Centaya - Focus 2020 Centaya - AMAZONE Info-Portal

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Centaya - Focus 2020 Centaya - AMAZONE Info-Portal

Centaya - Focus 2020 Centaya - AMAZONE Info-Portal

Pneumatic seed drill combinations
Maximum operational comfort – maximum precision

   “Pneumatic, electric, precise.”                                         “Left us with a convincing impression.”
                                                                                         (“profi” test report with Centaya 3000 Super · 12/2017)
   “The Centaya seed drill combination leaves a good impression
   with its precise sowing and accurate depth placement.”
 (“agrarheute” magazine – Test report with Centaya 3000 Super · 06/2018)
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2       3

The Centaya pneumatic harrow-mounted seed drill is a comfortable to operate and precise seed drill,
which can be mounted, from choice, on either the KX or KG rotary cultivators or also on the CombiDisc
mounted compact harrow. In working widths of 3 m to 4 m and with hopper capacities of 1,600 l or
2,000 l, the Centaya harrow-mounted seed drill is particularly effective. The Centaya harrow-mounted
seed drill is available with RoTeC Control single disc coulters or TwinTeC double disc coulters.


                                                                The advantages at a glance                              4

                                                                Seedbed preparation                                     6

                                                                QuickLink quick coupling system                         8

                                                                Seed hopper                                         10

                                                                SmartCenter                                         12

                                                                Metering system                                     14

                                                                Segmented distributor head                          16

                                                                RoTeC pro single disc coulter                       18

                                                                TwinTeC double disc coulter                         20

                                                                Harrow                                              22

                                                                Operation | AmaDrill 2 operator terminal            24

                                                                ISOBUS                                              26

                                                                ISOBUS | Job management |
                                                                GPS-Maps | GPS-Track | agrirouter                   28

                                                                ISOBUS | GPS-Switch                                 30

                                                                ISOBUS | ISOBUS terminals                           32

                                                                Optional equipment | Lighting | GreenDrill 200-E    36

                                                                Technical data                                      38

                      Centaya Super 3000 with KG 3001 Special
Centaya - Focus 2020 Centaya - AMAZONE Info-Portal

The precise and comfortable pneumatic harrow-mounted seed drill

                                                    In   3 m, 3.5 m and
                                                         4 m working widths

        E E Dwing
   S   P so

The advantages at a glance:
  Large capacity hopper with a centre of gravity
  very close to the tractor
  Hopper contents protected by a convenient
  roll-over hopper cover
  SmartCenter setting centre
  – Central adjustment of the placement depth
    on the TwinTeC double disc coulter
  – Coulter pressure adjustment from the cab
  – Calibration at the push of a button or via the TwinTerminal
  – Removable calibration tray on the left-hand side at ground level
  Quiet-running blower fan with low oil requirement
  Intuitive operation via the AmaDrill 2 in-cab terminal or an ISOBUS-compatible
  operator terminal
  Seed saving in wedge-shaped fields, thanks to the electric half side shut-off
  Active soil tillage with a rotary harrow or rotary cultivator, passive soil tillage using
  the CombiDisc compact disc harrow
  Versatile selection of rollers – the right roller for every soil type
  Highly-precise metering system with easily interchangeable metering rollers for different seeds
Centaya - Focus 2020 Centaya - AMAZONE Info-Portal
The advantages at a glance                                                    4    5

Seed hopper with             1,600 l or 2,000 l

                                                  Up to15 km/h
                                                  working speed

                                                       FOR FURTHER INFORMATION
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Seedbed preparation and sowing
All from a single source!

Stay flexible

The Centaya harrow-mounted seed drill can be, from
choice, combined with either a KX/KG rotary cultivator
or with the CombiDisc mounted compact disc harrow.
With various models of roller available, it is possible
to specify a complete unit of soil tillage and drill that
are perfectly matched to the prevailing soil conditions.

                                                                                         KG rotary cultivator
Versatile roller range –
for any location the right roller

           PW tooth packer                       TRW trapezium         Wedge ring     KWM wedge ring roller
            roller/600 mm                   roller/500 mm/600 mm   roller KW/580 mm     with Matrix tyre
                                                                                        profile/600 mm
Centaya - Focus 2020 Centaya - AMAZONE Info-Portal
Seedbed preparation                                                                6   7

                                                             CombiDisc mounted
                                                             compact disc harrow

KX rotary cultivator

    More detailed information can be found in the separate
    product brochure available from your sales partner
Centaya - Focus 2020 Centaya - AMAZONE Info-Portal

The choice is yours

Mounted or demounted –
clever, simple and flexible
Thanks to the QuickLink quick release coupling system on        In this way, the most appropriate and versatile sowing
the Centaya pneumatic combination, the seed drill can be        combination can be put together to cope with the most
easily and quickly linked to the various AMAZONE soil till-     diverse of soils and applications.
age machines without the need for tools.

Centaya harrow-mounted                     KX & KG rotary cultivator or             with roller
seed drill                                 CombiDisc compact disc harrow                PW tooth packer roller
                                                                                        TRW trapezium roller
                                                                                        KW wedge ring roller or
                                                                                        KWM wedge ring roller
                                                                                        with Matrix tyre profile
Centaya - Focus 2020 Centaya - AMAZONE Info-Portal
QuickLink quick coupling system                                                                                                   8   9

The Centaya 3000 Super harrow-mounted seed drill with the            Thanks to the QuickLink quick release coupling system, the
CombiDisc 3000 compact disc harrow                                   soil tillage implements are quickly uncoupled for solo use

QuickLink quick coupling system

Thanks to the intelligent QuickLink quick coupling system,
the drill combination can be very easily separated within
a few minutes. So, the soil tillage implement can also be
utilised perfectly in solo operation.

