Children's Church & Nursery provided during both Services!!!

Page created by Chester Arnold
Children's Church & Nursery provided during both Services!!!
Contemporary 9:30am Family Life Center
                         Traditional 11:00am Sanctuary
                   La Luz de Cristo 10:45 am / 12:30pm Chapel
                                  Come join us!

 If you are not on Facebook, you can still watch the livestream with the link on our
                                website home page


Children’s Church & Nursery provided during both Services!!!
Children's Church & Nursery provided during both Services!!!
Message: The Faith of A Mother
Scripture: 2 Kings 4:1-7
  The wife of a man from the company of the prophets cried out to
Elisha, “Your servant my husband is dead, and you know that he
revered the Lord. But now his creditor is coming to take my two
boys as his slaves.”
 Elisha replied to her, “How can I help you? Tell me, what do you
have in your house?”
“Your servant has nothing there at all,” she said, “except a small
jar of olive oil.”
  Elisha said, “Go around and ask all your neighbors for empty
jars. Don’t ask for just a few. 4 Then go inside and shut the door
behind you and your sons. Pour oil into all the jars, and as each is
filled, put it to one side.”
 She left him and shut the door behind her and her sons. They
brought the jars to her and she kept pouring. 6 When all the jars
were full, she said to her son, “Bring me another one.”
But he replied, “There is not a jar left.” Then the oil stopped
 She went and told the man of God, and he said, “Go, sell the oil
and pay your debts. You and your sons can live on what is left.”
Children's Church & Nursery provided during both Services!!!
Tim Zimmerman & The King’s Brass

               Sunday, June 19th
           11:00am in the Sanctuary
               Combined Service
Children's Church & Nursery provided during both Services!!!
There will be a “Special Called Charge Conference”
  meeting of the Church Council, in addition to the
   regularly scheduled meeting, for the purpose of
     hearing the recommendation of the Trustees,
regarding the sale of the 27 acre Stack Rock Property,
         on Monday, May 9th, 2022 at 5:30pm
             in the FLC conference Room.
 Please make plans to attend this important meeting!
Children's Church & Nursery provided during both Services!!!
Prayer List

 Carolyn Abernethy    Lucy Griffin              Faye McCullen
 Lindsey Aldrich      Sandi Hall                Joyce & Jack Mitchell
 Tim & Pam Allen      Tal Hardin                Ned Mullinex
 Gracie Allred        PJ Hartleb                Robert Paisley
 Brandon Benware      Will Harvey               Grace Phillips
 Amy Bridges          Linda Hoffman             Vicki Ramsey
 Sandra Allen Bulla   Matthew Hogan             Evelyn Reaves
 John Cao             Joretta Holt              Betty Reinhold
 Mike Chewning        David Johnson             Travis Schalesky
 Brandon Church       Bill & Frances Jones      Wendell Seawell
 Rob Clauser          Christy King              Paige Lucas Shaffer
 Carl Dilldine        Isabelle Killian          Randy Silvers
 Patrick Edmonds      Charles & Carolyn Link    Jim & Wanda Tatum
 Joel Elder           Annie Osteen Lingle       Doreen Thaler
 Les Fowler           Penny Maness              Stewart & Marlene Wooten
 David Graves         Bill & Shirley McAnulty
 Pervis Green

New Requests: Ann Smith, Joe Rich, The
Family of Evelyn Jester, The Family of Logan
Children's Church & Nursery provided during both Services!!!
Sincere Sympathy from the
                               Staff & Congregation
                           to Rhonda Trollinger & family
                        at the passing of her Step-mother
                                  Evelyn Jester
                             on Friday April 29th, 2022.

Congratulations to
Adam & Anna Brown
at the birth of their son

                            Thomas McKay “Mack” Brown

Born May 5th, 2022, weighing 6 lbs. 1 oz.

          Proud Grandparents: Dean & Rachel Millikan
Children's Church & Nursery provided during both Services!!!
Budget Fund                           Pastor’s Discretionary Fund
In Memory of Bill Jones               In Memory of Bill Jones
By Pastor J.F. & Kari Howard          By Archie & Kristy Priest
By Iris Ragland                       In Memory of Carlene Cox
By Preston & Judy Hall                By Alan & Amy Pugh
By Mary Lois Powell
By Ralph & Carol Hall                 Endowment Fund
By Randy & Cynthia Allen              In Memory of Bill Jones,
By John & Emily Matkins               Susan Singletary, Jerry
By Charles & Susan Swiers             Kinlaw, Grace Philips &
By Marianne Robbins                   Carlene Cox
By Bill & Phyllis Bizzell             By Lloyd & Ann Hamlet
In Memory of John Lewis
By Nancy Hardin                       In Memory of Bill Jones &
In Memory of Susan Singletary,        Jerry Kinlaw
Jerry Kinlaw, Grace Philips, &        By Jerry & Wanda Bowman
Carlene Cox
By Mary Lois Powell
By Randy & Cynthia Allen
In Memory of Susan Singletary
& Jerry Kinlaw
By Good News Sunday School Class
In Memory of Jerry Kinlaw
By Ralph & Carol Hall
Children's Church & Nursery provided during both Services!!!
Why Suffering? [If God is good, why is there pain and
suffering in the world?]
Part 1:
Wednesday, March 9, 6:30 pm

Wednesday, March 16, 6:30 pm

Wednesday, March 23, 6:30 pm

Wednesday, March 30, 6:30 pm

Wednesday, April 6, 6:30 pm

Children's Church & Nursery provided during both Services!!!
Part 2:
Wednesday, May 4, 6:30 pm
Wednesday, May 11, 6:30 pm
Wednesday, May 18, 6:30 pm
Wednesday, May 25, 6:30 pm
Wednesday, June 1, 6:30 pm
Format: Live in-person (in the chapel) and You Tube Channel.

