CHESAPEAKE BAY - Promoting Clean Water for Healthier Habitats - The Nature Conservancy

Page created by Ashley Mason
CHESAPEAKE BAY - Promoting Clean Water for Healthier Habitats - The Nature Conservancy

  Promoting Clean Water for
                                                                                       April 23 – 29, 2022

  Healthier Habitats                                                                              PRICE
                                                                                Double Occupancy: $4,995
                                                                                Single Occupancy: $5,650

  In 1607 the Virginia Company of London               oyster restoration, hiking amongst the landscape,
  organized an expedition to what was known as         and sailing with a local waterman to hear first-
  the “Bay of Chespioc” in search of gold, silver,     hand the significant changes this landscape has
  and a water route through North America. What        seen over the last 50 years. Travel south before
  resulted was the colonizing of Jamestown,            taking a private boat crossing to Tangier Island.
  where settlers began exploring the lands for         Explore by foot with your local guide – no cars are
  riches and food. This began a wave of                allowed on the island! After returning to Maryland,
  immigration and settlement that has                  settle into the historic Atlantic Hotel in the small
  transformed the Bay; today the Chesapeake Bay        town of Berlin. Finally, you’ll have an opportunity
  Watershed is home to more than 17 million            to explore the tranquil Nassawango Creek
  people and 3,600 species of plants and animals.      Preserve by both foot and boat.
  It stretches amongst six states, is fed by 50
  major tributaries, and holds more than 15 trillion   We hope you will leave the Chesapeake Bay and
  gallons of water within its nearly 12,000 miles of   D.C. area with a better understanding of The
  shoreline.                                           Nature Conservancy’s commitment to
                                                       conservation and sustainability. The Conservancy
  Your journey through the Chesapeake Bay              is dedicated to advancing the protection and
  begins in Washington, D.C, where you’ll meet         restoration of Maryland, Virginia and Washington,
  with local TNC staff and touch on green              D.C., by focusing on clean water and climate
  infrastructure initiatives. You’ll travel to the     resilience.
  quaint town of Easton, Maryland, learning about
CHESAPEAKE BAY - Promoting Clean Water for Healthier Habitats - The Nature Conservancy
                                                                                                       A CCE S S :
                                                                                                   Travel with renowned
                                                                                                   Conservancy experts and local
                                                                                                   partners for an exclusive,
                                                                                                   experience. You won’t just see
                                                                                                   amazing places, you’ll see
                                                                                                   how you are helping save

                                                                                                       I MPA CT :
                                                                                                   See how your commitment to
                                                                                                   our planet and your passion
                                                                                                   for conservation are making a
                                                                                                   difference. You will see the
                                                                                                   wild places and the
                                                                                                   communities you are

                                                                                                       KN OWLE D GE:
                                                                                                   Learn how we are applying the
                                                                                                   latest cutting-edge science to
                                                                                                   affect global change and drive

                     Joined by a local naturalist, canoe through Nassawango Creek
                     Preserve, stopping to look for woodland birds and bald cypress trees
                     as you make your way down the creek.                                             I N S PI RAT ION:
                     _____                                                                         Immerse yourself in local
                                                                                                   cultures and awe-inspiring
                     TAKE AN EDUCATIONAL SAILING EXCURSION                                         landscapes to foster your own
                     Meet with Captain Ed Farley, a commercial waterman and                        connection to our world.
                     shipwright, who has been working in the Chesapeake Bay since the
                     early 1970s. As you sail on the open water, you’ll discuss
                     biodiversity, culture, economics, and resource management.
                     _____                                                                             GLOBA LLY MI NDE D:
                     TOUR THE ANACOSTIA RIVER ON BOAT                                              Elevate your understanding of
                     Travel down the river by boat, passing alongside iconic D.C. sites            our work by seeing first-hand
                     while hearing about the human and natural history of the landscape.           how TNC and our partners act
                     Hear about the work happening at Kingman Island, the RFK Stadium              locally and how we turn local
                     parking lot and the historic Mt. Olivet Cemetery.                             results in to global impact by
                                                                                                   scaling solutions that work.

