Global Food Safety Initiative - Food Safety Auditor Competencies - Edition 1 | November 2013

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Global Food Safety Initiative - Food Safety Auditor Competencies - Edition 1 | November 2013
Global Food Safety
Food Safety Auditor Competencies

    Edition 1 | November 2013
GFSI Food Safety Auditor Competencies
                                                                                                              Edition 1| November 2013

Introduction................................................................................................................................................. 3
The GFSI Competence Model........................................................................................................................ 4

GFSI Food Safety Auditor Competencies in Detail ......................................................................................... 5
   1.       Auditing Skills & Knowledge ...................................................................................................................... 5
        1.1 Plan and organise work effectively .......................................................................................................... 5

        1.2 Conduct the audit within the agreed timeframe ..................................................................................... 6
        1.3 Communicate with auditee personnel at all levels .................................................................................. 7
        1.4 Collect evidence by conducting interviews .............................................................................................. 8

        1.5 Collect evidence by observation & inquiry .............................................................................................. 8

        1.6 Collect evidence by review of documentation and records .................................................................... 8
        1.7 Analyse, verify, and consolidate audit evidence and generate findings .................................................. 9

        1.8 Prepare written audit reports and follow up and conclusions .............................................................. 10

   2.       Technical Skills & Knowledge ................................................................................................................... 11
        2.1 Food Safety Management (FSM) Requirements for Industry Scopes Al, All, Bl, C, D, El, Ell, Elll, ElV,
            and L .................................................................................................................................................... 11

        2.2 Good Agricultural/Aquaculture Practice (GAP) Requirements for Industry Scopes Al, All, Bl, and Bll20
        2.3 Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) Requirements for Industry Scopes D, El, Ell, Elll, ElV, and L ..... 21
        2.4 HACCP Requirements for all GFSI Industry Sectors ............................................................................. 27
   3. Behavior and Systems Thinking .................................................................................................................... 30
        3.1 Auditor Conduct and Behaviour .......................................................................................................... 30
        3.2 Systems Thinking. ................................................................................................................................ 30
        3.3 Organizational Behaviour .................................................................................................................... 31

References ................................................................................................................................................. 32

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GFSI Food Safety Auditor Competencies
                                                                              Edition 1| November 2013


Competence:           The demonstrated ability to apply knowledge and skills to achieve intended results.
                                                                 GFSI Guidance Document 6 Edition Part IV, Glossary of Terms

As GFSI benchmarked schemes have increased in number and international coverage, the consistency and
rigor of the audit process has become increasingly important. Recognising this the GFSI Board established a
multi‐disciplinary Auditor Competence Scheme Committee (ACSC) to manage generic food safety auditor
competencies underpinning all GFSI benchmarked schemes, and to oversee a process for assessing
competencies and credentialing auditors of GFSI benchmarked standards.
The ACSC has developed a competency model for use by all GFSI stakeholders. The competencies have been
validated using a professional testing organisation, and revised based on the outcomes of that study (2012).
They have also been compared for alignment with the competencies outlined in ISO/DTS 22003 (as at July
2013), and those being developed by other international organisations for use by regulatory and commercial
food safety auditors.
The competencies outlined in this document are those identified as applicable to all post farm‐gate food
manufacturing sectors. The ACSC is currently working on pre farm gate requirements, and will add further
competencies as GFSI Technical Working groups publish requirements for other industry scopes (eg brokers,
retail). The ACSC is also working on examination and assessment methodologies and options for credentialing
auditors of GFSI benchmarked standards.
In the meantime, we invite all GFSI stakeholders to review, utilise as appropriate, and comment on the GFSI
food safety auditor competencies. Constructive comments are welcome and should be addressed to
The references to GFSI scheme scopes in Section 2. Technical Skills and Knowledge relate to the scopes in the
GFSI Guidance Document that are illustrated below. For more information, please refer to the GFSI Guidance
Document, downloadable as a pdf from the GFSI web‐site

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GFSI Food Safety Auditor Competencies
                                                                           Edition 1| November 2013

The GFSI Competence Model

The GFSI competency model lists the knowledge and skills required to complete the common, generic tasks
conducted by all food safety auditor auditing GFSI benchmarked standards. It is based on the key elements
identified in part lll of the GFSI Guidance Document, edition 6.
GFSI recognises that these are only foundation competencies and scheme‐specific knowledge and skills are
also required, and that additional higher‐level technical skills can be developed once industry scopes are
harmonised across all GFSI benchmarked schemes.
The competencies can be summarised as follows:
1.         Auditing Skills & Knowledge
Auditing competencies common across all management system audits.
1.1     Plan and organise work effectively
1.2     Conduct the audit within the agreed timeframe
1.3     Communicate with auditee personnel at all
1.4     Collect evidence by conducting interviews
                                                                                     1. Auditing Skills
1.5     Collect evidence by observation and inquiry                                    & Knowledge

1.6     Collect evidence by review of documentation
        and records
1.7     Analyse, verify and consolidate audit evidence                      2. Technical          3. Behavior &
        and generate audit findings                                            Skills &              Systems
                                                                             Knowlege                Thinking
1.8     Prepare written audit reports

2.         Technical Skills & Knowledge
Knowledge and skills required to audit the key elements identified in the GFSI Guidance Document, edition 6,
Part lll: Scheme scopes and key elements
2.1     Food Safety Management (FSM) Requirements for Industry Scopes Al, All, Bl, C, D, El, Ell, Elll, ElV, and L
2.2     Good Agricultural/Aquaculture Practice (GAP) Requirements for Industry Scopes Al, All, Bl, and Bll
2.3     Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) Requirements for Industry Scopes D, El, Ell, Elll, ElV, and L

2.4     HACCP Requirements for all GFSI Industry Sectors

3.         Behavior and Systems Thinking
3.1     Auditor Conduct and Behavior (personal behavior, audit leadership)
3.2     Systems Thinking (critical thinking, problem solving, root cause analysis)
3.3     Organizational Behaviour and Practices

The competencies are listed in detail in the following pages.

