Chancellor - St. Thomas a'Becket Catholic Church
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Page 2 St. Thomas a’Becket Chancellor Peace & Justice Committee - HAPPY EASTER!!! Care of God’s Creation for Earth Day THE LORD HAS RISEN!! Throughout the beginning of 2022, we’ve been focusing on living our ALLELUIA!! ALLELUIA!!! Catholic Social Teachings through Care of God’s Creation. We’ve focused on reducing waste and recycling within our homes. This month, to honor I want to take this opportunity to Earth Day, we’re focusing on caring for the outdoors. wish all of you and your families, not The Peace and Justice Committee will lead two activities: only a blessed Easter Sunday, but A clean up of church grounds Saturday, April 23rd from 10 AM to 2 PM also a spirit-filled Easter Season. Hand out white pine saplings after all masses on the 23rd and 24th, or until This is who we are. Without the supplies run out. Resurrection, there would be no Cleanup day details: Christianity. The Paschal Mystery of Work will be divided into two shifts – 10 AM to 12 noon, and 12 noon to 2 PM. Christ testifies to his identity as Son Families with children age seven and up are encouraged to attend. This of God. Since this is our preeminent would be a great opportunity for community service hours for your tweens feast day, the Church gives us a and teens! Work will include: season of 50 days to more intensely celebrate this mystery of Christ’s Picking up trash triumph over sin and death. The Cleaning up the stream Resurrection should always fill us Remove debris with joy and hope. Remove tree branches I also want to WELCOME all who Planting trees are new to our parish and those visiting. I hope you will consider Volunteers should dress to get dirty and plan on bringing: making your permanent faith home Work Gloves here. I look forward to getting to know High Water boots if you have them you, as we journey together in our Trash Grabbers quest for a more intimate relationship Shovels with the Lord through this Christian community. I hope those of you, who You can sign up by going to : are new to our community, will take -living time to review this bulletin, our This will be a great opportunity to enjoy the outdoors and get a little messy. Facebook Page and our website and We hope you’ll consider signing up for a shift. Many hands make light work! consider joining us. I also welcome your participation in one or more of Tree Planting: our many ministries described on our Please join us in planting a tree in a suitable place in your website - yard for years of benefits to our beautiful Earth. We hope Please continue to pray for the this tree will also serve as a visual reminder of the necessity people who have been received into of caring for God’s Creation to keep the planet healthy for the Church at the Easter Vigil. Their future generations. Instructions on planting and care of the journey of faith has brought them to tree will be included, as well as a prayer card. our community and we welcome this gift and their example of faith and According to the Keystone 10 Million Trees Partnership, planting a single conversion. We should continue to tree can have many impacts across its lifespan: support them and each other as all of A mature tree absorbs 48 pounds of carbon dioxide each year. us continue our journey of faith as Trees help reduce the effect of urban heat islands by providing shade. Catholic Christians. They improve water quality by reducing run off and erosion. Airborne pollutants are filtered through trees and help reduce certain conditions HAPPY EASTER!!!! which cause asthma. Fr. Chris If you are wondering how you can keep focusing on Care for God’s Creation, we have a new committee need. Our upcoming Prayer Garden will be completed this summer, and we need volunteers to help preserve the space when complete. Examples of assistance needed would be planting flowers, doing spring/fall clean up, and coordinating events in the garden. If you are interested in learning more, please contact Lisa Bittner at
St. Thomas a’Becket Chancellor Page 3 Children’s Faith Formation I pray you all remain healthy and safe. Have a blessed week! Betsy For the Kids: What do you call the Easter Bunny the Monday after Easter? ANSWER: Eggs-hausted!! Happy Easter! What a glorious day!!! I found the following Easter prayer and would like to share it For the Adults: with you. Thought of the Day! O, Lord, “Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire!” Easter Egg Hunt! How amazing is your love, ~St. Catherine of Siena A love that overcomes, The Youth Groups will be hosting endures and redeems. a free Easter Egg Hunt next Sunday, How astounding is your life, April 24th, after the 10AM and 12PM A life that sustains, In partnership with Masses. Please proceed to the heals and creates. Our Lady of Good Family Life Center/Gym to register How awesome is your hope, Counsel, we are before being escorted outside A hope that promises, collecting rosaries to for the hunt. We will have three (3) restores and inspires. be sent to Ukraine. Rosaries will be categories, based on age, How absorbing is your truth, for the kids to participate in. placed in the A truth that releases, supply/food boxes HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE!! changes and rebuilds. for the How we worship you, Ukrainian people. If as we remember the moment you have any rosaries when your love conquered. you would like to When out of the cave of sorrow donate, please drop it Jesus arose to release off with Betsy in the forgiveness to the world. Faith Formation Office. Thank you! And each time we encounter this resurrection day we are again lifted to an eternal place. Our sin, brokenness and darkness fall away and your How to Properly light and peace flood our lives. Dispose of Old Palms How we thank you for