Virtual Podiatric Clinical Conference - March 19-20, April 23-24, May 21-22 Lectures available on demand until June 12.

Page created by Stephen Bailey
Virtual Podiatric Clinical Conference - March 19-20, April 23-24, May 21-22 Lectures available on demand until June 12.
Virtual Podiatric
Clinical Conference
March 19-20, April 23-24, May 21-22
Lectures available on demand until June 12.
Virtual Podiatric Clinical Conference - March 19-20, April 23-24, May 21-22 Lectures available on demand until June 12.

                                         Welcome                                                                          3
                                         About NY22                                                                       4
                                         Virtual Conference Registration Options & Prcing                                 5
                                         NY22 Virtual Conference Live Schedule At-A-Glance                                6
                                         NYSPMA/NYPPAC Information                                                        7
                                         Continuing Education Information                                                 8
                                         APMA Coding Seminar and Pre-Conference Seminars                                  9
                                         General Lectures Day 1: March 19-20                                             10
                                         General Lectures Day 2: April 23-24                                              11
                                         General Lectures Day 3: May 21-22                                               12
                                         Educational Objectives                                                          13
                                         Foundation Board, Mission Statement & Objectives                                14
                                         Faculty Financial Disclosures                                                   16
                                         Faculty Listings                                                              17-18


        NYSPMA                           NY22 LIVE VIRTUAL WEEKENDS                  FOR MORE
        555 Eighth Avenue | Suite 1902   • March 19-20             8:00am-5:30pm    INFORMATION:
        New York, NY 10018               • April 23-24             8:00am-6:00pm              • May 21-22               7:30am-5:00pm
WELCOME TO NY22                       P3

                                                                 WELCOME/THANK YOU
                                                                  Thank you for joining us for the 2022 Virtual New York Podiatric Clinical
                                                                  Conference. In January, The Foundation made the difficult decision to
                                                                  pivot this year’s Clinical Conference from an in-person conference to a
                                                                  virtual conference. The decision to cancel NY22 did not come easily. The
                                                                  conditions and circumstances brought about by the Omicron variant and
    MARCH 19-20                                                   the timing of the in-person Clinical Conference made it impossible to stage

    APRIL 23-24                                                   NY22 without endangering the health and safety of all exhibitors, attendees
                                            and the New York City community at large. While we are disappointed to be unable to gather
     MAY 21-22                              in-person again this year, we are thrilled to be able to present the lectures that were originally
   Lectures available on demand             scheduled to be in-person in a virtual format.
          until June 12.
                                            So, prepare to be challenged, and learn something new from the comfort of wherever you choose
   THANK YOU                                to be while watching the NY22 Clinical Conference. We are continuing with a very similar virtual
                                            format to last year’s with flexibility and convenience for attendees being the priority. Attendees
TO OUR SPONSORS                             can build their own conference agenda that works for their personal and professional schedules
                                            by selecting whether to watch live-streamed lectures over the weekends of March 19-20 (Day 1
                                            lectures), April 23-24 (Day 2 lectures) and May 21-22 (Day 3 lectures) or on-demand lectures at
                                            their leisure that will be available proceeding the live lecture weekend and up until June 12.

                                            For NY22, The Foundation focused on creating the best and most innovative lectures in the field
                                            of podiatry and foot and ankle surgery. We are featuring many experts from renowned academic
                                            institutions such as Memorial Sloan Kettering, Hospital for Special Surgery and Weill Cornell
                                            Medicine that have never been featured at other podiatric medical conferences.

                                            We’d also like to extend our sincere gratitude to our sponsors who continue to support The
                                            Foundation for Podiatric Medicine and the podiatric community as a whole. We’re so proud to call
                                            them supporters and we really look forward to seeing them in person again soon.

                                            William D. Spielfogel, DPM
                                            Foundation for Podiatric Medicine

 Sponsorships do not support the
  educational activities of NY22


           NYSPMA                           NY22 LIVE VIRTUAL WEEKENDS                    FOR MORE
           555 Eighth Avenue | Suite 1902   • March 19-20              8:00am-5:30pm     INFORMATION:
           New York, NY 10018               • April 23-24              8:00am-6:00pm
               • May 21-22                7:30am-5:00pm
ABOUT NY22                    P4

CONTINUING EDUCATION                                                          For Exhibit Hall Only registrants, you can choose to be refunded less
The Foundation for Podiatric Medicine is approved by the Council on           a 6% processing fee for the costs incurred of processing credit card
Podiatric Medical Education as a sponsor of continuing education              payments or have your registration rolled over to NY23 taking place
in podiatric medicine. The Foundation for Podiatric Medicine has              from January 20-22, 2023.
approved this activity for a maximum of 26.5 continuing education
contact hours (CECH)*.                                                        CONTACT
                                                                              Allison Hogan |
In accordance with the requirements of the Council on Podiatric
Medicine, the Foundation is required to monitor educational session           VIRTUAL CONFERENCE REGISTRATION
attendance for verification of CECH.                                          For those registering for the NY22 Virtual Clinical Conference,
                                                                              registration is not refundable. Registration will remain open until
*This number is based on attendance at all general lectures, the             Friday, May 13, 2022. For those registering after the live weekends of
 Risk Management lecture, and the 2022 Medicare Update lecture.               March 19-20, April 23-24 and May 21-22, you will be able to watch and
                                                                              receive credits for those lectures on demand until Sunday, June 12.
Each attendee will have their own unique profile for attending the            NYSPMA members, please be advised that dues must be paid in full for
Virtual Conference.                                                           2020-2021 or you must be enrolled in an automatic payment plan at
                                                                              time of registration to receive the membership rate. Dues payments
There will be two options for earning CECH, attending pre-scheduled           are not retroactive and non-member conference fees will not be
lectures available only in real-time or viewing recordings of lectures        reimbursed if dues payments are made after registration. If you have
at any time during the duration of the Virtual Conference. While              questions regarding your dues payments, please contact Rashmi Doshi
attending real-time pre-scheduled lecture, attendees must perform an          at 646-525-4888 or
attendance verification to earn CECH. If an attendee chooses to view
a recording of a lecture instead, they will be required to complete and       CONFERENCE CONFIRMATION
pass a post-assessment to recieve CECH credit.                                Confirmation letters will be e-mailed following receipt of your
                                                                              registration. An email address will be required for registration. All
To ensure that the Foundation continues to provide you with a                 communcation will take place via email.
meaningful educational program, all attendees, regardless of viewing
format, will be required to complete an electronic meeting evaluation in      REGISTRATION DEADLINES
order to receive a CECH certificate and verification form. This form will     Conference Registration will close on Friday, May 13, 2022 at
be distributed via email following the conference. By registering, you        1:00pm EST. Due to the nature of the virtual event, there will be no
are consenting to fill out an electronic evaluation survey.                   on-site registration available. No registrations will be accepted after
                                                                              that date.
Each registrant is responsible for reporting his or her attendance to
all appropriate boards and agencies requiring continuing education.           VIRTUAL CONFERENCE ACCESS
Credits may be registered with state boards by providing them with a          Conference attendees will be emailed access information to the virtual
copy of your CECH certificate.                                                platform no later than a week prior to the start of the conference. This
                                                                              access information will be sent to the email address that the attendee
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY STATEMENT                                               registered with.
By participating, you acknowledge that you are prohibited from
recording, saving, reproducing or retransmitting any streaming                NONDISCRIMINATION
content, in any form, including NY22 sessions, and agree to refrain from      No person shall be denied registration or participation in any
such unauthorized action. All educational materials are for individual        continuing education program provided by this Foundation for reasons
use only and may not be disseminated to others without the express            of race, religion, sex, national origin or physical ability.
written consent of the Foundation for Podiatric Medicine.
NY22 IN-PERSON REFUND POLICIES                                                The Foundation for Podiatric Medicine would like to thank the following
NY22 registrants that registered before the Clinical Conference pivoted       people and organizations for their contributions
to a virtual format will be automatically registered for the virtual          to the 2022 Virtual Clinical Conference:
conference. For in-person conference registrants still seeking refunds,
your refund will be issued less a 6% processing fee for the costs             Andrew J. Oster Design and Photography
incurred of processing credit card payments.                                  APMA Coding Committee


