Channel Overview - EDGEsport

Page created by Maurice Bush
Channel Overview - EDGEsport
Channel Overview
Channel Overview - EDGEsport
the channel for the modern sports fan
                   A post-cable sports network, bringing outdoor and action sports content together.
                     EDGEsport is a fully serviced content and distribution solution, which allows
                      our partners to reach Millennial and Gen-Z audiences in an authentic way.

                                                 EDGEsport is fully owned and operated by Endeavor, allowing
                                                 unique access to further marketing and partnership support.

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Channel Overview - EDGEsport
01. awesome content that fans want
      Live action sports events rights, and premium
      non-live content from across the globe.

02. a diverse and valuable audience
      Access to a Millenial and Gen-Z fan base.

03. a fully produced live tv channel
      The highest quality specifications and managed by IMG Media.

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Channel Overview - EDGEsport
Channel Overview - EDGEsport
delivering world-class content
to the modern sports fan year round

01. Live Action Sports
       Never miss a moment

02. Entertainment and lifestyle Shows
       Experience the world of action sport

03. event Highlights
       Catch up on all the sports you’ve missed

04. Unique Athlete access and original content
       Stay up to date between events

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Channel Overview - EDGEsport
A unique mix of rights,
Exclusively available on one channel

Street League                        Crankworx                                 ROAD TO MOTOGP                          Freeride World Tour                   FISE WORLD SERIES
                                     Born in Whistler, B.C, Crankworx is       A global race series comprised of the   The FWT is the worldwide circuit of   The biggest multi-disciplinary
SLS was created to foster growth,    the ultimate experience in mountain       Red Bull Rookies Cup, the Idemitsu      freeride snowboarding and skiing      action sports contest series on the
popularity and acceptance of         biking. The best athletes compete         Asia Talent Cup, the FIM CEV            with the best riders in the world     planet. Each event contains 25
street skateboarding worldwide.      in elite-level competitions in a          Repsol, the British Talent Cup where    competing on the most legendary       competitions in pro and amateur
Now SLS is a qualifying series for   variety of disciplines as they battle     junior racing talents compete for       and challenging alpine faces and      categories, resulting in dramatic
the Olympics as skateboarding        it out for the illustrious overall King   victory while preparing for the next    the most renowned ski resorts         displays of jaw dropping stunts
becomes a new sport at the           and Queen Crankworx titles.               level.                                  across the world.                     and jumps.
Tokyo 2020 Olympics.

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Channel Overview - EDGEsport
Channel Overview - EDGEsport
do not underestimate The action Sports audience

        950m                   Action Sports
                               fans worldwide
                                                                    Millennials represent

                                                                   $1 trillion
                                                                   Buying power
        50% years old
             are 16-29
                                                                    Gen-Z already represent

                                                                   $44 billion
        36% ‘Avid fans’
             are                                                    This group have growing
                                                                    influence and value

                      63%       37%                         Millennial /mɪˈlɛnɪəl/ Born 1980–1994
                                                Generation Z /dʒɛnəˈreɪʃ(ə)n ˈzē/ Born 1995 – 2015
Source: GlobalWebIndex, 2018

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Channel Overview - EDGEsport
The modern sports fan thinks differently

                        90    %
                        of Gen-Z
                                                feel that
                                                         %                          52
                                                                                    of Gen-Z
                                                                                             %                            69
                                                                                                                          of Gen Z

        ...say there are               ...non-traditional sports are     ...prefer non-traditional sports,   ...say advertisers are a welcome part
 many definitions of sports today.   more relevant to their generation    e.g. those outside of football,          of non-traditional sports.
                                          than traditional sports.         baseball, basketball, hockey
                                                                                    and soccer.
Source: Whistle, 2018

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Channel Overview - EDGEsport
Thank you
            John Grabowski | +44 771414 0102

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