this Because they have been blessed incredible celebration we call by a priest and therefore are holy Easter. Amen. objects, the palm branches used for No class this week. Catholic Church services, especially Happy Easter! those used on Palm Sunday, should (offices closed Monday) not be disposed of in the regular The last week of class is April 25/26. fashion. Once an object is blessed, Important Dates: it is considered to be in the service Are you and your spouse No class April 18, 19 due to Easter of God and should be treated with experiencing infertility and looking for Monday. Offices closed. respect. Therefore, it is considered support, tools and encouragement? April 25, 26 LAST WEEK of CLASS sacrilegious to throw a holy item in Are you looking for ways to support May 14-15 First Communion the garbage, where it might end up your loved ones struggling with May 17 8th Grade Reconciliation in a sewer or a landfill infertility? Check out the inspiring blog June 2 Confirmation Holy palms should be returned to posts, free resources and free mentoring services provided by The Gospel Reading: John 20:1-9 nature. After the Palm Sunday Fruitful Hollow. Family Questions service, the priest or an assistant Key Passage: Clean out the old may collect palms for disposal from Website: yeast so that you may be a new the worshipers. If you would prefer Instagram: @thefruitfulhollow batch, as you really are unleavened. to take your palm home, it may be For our paschal lamb, Christ, has kept as a holy item. Should you wish Facebook: The Fruitful Hollow been sacrificed. (1 Cor 5:7) to dispose of it, you may bury it or Helpful links: Adults: What change could the burn it and spread the ashes hope of the resurrection of Christ Supporting Couples with Infertility outside. The Catholic priests take all inspire you to make? Resource: of the collected palms and burn mr4y7md8 Children: What bad habit would them. They save the ashes to use you like to “clear out” during the for the Ash Wednesday service of How to Confidently Support Couples hopeful time of this Easter season? the following year. with Infertility: https:// (continued…..)
Page 4 St. Thomas a’Becket Chancellor Purpose Driven Retirement Strategies The Middle School and High Join us for an informative online School Youth Groups would like to presentation by award-winning author, wish our St. Thomas a’Becket family financial thought leader and brother a very Blessed Easter. For today, Knight Joe Jordan, on Wednesday, we celebrate Easter, Christ’s April 27, at 7:00 PM. Resurrection, which is the “feast of Joe will show the keys to a feasts,” “the solemnity of solemnities,” The St. Vincent de Paul Society of prosperous retirement without St Thomas a’Becket Catholic Church and the “Great Sunday” (CCC1169). losing sight of your faith and values. is our Mission of the Month for April “The Lord is truly risen, ALLELUIA” (Luke His message has helped boomers at our local B2 Outlet Store in 24:34) & seniors with successful retirement strategies that go beyond just Canton (1731 N. Canton Center Rd). We will NOT be meeting this Please stop by and weekend, so everyone can celebrate Return on Investment and deal with Return on Life. round-up your sales to benefit Easter with their families, but resume the people in our community next weekend. The Middle School In “Purpose Driven Strategies” Joe will discuss the two fundamental who receive help from students will gather from 5:00-6:50 St. Vincent de Paul. questions you will face when PM, while the High School teens will planning for retirement: meet from 7:00-9:00 PM. Our topic will be “All Hail to the Queen.” How will you spend your Time? How are you going to pay for it? Registration Link: PURPOSEDRIVENRETIREMENT WANTED: You can also More volunteers for funeral click on this QR luncheons for setting up, code with your Invitation to the cleaning up after, and also help phone to register. in the kitchen cooking. Please use Men’s Faith Fellowship at We have a good time, and we Council Number St. Thomas a’Becket know what we do is appreciated. 8284 when you If you are interested in register. As Christian men, engaging in a helping out, please contact fellowship with other Christian men Donna Whittaker at The Council will also be broadcasting provides for an opportunity to this presentation live in the Parish discuss how we can become better (734) 981-0723 Gym and serving some light fathers, husbands, friends, and refreshments. enhance our relationship with God. A Sunday mass alone is simply not enough to nurture this relationship. The purpose of the small, men’s faith Sandwich Ministry fellowship groups is to expand Since the Sandwich Ministry was started last May, spiritual growth beyond Sunday our Parish has made over 11,000 sandwiches for the mass. Led by Father Chris, four guests of the Pope Francis Center. The people of our groups of over forty men have been parish are living Catholic Social Teaching by meeting on a regular basis for over serving the poor and vulnerable. If you are willing to seven years now discussing issues help with sandwich ministry, check out the web page at that challenge them in their work, family and spiritual lives. All men of the parish who wish to simply learn more about the Dorothy Day House Fellowship should contact parishioner On Thursday, April 21st, our parish will be providing a dinner to the guests Rob Kochan at PH#: 734-660-4634, of the Day House in celebration of the Easter Season. All donations must be email, We delivered to the Church by 4 PM on the 21st. If you are able to provide a dish, are in the process of forming a daytime group for retirees or please register at offshift employees where meeting The Day House, located in Corktown, provides food and shelter to those in during the day may be more need. convenient. Come see what we’re all about!
