CHALLENGES, OPPORTUNITIES, COLLABORATION - Sherman Theatre Annual Review 2020/2021

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CHALLENGES, OPPORTUNITIES, COLLABORATION - Sherman Theatre Annual Review 2020/2021

Sherman Theatre Annual Review
CHALLENGES, OPPORTUNITIES, COLLABORATION - Sherman Theatre Annual Review 2020/2021

On 16 March 2020, theatres across the UK closed their doors due                                       Heart of Cardiff: Emma Cooney                        Advent Calendar: Ruth Jones
to the situation caused by Covid-19. The Sherman Theatre team
knew that it would have to adapt quickly and find new ways to
deliver on its core purpose throughout the crisis. One year on,
we are taking this moment to reflect on twelve months unlike
any other.

This review shows how, throughout this             We have relied on all of our agility, ingenuity,
uniquely challenging situation, we worked          creativity and resilience as a team and a wider
using largely digital means to:                    artistic family to achieve the work described
                                                   in this review. This is not the year any of us
• ENTERTAIN AND ENGAGE OUR AUDIENCES               expected or wanted but we have worked to face      TEN: Dom’s Drug Prayer by Connor Allen               Young Queens
                                                   head on all the challenges and make the most
                                                   of some of the surprising opportunities which
                                                   have come our way.
                                                                                                      THE YEAR BROKE DOWN INTO FOUR PHASES OF ACTIVITY:

• DEVELOP OUR YOUNG PEOPLE                                                                            INTERVAL                                             ADVENT CALENDAR
                                                                                                      Interval was our immediate response to               Christmas is such a special time at the Sherman
                                                                                                      the challenges thrown up by the crisis. The          and we were determined to make sure, even
                                                                                                      programme was designed to ensure that we             though our doors were closed, that we would
                                                                                                      could continue to serve our audiences, artists,      be able to share some seasonal magic with
THANK YOU                                                                                             communities and young people. It evolved in          our audiences. With this in mind, we created
Our survival throughout the year and the work described in this review would not have been            response to changes in the needs of those            a digital Advent Calendar so that each day
possible without the support of our audiences, artists, communities, young people and partners.       groups and the issues they experienced.              throughout December our audiences would be
We would also like to say a massive thank you to the Sherman staff team, Board, and Associate                                                              given some festive joy.
Artists for the dedication, energy and determination they have shown.                                 HEART OF CARDIFF
                                                                                                      As it became clear that theatres would not           YOUR WORLD, IN YOUR WORDS
We would like to thank our funders for             Thank you to our partners throughout               be able to open in the autumn, we set about          This has been a year of seismic change and
their support:                                     the year:                                          creating a season that would serve all of our        of hope. Early in 2021, we handed over the
Arts Council Wales                                 Hijinx                                             audiences. The result was Heart of Cardiff, a        microphone to a broad range of communities
Paul Hamlyn Foundation                             National Theatre Wales, BBC Cymru Wales            major season of ten new audio dramas and             who had stories to tell and shared their work on
Esmée Fairbairn Foundation                         & BBC Arts                                         documentaries created by Cardiff writers, telling    our platforms. These stories encapsulated the
Moondance Foundation                               Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama               and celebrating stories of communities across        hope that has emerged from the darkness.
Andrew Lloyd Webber Foundation                     The College Merthyr Tydfil                         the city. The season was designed to make heard
Ashley Family Foundation                           Trans Pride Cardiff                                under represented voices and perspectives from
Garrick Charitable Trust                           The Old Vic                                        across the city and introduce a diverse new
National Lottery Awards For All Wales              Hayaat Women Trust                                 range of artists. The audio series was accompanied
Creu Cymru – Llaw/Hand Fund                        Age Cymru’s Gwanwyn Festival                       by large scale creative engagement activity.
CHALLENGES, OPPORTUNITIES, COLLABORATION - Sherman Theatre Annual Review 2020/2021

                                                                                 OUR AUDIENCES ENJOYED THE FOLLOWING:

                                                                                 TEN, a season of newly created monologues             Tydfil Tales and Tydfil Truths, audio dramas
                                                                                 by Welsh and Wales-based writers                      created in partnership with The College

                                                                                                                                       Merthyr Tydfil
                                                                                 MUM and DAD, two monologues by Gary Owen,
                                                                                 performed by Lynn Hunter and Michael Sheen            An audio version of Nova Theatre’s drama Winners

