CFA's Distinguished - Cat Fanciers' Association

Page created by Troy Wolf

CFA’s Distinguished
                  Merit Cats                                                   by Debbie Kusy

                                                             course, these five breeds are also CFA’s old-                   and Ralph Helmrich (43); GC Purssynian

           he title of “Distinguished Merit” in
           CFA applies to a male cat that has                est breeds, and most popular on the show                        Jambe Finete, DM, bred and owned by Beth
           sired a minimum of 15 Grand                       bench.                                                          and Darrell Newkirk (41); and GC, NW
           Champions, Grand Premiers or                         The male with the most qualifying off-                       Badfinger’s Raisin’ Cain, DM, bred and
Distingished Merit cats, or a female that has                spring continues to be an Abyssinian, GC,                       owned by Laura Thompson (38). Three of
produced at least 5 Grand Champions, Grand                   NW Cinna’s Jack Daniels of Chantebise,                          these boys are ruddys, while “Jambe Finete”
Premiers or Distingished Merit cats. There                   DM, owned by Nella Carnazzola, with 53.                         is a fawn Abyssinian.
are many in the cat fancy that treasure this                 Second highest-producing male is GC Anz                             In addition to Nicholas, seven of the top
title above all others – including that of                   Nicholas Nickelby, DM, a blue and white                         ten DMs are Persians: GC Copacats Marque
“National Winner.” Why? Because a DM is a                    Persian male, bred and owned by Anne W.                         O’Zorro of Cattrax, DM, owned by Manuel
cat that has contributed something long-term                 Waddington, with 51 qualifying offspring.                       Fekete (tied at 42); GC, RW Jolee’s Dune of
to the history of their respective breed. It is              Neither of these cats are still alive; “Jack                    Boberan, DM, bred by Gerrie Raicevich and
truly a most esteemed title.                                 Daniels” was born in 1979 and “Nicholas”                        owned by Randy Primer (tied at 42); GC
    As expected, the breed that records the                  was born in 1986.                                               Lullaby Abracadabra of Midas, DM, owned
most litters and kittens, the Persian breed,                    The top two female spots have not                            by Marianne Byrne (tied at 36); Softmagic
continues to hold the honor of having pro-                   changed in several years either, highest                        Big John of Bolo, DM, owned by Lois Bantz
duced the most Distinguished Merit cats.                     female producer of qualifying offspring is                      (tied at 36); GC, RW Red Sky Wooden Ships,
There are a total of 608 Persian DMs, includ-                GC Sarouk’s Sundi of Placer, DM, a silver                       DM, bred by Gary Powell, C. and S. Helmke
ing 138 males and 470 females. When you                      tabby American Shorthair, bred and owned                        and owned by G. Powell, Bloomquist and
consider that there are a total of 2,249 DMs,                by Carolyn Lyons. “Sundi” had an amazing                        Satterlee (tied at 36); and GC Mystichill On
that means that 27% of all of the recorded                   24 qualifying offspring. There are three                        The Marque of Marhei, DM owned by Susan
DMs are Persians! There are 433 total male                   females tied in third place – GC, RW Marcus                     Heitman (tied at 35).
DMs, 138 of which are Persians (32%) and a                   Roxanne of Anz, DM, a calico Persian                                Finally, four of the top 12 male DMs are
total of 1,816 female DMs, 470 of which are                  female bred and owned by Mark Hannon and                        Siamese: GC Singa Mikado of Fan-C, DM,
Persians (26%). It is quite impressive that                  Anne Waddington; GC Placer’s Paulette,                          bred by Jeanne Singer and owned by Barbara
almost 1/3 of all male DMs and just over                     DM, a silver tabby American Shorthair                           Baylor (39); GC New Moon’s Eclipse of
one-quarter of all female DMs are from the                   female bred and owned by (again!) Carolyn                       Rogers Hts., DM, owned by Willa K. Rogers
same breed group.                                            Lyons; and GC, BW, NW Janvier Nicole,                           (Hawke) (tied at 36); GC, NW San-Toi’s
    The second most prolific producer when it                DM, a Chartreux bred and owned by Donald                        Legend of Skan, DM, owned by Ann H.
comes to DMs is the Abyssinian. There are a                  and Mary Ann Sweeters. These three girls all                    Leaty (tied at 32); and Sandollar Blue Money,
total of 238 Abyssinian DMs, 50 males and                    count 19 Grand Champions/Grand                                  DM, owned by Shannon Ramsey and bred by
188 females. Third highest is the Siamese,                   Premiers/Distinguished Merit Cats among                         Shannon Ramsey and J. Drinkwater (tied at
with a total of 174 DMs – 40 males and 134                   their offspring.                                                32). Three of four of these boys were very
females. In fourth place is the American                        An interesting note – four of the top seven                  predominant seal point males, while “Blue
Shorthair with 146 total – 35 males and 111                  male DMs are Abyssinians. In addition to                        Money” was a blue point.
females, and in fifth place is the Maine Coon                Jack Daniels, in third place is GC Pasht-Bast                       The female DMs are very interesting –
with 141 total, 25 males and 116 females. Of                 Braveheart of Clarion, DM, owned by Karen                       two of the top five are American Shorthairs

GC Purrsynian Jambe Finete, DM, fawn    GC, RW Spellbound McGyver, DM, a brown          CH, RW Kurisumasu Jitto, a blue and white        Dilettante Crystal Singer, DM, a gold-eyed
Abyssinian male. The Midwest Region’s   mackerel tabby and white Exotic male. The       Japanese Bobtail Longhair male. CFA’s 2nd        white Devon Rex female. Br: Wendy Renner and
2nd Best of Breed, 1998. Br/Ow: Beth    North Atlantic Region’s 14th Best Kitten and    Best of Breed and the Northwest Region’s 12th    Gerri Logan. Ow: Wendy Renner.
and Darrell Newkirk.                    3rd Best of Breed, 2000. Br/Ow: Bob and Diane   Best Cat and 2nd Best of Breed/Division, 2002.
                                        E. Deibert.                                     Br: Marianne Clark and Carey Holm. Ow:
                                                                                        Marianne Clark and Debbie DeLong.