St. Thomas a’Becket Chancellor Page 5 April 17, 2022 - Easter Sunday Worship Aid Entrance Hymn: Jesus Christ Is Risen Today 1. Jesus Christ is ris'n today, Alleluia! 3. But the pains which he endured, Alleluia! Our triumphant holy day, Alleluia! Our salvation have procured; Alleluia! Who did once upon the cross, Alleluia! Now above the sky he's King, Alleluia! Suffer to redeem our loss. Alleluia! Where the angels ever sing. Alleluia! 2. Hymns of praise then let us sing, Alleluia! Unto Christ, our heav'nly King, Alleluia! Who endured the cross and grave, Alleluia! Sinners to redeem and save. Alleluia! Greeting & Introduction Penitential Act Presider: Lord/Christ, have mercy. Response: Lord/Christ, have mercy. Glory to God: Glory! Glory to God in the highest. Glory! Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to people of good will. We praise you, we bless you, we adore you, we glorify you, we give you thanks for your great glory, Lord God, heavenly King, O God, almighty Father. Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us; you take away the sins of the world, receive our prayer; you are seated at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us. For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord, you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God the Father. Glory! Glory to God in the highest. Glory! Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to people of good will. Amen. First Reading: Acts 10:34a, 37-43 Responsorial Psalm: This Is the Day (Bobby Fisher) Refrain This is the day! This is the day! This is the day that the Lord has made! Let us rejoice! Let us rejoice! Let us rejoice and be glad! This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad. The right hand of God has struck with power. The right hand of God is exalted. I shall not die, but I shall live and proclaim the works of the Lord! The stone which the builders rejected has become the foundation of our house! By the Lord has this been done. How wonderful to behold! Second Reading: Colossians 3:1-4 Gospel Acclamation: Mass of Saint Ann (Ed Bolduc) Gospel Reading: John 20:1-9 Homily Renewal of Baptismal Promises Response: I do. (continued…..)
Page 6 St. Thomas a’Becket Chancellor Sprinkling Rite: Come to the River (Bob Hurd) Refrain Come, O come, come to the river flowing from the body of Christ. We’ll go down, deep in the water, but in the Lord we shall arise. Prayer of the Faithful Response: Lord, hear our prayer. For the Church: that we may radiate the light of Christ each day and confidently live as daughters and sons of God, we pray to the Lord: For all who profess Jesus as the Christ: that God will pour out the Spirit upon us and enable us to continue the mission of bringing hope, meaning, and love to our society, we pray to the Lord: For the newly baptized: that they may faithfully follow Jesus and keep the light of Christ burning in their lives, we pray to the Lord: For the gift of peace: that the Spirit of God will bring forth a springtime of peace in our cities, our nation, and between nations so that all people may live in safety and with dignity, we pray to the Lord: For all of us gathered here at St. Thomas a’Becket to celebrate the Resurrection: that renewed through word and sacrament, we may be strong in faith, confident in hope, and abounding with love for God and neighbor, we pray to the Lord: For all who are ill: that Christ will heal the sick, give strength to those facing extended recovery, and deliver the human family from the coronavirus, we pray to the Lord: For all who have died in faith: that the Risen Lord may welcome them into the eternal light and joy of God’s presence forever. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. Preparation of the Gifts: Alleluia No. 1 (Donald Fishel) Refrain Alleluia, alleluia, give thanks to the risen Lord. 3. We have been crucified with Christ. Alleluia, alleluia, give praise to his Name. Now we shall live for ever. 1. Jesus is Lord of all the earth. 4. God has proclaimed his gracious gift: He is the King of creation. Life eternal for all who believe. 2. Spread the good news o'er all the earth: 5. Come, let us praise the living God, Jesus has died and has risen. Joyfully sing to our Savior. Holy: Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of hosts. Heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna, hosanna in the highest. Memorial Acclamation: We proclaim your death, O Lord, and profess your Resurrection until you come again, until you come again. Doxology/Amen Lord’s Prayer All: Our Father… Lamb of God: Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us. Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us. Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, grant us peace. (continued…..)
