                       1 Life

   J U LY T O D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 1
ABOUT                                                              EVENTS
(LIPXIRLEQ(SQQYRMX](IRXVI (((MWERSXJSVTVSǻX              Seniors Festival - October 1st to 31st
                                                                   The Victorian Seniors Festival honours the accomplishments
diverse range of community services, learning opportunities
                                                                   and value of older people in our community. We are
and resources for personal development.
                                                                   GIPIFVEXMRKIRMSVW2SRXL[MXLE-IEPXL ;IPPFIMRK*\TS
CCC has over 1000 participants attending a wide variety of         in collaboration with Terry White Chemmart Cheltenham and
services and programs each year, including adult education,        local health professionals.
childcare, recreational programs for adults and children, a
                                                                   ;IEVIEPWSSǺIVMRK ‘Bring a friend’ free classes and our
netball club, and a community cafe.
CCC is supported by funding from a number of organisations.        during October.
 &(+*XLI)ITEVXQIRXSJ+EQMPMIW+EMVRIWWERH-SYWMRK          Get Online Week - October 18th to 24th
                                                                   We are conducting special classes and individual one on
the City of Kingston. CCC is one of the largest community
                                                                   one sessions to help people use technology for learning,
                                                                   socialising, entertainment and more. More details are
CCC believes in working in partnership with local agencies,        available on our website.
learning institutes and government to provide individuals and
the community with quality programs. CCC enjoys a positive         Children’s Festival - Saturday 23rd October
working relationship with Southern Community Church of
                                                                   As part of National Children’s Week celebrations, we are
Christ (SCCC) to deliver community festivals, improve facilities
                                                                   conducting a free Children’s Festival on Saturday 23rd
for community programs and work on special projects.
                                                                   October from 10am -1pm. The Festival will be jam packed
&PPTVSKVEQWEX(((EVIGSRHYGXIHF]LMKLP]UYEPMǻIHERH          with entertainment for all the family including jumping
volunteer Board of Governance.                                     activities, entertainers and much more! Childcare will be open
                                                                   all day for tours and information sessions.
CCC encourages applications for enrolment from                         Refund Policy
organisation, we will endeavour to meet the additional needs         Children’s & Adults’ Recreational Programs
of students provided they meet the entry requirements                If withdrawal from a course is made 7 days or more
of the course. Where possible, we will provide                       prior to commencement, CCC will refund any course
alternate delivery, reasonable adjustment and                        fees paid, less an administration fee of 25% of total cost.
course assessment methods.                                           Fees cannot be refunded when the withdrawal is made
                                                                     with less than 7 days notice. In the event that a course
                                                                     has to be cancelled by CCC a full refund will be paid. If
                                                                     the cost of a course prevents enrolment, please contact
    Our Supporters                                                   Centre management to discuss.

                                                                       Contact Us

                                                                     Cheltenham Community Centre
                                                                     8 Chesterville Road Cheltenham Vic 3192
                                                                     CCC is a Registered Training Organisation
                                                                     RTO No. 6507 | ABN 89 194 090 141 | Inc. No. A0024484L
                                                            | (03) 9583 0095
                                                                       Follow us on Facebook and Instragram
CHILDCARE                                                            CHILDREN’S RECREATION
    25 place Licenced Childcare Centre.                                  Music for Tots
    Childcare Subsidy (CCS) is available and
    we are open CENTRE
                  48 weeks of the year.
                                                                         Music for Tots is a program conducted by volunteer parents.
                                                                         This fun and interactive program is for children 0-5 years old
    A variety of childcare sessions are available:
                                                                         with their parent, grandparent or carer. Great for improving
                                                                         children’s brain and physical development, and a social
         Family Grouping                                                 opportunity for parents.
         Family Grouping Care is available for children aged between     Monday 9.30am – 10.30am
         6 months and 5 years old. Children from the same family can     Term 3 (12 July – 13 Sept, 10 weeks)                                Holiday Activities
         attend sessions together.                                       Term 4 (4 Oct – 13 Dec, 11 weeks)
                                                                         Term price $40 child, $50 family                                   Check our website each term for fun, active, engaging
                                                                         Casual price $4 child, $5 family                                   holiday activities for primary school children.
         Pre-Kinder                                                      Wednesday 9.30am – 10.30am
                                                                                                                                            Volunteer leader roles available for youth aged 16
                                                                                                                                            years and older.
