parking lot, 1 testing   installation of weak
                          stage of the project.     line, 1 maintenance        current systems for
                          The Company will be       centre and 1 training      the project, such
                          responsible for ATP/      centre. The Company        as communication,
                          ATO system, ATS           will be responsible for    integrated monitoring,
                          system, CI system,        the installation of signal and automatic fare
                          maintenance and           system and AFC system      collection.
                          monitoring system and     for the project.
                          DCS system for the
                          project, etc.

Project Ten                    Project Eleven                 Project Twelve

II.   Information of the

      1. Name of the          Shenzhen Metro Group Co., Wenzhou Suburban Railway L u o y a n g R a i l T r a n s i t
         enterprise              Ltd.* (深圳市地鐵集團            Line 2 Project Co., Ltd.*    Group Co., Ltd.* (洛陽
                                 有限公司)                     (溫州市域鐵路二號線項                  市軌道交通集團有限責
                                                           目有限公司)                       任公司)
      2. Nature of the        State-owned enterprise    State-owned enterprise       State-owned enterprise
      3. Legal                Xin Jie                        Jin Lin                        Ma Chaoxin
      4. Registered capital   RMB45,943,160,000              RMB220 million                 RMB1,000 million
      5. Date of              1998-07-31                     2017-02-28                     2016-09-27
      6. Main office          F l o o r 2 7 - 3 1 , M e t r o R o o m 1 5 1 7 , F l o o r 1 5 , Floor 23, Bank of Luoyang,
         location                 Building, No.1016,              Wenzhou Rail Transit             No. 256, Kaiyuan
                                  Fuzhong No.1 Road,              Control Center, No.              Avenue, Luolong
                                  Futian District,                2305, Wenzhou Avenue,            District, Luoyang
                                  Shenzhen                        Lucheng District,
                                                                  Wenzhou, Zhejiang
      7. Major                S t a t e - o w n e d A s s e t s Wenzhou Mass T ransi t S t a t e - o w n e d A s s e t s
         shareholders             Supervision and                 Railway Investment               Supervision and
                                  Administration                  Group Co., Ltd.*(溫州              Administration
                                  Commission of the               市鐵路與軌道交通投資                       Commission of
                                  People’s Government of          集團有限公司)                          Luoyang Provincial
                                  Shenzhen Municipal                                               People’s Government
                                                                Wenzhou Rail Transit
                                                                  D e v e l o p m e n t
                                                                  Agricultural Bank Phase I
                                                                  Construction Investment
                                                                  Partnership (Limited
                                                                  Partnership)* (溫州市軌

Project Ten                Project Eleven              Project Twelve

       8. Principal business Construction, operation, Investment, construction, Investment, construction
                               development and             operation and             and operation of
                               comprehensive               management of city        rail transit projects
                               utilization of subway and   railway projects and      (operating with
                               light rail transportation   supporting projects along qualification certificate
                               projects; investment        the line; warehousing     and permits); sale and
                               and establishment of        along the rail line of    lease of rail transit
                               industries (specific        the city, construction,   equipment; development
                               projects will be reported   development and           of underground space
                               separately); domestic       operation of logistic     resource and upper-
                               commerce, material          service projects; asset   cover property in rail
                               supply and marketing        operation along the rail  transit station line
                               industry (excluding         line of the city.         and relevant areas;
                               franchise, special control,                           investment of real estate
                               monopoly commodities);                                projects.
                               operating advertising
                               business; own property
                               management; consulting
                               and education training
                               of rail transit related

III.   Major terms and
         conditions of the
         contract to be

       1. Amount of the    1.58                        1.33                        1.32
          contract (RMB100
       2. Payment schedule Payments of project will be Payments of the project Payments of the project
                              made based on upfront       will be made based          will be made based
                              payments, payments on       on upfront payments,        on upfront payments,
                              design review, payments     progress payments,          progress payments,
                              after arrival of goods,     payments on completion      warranty payments and
                              payments on interim         and settlement, warranty    other processes.
                              acceptance, payments        payments and other
                              on completion and           processes.
                              acceptance, payments
                              upon submission of
                              settlement documents,
                              settlement payments,
                              payments on final
                              acceptance and other
       3. Place of         Shenzhen                    Wenzhou                     Luoyang

Project Ten                 Project Eleven             Project Twelve

           4. Term for           Metro Line 6 branch line: From the date of signing of From the date of signing of
              performance           from the date of signing     the contract to the end    the contract to the end
                                    of the contract to the end   of the project warranty    of the project warranty
                                    of the project warranty      period, of which, the      period, of which, the
                                    period, of which, the        project execution cycle    project execution
                                    project execution cycle      i s approxi mat el y 22    cycle is approximately
                                    is appr oxi mat el y 18      months and the warranty    10 months and the
                                    months and the warranty      period is 24 months,       warranty period is 24
                                    period is 36 months,         totaling 46 months.        months, totaling 34
                                    totaling 54 months.                                     months.
                                 The second phase of Metro
                                    Line 6 branch line: from
                                    the date of signing of
                                    the contract to the end
                                    of the project warranty
                                    period, of which, the
                                    project execution cycle
                                    is appr oxi mat el y 54
                                    months and the warranty
                                    period is 36 months,
                                    totaling 90 months.
           5. Conditions for the The contract shall become The contract shall become The contract shall become
              contract to take      formally effective once      effective after the        formally effective once
              effect                signed and affixed with      contractor has provided    signed and affixed with
                                    official seals by the        a full performance         official seals by the
                                    legal representatives        guarantee and both         legal representatives
                                    or authorized                parties have signed and    or authorized
                                    representatives of both      affixed with official      representatives of both
                                    parties.                     seals.                     parties.
           6. Contract signing Shenzhen                        Wenzhou                   Luoyang


      1.The total tender amount for the above projects is approximately RMB3,335 million,
      accounting for approximately 8.36% of the Company’s audited operating income in 2020
      under the Chinese Accounting Standards. Given that the above projects will be implemented
      in phases across years, there are uncertainties as to the impact on the current results of
      2021. If formal contracts are signed for the above projects and the projects are smoothly
      implemented, it is expected to have a relatively positive impact on the Company during the
      implementation period of the projects.

2.    The Company has no related relationships with the above bid originators, and the bid-winning
      of the above projects does not affect the independence of the Company’s business.


      The bid-winning of the above projects has been published. Due to the relevant formalities
      involved, the Company has not signed the relevant formal contracts with the bid originators
      and uncertainties exist. The final amount, the terms of performance and other details of the
      above projects are subject to the formally signed contracts. Investors are reminded of the
      investment risks.

                                                        By order of the Board
                                    China Railway Signal & Communication Corporation Limited*
                                                          ZHOU Zhiliang

Beijing, the PRC
23 July 2021

As of the date of this announcement, the executive Directors of the Company are Mr. ZHOU
Zhiliang, Mr. XU Zongxiang and Mr. YANG Yongsheng, the non-executive Director of the
Company is Mr. GUO Yonghong and the independent non-executive Directors of the Company are
Mr. CHEN Jin ’en, Mr. CHAN Ka Keung Peter and Mr. YAO Guiqing.

* For identification purpose only

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