If you want to participate on-line, just simply go to Pastor J.F.’s
You Tube Channel before Wednesday (“Offer Them Christ”)
and click on the Subscribe button. You will then get a
notification when it goes live.

Or click on the link below:
Children's Church & Nursery provided during both Services!!!
“I learned more about Christianity from my mother
                      than from all the theologians in England.”
                                           ~ John Wesley

2022 Year to Date Revenues         $189,135.47

2022 Year to Date Expenses         $234,518.15

Difference                         ($45,382.68)
  9:30 Service /*80 in-person /*291 Facebook Views as of 05/05/2022
 11:00 Service /*89 in-person /*153 Facebook Views as of 05/05/2022
La Luz de Cristo *30 in-person /*100 Facebook Views as of 05/05/2022

              Click on the link below and enjoy some of the things going
                        on in Central’s Day School. You’ll love it!
We will be collecting Bibles beginning April 1st through the
month of June. Bring them by the church office and we will
                 be shipping them out in July.
          Thank you for helping with this Project!
Chris Tomlin in Concert
         Come Go With Us Wednesday, June 8th!!
Transportation will be provided!
Dinner at Stamey’s BBQ just before!
Group ticket discount = $25.75 per person!
Makes for a great night of worship & fellowship!

Contact Fred @ 336-302-0624, or the church office
@ 336-629-1425 to get your “advance” tickets.
Central’ s

             No Youth Sunday. Spend time
                  with your Mother!
This is a course for every believer. I
                          would highly recommend all over 18
                          years of age grab hold of this valuable
                          information provided by Andy
                          Stanley. His humor, knowledge and
                          Biblical outlook create a thirst for
                          stewardship of God’s immense
                          blessings. No matter where a person is
                          on the financial spectrum, he/she will
                          find this course invaluable.” –D.L.
”I got a lot out of the financial study. Didn’t realize I carried that
much baggage. But now I understand why I haven’t been able to
figure it out on my own. My husband had been at church at a
meeting and came home just after I finished the online quiz. And
guess what? We were able to talk about this together. His
backstory is the same as mine. He went to work when he was 14
for the same reason I did when I was 16. Thank you for offering
this study, and in turn helping us open doors to communication
about money.” --BL
If you would like to take part in the Next Offering of “If Money
Talked” please call the church office at (336) 629-1425. Leave
your name and phone number. You can also call Fred if you
have any questions at (336) 629-0962.
Birthdays                                                   28
                   08                   18                  Jackie Whalley
                   Marco Diaz           Derek Robbins       Doug Smith
                                        Katherine Trogdon   Kathy Malpass
                   10                   Taylor Salmons      Jamie Weiner
                   Tonya Leek
                                        19                  29
01                 11                   Samuel Rich         Sarah Delk
George Beck        Preston Hall         Corey Masterson     Danny Primm
Emily Matkins      Erin Rich            Joseph Lamb         Arissa Cooper
Paul Fleetwood     Mary Billips         Chuck Hinson        Jill Akins
Ian Dunn           Parker Brown
                                        20                  30
02                 12                   Freda Beaver        Imogene Bulla
Missi Foster       Clara Durham                             Patricia Edwards
Jennifer Smith     Chris Bulla          21 Amy Yates        Tony Pugh
Elizabeth Hicks    Sarabeth Roberts     Michael Willett     Eddie Voncannon
                   Katie Brower                             Jodi Huffstetler
03                                      22
Carolyn Cox        13                   Nancy Little        31
Raley Pope         Scott Nash Dunn      Nash Dunn           Larry Pennington
Carlie Beth Kern                                            Robin Vanhoy
                   14                   23                  Timothy Dunn
04                 Kyle Pugh            Janet Adams         Brandon Havens
Joe Gentry         Jacob Foster         Allison Calhoun     Kevin Rogers
Angie Queen
Michael Miller     15                   24
Angela Lassiter    Linda Thomas         Beth Hall
Adam Rogers        Victoria Coltrane    Steve Way
Sarah Whalley      Russ Smith           Anne Stultz
                   Hillary McDowell
05                                      25
Charles Crawford   16                   Auburn Lance
                   Joyce Mitchell
06                 Robin Shrader        26
Laura Gallimore                         Terry Cox
John Adams         17                   Lisa Evans
                   Pastor J.F. Howard   Denton Richey
07                 Lynne Finison
Bruce Edwards      Bob Whalley          27
Carla Freemyer     Rebecca Kidd         Donald Allred
Tracey Smith       Margaret Beck
                   Barb Burlingame
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