Page created by Elizabeth Herrera
               Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held at 7.00pm on Monday 8 March 2021
             Held by Virtual Conference call using

                              Draft minutes awaiting approval at April Meeting

     Present: Parish Cllrs Woollacott, Isaacs, Batsch, West; SCC Cllrs Fothergill &Fraschini; SWT D Cllrs Pritchard, &
     Cavill; WM Cllr Hall, WM Assistant Clerk Mrs T Cavill; NP Delivery Group Chairman K Tutill; Clerks: Mrs J
     Pearson & S Millard-Jones. Two members of the public was present.

1.   Apologies for absence: Parish Cllrs Webber & Baker. SWT D Cllr Tully.
     Vice Chairman Cllr Woollacott chaired the meeting.
2.   Declarations of personal/prejudicial/disclosable pecuniary interests:
     Cllrs Woollacott & Baker disclosed an interest in planning application 08/20/0006, and Cllr Woollacott for
3.   Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 8 February 2021.
     It was resolved to approve the Minutes.

     Public Question Time:

4.   Reports:
     SCC Fothergill:
     Covid-19 Restrictions:
     Revised Government regulations mean that from Monday 8th March, The Stay-at-Home requirement will
     remain, but people can leave home for recreation outdoors such as a coffee or picnic with their household or
     support bubble, or with one person outside their household. Schools have also re-opened.
     Coronavirus infection rates: A consistent fall in infection rates, last reported figures at 39.7 per 100,000 for
     the county. SWT figures 28.4 per 100,000. Current R has decreased to between 0.6-0.8. Sadly, therefore 750
     covid related deaths.

     Somerset Coronavirus Support Helpline: A single phone number is available for anyone in Somerset who
     needs Coronavirus-related support. 0300 790 6275, is open seven days a week from 8am to 6pm, offering a
     range of support – from help accessing food or medicines, to emotional and financial support, and
     employment, housing and business advice.

     Vaccination programme roll-out: Vaccinations have slowed down over the last couple of weeks due to
     difficulties with supply, this will catch up this week. Currently 42% of over 60’s has been vaccinated.

     Recruitment of Social Workers: Looking to recruit social workers or people looking to re-train to be a social
     worker. Currently, there are 58 spaces available across the South West with a bursary for a two-year period.

     Finance: Budget agreed £10.2 million for adult social care, £9 million into Children’s Services, £10.8 million
     allocated to Covid recovery, £6.5 million to Climate Emergency projects, £130 million to Major Infrastructure
     projects, £400,000 to Citizens Advice Bureau.

     SCC Fraschini:
     Yellow lines outside of Nerrols Primary have been refreshed, hoping that the 20mph signage and lights will
     be in place by April.
Maidenbrook Lane Flood –SCC to obtain funding in order to alleviate the ongoing flooding by Field Cottage.
    Work has been taking place with hedges and re-directing the water to help reduce the flooding for now. Two
    funding options have been denied, so further options are being investigated.
    20mph signs are scheduled to be installed over the Summer 2021 break outside Cheddon Primary School.
    40-30mph signs from O’Bridge to Yallands Hill are scheduled to be installed April 2021.

    D Cllr Cavill
    The SCC budget has been agreed and has created a £5 rate increase from £162.88 - £167.88 per household.
    Cllr Cavill reported concerns regarding the substantial sums being borrowed for investment. Expected
    returns could cause problems. Subsequent years will need to be considered in a different manner.
    Carbon Neutral and Carbon Resilience Plan covers some fantastic schemes. Two were highlighted #126
    Maidenbrook Country Park, this has mostly been delivered by WM PC and CFP. #298 11,281 trees within
    Somerset Wood – encouraging as it looks as though the support will be available.

    D Cllr Pritchard:
    The phosphate calculator is now available online. Pleased that the DC are in support of the climate
    emergency process. Watchet harbour is now under new ownership who will commence a comprehensive
    dredging campaign in the late spring which, by the summer, will ensure that adequate water depths are
    available within the marina. A long-term maintenance programme will mean the harbour never again suffers
    from siltation issues, and is now being reciprocally linking up with many other harbours along the welsh

    Cllr Woollacott took the opportunity to make a special tribute and appreciation to the retiring clerk for all
    her hard work and commitment over the years.