              NYSPMA                           NY22 LIVE VIRTUAL WEEKENDS                      FOR MORE
              555 Eighth Avenue | Suite 1902   • March 19-20               8:00am-5:30pm      INFORMATION:
              New York, NY 10018               • April 23-24               8:00am-6:00pm
                  • May 21-22                 7:30am-5:00pm
                                                                                       REGISTRATION OPTIONS & PRICING                                          P5

DPM Lectures and Exhibit Hall                                                                                                                 Rate Until May 13
    NYSPMA Member                                                                                                                                  $0.00
    APMA Member                                                                                                                                   $449.00
    Non-Member                                                                                                                                    $949.00
    Resident                                                                                                                                       $0.00
    Student                                                                                                                                        $0.00
    NYSPMA Life Member                                                                                                                            $149.00

All NY residents/students are eligible for free NYSPMA membership. Please contact NYSPMA to join and for more information.

                                                                                       NYSPMA              APMA/CPMA               NON              RESIDENT/
CONFERENCE ADD-ON SEMINARS*                                                            MEMBER               MEMBER                MEMBER             STUDENT
    Medicare in 2022                                                                     $0.00                 $0.00                $99.00             $0.00
    Risk Management Lecture                                                              $0.00                 $0.00                $99.00             $0.00
* In order to register for Conference Add-On Seminars, attendees must also register for the full Virtual Conference.


                NYSPMA                            NY22 LIVE VIRTUAL WEEKENDS                                FOR MORE
                555 Eighth Avenue | Suite 1902    • March 19-20                     8:00am-5:30pm          INFORMATION:
                New York, NY 10018                • April 23-24                     8:00am-6:00pm
                     • May 21-22                       7:30am-5:00pm
                                                                                       LIVE SCHEDULE AT A GLANCE                   P6

Attendees at NY22 will be able to                     DAY 1 - SATURDAY & SUNDAY, MARCH 19-20
build their own conference agenda                     Day 1 Lectures Available On Demand from March 21–June 12
that works for their personal and                     8:00–10:15am		               Morning General Lectures—Block 1
professional schedules by selecting                   10:15–10:45am 		             Morning Break
whether to watch live lectures over                   10:45am–12:20pm		            Morning General Lectures—Block 2
three weekends or recorded lectures                   12:20–1:00pm		               Lunch Break
at their leisure over the course of                   1:00–3:18pm 		               Afternoon General Lectures—Block 1
nearly three months, from March 19                    3:18–3:45pm		                Afternoon Break
to June 12, 2022.                                     3:45–5:30pm		                Afternoon General Lectures—Block 2

To the right are the times for the                    DAY 2 - SATURDAY & SUNDAY, APRIL 23-24
live lectures. Please note that the                   Day 2 Lectures Available On Demand from April 25–June 12
same programming will repeat                          8:00–10:20am		               Morning General Lectures—Block 1
the Saturday and Sunday of each                       10:20–10:45am 		             Morning Break
weekend to accommodate for                            10:45am–12:45pm		            Morning General Lectures—Block 2
religious observances.                                12:45–1:30pm		               Lunch Break
                                                      1:30–4:00pm 		               Afternoon General Lectures—Block 1
To receive CECH credit, you will be                   4:00–4:15pm		                Afternoon Break
required to complete an attendance                    4:15–6:05pm		                Afternoon General Lectures—Block 2
verification activity for any live
lectures/sessions you attend and a                    DAY 3 - SATURDAY & SUNDAY, MAY 21-22
graded assessment for any recorded                    Day 3 Lectures Available On Demand from May 23–June 12
lectures/sessions you attend in                       7:30–10:00am		               Morning General Lectures—Block 1
addition to completing an electronic                  10:00–10:30am 		             Morning Break
evaluation.                                           10:30am–12:30pm		            Morning General Lectures—Block 2
                                                      12:30–1:30pm		               Lunch Break
For more information regarding                        1:30–5:00pm 		               Afternoon General Lectures—Block 1
CECH, please visit
                                                      ON-DEMAND ONLY

                                                      PICA RISK MANAGEMENT LECTURE
                                                      Available March 1-March 31

                                                      APMA CODING SEMINAR
                                                      Available February 26–March 12

                                                      2022 MEDICARE UPDATE
                                                      Available March 21–June 12

                                                      Schedule is subject to change.