                                                                     Three easily-accessible coupling points of the QuickLink quick
                                                                     coupling system ensure the safe, tool less and quick coupling
                                                                     and uncoupling procedure.

CombiDisc 3000 compact disc harrow with the
Centaya 3000 Super harrow-mounted pneumatic drill

                                            KG 3001 Super rotary cultivator with the
                                            Centaya 3000 Super harrow-mounted pneumatic drill
Centaya - Focus 2020 Centaya - AMAZONE Info-Portal

Large capacity seed hopper
Efficient, easy handling, high-performing!

  Roll-over cover – quick and safe                                    “Now, the tank can be accessed perfectly via an additional
  The roll-over cover closes the hopper opening clean and tight.      folding ladder at the side and a large slip-resistant platform.”
  When the cover is opened up it rolls back taking up little space.                  (“profi” test report with Centaya 3000 Super · 12/2017)
Seed hopper                                                                                                                 10    11

Centaya 3000 Super                                               Convenient filling from big bags

The seed hopper                                                  Comfortable filling

From choice, the Centaya Super can be specified with either      An especially-wide loading board, accessible via folding
a 1,600 l or with a 2,000 l seed hopper. Via the steps and       side steps, simplifies the filling of the seed drill. The very
loading board, the hopper, which is made from plastic, can       spacious 2.43 x 0.91 m hopper opening enables a quick and
be easily accessed from the left hand side of the machine.       convenient filling procedure, not just from big bags, front
The hopper is positioned well forward thus keeping the           end loaders, but also via sacks.
centre of gravity near to the tractor and, thanks to its deep
                                                                 When filling from small sacks, the hopper protection sieves
hopper tip and steep hopper walls, the seed is consistently
                                                                 can be used both as a rest for the sacks while being opened
delivered to the metering system. Additionally, this design
                                                                 as well as being used for additional seed sacks which can
means that only small residual amounts are left in the hopper.
                                                                 be left unopened and transported to the field.
The benefits:
                                                                 Depending on seed and seed rate, the low level sensor can
   Large seed hopper with spacious hopper opening
                                                                 be height adjusted to suit so that the driver, at the desired
   Optimum machine centre of gravity
                                                                 contents level, receives a signal via the terminal.
   Convenient access, ideal also for filling with sacks
   or via a front end loader bucket

                                                                 Model                                     Working width
                                                                 Centaya 3000 Super                              3.0 m
                                                                 Centaya 3500 Super                              3.5 m
                                                                 Centaya 4000 Super                              4.0 m

   Centaya 3000 Super in 3 m working width                          Centaya 4000 Super in 4 m working width

Centralised and comfortable actuation




 SmartCenter for the Centaya 3000 Super   1 Remotely controlled opening                    5 Centralised setting
 with TwinTeC coulter system and hy-        of the calibration flap                          of the sowing depth
 draulic coulter pressure adjustment      2 Storage compartment for foldable bucket          (only on TwinTeC)
                                          3 TwinTerminal 3.0 (with Comfort-Pack 1)         6 Display of the sowing depth
                                          4 Storage compartment for the weigh scales         (only on TwinTeC)
SmartCenter                                                                                                                                    12      13

                                                                               Retractable calibration tray

SmartCenter                                                                The calibration concept

Via the SmartCenter, AMAZONE offers a very simple and clear                Convenient calibration via the SmartCenter on the left hand
layout of all the most important adjustments. Independent                  side of the drill thanks to the calibration button or, as an
to each other, the sowing depth and the coulter pressure in                option, using the TwinTerminal 3.0. For this, the tray for the
the SmartCenter are centrally adjusted at the left hand side.              calibration is placed directly underneath the metering unit.
Thanks to being able to just use the universal setting tool,               Subsequently the calibration tray can be removed comfort-
any adjustments are done quickly and easily.                               ably via the SmartCenter. Thanks to the intelligent integra-
                                                                           tion of this function, the calibration tray can be removed
                                                                           only when the metering flap has been closed via the re-
                                                                           mote linkage.
   “Directly in the vicinity, a plastic storage box has been fitted        During the calibration procedure, the seed is delivered safely
   which keeps together everything necessary for the calibration:          and cleanly into the calibration tray. Also decanting into the
   the small TwinTerminal calibration screen, weigh scales and             supplied folding bucket is done quickly, easily and comfort-
   a folding bucket – superb.”                                             ably. After calibration, the calibration tray is simply, with its
                 (“profi” test report with Centaya 3000 Super · 12/2017)   opening facing downwards, stored in the park position.
                                                                           With the standard digital weigh scales, the calibrated
                                                                           quantity can be weighed reliably and accurately. Additional
                                                                           storage space in the SmartCenter provides sufficient room
                                                                           for the folding bucket and the digital scales.

                                                                               “All the important settings on the seed drill are carried out
                                                                               from the left hand side. Calibration is quickly done.”
                                                                             (“agrarheute” magazine – test report with Centaya 3000 Super · 06/2018)

   Comfortable emptying of the calibration tray                                Calibration tray in calibration position

     System Airstar: reliable metering drive
     Simple adjustment and comfortable calibration

      1       ElectricDrive electric metering drive: the electric meter-
              ing drive is regulated via any ISOBUS terminal. The cali-
              bration, in conjunction with the electric drive, is very
              comfortable and offers additional functions, such as, for
              example, pre-metering of the seed in field corners and
              the increase and decrease of the seed rate on the move.
              For detecting the forward speed of the drill several dif-
              ferent signal sources are potentially available. In addition
                                                                                                   1                            4
              to the radar sensor or GPS signal, also the speed signal
              of the tractor can be utilised. Alternatively, the metering
              unit, and thus the seed rate, can be controlled fully au-
              tomatically via application maps.
      2       Quick emptying: the emptying of the seed in the hop-                                       3
              per is quickly and simply done via the quick emptying
              device which is easily accessible and fitted onto the
              seed hopper.
      3       Emptying of residual amounts: for emptying any resid-
              ual amounts, a slide is opened and the hopper contents
              emptied into the large calibration tray.
      4       Easy exchange of the metering cassettes: the cassettes
              of the seed metering system can easily be exchanged.
              This allows the precise and gentle metering of all seed
              types and seed rates with excellent distribution along
              the row even at high forward speeds.

