Ch ices - Carers' Resource

Page created by Bill Edwards
Ch ices - Carers' Resource
Ch ices
                                                                              Issue 114              March 2021

The newsletter of
Carers’ Resource
Bradford: 01274 449660                                 Skipton: 01756 700888                                Harrogate: 01423 500555

A spring
in our step
With bulbs sprouting through the ground and the
first signs of spring in the air, many of us will be
looking forward to longer days, brighter skies and
being outside a little more. As part of our continued
efforts to reduce isolation and to offer support to
a wide range of carers with varied interests and
hobbies, we are delighted that we have been able
to secure a large allotment plot in Bradford.

Situated at Undercliffe Allotments,             our volunteers and staff. There’s loads
on the junction of Killinghall Road             of potential and opportunity, with many
and Northcote Road, the plot has been           varied skills needed so I really hope that
untended for over a decade and is very          the project can lift the spirits of many!”
overgrown. We aren’t deterred by this
                                                We have a steering group that will
as we know that with help and support
                                                lead on the project – if you can offer
from our local community, the carers we
                                                DIY skills, gardening experience,
support, staff and volunteers, we can
                                                design flair, a knowledge of growing
develop the allotment and together grow
                                                fruit and vegetables or could help us
fruit and vegetables, use the space for
                                                source equipment, tools and seeds,
meetings and group sessions and help
                                                we would love to hear from you.
our young carers to learn new skills.
                                                Please email our team on
 Chris Whiley chief executive said    
“We all know the benefits that being
                                                In Skipton, we also have an
 outside and being able to spend
                                                allotment project. As part of a
 some time in the fresh air can bring.
                                                community allotment, this group
 This project is very exciting for Carers’
                                                meets weekly on a Tuesday morning
 Resource because it enables us to offer
                                                between 10–11.30am. We’ve stopped
 outdoor activities to those carers who
                                                temporarily to reflect the lockdown and
 would like to be involved in the project,
                                                the weather, but are planning to meet
 utilising their skills and experience
                                                again in early March. Anyone interested
 in designing and delivering a fully
                                                in coming along should contact               Photos of the allotment taken in November 2020
 functioning allotment alongside

   Lockdown Mental                              Debt, big bills and grants –                        Young Carers Update:
   Health Support: Page 2                       our guide to help you: Page 9                       Page 11

Email:               Web:                 /carersresource                  @CarersResource
Ch ices - Carers' Resource
Lockdown Mental Health Support
Maintaining good mental                      Online learning platforms like Udemy
                                             and OpenLearn can stretch mental
health can be a challenge                    muscles and remind us that there is
                                                                                           Emergency Help
during lockdown. Here                        still a world out there for us to engage      If things become unmanageable,
                                             with whenever we get the chance.              there are sources of help available,
are our tips for supporting                                                                including:
your mental health, and                      Stay Connected
                                                                                           First Response
the services you can turn                    Feelings of loneliness have been
                                             common since restrictions were                This is the crisis service for
to when things get tough.                    imposed. Try to connect with people           Bradford, Airedale, Wharfedale and
                                             who might themselves be lonely, such as       Craven. It is available 24 hours per
                                             elderly neighbours, or people relatively      day, seven days a week to anyone
Maintain Your Routine                        isolated by a physical or learning            experiencing mental distress.
Routine is one of the best ways to           disability. Knowing that you have helped
                                                                                           T: 01274 221181
re-establish some order when the             someone else stay connected can help
world outside seems chaotic and out of       you keep mentally well.
control. Try to keep to the same routine
                                                                                           North Yorkshire
you had before lockdown. The regularity
                                                                                           Mental Health Helpline
of mealtimes and chores can help tackle
any feelings of being adrift.                                                              This confidential service is free
                                                                                           to use from both landline and
Make time for Yourself                                                                     mobile phones.
Make some guaranteed time for                                                              T: 0800 5610076
yourself and take it no matter what.
It might be better to schedule shorter                                                     North Yorkshire
but more frequent breaks, to give                                                          Out of Hours Service
yourself something to work toward
throughout the day.                                                                        Available from 5:00 PM until
                                                                                           8:30 AM Monday to Thursday,
                                             Make agreements with those you love
                                                                                           and from 4:30 PM on Friday
                                             to call at specific points during the week,
                                                                                           across the weekend.
                                             so that it becomes part of your routine.
                                                                                           T: 0333 0000 309
                                             Manage Your Stressors               
                                             One of the chief sources of stress for
                                             many of us over the last few months           The Haven
                                             has been the news. Managing how and           This service offers non-clinical
                                             where we get our information can do a         support to people in Bradford,
                                             lot to reduce the sense that things are       Airedale, Wharfedale and Craven,
                                             out of control.                               as an alternative to A&E admission.
                                            Try to identify trustworthy sources            To access the service, call
Keep Mentally and Physically Active
                                            of information, such as GOV.UK, the            T: 01274 221181
Exercise and activity can benefit our       NHS and your local authority. Avoid  
mental health, but finding the time to      sensationalised news, or sources that
take a walk, go for a run or follow some    drag you into rabbit holes of conspiracy
online sessions at home can be hard.                                                       The Sanctuary
                                            and misinformation.
Trying to work it into your daily routine                                                  A safe space for people in crisis,
can help you achieve an objective, while                                                   as an alternative to hospital
providing a powerful physical reminder                                                     admission.
that some time is exclusively your own.
                                                                                           T: 01274 221181

                                                                                           The Samaritans
                                                                                           This confidential service is available
                                                                                           twenty four hours a day.
                                                                                           T: 116123
                                             Support Worker Gurchehn with a hamper
                                             of tools for the wellbeing sessions.