               NYSPMA                           NY22 LIVE VIRTUAL WEEKENDS                       FOR MORE
               555 Eighth Avenue | Suite 1902   • March 19-20              8:00am-5:30pm        INFORMATION:
               New York, NY 10018               • April 23-24              8:00am-6:00pm
                   • May 21-22                7:30am-5:00pm
NYSPMA/NYPPAC INFORMATION                                   P7

BECOME AN NYSPMA MEMBER TODAY                                            New York Podiatry
                                                                         Political Action Committee
The New York State Podiatric Medical Association (NYSPMA) is
                                                                         Help Support Those Who Support Podiatry
a tax-exempt not-for-profit, voluntary professional association
uniting three of every four doctors of podiatric medicine in New
York State. NYSPMA consists of 13 geographically based sub-              WHAT IS NYPPAC?
groups called divisions and is the largest statewide component           The New York State Podiatry Political Action Committee (NYPPAC)
of the American Podiatric Medical Association (APMA) and its             is a nonprofit, bipartisan fundraising committee through which
affiliated national network of certifying boards and professional        podiatrists support state candidates who champion podiatric
colleges. NYSPMA is made up of dedicated volunteer podiatrists           medicine’s issues In New York.
who serve as officers, board members, and committee members.             Because of the efforts of NYPPAC and its parent organization, the
Established in 1895, we were the first organization of its kind in       American Podiatric Medical Association (NYSPMA), the profession
America. We are a strong voice in the state legislature on insurance     has gained a state and national presence as a political force.
affairs, medical and hospital practice, managed care, scientific
affairs, and public health.                                              NYPPAC neither determines the issues to be addressed on behalf
                                                                         of the profession, nor lobbies on those issues. That is the role of
JOIN NOW                                                                 NYSPMA’s Legislative Action Committee, Board of Trustees, and
Membership in your state and national professional associations          lobbying firm.
strengthens your practice and contributes to the current state of
                                                                         NYPPAC’s role is to support candidates seeking office in the NY
podiatry as well as the future of the profession.
                                                                         Assembly and Senate. The only other legal means for such support
                                                                         is through contributions made directly to a candidate by an
Contact Lori Sales at
to become a member today.

HOW DO WE SERVE OUR MEMBERS?                                             WHO RECEIVES NYPPAC SUPPORT?
                                                                         Funds collected by NYPPAC are in turn contributed to statewide
• Continuing Medical Education Credits                                 candidates who are selected without regard to political party. Only
  Available at our annual clinical conference, as well as                candidates seeking a seat in the NY Assembly or Senate may be
  division seminars throughout the state.                                recipients of NYPPAC’s funds. Candidate support is based on:
• Clinical Conference                                                  1. A candidate’s position on issues—Does the incumbent candidate
  Members attend all three days of lectures free of charge,                 support podiatric medicine’s issues? Is he or she accessible
  as well as receive discounts on additional seminars and programs.         to NYSPMA members and lobbyists? If a candidate is a non-
• Insurance Intervention and Representation                               incumbent, was he or she supportive in the state or local
  A committee of knowledgeable podiatrists and insurance                    governing structure?
  consultants are available to assist members with                        2. A candidate’s committee appointment—As an incumbent, does
  insurance issues.                                                           the candidate serve on a committee that has jurisdiction over
• Political Action                                                          state health policy?
  Member participation under the guidance of one of New York’s top        3. NYSPMA member/state component endorsement—Does the
  government affairs firms.                                                   candidate have the backing of NYSPMA members? This criterion
• Communications                                                            is required for support of non-incumbents.
  NYSPMA’s newsletter, The New York Podiatrist, as well as its
  website,, provide valuable and pertinent
                                                                         WHO MAY GIVE TO NYPPAC?
  information to members on every aspect of their practice.
                                                                         Members and staff of NYSPMA, their family members, and members
• Legal Resources
                                                                         and staff of NYSPMA’s component divisions may contribute to
  Members have the ability to enroll in the Podiatry Protection
                                                                         NYPPAC. Contributions must be from personal funds if they are
  Program, a valuable program that provides legal coverage on a
                                                                         to be used for contributions to candidates for federal office.
  variety of issues, as well as access to a continuously updated
                                                                         Contributions to NYPPAC must be voluntary and do not qualify for
  Legal Resource Manual.
                                                                         an income tax deduction.


             NYSPMA                           NY22 LIVE VIRTUAL WEEKENDS                 FOR MORE
             555 Eighth Avenue | Suite 1902   • March 19-20           8:00am-5:30pm     INFORMATION:
             New York, NY 10018               • April 23-24           8:00am-6:00pm
                 • May 21-22             7:30am-5:00pm
CONTINUING EDUCATION INFORMATION                                  P8

APPROVAL                                                                   Please note that the same programming will repeat the Saturday
The Foundation for Podiatric Medicine is approved by the Council           and Sunday of each weekend to accommodate for religious
on Podiatric Medical Education as a provider of continuing                 observances. Individuals can only receive CECH for a specific
education in podiatric medicine.                                           program once. Any programming that will not be available live is
                                                                           noted with an asterisk.
The Foundation has approved this activity for 26.5 continuing
education contact hours (CECH). This number is based on                    PLEASE NOTE
attendance at all general lectures, the Risk Management lecture,           To ensure that the Foundation continues to provide you with a
and the 2022 Medicare Update lecture.                                      meaningful educational program, all attendees, regardless of
                                                                           viewing format, will be required to complete an electronic meeting
ATTENDANCE / ASSESSMENT                                                    evaluation for each lecture section in order to receive a CECH
In accordance with the requirements of the Council on Podiatric            certificate and verification form. You can find a missed attendance
Medicine, The Foundation is required to monitor session                    verification form on The Foundation for Podiatric Medicine’s
attendance for verification of CECH.                                       website at Each registrant is responsible for
                                                                           reporting his or her attendance to all appropriate boards and
There will be two options for earning CECH, attending pre-                 agencies requiring continuing education. Credits may be registered
scheduled lectures available only in real-time or viewing                  with state boards by providing them with a copy of your CECH
recordings of lectures at any time during the duration of the Virtual      certificate. NYSPMA members will not be eligible to receive their
Conference. While attending a real-time pre-scheduled lecture,             CECH Certificate unless their memberships are current.
attendees must perform an attendance verification to earn CECH.
If an attendee chooses to view a recording of a lecture instead, they
will be required to complete and pass a post-assessment to receive
CECH credit.