         Pre-Kinder is for children aged 2 to 4 years. These sessions    Term 3 (14 July – 15 Sept, 10 weeks)
                                                                                                                                            > January School Holidays

         are similar to a 3-year-old preschool program but children
         can attend from 2 years of age.
                                                                         Term 4 (6 Oct – 15 Dec, 11 weeks)
                                                                         Term price $40 child, $50 family                                   > April School Holidays
                         2                                               Casual price $4 child, $5 family                                   > July School Holidays
                                                                                                                                            > Sept / Oct School Holidays
         3-Year-Old Activity Group                                       Baby Playgroup                                                     Book and pay online at
         3-year-old Activity Group is a play-based group. The program    Baby Playgroup is a program facilitated by parents and
         provides a great introduction to and preparation for 4-year-    volunteers. This fun and interactive program is for babies 0 –
         old kindergarten. This session also includes a Jolly Phonics    18 months old with their parents, grandparent or carer. Great    NETBALL
         session introducing children to letter sounds through           for improving babies’ brain and physical development, and a
         phonics, stories and songs.                                     great social opportunity for parents.
                                                                                                                                          CCC Bolts Netball Club
                                                                         Monday 11.30am – 12.30pm
                                                                                                                                          Join a great community grassroots
         Childcare Hours                                                 Term 3 (12 July – 13 Sept, 10 weeks)                             netball club to make new friends
         There are 3-hour, 6-hour, or 7-hour options available,          Term 4 (4 Oct – 13 Dec, 11 weeks)                                [LMPIKIXXMRKǻXERHLEZMRKJYR
         depending on the type of session.                               Term price $40 child, $50 family
                                                                                                                                          Season 2 – July - November 2021
                                                                         Casual price $4 child, $5 family
         >    Family Grouping                                                                                                             Games are played at Kingston Districts Netball Association
                                                                         Wednesday 11.30am – 12.30pm
              Monday/Wednesday/Thursday (3, 6 or 7 hours)                                                                                 – Dales Park – 570 Warrigal Road South Oakleigh.
                                                                         Term 3 (14 July – 15 Sept, 10 weeks)
         >    3 Year Old Activity Group                                  Term 4 (6 Oct – 15 Dec, 11 weeks)                                Weekly training sessions are conducted at various local
                                                                         Term price $40 child, $50 family                                 school netball courts.
              Tuesday (6 or 7 hours only)
                                                                         Casual price $4 child, $5 family                                 Please see for more information.
         >    Pre-Kinder
                                                                                                                                          Sponsored by:
              Pre-Kinder Friday (6 or 7 hours only)                      Kids Workshops
         #   4GGEWMSREPSRISǺGEVITIVLSYV                       During the year we conduct interactive workshops for kids
              (subject to availability)                                  including:
         All programs are planned in response to children’s interests,   Dumplings
         including group story & song sessions.                          Cookies
                                                                         Sushi making & more
                                                                                                                                             Join our Mailing List
                                                                         Check our website for regular updates on the workshops on          Sign up to our mailing list to be kept up to date with
                                                                         SǺIVMR8IVQ                                                 ĹåƵÏŅƚųŸåŸØ±ÏƋĜƴĜƋĜ埱ĹÚåƴåĹƋŸŅýåųåÚƋĘųŅƚčĘŅƚƋ
                                                                                                                                            the year. You can sign up at

  U LY T O D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 1
ADULT EDUCATION                                 Pre-Accredited                                        English for Childcare
                                                                                                                                                         ADULT HEALTH
                                                                                                                                                                                                                QiGong                                                   Line Dancing
                                                                                                      This pre-accredited program is         NEW                                                                Dual Delivery: Face-to-Face & Zoom                       A great new class especially designed for all ages
                                                Courses                                               designed for adult learners who
                                                                                                                                                         & WELLBEING                                            Designed for active seniors, QiGong is a                 including active seniors, and anyone who would like
1IEVR*RKPMWLJSVJVII                                                                              need to develop their literacy and
                                                                                                      numeracy skills to increase their chances of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                centuries-old system to improve posture,                 to learn and practice basic line dancing. This class is
                                                Grammar, Conversation & Writing                                                                          Hatha Yoga Basic                                       movement, breathing, and meditation. Supporting          a fun way to keep active and meet new friends in a
8LI&HYPX2MKVERX*RKPMWL5VSKVEQ                                                                    employment or further study within the early                                                              the body to return to balance and equilibrium, and       VIPE\IHWSGMEPIRZMVSRQIRXYMXEFPIJSVFIKMRRIVW
                                                3 Levels available                                    childhood education sector.                        Gentle Yoga is a slower-paced yoga class that
 &2*5TVSZMHIWJVII*RKPMWLPERKYEKI                                                                                                                                                                          KIRXP]GVIEXIWWXVIRKXLǼI\MFMPMX]ERHFEPERGI         and regular dancers.
