CHECK IT OUT - Edith B. Siegrist Vermillion Public Library

CHECK IT OUT - Edith B. Siegrist Vermillion Public Library

 The Summer Reading Program is returning to the Edith B.
 Siegrist Vermillion Public Library, and registration is now open
 on READsquared!
 The theme for 2022 is Oceans of Possibilities and will go from          JUNE 2022
 June 6th through July 27th. Join us for the kick off, Oceans
 of Fun Open House June 6th, 2pm – 4pm at the library.                          CONTENTS
 Planned summer activities include weekly entertainers such as            SUMMER READING
 the Magic Zac, the Martika Show, Zooman, the Balloon                           PROGRAM
 storyteller, the Rope Warrior, and more! In addition, there will           LUNCH & LEARN
 be weekly movies held at the Coyote Twin Theater, arts and                  AUTHOR VISIT
 crafts, science experiments, story times, LEGOs, and an all-day              MEET PRAIRIE
 Shakespeare Festival workshop.                                          BIG LIBRARY READ

 The Summer Reading Program is open to young people,                        TAKE ‘N MAKES
 preschool through young adult. Some activities will require                BOOK CHATTER
 additional registration. Adults will also be able to join in on the   SPECIAL EDIE’S SALE
 Summer Reading Program fun by participating in their own                   RAINBOW BOOK
 BINGO reading challenge. For more information, call the
 library at 605.677.7060, or visit our website at                                CALENDAR
                                                                           “At midnight, in
                                                                       the month of June,
 Phyllis Schrag will be presenting her storytelling presentation
                                                                       I stand beneath the
 on growing up in a small town. Register online at
                                                                            mystic moon.”
 vpltown to let us know if you are coming in person or will be
                                                                        ― Edgar Allan Poe
 joining us on zoom! We will be meeting in the Kozak Room in
 the Vermillion Public Library at 12:00 pm on Friday, June 3rd.            18 CHURCH ST
 This program is brought you in partnership with the South                VERMILLION, SD
 Dakota Humanities Council.

CHECK IT OUT - Edith B. Siegrist Vermillion Public Library
Question: Can you share why
                                                  you decided to work in libraries?
The Vermillion Public                             Prairie: I’ve always had
Library will be hosting Sioux                     such a passion for books
Falls author Mary Angela,                         since I was a child. I grew
who will be talking about her                     up in Vermillion so the
Professor Prather Mystery                         VPL has had such an
series. The program will take                     impact on my childhood; I
place Thursday, June 16th                         only hope I can continue
at 7:00 pm.                                       helping with the legacy and
Register online at to get the    changing other children’s
Zoom link and let us know if you plan on          lives.
attending in person or virtually! This program    Q: What do you most look forward to at the Vermillion
will be held in person at the Vermillion Public   Public Library?
Library, in the Kozak Room.
                                                  P: I’m excited for all the projects I will be able to
Book synopsis: In the sleepy college town         help with as the Youth Librarian Assistant. I
of Copper Bluff, South Dakota, English            can’t wait to see the ambition and curiosity that
professor Emmeline Prather is enjoying the        the children have.
start of a new semester. But when one of her
                                                  Q: If you couldn’t work in a library, what else would
students dies working on the fall musical, it     you be doing?
disrupts life on the small, quiet campus.
Although the police rule the death accidental,    P: I would most likely be continuing my career
                                                  in the retail industry. I enjoy the chaos and ever-
Prof. Prather has good reason to suspect foul     changing environment the mall setting provides.
play. Unmasking the murderer proves much
more challenging than finding dangling            Q: How do you like to spend your free time?
participles, so Em recruits fellow English        P: Most of my free time is spent playing video
professor Lenny Jenkins for assistance.           games on my PC or reading.
Together, they comb the campus and vicinity       Q: What’s one thing that most people don’t know about
for clues, risking their reputations and          you?
possibly their jobs. After an intruder breaks     P: Most people don’t know what my natural hair
into Em’s house, Lenny advises caution—and        color is – I’ve been dyeing it bright colors for
perhaps a change of address. Em, on the           almost 10 years.
other hand, is all the more determined to
                                                  Q: What are some of your favorite books?
forge ahead, convinced they’re on the brink
of an important breakthrough.                     P: My favorite children’s book is “The Tale of
                                                  Despereaux” by Kate DiCamillo. It’s a tale about
                                                  bravery and love. My favorite Young Adult/
                                                  Adult novel series is Michelle Hodkin’s “Mara
Please help us welcome Prairie Hanson, the
                                                  Dyer Trilogy.” It’s excellently written and keeps
Vermillion Public Library’s new Youth
                                                  readers on their toes.
Assistant! Prairie was nice enough to answer a
few questions to help us get to know her:         Welcome to the VPL, Prairie
CHECK IT OUT - Edith B. Siegrist Vermillion Public Library
Patriotic Garden Stake Kits will be              Rainbow Book Month™ is a nationwide
available in the south entrance of the library   celebration of the authors and writings that
starting the morning of Tuesday, June            reflect the lives and experiences of the
14th. While supplies last. The how-to video      lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender,
will air on Facebook and YouTube at 8 am.        pansexual, genderqueer, queer, intersex,
Kits include: Stake, wooden star or heart,       agender, and asexual community.
paint, mod podge, and paint brush.
                                                 One way the American Library Association
Not included: glue                               (ALA) supports LGBTQIA+ literature is
                                                 through the Stonewall Book Awards - the
                                                 first and longest-enduring award for
                                                 LGBTQIA+ literature.
                                                 The Vermillion Public Library has a
                                                 growing selection of books that have won
                                                 Stonewall Book Awards throughout the
                                                 years. These are just a few that are available
If you’re looking for more craft projects, be    as both physical books at the library and as
sure to create a free Creativebug account        electronic books on OverDrive:
with your Vermillion Public Library card!        2021 Stonewall Honor Book in Literature:
                                                 The Death of Vivek Oji by Akwaeke Emezi
You are invited to contribute to the Book        2021 Stonewall Honor Book in Literature:
Chatter discussion on Friday, June 10th at       Memorial by Bryan Washington
2pm either in person or on Facebook              2019 Barbara Gittings Literature Award:
whichever is convenient for you! Find book       The Great Believers by Rebecca Makkai
recommendations from other patrons, and
take the opportunity to talk about a book        2019 Stonewall Honor Book in Literature:
you’ve recently enjoyed.                         White Houses by Amy Bloom
Join the Book Chatter Facebook Group             Find a more extensive list of past winners
through the Vermillion Public Library            on the website and keep an eye out
Facebook page (@VermillionPublicLibrary).        for the 2022 winners announced at this
                                                 months ALA convention!
                                                 Rainbow Book Month™ is an initiative of the
                                                 ALA, and is coordinated through its Office for
June 10th & 11th, 10am –4pm book sale            Diversity, Literacy and Outreach Services and
50% off of everything in the store. This is      the Rainbow Round Table.
the last sale until September! Sign up for the
Adult Book BINGO and get a gift
certificate that is redeemable for 3 books at
the June sale only. Sign up online or get a
paper copy at the circulation desk. Gift
certificates are handed out at the desk.
CHECK IT OUT - Edith B. Siegrist Vermillion Public Library
SUN               MON
                                       JUNE 2022TUE                    WED                     THU                   FRI                S AT
Program Color                                                     1                       2                    3                   4
                                                                                                               12pm: Lunch &
Child                                                                                                          Learn: Small Town
YA Programming
All Ages