St. Thomas a’Becket Chancellor Page 7 Communion Antiphon: Easter Sunday (Angrisano, Hart, Stephan) Communion Hymn: Resucitó (Kiko Arguello) Refrain Resucitó, resucitó, resucitó, aleluya. Aleluya, aleluya, aleluya, resucitó. 1. And death now, 3. Our gladness, vanished is the fear now, blissful in our gladness, banished are my tears now, this will be our gladness, death has passed away. that he is alive. 2. The kingdom, 4. With him then, praise to God, the kingdom! die and live with him then, Raised up to the kingdom, rise and sing our hymn then, we shall live in love. sing alleluia. Prayer after Communion: Look upon your Church, O God, with unfailing love and favor, so that, renewed by the paschal mysteries, she may come to the glory of the resurrection. Through Christ our Lord. Final Blessing & Dismissal Sending Forth: Sing to the Mountains (Bob Dufford) Refrain Sing to the mountains, sing to the sea. Raise you voices, lift your hearts. This is the day the Lord has made. Let all the earth rejoice. 1. I will give thanks to you, my Lord. You have answered my plea. You have saved my soul from death. You are my strength and my song. 2. Holy, holy, holy Lord, heaven and earth are full of your glory. 3. This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us be glad and rejoice. Death has lost and all is life. Sing of the glory of God.
Page 8 St. Thomas a’Becket Chancellor Relay for Life of Canton and Plymouth ST. THOMAS á BECKET Announces their Plans for Event in 555 S. Lilley Rd., Canton, MI 48188 May 2022 Main Office: (734) 981-1333 Rel. Ed. Office: (734) 981-6680 On May 13th we will be back on the Purple Path at Office Fax: (734) 981-1481 Heritage Park from 6-10 PM!! We are inviting the WEBSITE: community to celebrate both our cancer survivors and caregivers at Relay for Life. We will be out Friday MASS SCHEDULE evening with local food trucks, live entertainment, and fun activities! As a Saturday - 4:30 PM; Relay tradition, we are welcoming registered teams to have a campsite at the Sunday - 8 AM, 10 AM & 12 PM event to continue to fundraise and have fun at the event. Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. - 9:00 AM We will be hosting different ceremonies during Relay for Life where we will Reconciliation Saturday @ 3:00 PM get the opportunity to recognize both survivors and caregivers as well as honor and remember those who we have lost to cancer. Our Luminaria PASTORAL MINISTRY Ceremony, which will close out our night allows us time to grieve and remember the loved ones we have lost to cancer while we light the path and Fr. Christopher Maus, Pastor walk together as a community. We are excited to bring Relay for Life back this year Fr. Manny Chircop, Weekend Asst. and can't wait to see the community out at this celebration!! You James Ward, Deacon can use the QR code or link below to register online. Lisa Bittner, Pastoral Minister **If you are a survivor, we are encouraging you to register early so you can redeem your shirt and wear it CHILDREN’S FAITH FORMATION proudly the evening of the 13th. Once you register, an Betsy Crapps, Director email will be sent directly to you with directions to claim your survivor shirt. Link to register: Anne Truax, Asst. Director YOUTH MINISTRY Tony Attard “When people are empty of Christ, a thousand and one ADULT FAITH FORMATION Deacon Jim Ward, Director other things come and fill them up: jealousies, hatreds, boredom, melancholy, resentment, a worldly outlook, MUSIC MINISTRY worldly pleasures. Try to fill your soul with Christ Kevin Ryan, Dir. of Music and Liturgy so that it’s not empty.” - St. Pophyrios PARISH ADMNISTRATION