                                                8LMWGSYVWIFYMPHW*RKPMWLPERKYEKIWOMPPWMR                                                           JEGMPMXEXIWHIITVIPE\EXMSRERHFVIEXLMRKMRSVHIV
classes to migrants to help them                                                                      The course focuses on the literacy and                                                                    XLVSYKLKIRXPIǼS[MRKQSZIQIRXW
                                                                                                                                                         to restore, renew and heal the body. The practice                                                               Wednesday 10am – 11am - at Cheltenham Hall
settle and participate in the Australian        grammar, conversation and writing. It provides        numeracy aspects of the following topics:                                                                 Thursday 9:30am – 10:30am
                                                                                                                                                         teaches you how to generate inner calm through                                                                  Term 3 (14 Jul – 15 Sept, 10 weeks) $100
community. Government changes have              LERHWSRTVEGXMGEPEGXMZMXMIWXSMQTVSZI*RKPMWL    # 8LI*EVP](LMPHLSSH*HYGEXMSR                                                                        Term 3 (15 July – 16 Sept, 10 weeks) $80
                                                                                                                                                         breathing, postures and mental focus, allowing                                                                  Term 4 (6 Oct – 15 Dec, 11 weeks) $110
MQTVSZIHXLI&2*5                            in a wide variety of everyday situations.                 and Care Industry                                                                                     Term 4 (7 Oct – 16 Dec, 11 weeks) $88
                                                                                                                                                         happiness to bubble up from the inside.                                                                         Book and pay online at
 Migrants can now stay in the                                                                        >   Occupational Health and Safety                                                                        Casual attendance $10 per class
                                                                                                                                                         Monday 6.15pm - 7.15pm
  program longer and the previous               Everyday Conversation                                 >   Health and Wellbeing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Book and pay online at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Strength & Balance Exercise
                                                                                                                                                         Term 3 (12 July – 13 Sept, 10 weeks) $120
  510 hour cap has been removed
                                                3 Levels available - Beginner,                        >   Relationships and Communication                Term 4 (4 Oct – 20 Dec, 11 weeks) $132                                                                          Online via Zoom
 People who were previously                                                                                                                                                                                    Progressive Pilates
                                                Intermediate and Advanced                             >   Administrative Tasks                           Casual attendance $16 per class
  not eligible (including previous                                                                                                                                                                              Mat Pilates promotes a feeling of physical and           (EVIJYPP]HIWMKRIHQSZIQIRXWMRGVIEWIǼI\MFMPMX]
                                                8LMWƸ*RKPMWLEWER&HHMXMSREP1ERKYEKIƹ *&1       This course acts as a stepping stone and a         Book and pay online at                mental well-being and develops inner physical            mobility and muscle strength in the comfort of your
  students) may now be eligible
                                                (SRZIVWEXMSRGPEWWSǺIVWEJYRERHJVMIRHP]          platform to provide learners with the essential                                                           awareness and helps prevent and rehabilitate             S[RLSQI2SWXI\IVGMWIWGERFIGLEMVFEWIH
 Free Childcare is available                                                                                                                            Advanced Yoga
                                                [E]XSMQTVSZIIZIV]HE]*RKPMWLPMWXIRMRKERH        vocabulary and knowledge needed to further                                                                injuries, improving posture, and increasing              QEOMRKXLIQMHIEPJSVKIXXMRKWXEVXIHMRI\IVGMWI
  while you are studying                                                                              I\TPSVIIHYGEXMSREPERHZSGEXMSREPTEXL[E]W
                                                speaking skills. Small group discussions have                                                            This class is designed for those who have more         ǼI\MFMPMX]GMVGYPEXMSRERHFEPERGI                    injury rehabilitation or keeping your body moving.
