Page created by Margaret Cox
2021 Day and Evening Program

1        Canberra Institute of Technology | 2021 ACT Senior Secondary Certificate Program
2   Canberra Institute of Technology | 2021 ACT Senior Secondary Certificate Program
CIT Year 12 Contacts����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 2
Principles of Adult Learning������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3
Program Overview������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 3
Classes����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3
Flexible study options���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3
Attendance and Assessment��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3

Courses of Study
Biology������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 4
Chemistry���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 5
Connected Learning������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 5
English������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 6
Global Studies����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 7
History������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 7
Languages�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 8
Essential Maths�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 8
Maths Applications����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 8
Maths Methods�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 8
Physical Education������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 9
Physics������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 9

Additional Programs
ACT Scaling Test (AST) Preparation������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 10
Community Involvement����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 10
Student Forum������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 10

Timetable�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 11
Calendar������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 12‒13

1                                                             Canberra Institute of Technology | 2021 ACT Senior Secondary Certificate Program
CIT Year 12 Contacts |

    Year 12 Head of Department: (02) 6207 4025                     Year 12 Office: (02) 6207 3412

    Careers Advisor: (02) 6207 3348                                Year 12 Student Support: (02) 6207 4317

    Student Counselling: (02) 6207 3290                            ASbA/VET Coordinator: (02) 627 4066

    Disability Services: (02) 6207 4929                            Cultural Diversity Coordinator: (02) 6207 3335

The CIT Year 12 program provides an important                      Defence Force for potential recruits who need to
pathway for people who, for various reasons, wish                  update their English, mathematics or science at
to gain an ACT Senior Secondary Certificate or                     Year 12 level. More recently, the program has seen
improve on their previous results. For many years,                 an increase in demand for the Vocational ACT Senior
this program has allowed students from school age                  Secondary Certificate whereby students include a
through to mature age, the opportunity to gain their               certificate II through to diploma as part of their Year
ACT Senior Secondary Certificate. Our graduating                   12 package.
students have gained university entrance, entered
further TAFE studies and obtained employment.                      The program can be undertaken by older students
                                                                   as a one-year intensive course or part-time over two
College aged students (typically 16-18 years of age)               continuous years leading to the award of the an ACT
complete the two year certificate. Students who have               Senior Secondary Certificate and an ATAR if required.
points from a previous college can transfer to CIT                 The program is accredited by the ACT Board of
and complete their ACT Senior Secondary Certificate                Senior Secondary Studies (BSSS) and is recognised
with an Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR)                 nationally. The program has a block-based timetable
or a vocational qualification. The part-time study of              to allow students to incorporate their work and family
specific courses within the CIT Year 12 program has                commitments around their studies. Our teachers are
been recommended by the recruitment agencies                       highly experienced and are committed to assisting our
of the Australian Federal Police and the Australian                students to achieve their fullest potential.

2                        Canberra Institute of Technology | 2021 ACT Senior Secondary Certificate Program
Principles of adult learning                                         Flexible study options
CIT is not a school or secondary college. It is an                   The program is available online with additional face-
independent adult learning environment where                         to-face tutorials or residential schools. Students
students:                                                            wanting to study flexibly need to demonstrate their
    take responsibility for their own learning                       ability to study independently and have ICT skills for
                                                                     online learning. The following subjects are offered
    must be motivated
                                                                     flexibly: Biology T/A, Chemistry T, English T/A, Global
    must be ready to learn
                                                                     Studies T/A, History T/A, Mathematics - Essential A
                                                                     and Applications T.
Program overview
This program is designed for students who wish to:                   Attendance and assessment
    gain an ACT Senior Secondary Certificate studying                    Regular participation (at least 90%) and
    Australian Curriculum courses accredited by the                      satisfactory academic progress are needed
    ACT Board of Senior Secondary Studies                                to achieve points for each class
    gain entrance to university (via the ATAR)                           There is continuous internal assessment in each
    gain an ACT Senior Secondary Certificate whilst                      subject and students will be awarded unit grades
    also studying a vocational course at CIT                             each semester
    continue vocational study at CIT                                     A ‘V grade’ may be awarded for unsatisfactory
    complete an ACT Senior Secondary Certificate                         attendance and/or completion of less than 70%
    started elsewhere                                                    of assessment work

    study only specific subjects and receive a BSSS                      The ATAR will be compiled from internal
    record of achievement                                                assessment marks, which are then moderated
                                                                         by the ACT Scaling Test (AST)
    develop required knowledge for specific tertiary
    courses and/or careers
    improve employment opportunities
    develop academic and personal skills