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With you every
step of the way
Hi, my name is Jim Middlebrook. My wife Carole
was admitted into care in June 2020 after being
cared for at home suffering from Alzheimer’s for
about 10 years. It came as a big shock to our family
as we have always been very close, and many
tears were shed before we came to this decision.

For the first 6 weeks Carole was in an     Frankly it has been a nightmare during       Chris Whiley, CEO
assessment unit and we were unable         the pandemic but the care home has
to visit her due to COVID-19 and the       been amazing and Carole is settled and
only way we could speak to her was         seems very happy in her new home and            As the bleakness of winter recedes,
by telephone, which obviously was          own world. As things stand now over the         I hope that despite the difficulties
not ideal with someone suffering with      next months with the vaccine rolling out        of life under lockdown we can
Alzheimer’s. Carole was transferred to     and quick COVID testing system, we live         all begin to think about a more
a care home in July, and for the next      in hope that we will soon be able to have       positive future, where it will be
couple of weeks we were able to see        face to face visits and are very much           possible to see our friends and
her outside albeit at a distance which     looking forward to this.                        family, and even give someone a
was better than nothing.                                                                   hug spontaneously.
                                           Finally, it wouldn’t be right not to end
When lockdown began the only way           this article to give an absolute heartfelt      The vaccination programme does
we could see her was by Face Time          thank you to our Carers’ Resource               mean that there is light at the
which was better than nothing, at least    Support Worker Amanda, who has been             end of the tunnel albeit a little
we could all see her and we did manage     with us every step of the way for the last      way off. Many staff at Carers’
to have some brief conversations, given    couple of years. I honestly don’t know          Resource have received their first
the nature of her illness.                 what we would have done without her             vaccination, and this means that
                                           humour, advice and compassion.                  we are already on that journey
Over the last couple of weeks her
care home has installed a visiting pod                                                     towards offering safe, regular
which has an intercom so at least I can                                                    face to face meetings again. It is
visit and Carole can see me close up,                                                      therefore really important that those
although I still have to wear a mask.                                                      people we support are able to
I am the only person allowed to visit                                                      access the vaccine as it becomes
so my girls are still Face Timing Carole                                                   available.
in their turns so it doesn’t confuse her                                                   All family and unpaid carers are in
seeing too many faces at the same time,                                                    cohort 6 and will be called for their
but we all love and miss her so much.                                                      vaccine by their GP, providing that
We have 3 daughters, 6 grandchildren       Locality Worker Amanda                          the individual’s record shows that
and 3 great grandchildren.                                                                 they are a carer. If anyone is unsure
                                                                                           whether they are recorded as a
                                                                                           carer or not they should contact
                                                                                           their GP practice to check.
                                                                                           Carers’ Resource also has a lot
                                                                                           of information about the vaccine,
                                                                                           so if you are unsure as to whether
                                                                                           to take it up or not, contact us
                                                                                           and someone can point you in the
                                                                                           direction of scientific evidence. We
                                                                                           have all become quite expert at our
                                                                                           ‘virtual’ meetings but personally, I
                                                                                           am really looking forward to being
                                                                                           able to meet face to face again.
                                                                                           Take care and stay safe,