                                                                                                      in the early childhood education sector.           than 12 months of regular yoga practice. It            Tuesday 7pm - 8pm                                        Class are conducted online via Zoom with Nikki.
                                                Australian idioms, slang, culture and grammar.        Cheltenham Community Centre has a                  utilises a dynamic and energetic practice with         Term 3 (13 July – 14 Sept, 10 weeks) $150                Tuesday 10.30am - 11.30am
                                                                                                      registered Childcare Centre on site, which         challenging and creative poses to boost strength       Term 4 (5 Oct – 14 Dec, 10 weeks) $150                   Term 3 (13 July - 14 Sept, 10 weeks) $80
                                                                                                      students will visit during their course. In        ERHǼI\MFMPMX].XMWERMRXIRWMZIERHGSRHIRWIH      Casual attendance $18                                    Term 4 (5 Oct – 14 Dec, 10 weeks) $80
                                                                                                      EHHMXMSREUYEPMǻIH*EVP](LMPHLSSH*HYGEXSV     version of Hatha Yoga. This class teaches              Book and pay online at
                                                Improve your Reading & Writing                        will be a guest speaker and provide students
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Book and pay online at
The Adult Migrant English Program                                                                                                                        advanced postures (asanas), arm balances, and
                                                8LMWTVSKVEQJSGYWIWSRHIZIPSTMRKGSRǻHIRGI         with an opportunity to ask questions about
(AMEP) is funded by the Department of                                                                                                                    inversions (upside-down).                              Art for All                                              Mindfulness
                                                in oral and written communication and                 the Childcare industry.
BŇķåƐý±ĞŹž                                                                                                                                              Monday 7:30pm - 8:45pm                                 *\TIVMIRGIHEVXMWXERHEVXXLIVETMWX/ERMW2SVKER
                                                numeracy skills for the student’s personal,                                                                                                                                                                              This 8-week program is for those interested in
                                                                                                                                                         Term 3 (12 July – 13 Sept, 10 weeks) $150              will help you discover your creative skills with a
                                                study, employment and community based
                                                                                                      Introduction to Computers               FREE                                                                                                                       learning about mindfulness and developing a
                                                                                                                                                         Term 4 (4 Oct – 20 Dec, 11 weeks) $165                 VERKISJEVXEGXMZMXMIWYWMRKHMǺIVIRXQEXIVMEPW
                                                                                                      This course is for people with little                                                                                                                              regular practice. Key concepts will be introduced
                                                RIIHW1IEVRMRKXEOIWTPEGIXLVSYKLZEVMSYW                                                             Casual attendance $19 per class                        and mediums. This is a new group where you will
                                                                                                                                                         Book and pay online at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                have fun, meet new friends and either begin or
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         and built on each week, with guided practice and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         group discussions aimed at integrating mindfulness
                                                                                                      Topics include:                                                                                           continue, your artistic journey.
Courses                                         visiting speakers, which is based on the interests
                                                                                                      >   Becoming familiar with Windows                                                                        3SI\TIVMIRGIRIGIWWEV]
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         into our daily lives.
                                                of participants.                                                                                         Chi Yoga
                                                                                                          10 icons and the Start Menu                                                                                                                                    Wednesday 6pm – 7pm
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Tuesday 10am - 12noon
22483VIC - Course in English as an                                                                    >   Using the internet, accessing myGov,           Dual Delivery: Face-to-Face & Zoom                                                                              Term 3 (14 July – 1 Sept, 8 weeks) $80
                                                Literacy for Living                                                                                                                                             Term 3 (13 July – 14 Sept, 10 weeks) $150
Additional Language                                                                                       ebay and My Health Record                      Chi Yoga is a blend of Tai Chi and Hatha Yoga. It      Term 4 (5 Oct – 14 Dec, 10 weeks) $150
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Term 4 (6 Oct – 24 Nov, 8 weeks) $80
                                                This program is a life education program for                                                             combines the slow and precise movement and                                                                      Book and pay online at
A course for students beginning their                                                                 # )IZIPSTMRKǻPIQEREKIQIRXWOMPPW                                                                     Book and pay online at
                                                adults with a mild intellectual disability covering       ERHWEZMRK]SYVǻPIWXSE9'WXMGO            breath of tai chi, with yoga’s strength, balance
*RKPMWLPERKYEKIPIEVRMRKNSYVRI].X                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Catriona is a Counselling Psychologist with over
                                                literacy, numeracy and social interaction. Class                                                         ERHǼI\MFMPMX](LM=SKEMWEPS[MQTEGXI\IVGMWI
includes alphabet, pronunciation and                                                                  >   Introduction to Zoom – joining meetings                                                               Gentle Exercise                                         13 years’ experience in various settings including
                                                content focuses on employability skills, social           with and without video and audio.              increasing longevity, reducing tension and                                                                     university. She is passionate about the role of
numbers as well as speaking and reading                                                                                                                                                                         3SQEXXIV]SYVEKISVǻXRIWWPIZIPKIRXPII\IVGMWI
                                                etiquette, personal development and self-                                                                enhancing cognitive function. It is suitable for any
simple sentences.                                                                                     Thursday 9.30am - 12pm                                                                                    GERTVSZMHIQER]FIRIǻXW/SERƶWGEVIJYPP]HIWMKRIH mindfulness in managing stress, increasing self-
                                                responsibility.                                                                                          age including older adults. This class is delivered                                                            awareness and accessing greater enjoyment of life.