Cat Fanciers’ Almanac                                                                    23                                                          December 2005/January 2006
and two others are Chartreux. While American              leaves a legacy of three generations of female
                                             Shorthairs are often seen on the show bench,              Grand Champions. Cadeauje was bred by Colin
                                             Chartreux are considered to be a “minority” breed.        and Jo Cornwall, who DM’d another British
                                             As mentioned previously, GC Sarouk’s Sundi of             Shorthair on the same weekend. Way to go Brits!
                                             Placer, DM, still places the highest among the                Ragdolls have only been able to be shown in
                                             female DMs; GC Placer’s Paulette, DM and GC,              championship in CFA since 2000, and they claimed
                                             BW, RW Janvier Nicole, DM, a Chartreux, are tied          their third female DM in this past show season
                                             at second with 19 qualifying offspring; in fifth          (there still are no Ragdoll male DMs). Liz
                                             place is GC Katoklix Isabelle of Janvier, DM, bred        Thurman (Bordeaux) reports that her CH Solemate
                                             by Marcus and Gena Click and owned by Donald              Wish Upon a Star, DM (known at home as
                                             and Mary Ann Sweeters (tied at 15 with two other          “Chrissy”) produced her five grand offspring all
                                             cats).                                                    with GC Dollhowse Designer Blue Genes. Chrissy
CH Kanab Luanne Rachel of Telecoons,
DM, a brown patched tabby and white
                                                 Although they’ve not been breeding for a num-         is a blue point and white female, who decided that
Maine Coon female. Br: Susan Blevins and     ber of years, Greg and Judy Brocato (South Paw            she didn’t care for the show ring and thought that if
Trisha Swisher. Ow: Mary J. Sietsema and     Persians), continue to lead the way with 27 DMs;          she kept her eyes shut during the judging, no one
Britt Bardell.
                                             second is Bob and Janet Bassetti (Bassetti’s              could see her. Liz decided to pull her and breed
                                             Japanese Bobtails) with 18 DMs; and two breeders          her; Chrissy proved herself far more adept as a
                                             tied at third – Wain Harding (Bastis Abyssinians          breeder than as a show cat. Liz reports that unlike
                                             and Persians) and Marianne Clark (Kurisumasu              their mother, her offspring all love the shows. One
                                             Japanese Bobtails), each having 16 DMs. Tied in           of her sons, GP, RW Bordeaux Ltd’s Kitt ‘N Boots
                                             fourth place are Mary Jo Mersol-Barg (Sol-Mer             was a RW last season and is the highest-scoring
                                             American Shorthairs) and Karen and Ralph                  Ragdoll premiership cat to date.
                                             Helmrich (Clarion Abyssinians) with 14 each, and              In another first, Marianne Clark (Kurisumasu)
                                             in fifth place is Margot Mellies (Miribu – several        DM’d a mi-ke Japanese Bobtail female of
                                             different breeds) with 13.                                unknown parentage. GC Key of Kurisumasu was a
                                                 Enough of statistics and trivia – my favorite part    beautifully colored mi-ke “street” cat in Japan,
                                             of this article is the personal stories of achievement,   owned by Mr. and Mrs. Kojima of Tokyo. Wain
                                             including “firsts” for their breed. Some are small        Harding saw her in a kitten class in Japan and put
                                             stories, some are bigger, but all are important.          Marianne in contact with her owners. The cat then
                                                 For “firsts” of color – Nikki Crandall-Seibert        moved to the US, granded and became a DM –
GC, NW Truluck Almost Famous of Bastis,
DM, a ruddy Abyssinian male. CFA’s 13th      (Rockinashi Japanese Bobtails) reports that her           surely a rags to riches story! Marianne DM’d three
Best Kitten and the Southern Region’s 3rd    blue-eyed white female, CH Rockinashi                     other cats this year, including GC, RW Kurisumasu
Best Kitten, 2002. Br: Gina Wiley and Wain
Harding. Ow: Wain Harding and Gina           Yukimatsuri, DM is the first solid white Japanese         Jitto, DM, a blue and white blue-eyed longhair
Wiley.                                       Bobtail to DM and only the second solid Japanese          male. “Jitto” was Second Best of Breed nationally
                                             Bobtail to do so (there is a solid black male). In a      in 2001-2002. He also sired two Best of Breed
                                             breed that is dominated by bi-colors and mi-kes,          Longhair Japanese Bobtails and is the fifth in a line
                                             this is quite unusual.                                    of DMs, starting with GC, RW Kurisumasu
                                                 Donna Stewart (Brenwood) and Patti Kendziora          Tombo, DM. “Tombo” is the sire of another of
                                             are very proud to be the owners of the first blue         Marianne’s 2004-2005 DMs – CH Kurisumasu
                                             Burmese DM, CH Brenwood Grace, DM. “Grace”                Joobachi, DM, an odd-eyed mi-ke. Marianne’s last
                                             is the proud mother of GC, RW Brenwood Fig                DM this year is GC Kurisumasu Mikikuchi of
                                             Newton, GC Brenwood Zydeco, GP Brenwood                   Gulfcats, DM, owned by Paul and Toni Huff.
                                             Blueberry Buckle of Ansata, GP Brenwood Yankee            “Kuchi” is a fourth generation DM and a great
                                             Doodle Dandy and CH, GP Brenwood Butterfly                grandchild of Tombo.
CH, GP Brenwood Butterfly McQueen,           McQueen, DM. Of the five grands which qualified               Mary Sietsema (Telecoons) is a proud relative
DM, blue Burmese spay. Br: Donna             Grace, four were blues, “Fig Newton” being the            newcomer or “newbie” in CFA. Mary says that
Stewart. Ow: Mary Hutain and Donna
Stewart.                                     only exception. Burmese are definitely dominated          she and her daughter started by showing two
                                             by the Sable Division, so this is a very nice             Maine Coons to their grand and one of them to a
                                             achievement for Donna and Grace. Donna would              regional win in premiership. They then decided
                                             like to acknowledge Carolyn Osier for helping to          to acquire a female and get into breeding. They
                                             get the dilute Burmese accepted in CFA and                purchased CH Kanab Luanne Rachel of
                                             Michele Clark, who showed the first dilute                Telecoons, DM, a brown patched tabby and white
                                             Burmese to a national win.                                female, bred by Trisha Swisher and Susan
                                                 John and Robin Beckett (Rustling) are the             Blevins. “Rachel’s” first litter was seven healthy
                                             proud owners of CH Truebrit Cadeauje of Rustling,         kittens, of which they kept the male, GP
                                             DM, the first black and white British Shorthair           Telecoons Chandler Bing. Rachel continued to
                                             DM. Robin states that “Cadeauje” is their founda-         have easy kitten deliveries and produce healthy
                                             tion dam. Her grand offspring are GC Rustling’s           kittens of good quality. She subsequently pro-
                                             Positively Primetime; CH, GP Rustling’s Positively        duced GC, RW Telecoons Colby; GC, RW
                                             Black Prince; CH, GP Rustling Positively Harris’s         Telecoons Geordi La Forge; GC, RW Telecoons
                                             Plaid; GC, RW Rustling Renegade of Stonehaven;            Tom Cruise of Bepaws and GC, RW Telecoons
GC Key of Kurisumasu, DM, a mi-ke            and GC Rustling Blac Forest of Brittasweet. In a          Frank Jr Jr of Luckypaws. Rachel earned her DM
Japanese Bobtail Shorthair female. Ow:
Marianne Clark.                              breed whose standard favors the male cat, Cadeauje        title just after her fifth birthday – four of her

Cat Fanciers’ Almanac                                                             24                                            December 2005/January 2006
qualifying offspring were regional winners and           red-factor Oriental Shorthair DM females, which
two were double regional winners. Mary states            include her mother, GC Injoi’s Blushing Angel,
that her DM’s story is a good sign of what IS pos-       DM. “Angel” actually DM’d the weekend after her
sible for the newcomers in CFA, if they are guided       daughter, keeping the line intact. Bev reports that
down the right path and have good mentors and            she has a red factor daughter of Blushing, who
friends in the fancy.                                    already has one Grand Champion from her first lit-
    Another first – the 2004-2005 show season pro-       ter, and wonders if she wants to go for number eight
duced the first Colorpoint Shorthair male DM in          in the line – and decided that we all need a goal…
CFA. The breed was accepted in 1964 and boasted              Speaking of chains, several of the “minority”
14 female DMs; however, several males had come           breeds have some truly interesting chain DMs to
close but were never able to finish. In December of      brag about this year. Sandy Gohr (Zodiacal) DM’d
2004, GC, RW Casadecano’s Reno of Teakatut,              her Somali girl, GC Zodiacal’s Pizzaz, DM.
DM, a seal-lynx point Colorpoint Shorthair male          “Pizazz” is the daughter of CH Zodiacal Hayleys            CH Rockinashi Yukimatsuri, DM, a
bred by Pat Decano and Ann H. Leaty, granded his         Comet, DM, who is the daughter of CH, PR                   blue-eyed white Japanese Bobtail
                                                                                                                    Shorthair female. Br/Ow: Nikki and
15th offspring. “Reno” counts among his offspring a      Scrachinpost Lady Hayley, DM. “Lady Hayley”                Cory Crandall-Seibert.
total of 18 grands, four regional winners, one           was Sandy’s first Somali – another great achieve-
national breed winner and one national winner in         ment for a relative newbie.
premiership. Not bad for a kitty that the owner              Sig and Sharyn Hauck (Caricature) state that
offered to Gail and Sandi because he had “too many       when CH, GP Caricature’s Audra McDonald grand-
stripes.” Owners Sandi Douglass and Gail Moser           ed on 2/26/05, she DM’d both of her parents (GC,
(Teakatut) were understandably very proud and            RW Caricature’s Isaac Hayes, DM and GC, RW
happy, especially Gail, since Reno DM’d on her           Caricature’s Sonya Sanchez, DM). This also DM’d
birthday – a marvelous birthday present, and many        her great-grandmother, CH Bijouxcats Rosa Parks
were present to cheer him on.                            of Caricature, DM, and her grandmother, GC
    Diane and Bob Deibert (Spellbound) are proud         Caricature’s Sojourner Truth, DM. Amazingly, this
of their Exotic male, GC, RW Spellbound                  family tree of DMs was created in a scant sixteen
McGyver, DM. Diane is especially proud of                months. During this same period, “Audra’s” aunt,
“McGyver” as he is only the seventh male Exotic          CH Caricature’s Jamaica Kincaid, DM (also the              GC, RW Caricature’s Sonya Sanchez,
                                                                                                                    DM, a Bombay female. The North
DM (there are also 27 female DMs), and all of his        dam of GC, BW, NW Caricature’s Colin Powell,               Atlantic Region’s 2nd Best of Breed,
grand offspring are Spellbound grand champions           CFA’s Best Cat, 2003-2004), became a DM too.               2004 and 12th Best Kitten, 2003.
and/or grand premiers.                                   “Sojourner Truth” had three grands in one litter and       Br.Ow: Sharyn and Sig Hauck.

    Another of this year’s Exotic DMs is CH              two in the next. “Sonya Sanchez” had four grands in
Calivan’s Camille of Pensfordhill, DM, bred by           one litter and two in the next. In addition to siring
Kathleen Holohan Fisher (Calivan) and owned by           “Colin Powell” during this period, “Isaac Hayes”
Jim Fleeker – the first one-litter Exotic DM!            sired three litters with two grands in each, two litters
“Camille” is a black female; four of her grand off-      with three grands in each, as well as the litter of four
spring are copper-eyed whites and the fifth is a         grands with Sonya Sanchez. Importantly, the careful
black male. Camille was bred to GC Ebonez                selection of breeding pairs also resulted in accom-
Magical Memories, a copper-eyed white Persian            plishing this record without any inbreeding and only
male and produced all shorthair (Exotic) kittens: GC     one instance of line breeding. The breed’s recent
Pensfordhill New Dawn; GC Pensfordhill Free To           success in the show ring had put the Bombay back
Be Happy; GC, GP Pensfordhill Ebonez-Er of               on the map, to the point where the author of this
Calivan; GC Pensfordhill Dakotah of Kitty Charm;         article was recently asked by a spectator if a
and GP Pensfordhill Matrix Neo all granded and           Burmese benched next to me at a show was a
created history.                                         “brown Bombay!”                                            CH Calivan’s Camille of Pensfordhill,
    Wendy Renner (Dilettante) proves that not all            One other remarkable chain occurred in the             DM, a black Exotic female. Br:
                                                                                                                    Kathleen Holahan Fisher. Ow: Jim
cats who become great producers have to be great         Egyptian Mau breed. The ranks of the Egyptian              Fleeker.
show cats. Her gold-eyed white Devon Rex female,         Mau DMs increased by 25% on one momentous
Dilettante Crystal Singer, DM, picked up a very bad      day in February 2005, when GC Matiki’s Kiya of
eye infection at her first kitten show and was never     Mauisha became a grand, initiating a chain reaction
shown again. However, Wendy bred her and she             that created four DMs in one day. This included the
produced healthy, typey kittens. One of her daugh-       first ever third generation Egyptian Mau DM, CH
ters, GC, BW, RW Dilettante Snow Ruby of Jobara          Sharbees Rust In Peace of Matiki, DM; and the
was the 2004-2005 Best Devon Rex nationally, and         fourth generation DM, DD Daisy of Sharbees, DM.
a littermate, GC, DW Dilettante Snow Crystal, was        “DD Daisy,” a bronze female owned by Sharon
a winner in the International Division. “Snow            Partington, is actually behind four generations of
Crystal” is from a line of Devon DMs, including her      DMs that include both silver and bronze grand off-
grandmother (“Turtle”) and great-grandmother             spring. She is also the grandmother to the breed’s
(“Truffles”).                                            first bronze DM, GC, Sharbees Mauria Tu of
                                                                                                                    GC, RW Injoi’s Blushing of Fuzzy-
    Bev Frenzel (Injoi) is the proud breeder of GC,      Ramah, DM and the dam of the breed’s first and             Foot, DM, a chestnut patched ticked
RW Injoi’s Blushing of Fuzzy Foot, DM, a chestnut        only bronze national winner – GC, BW, NW                   tabby Oriental Shorthair female. The
patched ticked tabby Oriental Shorthair female. Bev      Sharbees Scarlet O’Hairy of Matiki. Her qualifying         Midwest Region’s 9th Best Kitten,
                                                                                                                    2003. Br: Beverly Frenzel. Ow: Jim
states that “Blushing” is the seventh in a line of all   offspring include one national breed winner, one           and Cathy Dinesen.