                                                                                 Network Play Readings: our partnership with           Playcrush, a lively podcast series in partnership
                                                                                 National Theatre Wales, BBC Cymru Wales &             with the Old Vic Theatre, London in which well-
                                                                                 BBC Arts, showcasing exceptional work from            known figures talk about their favourite play with
                                                                                 Welsh companies                                       Sherman Theatre Artistic Director Joe Murphy
We exist to provide our audiences with compelling theatre.
                                                                                 EIGHT, first time plays from our Introduction         Our digital advent calendar brought together
With our doors closed, the virtual world became our stage.                       to Playwriting participants                           an audiobook of A Christmas Carol and an
Across the year we premiered cutting edge new writing, comedies,                                                                       audio version of The Elves and the Shoemaker /
                                                                                 Heart of Cardiff, a major season of ten new           Y Coblynnod a’r Crydd, appearances from Ruth
haunting rediscovered gems, family entertainment, documentaries,                 audio dramas and documentaries created by             Jones, Michael Sheen and Rhys Ifans, music,
                                                                                 Cardiff writers telling stories of communities        games and activities to keep our audiences
fascinating podcasts and much more.                                              across the city                                       entertained throughout December

DAD by Gary Owen: Michael Sheen   MUM by Gary Owen: Lynn Hunter                  TEN: Who Runs Towards a Fire? by Owen Thomas          TEN: (Single) Motherhood by Alexandria Riley

THE YEAR IN NUMBERS:                                                             “Shout Out to                 “@ShermanTheatre        “Really enjoyed the              “It [Advent Calendar]
                                                                                 @ShermanTheatre for           thank you so much       Advent calendar                  was lovely! Really
                                                                                 keeping the drama             for the delight that    thank you. Diolch.”              enjoyed it! I also loved
                                                     OUR ONLINE THEATRE WAS      alive in Cardiff, from        is your advent                                           the Heart of Cardiff
                                                                                                                                       Katie Brown
                                                     WATCHED OR LISTENED TO      free streaming audio          calendar. Its been a                                     content, especially
                                                     OVER 46,500 TIMES. to       pleasure to receive                                      Rodney & the
                                                                                 their Advent Calendar         this every day, and                                      Shrieking Sisterhood!”

                                                                                 with some double bills        will miss it. Each      “I thoroughly enjoyed
                                                                                                                                                                        Di Jones
                                                                                 for children                  day has been fabulous   the Advent Calendar,
                                                                                 then adults”                  and thoughtful.         thank you very much,
                                                                  WE PREMIERED                                 Thank you, thank        and am looking
                                                                  28 SHORT       Roger Tomlinson
                                                                                                               you.”                   forward to more
                                                                  NEW PLAYS.     Twitter
                                                                                                                                       online contents.”
                                                                                                               Emma Hardy
                                                                                                               Twitter                 Yuko Uchida
CHALLENGES, OPPORTUNITIES, COLLABORATION - Sherman Theatre Annual Review 2020/2021

THROUGH THIS                                                                                                  165 155
                                                                                         THE YEAR IN
                                                                                         NUMBERS:                                                                   IT HAS BEEN A YEAR OF
                                                                                                                                                                    NEW OPPORTUNITIES
                                                                                                                                                                    AND NEW CONNECTIONS.

                                                                                                                                                                    WE HAVE INTERACTED
                                                                                                                                                                    WITH 155 ARTISTS FOR
                                                                                                                          WE HAVE PROVIDED 165                      THE FIRST TIME.

                                                                                                                          PAID OPPORTUNITIES
                                                                                                                          FOR CREATIVE

This has been an incredibly difficult time for freelance artists and
                                                                                                    SHERMAN THEATRE HAS                                            ACROSS THE YEAR THE
creatives. We have worked hard, not just to support artists through                                 INTERACTED WITH 275                                            SHERMAN HAS HAD 709
this uniquely challenging period but also to continue to nurture                                    ARTISTS THROUGHOUT                                             INTERACTIONS WITH
                                                                                                    THE YEAR.                                                      FREELANCE THEATRE
them and aid their development for the future. Our focus has                                                                                                       MAKERS.
been on:
                                                                                         OUR WORK TO SUPPORT AND NURTURE WELSH AND
                                                                                         WALES-BASED ARTISTS THIS YEAR HAS INCLUDED:

• 	OFFERING THEM THE CHANCE TO ACQUIRE NEW SKILLS                                       We have provided a significant number of paid       We have stayed connected with the artistic
                                                                                         opportunities for freelancers including writers,    community through networking opportunities
• HELPING TO MAINTAIN THEIR CREATIVITY                                                   directors, actors, teaching artists and creatives   including coffee mornings for freelancers.
• KEEPING THEM CONNECTED WITH BOTH THE SHERMAN AND THEIR PEERS                          to work on projects throughout the year

