Certified Coronavirus Immunity as a Resource and a Way Back to Normality
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VIVES BRIEFING 2020/01 Certified Coronavirus Immunity as a Resource and a Way Back to Normality David Stadelmann*, Reiner Eichenberger**, Rainer Hegselmann***, David Savage**** and Benno Torgler***** *University of Bayreuth, Germany, Centre for Behavioural Economics, Society and technology (BEST), Centre for Research in Economics, Management and the Arts (CREMA) and associated researcher of VIVES, KU Leuven **University of Fribourg, Switzerland and CREMA - Center for Research in Economics, Management and the Arts ***Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, Germany ****University of Newcastle, Australia and Centre for Behavioral Econmics, Society and Technology (BEST) *****School of Economics and Finance and Center for Behavioural Econom- ics, Society and Technology (BEST), Queensland University of Technology We would like to thank Gerd Folkers, Marco Frank, Bruno Frey, Christian Girardi, Raymond Frem- pong, Anna Maria Koukal, Alison Macintyre, Simon Milligan, Florian Mitscherlich, Thomas Ochsenkühn, Jan Osterloh, Margit Osterloh, Katja Rost, Patricia Schafer and Frederik Wild for important discussions. The editors publish short articles together with experienced coauthors which propose robust solutions to large-scale societal problems requiring a combination of in- sights from social sciences.
CERTIFIED CORONAVIRUS IMMUNITY AS A RESOURCE 2 VIVES BRIEFING 2020/01 AND A WAY BACK TO NORMALITY As a result of the Corona crisis we are all living As the number of immune people grows, re- in a state of emergency. But we are desperate strictions on all but the most vulnerable can be to get back to normal quickly. Some people are gradually relaxed. Those who are already im- losing hope and the economic costs of lock- mune could go back to their economic and so- down measures increase rapidly. However, as cial activity immediately and could even provide the disease spreads, the crucial resource for active support to the health care system. Their overcoming the crisis is growing as well. That engagement and contribution to society and the resource are people who are immune to Co- economy would reduce the risk of overburden- rona. This vital resource must be employed ef- ing the health care system and would reduce fectively, it must be certified, it must the potential for an economic and social break- be searched for, it must be found, and it may down. The resource of immune people is al- even be actively produced. How can this be ready much greater than we know: All those done? who have been infected with the virus are im- mune, but many may not have even realized CORONA IMMUNITY AS A GROWING RE- that they had the disease (asymptomatic SOURCE cases). Consequently, they have never been It seems generally accepted that in most cases tested. the course of the COVID-19 disease is mild, of- Employ immune people ten resulting in no or few symptoms. The prob- Immune people can be reinstated to all activities ability of full recovery is high for many people, and can pursue all social contacts as usual. especially for younger people and those without More importantly they may voluntarily commit to previous illnesses. Those who have survived help in the care of the elderly and the sick with- the disease are, according to current out endangering especially those people who knowledge, largely immune. The probability of are at risk. Such examples already exist: The contracting exactly same virus a second time U.S. Rand Paul had coronavirus and has now within a few years and passing the disease on recovered. He started volunteering at a hospital. is small compared to a first illness. The quickest possible and most comprehensive There are now already millions of people who engagement of immune people is therefore sen- have been infected with the Coronavirus and sible from a public health, an economic, and a who are now immune. Their immunity makes social perspective. Their employment is neces- each of them individually a valuable resource in sary for our society to return to normality. the fight against the virus, a resource that grows as the number of people infected increases. An- Issue immunity certificates tibodies from immune people might even be To make full use of their power, people with im- used to produce blood serum as a potential munity must once again be able to move freely, treatment. Moreover, from a societal perspec- without any restriction and without fear. To do tive, the larger the stock of persons with immun- so, they must know for sure that they are im- ity, the lower the risk of infection for the elderly mune, and other people must be able to distin- and those with pre-existing medical conditions. guish them from the non-immune. That is why