Cat Fanciers’ Almanac                                                    25                                            December 2005/January 2006
national winner and one regional winner. Very                       Maboo Kris Kringle, DM and his mother, GC Bastis
                                           impressive for the little spotted cat.                              Penny Lane of Sourirbleu, DM. Three of his four
                                               In the category of quickly-produced DMs, GC,                    grandparents were also DMs.
                                           NW Truluck Almost Famous of Bastis (aka                                 I previously mentioned GC Purssynian Jambe
                                           “Buddy”), bred and owned by Gina Wiley                              Finete, DM, as being in the top seven of high-rank-
                                           (Lehman) and Wain Harding, surely ranks right up                    ing DM males. While “Jammer” is still actively pro-
                                           there. Buddy is a ruddy Abyssinian male born in                     ducing kittens and grands, he has also found plea-
                                           Gina’s first litter of Abyssinians in 2001. He was                  sure in the Veterans Class in CFA. Last June,
                                           CFA’s 13th Best Kitten in the 2001-2002 show sea-                   Jammer competed in the Veterans Class at the
                                           son, as well as 3rd Best Kitten in the Southern                     Abyssinian Midwest Breeders show and was named
                                           Region. Buddy was shown from the end of                             Best Veteran in all four rings! Proud daddy Darrell
                                           December to the end of March – not the best time                    Newkirk reports that they had not shown Jammer in
GC, RW Casadecano’s Reno of Tea-           for kitten counts. He granded easily in the new sea-                competition since he was about a year and a half
katut, DM, a seal-lynx point Colorpoint    son, went for a short “vacation” with Sue Truesdell                 old, but he remembered the show ring like a charm.
Shorthair male. The Great Lakes Re-
gion’s 22nd Best Cat and 2nd Best of       in New Mexico, and then on to live with Wain                        He crawled up around Darrell’s neck when Judge
Breed, 1999. Br: Pat Decano and Ann        Harding in December 2002. Buddy’s first offspring                   Kim Everett did her presentation, being a complete
H. Leaty. Ow: Sandra Douglass and                                                                              ham! So in addition to continuing to produce grand
Gail Moser.
                                           granded in May 2003 and the last in February 2005,
                                           a mere 1 year and 9 months between the first and                    champions and grand premiers (three in his last lit-
                                           the 15th grands – Buddy was still only 3 years and 5                ter granded), Jammer proves that the old guys can
                                           months old. He counts among his offspring GC,                       still have fun in the show ring – the Veterans Class
                                           NW Truluck Hot Rocks of Thorsgard, CFA’s Best                       is a fantastic way to show off our older cats in the
                                           Cat in Premiership, 2003-2004; GC, BW, NW                           show ring.
                                           Bastis TheEnvelopePlease of Anubis, CFA’s 13th                          It was truly a pleasure gathering these stories for
                                           Best Cat and Best of Breed Abysinnian, 2004-2005;                   this year’s article – it is clear to me that the DM
                                           and GC, NW Bastis MidniteAtTheOasis of Tinbats,                     title is a very coveted one by cat breeders. These
                                           CFA’s 9th Best Kitten, 2004-2005. He now has 17                     owners have every right to be proud – the DM title
                                           grand offspring, and another son, GC Tinbats Over                   shows success in their breeding programs. Many of
                                           Exposure of Esent, is currently a nationally ranked                 these cats go on to contribute much more to their
                                           kitten. Buddy was neutered in February 2005 and is                  individual breeds, including a rich tradition of won-
                                           now living in retirement with his grandmother,                      derful, pedigreed cats – cats that are necessary if
CH Solemate Wish Upon A Star, DM, a
blue point and white Ragdoll female. Br:   Bastis Sophie Rose, DM. There are quite a few                       the breeds are to go on thriving. Our hats are off to
Lora Tesh. Ow: Elizabeth A. Thurman.       DMs in Buddy’s pedigree, including his sire, GC                     all of them!✵

GC Injoi’s Blushing Angel, DM, a chest-    CH Brenwood Grace, DM, a blue Burmese GC Zodiacal Pizzaz, DM, a red Somali female. Br/ Ow:   GC, RW Caricature’s Isaac Hayes,
nut patched ticked tabby Oriental Short-   spay. Br: Donna Stewart. Ow: Patti Kendziora Sandra Gohr.                                    DM, a Bombay male. CFA’s 3rd Best of
hair female. Br: Beverly Frenzel and       and Donna Stewart.                                                                           Breed, and the North Atlantic Region’s
Joann Kultala. Ow: Beverly Frenzel.                                                                                                     16th Best Cat and 2nd Best of Breed,
                                                                                                                                        2002. Br. Ow: Sharyn and Sig Hauck.

Cat Fanciers’ Almanac                                                                  26                                                    December 2005/January 2006
Distinguished Merit Cats with Largest Number of
                                          Qualifying Offspring by Breed/Division
                          Data in the following chart reflects information on cats in CFA’s computer records at the time the chart was compiled.

    BREED                                           MALE                                           NQO                    FEMALE                                     NQO
  ABYSSINIAN                          GC, NW Cinna’s Jack Daniels of Chantebise, DM                   53     CH Wil-O-Glen’s Gold Card of Clarion, DM                   14
  AMERICAN CURL LONGHAIR              Daywarhim Apocurlypse Meow, DM                                  17     GC, BW, RW Procurlharem Lauren Bacurll, DM                  9
  AMERICAN SHORTHAIR                  GC, NW Placer’s Purrfect Salute, DM                             37     GC Sarouk’s Sundi of Placer, DM                            24
  AMERICAN WIREHAIR                                     –––––––––                                            Brillocatz Tequila Sunwire, DM                              8
  BALINESE                            GC Balik’s Bolshoi of Purrmatix, DM                             17     CH Rangkesari’s Tabia of Balik, DM                          6
                                                                                                             CH Staccato’s Diva, DM                                      6
                                                                                                             GC Purrmatix Dream Come True In Blue, DM                    6
  BIRMAN                              GC, RW Pleasantview McPorkchop, DM                              33     Windflower Merriann of Pleasantview, DM                    11
  BOMBAY                              GC, NW Colchester A Man Called Hawk, DM                         17     GC Timari’s Black Mugsey, DM                               10
  BRITISH SHORTHAIR                   GC Brynbuboo Georgypeorgy of Earendil, DM                       32     CH Castlkatz Sarah Burnheart, DM                           11
  BURMESE - DILUTE                    GC, NW Kawpaw’s Dom Bearignon, DM                               17     GC, GP, BW, RW Nakodo’s Halle Beary, DM                     9
  BURMESE - SABLE                     GC Good Fortune Fortunatas, DM                                  37     Austriana Naiad, DM                                        10
                                                                                                             GC Windflower’s Eliza Jane, DM                             10
  CHARTREUX                           GC, GP Katoklix Halston of Janvier, DM                          32     GC, NW Janvier Nicole, DM                                  19
  COLORPOINT SHORTHAIR                GC, RW Casadecano’s Reno of Teakatut, DM                        17     CH Summitmews Arwen Eveningstar, DM                         7
  CORNISH REX                         GC Keltys Kum Kashu of Ridgways, DM                             24     GC, RW Heatwave Breathless, DM                             12
  DEVON REX                           CH Kotickee’s Raoul, DM                                         19     CH Dreadlock N’politan Confetti Royal, DM                   8
  EGYPTIAN MAU                        GC Brockhaven Mamnoonam, DM                                     15     Brockhaven Philomene, DM                                   13
  EXOTIC                              GC Del Adene J’Bustopher Brown, DM                              22     GC, RW Bryn Mawr Murphy Brown of Benzac, DM 13
  HAVANA BROWN                        GC Kapalua’s Knight Rider, DM                                   23     GC Bundash March Sixth of Serendipity, DM                  10
  JAPANESE BOBTAIL LONGHAIR           GC, BW Kurisumasu Ki-Ito, DM                                    16     GC, BW, RW Kurisumasu Shobi, DM                            13
  JAPANESE BOBTAIL SHORTHAIR          GC, BW, RW Bassetti’s Saisho, DM                                30     GC Nekomo Kaede, DM                                        16
  JAVANESE                            GC, NW Zinzani St. John’s Revelation, DM                        16     CH Bellavia’s Sapphire, DM                                  6
  KORAT                               CH Jaltari’s Jazz Singer, DM                                    17     GC Jena Tu-Thai, DM                                         7
  MAINE COON                          GC, NW Kanab’s Luanne’s Mahogany Rush, DM                       36     Kayenta’s Sedona of Kanab, DM                              12
                                                                                                             Groovycats Ticket To Ride, DM                              12
                                                                                                             CH Groovycats Bobbie Socks of Daddys, DM                   12
  MANX SHORTHAIR                      CH Tahame’s Shamen, DM                                          16     GC Lupracan Mus Conemara, DM                                7
  NORWEGIAN FOREST CAT                GC, BW, RW Kitzn’s Dagwood, DM                                  19     Naturskat Mimi, DM                                         10
  OCICAT                              GC, RW Walnuthollow Hyperion of Ociopia, DM                     22     Pawaw’s Crowheart SOS of Wildtracks, DM                    17
  ORIENTAL LONGHAIR                                     –––––––––                                            Balinan’s Will-O’the-Wisp, DM                               5
  ORIENTAL SHORTHAIR                  CH, RW Kulta’s Cajun Sprinkles, DM                              20     GC, NW Sujonz Icebreaker, DM                               13
  PERSIAN - CALICO & BI-COLOR         GC Anz Nicholas Nickleby, DM                                    51     GC, RW Marcus Roxanne of Anz, DM                           19
  PERSIAN - HIMALAYAN                 GC, RW Demiara’s C Weed of Oceanstar, DM                        21     CH Oakheaven’s Divine Ms Jackye, DM                        11
  PERSIAN - PARTI-COLOR                                 –––––––––                                            GC, NW Marcus M’Donna, DM                                  15
  PERSIAN - SILVER & GOLDEN           GC Joyvyn Purrfect Sirprize, DM                                 16     GC Danpeg’s Sony of Silverestate, DM                        7
  PERSIAN - SMOKE & SHADED            GC Joleigh’s Little Chamer, DM                                  31     GC Pinkfantasy Anastasia of Tufftons, DM                    7
                                                                                                             Suitesue’s Shot’n Mist of Blackice, DM                      7
  PERSIAN - SOLID                     GC Copacats Marque O’Zorro of Cattrax, DM                       42     GC, NW South Paw Starlight, DM                             12
                                      GC, RW Jolee’s Dune of Boberan, DM                              42                 –––––––––
  PERSIAN - TABBY                     GC, RW Red Sky Wooden Ships, DM                                 36     GC, NW Pironti’s Treasure, DM                              13
  RAGDOLL                                               –––––––––                                            CH Dollhowse Princess Leah, DM                              5
                                                                                                             CH Kebekat’s Blue Lullaby, DM                               5
                                                                                                             CH Solemate Wish Upon A Star, DM                            5
  RUSSIAN BLUE                        GC, NW Jontue’s Rhythm And Blues of Casein, DM                  22     GC, RW Roxanastasia’s Sophia Gradowski, DM                 10
  SCOTTISH FOLD LONGHAIR                                –––––––––                                            Folderol Florella Le Fey, DM                                5
                                                                                                             Linanci’s Saralee, DM                                       5
  SCOTTISH FOLD SHORTHAIR             GC, PR, RW Beebop Duke of Earle of Beepafold, DM 16                    Hawthorne Fanny of Whiteiron, DM                            8
                                                                                                             Kitjim’s Burchfield of Beepafold, DM                        8