                                                           O       Speed
                TECU OO
                                                           O       Operating position
                TECU    O

Signal cable or GPS signal O         O Operating position sensor                                         Operating position and speed signals
                                                                                                         The standard electric drive provides the pos-
                                                                                        O Radar sensor
                                                                                                         sibility to freely choose both the speed and
                                                                                                         also the working position signals. In this way,
                                                                                                         depending on the application, a flexible choice
                                                                                                         between the different sources is possible.
Metering system                                                                                                                         14      15

System Airstar: perfectly metered
Precise and gentle metering for different seed types

Comfort-Pack 1 with TwinTerminal 3.0

For simplifying the pre-metering, calibration or residue emp-
tying functions further, AMAZONE offers the Comfort-Pack 1
with TwinTerminal 3.0. Instead of the calibration button, the
TwinTerminal is fitted in the SmartCenter. The location of this
offers the decisive benefit that now the driver can input the
data directly at the machine as well as carrying out the cali-
bration procedure without the repeated climbing up and              Calibration via the TwinTerminal 3.0
down from the tractor cab.
The TwinTerminal 3.0 consists of a water and dust-proof
housing with a 3.2" display and 4 large keys for actuation.

Metering cassettes for any type of seed

Special metering cassettes for different application rates
precisely and gently deliver the seed up to the distributor
head. The 3 metering cassettes supplied as standard cover               The optional air intake sieve reduces the dust pollution
up to 95 % of all seeds. Additional cassettes, for instance for         and increases operational safety.
maize or special crops, are also available.
The interchangeable metering cassettes are suitable for the             “The electrically-driven metering cassettes can be quickly
following application rates: fine seeds (approx. < 15 kg/ha),           exchanged.”
medium sized seeds (approx. < 140 kg/ha), normal seeds                (“agrarheute” magazine – test report with Centaya 3000 Super · 06/2018)
(approx. > 140 kg/ha).

     7.5 ccm                   20 ccm                    120 ccm                    210 ccm                      600 ccm

     e.g. for linseed,         e.g. for rape, stubble    e.g. for catch crops,      e.g. for barley,             e.g. for spelt,
     poppies                   turnips, lucerne          maize and sunflowers       rye, wheat                   oats, wheat

Segmented distributor head
Flexible and precise

  Half-side and tramline control for asymmetrical tramlining rhythms
Segmented distributor head                                                                                                    16   17

Centaya Super with segmented distributor head                   Segmented distributor head with electric half-side shut-off

Segmented distributor head
with electric half-side shut-off                                Variable tramline control
The segmented distributor head is located behind the seed       With the aid of the tramline shut-offs, in total up to six seed
hopper and directly above the coulters. This arrangement        rows per side can be switched off. The resulting wider tram-
ensures a short conveying time for the seed.                    lines are well-suited for the use of husbandry tractors with
                                                                tyre widths up to 1,050 mm at a row spacing of 15 cm and
The optional electric half-side shut-off helps to reduce any
                                                                875 mm at a row spacing of 12.5 cm. In this way, AMAZONE
over-sowing on the headland or round the field border and
                                                                takes into account the demands due to wider and wider
thus saves seed. Via the half-side shut-off, the drill meter-
                                                                husbandry tractor tyres. Whilst shut off when tramlining,
ing can be comfortably controlled via the terminal in wedge
                                                                the seed rate is automatically reduced.
shaped fields or on a diagonal headland. Additionally, via
GPS, the automated switching of half the working width
is possible.
Either when using the electric half-side shut-off or during     Seed tube monitoring
a tramline bout, the seed rate is reduced automatically.
                                                                An additional useful assistance system is the optional seed
The benefits:
                                                                tube monitoring which immediately detects blockages at
   Electric half-side shut-off
                                                                the coulter and in the seed pipe. Directly behind the distrib-
   Short conveying times for the seed
                                                                utor head, sensors check the seed flow inside the seed tubes.
   Reduction in overlap saves seed
                                                                The system automatically detects when the drill is tramlining.
   Minimising dust creation inside the seed hopper
                                                                Especially during long working days, the monitoring is an
   because no seed is rerouted
                                                                elegant possibility to check the performance.

Mechanical half-side shut-off (deactivated)                     Segmented distributor head with electric half-side shut-off

RoTeC pro coulter                                                             The RoTeC coulter system
                                                                                                      : tried
                                                                             and tested 1,500,000 times
The universally-usable single disc coulter                                                              over!

                                                   Tool-free adjustment
                                             of sowing depth in 4 steps.

The maintenance-free
RoTeC pro single
disc coulters
                                                                                                        Reinforced support arm with
                                                                                                        a coulter pressure of up to 55 kg.
                                                                                                        Central coulter pressure

                                                                                               25 mm or 10 mm “Control” depth
                                                                                               control and cleaning roller for even
                                                                                               depth control.

                                                400 mm ∅ sowing disc
                                                made of boron steel for             Furrow former for a clean
                                            a smooth run of the coulter.            profile seed furrow.

                  Exact harrow for                                             Seed guide tube down to the furrow former
                  excellent seed coverage.                                     for even seed placement.