CERTIFIED CORONAVIRUS IMMUNITY AS A RESOURCE 3 VIVES BRIEFING 2020/01 AND A WAY BACK TO NORMALITY they need a reliable immunity certificate for Find immune people proving immunity which can be based on having The value of the immunity certificate facilitates antibodies or having experienced the illness. the search for people who are already immune. This immunity certificate serves as a kind of Those who are certified immune no longer need “passport” to normality and certifies the value of be anxious about the disease, nor do they need the resource. Such certificates should not only to remain in isolation as they resume a reason- be given to the domestic population, but coro- ably normal life. This systematically provides in- navirus immune doctors, nurses, helpers or centives for healthy people who may have been travelers from other countries should also be infected to think about whether they may have certified accordingly. had mild symptoms of the disease, such as loss Search for immune people of smell and taste. Active cooperation with au- thorities to obtain the immunity certificate be- Like other valuable resources, people immune comes particularly rewarding. The same applies from the novel coronavirus must be sought out, to patients with mild symptoms, who are cur- and this requires broad administration of tests. rently suffering from fears of stigmatization, pre- Testing is not only about identifying virus carri- venting self-identification as potentially sick. ers in order to protect society; it must also be about the fact that immune people can help to Produce immune people save society. On the one hand, tests for viruses Like other resources, immunity may even be ac- can be used to identify people who are currently tively produced. Individuals may want to seek infected and who are then known to be immune immunity voluntarily (under medical supervi- around two weeks after infection when potential sion) through self-infection. Self-infection can symptoms and infectiousness have subsided. be managed and organized by public or private On the other hand, tests for antibodies can be health service providers and supported, if nec- used to find people who have never been tested essary, by regulatory rules. Thus, the produc- – but were infected and had no symptoms of the tion of immunity can potentially be organized disease – and are now already immune. These without any major externalities, and actively in- people do not yet know about their immunity. creasing immunity can help in the fight against Since the test capacity is still small today de- a pandemic. spite rapid growth in facilities, the first step is to search for immunity in infection hotspots. Tests CONCLUSION AND IMPLEMENTATION for antibodies are already approved and they are in use. Over time, better and better tests will Until a truly effective treatment or vaccination is be introduced and mass production is possible. available, already immune people are the cru- Searches may be conducted worldwide to find cial resource in the fight against Corona. This is and certify immune people. true even under substantial uncertainty; moreo- ver, it holds if current government measures are relaxed for the general population because of their enormous economic and social costs, or if we see a substantial downward assessment of
CERTIFIED CORONAVIRUS IMMUNITY AS A RESOURCE 4 VIVES BRIEFING 2020/01 AND A WAY BACK TO NORMALITY the health dangers of Corona for the general REFERENCES population. After all, Corona is certainly danger- Eichenberger, R., Hegselmann, R. & Stadel- ous for the elderly and for people with health mann, D. (March 21, 2020). "Corona-Immunität problems. Immunity certificates do not neces- als entscheidende Ressource: Der Weg zurück sarily have to be issued by European or an in- in die Normalität", Beiträge zur aktuellen Wirt- ternational authority. Individual regional author- schaftspolitik No. 2020-03, Center for Research ities such as federal states or autonomous re- in Economics, Management and the Arts gions can issue immunity certificates inde- (Switzerland) pendently of each other. Trustworthy authorities can then accept immunity certificates mutually. Eichenberger, Reiner, Hegselmann, Rainer & In particular, nation states can issue immunity Stadelmann, David (April 03, 2020). "Zertifi- certificates not only for their immune citizens but zierte Corona-Immunität als entscheidende also for foreigners. Immunity certificates may al- Ressource: Eine überlegene und robuste Exit- ways be relevant for people who travel a lot do- Strategie", Beiträge zur aktuellen Wirtschafts- mestically or internationally. Understanding im- politik No. 2020-07, Center for Research in Eco- mune people as a resource is therefore essen- nomics, Management and the Arts (Switzer- tial and will enable a faster return to normality land) from the current crisis. Eichenberger, R., Hegselmann, R., Savage D., Stadelmann, D. & Torgler, B. (2020). "Certified Corona-Immunity as a Resource and Strategy to Cope with Pandemic Costs", Kyklos, forth- coming, DOI: 10.1111/kykl.12227 Stadelmann, D., Eichenberger, R., Hegselman, R., Savage, D. and Torgler, B. (2020). “Certified Corona-Immunity as a resource and a way back to normality”, Observer Research Foundation Expert Speak, April 5, 2020
CERTIFIED CORONAVIRUS IMMUNITY AS A RESOURCE 5 VIVES BRIEFING 2020/01 AND A WAY BACK TO NORMALITY VLAAMS I NSTITUUT VOOR ECONOMIE EN SAMENLEVING VLAMINGENSTRAAT 83 - BUS 3550 3000 LEUVEN, BELGIË David Stadelmann University of Bayreuth, Germany & Associated Researcher of VIVES, KU Leuven david.stadelmann@uni-bayreuth.de Reiner Eichenberger Universtität Freiburg, Switzerland reiner.eichenberger@unifr.ch Rainer Hegselmann Frankfurt School of Finance and Management, Germany m.konopnicka@fs.de David Savage Newcastle Business School david.savage@newcastle.edu.au Benno Torgler Centre for Behavioural Economics, Society and Technology, QUT, Australia benno.torgler@qut.edu.au The VIVES Briefings are set up to fuel the debate on the economic and social development of regions. They do this by means of short contributions from their own and affiliated researchers. The briefings are mostly based on ongoing fundamental research. An electronic version of the briefings is available on the VIVES website: https://feb.kuleuven.be/VIVES/vivesenglish/publications/briefings
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