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GFSI Food Safety Auditor Competencies in Detail

1.       Auditing Skills & Knowledge

                 Task                                          Required Auditor Knowledge                                                     Required Auditor Skills

1.1 Plan and organise work effectively   Knowledge of:                                                               Ability to:
                                            terms and definitions applied to auditing of GFSI benchmarked               organize audit timing based on audit duration
                                             standards                                                                   establish initial contact with the auditee
                                            the principles of auditing as outlined in ISO 17021 :2011, ISO 19011        initiate an audit
                                             and GFSI scheme management guidelines
                                                                                                                         confirm the audit objectives, scope, and criteria
                                            the objectives and methodology involved in an audit of a GFSI
                                                                                                                         determine the feasibility of the audit
                                             benchmarked standard
                                                                                                                         plan on‐site audit activities including evaluation of the audit
                                            the key activities involved in a food safety audit program
                                                                                                                          criteria, (including specific scheme criteria), identification of
                                            the roles and responsibilities of auditors, Certification Bodies, and        organizational and functional units, products, and or processes to
                                             auditee personnel                                                            be audited, and the role and responsibility of the auditor(s)
                                            management of an audit program.                                             prepare audit plans, checklists, sampling plans, and evidence forms
                                            initiating an audit of a GFSI benchmarked standard                           necessary to meet the audit objectives
                                            the purpose and conduct of a document review                                direct and support technical experts (if applicable)
                                            planning for an on‐site audit                                               develop the audit report format and distribution including the
                                            types and forms of management systems and product systems and                storage and confidentiality of audit reports
                                             where GFSI benchmarked standards audits fit within that context             identify auditee contacts and communicate the audit plan and
                                                                                                                          timetable to the auditee
                                                                                                                         review and/or research the history of the facility

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1.2 Conduct the audit within the agreed     Knowledge of:                                                           Ability to:
timeframe                                      time management tools and techniques within the context of a site       apply time management tools and techniques that identify the
                                                audit                                                                    individual tasks during the audit to meet the audit objectives
                                               an audit of a GFSI benchmarked standard as a systematic,                organise audit activities to prioritise matters of significance
The timeframe for the audit of a GFSI
                                                independent, and documented process for obtaining relevant audit        prepare for the opening meeting, the audit, and the closing
GFSI benchmarked standard is usually
                                                evidence and evaluating it objectively to determine the extent to        meeting
set by the Certification Body. However
                                                which the system criteria are met                                       outline and direct the involvement of technical experts (if
the auditor must have the knowledge
and skills to effectively manage the time                                                                                applicable) and auditee contacts within the audit timetable
within the established timeframe                                                                                        allow time for audit team meetings (if applicable), auditee contact,
                                                                                                                         evidence consolidation and report writing in the audit timetable
                                                                                                                         and to keep others involved on timetable identify strategies to
                                                                                                                         deal with distractions, deviations from the planed evidence path,
                                                                                                                         and/or time wasting without compromising the audit objectives
                                                                                                                        conduct an entry meeting that meets the meeting objectives within
                                                                                                                         the scheduled time frame
                                                                                                                        conduct the audit according to the agreed timetable
                                                                                                                        conduct an exit meeting that meets the objectives within the
                                                                                                                         scheduled time frame
                                                                                                                        agree the timetable for corrective actions and follow‐up activities
                                                                                                                         dependent on the risk of the non‐conformance
                                                                                                                        recognize where changes to the audit schedule are needed

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1.3 Communicate with auditee          Knowledge of:                                                              Ability to:
personnel at all levels                  interpersonal skills                                                    apply interpersonal and negotiating skills in the context of an audit of
                                         negotiation techniques                                                   a GFSI benchmarked standard
                                         language, religious, and cultural sensitivities                         explain the purpose, scope, and methodology of the audit
                                         effective verbal and non‐verbal communication strategies                establish a working relationship with the auditee that supports the
                                         the vocabulary of food safety regulations, standard requirements,        intent and objectives of the food safety audit
                                          industry standards and technical papers, including microbiological
                                                                                                                  communicate with all operational levels in the auditee food business
                                          terms and names, and chemical terms and names appropriate to a
                                                                                                                   that considers linguistic and technical skills, and the social customs
                                          given industry sector
                                                                                                                   within the business
                                         objection management techniques
                                         conflict management                                                     talk to senior management and establish their level of commitment
                                         separation of auditing from consulting                                   to the GFSI benchmarked standard
                                         self‐awareness of professional and technical limitations                maintain objectivity during the audit process
                                                                                                                  assess non‐verbal communications
                                                                                                                  discuss audit findings openly and honestly with auditee personnel,
                                                                                                                   without error or omission
                                                                                                                  explain technical findings at the appropriate management level
                                                                                                                   within the auditee organization
                                                                                                                  present audit findings to auditee and management clearly, concisely,
                                                                                                                   and objectively, citing the evidence for non‐conformance
                                                                                                                  resolve areas of potential conflict with auditee management, within
                                                                                                                   the context of the audit objectives
                                                                                                                  maintain auditee confidentiality.
                                                                                                                  discuss the audit findings with only the agreed auditee personnel
                                                                                                                   and/or audit client (if appropriate)
                                                                                                                  maintain composure, and avoid arrogance, anger or other negative
                                                                                                                  cite the evidence for non‐conformities
                                                                                                                  identify and communicate issues without offering solution

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1.4 Collect evidence by conducting      Knowledge of:                                                             Ability to:
interviews                                 interview and questioning styles and techniques                        select and interview appropriate staff at all levels within the auditee
                                           effective listening techniques                                          business to acquire valid audit evidence
                                           understanding of non‐verbal communications , personal expression,      use appropriate questioning techniques
                                            and body language                                                      listen to responses, and confirm responses