Grace Pellerito, Dir. of Finance & Admin. Barbara Palazzolo, Office Mgr./Editor The 2022 SJ5K will be on Sunday, May 1st in-person at the Plymouth-Canton Pam Michels, Parish Secretary/Website Educational Park! Rick St. Peter, Maintenance - What: 2022 SJ5K, supporting 5 amazing local families! Where: Plymouth-Canton Educational Park Varsity Field When: Our opening ceremony will begin at 8 AM on BAPTISMS Sunday, May 1st followed by the kickoff of the race. Celebrated Monthly - Must be registered Join: The St. Thomas a' Becket Team! in the parish at least 3 months prior to Baptism date - Contact Lisa Bittner, Ext. 116 Packets will be distributed to the General Public on Saturday April 30th at Plymouth High School. Students will also have the ability to pick packets up MARRIAGE during lunches at PHS from April 27th-29th. If you are unable to pick up your Contact the parish office packet before the race, there will be packet pickup available the day of the race as well. All Saints Catholic School For any questions regarding your registration or general event information, (734) 459-2490 please contact or visit SJ5K FAQ Remember to follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for the latest SJ5K news. Thanks again for supporting the 2022 SJ5K -- Strength in Every Stride
St. Thomas a’Becket Chancellor Page 9 Pray for the Sick God Bless All Our Service Men and Women, including: Please remember these people who are sick and have asked for our prayers: SSgt. Paul J. Abel Major Craig Jayson Col. Kenneth Amidon 1st Lt. Stephen J. Kilijanczyk Lisa O’Neill Spc. Anthony C. Barth Capt. Kristen Lovio, MD *Kim Adams Kevin Howard Molly Reynolds 1st. Lt. Brad Bentlage Capt. Vincent Malainy *Tina Annin Niki Jenks Lt. Luke Masiarak Gail Robertson AME3 Richard C. Bernard Brynlyn Atkins Max Jenner 1st Lt. Randall Bittner Christian Mejia *Janice Bailey Millie & John Jordan *Greg Rutkowski MS2 Christopher Boulton Cpl. Kyle David Mimnaugh *Lyle Begley *Anne Kelly-Smirthwaite *Mary Schmitt Cpl. Mike Burton Sgt. Joseph M. Nelson USMC Holly Bendeur Lisa Klimczak Don Schulte Lt. Nicholas Norville PFC Jeremy Burton Nikki Brackett Bob Kochan Georgia Silliman Major Monica Bury SSgt Melissa Ann Nyman Michael Brindley Dan Kodric, Jr. *Peter Slazinski PFC Kaitlyn Bury Michael Pelot Alan Brunton *Chris Kowalczyk *Nancy Sleyter Pvt. Amber Bury SN Alexander S. Petrarca Orville Bushman Evelyn Krause Ron & Betty Socia Sgt. Brian Chun-Ming CW4 Stephen Piku, Jr. Jim Clagg *Sal Lauto Bob Sommeriva SSgt. Michael Cousins Spec. Anthony Piotrowski Liz Clark Therese Lawrence Patricia Stella PFC Gregory Cox PFC Jesse Pointer Cliff Cook *Gabriel Lencioni Beverly Stella PFC Mitchell Cox Capt. Michael Pool Edwina Cook Ellie Lewandowski Christopher Stewart Cpl. Chris Crocker PFC Ryan Porter Rich Cook *Peggy Lipski Evan Stoecklein PFC Kolton M. Cumberworth LCpl. Daniel Quaine Penny Cornell Ron Locke Christine Stover CW3 Edward David David M. Rhein, SFC Cheryl Crawford *Paisley Long Rebecca Switzer Sgt. Joseph Dempsey Nelson Rodriguez, SFC *George Taro Capt. James R. Driver Spec. Michael Rusaki Christine Dick Tom Lucido Kara Timko Michael Driver Michael Sadler *Teresa Duncan *Jill Maisano Tom Tompkins SRA Devin Dziuban Cpl. Todd F. Schuller *Richard Emerick Helen Marsh *Frances Toscano Pvt. Tyler Ehnis Capt. Thomas Scott *Joanne Erpelding *Pat Marunich SPC Adam Seidl Cole Trembath Cpl Maya Euliss, USMC *Dorothy Ewing Paula McNulty FN Adam Farmer USN Spec. Gregory Myles Sherman Diana Freese Elaine Miller Tess Vargas PFC Terry D. Fichtner Sgt. Eric Simoneaux Randy Fritz Tina Morgan-Threedy Carolyn Vellucci PFC Timothy