                     Your trip supports the local communities you’re traveling in and The Nature
                     Conservancy’s efforts locally and globally. This trip has been planned
                     specifically by The Nature Conservancy’s team of scientific experts and
                     travel liaisons to immerse you in the work the Conservancy is doing on the
                     ground that has global consequences.
CHESAPEAKE BAY - Promoting Clean Water for Healthier Habitats - The Nature Conservancy
Photo Credit: Alan Eckert

Climate change is keenly affecting the Chesapeake Bay as observed by rising seas, warming water
temperatures and extreme weather. Shifts in coastal flooding and shoreline erosion are evident in
the region, causing changes to wildlife abundance and migration patterns. The Nature Conservancy
notes the sea levels in the Chesapeake Bay have risen about a foot in the last century – twice the
global average. Mitigation and adaption are the central strategies; the goal is to reduce carbon
emissions with renewable energy and use science to understand and adjust to the changes that are

Stormwater is the fastest growing source of freshwater pollution in the world; in urban areas, oil,
grease, heavy metals, and pesticides combine with raw sewage that is discharged directly into our
lakes, rivers, and oceans. Green infrastructure relies on nature-based methods to retain stormwater
at the point at which it falls, allowing water to filter naturally and slow its progress to sewers. In
D.C., up to three billion gallons of run-off flow into rivers, and thus the Chesapeake Bay, a year.
Washington D.C. has one of the country’s oldest sewage systems, making investments in green
infrastructure a priority.

Oyster restoration has long been a priority for The Nature Conservancy; in the Chesapeake Bay, the
bay’s health and its ability to meet regional needs depends on clean water. Oysters are not just for
eating; they filter harmful sediments and chemical contaminants and their reefs provide nurseries
and feeding grounds for rockfish, crabs, and other recreationally important species. In 2015, TNC
collaborated to complete the world’s largest oyster restoration project to date. The 350-acre Harris
Creek Reef, a tributary of the Chesapeake Bay, was seeded with more than 2 billion oysters bred at
the University of Maryland’s Horn Point Hatchery. Current data shows these reefs as having
numerous benefits, making strides towards Bay recovery efforts.
CHESAPEAKE BAY - Promoting Clean Water for Healthier Habitats - The Nature Conservancy
ITINERARY                                             LODGING
DAY 1 — Saturday, April    23rd | Arrive in
Washington, D.C. by the afternoon. Upon arrival
at the airport, you will be welcomed by your
guide and transferred to the Royal Sonesta
Washington, D.C. Enjoy a welcome cocktail
reception with TNC staff before having dinner as
a group in town.


DAY 2 — Sunday, April 24th | Begin the day with
breakfast followed by a tour of the Anacostia
River. In addition to The Nature Conservancy’s
work in rural places, TNC is harnessing green
infrastructure in the U.S. Capital. Local TNC staff
are working with urban land holders to create
pockets of effective green space in the D.C.
metro area. From filtering stormwater runoff, to
mitigating heat-island effects, natural solutions
in cities need to be built into urban planning
across the globe.                                      Royal Sonesta Washington D.C.
                                                       Located in Dupont Circle, the richly modern
Today you will see this work in action as we visit     Royal Sonesta is perfectly situated within
significant sites near the Anacostia River. Travel     Downtown D.C. Photos provided by Royal
by boat down the river, passing alongside iconic       Sonesta Washington D.C.
D.C. sites while hearing about the human and
natural history of the landscape.

After lunch, transfer one and a half hours to
Easton, Maryland. On arrival, gather with local
TNC staff for an overview of their work in the
Chesapeake Bay. Take the afternoon to explore
the town, stop by the Academy Art Museum,
The Historical Society Museum and Foxwell’s
Antiques Mall, among other Easton highlights,
before enjoying dinner this evening.
                                                       Tidewater Inn
OVERNIGHT AT TIDEWATER INN                             Steeped in history and charm, the Tidewater
                                                       Inn dates back to 1712. It’s located in the heart
DAY 3 — Monday, April 25th | After breakfast at        of downtown Easton, Maryland, noted as “the
your hotel, transfer to the Horn Point Laboratory      8 th Best Small Town in America.” Photos
for an oyster intensive. As one of the largest         provided by Tidewater Inn
oyster hatcheries on the East Coast, the lab
produces a variety of oyster larvae for use in
oyster research, oyster restoration and
educational projects.
CHESAPEAKE BAY - Promoting Clean Water for Healthier Habitats - The Nature Conservancy
This afternoon meet with Captain Ed Farley;
passionate about the outdoors, environment and
experiential education, Capt. Ed has been living
in the Chesapeake Bay since sailing south from
New England in 1971. Enjoy a 3-hour sail as he
touches on the biodiversity, culture, and
resource management of the bay. When it’s not
oystering season, you can find Capt. Ed working
as a shipwright at the Chesapeake Bay Maritime
Museum building the Maryland Dove, a
representation of the late 17th -century trading
ship that accompanied the first European
settlers to what is now Maryland. Afterwards,         Atlantic Hotel
enjoy dinner in the marina in town.                   One of Berlin’s historical treasures, the Atlantic
                                                      Hotel dates back to 1895. It has been restored to
OVERNIGHT AT TIDEWATER INN                            its original Victorian era décor, with each room
                                                      featuring authentic antiques, photographs, and
DAY 4 — Tuesday, April 26th | Wake for                furniture. Explore the quaint downtown or relax
breakfast at your hotel. From Easton, we will         on the hotel’s porch during your free time. Photos
drive approximately 45 minutes to Blackwater          provided by Atlantic Hotel
National Wildlife Refuge, a prime spot for
viewing bald eagles, hiking, and interpreting flora
and fauna. You will have an opportunity to bike
through this diverse landscape of marshes,
hardwood and loblolly pine forests and open
farmland. This 2-hour ride is on flat, paved
surface and will include rest stops along the way.
TNC staff will use this time to speak more about
climate change and rising sea levels in the
Chesapeake Bay. Return to your hotel in the
afternoon and enjoy the rest of the day at