1.5 Collect evidence by observation &   Knowledge of:                                                             Ability to:
inquiry                                    observation techniques                                                   identify and prioritise audit activities in the context of a GFSI
                                           verbal and non‐verbal behaviours                                          benchmarked standard and food safety risk
                                           technologies in use to detect or eliminate food safety hazards           identify and evaluate the application of technology for a given
                                           statistical sampling techniques                                           purpose
                                           focussed (targeted) sampling (ie the concept that sampling will not      observe and analyse personal behaviour and compare to written
                                            necessarily be totally random and there will not always be time to        position descriptions
                                            take a statistically valid sample)                                       identify problems or areas of concern and investigate to an
                                                                                                                      acceptable level to establish conformity or non‐conformity
                                                                                                                     apply appropriate sampling techniques to document and record
                                                                                                                     adapt or modify sampling based on findings

1.6 Collect evidence by review of       Knowledge of:                                                             Ability to:
documentation and records                  vocabulary and language of food safety auditing                        establish the appropriate quantum of relevant, valid data to be
                                           The principles and elements of a GFSI benchmarked standard              reviewed to form a conclusion
                                                                                                                   read, interpret and analyse documents and records
                                                                                                                   contextualise (ie relate the realities of the organisation to the
                                                                                                                    requirements of the standard)

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                                                                                                                                            Edition 1| November 2013

1.7 Analyse, verify, and consolidate   As per 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, plus the following additional knowledge            Ability to:
audit evidence and generate findings   requirement:                                                              interpret and summarise auditee documentation, technical
                                       Knowledge of:                                                              standards and regulations relating to food safety and good
                                          data analysis techniques                                               management practice
                                          consolidation of data into meaningful evidence                        confirm the sufficiency and appropriateness of audit evidence in the
                                                                                                                  context of the requirements and the organisation’s food safety
                                          identification of non‐conformities through objective evidence
                                                                                                                  management system
                                          specifications of non‐conformities and requirements for corrective
                                                                                                                 verify the accuracy of acquired information
                                           action for GFSI benchmarked standards
                                                                                                                 accurately record audit evidence as it is collected
                                                                                                                 consolidate audit evidence into findings that meet the objectives of
                                                                                                                  the audit and the conformity level of the auditee.
                                                                                                                 prepare levels of non‐conformance (where applicable)
                                                                                                                 prepare non‐conformance reports (where appropriate) that
                                                                                                                  accurately explain the objective evidence (ie what was wrong with
                                                                                                                  the system), the level of criticality of the non‐conformance, the
                                                                                                                  reference to the specific clause of the standard, and the explanation.
                                                                                                                 verbally communicate non‐conformances as they are observed and
                                                                                                                  at closing meeting without offering solution

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1.8 Prepare written audit reports and   Knowledge of:                                                          Ability to:
follow up and conclusions                  written communication techniques                                    prepare audit conclusions that identify strengths, opportunities for
                                           knowledge of methods to identify strengths as well as non‐           improvement, and non‐conformities
                                            conformities and opportunities for improvement                      prepare written audit reports that are concise and accurately present
                                           negotiation techniques                                               the audit findings
                                           technical terms and definitions for a given industry sector         produce written documents that are easily understood by the
                                           scheme standard and audit template                                   intended audience and communicates effectively the actual
                                           audit template and reporting requirements for specific GFSI          conditions to someone who was not present during the audit
                                            benchmarked standards
                                                                                                                review and confirm the accuracy of written audit reports
                                           appropriate corrective actions for identified non‐conformities
                                           Certification Body reporting requirements                           provide written confirmation of follow‐up assessment of corrective
                                                                                                                determine the adequacy of corrective actions proposed or taken by
                                                                                                                 the auditee
                                                                                                                conduct follow‐up activities according to the agreed timetable
                                                                                                                evaluate the effectiveness of corrective actions taken by the auditee
                                                                                                                conduct post‐audit review, and measure the effectiveness of the
                                                                                                                 audit timetable and its impact on the audit objectives

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2.        Technical Skills & Knowledge

2.1       Food Safety Management (FSM) Requirements for Industry Scopes Al, All, Bl, C, D, El, Ell, Elll, ElV, and L

                             Task                                                 Required Auditor Knowledge                                      Required Auditor Skills

The following technical competencies are applicable to all the above GFSI industry scopes unless otherwise indicated. Within each set of competencies, the auditor is required to apply the
identified skills and knowledge to all industry scopes covered by the task.
FSM1 Food safety management system general                       HACCP knowledge requirements of HACCP AB 1, and HACCP          HACCP skills requirements of HACCP AB 1, and HACCP D, EL 1,
requirements                                                     D, EL 1, plus knowledge of:                                    plus the ability to:
The standard shall require that the elements of the                  the key elements of a Food Safety Management System          contextualise (ie relate the way the organisation has
organisation’s Food Safety Management System be                       for a given industry sector                                   defined it’s processes as compared with the
documented, implemented, maintained and continually                  a generic process approach to management                      requirements of the standard)
improved. The food safety management system shall:                   Plan/Do/Check/Act (PDCA), the principles of continuous       analyse the organisation’s definition of the management
a) identify the processes needed for the food safety                  improvement as applied to food safety management and          processes needed for the food safety management
management system,                                                    for appropriate industry sector                               system
                                                                     applicable food safety regulations for a given industry      assess the sequence and interaction of these processes
b) determine the sequence and interaction of these processes,
                                                                      sector                                                       determine the criteria and methods required to ensure
c) determine the criteria and methods required to ensure the         food safety principles                                        the effective operation and control of these processes
effective operation and control of these processes,                                                                                assess the availability of information and procedures
d) ensure the availability of information necessary to support                                                                      necessary to support the operation and monitoring of
the operation and monitoring of these processes,                                                                                    these processes
e) measure, monitor and analyse these processes and                                                                                assess the measurement and analysis of these processes
implement actions necessary to achieve planned results and                                                                         assess the actions necessary to achieve planned results
continuous improvement.                                                                                                             and continuous improvement
(reference Codex Alimentarius HACCP)
FSM 2 Food safety policy                                         Knowledge of:                                                  Ability to:
The standard shall require the organisation has a clear,             the purpose, objectives, content and application of a      assess the effectiveness and implementation of a food
concise and documented food safety policy statement and               food safety policy as defined by the GFSI benchmarked       safety policy and it’s inter‐relationship with the
objectives specifying the extent of the organisation’s                standard                                                    documented food safety management system within the
commitment to meet the safety needs of its products.                                                                              context of the organisation
FSM3 Food safety manual                                          Knowledge of                                                   Ability to
The standard shall require the organisation has a Food Safety        the requirements of a documented food safety               assess the appropriateness, coverage, and currency of a