    All classes are held at CIT Bruce and through the
    CIT online learning platform, eLearn
    Class times and room numbers are shown on
    your timetable
    Classes are 3.25 hours long

3                          Canberra Institute of Technology | 2021 ACT Senior Secondary Certificate Program
Biology T/A
This course will give you a background in many areas
of biology, including human biology, genetics and
cell biology. Practical work is used to reinforce the
theoretical concepts. Students develop laboratory
techniques, observational skills and interpret
experimental work. Assessment is based on tests,
practical reports, class presentations and research

Units: Biodiversity and Connectedness,
Cells and Organisms

4                         Canberra Institute of Technology | 2021 ACT Senior Secondary Certificate Program
Chemistry T
This course provides grounding for students wishing                   in a mathematics course. The course is designed so
to study chemistry, or related studies, at tertiary level.            that theoretical aspects are backed up by practical
Chemistry is often called the central science because                 experiments in which students will develop skills in
it affects all aspects of our daily lives and is central to           the collection of scientific data and its interpretation.
many environmental issues facing the planet. This                     CIT has excellent laboratory facilities and equipment.
course will help gain an understanding of those issues                Assessment is continuous and is based on practical
and how they can be addressed.                                        laboratory assignments and formal tests on both
                                                                      theory and practical work.
No previous knowledge of chemistry is assumed but
success in this course will depend on a sound grasp of                Units: Chemistry Fundamentals, Molecules
basic mathematics and students should also enrol

Connected Learning A
Connected Learning provides students with
opportunities to find and assess information about
living well, and to develop skills and knowledge that
enable a balanced, meaningful, and independent life.
Students analyse, assess and apply information and
arguments about living well and the skills to achieve
the goals they set in response. They will acquire
dispositions and understandings, communication
and collaboration skills, and project managements
techniques that will enable positive relationships
personally and professionally.

Units: Finding Balance, Giving and Meaning,
Relationships and Communication,
An Independent Life

5                           Canberra Institute of Technology | 2021 ACT Senior Secondary Certificate Program
Essential English A                                                 English T
The study of English is central to effective social and             This course develops reading, report, and essay
vocational participation in a culturally diverse and                writing skills through analysis of themes- such as
complex world. Essential English develops students’                 identity, social issues and 21st century challenges.
ability to interpret and engage with their world from               Students also develop skills and confidence in oral
a variety of perspectives and promotes cultural                     presentations and group discussion, academic and
understanding. It aims to improve the core skills areas             workplace skills such as note-taking, summary writing
of English expression and communication.                            and research techniques. Assessment is based on
                                                                    research assignments, in-class exercises, essays and
                                                                    oral presentations.

                                                                    Units: Communication of Meaning, Representations
                                                                    Through Texts, Comparative Texts, Perspectives

6                         Canberra Institute of Technology | 2021 ACT Senior Secondary Certificate Program
Global Studies T/A                                                  History T/A
This course offers students the opportunity to                      The study of History allows students to place
gain perspectives, appreciate social and cultural                   themselves in a range of cultural and intellectual
complexity, respect differences and act in informed                 contexts. It allows students to satisfy their natural
and ethical ways. Through the study of Global Studies,              curiosity about the diversity of human experiences
students see how specific disciplines contribute to                 through time. Through this study, students gain
broader understandings and integrate knowledge                      perspectives and understandings that encourage
and strategies into both their current experience and               them to value diversity and develop empathetic
future working and personal lives. Students learn to                understanding of others. The study of History
make sense of the world they live in and to exercise                provides a way of exploring the intersections between
judgment and responsibility as participants in that                 ideas, experiences, literature and cultures that assist
world.                                                              in explaining the human condition. Students become
                                                                    critically aware and learn to locate themselves within a
Units: Australia in the World, The Big Picture,
                                                                    broad perspective.
Cultural Identity in Asia, Peace and Conflict, Australia:
Democracy and Relations.                                            Units: Investigating the Ancient World, Ancient
                                                                    Societies, People Power and Authority, Reconstruct
                                                                    the Ancient World, Understanding the Modern
                                                                    World, Change in the 20th Century, Modern Nations,
                                                                    The Modern World Since 1945.

7                         Canberra Institute of Technology | 2021 ACT Senior Secondary Certificate Program
CIT students can include courses from the Canberra
Academy of Languages in their study program.
These courses are endorsed by the ACT Board of
Senior Secondary Studies (BSSS).

