Children's Programs - Edwardsville Public Library

Page created by Jose Barker
Children's Programs - Edwardsville Public Library
Youth Services Newsletter • Summer 2022

 Children's Programs
                                                                                               Story Time & Playgroup
 Summer Reading Challenge                         Kickoff Party                                Enjoy stories, songs, & bubbles!
 May 26-July 31                                   Thursday, May 26 | 4:30-6:30pm               Then stay & play with friends.
 Pack up your tent, trail mix, and                Join us in City Park right outside
                                                                                               Toddler Time
 compass because this Summer we're                the Library, alongside the City of
                                                                                               Tuesdays, June 7- July 19
 going to "Read Beyond the Beaten                 Edwardsville Parks & Recreation to
                                                                                               10-11am | Ages 0-2
 Path!" Starting May 26, you can                  start the Summer off right! Learn
 begin to log your reading. Sign up               about Summer Reading while                   Preschool Story Time
 on your own with the Beanstack app,              enjoying free ice cream, the ELF Book        Thursdays, June 9-July 21
 or visit us at the library to get started.       Sale, music & fun with the Bubble            10-11am | Ages 3-5
 Read 10 books to earn a prize pack,              Bus, and many more activities
 including a free book, passes &                  provided by community partners.              Lego Club
 coupons to area businesses, and an                                                            Wednesdays, June 15 & July 13
 entry to the Grand Prize Drawing.                STEM Center Planetarium                      4-5pm | Ages 5-11
 You can earn more chances to win the             Registration Required                        We'll supply the Legos -
 Grand Prize for every additional 10              Wednesday, June 1 | 1-4pm                    just bring your imagination!
 books you read and log this Summer!              Observe the constellations &
                                                  learn about outer space as the SIUE          Happy Habitats at Watershed
 JewelRide Books for Bikes                        STEM Center Planetarium visits the           Registration Required
 Reading Challenge                                library. Register for one of the the         Monday, June 27 | 9:30-11am
 May 26-July 31 | K-8th Grade                     3 afternoon sessions, each 1 hour long.      For Grades K-2
 Read books this summer and you                   Additionally, drop in during this time       Learn all about the habitats of
 could win a bike! For each book you              for an open-for-all Story Stones activity!   creatures in our own area at
 read, you will get an entry into a                                                            Watershed Nature Center! We
                                                  Read to a Dog
 drawing for a free bike from The                                                              will share a story, create crafts,
                                                  Registration Required                        explore the trail, and more.
 Cyclery and Fitness Center shop.                 Saturdays, May 14, June 4 & July 2
 There will be 14 bikes awarded                   10-11am | Ages up to 11 years old            Opera Edwardsville Presents
 throughout the drawing of raffle                 Max the golden retriever will be             Goldilocks and the Three
 tickets. This challenge is generously            visiting the library and wants to            Singing Bears
 sponsored by JewelRide, a metro-east             listen to you read! Each reader will         Saturday, July 9 at 10am
 medical transport company and other              have 15 minutes to read a story of           The magic of Mozart and other
 local businesses. Sign up on your own            their choice to Max.                         operatic composers meets the
 with the Beanstack app, or visit us at                                                        world of children's theater in this
 the library to get started.                      Children's Movie Matinees                    operatic adaptation of the classic
                                                  Mondays, June 6-July 18 at 1pm               fable, Goldilocks and the Three
                                                  A feature film showing and free              Bears. The performance has been
                                                  popcorn every week! Contact the              created especially for the
                                                  library for movie titles.                    enjoyment of children and families.
                                                  (No movie July 4 - Library Closed)

Entertainer Afternoons                        |     Wednesdays at 1pm
   June 8     Celia & Little Celia
                                              July 6       Chef Banan as                                        Teen Progr ams
   June 15    The Butte rfly House
                                              July 13      Mad Scien ce
   June 22    Papa & Jackie Wrigh t
                                              July 20      Treeh ouse Wildl ife Cente r
   June 29    Shelte red Realit y
Children's Programs - Edwardsville Public Library
Teen Programs                        Grades 6-12