Cat Fanciers’ Almanac                                                                27                                                            December 2005/January 2006
Distinguished Merit Cats with the Largest Number of Qualifying Offspring…continued

  SIAMESE                                 GC Singa Mikado of Fan-C, DM                            39     GC Kaluamoa Kauai Cherish Forever, DM                12
  SINGAPURA                               GC Sayang Manis’ Pusat Kuching, DM                      20     CH Sayang Singapore Tinkerbell, DM                   12
  SOMALI                                  GC, RW Mittsnpaws Zolton Lukas, DM                      23     GC Lynn-Lee’s Summer of Foxykats, DM                 16
  SPHYNX                                                –––––––––                                        Ms Intrigue Belaranger, DM                            6
  TONKINESE                               GC B4 Just Us of Seaflower, DM                          22     Pendragon’s Pandora, DM                              15
  TURKISH ANGORA                                        –––––––––                                        CH Azima’s Bit O’ Honey of Tyrkia, DM                 6
                                                                                                         Tamiami’s Afyon of Azima, DM                          6
                                                                                                         GC Dore’s Athena, DM                                  6
                                                                                                         CH, GP Ziya Cadenza of Silverlock, DM                 6
                                                                                                         CH Shan’s Lou Ann, DM                                 6
                                                                                                         GC Sadakat’s Forever Love, DM                         6
                                                                                                         GC Sadakat’s Precious Moments, DM                     6
  TURKISH VAN                             GC, PR Pekivanokie’s Katvandu of Invanity, DM           18     GC, GP Invanity’s Vanessa Redgrave, DM                8

                         Catteries Producing the Greatest Number of DM Cats
                   Historical data in the following chart reflects information on cats in CFA’s computer records at the time the chart was compiled.

   CATTERY                OWNERS                                                                    BREED                                  NUMBER OF DMS
   South Paw              Judy & Greg Brocato                                                       Persian                                     27
   Bassetti               Janet & Bob Bassetti                                                      Japanese Bobtail                                   18
   Bastis                 Wain Harding                                                              Abyssinian & Persian                               16
   Kurisumasu             Marianne Clark                                                            Japanese Bobtail                                   16
   Clarion                Karen & Ralph Helmrich                                                    Abyssinian                                         14
   Sol-Mer                Mary Jo & Michael Mersol-Barg                                             American Shorthair                                 14
   Miribu                 Margot Mellies                                                            American Shorthair & Russian Blue                  13
   Marhei                 Sue & Chuck Helmke                                                        Persian                                            12
   Shimasu                Debbi Stevenson                                                           Siamese                                            12
   Kiddlyn                Linda Donaldson & Scott Thorniley                                         Japanese Bobtail                                   11
   Kitty Charm            Darlene & June Feger                                                      Persian                                            11
   Austriana              Erika Graf-Webster                                                        Burmese                                            10
   Bolo                   Lois & Robert Bantz                                                       Persian                                            10
   DeMiara                Barbara Norris-Eckerle & Denis Downey                                     Persian                                            10
   Felitan                Dr. Richard & Barbara Levitan                                             Persian, Oriental, Siamese, Exotic                 10
   Nekomo                 Allen Scruggs & Douglas Myers                                             Japanese Bobtail                                   10
   San-Toi                Deanne Johnson & Connie Roberts                                           Siamese                                            10
   PaJean                 Pamela & Jean Bassett                                                     Persian                                            9
   Rexdancer              Kathy Constantino                                                         Cornish Rex                                        9
   Janvier                Mary Ann & Donald Sweeters                                                Chartreux                                          8
   Placer                 Carolyn M. Lyons                                                          American Shorthair                                 8
   Quin-Jo                Becky Jones                                                               Abyssinian & Persian                               8
   Stedam                 Dawn Skupin                                                               American Shorthair                                 8
   Tangyi                 Ronald Laubach & John Robertson                                           Burmese & Bombay                                   8
   Tunacats               Lorrie Ann & Charles Anderson                                             Birman                                             8
   Windflower             Carolyn Bullotta                                                          Burmese                                            8
   Blu Sprs               Ellen Weiss                                                               Cornish Rex                                        7
   Boberan                Randy P. Primmer & Robert L. Farber                                       Persian                                            7
   Cattrax                Manuel & Dianne Fekete                                                    Persian                                            7
   Jo-Ni                  John & Gina Philpot                                                       American Shorthair                                 7
   Kulta                  Joann Lee Kultala                                                         Oriental                                           7
   Marcus                 Mark Hannon & David Raynor                                                Exotic, Burmese & Persian                          7
   Mystichill             Diane Silverman                                                           Persian                                            7
   Purrmatirix            Terri & Bruce Smith                                                       Balinese                                           7
   Roxanastasia           Helene Schneider-Hester                                                   Russian Blue                                       7
   Teahs                  Tia & Janice Steiner                                                      Persian                                            7
   Tsar Blu               Donna Fuller                                                              Russian Blue & Birman                              7
   Wil-O-Glen             Carolyn Osier                                                             Abyssinian                                         7
Cat Fanciers’ Almanac                                                              28                                                     December 2005/January 2006
Distinguished Merit Females with the Largest Number of Qualifying Offspring
                        Historical data in the following chart reflects information on cats in CFA’s computer records at the time the chart was compiled.
                                                                                                                                               # QUALIFYING
    NAME                                                                        COLOR/BREED                                                     OFFSPRING
    GC Sarouk’s Sundi of Placer, DM                                             Silver Tabby American Shorthair                                      24
    GC, RW Marcus Roxanne of Anz, DM                                            Calico Persian                                                       19
    GC Placer’s Paulette, DM                                                    Silver Tabby American Shorthair                                      19
    GC, NW Janvier Nicole, DM                                                   Chartreux                                                            19
    Pawaw’s Crowheart SOS of Wildtracks, DM                                     Chocolate Spotted Ocicat                                             17
    GC Nekomo Kaede, DM                                                         Mi-Ke Japanese Bobtail Shorthair                                     16
    Lynn-Lee’s Summer of Foxykats, DM                                           Red Somali                                                           16
    GC Katoklix Isabella of Janvier, DM                                         Chartreux                                                            15
    GC, NW Marcus M’donna, DM                                                   Tortoiseshell Persian                                                15
    Pendragon’s Pandora, DM                                                     Champagne Point Tonkinese                                            15
    CH Wil-O-Glen’s Gold Card of Clarion, DM                                    Red Abyssinian                                                       14
    GC Myshadows Miss Markie of Anz, DM                                         Calico Persian                                                       13
    GC Abyville Skittles of Eecatl, DM                                          Ruddy Abyssinian                                                     13
    GC, NW Sujonz Icebreaker, DM                                                Ebony Tabby Oriental Shorthair                                       13
    GC, RW Bryn Mawr Murphy Brown of Benzac, DM                                 Brown Tabby Exotic                                                   13
    Brockhaven Philomene, DM                                                    Smoke Egyptian Mau                                                   13
    GC Placer’s Pauline, DM                                                     Silver Tabby American Shorthair                                      13
    GC, NW Pironti’s Treasure, DM                                               Red Tabby Persian                                                    13
    GC, BW, RW Kurisumasu Shobi, DM                                             Mi-Ke Japanese Bobtail Longhair                                      13
    GC, RW Boberan’s Holiday, DM                                                Tortoiseshell Persian                                                13
    GC Wyndchymes Bobbi Socs of Instincts, DM                                   Mi-Ke Japanese Bobtail Shorthair                                     13
    GC Mystichill Too Hot To Handle, DM                                         Tortoiseshell Persian                                                12
    Kayenta’s Sedona of Kanab, DM                                               Red Tabby Maine Coon                                                 12
    GC, NW South Paw Starlight, DM                                              Copper-Eyed White Persian                                            12
    CH Sol-Mer Light My Fire, DM                                                Red Tabby American Shorthair                                         12
    Groovycats Ticket To Ride, DM                                               Brown Mackerel Tabby & White Maine Coon                              12
    GC Budmar’s Tia Maria, DM                                                   Tortoiseshell Persian                                                12
    CH Groovycats Bobbie Socks of Daddys, DM                                    Brown Patched Tabby & White Maine Coon                               12
    GC, RW Marcus Hard Hearted Hannah, DM                                       Dilute Calico Persian                                                12
    GC, RW Heatwave Breathless, DM                                              Blue Cornish Rex                                                     12
    CH Sayang Singapore Tinkerbell, DM                                          Singapura                                                            12
    GC Kaluamoa Kauai Cherish Forever, DM                                       Blue Point Siamese                                                   12