                                                                                         including: TEN, EIGHT, Heart of Cardiff and         OPEN PLATFORM
                                                                                         the Digital Advent Calendar.
                                                                                                                                             Our Open Platforms have provided a showcase
                                                                                                                                             and a large audience on our social media
                                                                                         WORKSHOPS                                           channels for existing work by Welsh and
                                                                                         Freelancers have been offered the opportunity       Wales-based Black and LGBTQIA+ artists.
                                                                                         to develop a wide range of new skills through
                                                                                         free workshops led by members of the
                     “Very excited and      “Diolch Sherman       “Ma angen gair         Sherman’s expert team. The topics covered in
                                                                                                                                             YOUR PLATFORM
                     honoured that the      Theatre! Thank you    Cymraeg arnon ni       the workshops series included structuring a         Sherman Theatre’s Your Platform initiative,
                     Sherman Theatre        so much for keeping   am ‘chuffed’. Wir,     play, producing, creative engagement, theatre       hosted on its social media channels, has helped
                     have included me in    our industry alight   WIR yn gyffrous i      design and marketing.                               35 theatre makers maintain their profile during
                     their Your Platform    with positivity and    fod yn sgwennu                                                            the situation caused by Covid-19.
                     scheme – especially    resilience! Thank     darn fer ar gyfer
                                                                                         TIME WITH
                     as during February     you for championing   @ShermanTheatre
                                                                                         Theatre makers seized on the chance to stay
                     they are celebrating   theatre makers        yng nghanol cyfnod
                     LGBT+ History Month    and providing         mor weird ac anodd.”   creative and have free ranging conversations        Last year, the brilliant final year acting students
                     and championing        #YourPlatform                                1:1 with members of the Sherman’s artistic          at Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama
                                                                  Alun Saunders          family including Associate Artists Daf James,       didn’t have the opportunity to perform their
                     theatre makers         to showcase the
                                                                  Twitter                Gary Owen and Suzanne Packer, and our               industry showcase. Working in partnership with
                     from the LGBTQIA+      wonderful artists
                     community. Diolch      across Wales! Very                           Artistic Director Joe Murphy.                       RWCMD, Sherman Theatre did its bit to put that
                     yn fawr iawn, thank    proud to be a part                                                                               right with the Showcase initiative. Our Artistic
                                                                                                                                             Director Joe Murphy committed to watching
                     you very much!”        of this!”                                    AUDITION SKILLS                                     the showcase piece of any students who asked
                     Rob Stevens            Jordan Palmer Forse                          Associate Artist and Senior Lecturer In Acting      RWCMD to forward their videos to the Sherman.
                     Facebook               Facebook                                     at Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama,
                                                                                         Patricia Logue, offered potential drama school
                                                                                         candidates the opportunity to learn how to
                                                                                         effectively approach an audition.
CHALLENGES, OPPORTUNITIES, COLLABORATION - Sherman Theatre Annual Review 2020/2021

In these difficult times it has been more vital than ever to stay
connected. With our doors temporarily closed it has also been more                                Young Queens

challenging to do this than ever before. By picking up the phone,
sending letters, emails and using digital media we have worked to
keep in touch with and support our communities. Amidst all of
the challenges, there have also been new opportunities. This year,
we formed new relationships with even more communities across
our city and beyond.

                                                                                                  Tydfil Tales                                     Love Letters

SHERMAN 5                                         TYDFIL TALES AND                                YOUNG QUEENS                                     LOVE LETTERS
The continued work of Sherman 5 to engage         TYDFIL TRUTHS                                   Young Queens are a group of young Welsh          The Love Letters project collected beautiful
people facing barriers to attendance, supported   Originally planned as a stage production,       Somali writers and performers age 11-14.         letters to Cardiff, written by some of the
by the Paul Hamlyn Foundation, changed its        Tydfil Tales saw students from The College      Fiercely proud of both their Welsh and Somali    city’s older people. In Autumn 2020, Sherman
focus through the pandemic to support and         Merthyr Tydfil turn real life stories told by   heritage they created four compelling poems      Theatre’s Sherman 5 programme worked with
connect with its members throughout the           the residents of The Daffodils care home into   about what it means to be a young Welsh Somali   Age Cymru’s Gwanwyn Festival to gather these
year. We have called members, ensured there       an intergenerational audio drama. Such was      today. We were proud to work in partnership      letters as part of Sherman Theatre’s Heart of
is always someone available to call if they       the success of this project, Sherman Theatre    with Hayaat Women Trust and share these          Cardiff season. The letters were available to
wish simply to have a chat, delivered regular     supported a follow-up Tydfil Truths, which      inspirational films with our audiences.          read online and a recording was made of a
communications and offered a programme of         saw the perspectives of the students come                                                        reading of a selection. Letters were exchanged
workshops and activities.                         to the fore.                                                                                     between participants and recordings were sent
                                                                                                                                                   to older audience members, care homes and
                                                                                                                                                   Sightlife members.