DAY 5 — Wednesday, April 27th | After an early
start this morning, drive about an hour and a half
to the ferry launch in Crisfield. Hop aboard and
sail across the bay to spend a few hours on
Tangier Island. Please note this ferry ride is
dependent on weather conditions. If the winds
and seas do not cooperate, the group will
participate in an alternative activity.

While on the island, you will have a chance to
absorb the culture of the area. Meet locals who
rely on the Bay for their livelihood, spot birds,
stroll the quaint main street and enjoy lunch. We
will return to Crisfield in the late afternoon and
drive to Berlin, Maryland.
CHESAPEAKE BAY - Promoting Clean Water for Healthier Habitats - The Nature Conservancy
Dating back to 1790, the town boasts 47
structures on the National Register of Historic
Places, including the Atlantic Hotel, your lodging
for the next two nights. Dine here at the hotel
this evening.


DAY 6 —Thursday, April 28th | This morning,
enjoy breakfast at the hotel before heading to
Nassawango Creek Preserve. Home to an
abundant array of wildlife and native plants, The
Nature Conservancy has been protecting the
                                                                  Tangier Island
beautiful and diverse swamp and upland forest
along Nassawango Creek since 1978. More                           Reachable only by boat, Tangier Island is just 1.2
                                                                  square miles and home to 500 full-time residents.
recently, TNC acquired the 693-acre Taylor
                                                                  Most work as commercial crabbers and oyster
Farm, which sits at the headwaters of the Creek.
                                                                  fishermen – and watermen – and send their catch
Alongside local partners, TNC is working to
                                                                  to the mainland by boat. Photos provided by
restore the cropland to wetland forest, reversing
                                                                  Adrees Latif (top) and Christian Storm (bottom)
years of impact from extensive grazing and crop
production. Explore these areas on foot before
picnicking on-site.

After lunch, we will join a local naturalist on a
canoe trip through the Preserve. Paddle gently by
the bald cypress trees dominating this swampy
ecosystem. Look and listen for birds, such as the
prothonotary warbler, wood ducks and pileated
woodpeckers. If you’re lucky, you may even spot
beaver or river otter! On return to Berlin, explore
the treelined main street at leisure, stopping in
art galleries, antique shops, and the Calvin B.
Taylor Museum. In the evening, enjoy a final
cocktail reception and farewell dinner as a


DAY 7 — Friday, April 29th | Wake up and enjoy
breakfast at your hotel before departing on your
flight home. Please note it is about two and a half
to three hours from Berlin to D.C. area airports;
plan to book flights that depart after 3pm.

                                                                  PRICE DETAIL
                                                                  Double Occupancy: $4,995
                                                                  Single Occupancy: $5.650

                                                                  Price includes all lodging, domestic transportation,
PLEASE NOTE: This itinerary is representative of your trip, and
                                                                  activities, tips, meals, TNC expert staff and local guides.
like all natural history excursions, activities are subject to
                                                                  Price does not include your roundtrip flight to
modification based on weather and unforeseen events. We will
                                                                  Washington D.C.
do our best to keep you informed on any necessary changes.
CHESAPEAKE BAY - Promoting Clean Water for Healthier Habitats - The Nature Conservancy CHESAPEAKE BAY - Promoting Clean Water for Healthier Habitats - The Nature Conservancy CHESAPEAKE BAY - Promoting Clean Water for Healthier Habitats - The Nature Conservancy CHESAPEAKE BAY - Promoting Clean Water for Healthier Habitats - The Nature Conservancy
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