                                               DAY 1 - SATURDAY & SUNDAY, MARCH 19-20
                                               8:00–10:15am		            Morning General Lectures—Block 1                   2.25 contact hours
                                               10:45am–12:20pm		         Morning General Lectures—Block 2                    1.5 contact hours
                                               1:00–3:18pm 		            Afternoon General Lectures—Block 1                 2.25 contact hours
                                               3:45–5:30pm		             Afternoon General Lectures—Block 2                 1.75 contact hours

                                               DAY 2 - SATURDAY & SUNDAY, APRIL 23-24
                                               8:00–10:20am		            Morning General Lectures—Block 1                   2.25 contact hours
                                               10:45am–12:45pm		         Morning General Lectures—Block 2                   1.75 contact hours
                                               1:30–4:00pm 		            Afternoon General Lectures—Block 1                  2.5 contact hours
                                               4:15–6:05pm		             Afternoon General Lectures—Block 2                 1.75 contact hours

                                               DAY 3 - SATURDAY & SUNDAY, MAY 21-22
                                               7:30–10:00am		            Morning General Lectures—Block 1                    2.5 contact hours
                                               10:30am–12:30pm		         Morning General Lectures—Block 2                    2.0 contact hours
                                               1:30–5:00pm 		            Afternoon General Lectures—Block 1                  3.5 contact hours

                                               LECTURES ON DEMAND ONLY
                                               Risk Management Lecture                                                       2.0 contact hours
   Schedule is subject to change.              2022 Medicare Update                                                           1.0 contact hour


              NYSPMA                           NY22 LIVE VIRTUAL WEEKENDS                 FOR MORE
              555 Eighth Avenue | Suite 1902   • March 19-20            8:00am-5:30pm    INFORMATION:
              New York, NY 10018               • April 23-24            8:00am-6:00pm
                  • May 21-22              7:30am-5:00pm
                                                                              AND PRE-CONFERENCE SEMINARS                         P9

*CAPMAC has approved the NY22 APMA Coding Seminar for 6.5 CMEs for Podiatric Medical Assistants.

Available for viewing from February 26, 2022 through March 12, 2022

Session 1           Why You Should Stop Googling Codes                       Session 8        Non-Face-to-Face Services Update
30 min		            Jeffrey Lehrman, DPM                                     45 min		         for the Podiatric Practice
                                                                             		               Paul Kesselman, DPM
Session 2           2022 DME Update Part I
60 min		            Paul Kesselman, DPM                                      Session 9 What About All the Other E/M Types?
                                                                             45 min		  Back to Basics with Coding and
Session 3           2022 DME Update Part II                                  		Documentation for Hospital, Nursing Facility,
31 min		            Paul Kesselman, DPM                                      		        and Home Visit E/Ms
                                                                             		        Jeffrey Lehrman, DPM
Session 4           CPT® and HCPCS Changes for 2022
30 min		            You Need to Know                                         Session 10       NGS Foot Care
		                  Jeffrey Lehrman, DPM & Larry Santi, DPM                  60 min		         Jeffrey Lehrman, DPM

Session 5           Plantar Plate Repair                                     Session 11       2022 MIPS Performance Year Update
21 min		            Larry Santi, DPM                                         20 min		         Jeffrey Lehrman, DPM

Session 6           ICD10 Changes for 2022 You Need to Know
30 min		            Jeffrey Lehrman, DPM & Larry Santi, DPM

Session 7           Coding for First Ray Surgery
30 min		            Jeffrey Lehrman, DPM

1 CECH                                                  2 CECH
2022 Medicare Update                                    Risk Management Lecture
• James D. Bavoso, Manager of Provider                 • Krupa Patel, DPM, FACFAS
  Outreach & Education, National                        • Bruce Dobbs, DPM
  Government Services                                   • Anjali Dayal, JD


              NYSPMA                           NY22 LIVE VIRTUAL WEEKENDS                   FOR MORE
              555 Eighth Avenue | Suite 1902   • March 19-20               8:00am-5:30pm   INFORMATION:
              New York, NY 10018               • April 23-24               8:00am-6:00pm
                  • May 21-22                 7:30am-5:00pm
                                                                                                            DAY 1: MARCH 19–20                  P10

MORNING BLOCK 1                                         AFTERNOON BLOCK 1                                    AFTERNOON BLOCK 2
8:00-8:27am                                             1:00–3:18pm                                          3:45 -4:24pm
Calcaneal Fractures                                     DERMATOLOGY SESSION                                  Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
Charles Lombardi, DPM                                       • 1:00–1:47pm                                    Diagnosis and Treamnt
8:27-8:54am                                                 Nail Dermoscopy                                  Vladimir Kramshiy, MD
Prevention of Infections in the OR...                       Ashfaq Marghoob, MD
What Can We Do?                                                                                              4:24-4:45pm
John M. Schuberth, DPM                                          • 1:47–2:07pm                                Legal Ramifications of Complex
                                                                What’s New in Onychomycosis?                 Regional Pain Syndrome Diagnosis
                                                                Shari Lipner, MD, PhD                        Allen Jacobs, DPM
Update on the Current COVID
Status in NY
Sorana Segal Maurer,MD                                          • 2:07–2:30pm                                4:45-5:07pm
                                                                Beyond Hand Foot Syndrome:                   How to Document the Patient With
9:14-9:37am                                                     Caring for the Feet and Nails                Chronic Pain: Do I Prescribe Opiods?
Office Sterilization and Disinfection                           in Cancer Patients                           Allen Jacobs, DPM
Allen Jacobs, DPM                                               Beth McLellan, MD
9:37-9:57am                                                                                                  5:07-5:30pm
Advances in MRI Look to the Future                              • 2:30–2:54pm                                Lower Extremity Manifestations
Hollis Potter, MD                                               Psoriasis and the Soles:                     of Spinal Stenosis: How to Evaluate
                                                                More Than Skin Deep                          and when to Refer
                                                                George Han, MD                               Allen Jacobs, DPM
Diagnosing Infections With MRI
Hollis Potter, MD
                                                                • 2:54–3:18pm
10:15-10:45am       BREAK                                       Dermatology in Skin
                                                                of Color: What’s Happening
MORNING BLOCK 2                                                 Below the Ankles?
                                                                Eva Kerby, MD
Jones Fractures -A New Approach
                                                        3:18-3:45pm           BREAK
to an Old Problem
Edward Blahous, DPM