Carole and Jim Middlebrook

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We are still here for you!                                                                  Looking out
                                                                                            for each other
You might be forgiven for thinking                                     Carer Navigator
that our Carer Navigator team, which                                   Asma says
                                                                                                                   Emma Clayton –
helps carers while their loved one is in                              “This has been a
hospital, has been unable to operate                                   difficult time for
                                                                                                                   Content Editor of
during the lockdown period. But you’d                                  everybody but it
                                                                                                                   the Telegraph &
be wrong. The Carer Navigator service                                  has been even
                                                                                                                   Argus, Bradford’s
has continued to support friends and                                   more challenging
                                                                                                                   daily newspaper.
families who have a loved one admitted          Carer Navigator Asma   for those caring
to Airedale General Hospital and                                       for a loved one.                             If anyone had
Bradford Royal Infirmary.                                              We have been                                 told me this
                                                talking to people about their wellbeing                             time last year
                          Carer Navigator
                                                and completing Emergency Plans for                                  that I would
                          Nafees says
                                                them. We do this by phone to discuss        be working at home for the next 12
                         “We have attended
                                                carers’ concerns about their ability to     months, I’d have struggled to believe
                          family meetings
                                                continue looking after their loved ones     them. But here I am, still at my desk in
                          and discharge
                                                as their needs change and increase.         my spare room. It has its advantages,
                          meetings virtually
                                                                                            particularly on snowy mornings when
                          to ensure the         It’s important that you get help if you
                                                                                            I don’t have to dig the car out to drive
                          carers’ needs         are feeling low and do know that you
                                                                                            to work. But there are days when I feel
Carer Navigator Nafees    are heard.            are not alone! You don’t have to wait for
                                                                                            quite alone.
                                                a professional to refer you – we are just
                       There have been
                                                at the other end of the phone.”             One thing that has heartened me
a lot of concerns about lack of visiting
                                                                                            over the months is the kindness of
on the wards so we have been involved           So if the person you care for is
                                                                                            neighbours. We seem to look out for
in liaising between ward staff and              in hospital or has a hospital stay
                                                                                            each other a bit more, whether it’s
families to try and address these issues.       planned, don’t worry alone, pick
                                                                                            taking parcels in, waving through
There are options such as virtual visiting      up the phone and ‘Give us a Call!’
                                                                                            windows or, in the case of an elderly
and in exceptional circumstances one
                                                Carer Navigators can be contacted           lady on my street, putting chocolate
visit may be allowed but this will depend
                                                on Bradford Royal Infirmary:                bars through letter boxes. A chocolate
on individual ward situations such as
                                                07394569712 or 07394569713                  bar landing on your doormat is a
infection control and staffing levels.
                                                                                            simple pleasure that means the
                                                Airedale General Hospital:
We are continuing to provide advice,                                                        world some days.
                                                07394569714 or 07394569715
information and a listening ear via the
                                                                                            It’s been a long old year since the
telephone so please get in touch.”              Or you can email us at:
                                                                                            first lockdown, and this pandemic
                                                                                            continues to be a huge, frightening
                                                                                            thing to live with. But it has also
                                                                                            reminded us of the goodness of people,
                                                                                            from frontline care workers risking their
Donate what you save                             Could you help us                          lives to look after others to my kind
                                                                                            neighbour delivering chocolate bars.
                                                 with our fundraising?
By donating the price of your favourite                                                     Among those making a difference are
takeaway coffee every month or                                                              the volunteers giving up their time to
                                                 The Carers’ Resource COVID-19
donating the money you have saved                                                           help others in their communities. I have
                                                 fund aims to provide emergency
on your daily commute, you could                                                            a friend who was furloughed for months
                                                 financial funding for carers who are
help ensure that lonely and isolated                                                        last year, and she spent much of it
                                                 currently facing financial challenges
carers get the help they need to get                                                        cycling to the shops for her neighbours.
                                                 due to the Coronavirus Pandemic.
through the coronavirus crisis. Could
                                                                                            Some volunteers are making a
you ‘donate what you save’ to Carers’            As part of our Covid-19 Emergency
                                                                                            difference for carers, often the
Resource? Every pound we raise                   Fund, we have been able to ensure
                                                                                            hidden casualties of this crisis.
can help connect carers with our                 that a family in need received a
                                                                                            This newsletter highlights some of
experienced team, providing support,             replacement cooker in time for
                                                                                            the dedicated volunteers providing
advice and, importantly, someone to              Christmas and some of the carers
                                                                                            such vital support in lockdown.
talk to during these difficult times.            and young carers we support have
                                                 access to WiFi and the technology          The hope is that once we emerge from
If you would like to support us with
                                                 they need to complete their home           this, those who have given up their time
a monthly donation, you can sign up
                                                 schooling. We will continue to             to help others will continue to volunteer.
via our website. Having guaranteed
                                                 fundraise to support those in need.
income from our generous monthly                                                            Like many organisations, Carers’
donors means we are able to plan                 If you would like to support our           Resource relies on volunteers to help
for the long term. We know that more             Emergency Covid-19 Appeal,                 provide the services that are a lifeline
people have caring responsibilities              please go to           for so many. Let’s hope that volunteer
now due to the pandemic and we want              campaign/covid-19emergencyfund             support is a positive legacy of this
to be able to offer the best support                                                        awful pandemic.
                                                 Any support is much appreciated.
we can to meet their needs.
                                                 Thank you!

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Making a Difference
2020 was a year of unprecedented turmoil – a global pandemic
that nobody could avoid. Although some of our volunteers have
not been able to volunteer with us as they once did, others have
been able to help to support carers during the last few months.

Volunteers have continued to make                                     Barbara                                       Charlie Collett –
a positive difference to carers and                                   Hargreaves                                    Carers’ Time
we thank them for their continued                                                                                   Off Volunteer
                                                                       I, along with
involvement, and for finding creative
                                                                       three lovely                                 Like most
ways to continue their support.
                                                                       people, have                                 people this year,
Once things return to a new “normal”                                   been hosting a                               I’ve spent a lot
we will need our volunteers more                                       fortnightly zoom                             of time working
than ever before, when our group                                       meeting for                                  from home. Not
sessions, visits, help with shopping                                   Caring for Carers.                           being able to see
and driving and administrative tasks                                   This has been a                              family and friends
can resume. As an organisation, we             huge success and five more people have       has been hard, so I’ve been keeping
rely on volunteers to help us support          joined the group. We just have a relaxed     myself sane with some hobbies. I started
thousands of carers every year and             fun time sharing stories and supporting      volunteering for Carer’s Resource when
we really do appreciate their support.         each other. We also have a WhatsApp          I moved to Harrogate this summer.
                                               group and I ring those people in the         This has been a really nice way to stay
Volunteers have continued to support
                                               group who don’t have online facilities.      connected with people and keep a nice
carers by keeping in touch with them
                                                                                            routine. The clients are really friendly and
by telephone or WhatsApp groups, in
                                                                      Lorraine              I genuinely look forward to catching up
place of seeing them for lunch groups.
                                                                      Starkey               each time. Thank you for the opportunity!
Our Carers’ Time Off volunteers have
continued, where possible, to make                                     I’m a volunteer
respite visits, visiting clients in their                              host for the
own homes or taking them out for                                       Threshfield            Carers’ Time Off
walks whilst the carers take a break.                                  monthly lunch
This has provided invaluable support                                                          Carers’ Time Off is a volunteer
                                                                       group at The
for those who are feeling isolated and                                                        led short respite service, based
have needed someone to talk to.                                                               in Harrogate, Ripon, Craven and
                                                                                              Selby. Volunteer Befrienders spend
                                                                       I usually ring
                                                                                              time with a loved one whilst the
Meet a few of                                  my group members a few days before
                                                                                              carer takes a break. It can include
                                               lunch to check on whether they’ll be
our Volunteers                                 attending. These calls can be a few
                                                                                              sitting indoors chatting, playing a
                                                                                              board game, going out for a walk
                                               minutes or a lot longer. It’s one of the
                                                                                              or for a coffee. It is usually for a
                        Anne Dennison          elements I love about volunteering,
                                                                                              couple of hours a week but can
                                               knowing people who are caring can talk
                         I signed up to                                                       also be monthly and occasionally
                                               to me about all manner of things, not
                         volunteer with                                                       ad hoc or less regular. If you are
                                               necessarily about caring. It highlights
                         Young Carers at                                                      interested please contact Dawn
                                               the value of the lunch groups.
                         the start of 2020.                                                   Tesseyman Project Manager –
                         Sadly I haven’t       The calls have continued on a         or
                         been able to meet     monthly basis and I have become                ring for a chat on 07590 877917.
                         anyone face to        increasingly aware and proud at how
                         face yet, but was     everyone seems to be coping in these
                         invited to join the   challenging times. One thing is certain
virtual groups recently which has been         though, everyone I talk is so looking
good fun. I especially like the games          forward to when we can finally resume           For general volunteering enquiries
that are played, and I think my favourite      our lunches. It’s wonderful to know how         please call Volunteer Coordinator
would have to be the Treasure Hunt.            much this means to them and I heartily          Sally on 01274 449660 or email
I’m really looking forward to getting more     share that enthusiasm to be back as a 
involved as time goes on, and hopefully        group once again.
meeting everyone properly next year.