5                6                        7                       8                       9                    10                  11
                 Summer Reading           10am: Prentis Park      10am:Storytime          2pm: LEGO Club       2pm: Book Chatter   10am-4pm: Edie's
                 Program Starts!          Storytime                                                                                Book Sale
                                                                  2pm: Movie (coyote      4pm: Teen            10am-4pm: Edie's
                 2-4pm: Kick off event    2pm: Summer STEAM–      Twin) A Turtle’s Tale   Takeover—            Book Sale           Special 50% sale!
                 (Oceans of Fun Open      3D Ocean Craft          (PG) 1hr 28min          Waterpods
                 House)                                                                                        Special 50% sale!

                 6pm: Storytime

12               13                       14Take ‘N Makes         15                      16                   17                  18
                                                                                          2pm: LEGO Club
                 10am: Snap Circuits      10am: Prentis Park      10am:Storytime                               Shakespeare         1pm: Mary
                                          Storytime                                     4pm: Teen              Workshops           Angela Author
                 2pm: Magic Zac,                                  2pm: Movie (coyote    Takeover—Light-Up      *registration       Visit
                 Magician                 2pm: Summer STEAM–      Twin) Song of the Sea Angler Fish            required
                                          constellation Viewers   (PG) 93 min
                 6pm: Storytime

19               20 10am: Snap Circuits   21 10am: Prentis Park   2210am:Storytime        23 2pm: LEGO Club    24                  25
CLOSED           11am: Gamelan                                    11am: Gamelan           11am: Gamelan        11am: Gamelan
                 Workshop (@ NMM)         11am: Gamelan           Workshop (@ NMM)        Workshop (@ NMM)     Performance @
                 *registration req        Workshop (@ NMM)        *registration req       *registration req    NMM
                                          *registration req
                 2pm: Martika                                     2pm: Movie (coyote      4pm: Teen
                                          2pm: Summer STEAM–      Twin) Sponge Bob:       Takeover—Game
                 6pm: Storytime           Watersheds              Sponge on the Run       Day!
                                                                  (PG) 1hr 31min

26               27                       28                      29                      30
                 10am: Snap Circuits      10am: Prentis Park      10am:Storytime          2pm: LEGO Club
                 2pm: Zooman                                      2pm: Movie (coyote      4pm: Teen
                                          2pm: Summer STEAM–      Twin) Pan (PG) 2hr      Takeover—Hurricane
                 6pm: Storytime           Tissue Paper            15min                   Engineering
                                          watercolor art                                  Challenge

 HOURS:                                   MON - THURS: 8 AM - 9 PM
                                          FRI: 8 AM - 6 PM
                                          SAT: 10 AM - 5 PM
                                          SUN: 1 PM - 5 PM
                                          SUNDAY, JUNE 19TH
CHECK IT OUT - Edith B. Siegrist Vermillion Public Library CHECK IT OUT - Edith B. Siegrist Vermillion Public Library
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