Courses in Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Hindi,
Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Spanish
and Tamil are available. See Canberra Academy of
Language website for course details and additional
costs. Visit:

Essential Maths A                                                    Maths Methods T
Essential Mathematics focuses on enabling students                   The major themes of Mathematical Methods are
to use mathematics effectively, efficiently and                      calculus and statistics. They include as necessary
critically to make informed decisions in their daily                 prerequisites studies of algebra, functions and
lives. Essential Mathematics provides students with                  their graphs, and probability. They are developed
the mathematical knowledge, skills and understanding                 systematically, with increasing levels of sophistication
to solve problems in real contexts, in a range of                    and complexity. This subject provides a foundation for
workplace, personal, further learning and community                  further studies in disciplines in which mathematics
settings. This subject offers students the opportunity               and statistics have important roles. It is also
to prepare for post-school options of employment                     advantageous for further studies in the health and
and further training.                                                social sciences. Mathematical Methods is designed
                                                                     for students whose future pathways may involve
Maths Applications T                                                 mathematics and statistics and their applications in
Mathematical Applications is designed for those                      a range of disciplines at the tertiary level.
students who want to extend their mathematical
skills beyond Year 10 level but whose future studies
or employment pathways do not require knowledge
of calculus. The subject is designed for students who
have a wide range of educational and employment
aspirations, including continuing their studies at
university or TAFE.

8                          Canberra Institute of Technology | 2021 ACT Senior Secondary Certificate Program
Physical Education A                                                 Physics T
This course involves students learning about                         The study of Physics encourages and enables students
physical, recreational or sporting activities. It                    to develop complex and sophisticated understanding
engages students in developing active, balanced                      of the universe through observation, questioning,
and healthy lifestyles using a comprehensive body                    experimentation, discussion, critical analysis and
of specific knowledge, principles and concepts.                      creative thinking. Physics is often described as the
Participation in a wide range of activities provides                 fundamental science, as its theories describe the
opportunities to develop, practise and apply                         behaviour of the smallest building blocks of matter,
appropriate skills and knowledge in varied and                       light, the Universe, and everything in between. This
challenging environments. Physical Education                         course provides the foundations for understanding
provides essential skills and knowledge, which will                  such theories. Physics T is a prerequisite for all
assist students in gaining access to vocational                      engineering degree courses and TAFE/CIT engineering
opportunities and further study in the areas of                      diploma courses. It is also a very useful course for
sport, human movement, leisure and recreation.                       anyone thinking of pursuing a career in a science-
                                                                     related area.
Units: Fitness, Team Sports, Recreational Sports,
Sports Competitions, Individual Sports.                              Units: Linear Motion and Waves, Thermal, Nuclear
                                                                     and Electrical

Vocational Education and Training (VET Courses)
VET is the teaching and learning of courses specific                 There are two ways a student can do this:
to the world of work. VET is a national system with                      Undertaking a program of study from certificate II
qualifications that are recognised and can lead to                       through to diploma levels in a main course at CIT.
employment anywhere in Australia. Completion of                          See the range of courses available:
a VET course leads to the achievement of nationally            
recognised qualifications. Students can undertake                        Through an Australian School-based
a nationally recognised Vocational Education and                         Apprenticeship (ASbA)
Training (VET) qualification while completing their
accredited Senior Secondary Certificate.

9                          Canberra Institute of Technology | 2021 ACT Senior Secondary Certificate Program
ACT Scaling Test (AST) Preparation                                     Student Forum – Pastoral Care Program
All students who are enrolled in Year 12 and who wish                  Forum groups provide all students with support and
to gain an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank must                     assistance to ensure they complete their course. We
sit the AST. To prepare for these external exams,                      have guest speakers on a regular basis throughout the
there will be weekly online activities and resources on                year on topics such as work experience, health and
eLearn in terms 2 and 3. Critical thinking skills for the              lifestyle issues, careers, university and CIT pathways.
three AST style tasks will be developed in all tertiary                You will explore issues such as:
classes and will also improve your performance in class                  Rights and responsibilities
assessment. The Queensland Core Skills Test and the                      Building resilience
trial AST will prepare you for formal exams and provide                  Study skills and Brain Gym
information on your strengths and the areas you need                     Stress and time management
to improve.                                                              Conflict resolution
                                                                         Goal setting and pathway planning
                                                                         Health promotion
Community Involvement
                                                                         Positive psychology
     Student leadership group                                            Job seeking skills
     Community vegetable garden
     Carer’s support group
                                                                       Performing Arts
     Work experience
     Drumbeats                                                         Students can include the Certificate IV in Acting for
     Art workshops                                                     Stage and Screen at Perform Australia and include
     Student common room with all day breakfast club                   this course as part of an accredited year 12 package.
     Duke of Edinburgh Award –                         The nine subject areas include the internal world as
                                                                       an actor as well as developing outward qualities as
                                                                       a dynamic performer. Additional academic subjects
                                                                       are still required such as English and other electives.
                                                                       See the website for details for part-time and full-time
                                                                       study options.