                                                                                                      Term 3 (29 Jul - 16 Sep, 8 weeks)                                                                         QSZIQIRXWMRGVIEWIǼI\MFMPMX]QSFMPMX]ERHQYWGPI
                                                                                                                                                         face-to-face and online via Zoom.
:.((IVXMǻGEXI.MR*RKPMWLEW                                                                Term 4 (21 Oct - 9 Dec, 8 weeks)                                                                          strength in a social and comfortable setting. Most
                                                Money Matters                                                                                            Tuesday 1.45pm - 2.45pm                                I\IVGMWIWEVIGLEMVFEWIHQEOMRKXLIQMHIEPJSV
an Additional Language (Access)
A course for students starting to learn         This course is designed to help those with a          Computers – The Next Step               FREE       Term 3 (13 July – 14 Sept, 10 weeks) $120              KIXXMRKWXEVXIHMRI\IVGMWISVMRNYV]VILEFMPMXEXMSR  SOUL CAFÉ
                                                                                                                                                         Term 4 (5 Oct – 14 Dec, 11 weeks) $132                 Wednesday 11am - 12pm
                                                mild intellectual disability to improve numeracy      Refresh your memory on how
*RKPMWLSV[LSLEZILEHQMRMQEP                                                                                                                         Casual attendance $16 per class                                                                                 Community Lunch - Wednesday from 12noon
                                                                                                      to use your computer. Topics                                                                              Term 3 (14 July – 15 Sept, 10 weeks) $8 per class
I\TSWYVIXS*RKPMWLXYHIRXWPIEVR            skills, with a particular focus on money
                                                                                                      covered include a basic introduction to Word,      Book and pay online at                Term 4 (6 Oct – 15 Dec, 11 weeks) $8 per class           Soul Café is a welcoming space for everyone
reading, writing, speaking and listening        handling. Class content includes budgeting
                                                                                                      5S[IV5SMRXERH*\GIPGSQTYXIVXIVQMRSPSK]                                                                                                                       in the community to come together and have a
skills for personal and social needs.           and saving, denominations, giving change and                                                                                                                    Zumba® Gold
                                                                                                      WSJX[EVIǻPIQEREKIQIRXIQEMPMRXIVRIX         Hatha Yoga                                                                                                      freshly cooked lunch either dine in, delivered to
                                                GSQTEVMRKcTVMGIW                                    EGGIWWERHWIEVGLMRK1IEVRLS[XSYWIIFE]                                                                                                                      ]SYVHSSVSVXEOIE[E]JSVNYWXHSREXMSR*EGL
                                                                                                                                                         This class is designed for those new to yoga,          A class for all ages! If you love dancing to all kinds
:.((IVXMǻGEXI..MR*RKPMWL                                                                  facebook Marketplace and Zoom to organise                                                                 of beats and moves, this is a great easy-to-follow       Wednesday we have a hot lunch that is seasonal
                                                                                                                                                         as well as those who regularly practice yoga
as an Additional Language (Access)              Wise Programs                                         your own meetings. Designed for beginners                                                                 routine that focuses on balance, motion and              ERHSJXIRMRWTMVIHF]MRXIVREXMSREPXEWXIW1MQMXIH
                                                                                                                                                         and are aiming to improve their techniques and
                                                                                                      who have already completed basic computer                                                                 coordination. Come ready to sweat and prepare to         seating is available in our cafe, in accordance with
This course helps students focus on the         The Wise Program is a year-long course                                                                   alignment. It is a yoga of balance and harmony.