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Manual or documented system having a scope appropriate to            management system for a given industry sector                   food safety manual for a given industry sector
the range of business activities to be covered, including           appropriate technologies to manage documentation               evaluate the scope of coverage of a facility’s food safety
documented procedures or specific reference to them and             document control systems                                        manual within the supply chain
describing the interaction of the related process steps.            current industry trends and emerging issues for a given        assess the effective dissemination of food safety
                                                                     industry sector                                                 documentation within a facility
                                                                    knowledge of food safety regulations for a given industry      evaluate if work instructions are aligned with the food
                                                                     sector                                                          safety manual
                                                                                                                                    evaluate implementation of the food safety manual
FSM 4 Management responsibility                                  Knowledge of                                                      Ability to:
The standard shall require that the supplier establish a clear      organisational structures and the inter‐relationship of job    assess the effective implementation of documented job
organisational structure, which unambiguously defines and            functions                                                       functions
documents the job functions, responsibilities and reporting         regulatory and legal requirements related to                   relate the observed job functions back to the documented
relationships of at least those staff whose activities affect        organisational structure and location                           organisational structure and position descriptions
food safety.                                                                                                                        review and interpret key performance indicators and food
                                                                                                                                     safety measures
FSM 5 Management commitment                                      Knowledge of:                                                     Ability to:
The standard shall require that the organisation’s senior           Corporate governance, and the role of senior                   access and communicate with senior management
management provide evidence of their commitment to                   management in leading a food safety management                 assess the commitment of facility management to the
establish, implement, maintain and improve the food safety           system                                                          implementation and maintenance of food safety practices
system.                                                             the legal responsibility for management with regard to         assess the food safety objectives and key performance
                                                                     food safety                                                     indicators (KPIs) in the context of the overall business
                                                                    food safety objectives and KPIs in the context of the
                                                                                                                                    review and interpret organisational performance
                                                                     overall business performance
                                                                                                                                     measures and in particular food safety measures
                                                                                                                                    analyse and assess the involvement of senior
                                                                                                                                     management in reviewing the food safety management
                                                                                                                                    read and interpret records, including meeting minutes
                                                                                                                                    identify deficiencies / trends that demonstrate the lack of
                                                                                                                                     management commitment to the food safety system
                                                                                                                                     (areas include but are not limited to: training, plant
                                                                                                                                     maintenance/ equipment, resources, monitoring, GMPs ,
                                                                                                                                     operations, prerequisite programs, HACCP, continuous
                                                                                                                                     improvement, etc.,) Example: Correlate system

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                                                                                                                                     deficiencies of the training program to the lack of
                                                                                                                                     resources provided by senior management.
                                                                                                                                    effectively communicate the lack of management
                                                                                                                                     commitment with senior management
                                                                                                                                    document the lack of management commitment in the
                                                                                                                                     audit reports
FSM 6 Management review                                           Knowledge requirements under FSM 5 Management                    Skills requirements under FSM 5 Management Commitment,
The standard shall require that the organisation’s senior         Commitment, plus knowledge of:                                   plus the ability to:
management review the verification of the food safety                management system review procedures, including                  assess the management system review process
system, HACCP Plan or HACCP based plans, at planned                   knowledge of scope, input/output frequency,                     identify gaps in the management review process
intervals, to ensure their continuing suitability, adequacy and       implementation strategy, organisational structure and
effectiveness. The HACCP Plan shall also be reviewed in the           inter‐relationship between positions within the structure.
event of any change that impacts food safety. Such a review
shall evaluate the need for changes to the food safety system,
including the food safety policy and food safety objectives.
FSM 7 Resource management                                         Knowledge of                                                     Ability to:
The standard shall require that the organisation’s senior            the inter‐relationship of food safety functions with other    assess the effectiveness and suitability of the resources
management determine and provide, in a timely manner, all             organisational functions                                       applied to food safety.
the resources needed to implement, maintain and improve              business resources (time, money, and people) required to      Identify gaps in the resources applied to food safety
the food safety system.                                               implement, maintain and improve the food safety system
FSM 8 General documentation requirements                          Knowledge of:                                                    Ability to:
The standard shall require that documentation procedures are         regulatory, standard and customer requirements for            evaluate the document and record control processes that
in place to demonstrate compliance with the standard and              document control and record retention                          are in place
ensure that all records required to demonstrate the effective        the requirements of food safety record retention for a        evaluate the security and storage of documents and
operation and control of its processes and its management of          given industry sector                                          records
food safety are securely stored for a time period required to        the requirements of food safety documentation in the          ensure the availability and access of food safety
meet customer or legal requirements, effectively controlled           context of process management, language and literacy           documentation to relevant staff
and readily accessible when needed.                                   levels                                                        identify gaps in available documentation
                                                                     record security protocols                                     understand and evaluate records
FMS AI, All 8.1 General documentation requirements and            Knowledge of:                                                    Ability to:
FMS AI, All 9.1 Specified requirements (animal and fish              species classifications applicable to animal and              evaluate the stock identification processes that are in
farming only)                                                         aquaculture production,                                        place

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The standard shall ensure that the organisation keep                regulatory and customer requirements for living stock           evaluate the stock control processes that are in place
comprehensive living stock records. The record will detail           records                                                         evaluate the security and storage of documents and
current living stock on the farm, an overview of recent living      stock language and terminology for a given industry              records
stock transactions and the recent loss situation within a            sector
population or living stock production unit.                         tagging, marking or other techniques used for stock
                                                                     identification for a given industry sector
                                                                    record security protocols
FSM 9 Specified requirements                                     Knowledge of:                                                      Ability to:
The standard shall require that the organisation ensure that,       the food safety inclusions required in raw material,            read and interpret specifications, associate process and
for all inputs to the process, items and services (including         ingredient, packaging material and service specifications        procedure requirements.
utilities, transport and maintenance) that are purchased or          for a given input or service                                    assess the applicability of contracts
provided and have an effect on product safety, documented           the product safety requirements within contracts for            identify gaps and omissions in available specifications
specifications are prepared, maintained, securely stored and         process inputs and services (including utilities, transport,    verify the effective implementation of specifications and
readily accessible when needed. The standard shall require           and maintenance)                                                 contracts
that a specification review process is in place.