The Complex Ankle Sprain
John M. Schuberth, DPM
                                                        The Foundation for Podiatric Medicine reserves the right to change dates,
                                                        times, titles, subject matter and speakers. For the most up-to-date information
Peroneal Tendinopathy
and the Inverted Heel
Edward Blahous, DPM

Peroneal Tendon Subluxations
John M. Schuberth, DPM

12:20-1:00pm        BREAK


              NYSPMA                           NY22 LIVE VIRTUAL WEEKENDS                           FOR MORE
              555 Eighth Avenue | Suite 1902   • March 19-20                    8:00am-5:30pm      INFORMATION:
              New York, NY 10018               • April 23-24                    8:00am-6:00pm
                  • May 21-22                      7:30am-5:00pm
                                                                                                           DAY 2: APRIL 23–24                     P11

MORNING BLOCK 1                                          MORNING BLOCK 2                                     2:20-2:44pm
                                                                                                             Bunion Surgery in the Juvenile Patient:
8:00-8:29am                                              10:45-11:13am                                       Should We Wait to Skeletal Maturity
Non-Unions: What are the Causes                          Management of Achilles                              of Intervene Early?
and Some Solutions?                                      Tendinosis: Current Concepts                        Allen Jacobs, DPM
John M. Schuberth, DPM		                                 of Non-Operative Care
                                                         Allen Jacobs, DPM                                   2:44-3:12pm
8:29-8:56am                                                                                                  Corticosteroid Injections:
Metabolic Causes of Non-Unions                           11:13-11:46am                                       What Do We Really Know?
Allen Jacobs, DPM                                        Management of Plantar Plant Injuries                Edward G. Blahous, DPM
                                                         John M. Schuberth, DPM
8:56-9:14am                                                                                                  3:12-3:35pm
Concentric Dowel Bone Graft                              11:46am-12:13pm                                     Retrocalcaneal Surgery: Principles
Procedures For Non-Unions                                Hallux Varus: How Does It Happen?                   and Practice
and Stress Fractures                                     John M. Schuberth, DPM                              Allen M. Jacobs, DPM
Edward G. Blahous, DPM
                                                         12:13-12:45pm                                       3:35-4:00pm
9:14-9:30am                                              Achilles Tendon Ruptures:                           Hallux Varus: How Should You Treat It?
Non Operative Treatment                                  Why Are We Still Operating?                         Allen Jacobs, DPM
of Ankle Fractures                                       John M. Schuberth, DPM
John M. Schuberth, DPM                                                                                       4:00-4:15pm             BREAK
                                                         12:45-1:30pm      BREAK
9:30-9:55am                                                                                                  AFTERNOON BLOCK 2
Operative Treatment                                      AFTERNOON BLOCK 1
of Ankle Fractures                                                                                           4:15-6:05pm
John M. Schuberth, DPM                                   1:30-1:59pm                                         What is Medical Ethics? Should I
                                                         Distal Metatarsal Osteotomy:                         Exaggerate Patient Problems to Get
9:55-10:17am                                             Dead or Alive?                                       Approval For Services the Patient Needs
Metatarsal Fractures:                                    Allen Jacobs, DPM                                    i.e. MRI, Review of Cases
Surgical or Non-Surgical                                                                                      That are Medical Ethical Dilemmas
John M. Schuberth, DPM                                   1:59-2:20pm                                          Allen Jacobs, DPM, Matthew Feldman, JD,
                                                         In Office Fluoroscopic Procedures                    Michael Trepal, DPM
10:17-10:45am        BREAK                               of the Foot and Ankle
                                                         Edward G. Blahous, DPM

The Foundation for Podiatric Medicine reserves the right to change dates, times, titles, subject matter and speakers.
For the most up-to-date information visit


               NYSPMA                           NY22 LIVE VIRTUAL WEEKENDS                         FOR MORE
               555 Eighth Avenue | Suite 1902   • March 19-20                 8:00am-5:30pm       INFORMATION:
               New York, NY 10018               • April 23-24                 8:00am-6:00pm
                   • May 21-22                   7:30am-5:00pm
                                                                                                             DAY 3: MAY 21-22                    P12

7:30-8:00am                                              12:30-1:30pm      BREAK                             3:20-3:40pm
Early Application of Placental                                                                               Distal Tibial Lengthening
Allografts                                               1:30-1:50pm                                         in Charcot Ankle Deformity
Anthony Iorio, DPM                                       Anatomic Variants and Effects                       Johanna Godoy, DPM
                                                         of Foot Function
8:00-8:30am                                              Samantha Landau, DPM                                3:40-4:00pm
Orthotic Prescriptions:                                                                                      A New Way to Look at Plantar Faciitis
How to Get it Right                                      1:50-2:20pm                                         Fortunato Battaglia, MD, PhD
Karen Langone, DPM                                       True Incidence and Implications of
                                                         Gastroc-Soleus Equinus: New Data                    4:00-4:20pm
8:30-8:50am                                              Joseph C. D’Amico, DPM                              Evaluation and Management
Innovations in Athletic                                                                                      of Achilies Tendinopathy
Shoe Technology                                          2:20-2:40pm                                         Kevin Jules, DPM
Karen Langone, DPM                                       Latest Developments to
                                                         Revascularize Below the Knee                        4:20-4:40pm
8:50-10:00am                                             Prakash Krishnan, MD                                Lower Extremity Manifestations of
Cannabinoids, Cannabis and                                                                                  Metabolic Bone Disease
 Marijuana: Implications for Sensory                     2:40-3:00pm                                         Daniel Yaeger, DPM
 Dysfunction Including Gait                              COVID-19 Vaccines: What We
 Denise A. Valenti, OD, FAAO                             Now Know and What We                                4:40-5:00pm
                                                         Still Don’t Know                                    Arthroscopic Assisted Sub-Talar Fusion
10:00-10:30am        BREAK                               Kathleen DiCaprio, PhD                              Thomas Vitale, DPM

10:30-11:30am                                            3:00-3:20pm
National Trends in Fall Prevention                       Lapudis Bunionectomy:
and The Aging Population                                 Some Things You May Not Know
Lance Robertson                                          Michael Trepal, DPM