 5. Joint Projects with West Monkton:
    a. Maidenbrook Country Park:
    Alan Hall (AH) reported: Management meeting re MCP and planning application took place 10 days ago.
    Documents being prepared for Parish Council (PC) consideration. Consideration of altering the line of Allens’
    Brook footpath is being discussed with two neighbouring landowners north of the MCP fields. The Parishes
    look forward to contact from SWT Council regarding this project.
    b. Somerset Wood: AH reports that over the last 8-9 weeks, the majority of 1200 trees have been planted,
    leaving 80 remaining. 61 trees donated from Persimmon. Huge thanks were given to all the volunteers and
    Proctors Farm that have helped so far. Portaloo to go off-hire at end March as previously agreed with SCC.
    Clerk to arrange. Cllr Fothergill to source two SCC flags for Somerset Day on 11 May. Flagpoles previously
    donated from local developer.
    c. Neighbourhood Plan Review- leading to Reg 14: NP Chairman, Kelvin Tutill reported that Regulation 14
    consultations have been sent out with 9 weeks to respond. Highways have queried why it is being done
    ahead of the NP Review. Looking to have more to report at the April meeting. All Cheddon Fitzpaine (CF) NP
    Play Park signs have been installed by play areas.
    d. Somerset Climate Emergency Community Fund 2020-21 Bid: There should be an update by the end of the
6. Cheddon Ward: Dead lambs and rubbish was reported. Hestercombe have consulted with CFP PC regarding
    felling. A resident has approached BT Openreach regarding funding and has so far received a good response
    from residents. A member of the public who lives out of the ward, has been litter picking and Cllrs agreed to
    officially thank him for his efforts.
 7. Maidenbrook Ward:
    Maidenbrook Bovis-Taylor Wimpey Adoption of POS: Funding has been agreed for the legal mapping of the
    local areas. Concerns regarding an increase in traffic to the recycling centre. This has been addressed with
    Somerset Waste Partnership who have emphasised that the increase in traffic is purely down to Covid and
    are confident that the number of visits has not actually increased.

There has been a huge clear out of vegetation on the triangle of land by the Crown Medical Centre.
    Barbers Mead lights; Two light bulbs require replacing (reported in June), but these remain in the ownership
    of the Developer. Engagement Lead Claire Thackray working with Chris Hall on this.
    Northwalls Grange: Barratt David Wilson Homes: ongoing.
    Nerrols Grange: It was suggested that it would be beneficial to install a safety barrier on the exit onto the
    main road from the new play park. Cllr Fraschini will report back at the next meeting.
    Touts Local Centre, Nerrols: no new information.
    Nerrols Farm: no new information.
    Nerrols Farmhouse: The clerk had been in contact with the new owner of Nerrols Farm and was pleased to
    report that the development will be moved slowly and sympathetically.
    Canal: CRT-Tarker: Site meeting required by the clerk regarding siting of the bench.
    Waterleaze cycleway: Brambles and cuttings cleared by a local resident.
8. Highways:
    Western Relief Road WRR: connecting the A3259 with houses at Aginhills, West Monkton: Work is on
    schedule. Looking to have the roads connected by the end of June 2021. It has been agreed by Kate Pain
    (Persimmon) to carry electricity over to The Somerset Wood.
    Nerrols School/Summerleaze Crescent:
    Triangle of land at entrance to Waterleaze on LHS. As above.
    CMC Roundabout: Clerk to follow up with SCC.
    Road Closures: Gotton Lane, West Monkton.on 10th March 2021(09:30 - 15:30hrs) to enable pole testing
    works on behalf of BT Openreach.
9. Planning Applications:
    8TD- Erection of 1 No. single storey dwelling with detached garage on land to the west of Brook View, Tudor
    Park, Maidenbrook – The Developer is appealing against this decision.
    08/21/0006 - Erection of a single storey extension to the rear of 88 Summerleaze Crescent, CFP – To support
    08/21/0008/T: Application to fell two Ash trees included in Taunton Deane Borough (Cheddon Fitzpaine
    No.2) Tree Preservation Order 1997 at 14 Hale Way, Taunton (TD708) – To support
10. Planning Decisions: None
    Awaiting Decision:
    08/19/0030 LB and 0031 Erection of 2 No. extensions for an auditorium, workshop and cafe with various
    internal and external alterations at Hestercombe House, Volis Hill, Cheddon Fitzpaine
    08/19/0035 Gladman- Outline Planning Application with all matters reserved, except for means of access, for
    the erection of up to 180 dwellings with public open space, landscaping and sustainable drainage system
    (SuDS) and vehicular access point off Cheddon Road, Taunton (resubmission of 08/17/0040).
    38/19/0129 Erection of a residential development of up to 347 No. dwellings (87 No. affordable) with
    associated access, infrastructure, open space (formal and informal) and landscaping on land off Lyngford
    Lane, Taunton.
    08/20/0016 Erection of 1 No. dwelling with garage and access thereto in the garden to the side of Tall Trees,
    Cheddon Road, Taunton
    08/20/0017 Erection of an agricultural building for the housing of livestock with yard and extension and
    alterations to access track and highway access on land west of Pitchers Hill, Rowford, Taunton
    08/20/0022 - Replacement of industrial building for Class B1, B2, B8 and D2 usage at Marshalsea House,
    Venture Way, Taunton
    08/20/0023 -Erection of a tent on the south lawn with a mobile toilet and service tent for a period of six
    years at Hestercombe House, Hestercombe Road, Cheddon Fitzpaine
    08/20/0032 – Amended plans: Conversion and extension of garages into 1 No. dwelling at 9 2Cheddon
    Fitzpaine, Maidenbrook Lane,
    08/20/0035 - Creation of Nerrols Neighbourhood Centre comprising of the erection of a 3-storey building
    with commercial uses at ground floor (incorporating a convenience store, lounge bar/restaurant, hair and
    beauty salon, office accommodation and employment space for food production and despatch), 36 No.
    apartments over the 1st and 2nd floors with installation of electric vehicle charging points and a petrol

and diesel forecourt with canopy over, landscaped parking area and community and public open space on
    land off Nerrols Drive, Taunton