                    Distinguished Merit Males with the Largest Number of Qualifying Offspring
                        Historical data in the following chart reflects information on cats in CFA’s computer records at the time the chart was compiled.
                                                                                                                                               # QUALIFYING
    NAME                                                                        COLOR/BREED                                                     OFFSPRING
    GC, NW Cinna's Jack Daniels of Chantebise, DM                               Ruddy Abyssinian                                                            53
    GC Anz Nicholas Nickleby, DM                                                Blue & White Persian                                                        51
    GC Pasht-Bast Braveheart of Clarion, DM                                     Ruddy Abyssinian                                                            43
    GC Copacats Marque O'Zorro of Cattrax, DM                                   Black Persian                                                               42
    GC, RW Jolee's Dune of Boberan, DM                                          Cream Persian                                                               42
    GC Purssynian Jambe Finete, DM                                              Fawn Abyssinian                                                             41
    GC Singa Mikado of Fan-C, DM                                                Seal Point Siamese                                                          39
    GC, NW Badfinger's Raisin' Cain, DM                                         Ruddy Abyssinian                                                            38
    GC Good Fortune Fortunatas, DM                                              Sable Burmese                                                               37
    GC, NW Placer's Purrfect Salute, DM                                         Silver Tabby American Shorthair                                             37
    GC Lullaby Abracadabra of Midas, DM                                         Black Persian                                                               36
    GC New Moon's Eclipse of Rogers Hts., DM                                    Seal Point Siamese                                                          36
    GC, NW Kanab's Luanne's Mahogany Rush, DM                                   Red Tabby & White Maine Coon                                                36
    Softmagic Big John of Bolo, DM                                              Red & White Persian                                                         36
    GC, RW Red Sky Wooden Ships, DM                                             Brown Tabby Persian                                                         36

Cat Fanciers’ Almanac                                                                   29                                                       December 2005/January 2006
Distinguished Merit Males with the Largest Number of Qualifying Offspring…continued

                                                                                                                                       # QUALIFYING
   NAME                                                                    COLOR/BREED                                                  OFFSPRING
   GC Mystichill On The Marque of Marhei, DM                               Black Persian                                                         35
   GC, RW Stormwatch Dirtrack Demon of Nascat, DM                          Brown Mackerel Tabby & White Maine Coon                               35
   GC, NW South Paw Cloud Nine, DM                                         Copper-Eyed White Persian                                             33
   GC, RW Pleasantview McPorkchop, DM                                      Blue Point Birman                                                     33
   GC Brynbuboo Georgypeorgy of Earendil, DM                               Blue British Shorthair                                                32
   GC, NW San-Toi's Legend of Skan, DM                                     Seal Point Siamese                                                    32
   Sandollar Blue Money, DM                                                Blue Point Siamese                                                    32
   GC, GP Katoklix Halston of Janvier, DM                                  Chartreux                                                             32
   GC, RW Idlemaine Butler of Texas Belle, DM                              Black & White Maine Coon                                              32
   GC Joleigh's Little Chamer, DM                                          Black Smoke Persian                                                   31
   GC, BW, RW Bassetti's Saisho, DM                                        Red & White Van Japanese Bobtail Shorthair                            30
   GC, RW Catillak's Sooner Or Later, DM                                   Blue & White Persian                                                  30
   GC Lullaby About Face of Southpaw, DM                                   Black Persian                                                         29
   GC, NW Bar-B V.I.C. of Marhei, DM                                       Black Persian                                                         29
   GC, NW South Paw Wish Upon A Star, DM                                   Copper-Eyed White Persian                                             29
   CH Tokimoon Iolanthe of Pleasantview, DM                                Blue Point Birman                                                     29
   GC Quin-Jo Just Cause of Jadon, DM                                      Cream Persian                                                         29
   GC, PR Coonyham's Surfer Dude of XTC, DM                                Brown Tabby Maine Coon                                                29

                                        Distinguished Merit Cats by Breed
                                                               (Ranked by Total DMs)
                        Data in the following chart reflects information on cats in CFA’s computer records at the time the chart was compiled.
                                          2004-2005 SHOW SEASON                                                           HISTORICAL
 Breed                            Males         Females   Ranking                   Total           Males           Females      Ranking                Total
 Persian                            6                34              1st             40               138              470               1st             608
   Bi-Color                         4                13                -             17               20               89                 -              109
   Himalayan                        0                 2                -              2               10               50                 -              60
   Parti-Color                      0                 8                -              8                0               137                -              137
   Silver & Golden                  0                 0                -              0                2                9                 -              11
   Smoke & Shaded                   0                 0                -              0                1               11                 -              12
   Solid                            2                 7                -              9               94               140                -              234
   Tabby                            0                 4                -              4               11               34                 -              45
 American Shorthair                 2                12           Tie - 2nd          14               35               111               4th             146
 Maine Coon                         2                12           Tie - 2nd          14               25               116               5th             141
 Abyssinian                         3                 9              3rd             12               50              188                2nd             238
 Oriental                           0                 9              4th              9               10               89                6th             99
  Longhair                          0                 0                -              0                0                1                 -               1
  Shorthair                         0                 9                -              9               10               88                 -              98
 British Shorthair                  0                 7            Tie - 5th          7                2               29                16th            31
 Cornish Rex                        1                 6            Tie - 5th          7               11               63                8th             74
 Japanese Bobtail                   1                 6            Tie - 5th          7               16               72                7th             88
   Longhair                         1                 0                -              1                2                7                 -               9
   Shorthair                        0                 6                -              6               14               65                 -              79
 Bombay                             1                 5            Tie - 6th          6                4               19                18th            23
 Burmese                            1                 5            Tie - 6th          6               14               54                11th            68
   Dilute                           0                 2                -              2                1                9                 -              10
   Sable                            1                 3                -              4               13               45                 -              58
Cat Fanciers’ Almanac                                                              30                                                    December 2005/January 2006
Distinguished Merit Males with the Largest Number of Qualifying Offspring…continued

                                      2004-2005 SHOW SEASON                                                   HISTORICAL
  Breed                       Males         Females       Ranking         Total         Males         Females         Ranking          Total
  Exotic                       1               4          Tie - 7th        5              7             27              15th            34
  Siamese                       0              5           Tie - 7th          5           40            134              3rd            174
  Tonkinese                     0              5           Tie - 7th          5           17            53              10th            70
  Egyptian Mau                  0              4           Tie - 8th          4           1             15              22nd            16
  Turkish Van                   0              4           Tie - 8th          4           1             13            Tie - 24th        14
  Birman                        0              3           Tie - 9th          3           13            58               9th            71
  Colorpoint Shorthair          1              2           Tie - 9th          3           1             14           Tie - 23rd         15
  Chartreux                     0              2          Tie - 10th          2           4             21              17th            25
  Devon Rex                     0              2          Tie - 10th          2           3             16              21st            19
  Norwegian Forest Cat          1              1          Tie - 10th          2           2             10              25th            12
  Ocicat                        1              1          Tie - 10th          2           7             41              13th            48
  Somali                        0              2          Tie - 10th          2           5             34              14th            39
  Turkish Angora                0              2          Tie - 10th          2           0             15           Tie - 23rd         15
  Balinese                      0              1          Tie - 11th          1           2             12            Tie - 24th        14
  Havana Brown                  0              1          Tie - 11th          1           2             13           Tie - 23rd         15
  Manx                          0              1          Tie - 11th          1           2             18              20th            20
    Longhair                    0              0               -              0           0              0                -              0
    Shorthair                   0              1               -              1           2             18                -             20
  Ragdoll                       0              1          Tie - 11th          1           0              3              30th             3
  Russian Blue                  0              1          Tie - 11th          1           14            48              12th            62
  Scottish Fold                 0              0          Tie - 11th          1           1             21              19th            22
    Longhair                    0              0               -              0           0              2                -              2
    Shorthair                   0              1               -              1           1             19                -             20
  American Curl                 0              0               -              0           1              8              27th             9
    Longhair                    0              0               -              0           1              8                -              9
    Shorthair                   0              0               -              0           0              0                -              0
  American Wirehair             0              0               -              0           0              6              28th             6
  Javanese                      0              0               -              0           1              3              29th             4
  Korat                         0              0               -              0           1              9              26th            10
  Singapura                     0              0               -              0           3             12           Tie - 23rd         15
  Sphynx                        0              0               -              0           0              1              31st             1
  Selkirk Rex                   0              0               -              0           0              0                -              0
     Longhair                   0              0               -              0           0              0                -              0
    Shorthair                   0              0               -              0           0              0                -              0
  Totals                        21            148              -          169            433           1816               -            2249