Goes right up to the limit of practical
operation and placement                                                Quality and reliability throughout:

The RoTeC pro single disc coulter shows its strengths, espe-               Coulter discs made from high grade Boron steel
cially on cohesive soils, no matter whether early or late in               for an even more prolonged service life
the year. Thanks to the depth guidance directly on the sow-                Wear-resistant and self-cleaning Control 10 depth
ing disc, the coulter depth guidance and the reconsolidation               guidance discs and Control 25 depth guidance rollers
via the harrow are completely decoupled from each other. The               for the exact adjustment of the placement depth
slim design of the concave disc, furrow former and cleaning                Decoupling coulter guidance and reconsolidation
disc also provides excellent through passage of crop residues              for a smoother coulter run and a universal response
and soil, even on a close row spacing.                                     to the weather conditions
RoTeC pro single disc coulter                                                                                                          18     19

                                                                                                             Coulter pressure


                                                                                 Decoupling of coulter and Roller harrow pressure

Depth guidance                                                                Coulter pressure adjustment

One of the unbeatable advantages of the RoTeC coulter is that                 The coulter pressure is infinitely-variable with the adjust-
there is no connection between depth control and the recon-                   ment being carried out hydraulically from the tractor cab
solidation system. This means that the coulter is raised only                 and this serves to maintain an easy matching of the sowing
once when passing a stone. Furthermore, the coulter and                       depth and allows the quick adaptation to the prevailing soil
roller pressure can be adjusted independently of each other.                  conditions. RoTeC pro coulters can be operated with a coulter
This very even and accurately controlled way of guiding the                   pressure of up to 55 kg. Here the coulter pressure is applied
RoTeC coulter is ensured by the Control 10 depth guidance                     100 % to the sowing disc though.
disc, with its 10 mm wide contact area, or the Control 25 depth
guidance roller, with its 25 mm wide contact area, mounted
directly on the coulter.
The basic setting of the sowing depth takes place without
tools and in 4 steps, directly on the coulter.

                                                                                4 adjustments


    Control 25 depth                    Furrow                    Sowing                                    Control 10
     guidance roller                    former                     disc                                 depth guidance disc

    RoTeC pro coulter (∅ 400 mm)                                                 RoTeC pro coulter (∅
                                                                                                    ∅ 400 mm)
    with Control 25 depth guidance roller                                        with Control 10 depth guidance disc
    The cleats, open at the rear, provide a very good self-cleaning effect.

TwinTeC coulter
The high-output double disc coulter

                                                                       “We very much liked the TwinTeC coulter system.”
                                                                     (“agrarheute” – magazine test report with Centaya 3000 Super · 06/2018)

Clean and precise seed placement                                    Proven and reliable

When equipped with the highly-efficient TwinTeC coulter,            And thanks to the way that the coulters are mounted onto
AMAZONE offers a precise and robust double disc coulter             the contour-following coulter rail, central adjustment of the
for this harrow-mounted seed drill. The new double disc             coulter pressure is possible. Since the sowing depth is main-
system is in addition to the proven RoTeC pro single disc           tained by means of the depth guidance rollers, the sowing
coulter.                                                            depth of all the coulters can be adjusted centrally from 0 to
                                                                    6 cm independently of the coulter pressure. From choice,
The TwinTeC coulter system ensures a clean seed placement.
                                                                    a row spacing of either 12.5 cm or 15 cm is available.
With a coulter pressure of up to 60 kg/coulter, the coulter
travels very smoothly through the soil and precisely places         The TwinTeC double disc coulter is completely mainte-
the seed at the optimum depth.                                      nance-free and thus fulfils highest demands.

                                                                                           Perfect parallelogram with the top link
Insight into the maintenance-free TwinTeC                                                  for central adjustment of the sowing depth
double disc coulter                                                                        from 0 to 6 cm.

                                                                                                       Centralised, 100% independent
  Adjustable harrow: the angle                                                                         adjustment of the placement
 of attack is adjusted according                                                                       depth and coulter pressure.
   to the level of straw residue.
                                                                                        TwinTeC mounted on rubber elements
                                                                                        for shock absorption and central adaptation
                                                                                        of the coulter pressure from 0 to 60 kg.

                                                                                        Protective steel front plate.

                                                                                        Spacer discs for adjustment
                                                                                        to compensate for disc wear.

                                                                         Fastening of the discs in 5 locations with recessed Torx screws.
                                                                         No wear on the fixing discs.

                                                                       Maintenance-free bearings.
                    Depth guidance                                     No lubrication points on maintenance-free coulter.
                rollers/press rollers:         Internal scraper –
                  50 or 65 mm wide                  optionally in   Double disc ∅ 340 mm, angle of 10°,
                 (optional scrapers).               a HD variant.   row spacing 12.5 and 15 cm.
TwinTeC double disc coulter                                                                                                  20     21

Scraper for the depth guidance roller (optional equipment)        Hard metal inner scraper (optional equipment)

Depth guidance                                                    Scrapers

Behind every TwinTeC coulter, a parallel-guided depth guid-       Inner scrapers are fitted to the double disc coulters to ensure
ance roller provides the exact depth control so that the sow-     the smooth coulter travel. As an option, hard-faced scrapers
ing depth of every individual TwinTeC coulter is maintained.      for very cohesive, loamy soils are available.
Thanks to the large coulter clearance of 195 mm and the
connection to the depth guidance roller via the top guided
roller carrier, sufficient space remains so that blockage-free
operation is maintained. Due to the sowing discs’ low angle
of attack of 10°, a superb passage of material is ensured         Depth guidance roller
even at high forward speeds and copious amounts of crop
residues. The optionally available scraper system for the         Two different depth guidance rollers are available from
depth guidance roller provides a reliable sowing depth –          choice: either the Control 50 mm depth guidance roller
even under moist and sticky conditions.                           which has the highest through passage and is ideal for
                                                                  heavy, good carrying-ability soils, whereas the Control 65
                                                                  mm depth guidance roller offers a higher carrying-ability
Coulter pressure adjustment                                       and so is better suited to light soil regions.