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Virtual carer forums
cross boundaries
We have been running our carer forums for a number
of years, inviting people who look after a relative or
friend to access support and share their views.

Since March, we have been holding          The forums will:
these forums virtually, inviting carers
                                                       how the service of
from across all of the regions that we
                                              the Carers’ Resource can be
cover to come together, meet other
                                              improved to meet the needs
carers, access information and discuss
                                              of carers more effectively
current issues. We have found that the
online sessions have been popular,           Discuss
                                                      and comment on
enabling more carers to attend and            local issues that affect carers
facilitating productive discussions.
                                                       national issues and
If you would like to attend, please
                                              initiatives that affect carers.
do contact us on the number below.
                                           To register your interest, please email Val
Future forums will be held on:
                                           Stewart on
Wednesday April 7th 1.30 – 3.30pm
Wednesday June 9th 1.30 – 3.30pm

                                                                                         Virtual Sessions run
                                                                                         by our Group Workers
                                                                                         How to be more organised
                                                                                         Monday 1st 1–2pm
                                                                                         How to get a good night’s sleep
                                                                                         Monday 8th 11am–12noon
                                                                                         Music and relaxation for carers
                                                                                         Tuesday 16th 1–2pm
Wellbeing Coffee Group                      Online Dance Sessions                        Making music using
                                                                                         objects found at home
An informal get together and chat about     We’ve partnered with Yorkshire Dance         Monday 22nd 1–2pm
a topic that has been chosen by the         to offer carers the opportunity to get
previous month’s attendees – sharing        active and Dance On! We can help             Music and relaxation
experiences, wellbeing tips and skills.     you get online.                              Wednesday 31st 7–8pm

Sessions will be held on Monday             Sessions are weekly on
26th April, Monday 24th May and             Wednesdays 11:00–11:45 and
Monday 28th June 10.30–12 noon.             suitable for all experience levels.          Making music using
                                                                                         objects found at home
Contact Eileen McAlonan on 07801            For more information and to
                                                                                         Tuesday 6th 10am–11am
577163         sign up contact Catherine Knight
or Sarah Czujko on 07843 352874.                     Carers Quiz and Chat
                                                                                         Monday 12th 1–2pm
                                                                                         How to get a good night’s sleep
                                                                                         Wednesday 21st 7–8pm
                                                                                         For information and to book a
  Follow us on social media to find out more about events and                            place contact: groupworkers@
  other resources:    /carersresource     @CarersResource                       or ring 01274
                                                                                         449660 and ask for Kauser or Melanie.

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Virtual LGBTQI Carer                       Brew and Babble                         Activities being planned
Support & Social group                                                             for after lockdown
                                           Thursday 25th March (11am–12pm)
                                           Thursday 22nd April
As part of our commitment to                                                          Lister Park Cycling Group
                                           Thursday 27th May
providing a supportive space for
                                           Thursday 24th June                       	Allotment Group
carers, who may have found the
                                                                                      Please note if you have any
pandemic isolating, we are running         April, May and June sessions
                                                                                      gardening tools that you would like
an LGBTQI social group.                    are 10am–11am on Google Meet.
                                                                                      to donate to our project, such as
                                           To join the sessions, please contact
The group will be held on                                                             spades, forks, trowels, seedlings,
                                  or ring
the first Thursday of each                                                            pots – please get in touch!
                                           07801 577091.
month – 6pm to 7.30pm.
                                                                                    	Crown Green Bowling Group
Sessions will include an open
                                                                                    	Fishing Group
discussion on LGBTQI caring,
getting support and social planning.                                               To register your interest email contact:
The session will be held on
                                                                                   or ring 01274 449660 and ask for
Google Meet or other platform.
                                                                                   Kauser or Melanie.
To register your interest email contact: or
ring 01274 449660 and ask for
Gavin Williams.
                                           Carers Progress
                                           A free six week wellbeing
                                           and working course for carers.