                                            Aru Shah Book Club
               Summer Reading
               Challenge                    Registration Required
                May 26-July 31              Enter the world of Hindu mythology
                Pack up your tent, trail    as we take on the Pandava book
                mix, and compass            series by Roshani Chokshi. Once you
                because this Summer         register, stop by the Youth Desk to
we're going to "Read Beyond the             pick up a free copy of the book.
Beaten Path!" Starting May 26, you
can begin to log your reading. Sign
                                            Thursday, May 19 | 4-5pm
                                            Aru Shah & the Tree of Wishes
                                                                                       DIY Take
up on your own with the Beanstack
app, or visit us at the library to get      Thursday, June 30 | 4-5pm                  Home Kits
started. Read 5 books to earn a prize       Aru Shah & the City of Gold
pack, including a free book, passes &       Thursday, July 28 | 4-5pm
                                                                                   Cultivate creativity with a new
coupons to area businesses, and an          Aru Shah & the Nectar of Immortality    project each month to work
entry to the Grand Prize Drawing.
You can earn more chances to win the
                                                                                   on at home! Sign up for each
Grand Prize for every additional book                                               kit that you would like and
you read and log this Summer!
                                                                                     pick it up during our open
Game Night                                                                            hours of the week listed.
Tuesdays, June 7-Aug 2 | 6-7:30pm
Game Night is back at the
                                                                                    Paracord Survival Bracelet
Library every week! Go on a quest
with fellow players in the classic
                                                                                       Registration Required
collaborative game, Dungeons &              "Campfire" Stories                              June 13-18
Dragons. Or you can drop in with            Registration Required                   Become more prepared for
friends to play one of our assorted         Wednesday, June 22 | 7-8pm
                                                                                      unexpected emergency
tabletop games.                             Gather around the "campfire,"
                                            make a s'more, and take a turn
                                                                                     situations by making this
Teen Movie Matinees                         sharing your favorite spooky tales!    useful & versatile cord into a
Tuesdays, June 7-July 19 at 1pm                                                      part of your daily fashion.
A feature film showing and free             Interactive Movie
popcorn every week! Contact the             Registration Required
library for movie titles.                   Saturday, July 23 | 1pm
                                                                                           Tie-Dye Socks
(No movie June 28 - Election Day)           Somebody once told me about                Registration Required
                                            this masterpiece movie about an                  July 11-16
Teen Advisory Board                         ogre who goes on a journey with
Join us to share ideas about making
                                                                                       Summer Camp Vibes!
                                            a donkey. Join the adventure at
the library a great place for teens!        our interactive version, including           Use colorful inks to
Apply online!                               a script to follow and snacks!            tie & dye a fresh pair of
                                                                                          socks with ease.
Megan Prueter                                 Current Hours of Operation
Head Librarian of Youth Services               Mon-Thurs     9am - 8pm                               Fri           9am - 6pm
                                               Sat           9am - 5pm
Kristen Reno                                   Sun           1pm-5pm
Youth Services Librarian                            Edwardsville Public Library
618-692-7556 ext.5
112 S. Kansas Street                       Sign up for our e-newsletter on the
Edwardsville, IL 62025                      "How Do I" page of our website!
Children's Programs - Edwardsville Public Library
Adult Services Newsletter
                                                                  Summer 2022