As all the coulters are suspended in a parallelogram guided
frame, a central and stepless adjustment of the coulter
pressure is possible. It is possible, for instance, in the area
behind the tractor wheels, to increase the coulter pressure
by another 6 kg using additional tensioning springs.
As an option, hydraulic coulter pressure adjustment is avail-
able allowing the comfortable matching of the coulter pres-
sure from the tractor cab. The hydraulic coulter lift enables
the coulters to be raised by up to 145 mm. This coulter lift                    –                                  +
is of great help when working in field corners.
                                                                             Control 50                         Control 65

Central setting of the sowing depth                               Hydraulic coulter lift (optional equipment)

Exact harrow

The Exact harrow can be used in conjunction with the
RoTeC pro coulter system as well as the TwinTeC coulters.
The Exact harrow tine has a thickness of 10 mm, is low-wear-
ing and provides excellent seed coverage. The Exact follow-
ing harrow serves for both coverage of the open seed furrows
and for levelling. It operates, even where there are large
amounts of surface straw, blockage free. With its individu-
ally pivoting harrow elements, the Exact harrow follows
the undulations of the soil perfectly, ensuring an even seed
coverage on soils either with or without straw.
The harrow pressure is adjusted mechanically by pre-tension-
ing the harrow springs. When equipped with the optional          Exact S following harrow
hydraulic harrow pressure adjustment, locating pins prede-
termine the minimum and maximum settings. So, the harrow         The Exact following harrow is also available in the heavier
pressure and the coulter pressure can be simultaneously          Exact harrow S version. With its 12 mm tine diameter, it of-
matched to changing soils via just one tractor spool valve       fers even more wear area and thus is resistant to the most
whilst on the move.                                              arduous of operational conditions.
When sowing under less than the optimum conditions, e.g.
on moist and heavy soils, the Exact following harrow pays off.

Exact harrow
Harrow                                                            22   23

Coulter harrow on the TwinTeC coulter

Each TwinTeC coulter can be equipped as an option with
a directly-mounted covering harrow tine. The coulter harrow
creates additional loose soil over the furrow. This is particu-
larly of help in heavy soils or in sloping terrain where they
can prevent capping as well as the formation of any drainage
Thanks to the sprung harrow brackets, even in undulating
ground the depth guidance is carried out without problem.
In addition, every harrow can be adjusted as required. To
compensate for wear and tear, the harrow can be readjusted
in 7 steps down to a length of 150 mm. Also the intensity
of the harrow is settable via the repositioning of a pin in
three steps (30°, 45° and 60°). Its profile needs less space
and less weight and, due to the shorter space needed,
sowing can be carried out right into field corners.

Coulter harrow on the TwinTeC coulter

Operation and transport made easy!
For efficient and easy operation

Universal setting tool –
the tool for every need
The universal setting tool is the ideal solution that avoids
the transportation of and the troublesome searching for
of more than one spanner.
Due to its ergonomic shape and the position of all the
setting points, any adjustment can be changed instantly.

                                                               Universal setting tool

It is possible to set the following:
   Adjusting the track marker,                                 Adjusting the Exact following harrow,
   Adjusting the coulter pressure,                             Height adjustment of the levelling board,
   Setting of the sowing depth (with the TwinTeC coulters)     Adjusting the side plates,
   Adjusting the pre-emergence markers,                        Opening the protection sieve,
Operation | AmaDrill 2 operater terminal                                                                                      24   25

AmaDrill 2
Our reliable assistant

                                                                   AmaDrill 2 operator terminal

Simple and comfortable                                             Functions of the AmaDrill 2:

AmaDrill 2 has been developed especially for AMAZONE                  Electronic tramlining control
seed drills and is a cost-effective yet, however, a comfortable,      Control of the pre-emergence markers
easy to use terminal. With the AmaDrill 2 in-cab terminal, the        Control and monitoring of the electric metering drive
operation of the AMAZONE seed drill is possible even without          (application rate/half-side shut-off/calibration)
any ISOBUS function on your tractor. On the high-contrast,            Control of the LED work lights (optional)
4.7 inch display, you see all necessary operational settings          Fill level monitoring
at a glance. For all functions the relevant keys are arranged         Hectare meter
around the display making for a convenient handling. Espe-            Speed display
cially practical: every function has its own key so that any          Storing of different machine settings
inconvenient switching over from one setting to another is            and seed parameters

The benefits:
   Operation without any ISOBUS function on the tractor
   Clear, intuitive and self-explanatory operation
   Each function has its own key
   Ergonomical, practical, logical
   Clear display on an easily-readable, backlit display

Machine operation in the digital age

                                                                Operation with a wide variety of
One language, many benefits!                                    ISOBUS terminals
AMAZONE offers state-of-the-art technology with virtually       This means that you can control all your ISOBUS-compatible
unlimited possibilities with every ISOBUS-compatible ma-        equipment using a single terminal. You only have to connect
chine. It makes no difference whether you use an operator       the machinery to the respective ISOBUS terminal and the
terminal by AMAZONE or an existing ISOBUS terminal in your      usual operator interface appears on the monitor in your
tractor. ISOBUS indicates a global standard for communication   tractor cab.
between the operator terminal, tractors and connected im-
plements, on the one hand, and agricultural office software     Benefits of ISOBUS:
on the other.                                                      International standardisation provides uniform interfaces
                                                                   and data formats, meaning that compatibility with other
                                                                   vendors is ensured
                                                                   Plug and Play between the machinery, tractor and other
                                                                   ISOBUS equipment
ISOBUS                                                                                                              26    27