Virtual Information                        This course will cover confidence,
                                           goal planning, meeting carers and
Team Drop In Sessions                      employers and caring and working.
                                           Course 1 starts 24th February and
Got a question? Want to know how
                                           runs on Wednesdays for six weeks.
to access support or need advice
about your caring situation? Connect       Course 2 starts 16th March and
and chat with the Information Team.        runs on Tuesdays for six weeks.
We are here to help!
                                           To book a place, please contact:
Contact your Carers Resource worker
or email to        or 01274 449660.
book your slot with a team member.
All appointments via Google Meet.
Next dates (all 10am–12pm):
Monday 15 February                         Groups that will take
Monday 15 March
Monday 19 April
                                           place if government
Monday 17 May                              guidance allows
Monday 21 June
                                           Join us for a gentle stroll and         Just for Fun Quiz
                                           chat with other carers at:
                                                                                   Join us for some light-hearted fun
                                            	Lister Park Walking Group –
                                                                                   and test your quiz knowledge.
Parent Carer Webinars                         every Tuesday from 6th April
                                                                                   3rd Wednesday of the month
                                            	Cliffe Castle Walking Group –
                                                                                   from 3pm–4pm.
Wednesday 10th March –                        every Wednesday from 7th April
Preparing for Adulthood/Transitioning                                               	17th March
                                            	Myrtle Park Walking Group –
Wednesday 14th April –                        every Thursday from 8th April         	21st April
Personal Independent Payment (PIP)
                                            	Harold Park Walking Group –           	19th May
Wednesday 12th May – Relationships            every Friday from 9th April
                                                                                   For details or to book a place
Wednesday 9th June – Wellbeing             All the walks are from 10am – Noon.     please contact Julia Rush
All scheduled for 1pm–2pm.                 For information and to book a
                                                                                   or Rachel Waddington
To join the sessions please contact        place contact: groupworkers@
                                                                          or ring or ring 01274
07801 577091.                              449660 and ask for Kauser or Melanie.   Tel: 01756 700888

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Who’s calling?
Our teams are working hard to stay in touch with carers using the telephone
and electronic methods in place of our usual face to face meetings and
group sessions. We have teams working across Bradford, Craven and
Harrogate and, in this issue, we are shining a light on our ‘Harrogate Calling
Team’, other teams will follow in future editions. If you have ever wanted to
put a face to the person calling you, you might find your caller here!

                          Hello,                                       Hi, I’m Jillian                            Hello, my
                          I’m Naomi.                                   and I joined                               name is Carol
                          I work in the                                the locality                               and I have been
                          Harrogate team                               caseworker                                 called many
                          as a Locality                                team in late                               names over
                          Worker. I am                                 October 2019,                              the years but
                          very fortunate                               having applied                             I think that my
                          as I love my                                 for a position                             present one is
                          job! Previous to                             that resulted in                           Project Worker!
                          the pandemic                                 my transferring                            I organise and
I visited carers in their homes. I really      from a Carers’ Resource project that       run all the Groups in the Harrogate
miss seeing people and being out and           supported people into employment,          area. Normally I am to be found in
about (don’t we all!) Please do contact        training or volunteering.                  the kitchen, cooking for 40 or baking
the team if you are struggling in your                                                    and making afternoon tea or generally
                                               As a carer myself, I am acutely aware
caring role, especially during these                                                      chatting. The latter I have perfected
                                               of the many strains and challenges
isolating times. We’re here to help,                                                      with many years of practice! Chatting
                                               that those calling may be experiencing
guide and support in any way we can.                                                      is what I have been doing over the
                                               and whilst this isn’t a unique position
Please be honest and open, we have                                                        last 11 months whilst the groups have
                                               to hold, I believe it does help me to be
lots of experience and judge no one.                                                      been suspended. I work closely with
                                               able to connect with and to empathise
We will listen and try to make life easier                                                the Case workers who are all very
                                               with other carers whom I enjoy
for you. If you need a private chat                                                       supportive of each other as are all
                                               listening to and helping.
we have a ‘safe space’ at the office.                                                     the staff in the Harrogate office.
Take care wonderful people.

                         Hi I’m Natalie                               Hi, I’m Sarah                                 Hi I’m Linda and I
                         and I work as                                and I work                                    work as a Young
                         a Parent Carer                               as a Young                                    Carer Support
                         Locality Worker                              Carer Worker.                                 Worker. I have
                         supporting                                   It’s a privilege                              been keeping
                         parent carers                                to be let in                                  contact with
                         across the                                   to the Young                                  young carers by
                         Harrogate                                    Carers and                                    telephone and
                         and Craven                                   their families’                               WhatsApp but
                         Districts.                                   lives for that                                the best way is
I manage two Facebook groups                   moment when we talk. I love hearing        going out for a socially distanced walk
for parent carers where I share                about things the young carers are          with them as they are stuck at home
information about local groups,                proud of, whether they have made           and they like a change and someone
services and support for children              something or baked. I’m so pleased         else to chat to. In February when we
and families. I also deliver monthly           when they pick up the phone when           had some snow, I took a young carer
webinars on topics of interest such            things aren’t great and know it’s          out and we built a snowman and then
as disability benefits, self care and          okay to vent.                              went for a walk to the park getting wet
grants. During the pandemic I am                                                          through! On the way back home I asked
                                               We are using our social media to
keeping in touch with parent carers                                                       her what she was going to do when she
                                               communicate any competitions that
via telephone and video call and I’m                                                      got home, “I’m going to get a hot bath,
                                               we know of, activities and also we
looking forward to driving around our                                                     put my pyjamas on and my mum is
                                               have an online art group where we
beautiful countryside visiting parents                                                    going to make me a hot chocolate –
                                               do a guided piece of art and share
in their homes and at community                                                           perfect end to the day!” I personally
                                               in a group chat afterwards.
events again in the near future.                                                          love going out for walks and chatting
                                                                                          it’s really great to get out and have
                                                                                          some fresh air and exercise.