                                                      PHOTO RETURNS!
        If you send a self-addressed, stamped envelope for the return of pictures submitted to the Almanac, please be aware it takes 6-8 weeks
    after the issue in which the picture appears is printed for pictures to be returned. For example, if you submitted a grand photo for the
    December 2005/January 2006 issue – it will be returned to you at the end of January.

Cat Fanciers’ Almanac                                                    31                                             December 2005/January 2006
     Cats Who Achieved the Status of Distinguished Merit During the 2004-2005 Show Season in Breed Order
ABYSSINIAN                                CH Crown E Medicine Hat of Placer     BIRMAN                                GC Truebrit Positively Crazy For You
                                          Silver Tabby Male                                                           Red Spotted Tabby Female
GC, RW Alexy’s Girl O’ My Dreams          Br: V. A. Edwards-M. Von Paulus       Henrijean Tyke                        Br: Colin-Jo Cornwall
of Gulfco                                 Ow: Carolyn M. Lyons                  Blue Point Female                     Ow: Rick-Merry Elizabeth Hooker
Ruddy Female                                                                    Br/Ow: Eugene-Paula Boroff
Br: Bruce-Jean Alexy                      GC Detente’s Sharper Image
                                                                                CH Jinbirlee’s Xylophone              BURMESE - DILUTE
Ow: Bruce Alexy-Tom Berninger             Silver Tabby Female
                                                                                Chocolate Point Female                CH, GP Brenwood Butterfly McQueen
                                          Br: E. A.-J. D. Brundage              Br/Ow: Mary Jinright-Inslee Barnett
Bastis Slow Days Fast Company                                                                                         Blue Spay
                                          Ow: Pat Mood
Ruddy Female                                                                    Russpurrz X-Wind of Chateau Bir       Br: Donna Stewart
Br: W. Harding-P. Renteria-L. Martin      GC Kaarja Annie Oakleaf of Stedam     Blue Point Female                     Ow: Mary Hutain-Donna Stewart
Ow: Wain Harding                          Brown Tabby Female                    Br: Fern St. Clair-Alison Russell
                                          Br: Robert Kreft                                                            CH Brenwood Grace
GC Clarion’s Morning Blossom                                                    Ow: Ann Street                        Blue Spay
Ruddy Female                              Ow: Dawn Skupin
Br: Karen-Ralph Helmrich                                                        BOMBAY                                Br: Donna Stewart
                                          CH Kaw Emmalene of Wiskaway                                                 Ow: Patti Kendziora
Ow: Carolyn Osier-K.-R. Helmrich          Brown Tabby-White Female              GC Bijouxcats Cjwalker
GC Cypresscats Free Verse                 Br: Kevin Weber-Karen Sisson          Female                                BURMESE - SABLE
Ruddy Female                              Ow: Kevin Weber-Steven Mariucci       Br: Lou Keim
                                                                                                                      GC Austriana Alessandro
Br/Ow: Shelley Morris                                                           Ow: Deborah-Earl Curtis
                                          GC, RW Kaw’s April In Paris                                                 Male
GC, NW Gulfco’s Sweet Talkin’ Guy         Brown Ptchd Tby-White Female          GC, RW Caricature’s Isaac Hayes       Br: E. Graf-Webster
of Alexy                                  Br: N.-C. Crandall-Seibert-K. Weber   Male                                  Ow: E. Graf-Webster-K. Masaryk
Ruddy Male                                Ow: Kevin A. Weber                    Br/Ow: Sharyn-Sig Hauck
                                                                                                                      CH, GP Laki’s Brown Sugar
Br: Bruce Alexy-Tom Berninger                                                   CH Caricature’s Jamaica Kincaid       Spay
                                          CH Lindarts Sister Act of Magnicats
Ow: Karen-Ralph Helmrich-B. Alexy                                               Female                                Br/Ow: Barbara A.-Richard F. Kish
                                          Silver Tabby Female
CH Hobbitat Muse of Astech                                                      Br: S.-S. Hauck-D. Horan
                                          Br: Linda-Art Anzalone                                                      GC Mar-Chu Aurianna
Red Female                                                                      Ow: Sharyn-Sig Hauck
                                          Ow: Lynne Schreiner                                                         Female
Br: Barbara A. Jaeger                                                           GC Caricature’s Sojourner Truth       Br/Ow: Charles J.-Mary M. Reich
Ow: B. Jaeger-S. Truesdell                CH Lynzkatz Diva                      Female
                                          Silver Tabby Female                                                         GC Windflower Ana Nicolle
Instincts Aquila                                                                Br/Ow: Sharyn-Sig Hauck
                                          Br/Ow: Linda-Jon-Jacob Bartley                                              of Burmystic
Red Female                                                                      GC, RW Caricature’s Sonya Sanchez     Female
Br: S. Mableton-C. Giammarinaro           GC, NW Miribu’s Red Letter Daze       Female                                Br: Carolyn Bullotta-David Raynor
Ow: Chris Giammarinaro-S. Mableton        Red Tabby Male                        Br/Ow: Sharyn-Sig Hauck               Ow: C.-P. Eldredge
                                          Br: Margo Mellies
CH Instincts Autumn Leaves                                                      CH Night Sky’s Black Jade             CHARTREUX
                                          Ow: Mellies-Bishop-Search-Dotson
of Ramkatz                                                                      Female
Red Female                                CH Placer’s Pauletta                  Br/Ow: James-Jo Ann Arnett            CH Gwyneddmews Pixie of Gato Azul
Br: C. Giammarinaro-L. Search             Silver Tabby Female                                                         Female
Ow: Betty Raam                            Br/Ow: Carolyn M. Lyons               BRITISH SHORTHAIR                     Br: Joyce Gusky
GC Maboo’s Kriss Kringle                                                        GC Castlkatz Siobhan                  Ow: Christine Rosenfield
                                          GC Placer’s Peggy Sue
Ruddy Male                                Silver Tabby Female                   Blue Female                           GC, RW Janvier’s Jaclyn
Br: Merle-Barbara Ball                    Br: Carolyn M. Lyons                  Br/Ow: Paul-Ginger Meeker             Female
Ow: Merle A.-Barbara A. Ball              Ow: William H. Lyons, Jr.                                                   Br/Ow: Donald-Mary Ann Sweeters
                                                                                GC, RW Earendil Hokulea
GC, RW Purssynian Tigerlily                                                     Blue Female
                                          CH Satiricats’ Brown Sugar                                                  COLORPOINT SHORTHAIR
Red Female                                of Lynzkatz                           Br: Scott-Thora Hart-J. Thawley
Br: Beth-Darrell Newkirk                                                        Ow: Scott-Thora Hart                  GC, RW Casadecano’s Reno
                                          Brown Tabby Female
Ow: Masako Uemura                         Br: Laurie Satir                      GC Maou Elizabeth of Rumietum         of Teakatut
CH Sherasdreams Honey-West                Ow: Linda-Jon-Jacob Bartley           Blue Female                           Seal-Lynx Point Male
of Clarion                                                                      Br: Marian Johnson                    Br: Pat Decano-Ann H. Leaty
                                          CH Stedam’s Partly Cloudy             Ow: Kelly-Lynn Gray                   Ow: Sandra Douglass-Gail Moser
Red Female
                                          Blue Ptchd Tabby-White Spay
Br: Ronald Carthen                                                              GC Ms Positively Ceridwen             GC Dominho Melodie of Quatre Vents
Ow: C.-E. Bodnovich-K.-R. Helmrich        Br: Dawn Skupin-Eve Russell
                                                                                of Truebrit                           Seal-Lynx Point Female
                                          Ow: Stephanie K. Wolf, DVM
GC, NW Truluck Almost Famous                                                    Cream Spotted Tabby Female            Br: Raymond Rollin
of Bastis                                 Tincarbell Sumire of Royal Road       Br: L.-A. C. Stubbs                   Ow: Denis-Micheline Lessard
Ruddy Male                                Silver Tabby Female                   Ow: Colin-Jo Cornwall                 GC, RW Klezmer Southern Belle
Br/Ow: Gina Wiley-Wain Harding            Br: Ikuko Sugita                                                            Blue-Cream Point Female
                                                                                GC Stonehaven Sloane
                                          Ow: Takako Kojima                     Blue Female                           Br: K. Atkins-D. Hamon-Lessee
AMERICAN SHORTHAIR                                                              Br: Barbara Sinbine                   Ow: K. Atkins-D. Hamon-D. Noggle
                                                                                Ow: Barbara Sinbine-Vera Chan
CH Alandor Feather Quest                                                                                              CORNISH REX
of Stedam                                 GC Purrmatix Cupcake                  CH Truebrit Cadeauje of Rustling
Brown Tabby Female                        Chocolate Point Female                Black-White Female                    GC Angelwaves Melisande
Br: J. A. Phillips-D. Skupin-V. Wight     Br: Terrie-Bruce Smith-Patty Vail     Br: Colin-Jo Cornwall                 Black-White Female
Ow: Dawn Skupin-J. A. Phillips            Ow: Terrie-Bruce Smith                Ow: Robin-John Beckett                Br/Ow: Trish-Mike Blees