AMAZONE – more than just ISOBUS
Improved control, more yield! Precision Farming 4.0

Our competence in electronics

To increase the operational convenience, AMAZONE imple-         Unique operation concept. Freely-configurable displays
ments and operator terminals feature a function scope far       and individual user interfaces in the operator terminal
beyond ISOBUS standards.                                        Up to 3 user profiles are possible. Establish for each
                                                                driver or operation an individual user profile!
The benefits of more than just ISOBUS:                          Freely-configurable machine operation as, for instance,
   Highest compatibility and safety function of your            the folding procedure of the booms of your AMAZONE
   ISOBUS equipment                                             crop protection sprayer
   No additional modules on the machine. All ISOBUS             Tractor ECU function utilisation
   machinery by AMAZONE is already equipped as standard         Automatic motion sequence detection such as the
   with the necessary ISOBUS functions.                         automatic locking of a steering axle when reversing.
   MiniView display with all AMAZONE terminals                  Integrated TaskController data logger. As a matter of
   and additional ISOBUS terminals. See, for instance,          principle, every ISOBUS telemetry solution is possible
   the machine data in the GPS view.                            (for example, TONI telemetry by CLAAS).
   The possibility of using the tractor terminal or in          Freely-configurable part width sections
   a twin terminal solution to separate the functionalities
   of tractor and connected implement.

                                                              More than

Make full use
of the possibilities

Job management and documentation
All ISOBUS terminals by AMAZONE can record and save               GPS-Maps enables uncomplicated part-area site specific
both machine data and location-based data via the Task            management because this software module provides easy
Controller, as standard. The collected data can then be           use of application maps in a Shape file format. Here, either
used in your Farm Management Information System.                  the required rate of the actual material to be spread or also
                                                                  the required active ingredient rate can be directly pro-
    Create or load jobs with ease
    Processing jobs
    Document and export the work done                                 Intuitive system to process application maps
    Processing of application maps in an ISO-XML format               Automatic part-area, site specific regulation
                                                                      of the application rate
                                                                      Optimum crop management via need-oriented
                                                                      Equipped as standard for AmaTron 4 and AmaPad 2

The GPS-Track parallel steering aid proves to be an enormous
aid for orientation in the field, especially also on grassland
or fields without tramlines. It features various track modes
such as A-B line and contour line driving. The deviation from
the ideal line is graphically displayed via an integrated light
bar. Thanks to the clear steering recommendations with exact
tramline distances you always remain in the track.
    With a virtual light bar in the status line
    Equipped as standard for AmaPad 2
    Optional for AmaTron 4

GPS-Track –                                                       GPS-Maps –
your parallel driving                                             part-area,
aid in the field                                                  site specific application
ISOBUS | Job management | GPS-Maps | GPS-Track | agrirouter                                                                                  28       29

agrirouter –
The independent data hub for agriculture

                                                                              Full control –
Simple and secure data exchange                                               Decide for yourself!
AMAZONE opens the way to universal data exchange by                           The agrirouter simplifies data exchange by allowing job
means of the manufacturer-independent agrirouter. The                         data and application maps to be exchanged wirelessly with
agrirouter enables data to be exchanged between AMAZONE                       AMAZONE machines. This simplifies operational procedures,
machinery, agricultural software, manufacturers and com-                      reduces administration time and improves efficiency. In this
panies both securely and without any complications.                           respect, you are the only one who has data sovereignty and
                                                                              can decide who receives which data and to what extent.

Benefits of the agrirouter:
   Uncomplicated and easy handling
   Convenient and high-speed transmission
   Full control of your data
   Data is transported, not stored
                                                              Machine manufacturers                                                        Farmer
   Manufacturer-independent use

                                                              App providers                                                            Contractors

                                                              Equipment manufacturers                                                       Dealer

                                                                                                                                                           Source DKE-Data GmbH & Co. KG

                                                              Food industry                                                             Consultant

                                                              External data exchange platforms                           External service providers

AMAZONE enables connection to the ISOBUS machinery via the AmaTron 4

Automatic GPS-Switch part-area
shut-off with Section Control

                                                                                              Virtual headland
                                                                                              Field application maps for different
                                                                                              seed rates are also possible
                                                                                              Worked area

                                                                                                                  With half-side

                                                                                                  The seed drill automatically
                                                                                                  switches off precisely

Accurate placement of the seed

To avoid the over and under sowing at critical areas that of-   half so that, especially in short-work and on the headland,
ten occurs in practice, precise sowing is very important. The   a significant saving is achieved. The two halves of the drill
remedy for the accurate placement is offered by the half-side   each correspond to one controllable part-width section.
shut-off control that reduces the relevant working width to
ISOBUS | GPS-Switch                                                                                                                       30   31

                                                           The implement
                                                      is manually switched
                                                                on and off

Over or under-sowing with manual on/off control without GPS-Switch              Position dependent, automatic control, both on and off,
                                                                                of the electric metering unit via GPS-Switch