11. Reports:
    Church/Pastoral Care Group: Still getting great attendance virtually, currently have more attending via
    Zoom than ‘in church’.
    Cheddon School: Everybody back to school excluding a handful of children that were ill (non-covid related).
    Teachers will be getting tested twice a week.
    Memorial Hall: Will be closed until May 17th. It was noted that the red line indicating memorial Hall (MH)
    land appears differently on Hestercombe’s map 1 & map 2 regarding the Felling Licence. This will be flagged
    up with Hestercombe. The MH have had the tree officer assess a few of the trees that are earmarked for
    removal and it looks likely that these will be approved. This is finance dependent. In time, there is a plan to
    have a tree surgeon on site to assess all MH land trees.
    Nerrols Primary School: No report.
    Footpaths: Still looking for a Footpaths Officer.
    Police: Monthly updates available for local postcodes: apply online at Avon & Somerset Police. It was agreed
    to remove this element of reporting for further meetings.
12. Administration:
    Annual Parish Council Meeting: To hold this virtually on 10th May 2021.
    Somerset Web Services: Analytics have been sent over and are to be reviewed.
    New Parish Clerk: Handover: Formal contract/Pay Policy agreed. The clerk to set a date for her probations
    review in 6 months. Computer purchased and set up/Email accounts added. Jo to conduct the audit and end
    of year, ready for the new clerk to take over.
    Newsletter: ‘Copy’ requested for April by 16 March. New distributor in place for Cheddon village
    Welcome Letter: quotation for print-run: £48 for 200 colour on 130 gsm silk. RESOLVED: To approve this
    Meetings: SWT Council – Survey – complete by 12 April
    Reminder: Phosphates briefing by SWT 12.2.2021– free online.

 13. Finance:
     NatWest: The new clerk has set up the debit card and is still awaiting documentation for online banking
     HMRC: New clerk has been added as an employee. RTI to be added to new computer after 6 April 2021.
     Clerks to work together on this.
     NS&I: New clerk to be added as new signatory. Retired Cllrs/Clerk to be removed: RESOLVED: Cllr
     Isaacs/Cllr Batsch.
     Bank Reconciliation to 28 February 2021: The spreadsheet, and NatWest bank statement were emailed
     prior to meeting. All found in order. It was resolved to sign by Vice Chair & Clerk.
     Current NatWest Balances/Reserves: 28/02/2021
     Main Account £33,455.30
     CIL Account       £2,862.64
     Election Account £3,123.31

    Payments for Authorisation: The Payments Sheet and supporting invoices emailed prior to meeting: It was
    resolved to approve payments:
    Payments March 2021                                     Amount      VAT              Pay Date
    Somerset West & Taunton Council
            (waste bins empty 2020-21)                    £2414.84      482.97           9.3.2021
    Character Graphics – Welcome Letter                     £ 48.00                      9.3 2021
    Ian Brimacombe – NP Play Park Signs installation        £285.00                      9.3.2021
    West Monkton PC – postcrete for signposts               £ 65.76                      9.3.2021
    Mrs P J Pearson February mileage expenses       £ 9.45
Homeworking February                     £27.00
                                                    £36.45                           9.3.2021
1. Mrs P J Pearson March Salary @£12.45p/h £755.30
 PLUS: 12.5 hrs overtime                   £155.63
   LESS: February Employee NI £12.18
   LESS: March Employee NI £12.81                  £885.94                           31.3.2021
HMRC: Employer/ee NI £22.29/£13.53 = £35.82                                          9.3.2021

2. Mrs S Millard-Jones March Salary @£12.45
@ 18 hrs per week                           £971.10
Less Tax & NI £194.20/£21.49= £215.69              £755.41                           31.3.22021
HMRC: Employer/ee NI £32.99/21.49 =£54.48
Inform HMRC RTI (March) £194.20+£54.48+£35.82      £284.50                           9.3.2021
                                                 Total: £4775.90
Debit Card/Direct Debit: To note:
-Monthly subscription to Somerset Web Services
                                         – hosting      £26.40        £4.40          25.02.2021
        - For parish Councillor/Clerk email addresses   £38.64        £6.44           2.02.2021
- New laptop computer for Parish Clerk                 £662.78      £132.56          16.02.2021
- Microsoft Office monthly                              £11.28        £1.88          21.03.2021
It was resolved to pay the above by cheque/internet banking
Proposed: Cllr Isaacs Seconded: Cllr West

14. Matters raised by Councillors: Good wishes for recovery were passed on to Cllr Webber.
15. Correspondence: circulated.

Next Parish Council meeting:
MONDAY, 12 April 2021 at 7.00pm conference call.

Meeting closed: 20.49


Vice Chair

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