Page 8                                       Choices: Carers’ Resource | Harrogate | Craven | Bradford district
Ch ices - Carers' Resource
Debt, big bills and grants –
our guide to help you
The Covid-19 pandemic has caused countless disruptions to household income,
leaving many of us with less money coming in and bigger bills to pay. If you’re
worried about money or struggling to make ends meet, you’re not alone.

Here is a short guide to accessing          Some utility companies offer help if you      There are ways you can access
support:                                    have large arrears on bills – check with      essentials and funding to improve your
                                            them for details. At the moment, your         home. Always check with your landlord
          your benefits are correct.
                                            energy supplier won’t disconnect your         and local authority first, then grant-giving
   If they are not enough to meet
                                            gas or electricity if you miss a payment.     organisations. Here are some options:
   your needs and you are in debt,
                                            If you’ve got a prepayment meter and
   you can ask for a break in the                                                           Turn2us
                                            you don’t top it up, your energy supply
   debt repayments. If you pay rent,                                                         grant search service.
                                            might still stop.
   you can ask for a discretionary
                                                                                                   Welfare Assistance Schemes
   housing payment.                           British
                                                      Gas Energy Trust – 0121
                                                                                             may help getting essential items of
      may be able to pay less                                                               furniture: Assisted Purchase Scheme
                                               offer grants open to anyone.
   council tax if your income has                                                            in Bradford (online application only)
   dropped or you started claiming          If you’re disabled, elderly or you get           and Local assistance fund in North
   benefits recently.                       benefits, you may be entitled to the             Yorkshire (awards are made in kind).
                                            following (check the eligibility criteria):
  If you’re
           facing an unexpected cost,                                                      Disabled
                                                                                                       Facilities Grants –
   you might be eligible for a grant          Winter
                                                     Fuel Payment – 0800 7310160            01274 435400 (Occupational
   or a benefits advance. The Reuse                  Therapy Bradford) 01609 780780
   Network            one-off payment to help you pay               (Occupational Therapy North
   has affordable goods.                       for heating.                                  Yorkshire)
                                                                                             facilities-grants for adaptations
  If you’re
           struggling for food, reach        Cold
                                                   Weather Payments
                                                                                             or providing facilities for the
   out to your local foodbank.                 uk/cold-weather-payment one-off
                                                                                             disabled person in your home.
                                               payment to help you pay for extra
  If you
         can’t pay your rent, do contact                                                    You will need an assessment
                                               heating costs when it’s very cold.
   your landlord. If you are having                                                          from Occupational Therapy.
   problems Shelter – 0808 8004444            Warm
                                                    Home Discount Scheme:
                                                                                                            at Home – 0208 can advise.          £140 off your electricity bill
                                                                                             4277929 www.independenceathome.
  If you
         can’t pay your mortgage, do         Green
                                                     Doctors – 0113 2380601        helps people with physical
   talk to your lender about options. free                    disabilities, mental health conditions
                                               practical energy advice and more.             and carers with essential equipment,
          Social Action – 0208 9835055
                                                                                             home repairs and more. runs             Warm
                                                    Homes Healthy People –
   the UK funeral cost helpline and            0808 1683547 (Freephone)                     Friends
                                                                                                     of the Elderly – 0207
   gives advice.                      free                    7308263 grants
                                               independent energy advice and                 up to £400 for home essentials,
                                               more for the Bradford District.               digital connection, financial support
                                                                                             and essential living cost.
                                            For people living in North Yorkshire
                                            the equivalent service is called                Family
                                                                                                    Fund – 01904 550055
                                            Warm and Well – 01609 767555            for families
                                   the service               with disabled children, can help
                                            can also access a hardship fund for              with vital equipment including
                                            those in urgent need.                            computers and educational toys.
                                            The North Yorkshire Local Assistance          The general advice on debts is to
                                            Fund (NYLAF) – 01904 550030 www.              prioritise them so that you can avoid
                                         the most serious consequences,
                                            has extra funding for help with heating       such as eviction and court action.
                                            and food.
                                                                                                          – 0800 1381111
                                            We are now in our third lockdown and    online
                                            spending more time at home than ever,            tool to create a budget and
                                            often using our personal space as a              personalised action plan and
                                            school, care centre and workplace.               the Covid Payment Plan.