Automatic part-width section control
If the terminal to be operated features Section Control, such                   With GPS-Switch, AMAZONE offers a GPS-based, fully auto-
as, for example, GPS-Switch part-width section control from                     matic, part-width section control for all AMAZONE operator
AMAZONE, the switching of the part-width sections can be                        terminals and ISOBUS compatible fertiliser spreaders, crop
carried out completely automatically and in relation to the                     protection sprayers or seed drills.
GPS position. Once a field has been established by the driv-
                                                                                GPS-Switch basic
er, then, in the automatic mode, they can fully concentrate
                                                                                   Automatic part-width section control of up to
on handling the vehicle whilst the switching of the part-width
                                                                                   16 part-width sections
sections in wedges and on the headland is carried out auto-
                                                                                   Optional for AmaTron 4
                                                                                GPS-Switch pro
Benefits of the automatic part-width section control:
                                                                                   Automatic part-width section control for up to
   Stress relief on the driver
                                                                                   128 part width sections
   Increase in precision especially at night or at higher
                                                                                   Creation of a virtual headland
                                                                                   Creation of Point of Interests (POI)
   Less overlaps and gaps
                                                                                   Automatc boom lowering on an AMAZONE crop
   Saving of resources
                                                                                   protection sprayer
   Less crop damage and environmental impact
                                                                                   Equipped as standard on AmaPad 2
                                                                                   Optional for AmaTron 4
    “With Section Control, the ISOBUS terminal takes over much
    of the work from the driver.”
     (“dlz agrar magazine” – Test report ZA-TS fertiliser spreader · 02/2017)

ISOBUS terminals from AMAZONE
intuitive, comfortable, better – workday made easy

From simple to high-tech –                                                     Everything in view
everything is possible                                                         with the 2 terminal solution
With the ISOBUS-compatible AmaTron 4 and the AmaPad 2,                         In addition to the possibility of operating the AMAZONE
AMAZONE offers two extremely convenient operator terminals                     ISOBUS machinery via the tractor terminal, there is the
for your ISOBUS machinery. In addition to the pure machine                     practical alternative of separating the functions of the trac-
operation, even more application possibilities are available,                  tor and the connected implement and operating them via
such as, for example, the automatic GPS-Switch (Section                        two terminals. The tractor terminal can continue to control
Control) part-width section control.                                           the tractor or also display the GPS applications whereas the
                                                                               additional operator terminal in its UT display mode is fully
   All applications come pre-installed and can be initially
                                                                               utilised to monitor and control the machine.
   tested free of charge.
   Intuitive and clear actuation

 Terminal                                                           AmaTron 4                                           AmaPad 2
 Display                                                 8" multi-touch colour display                   12.1" multi-touch colour display
 Operation                                                   Touch and 12 soft keys                                        Touch
                                                                  1 x Ethernet                                     1 x Ethernet
 Interfaces                                                  2 x RS232 (GPS & ASD)                           2 x RS232 (GPS & ASD)
                                                                2x USB interfaces                       2x USB interfaces with WLAN stick

 Job management and processing                                   GPS-Maps&Doc
                                                                                                                     Task Controller
 of application maps (ISO-XML and Shape)                    with integrated Task Controller

                                                                    GPS-Track *                                       GPS-Track pro
 Parallel steering aid
                                                                 with virtual light bar                             with virtual light bar

                                                                                                                     GPS-Track Auto
 Automatic track guidance                                                  –
                                                                                                    for the Pantera self-propelled crop protection sprayer

 Automatic part-width section shut-off                         GPS-Switch basic *                                   GPS-Switch pro
 (Section Control)                                        with up to 16 part-width sections                  with up to 128 part-width sections
 Note: Bear in mind the max. no. of part-width                 or GPS-Switch pro
       sections of the implement!                         with up to 128 part-width sections

                                                            1x camera connection *
 Camera connection                                                                                             2x camara connections *
                                                      with AmaCam automatic reversing detection

                                                                                                                                             * = optional
Electronics | ISOBUS terminals                                                                                                   32      33

All from a single source!

Thanks to the AUX-N feature, you can operate multiple
functions of the machine via AmaPilot+ or any other
ISOBUS multi-function joystick.

                                                                  Field menu                 Adjustments

The benefits of AmaPilot+:
   Perfect ergonomics
   Almost every function
   directly controlled via 3 levels
   Adjustable palm rest                                         “The ISOBUS control is an in-house development from
   Freely-programmable,                                         AMAZONE and has been designed clearly and is easily under-
   individual key layout                                        standable. If desired, some keys can be freely allocated. Also
    “The joystick rest comfortably in the hand.”                the multi-function display can be freely selected.”
  (“dlz agrar magazine” – Test report Pantera 4502 · 02/2016)       (“agrarheute” magazine – test report Centaya seed drill · 06/2018)

AmaTron 4
Manager 4 all

Simple and convenient operation
as intuitive as your tablet
Why not handle a terminal as intuitively like a tablet or         Benefits of AmaTron 4:
a smartphone? With this in mind AMAZONE has developed                Automatic full screen mode when not being touched
the highly intuitive and operator-friendly AmaTron 4 which           Practical MiniView concept
offers a noticeably smoother operational process, especially         Operation via touch display or via soft keys
when it comes to job management. AmaTron 4, with its 8"              Especially intuitive and user-friendly
multi-touch colour display, meets the highest demands and            Field-related documentation
offers you maximum user-friendliness. Via a finger swipe or          Practice-oriented and intelligent menu navigation
via the App carousel, one quickly gets from application to           Day-night mode
application and to the clearly and simply structured opera-
tor terminal. The practical MiniView, a freely configurable
status bar and an integrated light bar make the AmaTron 4         Equipped as standard with:
exceptionally easy and convenient to use.