Cat Fanciers’ Almanac                                                           32                                             December 2005/January 2006
GC Claus’n’Curl Stella                 CH Jobara’s Spice Girl                   GC Jaljemar’s No Doubt of Coonalley   OCICAT
Black Smoke-White Female               Silver Ptchd Mkrl Tby Female             Brown Patched Tabby Female
Br: John-Shari Kincheloe               Br: Barbara Irie                         Br: William-Mary Szafarski            CH Dotdotdot Wild Delight
Ow: Paula Jones                        Ow: Barbara Irie-Lynn Kelly              Ow: Elaine Magee                      of Wild Rain
                                                                                                                      Chocolate Spotted Female
GC Inrxs Belladonna of Fenway          GC, RW Spellbound McGyver                CH Kanab Luanne Rachel                Br: Roger-Nancy Brown
Brown Ptch Tabby-White Female          Brown Mac Tabby-White Male               of Telecoons                          Ow: David-Carol Freels
Br: Mark A. McKenzie-Lessee            Br/Ow: Bob-Diane E. Deibert              Brown Ptchd Tby-White Female
Ow: Nancy T. Dodds-                                                             Br: Susan Blevins-Trisha Swisher      GC, RW Foxioci’s Majordomo
Mark McKenzie                          HAVANA BROWN                             Ow: Mary J. Sietsema-Britt Bardell    of Wildtracks
CH Rex-O-Rama Size Doesn’t Matter                                                                                     Chocolate Spotted Male
                                       GC Acapella Lucille of Soesthill         GC Katmaindu Stormin Norman
Cream Male                                                                                                            Br: Harold-Doris Broomfield
                                       Female                                   Schwarzkat
Br: Wayne Park-Bill-Nancy Gott                                                                                        Ow: Sue Riley
                                       Br: Candice Massey                       Brown Mackerel Tabby Male
Ow: Bill-Nancy Gott
                                       Ow: D. Ray Edwards-Anne Edwards          Br: Elizabeth Laurie Watkins          ORIENTAL - SHORTHAIR
GC Rexdancer’s Anita Blake                                                      Ow: Libby Watkins-Deb Dursky
Blue-White Female                      JAPANESE BOBTAIL -                       CH Katz Domaine Shelby of Black Tye   CH Bel Canto Bourree
Br/Ow: Kathy Constantino
                                       LONGHAIR                                 Brown Mackerel Tabby Female           Chestnut Slv Tck Tb-Wh Female
GC Roseric’s Get’n Some Nooky                                                   Br: Jean A.-Mark Ward                 Br: Elizabeth D. Muller
Tonite                                 GC, RW Kurisumasu Jitto                  Ow: Sharon-David Ceja                 Ow: Elizabeth Muller-Wendy Crego
Van Black-White Female                 Blue-White Male                                                                GC Eireannach Is Fearr Ina
                                                                                CH Purrtigers Solitaire
Br/Ow: Carol Page                      Br: Marianne Clark-Carey Holm                                                  Deireanach
                                                                                Brown Tby-White Female
                                       Ow: Marianne Clark-Debbie Delong                                               Ebony-White Female
Wavemaker Harlow of Angelwaves                                                  Br: Becky Carazzone-Karen B. Crooke
Blue-Eyed White Female                                                                                                Br: W. Trussell-B. Burke
Br: L. Marlaine-Donald E. Owen
                                       JAPANESE BOBTAIL -                       Ow: Becky Carazzone
                                                                                                                      Ow: W. Trussell-M. Ammons-B. Burke
Ow: Trish-Mike Blees                   SHORTHAIR                                CH Purrtigers Temptest In A Teapot
                                                                                Silver Ptched Tby-Wht Female          GC El-Dia Mardi Gras
DEVON REX                              GC Key of Kurisumasu                     Br/Ow: Becky Carazzone                Seal-Lynx Point Female
                                       Mi-Ke Female                                                                   Br: Barbara L. Phelps
                                                                                GC Shubacoons Mercedes
Dilettante Crystal Singer              Br: Unknown                                                                    Ow: Gerald-Edna Kayga
Gold-Eyed White Female                                                          Brown Mackerel Tabby Female
                                       Ow: Marianne Clark                       Br/Ow: Paul-Ramona Shuba
Br: Wendy Renner-Gerri Logan                                                                                          GC, RW Felitan Cleopatra
Ow: Wendy Renner                       CH Kurisumasu Joobachi                   GC Texas Belle Brite Sky              of Klazeekats
                                       Mi-Ke Female                             of Star Coons                         Ebony Silver Tck Tabby Female
GC Dreadlock’s Telephone Love “F2”     Br: M. Clark-C. Holm-Lessee                                                    Br: Barbara-Richard Levitan
Dilute Calico Female                                                            Black-White Female
                                       Ow: Marianne Clark                       Br: Pat Idleman-Elizabeth Gaither     Ow: Gail W. Bercher
Br/Ow: Tina Czernik
                                       GC Kurisumasu Mikikuchi of Gulfcats      Ow: Donna Day-Elizabeth Gaither       GC, RW Injoi’s Blushing
EGYPTIAN MAU                           Patterned Mi-Ke Female                   GC Thewrightcat Marcasite             Chestnut Ptch Tck Tby Female
                                       Br: M. Clark-Jacqueline J. Harris        of Syracoon                           Br/Ow: Beverly Frenzel
Matiki’s In Dot Purrsuit
                                       Ow: Paul-Toni Huff                       Black Smoke-White Female
Silver Female                                                                                                         GC Injoi’s Blushing Angel
Br/Ow: Jan-Bonnie Wydro-J.-A. Liles    CH Nekomo Miho of Fujicats               Br: Sylvia S. Smith-Thomas Wright     Chestnut Ptch Tck Tby Female
                                       Mi-Ke Female                             Ow: Sylvia Wright-Alexis Mitchell     Br: Beverly Frenzel-Joann Kultala
Matiki’s Isis Right
Silver Female                          Br: Allen Scruggs-Douglas Myers          GC XTC Carolina Surfer of Tuvets      Ow: Beverly Frenzel
Br: Jan-Bonnie Wydro                   Ow: L.-G. Sorokin-A. Scruggs-D. Myers    Brown Tabby Male
                                                                                                                      CH Klazeekats Fleur of Kuan Jin
Ow: Jan-Bonnie Wydro-J-A. Liles                                                 Br: R. C.-Mary K. Smith
                                       CH Rockinashi Yukimatsuri                                                      Ebony-Silver Mkl Tby Female
                                                                                Ow: Karl F.-Gale G. Bowman
GC Sharbees Mauria Tu of Ramah         Blue-Eyed White Female                                                         Br: Gail W. Bercher
Bronze Female                          Br/Ow: Nikki-Cory Crandall-Seibert       CH XTC Deirdre of Dewisplear          Ow: Christine Willingham
Br: Sharon L. Partington                                                        Brown Tabby Female
                                       GC Wyndchymes Tenille                    Br: R. C.-Mary K. Smith               GC Leggs Cabaret
Ow: Denise Keenan
                                       Van Brown Tabby-White Female             Ow: Camelle-Joel Chaney               Ebony-White Female
CH Sharbees Rust In Peace of Matiki    Br: Karen Bishop-Lynn Search                                                   Br: Von Egidy-Adler-Spangher
Bronze Female                          Ow: Karen Bishop                         MANX - SHORTHAIR                      Ow: L. Von Egidy-C. Mallary
Br: Sharon L. Partington
Ow: Jan-Bonnie Wydro                   MAINE COON                               Cottori Sophie of Fuzzy-Foot          GC Talisyn’s Nightshade of Nytwing
                                                                                Brown Ptch Tabby-White Female         Ebony Female
EXOTIC                                 CH, PR Coonalley Sylvia                  Br: Paul-Becky Cotter                 Br: M. Surasky-Steve-Vicki Baylus
                                       of Tabbypatch                            Ow: Cathy-Jim Dinesen                 Ow: Sheri Hillis
CH Beauetchere’s Butterfly Kisses      Silver Tabby Spay
Brown Mackerel Tabby Female
                                       Br: Elaine Magee                         NORWEGIAN FOREST CAT                  PERSIAN - CALICO/BI-COLOR
Br: Linda K. Abt
                                       Ow: Geraldine Martin
Ow: Linda Abt-Victoria Marant                                                   GC Jotunheim Marilyn Monroe           GC Bocasana’s Backyard Baby
CH Calivan’s Camille of Pensfordhill   CH Coonoquan Brianna of Trills           of Kitzn                              Van Blue Tabby-White Female
Black Female                           Brown Tabby Female                       Brown Mac Tabby-White Female          Br: Lorraine Miles
Br: Kathleen Holahan Fisher            Br: Stephanie Boulter                    Br: Lynn Forlano                      Ow: John Passet
Ow: Jim Fleeker                        Ow: Helen Schultz                        Ow: Keith Kimberlin                   GC Candirand Sweet Escapes
CH Jkzoo’s Kyoko of Highlander         GC Coonoquan’s Esprit                    GC, BW, RW Kitzn’s Dagwood            of Couronne
Red Tabby-White Female                 Silver Patched Tby-Wht Female            Brown Mac Tabby-White Male            Black-White Male
Br: Jerry Kithcart-Steve Oster         Br: Stephanie H. Boulter                 Br: Keith Kimberlin-Ray Schaefer      Br: Christy Miller
Ow: Kithcart-Oster-Signore             Ow: Craig-Stephanie Boulter              Ow: Keith Kimberlin-Jim Frederick     Ow: Lynn Jacobs