                                                                                                      PMXIVEG]+PYIRG]MR*RKPMWLERHFEWMGPMXIVEG]                                                          leave empowered and feeling strong.                      government covid-19 guidelines, so bookings are
HIZIPSTQIRXSJXLIMV*RKPMWLPERKYEKI         designed for students with mild intellectual                                                             This class teaches asanas (physical postures),                                                                  recommended.
                                                                                                      skills are an advantage.
speaking, listening and reading skills          HMWEFMPMXMIWERHGSQTVMWIWǻZIYRMXWƳ(SQTYXIV                                                         and breathing techniques (Pranayama, in                Monday 10am – 11am
                                                                                                      Thursday 12.30pm - 3pm                                                                                    Term 3 (12 July – 13 Sept, 10 weeks) $10 per class       Home delivery service is available to residents
to satisfy their own simple everyday            wise, Money-wise, Food-wise, Gardening-wise                                                              Sanskrit).
                                                                                                      Term 3 (29 Jul - 16 Sep, 8 weeks)                                                                         Term 4 (4 Oct – 13 Dec, 11 weeks) $10 per class          living within 1km of the Centre.
transactional and social needs.                 and Retail-wise. Content is very hands on with        Term 4 (21 Oct - 9 Dec, 8 weeks)                   Wednesday 5:30pm – 6:30pm
                                                                                                                                                                                                                10-class-pass $90
                                                practical activities in the garden, kitchen and                                                          Term 3 (14 July – 15 Sept, 10 weeks) $120                                                                       (SǺII8MQI
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Friday 10am – 11am – at Cheltenham Hall
:.((IVXMǻGEXI...MR*RKPMWL           SRSYVXVEHMRKXEFPI*EGLYRMXMWHIWMKRIHXS      iPads, Tablets & More                   FREE       Term 4 (6 Oct – 15 Dec, 11 weeks) $132                                                                          SYP(EJ³MWSTIRJSVXIEGSǺIIERHGEOIIZIV]
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Term 3 (16 July – 17 Sept, 10 weeks) $10 per class
as an Additional Language (Access)              create pathways into further education and                                                               Casual attendance $16 per class
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Term 4 (8 Oct –17 Dec, 10 weeks) $10 per class           Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
8LMWGSYVWIMQTVSZIW*RKPMWLPERKYEKI          XSTVSZMHIXLIGSRǻHIRGIERHIQTPS]EFMPMX]           Android tablet or phone. Discover                  Book and pay online at                10-class-pass $90                                        We’re a place to meet new friends, catch up with
                                                skills to meet the requirements of working or         the world of Facebook, Skype, Zoom and                                                                                                                             SPHJVMIRHWSVNYWXWMXERHVIPE\FIJSVISVEJXIV]SYV
skills to assist with students’ social needs,
                                                                                                      Pinterest. Note: BYO charged iPad/Android                                                                                                                          class. Gold coin donation.
requirements of everyday situations and         volunteering in a supportive environment.
preparation for employment in Australia.
                                                                                                      tablet and/or phone.                                 Workshops                                                                                                     1MQMXIHWIEXMRKMWEZEMPEFPIMRSYVGEJIMR
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         accordance with government covid-19 guidelines
                                                                                                      Friday 9.30am - 12pm
                                                                                                      Term 3 (30 Jul - 17 Sep, 8 weeks)                    (LIGOSYV[IFWMXIJSVVIKYPEVYTHEXIWSRXLI[SVOWLSTWSRSǺIVMR8IVQW MRGPYHMRK                     so bookings are recommended.
For more details on each course, eligibility,                        CCC acknowledges
payment methods and refunds, visit our                                                                Term 4 (22 Oct - 10 Dec, 8 weeks)                     Creative Art                   Cooking for one                Gift Wrapping                               Please check our website or contact
                                                                     the support of the
                                                                                                                                                            Mosaics                        Sourdough & more                                                            our customer service team on 9583 0095 for the
website at                            Victorian Government.                                                                                                                                                                               Į±ƒåžƒƭĞĻüŇŹķ±ƒĞŇĻũ
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