FSM 10 Procedures                                                Knowledge of:                                                      Ability to
The standard shall require that the organisation establish,         appropriate technologies to manage documentation                compare actual operations with documented procedures
implement and maintain detailed procedures and instructions         components of management processes                              assess the appropriateness, coverage, and currency of
for all processes and operations having an effect on food           responsibilities for documentation, update version,              procedures and instructions for a given industry sector
safety.                                                              definition of documents, documentation management               assess the effective dissemination of food safety
                                                                                                                                      documentation within a facility
                                                                                                                                     verify that standard operating procedures (SOPs) and
                                                                                                                                      work instructions are being followed
FSM 11 Internal audit                                            Knowledge of:                                                      Ability to:
The standard shall require that the organisation has an             internal audit principles and practice                          read and interpret an internal audit schedule
internal audit system in place to cover the scope of the food       food safety verification activities appropriate to specific     evaluate the competence of internal auditors
safety system, including the HACCP Plan or the HACCP based           industry sectors                                                evaluate the adequacy of the internal audit based on
plan.                                                               the principles of continuous improvement as applied to           scope
                                                                     food safety management                                          read and review internal audit reports
                                                                                                                                     identify gaps in internal audit practices and reports
                                                                                                                                     verify that appropriate corrective actions are identified as

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                                                                                                                                    verify corrective actions taken as a result of internal audits
FSM.12 Corrective action                                         As per FSM 1 Food safety management system general                As per FSM 1 Food safety management system general
The standard shall require that the organisation has             requirements, plus the following knowledge requirements:          requirements, plus the following skill requirements
procedures for the determination and implementation of           Knowledge of :                                                    Ability to:
corrective action in the event of any significant non               the principles and practice of corrective action as applied    assess the availability of information necessary to support
conformity relating to food safety.                                  to food safety management                                       the operation and monitoring of the food safety
                                                                    difference between correction, corrective action, and           management processes
                                                                     preventative action                                            assess the measurement and, analysis of these processes
                                                                                                                                    assess the corrective action plans necessary to achieve
                                                                                                                                     planned results and continuous improvement and prevent
                                                                                                                                    verify corrections and corrective actions taken
FSM 13 Control of non conformity                                 Knowledge of:                                                     Ability to:
The standard shall require that the organisation has effective      processes required to identify, quarantine, hold, dispose      identify the suitability of procedures in place for
processes in place to ensure that any product, which does not        of, or downgrade unsafe product in a given industry             disposition of non‐conforming or unsafe product
conform to food safety requirements, is clearly identified and       sector                                                         assess the effectiveness of actions taken to deal with non‐
controlled to prevent unintended use or delivery. These             regulations covering disposition of unsafe product              conforming or unsafe product
activities shall be defined in a documented procedure that is
securely stored and readily accessible when needed.
FSM 14 Product release                                           Knowledge of                                                      Ability to
The standard shall require that the organisation prepare and        regulations applicable to product release                      review and analyse sampling and test procedures for a
implement appropriate product release procedures.                   the objective, structure and content required for a             given product.
                                                                     product release procedure in a given industry sector           assess the appropriateness, application, and effectiveness
                                                                    sampling and testing procedures relevant to product             of a product release procedure.
                                                                     safety in a particular industry sector
FSM.15 Purchasing                                                Knowledge of:                                                     Ability to:
The standard shall require that the organisation control            the food safety inclusions required in raw material,           read and understand the applicability of supplier contracts
purchasing processes to ensure that all externally sourced           ingredient, packaging material and service specifications      assess the appropriateness and effectiveness of applied
materials and services, which have an effect on food safety,         for a given input or service                                    approved supplier protocols
conform to requirements. Where an organisation chooses to           contract management                                            identify gaps and omissions in approved supplier protocols
outsource any process that may have an effect on food safety,       risk‐based approved supplier protocols                         verify the effectiveness of the approved supplier program
the organisation shall ensure control over such processes.          risk‐based contract manufacturing protocols

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Control of such outsourced processes shall be identified and
documented within the food safety system.
FSM 16 Supplier performance                                     As per FSM 15 Purchasing, plus the following knowledge            As per FSM 15 Purchasing, plus the following skill
The standard shall require that the organisation establish,     requirements:                                                     requirements:
implement and maintain procedures for the evaluation,           Knowledge of:                                                     Ability to:
approval and continued monitoring of suppliers, which have         performance monitoring                                           apply performance monitoring techniques
an effect on food safety. The results of evaluations,
investigations and follow up actions shall be recorded.
FSM AI, All 16.1, 16.2 Purchasing                               Knowledge of:                                                     Ability to:
This requirement applies to animal and fish farming only           specifications for feed stock supplied to particular animal    read and interpret feed supply contracts
The standard shall ensure that the organisation has in place        species or aquaculture production                              read and interpret feed analysis reports
specific policies for the procurement of feed from approved,       inherent hazards and risks associated with feed stock          assess the effectiveness of feed supply protocols
certified sources.                                                  supplied to particular animal species or aquaculture           identify gaps in feed supply protocols
                                                                    production                                                     verify the procedures for purchase of veterinary medicines
The standard shall ensure that the organisation has in place
                                                                   veterinary medicines applicable to specific animal and          for a given industry sector.
specific policies for the procurement of approved veterinary
                                                                    aquaculture production, including mrls and withholding         Identify gaps in the procedures for purchase of veterinary
                                                                    periods                                                         medicines for a given industry sector.
FSM 17 Outsourcing                                              As per FSM 1 Food safety management system general                As per FSM 1 Food safety management system general
                                                                requirements, plus the following knowledge requirements:          requirements, plus the following skill requirements:
The standard shall require that, where an organisation
chooses to outsource any process that may affect food safety,   Knowledge of:                                                     Ability to:
the organisation shall ensure control over such processes.         contract manufacturing and other services                      read and ensure implementation of supplier agreements
Control of such outsourced processes shall be identified,          knowledge of outsourcing protocols                             Review and audit conformance of test results
documented and monitored within the food safety                                                                                    Identify gaps and omissions in contract manufacturer
management system.                                                                                                                  procedures
                                                                                                                                   verify the effectiveness of procedures in place to monitor
                                                                                                                                    contract manufacturers.
FSM 18 Complaint handling                                       As per FSM 1 Food safety management system general                As per FSM 1 Food safety management system general
                                                                requirements, plus the following knowledge requirements:          requirements, plus the following skill requirements:
The standard shall require that the organisation establish,
implement and maintain an effective system for the              Knowledge of:                                                     Ability to:
management of complaints and complaint data to control and         regulatory requirements for non‐conforming product,            review the customer complaint process
correct shortcomings in food safety.                                withdrawal and recall                                          assess the effectiveness of actions taken to prioritise and
                                                                   trend analysis                                                  reduce customer complaints