Fry Sgt. Jason Simons Janis Gajowski *Rick Morga Kayce Warner SN Jannel Skiver LCpl Joseph Ford USMC *Liam Gasca Hilda & Gus Matzo *Erik Weber Spec. Joseph Furca Sgt. Nathan P. Smith *Richard Gordon Chris Natzel *Bob Wells Lt. Michon Girardot LCpl Mark A. Smith *Mary Jo Hanson Bob Neimi *Caroline Wetter Corp. Justin Goleniak USMC LCpl Michael A. Smith *Joseph Hawrylak Kenneth Nuph *Fred Zabkiewicz Sgt. Michael Grigorian AMN Nathan Staugler Michael O’Malley Jennifer Zezawa Jack Hageaman Lt. Cmdr. Steven Stefaniak *David Zuraw Sgt. Dennis Hendzell LCpl Richard Strayhan LCpl. Benjamin Howie Lt. Jeffrey Strohman *parishioners AO3 Joseph Hubel PFC Derrik Trace Cpl. Timothy Iverson TSgt. Susan Van Vliet Pvt. 2 Robert Kelly Pvt. John Ward Cpl. Junior Novas Jaquez Sgt. Jason Wilburn NOTE: As military personnel return home, please call Parish office and notify us. Next Available Baptism Dates April 24th, and May 8th, 15th & 29th at 1:30 PM Contact Deacon Jim at for Baptism class information or Lisa Bittner at for available future dates A Parent of child to be baptized must contact Lisa Bittner at 981-1333 four to six weeks before Baptisms desired baptismal date. Family must be registered In the parish at least three months prior to Baptism date.
Page 10 St. Thomas a’Becket Chancellor How to Register at Readings for the Mass Intentions for the Week of April 17th St. Thomas a’Becket Week April 17th (as of April 8th) Are you new to St. Thomas a’Becket and the Canton area? Have Sunday: Monday – April 18, 2022 you been coming here for a while, Acts 10:34a, 37-43 NO MASS — Office Closed but have never officially registered? Ps 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23 [24] Or maybe you’re a guest and you Col 3:1-4 or 1 Cor 5:6b-8 Tuesday – April 19, 2022 like what you see and want to be a Jn 20:1-9 or Lk 24:1-12 or, NO MASS part of it? Or Lk 24:13-35 If any of these describes you, and Wednesday – April 20, 2022 you would like to become a member Monday: NO MASS of the Parish, stop by or call the Main Acts 2:14, 22-33 Parish office at (734) 981-1333 and Ps 16:1-2a and 5, 7-8, 9-10, 11 Thursday – April 21, 2022 we would be glad to welcome you! Mt 28:8-15 NO MASS Tuesday: Friday – April 22, 2022 Acts 2:36-41 9:00 AM Int. of Thiede Family Ps 33:4-5, 18-19, 20 and 22 Int. of Alfred Mirabitur Family Join us on Jn 20:11-18 Int. of Margaret Hagerty Family Facebook! Susan Pierce (2nd Anniversary) Our parish is Wednesday: always in the process Acts 3:1-10 Saturday – April 23, 2022 of improving our social media Ps 105:1-2, 3-4, 6-7, 8-9 4:30 PM People of the parish outreach. If you haven't connected Lk 24:13-35 with us on Facebook yet, we highly Sunday – April 24, 2022 encourage everyone to follow us. 8:00 AM Tom Kollar It's a great way to keep in touch Thursday: Blair Towe with our parish community and stay Acts 3:11-26 Antonia Isenberg up to date on the latest news and Ps 8:2ab and 5, 6-7, 8-9 Joanne Booza events here at St. Thomas. Lk 24:35-48 You can find us on Facebook 10:00AM Peter Pham Van Dien at : Friday: Acts 4:1-12 12:00PM Antoinette Talbot Ps 118:1-2 and 4, 22-24, 25-27a Jn 21:1-14 Lectors for Saturday: April 23-24, 2022 Acts 4:13-21 Ps 118:1 and 14-15ab, 16-18, 19-21 Mk 16:9-15 4:30 PM Glenny Tjahjadi Next Sunday: 8:00 AM Susan Schmitz Acts 5:12-16 10:00 AM Lisa Jasnowski Ps 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24 [1] 12:00 PM Ben Keyserling Rv 1:9-11a, 12-13, 17-19 Jn 20:19-31 Celebrants for April 23-24, 2022 4:30 PM Fr. Chris Maus 8:00 AM Fr. John Wheeler 10:00 AM Fr. Chris Maus 12:00 PM Fr. Chris Maus
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