10                           Canberra Institute of Technology | 2021 ACT Senior Secondary Certificate Program
Year 12 Timetable
     MONDAY                TUESDAY                     WEDNESDAY                    THURSDAY                   FRIDAY

 9:30am–1pm                9am–1pm                    9:30am–1pm                   9:30am–12:45pm              9:30am–12:45pm
 -------------------       -------------------        -------------------          -------------------         -------------------
   English T                 Essential English          English T                    Maths                       Connected
   & Forum                   & Forum                    Session Two                  Applications T              Learning
   Session One               9:30am–1pm                                              Units 1&2
                                                         EALD T/A
                                                                                     Session Two
     EALD T/A               Big Picture                  Session Two
     (English as an         9–9:30am                                                  Maths Methods T
     Additional Language
                                                                                      Units 1&2
     or Dialect) & Forum    Interdisciplinary
                                                                                      Session Two
     Session One            Inquiry T/A
                            9:30am–12:45pm                                            History T/A
     Essential Maths
     & Forum

 BREAK 1-1:45PM            BREAK 1-1:45PM             BREAK 1-2PM                  BREAK 12:45-

 1:45–5:15pm               2–5:15pm                   2–4pm                        1:45–5pm                    Registered Units
 15 min break              15 min break               15 min break                 -------------------         -------------------
 -------------------       -------------------        -------------------            Physical                    Art Workshop
   Maths                     Global Studies             Essential Maths              Education A                 Drumbeats
   Applications T            T/A                        Unit 1                                                   Community
                                                                                      Global Studies
   Session One               Session One                                                                         Garden
                                                         AST Meetings                 T/A
     Maths Methods T        Biology T/A                  and Preparation              Session Two
                                                                                                                 Leadership Group
     Session One                                         2–4pm. See
                                                                                                                 See notice board
                                                         meeting schedule
     Essential English                                                                                           outside F20
                                                         for dates

 BREAK                     BREAK                      BREAK                        BREAK                       Flexible Courses
                                                                                                               Online or face-
 EVENING                   EVENING                    EVENING                      EVENING                     to-face class +
 -------------------       -------------------        -------------------          -------------------         eLearn tutorial
   Flexible Maths            Flexible                   Tertiary Maths               English T                 -------------------
   Applications              Psychology T/A             Tutorial                     & Forum                     Big Picture
   Unit 1                    6–8pm +1.25                4:30–7:30pm                  6–8:15pm + 1.25             Essential Maths
   6–8pm + 1.25              hour eLearn                                             hour eLearn                 Unit 1
                                                         Chemistry T
   hour eLearn               tutorial                                                tutorial                    Essential English
   tutorial                                                                                                      History T/A
                            Physics T                                                 Essential English
                            5:30–8:30pm                                               & Forum                    Maths Apps
                                                                                      6–8:15pm + 1.25            Maths Methods
                                                                                      hour eLearn

VET Courses                                                           T = tertiary level courses which count towards an
For information about vocational courses, see the                     Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR)
ASbA/VET Coordinator in room F18 or F20 or the                        A = accredited courses which count towards the
CIT website:                                       ACT Senior Secondary Certificate