           Choices: Carers’ Resource | Harrogate | Craven | Bradford district                                                Page 9
Ch ices - Carers' Resource
Have you applied for                           A Sweet Treat                                 Helping people home
your Carers’ Resource                                                                        following a hospital stay
                                               Our locality workers delivered festive
Identification Card?                           cupcakes to cheer carers up on their
                                                                                             Our Home from Hospital teams run
                                               visits and as part of the wellbeing
                                                                                             services in North Yorkshire and in
Carers registered with us throughout           sessions in December. For our teams,
                                                                                             Bradford and have adapted their service
our geographical area can apply for a          this was an opportunity to say hello,
                                                                                             during to the pandemic to ensure that
card which will include a photo of the         put a smile on a face and wish carers
                                                                                             they can still help those who need it.
carer, a unique identification number          a Merry Christmas. Our wellbeing
and details of how organisations can           sessions have continued throughout                                   Home from
check authenticity with us.                    the pandemic with virtual sessions                                   Hospital North
                                               covering stress, self care and crafts                               Yorkshire team
We know that over the last few months,
                                               replacing the face to face sessions.                                 member, Sharon
carers have been challenged to prove
                                               The cakes were made by Kirsty Anne                                   recently helped a
that they are carers. Sometimes this
                                               Kitchen in Ilkley and looked amazing                                 gentleman following
has been to get information about the                                                        Team Member Sharon
                                               with their blue and yellow Carers’                                   a stay in hospital
person they are caring for, on other
                                               Resource coloured icing!                                             and the death of
occasions it may have been to access
                                                                                             his elderly mother. Sharon said “In the
benefits or to get reduced-price entry         Toni told us “I felt really positive
                                                                                             three months that I have supported the
or discounts. More recently, carers            after the session. I really enjoyed
                                                                                             gentleman, we have developed a good
have been challenged when trying               it. It was nice to get other carers’
                                                                                             rapport. He enjoys the visits because
to shop during protected hours at              perspectives on the scenarios that
                                                                                             of the social interaction and is relaxed
supermarkets. For these reasons,               carers could face”.
                                                                                             when I am in his company.
Carers’ Resource has developed a
                                               Suzanne said “I really enjoyed the
carer ID card and our hope is that it                                                        Social worker Lisa said “Sharon from
                                               self care session as it meant I could
will be beneficial to those caring.                                                          the ‘Home from Hospital’ service has
                                               switch off and immerse myself in
                                                                                             helped to facilitate hospital discharge
If you would like a card, please contact       the moment and relax. Something
                                                                                             for several of the people I have worked                   that doesn’t happen very often
                                                                                             with. It can be daunting for anyone
                                               when you’re a carer.”
                                                                                             returning home from a lengthy stay in
                                                                                             hospital, made more so without any
                                                                                             family, friends or neighbours. Sharon
Let your GP know                                                                             has stepped into that role by listening
that you are a carer                                                                         to what that individual needs and
                                                                                             offering practical and emotional
                                                                                             support, advice and signposting.
The government’s expert committee –
the Joint Committee on Vaccination                                                           “Particularly during the Covid-19 crisis, I
and Immunisation (JVCI) – revised its                                                         have so appreciated that the Home from
recommendations on 30 December to                                                             Hospital service kept working alongside
include unpaid carers.                                                                        us, still visiting and finding solutions
                                                                                              for people when it was needed and
It recommends unpaid carers who
                                                                                              providing people with much reassurance
get Carer’s Allowance, or who are the
                                                                                              during this extremely worrying time.”
main carer of an elderly or disabled
person whose welfare may be at risk if                                                       Staff in the Bradford team have
the carer falls ill, should be prioritised                                                   continued supporting clients by visiting
alongside people with underlying                                                             them at home throughout the pandemic.
health conditions. This means unpaid                                                         They call first to check that the client is
carers are now in priority group 6.                                                          happy to receive a visit and explain that
                                                                                             they will be wearing a mask and keeping
Our advice is to ask your GP to add
                                                                                             socially distanced.
to your medical record that you are
a carer. You should also ask them, or                                                         One lady supported recently said,
the practice the person you care for                                                         “It was very helpful to have somebody
is registered with, to add your name                                                          to help me navigate the benefit system
and contact details to the record of                                                          and council systems so that I could
the person you are caring for too.                                                            get homecare in place to help in the
You need to let them know that you                                                            transition from home to hospital.
are the person with responsibility for                                                        We have made more progress in
caring for that person. You will need                                                         getting support organised during this
the consent of the person you care for.                                                       last few weeks than we have made in
                                                                                              the last year. That is thanks to Trish
It’s a good idea to register as a
                                                                                              from Home from Hospital.”
carer with your GP as it will mean
they can identify you for health checks                                                      For further information, please
and a flu jab and help your GP make                                                          contact
reasonable adjustments for the person          Carers receiving their cupcakes in December   (North Yorkshire) or bradfordadmin@
you care for if needed.                                                             (Bradford).

Page 10                                      Choices: Carers’ Resource | Harrogate | Craven | Bradford district
Young Carers Update                                                                           Bookpile Challenge
                                                                                              We are always looking at
Young Carers had great                                                                        innovative and new ways to reach
                                                                                              out to our young carers, stimulate
fun at our luminous                                                                           and work with their interests and
lanterns gathering in                                                                         more recently socially distanced
                                                                                              ways to engage with them during
the Carers’ Resource                                                                          lockdown. In November, we started
car park just before                                                                          our Bookpile Challenge, collecting
                                                                                              and distributing books of different
Christmas. We were so                                                                         genres to young carers throughout
lucky with the weather                                                                        the Bradford District. More than
                                                                                              500 books were distributed in
for the time of year!                                                                         bundles during December and
                                                                                              January according to the wishes
                                                                                              and interest of the young carers.
Our lightweight gazebo stayed up,                                                             Whatever their interest, our team
we played piñata, did some crafting,                                                          delivered – dinosaurs, mystery,
enjoyed hot chocolate and a tasty                                                             cookery, biographies! Carrie from
array of snacks. The teenagers chilled                                                        the young carer team said “We
and reconnected with friends that they                                                        have learned so much about our
hadn’t seen for ages due to lockdown.                                                         young carers throughout this
Families from all of our hub areas                                                            project and I hope that we have
attended in socially distanced time                                                           added an extra dimension to the
allocated slots.                                                                              tedium of lockdown and maybe a
                                                                                              little respite from gadgets and their
Young Carers were very creative                                                               commitments.
throughout December decorating
plastic milk cartons as you can see,                                                          “Feedback has been brilliant.
by a variety of means, colours and                                                             One parent told us that her son
seasonal themes. These were then                                                               was overjoyed to receive his
illuminated with little battery operated                                                       book bundle just as he’d been
tea lights giving a really pretty effect.                                                      informed by his school back in
                                                                                               December that he needed to stay
Feedback from families, Shipley                                                                at home for a further two weeks
residents and passers by has been                                                              due to a classmate having tested
amazing. We’ve had lots of positive                                                            positive for Covid.”
interest and even received monetary
donations so all in all a very heart                                                           Pictured below are our book pile
warming event and ending to a                                                                 ‘stars’ brother and sister Katie and
rather eventful 2020!                                                                          Ben, who live in Silsden.