                                                                                                   THE YEAR IN NUMBERS:

                                                                                                                                              WE ENGAGED 1533 PARTICIPANTS
                                                                                                                                              THROUGH COMMUNITY PROJECTS.
CHALLENGES, OPPORTUNITIES, COLLABORATION - Sherman Theatre Annual Review 2020/2021

                                                                                 OUR WORK WITH YOUNG PEOPLE INCLUDED:

                                                                                 YOUTH THEATRE                                       PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT
                                                                                 Our celebrated Youth Theatre programme was          We were delighted to support 7 University of

                                                                                 taken online. Throughout the first lockdown         South Wales Performing Arts students (at both
                                                                                 we provided a range of activities that could be     MA and BA levels) with placements during our
                                                                                 participated in at home. From Autumn 2020,          autumn and Christmas seasons.
                                                                                 we delivered the Youth Theatre programme for
                                                                                 all age groups through blended learning, with       NOTES

                                                                                 some pre-recorded sessions and some
                                                                                 live interactive sessions.                          Sherman Theatre offered support to Welsh and
                                                                                                                                     Wales-based actors who prepared speeches for
                                                                                                                                     Drama School auditions last spring but were
                                                                                                                                     unable to work further on these or attend
                                                                                                                                     auditions. Our Notes initiative offered one
                                                                                                                                     to one sessions with the Sherman’s Creative
                                                                                                                                     Engagement Manager Timothy Howe who
Developing, engaging and                                                                                                             watched the audition pieces and shared his
connecting young people        THROUGHOUT THE YEAR, OUR WORK WITH                                                                    notes and thoughts with each actor.
                               YOUNG PEOPLE FOCUSED ON:
across Cardiff and South
                               Continuing our commitment to developing
Wales is at the core of what   young people into active and socially
                               responsible citizens
we do. When the restrictions
came into force we moved       Delivering our existing programmes including
                               Introduction to Playwriting, Youth Theatre, and   Youth Theatre online session
quickly to move this work      Sherman Sherbets online in smart new ways
online. Our projects evolved
                               Tackling increased isolation experienced          INTRODUCTION TO
to respond to and meet the     by young people, by ensuring they remain          PLAYWRITING
needs of young people          connected with each other
                                                                                 The first cohort of the Introduction to
throughout the crisis.         Evolving projects in response to dialogue with
                                                                                 Playwriting programme to develop young
                                                                                 playwrights aged 15-18 continued working on         EIGHT: A Bee Sting by Manasvi Nanavati
                               young people and changes in restrictions
                                                                                 their writing during the first lockdown. The
                                                                                 result was EIGHT, a series of monologues which
                               Maintaining a participant-centred approach
                                                                                 were performed and directed by professionals,
                                                                                 each play was a personal reflection on the
                                                                                 experience of 2020. In autumn 2020, we

THE YEAR IN NUMBERS:                                                             worked with artists across the UK to develop
                                                                                 a playwriting blended learning resource. The
                                                                                 programme, which is funded by the Esmée
                                                                                 Fairbairn Foundation, moved into its next

                                                                                 phase with sessions across the autumn and
                                                                                 into spring 2021.

                                                                                 HOMESCHOOLING SUPPORT
      THROUGHOUT THE YEAR                                                        In April 2020, we made available online our
      WE WORKED WITH 451                                                         catalogue of education activity packs to download   EIGHT: What You Thought You’d Do During Lockdown by Tom Price
      YOUNG PARTICIPANTS                                                         and use. We were delighted to be able to share
                                                                                 these highly regarded resources with teachers,
                                      WE INTERACTED WITH YOUNG                   practitioners, families and young people.
                                      PARTICIPANTS 2730 TIMES
                                      ACROSS THE YEAR
CHALLENGES, OPPORTUNITIES, COLLABORATION - Sherman Theatre Annual Review 2020/2021 CHALLENGES, OPPORTUNITIES, COLLABORATION - Sherman Theatre Annual Review 2020/2021 CHALLENGES, OPPORTUNITIES, COLLABORATION - Sherman Theatre Annual Review 2020/2021 CHALLENGES, OPPORTUNITIES, COLLABORATION - Sherman Theatre Annual Review 2020/2021
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