   The AmaCam automatic reversing detection system provides          Machine operation (UT, Universal Terminal)
   direct access to the reversing camera and prevents dangerous      in day and night mode
ISOBUS | ISOBUS terminals                                                                                              34   35

AmaPad 2
An especially comfortable method
of controlling agricultural machinery

The new dimension
of control and monitoring
With AmaPad 2, AMAZONE offers an especially high perfor-         Benefits of AmaPad 2:
mance operator terminal. The 12.1" multi-touch colour display       Large 12.1" multi-touch colour display
is particularly comfortable and fulfils the highest demands         Expanded MiniView concept
on Precision Farming. The operation of AmaPad is carried            Upgrade to automatic steering is possible thanks
out solely via touch.                                               to the automatic GPS-Track Auto track guidance
                                                                    Day-night mode
With the practical “MiniView concept”, applications which
aren’t being actively operated at that moment but need to
be monitored are clearly displayed at the side. If needs be,
these can be enlarged by “fingertip” widening. The possibility   Equipped as standard with:
of individualising a “dashboard panel” with the displays of
choice rounds up the user ergonomics.                            GPS-Maps pro
In addition to GPS-Switch pro, part-width section control        GPS-Track pro
with GPS-Track pro also a professional parallel steering aid     GPS-Switch pro
with integrated light bar is installed as standard.

Equipment levels
that meet all demands

LED lighting                                                              LED work lights –
for road transport                                                        night becomes day
Thanks to the use of the most up-to-date LED lighting, the                Optional work lights provide excellent visibility for the op-
machine is made easily visible during road transport at all               erator at night. By the pivoting the LED lights, the working
times. This robust technology provides long-lasting and                   range to the side and behind the sowing combination can
safe operation of the machine.                                            be optimally lit. The work lights can be comfortably
                                                                          switched on via the terminal.
The interior illumination of the seed hopper is linked to the
LED lighting for road transport. It serves as a help during
the filling process and for checking the fill level.

   Hand wash tank for more cleanliness in the tractor cab
   A hand wash tank can be integrated in the machine on the right hand
   side so that the operator can wash off any seed dressing, etc. after
   filling or adjusted the machine.

                                                                          LED lighting for road transport   LED work lights
Equipment | Lighting | GreenDrill 200-E                                                                                      36     37

Catch crop sowing and under-sowing
crops with GreenDrill 200-E

    GreenDrill seed hopper

The GreenDrill universal catch crop seeder box is the ideal        For the control of the machine, the in-cab terminal 5.2 is
solution for sowing catch crops or undersown crops in a sin-       available which gives the operator control of the seed shaft
gle pass. The GreenDrill seed hopper which is easily accessed      and the blower fan speed. In addition, an options' menu is
via the loading step, has a capacity of 200 l. The distribution    available to assist the calibration as well as also indicating
all across the surface is carried out via baffle plates. The de-   the forward speed, the worked area and the working hours.
livery point can be adjusted to be in front of or behind the       The seed shaft speed automatically matches to the varying
harrow.                                                            forward speeds as soon as the on-board computer is con-
                                                                   nected via the 7-pin tractor signal socket.

The benefits
    Sowing catch crops and fine seeds simultaneously
    with stubble cultivation or soil tillage
    Various metering cassettes available
    Wide distribution via baffle plates
    Easily filling via access steps
    Modern operator station in two equipment levels

    Baffle plates

Technical data

 Also, out on the road, the 3 m transport width makes it quick on route
Technical data                                                                                                                                           38      39

Centaya harrow-mounted seed drill
                                                                               Centaya 3000 Super           Centaya 3500 Super      Centaya 4000 Super
Coulter system                                                                  RoTeC pro/TwinTeC            RoTeC pro/TwinTeC      RoTeC pro/TwinTeC
Working width (m)                                                                        3.00                         3.50                   4.00
Transport width (m)                                                                      3.00                         3.50                   4.00
Power requirement from (kW/HP)                                                         81/110                       103/140                132/180
Hopper capacity (l)                                                                                              1,600/2,000
Filling height (m)                                                                                                 2.17/2.25
Filling width (m)                                                                                                     2.43
Filling depth (m)                                                                                                     0.91
Number of rows                                                                          20/24                        24/28                  26/32
Row spacing (cm)                                                                     15.0/12.5                     14.6/12.5              15.4/12.5
Weight with RoTeC pro coulter without soil tillage (kg)                            1,239¹/1,254²                 1,367¹/1,383²          1,509¹/1,524²
Weight with TwinTeC coulter without soil tillage (kg)                              1,307¹/1,322²                 1,435¹/1,450²          1,613¹/1,629²
Weight with KX 01 Special//RoTeC pro coulter/PW 600 (kg)                           3,095¹/3,110²                 3,415¹/3,431²          3,763¹/3,778²
Weight with KG 01 Special/TwinTeC coulter/KW 580 (kg)                              3,168¹/3,183²                 3,465¹/3,480²          3,861¹/3,877²

² Weight of basic machine 1,600 l with coulter set, 12.5 cm row spacing, Exact following harrow
² Weight of basic machine 2,000 l with coulter set, 12.5 cm row spacing, Exact following harrow

The permissible axle loads and total weights of the tractor have to be checked. Adhere to the legal regulations for road transport in each particular country.
Not all the above mentioned combination possibilities can be realised on all tractor types and/or according to the relevant national regulations.

Illustrations, content and technical data are not binding! Technical data may deviate according to the level of equipment.
Machine illustrations can vary due to country-specific traffic legislation.
Illustrations, content and technical data are not binding! Technical data may deviate according to the level of equipment.
Machine illustrations can vary due to country-specific traffic legislation.

                                 AMAZONEN-WERKE H. Dreyer GmbH & Co. KG
                                 P. O. Box 51 · 49202 Hasbergen-Gaste/Germany
                                 Phone +49 (0)5405 501-0 · Fax +49 (0)5405 501-193

MI7731 (en_GB) 01.20             Printed in Germany               www.amazone.de                 www.amazone.co.uk           E-Mail: amazone@amazone.de
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