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                                                                                                                                        evaluate the significance of individual customer
                                                                                                                                         complaints as related to food safety
                                                                                                                                        assess the willingness of management and staff to correct
                                                                                                                                         and improve shortcomings in food safety
FSM 19 Serious incident management                                  Knowledge of:                                                      Ability to:
The standard shall require that the organisation establish,            Industry or trade protocols in place for serious incidents,     assess the effectiveness, communication, and application
implement and maintain an effective incident management                 trade withdrawals, or product recalls                            of traceability, withdrawal and recall procedures;
procedure, which is regularly tested for all products it supplies      Finished stock identification and control processes.            review and analyse records of mock or actual withdrawals
and covers planning for product withdrawal and product                                                                                   and recalls
recall as required.                                                                                                                     identify gaps in traceability, withdrawal and recall
FMS AI, All 19.1, 19.2 Serious incident management                  Knowledge of:                                                      Ability to:
This requirement applies to animal and fish farming only               notifiable diseases, parasites, antibiotics, chemical use or                assess the effectiveness, communication, and
The standard shall ensure that the organisation has the ability         conditions that would compromise food safety for a                           application of procedures in place for notifiable
to take measures for the containment and quarantine of any              given industry sector                                                        diseases, parasites or condition that would
living stock found to be infected with a notifiable disease,           regulations covering notifiable diseases and specific                        compromise food safety
parasite or condition that would compromise food safety.                industry food safety controls                                               identify gaps in serious incident protocols for
                                                                       epidemiological impact of disease outbreaks from a given                     animal and fish farming
The standard shall ensure that the organisation has the ability
                                                                        industry sector                                                             read and ensure implementation of supplier feed
to take measures for the withdrawal and containment of
                                                                       specifications for feed stock supplied to particular animal                  contract procedures
contaminated feedstuffs.
                                                                        species or aquaculture production                                           read and interpret feed analysis reports
                                                                       inherent hazards and risks associated with feed stock                       review and audit conformance test results
                                                                        supplied to particular animal species or aquaculture                        assess the appropriateness and effectiveness of
                                                                        production                                                                   feedstuff containment and withdrawal protocols
                                                                       regulations governing containment of contaminated                           identify gaps and omissions in feed withdrawal
                                                                        feedstuffs                                                                   protocols
                                                                       risk‐based withdrawal protocols for contaminated                            verify the effectiveness of the feed withdrawal
                                                                        feedstuffs                                                                   procedure.
FSM 20 Control of measuring and monitoring devices                  Knowledge of:                                                      Ability to:
The standard shall require that the organisation identify the          the parameters critical to ensuring food safety and to          assess the appropriateness and effectiveness of devices
measurement of parameters critical to ensure food safety, the           meeting regulatory requirements and customer                     used to measure food safety parameters
measuring and monitoring devices required and methods to                specification for a given industry sector, and                  review and analyse calibration procedures and records
assure that the calibration of these measuring and monitoring          measuring and monitoring equipment and devices used             assess the appropriateness and effectiveness of

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devices is traceable to a recognised standard.                       to measure food safety parameters for a given industry          calibration procedures
                                                                     sector                                                         identify gaps in calibration procedures
                                                                    calibration methods for prescribed measuring and               verify the disposition of product assessed using equipment
                                                                     monitoring equipment and devices                                that is out of calibration
FSM 21 Food defence                                              Knowledge of:                                                     Ability to:
The standard shall require that the organisation has a              regulations and or industry codes of practice governing        assess the effectiveness and application of the risk
documented risk assessment procedure in place to address             food defence, food protection, food security,                   management process used to determine food defence risk
food defence risks and establish, implement and maintain a           bioterrorism or sabotage                                       assess the effectiveness, communication, and application
system to reduce or eliminate the identified risks. The system      food defence risk management methodologies                      of food defence procedures
shall cover Good Agricultural Practices or Good                     food defence protocols applicable to particular countries,     review and analyse records of mock food defence
Manufacturing Practices and shall be supported by the food           jurisdictions, and industry sector                              activities
safety system.                                                      typical food defence situations                                identify gaps in food defence procedures
FSM 22 Product labelling                                         Knowledge of:                                                     Ability to:
The standard shall require that the organisation ensure that        food labelling legislation in the country of origin and the    assess the effectiveness and application of label approval
all product bears information to enable the safe handling,           country(s) of destination applicable to a given product         procedures
display, storage and preparation and use of the product              group                                                          read product labels and establish the authenticity of
within the food supply chain or by the consumer.                    customer or industry codes of practice on labelling             information provided
                                                                                                                                    verify the accuracy of label information
FMS B 23, and DEL 23.1 Traceability                              Knowledge of:                                                     Ability to:
The standard shall require that the organisation establish,         regulatory requirements for non‐conforming product,            assess the effectiveness, communication, and application
implement and maintain appropriate procedures and systems            trade withdrawal and recall                                     of identification and traceability procedures
to ensure:                                                          product identification and traceability procedures             review records for raw material, packaging, WIP and
• Identification of any outsourced production, inputs or                                                                             finished stock to determine traceability
services related to food safety,                                                                                                    identify gaps in identification and traceability procedures
• Product identification that includes, as a minimum, the                                                                           review and analyse mock trace results
name and address of the producer,
• A record of purchaser and delivery destination for all
products supplied.
FMS AI, All 23 Traceability                                      Knowledge of:                                                     Ability to:
This requirement applies to animal and fish farming only            specifications for feed stock supplied to particular animal    evaluate the stock identification and traceability
The standard shall require that the organisation establish,          species or aquaculture production                               procedures that are in place