Addressing Falls Prevention
and Facilitating Falls Prevention
Tom Raskauskas, William
Spielfogel, DPM, Alexander Rimar, MD,
Allen M. Jacobs, DPM

12:20 – 12:30pm
Questions and Answers

The Foundation for Podiatric Medicine reserves the right to change dates, times, titles, subject matter and speakers.
For the most up-to-date information visit


               NYSPMA                           NY22 LIVE VIRTUAL WEEKENDS                         FOR MORE
               555 Eighth Avenue | Suite 1902   • March 19-20                 8:00am-5:30pm       INFORMATION:
               New York, NY 10018               • April 23-24                 8:00am-6:00pm
                   • May 21-22                   7:30am-5:00pm
EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES                                   P13

•U  nderstand present diabetic guidelines for management of edema and               •   U nderstand fusion techniques of the foot and ankle
  ulcers                                                                             •   U nderstand the role of arthroscopy in fracture treatment
•A  ppropriate technique of amputations in diabetics                                •   U nderstand treatment regimens for osteomyelitis in the foot and ankle
•R  eview the appropriate antibiotic coverage in foot infections and                •   I mprove knowledge in the treatment of trauma of the foot and ankle
  osteomyelitis                                                                      •   I mprove knowledge in Charcot surgical treatment
•R  eview of appropriate antibiotic for preventing and treating foot                •   I mprove knowledge in bracymetatarsia surgery
  infections Review of various surgical treatment options for infections of          •   I mprove knowledge in differentiating osteomyelitis from Charcot disease
  the foot and ankle                                                                 •   U nderstand the changes in podiatry during the COVID pandemic
•U  nderstand the various injuries of the foot and ankle, as well as                •   I mprove knowledge of telemedicine
  appropriate use of diagnostic testing and treatment options                        •   U nderstand the role of arthrodesis in foot surgery
•T  reat complications in trauma of the foot and ankle                              •   U nderstand the role of syndesmotic repair
•T  reatment of arthritis of the foot and ankle including cartilage                 •   U nderstand the role of repair of the posterior malleolus fracture
  replacement and biologics                                                          •   U nderstand the role of deformity correction techniques
•U  nderstand normal anatomy on various radiological modalities and how to          •   U nderstand the use of CBD and Marijuana in pain management
  distinguish pathological conditions                                                •   U nderstand the role of he spring and deltoid ligament in acquired adult
•U  nderstand causes of malpractice cases and best options to prevent a                 flatfoot
  lawsuit                                                                            •   U nderstanding necrotizing fasciitis
•L  earn new surgical techniques through hands-on workshops guided by               •   I mproving knowledge of allografts in the foot
  experts in the field                                                               •   I mproving knowledge of preventing ulcerations after amputations
•U  nderstand the biomechanics of various lower extremity disorders and             •   A cquainting participants with the dermoscopic features useful in
  the role proper footwear, bracing and orthotics can play                               differentiating nevi from melanoma
•L  earn systematic approaches for evaluation of foot and ankle deformity as        •   A cknowledging the importance of examining the free edge of the nail plate
  well as understand concomitant pathomechanics.                                         to help determine the type of lesion and its origin from either the proximal
•U  nderstand pathologies leading to foot and ankle pain and deformity                  or distal nail matrix.
•U  se clinical criteria used to evaluate and treat forefoot, midfoot, rearfoot     •   R ecognizing the importance of examining the cuticle and hyponychium
  and ankle pathologies                                                                  when evaluating melanonychia striata
•D  iscuss operative interventions for the foot and ankle, including                •   D escribing methods for mycological confirmation of onychomycosis
  procedure selection and description of the accepted techniques                         diagnosis
•U  nderstand the etiology, diagnosis, pathomechanics, and treatment                •   I dentifying FDA approved treatment options for onychomycosis
  options for Achilles tendon pathology                                              •   S ummarizing the role of telemedicine in the management of
•U  nderstand the etiology diagnosis, pathomechanics, and treatment                     onychomycosis
  options for first ray and acquired adult flatfoot                                  •   I dentify allergic contact dermatitis causes of foot dermatitis
•G  ain knowledge if the etiology and treatment for various complications of        •   U nderstand approach to the diagnosis of foot dermatitis
  forefoot, midfoot, rearfoot and ankle surgery                                      •   U nderstand best treatments for foot dermatitis
•K  nowledge in appropriate documentation in the medical record                     •   R ecognize common reactions involving the feet and nails due to
• I mprove knowledge of the latest endovascular procedures for PAD                      chemotherapy, targeted agents, and immune checkpoint inhibitors
•U  nderstand deformities of the foot and ankle that cause gait                     •   U tilize appropriate strategies for management of several common
  abnormalities and pain                                                                 chemotherapy adverse events involving the feet and nails
• I mprove knowledge of wound care and options for treating chronic                 •   G ain comfort using CTCAE grading when evaluating adverse events from
  wounds                                                                                 cancer therapies
• I mprove knowledge in the evolution of treatment for ankle fractures,             •   R eview pathophysiologic mechanisms for plantar psoriasis
  calcaneal fractures, Lisfranc injuries, and Charcot foot.                          •   R ecognize different manifestations of foot psoriasis and distinguish them
• I mprove knowledge of DVT prophylaxis, immunosuppressive biologic                     from common differential diagnoses
  therapy and chronic anticoagulation therapy                                        •   F ormulate treatment plans to manage psoriasis on the feet
• I mprove knowledge of treatment of infections                                     •   E xplain the meaning of the term “skin of color”
• I mprove knowledge of bone healing                                                •   R eview differences in how common skin conditions on the feet may
• I mprove knowledge of minimal incision techniques in foot and ankle                   appear differently in patients with darker skin tones
  surgery                                                                            •   P rovide the tools on how to quickly diagnose and treat these conditions in
• I mprove knowledge of joint preservation techniques.                                  your practices


                NYSPMA                           NY22 LIVE VIRTUAL WEEKENDS                              FOR MORE
                555 Eighth Avenue | Suite 1902   • March 19-20                    8:00am-5:30pm         INFORMATION:
                New York, NY 10018               • April 23-24                    8:00am-6:00pm
                    • May 21-22                      7:30am-5:00pm
                                                                    MISSION STATEMENT & OBJECTIVES                                    P14