                                                 Thomas loves
                                                                   his new punch
                                                 which was prov                       bag
                                                                    ided by our Y
                                                Carer team. It                      oung
                                                                   gives him som
                                                to call his own                     et hing
                                                                    and provides
                                                with an outlet                     him
                                                                   when he finds
                                               strain of bein                       the
                                                                 g a Young Car
                                               overwhelming                        er
                                                                 . It’s a great w
                                              for him to rele                     ay
                                                                ase tension an
                                              stress and also                     d
                                                                  offers a great
                                             to exercise whe                       way
                                                               n it’s not alw
                                             possible to leav                   ay  s
                                                                e the house du
                                             his brother’s di                    e to
                                                               fficulties. Tha
                                            you Young C                          nk
                                            From Thomas
                                                             ’ parent

            Choices: Carers’ Resource | Harrogate | Craven | Bradford district                                               Page 11
the emotional, practical and financial      CONTACT US
                                                support available to you.
                                                We are here to help – talk to us            11 North Park Road,
                                                                                            Harrogate, HG1 5PD.
                                                Call our freephone advice line on 0808
                                                                                            Tel: 01423 500555
                                                501 5939. Lines are open 10am–4pm
                                                Monday to Friday and will be answered       Skipton
                                                by our specialist team. Our team will       Ronaldsway House,
Carers’ Resource is an independent and
                                                give you information that is reliable and   36 Brook Street,
nationally recognised Yorkshire charity
                                                up to date and help you to access the       Skipton, BD23 1PP.
which gives tailored information and
                                                advice and support you need.                Tel: 01756 700888
support to carers, those in need of care
and support, and the professionals who                                                      Bradford
work with them. Our services support            EDITORIAL CONTRIBUTIONS                     15 Park View Court,
people to remain independent, and have          Contributions (300 words max) are           St Paul’s Road,
choice and control to improve their lives       welcomed but may be edited. The             Shipley, BD18 3DZ.
or situations.                                  views expressed do not necessarily          Tel: 01274 449660
                                                reflect policy of Carers’ Resource.         Fax: 01274 449673
Carers’ Resource is a company limited
by guarantee. Reg charity no. 1049278.          Reference to any service does not imply     Email:
                                                recommendation. The submissions             Web:
If you look after a partner, relative,          deadline for the next issue is 26
child or a friend who is disabled or ill        April 2021. Send copy to the editor         Follow us on social media to find out
due to physical or mental health, you           Carol Devine by emailing cdevine@           more about events and other resources:
are an unpaid carer, even if you don’t, or post submissions        /carersresource
think of yourself as one. Find out about        to the Bradford office (address right).

Care@ Service
Our Care@ Carers’ Resource team                 Sam added “We are delighted to also           Personal
                                                                                                       care: bathing, washing,
has been working hard during the                have been awarded a Supported Living           catheter care, continence
past twelve months continuing to                Contract in the Skipton area. We are           management
visit clients in their own homes.               really excited to embark on this new
                                                                                                       grooming – help with
                                                development for us but to also be part of
                        Head of care                                                           dressing or undressing , hair and
                                                a new model of care for the individuals
                        Sam Dawson said                                                        teeth care
                                                involved, working in partnership with
                       “I’m delighted that
                                                North Yorkshire County Council and In-        Mobility
                                                                                                       assistance – all our staff
                        we have been
                                                Communities. We are looking forward to         are trained to use equipment and
                        able to continue
                                                welcoming our first residents shortly.”        adaptations
                        to offer our
                        services during        Care@ home care is usually planned             Health
                                                                                                     appointments – support
Head of Care Sam        the pandemic and       as a series of daily visits at agreed           to arrange and attend health
                        we will continue       times across the day/week to suit you.          appointments
                        to navigate            The Care@ service aim is to uphold a
                                                                                                      assistance – help with bills,
these challenging times. We have been          person’s dignity, privacy, independence
                                                                                               paperwork and organising your home
successfully providing care in the local       and security at all times. If you need
community for many years. My team              help we can provide assistance and             Social
                                                                                                     activities – help with gentle
understands the challenges facing              our service can be flexible to reflect a        exercise, cinema, bowling, going
someone trying to navigate the care            person’s social activities. These visits        out for a meal, going on holiday, or
maze at the point they think they might        can include the following as a guide:           general companionship
need care for themselves or a loved
                                                           in and out of bed               To contact Care@ call 01274 588990
one and we understand how important
                                                                                            or email
finding the right provider is for families.”      Shopping
                                                             and light cleaning

Page 12                                        Choices: Carers’ Resource | Harrogate | Craven | Bradford district
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