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implement and maintain appropriate procedures and systems             inherent hazards and risks associated with feed stock        interpret and evaluate stock records
to ensure:                                                             supplied to particular animal species                        read and interpret feed supply contracts
• Identification of any outsourced production, inputs or              risk‐based approved supplier protocols                       read and interpret feed analysis reports
services related to food safety,                                                                                                    assess the appropriateness and effectiveness of stock and
                                                                                                                                     feed procurement procedures
 A complete record of in‐process material or final product
and packaging throughout the production process,                                                                                    identify gaps and omissions in stock and feed
                                                                                                                                     procurement procedures
• A record of purchaser and delivery destination for all
animals, fish, and animal or seafood products supplied,
• Product identification that includes, as a minimum, the
origin (producer and country) and the date of production or
• Input product identification including feed and feed
additives that includes, as a minimum, the name and address
of the producer, Lot or batch number,
• Identification of any veterinary medication purchases and
• A record of all living stock inputs and outputs, movements
on and off‐site, to either animal or batch, as appropriate to
the industry norm for the species.
FMS AI, All, B 24, and DEL 24.1 Analysis of Inputs (e.g.           Knowledge of:                                                   Ability to:
water, feedstuffs,. ice)                                              regulatory requirements governing inputs including           assess the application and effectiveness of specifications
The standard shall require that the organisation prepare and           processing aids, biochemical, feedstuffs, water and           and procedures in place to control the safety of inputs
implement a system to ensure that analysis of inputs critical          gasses                                                       review and evaluate analytical records and certificates of
to the confirmation of food safety is undertaken and that such        hazards and risks associated with inputs for a given          analysis
analyses are performed to standards equivalent to ISO 17025.           industry sector including (but not limited to) processing    identify gaps in procedures in place to control inputs.
                                                                       aids, biochemical, feedstuffs, water and gasses
FMS AII 24.1 Analysis of Inputs (e.g. water, feed stuffs)          Knowledge of:                                                   Ability to:
This requirement applies to fish farming only                         hazards and risks associated with ice production             assess the application and effectiveness of procedures in
The standard shall require that the production and storage of         hazards and risks associated with aquaculture                 place to control the production, handling, and safety of ice
ice, where used to store or transport at the point of slaughter,                                                                     used in transport
shall not compromise food safety.                                                                                                   review and analyse ice production test reports

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2. Technical Skills & Knowledge (cont’d)

2.2      Good Agricultural/Aquaculture Practice (GAP) Requirements for Industry Scopes Al, All, Bl, and Bll

A sub‐group of the ACSC is working on the GAP competencies, due for completion 11/13

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2.3       Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) Requirements for Industry Scopes D, El, Ell, Elll, ElV, and L

                   Task                                          Required Auditor Knowledge                                                     Required Auditor Skills

Applicable to:
D Pre‐processing of Plant Products; E1 Processing – Animal; E2 Processing – Plant Products; E3 Processing of Mixed Products; E4 Ambient Stable Products; L Bio chemicals
GMP D 1, EL 1 Facility environment &        Knowledge of:                                                               Ability to:
GMP D 2, EL 2 Local environment                regulatory requirements relating to food premises                          assess the potential or actual food safety contamination risks
The standard shall require that the site       standards and industry codes of practice concerning sanitary                associated with the site, grounds, external areas, surrounding
or facility be located and maintained so        construction and design of food premises                                    properties, and process flow
as to prevent contamination and enable         the food safety risks associated with the location and environment,        evaluate the measures taken by the site to control actual or
the production of safe products.                including potential air, water contamination, pest control, etc             potential food safety risks due to the site or location
The standard shall require that all            sector specific risks such as waste management, dust control, and          identify gaps in the control measures taken by the site to control
grounds within the site or facility be          pest management                                                             actual or potential food safety risks due to the site or location
maintained to an appropriate standard
GMP D 3, EL 3 Facility design,              As per GMP D 1, EL 1, plus the following knowledge requirements:            As per GMP D 1, EL 1, plus the following skill requirements
construction, layout and product flow       Knowledge of:                                                               Ability to:
The standard shall require that premises,      potential contamination sources                                            evaluate the design and construction measures taken by the site to
site and / or plant shall be designed,         production processes for a given industry sector                            prevent, minimise or eliminate food safety hazards and risks
constructed and maintained, both the           preventative and corrective maintenance practices and technologies         evaluate the application and effectiveness of the site and
exterior and the interior, to control the       used for Preventative Maintenance programs                                  preventative and corrective maintenance program
risk of product contamination.                                                                                             identify gaps in the site’s preventative and corrective maintenance
GMP D 4, EL 4 Fabrication (input and        As per GMP D 1, EL 1, plus the following knowledge requirements:            As per GMP D 1, EL 1, plus the following skill requirements:
material handling, preparation, product     Knowledge of:                                                               Ability to:
handling, packing and storage areas)
                                               types of materials suitable for construction of food manufacturing         assess the potential or actual food safety contamination risks
The standard shall require that the             and storage facilities                                                      associated with the fabrication of food manufacturing and storage
fabrication of the site, buildings and         impact of detergents and sanitizers on materials used for fabrication       facilities
facilities be suitable for the intended         of food facilities                                                         identify areas of potential product contamination or cross‐
purpose.                                                                                                                    contamination caused by building fabrication
GMP D 5, EL 5 Equipment                     As per GMP D 1, EL 1, and GMP D 4, EL 4, plus the following knowledge       As per GMP D 1, EL 1, and GMP D 4, EL 4, plus the following skill
The standard shall require that             requirements:                                                               requirements:

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equipment be suitably designed for the      Knowledge of:                                                                Ability to:
intended purpose and is used and stored        regulatory requirements relating to food premises and equipment             assess the potential or actual food safety contamination risks
so as to minimise food safety risks.           food safety contamination risks associated with the design and               associated with the design and fabrication of food contact
                                                fabrication of food contact equipment                                        equipment
                                                                                                                            identify areas of potential product contamination or cross‐
                                                                                                                             contamination caused by food contact equipment.
GMP D 6, EL 6 Maintenance                   As per GMP D 1, EL 1, and GMP D 3, EL 3, plus the following knowledge        As per GMP D 1, EL 1, and GMP D 3, EL 3, plus the following skill
The standard shall require that a system    requirement:                                                                 requirements:
of planned maintenance be in place          Knowledge of:                                                                Ability to:
covering all items of equipment, which        effective preventative and corrective maintenance programs for a
                                                                                                                            evaluate the application and effectiveness of the preventative and
are critical to product safety.                 given industry sector
                                                                                                                             corrective maintenance program
                                                                                                                            identify gaps in the site’s preventative and corrective maintenance
GMP D 7, EL 7 Staff facilities              Knowledge of:                                                                Ability to:
The standard shall require that staff          the risk of pathogen contamination from human contact                       assess the potential or actual food safety contamination risks
facilities be designed and operated so as      standards and industry codes of practice concerning sanitary                 associated with the design and condition of staff facilities including
to minimise food safety risks.                  construction and design of food premises                                     toilet rooms, change rooms and canteens
                                               specific requirements regarding toilet rooms, locker rooms or change        evaluate the application and effectiveness of procedures in place
                                                rooms, uniform issue, hand‐washing facilities, and canteen areas in          to manage food safety risk from staff facilities
                                                given industry sectors                                                      identify gaps in the site’s procedures to manage food safety risk
                                               requirements for high‐care areas where applicable                            from staff facilities.
                                               personal hygiene practices for given industry sectors
GMP EL 8 Physical and chemical product      As per HACCP AB 1, and HACCP D, EL 1), plus the following additional skill   As per HACCP AB 1, and HACCP D, EL 1), plus the following additional
contamination risk                          requirements:                                                                skill requirements:
The standard shall require that             Knowledge of:                                                                Ability to:
appropriate facilities and procedures be       technologies associated with detection of contaminants including            assess the potential or actual food safety contamination risks
in place to control the risk of physical,       metal detectors, X‐ray, sieves, filters, divert valves                       associated with the design, layout, and condition of production
chemical or biological contamination of        calibration requirements for relevant technologies                           processes.
product.                                       regulatory and product knowledge of chemicals used within a food            assess the application and effectiveness of procedures in place to
(sector = category)                             manufacturing plant including detergents, sanitizers, processing aids,       prevent product contamination
                                                water treatment chemicals, and pest management chemicals                    evaluate the appropriateness, application, and effectiveness of
                                               management of non‐conforming product                                         technologies used to detect contaminants

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                                                                                                                          evaluate the application and effectiveness of calibration
                                                                                                                           procedures for existing technologies
                                                                                                                          evaluate the appropriateness, application, and effectiveness of
                                                                                                                           chemicals used for cleaning, water treatment, pest management,
                                                                                                                           and other functions
                                                                                                                          evaluate procedures in place to adequately dispose of non‐
                                                                                                                           conforming product.
                                                                                                                          identify gaps in the facility’s procedures and practices to control
                                                                                                                           product contamination
GMP D 9, EL 9 Segregation and cross‐        As per GMP EL 8 Physical and chemical product contamination risk, plus    As for GMP EL 8 Physical and chemical product contamination risk, plus
contamination                               the following additional knowledge requirements:                          the following additional skill requirements:
The standard shall require that             Knowledge of:                                                             Ability to:
procedures be in place to prevent              allergens and their management in given industry sectors                  evaluate procedures in place to identify and control allergens and
contamination and cross‐contamination          identity preserved foods and their management                              to prevent cross‐contact of allergens
of raw materials, packaging and finished       knowledge of biological hazards and control methods in given              evaluate procedures in place to identify identity controlled foods
product, covering all aspects of food           industry sectors                                                          evaluate air, water, traffic and facility design for potential cross
safety including micro‐organisms,                                                                                          contamination
chemicals and allergens.
GMP EL 10 Stock management                  Knowledge of:                                                             Ability to:
The standard shall require that a system       product identification and traceability protocols and practices           assess the effectiveness, communication, and application of
be in place to ensure that materials and       stock control, stock rotation and stock management protocols and           identification and traceability procedures
ingredients are used in the correct order       practices                                                                 review records for raw material, packaging, WIP, finished goods,
and within the allocated shelf life.           definition and calculation of shelf life, including regulatory             processing aids, and chemicals
                                                requirements where applicable                                             review storage conditions for raw material, packaging, WIP,
                                                                                                                           finished goods, processing aids, and chemicals
                                                                                                                          review records that validate shelf life for a given product
                                                                                                                          identify gaps in stock management and shelf life validation method
GMP D 10, E 11 Housekeeping, cleaning       Knowledge of:                                                             Ability to:
and hygiene                                    regulatory requirements concerning hygiene of food facilities             evaluate the application, frequency, appropriateness, and
The standard shall require that                the chemical action of detergents and sanitizers                           effectiveness of cleaning and sanitation methods for a given
appropriate standards of housekeeping,         microbiological resistance to detergents and sanitizers                    product
cleaning and hygiene be maintained at          allergen cleaning protocols for the removal of allergenic protein         analyse sanitation schedules and records
all times and throughout all the stages.        residue                                                                   analyse environmental and product test results

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