                                                                       The Foundation for Podiatric Medicine, a nonprofit 501(c)(3)
Board of Directors                                                     organization, was established in 1986. The mission of the
William D. Spielfogel, DPM, President                                  Foundation for Podiatric Medicine is to offer continuing medical
Charles M. Lombardi, DPM, Vice President                               education, professional development and public information
Daniel B. Keating, DPM, Treasurer                                      services.
Lawrence A. Santi, DPM, Secretary
Nicholas Argerakis, DPM, Director                                      OBJECTIVES
Roy R. DeFrancis, DPM, Director                                        The scientific sessions of the Foundation for Podiatric Medicine’s
Emilio Goez, DPM, Director                                             2022 Podiatric Clinical Conference are designed with the
James Hanna, DPM, Director                                             educational goal of presenting balanced academic discussions for
Andrew Pavelescu, DPM, Director                                        the primary care podiatric physician and also to initiate education
Dan Kline, ex officio                                                  in the areas of diagnosis and management of ankle pathology.
Matthew Feldman, JD, ex officio                                        Providing cutting-edge educational programs in various learning
                                                                       formats, the conference offers a forum for dialogue about the vital
Revenue and Sponsorship Committee                                      educational and clinical information that is crucial to all podiatrists,
James Hanna, DPM                                                       ensuring professional development that enhances quality patient
Daniel B. Keating, DPM                                                 care and advances the profession.
Charles M. Lombardi, DPM
Lawrence A. Santi, DPM                                                 The Foundation provides an opportunity for the learner with a
                                                                       disability who may require accommodations to participate fully to
                                                                       indicate such a status by contacting the Foundation for Podiatric
Scientific Committee                                                   Medicine at 212-996-4400.
William D. Spielfogel, DPM, Scientific Chair
Charles M. Lombardi, DPM, Lecture Chair
Daniel B. Keating, DPM, Workshop Chair
Lawrence A. Santi, DPM,
  Administrative Officer of Continuing Ed.


              NYSPMA                           NY22 LIVE VIRTUAL WEEKENDS               FOR MORE
              555 Eighth Avenue | Suite 1902   • March 19-20        8:00am-5:30pm      INFORMATION:
              New York, NY 10018               • April 23-24        8:00am-6:00pm
                  • May 21-22          7:30am-5:00pm
                                                                                     FINANCIAL DISCLOSURES                        P16

Fortunato Battaglia, MD                                                Ashfaq Marghoob, MD
Instructor/Presenter                                                   Instructor/Presenter
                                                                       • Honorarium – 3GEN
Anjali Dayal, JD
Instructor/Presenter                                                   Sorana Segal Maurer, MD
• Other – Attorney for PICA, and DPMs insured by PICA in              Instructor/Presenter
   malpractice lawsuits                                                • Consultant – Gilead Sciences, Janssen Therapeutics, ViiV
                                                                       • Speaker’s Bureau - Gilead Sciences, Janssen Therapeutics, ViiV
Kathleen DiCaprio, PhD                                                 • Honorarium - Gilead Sciences, Janssen Therapeutics, ViiV
                                                                       Beth McLellan, MD
Matthew Feldman, Esq.                                                  Instructor/Presenter
Instructor/Presenter                                                   • Consultant – LaRoche-Posay
• Consultant - NYSPMA                                                 • Grant/Research Support – OnQuality

Johanna Godoy, DPM, FACFAS                                             Krupa Patel, DPM, FACFAS
Instructor/Presenter                                                   Instructor/Presenter
• Consultant - Stryker                                                • Consultant – Stryken F&A/ ASC

George Han, MD, PhD                                                    Hollis Potter, MD
Instructor/Presenter                                                   Instructor/Presenter
• Consultant - Amgen, BI, BMS, Janssen, Leo, Lilly, Novartis,         • Grant/Research Support – General Electric Healthcare
   Ortho, Regeneron, UCB                                                  (Institutional), Siemens
• Speaker’s Bureau - SUN, Abbvie, Lilly, Ortho, Pfizer,
   Regeneron, Incyte                                                   Larry Santi, DPM
• Grant/Research Support - Amgen, Athenex, BI, Bond Avillion,         Instructor/Presenter/Approval Committee Member/
   Celgene, Janssen, Lilly, MC2, Pellepharm, Pfizer, UCB               Activity Director
                                                                       • Speaker’s Bureau – Organogenesis
Allen Mark Jacobs, DPM, FACFAS
Instructor/Presenter                                                   William Spielfogel, DPM, FACFAS
• Consultant – EBM Medical                                            Approval Committee Member/Activity Director
                                                                       • Consultant, Royal Biologics
Prakash Krishnan, MD
                                                                       Denise A. Valenti, OD, FAAO
Jeffrey D. Lehrman, DPM, FASPS, MAPWCA, CPC, CPMA                      Instructor/Presenter
Instructor/Presenter                                                   • Speaker’s Bureau – Envision Paid Speaker, AAO Paid Speaker
• Consultant - Advisor, American Podiatric Medical Association

Shari Lipner, MD, PhD
Instructor/Presenter, Moderator
• Consultant - Verrica, Hoth Therapeutics, Ortho-Dermatologics


              NYSPMA                           NY22 LIVE VIRTUAL WEEKENDS             FOR MORE
              555 Eighth Avenue | Suite 1902   • March 19-20        8:00am-5:30pm    INFORMATION:
              New York, NY 10018               • April 23-24        8:00am-6:00pm
                  • May 21-22          7:30am-5:00pm
FACULTY               P17