Cat Fanciers’ Almanac                                                          33                                              December 2005/January 2006
GC Catchance Liberty of TNT Purrfect   GC, RW Ristokat’s Fleur-De-Lis            Kadji-Ki’s Carmel of Kitty Charm      SOMALI
Dilute Calico Female                   Seal-Lynx Point Female                    Cream Female
Br: Debby A. Chance                    Br/Ow: Jon-Kathy Durdick                  Br: Jason Wright                      CH Mittsnpaws Amazin Grace
Ow: Diana Heinzen                                                                Ow: Darlene-June Feger                Ruddy Female
                                       PERSIAN - PARTI-COLOR                                                           Br/Ow: Joann Mitts
CH Catcharm Rotel                                                                CH Lacey-Paws Lady In Red
Red Mac Tabby-White Female             GC Bastis Carmen Miranda of Kenkat        Red Female                            GC Zodiacal Pizzaz
Br/Ow: Kristine-Warren Joubert         Tortoiseshell Female                      Br: Sandra Stewart
                                                                                                                       Red Female
                                       Br: Wain Harding-Mark Hannon              Ow: Robert Rosas-Debbie Rosas
GC Dalu Harbor Lights of Cacao                                                                                         Br/Ow: Sandra Gohr
                                       Ow: Leah Fowler
Blue-White Male                                                                  PERSIAN - TABBY
Br: Patricia Crawford                  GC, NW Catsafrats Star Spangled                                                 TONKINESE
Ow: Janet-Carissa Altschul             Tortoiseshell Female                      GC Boberan’s You Sang To Me
                                       Br: B.-D. Isenberg-P.-M. Vanwonterghem                                          Catdancing Gidget
CH Dulcimer Painted Lady                                                         Red Mackerel Tabby Female
                                       Ow: Isnbrg-Nuffer-Vanwntrgm-Warden        Br/Ow: Randy Primmer-Robert Farber    Platinum Solid Female
Calico Female
                                                                                                                       Br/Ow: Jean-Edward Delano
Br/Ow: Megan-John Hiemstra             GC I-Catchers Kalua And Cream             GC, RW Chatange Mudslide
GC Fanci FX Margarita of Cotn Hill     Tortoiseshell Female                      of Cozmo                              CH Lovnpaws Creme Caramel
Brown Ptch Tabby-White Female          Br: Jane Lamas                            Brown Tabby Female                    of Cecchetti
Br: Joe-Mary Jo Garraux                Ow: Lynn Mostowy                          Br: Nancy Jenkins                     Champagne Solid Spay
Ow: Gina D. Hargett                                                              Ow: Carol-Ed Krzanowski               Br: Eric-Carol-Kristin Lovgren
                                       Jadon Flying High of Char-O
GC Jubileum’s Heart-Of-Glass           Blue-Cream Female                         CH Man-Atzakat’s Cecelia              Ow: Sheri Smalts
Blue Ptchd Tabby-White Female          Br: Donna-Susan Cook                      Brown Mackerel Tabby Female
                                                                                                                       GC, GP Opurra’s Fanciulla Del West
Br: Zane Hamza-Jerry Hamza             Ow: Charmayne Phillips                    Br: Linda Cobb Lamb
                                                                                 Ow: Linda C. Lamb                     Platinum Point Spay
Ow: Jerry Hamza                        GC, NW Kenkat 1stclass Upgrade                                                  Br: Sue A. Robbins
GC Magratheas Spiritwalker             of Jadon                                  CH Whitman Awesome                    Ow: Eliz Cloud-Sue A. Robbins
Red Tabby-White Male                   Blue-Cream Female                         Brown Ptchd Mckrl Tby Female
Br: Tanja-Holger Hengstler             Br: Leah Fowler                           Br: Laura Whitman                     CH Seaflower’s Dominique Perignon
Ow: Gloria Busselman                   Ow: Donna-Susan Cook                      Ow: Laura Lee                         Champagne Mink Female
                                                                                                                       Br: Clinton-Deborah Stewart-Parker
GC Marcus Mrs. Poopsie                 GC Steeplechase Hot Tamale                RAGDOLL
                                       Tortoiseshell Female                                                            Ow: Tiffany Stewart-C.-D. Parker
Dilute Calico Female
Br: Hannon-Raynor-Waddington-Lessee    Br: Jean Green                            CH Solemate Wish Upon A Star
                                                                                 Blue Point-White Female               Toytown’s Smurfette
Ow: Mark Hannon-David Raynor           Ow: John Passet
                                                                                 Br: Lora Tesh                         Blue Point Female
CH Panei Stargazer-Lilly               GC, RW Sunmarble Happy Coco               Ow: Elizabeth A. Thurman              Br/Ow: Sheryl-Lawrence Zink
Black-White Female                     Tortoiseshell Female
Br/Ow: Patty Stewart                   Br/Ow: Mitsue Fukushima                   RUSSIAN BLUE                          TURKISH ANGORA
Parti Toi Cutie Pa Tutie               GC, RW Tail Teezers Snickers              GC Platina Luna’s Southern Cross      GC Kaeleron’s Through The Fire
Van Blue-White Female                  Tortoiseshell Female                      Female                                Calico Female
Br: G. Busselman-D. Wadsworth          Br: John-Candy Cummings                   Br/Ow: Teresa Keiger-Robert Miller    Br: Kaelynn-Jan-Matt Moury
Ow: Gloria Busselman                   Ow: Linda Lamb
                                                                                 SCOTTISH FOLD -                       Ow: Kaelynn-Jan Moury
GC Parti Wai Grace                     PERSIAN - SOLID                           SHORTHAIR                             CH Sadakat’s Heaven-Sent
Van Black-White Female
Br/Ow: Gloria Busselman                CH Artemis Margarita-Of-Starfire          Rk Gems Crystal Blue Topaz            Amber-Eyed White Female
                                       Odd-Eyed White Female                     Black Smoke Female                    Br/Ow: Sherryl M. Smerigan
GC Purrinlot’s Seven-Of-Nine           Br: James Warden
of Nanc-C                                                                        Br/Ow: Randy-Kay Bertrand
                                       Ow: T. Cabrera-F. Arienti-J. Warden
Brown Ptchd Mc Tby-Wht Female                                                                                          TURKISH VAN
Br: Laura Thomas                       GC, NW Artemis Star Shine                 SIAMESE
Ow: Laura Thomas-Nancy Lescavage       of Catsafrats                                                                   CH Artemis Van Kedi Von Alexis
                                       Black Male                                CH Radja’s Chelsea Morning of Alexy
                                                                                 Seal Point Female                     Tortie-White Female
Tehy Apollo of Catillak                Br: James Warden-Carol Probst
                                       Ow: Donna-Bruce Isenberg-J. Warden        Br: Ron Dewilde-Jane DeWilde          Br: Marion-Ralf Schacht
Red Tabby-White Male
Br: Terry Hyde                                                                   Ow: Dianne-Bruce Alexy                Ow: Pat-John Chapman
                                       GC Boberan’s Wild Night
Ow: Lisa Smith                         Black Male                                San-Toi Lotus Flower of Cha-O-P’ya
                                                                                                                       Caravanserai Bindi
Wishstar Sparkle of Lacey-Paws         Br/Ow: Randy Primmer-Robert Farber        Blue Point Female
                                                                                 Br: Dee Johnson-Connie Roberts        Tortie-White Female
Brown Mac Tabby-White Female           GC Cedar Valley’s Charismatic                                                   Br: Pat-John Chapman
Br: Linda Mercer                                                                 Ow: Lorraine-Pierre Rivard
                                       Blue Female                                                                     Ow: C. J. Gleason
Ow: Sandra Stewart                     Br/Ow: Jennifer-Lillian Tokarek           GC Shimasu’s Celebration
GC, RW Zhao Heart’s Desire             CH Ebonez Forbidden Ecstasy               Seal Point Female                     CH Pairodocs Perihan
of Couronne                            Copper-Eyed White Female                  Br: Debbi Stevenson                   of Caravanserai
Van Calico Female                      Br/Ow: Sheila Poland                      Ow: Debbi-Taryn Stevenson
                                                                                                                       Tortie-White Female
Br: Linda Davinson                     CH Ebonez Forbidden Passion               GC Shimasu’s Raffaele                 Br: D. Hayes-S. Hayes-K. Hooker
Ow: Lynn Jacobs                        Copper-Eyed White Female                  Seal Point Female                     Ow: Pat-John Chapman
                                       Br/Ow: Sheila Poland                      Br/Ow: Debbi Stevenson
PERSIAN - HIMALAYAN                                                                                                    Vansdelmar Alleranth of Pairodocs
                                       GC, NW Jadon Flyin High of Goliada        GC, RW Talorien Toshi of Toshi-Kun
GC Le Club Fur Designed By Deweaz      Blue Female                               Blue Point Female                     Red-White Female
Tortie Point Female                    Br: Donna-Susan Cook                      Br: Mark Williams-Michael Tobin       Br: Martha Low-Swan
Br/Ow: Earl-Gail Rothman               Ow: Nancy Petersen                        Ow: Dan Bridges-Elizabeth Koller      Ow: Karen Hooker-Deborah Hayes

Cat Fanciers’ Almanac                                                           34                                             December 2005/January 2006
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