Twitch Streaming 101                       Irish in St. Louis
Wednesday, June 1 | 6:30 PM                Thursday, June 30 | 6:30 PM
Sam B. will go over the elements           Patrick Murphy introduces us to priests
needed to start streaming on Twitch.       and gangsters, artists and
This talk will cover best practices with   revolutionaries, entrepreneurs and
hardware, networking, audio and            entertainers. He takes us to the rough
video in addition to navigating the        and tumble neighborhoods of 19th
Twitch community and self-promotion.       century Kerry Patch and Dogtown,
                                           where immigrants and their children
Basics of Nuclear Medicine                 forged paths into the city’s mainstream
Thursday, June 16 | 6:00 PM                while preserving their Irish identity.
Presented by Dr. Michael Shaw.
Since the discovery of radioactivity,      Wrestling at the Chase                      Join other armchair detectives in
our understanding has steadily             Thursday, July 21 | 6:30 PM                  discussing the shocking details
increased about how nuclear materials      From 1959 to 1983, Chase Park Plaza         and events found in this popular
can be used to improve health. From        Hotel hosted the stars of professional            non-fiction subgenre.
improved scanning techniques to            wrestling's golden era. These weekly          Under the Banner of
tissue-specific therapies, the current     events were recorded and broadcast                  Heaven
state-of-the-art includes an impressive    on local TV as "Wrestling at the                by Jon Krakauer
set of technologies for the diagnosis      Chase." Author and producer Ed              Tuesday, May 31 6:30PM
and treatment of a number of diseases.     Wheatley will speak on this significant
                                           piece of wrestling history.                       American Fire
Black History 101                                                                          by Monica Hesse
Mobile Museum                              Movie Matinees                               Tuesday, June 28 6:30PM
Saturday, June 25 | 10 AM - 2 PM           Bring a brown bag lunch, and we’ll                   Last Call
Khalid el-Hakim, founder and curator       provide drinks and popcorn. For                   by Elon Green
of the Black History 101 Mobile            movie titles, please call the library         Tuesday, July 26 6:30PM
Museum, will bring some of the             or visit
7,000+ original artifacts of Black         Thursday, May 19 12:00 PM
memorabilia dating from the trans-         Thursday, June 16 12:00 PM
Atlantic slave trade era to hip-hop        Thursday, July 21 12:00 PM
culture. Drop in to see this special
one-day exhibit.                           Chair Yoga                                  Our longstanding monthly book
                                           Registered yoga teacher Julie Hamilton      discussion group returns. Extra
Coloring for Grown-Ups                     will lead these classes using                   copies of books will be
                                           modifications of many common yoga                available at the adult
Join us for a relaxing and fun                                                                circulation desk.
                                           poses. Perfect for seniors and for others
afternoon session of coloring.
                                           with disabilities or challenges such as           Crying in H Mart
We will provide colored pencils and
                                           chronic illness, pain, or stiffness.            by Michelle Zauner
adult coloring books along with
                                           Saturday, May 28 10:00-11:00 AM                  Thursday, May 19
Saturday, May 21 1:00-3:00 PM              Saturday, June 18 10:00-11:00 AM                      6:30 PM
Saturday, June 18 1:00-3:00 PM             Saturday, July 23 10:00-11:00 AM
Saturday, July 16 1:00-3:00 PM                                                             by Akwaeke Emezi
                                                                                            Thursday, June 23
Coventry Crafters                          Registration Required                                6:30 PM
Enjoy crafts, snacks, and lively
conversation! Adult crafters bring
                                           June 12 & June 19                               Behind the Beautiful
                                           July 10 & July 17                                    Forevers
portable crafts – needlework,                                                               by Katherine Boo
                                           2:00-4:00 PM
quilting, scrapbooking, knitting, etc.
                                           Kelcey leads two Sunday Crafternoon               Thursday, July 28
Monday, May 9 6:00-7:30 PM
                                           sessions a month. Registrations open                  6:30 PM
Monday, June 13 6:00-7:30 PM
                                           on the First of each month. Check
Monday, July 11 6:00-7:30 PM
                                  for more details.
Children's Programs - Edwardsville Public Library Children's Programs - Edwardsville Public Library Children's Programs - Edwardsville Public Library Children's Programs - Edwardsville Public Library Children's Programs - Edwardsville Public Library Children's Programs - Edwardsville Public Library Children's Programs - Edwardsville Public Library
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