11                          Canberra Institute of Technology | 2021 ACT Senior Secondary Certificate Program
Students’ Calendar
Year 12 Semester 1 2021
     Teaching weeks      MONDAY                 TUESDAY              WEDNESDAY               THURSDAY               FRIDAY
         Term 1         February 1                 Feb 2                 Feb 3                    Feb 4               Feb 5
            1            Student                                      AST meeting
           2               Feb 8                   Feb 9                Feb 10                   Feb 11              Feb 12
                                                                    AST Practice Test
           3               Feb 15                 Feb 16                  Feb 17                 Feb 18              Feb 19
           4               Feb 22                Feb 23                   Feb 24                 Feb 25              Feb 26
                                             Moderation Day
                                             Online learning
           5               Mar 1                   Mar 2                  Mar 3                   Mar 4               Mar 5
                      Moderation Day
                      Online learning
           6              Mar 8                    Mar 9                 Mar 10                  Mar 11              Mar 12
                       Canberra Day
           7               Mar 15                 Mar 16                 Mar 17                Mar 18                Mar 19
                                                                                           AST Special Case
           8               Mar 22                 Mar 23                 Mar 24                  Mar 25              Mar 26
           9               Mar 29                 Mar 30                 Mar 31                   Apr 1             Apr 2
                                                                                                                  Good Friday
        Holidays           Apr 5                   Apr 6                  Apr 7                   Apr 8               Apr 9
                       Easter Monday
         Term 2            Apr 12                 Apr 13                  Apr 14                 Apr 15              Apr 16
           11              Apr 19                 Apr 20                  Apr 21                 Apr 22              Apr 23
          12              Apr 26                  Apr 27                  Apr 28                 Apr 29              Apr 30
                        ANZAC Day
          13               May 3                   May 4                  May 5                  May 6                May 7
          14               May 10                 May 11                 May 12                  May 13              May 14
          15               May 17                 May 18                 May 19                  May 20              May 21
          16               May 24                 May 25                 May 26                  May 27              May 28
          17              May 31                  June 1                 June 12                June 3                June 4
                       Reconciliation                                                     Last day for Special   Last day for late
                           Day                                                              consideration          assessment
                                                                                          applications close
          18              June 7                 June 8                 June 9                  June 10             June 11
                        TEST WEEK              TEST WEEK              TEST WEEK               TEST WEEK           TEST WEEK
        Holidays          June 14                June 15                 June 16                June 17             June 18
                      Queen’s Birthday                                                                           BSSS Results up
                                                                                                                    by 12pm
        Holidays          June 21                June 22                 June 23                June 24              June 25
                       Check Results -
                      appeals close 4pm
        Holidays          June 28                June 29                 June 30                 July 1               July 2
        Holidays           July 5                  July 6                 July 7                 July 8               July 9

12                      Canberra Institute of Technology | 2021 ACT Senior Secondary Certificate Program
Students’ Calendar
Year 12 Semester 2 2021
     Teaching weeks      MONDAY                 TUESDAY              WEDNESDAY               THURSDAY             FRIDAY
         Term 3       July 12 - Student           July 13                July 14                 July 15           July 16
            1           Orientation
           2               July 19                July 20                July 21                 July 22           July 23

           3               July 26                July 27                July 28                 July 29           July 30

           4               Aug 2                   Aug 3                  Aug 4                   Aug 5             Aug 6

           5               Aug 9                  Aug 10                 Aug 11                Aug 12              Aug 13
                                                                                           Moderation Day
                                                                                            - Online study
           6               Aug 16                 Aug 17                 Aug 18                  Aug 19            Aug 20

           7               Aug 23                 Aug 24                 Aug 25                  Aug 26            Aug 27

           8               Aug 30               Aug 31                 Sept 1                    Sept 2            Sept 3
                                            ACT Scaling Test       ACT Scaling Test
                                                 (AST)                  (AST)
           9               Sept 6                 Sept 7                  Sept 8                 Sept 9            Sept 10

         Term 4           Sept 13                Sept 14                 Sept 15                Sept 16            Sept 17
        Holidays          Sept 20                Sept 21                 Sept 22                Sept 23            Sept 24

          11             Sept 27                Sept 28                Sept 29                 Sept 30              Oct 1
                      Online learning        Online learning        Online learning         Online learning    Online learning
          12              Oct 4                    Oct 5                  Oct 6                   Oct 7             Oct 8
                      Queen’s Birthday
          13               Oct 11                Oct 12                  Oct 13                  Oct 14            Oct 15
                                               AST Second              AST Second
                                                 Sitting                 Sitting
          14               Oct 18                 Oct 19                 Oct 20                  Oct 21            Oct 22

          15               Oct 25                 Oct 26                 Oct 27                  Oct 28            Oct 29

          16               Nov 1                   Nov 2                  Nov 3                  Nov 4              Nov 5

          17               Nov 8                   Nov 9                 Nov 10                 Nov 11             Nov 12
                                                                                                Special        Last day for late
                                                                                            consideration        assessment
                                                                                          applications close
          18              Nov 15                 Nov 16                 Nov 17                  Nov 18            Nov 19
                        TEST WEEK              TEST WEEK              TEST WEEK               TEST WEEK         TEST WEEK
          19              Nov 22                  Nov 23                 Nov 24                  Nov 25            Nov 26
                        Check results -
                      appeals close 4pm
          20               Nov 29                 Nov 30                  Dec 1                   Dec 2             Dec 3

          21               Dec 6                  Dec 7                  Dec 8                    Dec 9            Dec 10
                                             BSSS Recognition          CIT Year 12
                                            of Excellence 11am      Graduation - TBC

13                      Canberra Institute of Technology | 2021 ACT Senior Secondary Certificate Program
CIT Year 12 Office
(02) 6207 3412

CIT Student Services
(02) 6207 3188

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                                             210054 of Technology | 2021 ACT Senior Secondary Certificate Program
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