Fortunato Battaglia, MD                                 Allen Mark Jacobs, DPM, FACFAS                       Karen Langone, DPM,
                                                        • Private Practice - St. Louis, MO                  DABPM, FACPM, FAAPSM
James D. Bavoso                                         • Nationally Recognized Author,                     • Private Practice - Southampton, NY
• Medicare Provider Outreach & Education                 Researcher, and Noted Authority on                 • President, American Association for
   Team Member, National Government                       Surgery of the Foot                                   Women Podiatrists
   Services - New York, NY
                                                        Kevin T. Jules, DPM, DABPS, FACFAS                   Jeffrey D. Lehrman, DPM,
Edward Blahous, DPM                                     • Professor & Chairman, Department of               FASPS, MAPWCA, CPC, CPMA
• Attending Podiatric Physician, Northwest               Surgery, NY College of Podiatric Medicine          • Private Practice - Fort Collins, CO
   Hospital - Seattle, WA                                 – New York, NY
• Private Practice, The Sports Medicine                                                                     Shari Lipner, MD, PhD
   Clinic, Northwest Hospital - Seattle, WA             Eva Kerby, MD                                        • Associate Attending Dermatologist, Weill
                                                        • Assistant Professor of Clinical                      Cornell/New York Presbyterian Hospital -
Joseph C. D’Amico, DPM, DSc                               Medicine, Department of Dermatology,                  New York, NY
• Professor and Past Chairman, Division of               Weill Cornell - New York, NY                       • Associate Professor of Clinical
   Orthopedic Sciences , New York College               • Director of the Weill Cornell Dermatology            Dermatology, Weill Cornell Medical
   Podiatric Medicine – New York, NY                      Center for Diverse Skin Complexions –                 College - New York, NY
• Private Practice limited to gait-related               New York, NY
   disorders of the lower extremity - New                                                                    Charles M. Lombardi, DPM
   York, NY                                             Paul Kesselman, DPM                                  • Director, Podiatric Medical Education,
                                                        • APMA DME Workgroup Coordinator/                      New York Presbytherian Hospital, Queens
Anjali Dayal, JD                                           NYSPMA Insurance Committee                           - Queens, NY
• Attorney, McBreen Kopko & Dayal                      • Extensive Experience in DME Compliance            • Clinical Assistant Professor of Podiatry
                                                           and Coding                                           in Surgery, Cornell University Medical
Kathleen DiCaprio, PhD                                                                                          College, New York - New York, NY
                                                        Vladimir Kramskiy, MD                                • Clinical Associate Professor of Surgery,
Bruce Dobbs, DPM                                        • Assistant Attending, Hospital for Special            External Faculty, New York College of
• Clinical Professor, Samuel Merritt                      Surgery - New York, NY                               Podiatric Medicine - New York, NY
   University - Oakland, CA                             • Pain Medicine Fellowship Site Director,
• Attending, Campus Surgery Center - Daly                 Hospital for Special Surgery - New York,          Ashfaq Marghoob, MD
   City, CA                                                NY                                                • Attending Physician, Memorial Hospital
                                                                                                                for Cancer & Allied Diseases, Dermatology
Matthew Feldman, Esq.                                   Prakash Krishnan, MD                                    Service, Department of Medicine - New
• Partner, Feldman Kieffer – Buffalo, New              • Associate Professor of Medicine &                    York, NY
   York                                                    Radiology, Icahn School of Medicine at
                                                           Mount Sinai - New York, NY
Johanna Godoy, DPM, FACFAS                              • System Director, Endovascular Services
• Attending, Foot Clinics of New York - New               (Cardiology), The Mount Sinai Health
   York, NY and Metropolitan Hospital/                     System - New York, NY
   Lincoln Hospital/Harlem Hospital - New
   York, NY                                             Samantha Landau, DPM, MPH, AACFAS
• Assistant Professor, NY College Of                   • Clinical Attending & Faculty; The Foot
   Podiatric Medicine - New York, NY                       Center of New York - New York, NY

George Han, MD, PhD
• Director of Clinical Research, Northwell
   Health System - New Hyde Park, NY
• Associate Professor, Zucker School of
   Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell


              NYSPMA                           NY22 LIVE VIRTUAL WEEKENDS                           FOR MORE
              555 Eighth Avenue | Suite 1902   • March 19-20                 8:00am-5:30pm         INFORMATION:
              New York, NY 10018               • April 23-24                 8:00am-6:00pm
                  • May 21-22                   7:30am-5:00pm
FACULTY           P18

Sorana Segal Maurer, MD                                 Lance Robertson                                   Denise A. Valenti, OD, FAAO
• Attending Physician, Infectious                      • Director, Guidehouse - Edmond, OK              • IMMAD; CEO/Consultant in Vision, Aging,
   Disease Section, Department of                       • U.S. Assistant Secretary for Aging and            Cannabinoids and Neuroprocessing
   Medicine NewYork-Presbyterian/Queens                    Administrator, U.S. Department of Health
   - Flushing NY                                           & Human Services, Administration for           Thomas Vitale, DPM
• Professor of Clinical Medicine, Weill                   Community Living (ACL) - Washington, DC        • Private Practice - Hasbrouck Heights, NJ
   Cornell Medical College - New York, NY                                                                 • Department of Surgery, NY College of
                                                        Larry Santi, DPM                                     Podiatric Medicine - New York, NY
Beth McLellan, MD                                       • Trustee, American Podiatric Medical
• Associate Professor, Division of                        Association                                    Daniel Yaeger, DPM
   Dermatology, Albert Einstein College of              • Residency Director, NY Community               • Attending Physician and Clinical
   Medicine – New York, NY                                 Hospital - Brooklyn, NY                           Instructor, NY College of Podiatric
• Chief of Division of Dermatology,                                                                         Medicine - New York, NY
   Montefiore Medical Center – New York, NY             John M. Schuberth, DPM
                                                        • Attending Staff, Department of
Krupa Patel, DPM, FACFAS                                   Orthopedic Surgery, Kaiser Hospital - San
• Managing Partner, Foot & Ankle                          Francisco, CA
   Specialists of NJ - Westfield, NJ                    • Editor in Chief, Foot and Ankle Specialist
• Faculty Attending, Atlantic Health
   Podiatric Surgical Residency -                       Michael J. Trepal, DPM, FACFAS
   Morristown, NJ                                       • Professor of Surgery, Vice President for
                                                          Academic Affairs and Dean, New York
Hollis Potter, MD                                         College of Podiatric Medicine – New York,
• Chairman, Department of Radiology &                    NY
   Imaging, Hospital for Special Surgery,
   New York, NY
• Professor of Radiology, Weill Medical
   College of Cornell University, New York,


              NYSPMA                           NY22 LIVE VIRTUAL WEEKENDS                        FOR MORE
              555 Eighth Avenue | Suite 1902   • March 19-20                 8:00am-5:30pm      INFORMATION:
              New York, NY 10018               • April 23-24                 8:00am-6:00pm
                  • May 21-22                   7:30am-5:00pm
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