CDC: Virus may be mild this summer - Stripes Lite
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THURSDAY, MAY 6, 2021 CDC: Virus may be mild this summer The Washington Post cine efficacy and precautions against trans- cern. High rates of vaccination seen in early WASHINGTON — Coronavirus infec- mission. April have come down in the past several tions could be driven to low levels and the Each scenario shows an epidemic curve weeks. pandemic at least temporarily throttled in in which the national increase in cases that And the long-term picture remains clou- the United States by July if the vast majority began in early March hits a peak and plum- dy because of all the unknowns about this of people get vaccinated and continue with mets in late spring, leading to a significantly virus, which continues to circulate freely precautions against viral transmission, ac- improved viral landscape this summer. In around the planet and is driving catastroph- cording to a report released Wednesday by the less optimistic scenarios, hospitalization ic outbreaks in Brazil, Colombia, India and the Centers for Disease Control and Pre- numbers will vary significantly from state other countries. Some epidemiologists say vention. to state. that even if the coronavirus is suppressed to The report comes as administration offi- Under the most optimistic scenario, low levels this summer in the U.S., it will re- cials and leaders in many states are sound- deaths linked to COVID-19, the disease bound in the fall. ing more confident that the country can re- caused by the coronavirus, could drop into There are limitations to the modeling. Al- turn to a degree of normalcy relatively soon. the low 100s per week in August and into the though the researchers factored in the high- President Joe Biden on Tuesday announced “tens” per week in September, according to ly transmissible coronavirus variant B.1.1.7 a new vaccination goal, saying he wants 70% Justin Lessler, an epidemiologist at the now dominant in the U.S., it did not contem- of adults to have had at least one dose by Ju- Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public plate what would happen if an even more ly 4. Health and one of the paper’s senior au- problematic variant — for example, one CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said thors. More than 4,000 people a week are that could evade vaccine-induced immuni- Wednesday that the modeling results give dying of the disease, and about 578,000 peo- ty — were to spread. Americans a road map out of the pandemic ple in the U.S. have died of COVID-19 since The models used data through March 27. — so long as they continue to get vaccinated the start of the pandemic. The report did not capture the high rate of and maintain mitigation strategies until a That model includes an assumption that vaccinations in April, when more than 90 “critical mass of people” get the shots. 90% of those eligible for vaccine would get a million doses went into arms, according to “The results remind us that we have the shot, which Lessler acknowledged “may be Washington Post vaccine tracking data. In- path out of this, and models, once projecting on the optimistic side given rates of vaccine stead, the report considered 60 million to be really grim news, now offer reasons to be refusal in some areas.” a high vaccination rate in April. The high quite hopeful for what the summer may Infectious-disease experts caution that rate of vaccinations so far has made the bring,” she said. the number of new infections remains high. most optimistic scenario more likely, Less- The CDC report is not a prediction or Variants of the virus could emerge with mu- ler noted. forecast. It is a set of four scenarios based on tations that allow the pathogen to evade vac- Officials said people and communities modeling of the pandemic, using different cines. Immunization hesitancy among large need to maintain some efforts, such as assumptions about vaccination rates, vac- chunks of the population is another con- wearing masks, to limit viral transmission. Navy offers some early out to reduce overmanned rates BY DANIEL BETANCOURT would qualify for early separa- some conditions, namely the re- Applications for early separa- Stars and Stripes tion, according NAVADMIN turn of unearned bonus money tion will be considered on a first YOKOSUKA NAVAL BASE, messages in December and Ja- and no separation pay, accord- come, first serve basis until quo- Japan — The Navy is offering as nuary. The list includes boat- ing to Tuesday’s message. tas are met, according to Tues- many as three years’ early sep- swain’s mate, culinary special- Sailors in fields that are less day’s message. The deadline is aration to sailors in some “over- ist and hospital corpsman. than 95% manned or in nuclear Sept. 30. manned” rates and career fields “While we have grown over fields are not eligible for early All applicants for early sepa- before the end of fiscal year the years, some enlisted ratings separation, according to Ja- ration must come forward on a 2021, according to a Navy ad- have become overmanned, cre- nuary’s message. Sailors sub- voluntary basis through submit- ministrative message released ating imbalances in the Fleet,” ject to selective reenlistment ted requests into the Enlisted Tuesday. the chief of Navy personnel, bonuses, obligated service for Early Transition Program, The service exceeded its re- Vice Adm. John Nowell, wrote school training or in the Selec- which gets updated regularly to tention goals in FY 2020 and an- in December’s message. tive Training and Reenlistment show opportunities to those nounced a select list of ratings Early separation comes with Program are also not eligible. seeking it.
PAGE 2 • STRIPES LITE • Thursday, May 6, 2021 Army CID will cede oversight to civilian BY ROSE L. THAYER volving sex crimes and soldier that what we will see is an en- report, Martin said she conduct- Stars and Stripes deaths.” hanced partnership with our lo- ed an administrative investiga- AUSTIN, Texas — The Army With four main points of ad- cal and regional law enforce- tion into the actions of personnel will split control of its criminal justment, Martin said the res- ment partners. We believe that at the Fort Hood detachment investigative agency from a gen- tructuring will “address many will help us help not only in and, as a result, fired the battal- eral officer to a civilian director seams and gaps, and it will also Criminal Investigation Com- ion operations officer because and add more civilian agents to address those findings from the mand, but it will help our com- he “failed to conduct his duties its workforce in a major restruc- Fort Hood independent re- manders on our installations un- as required in providing over- turing ignited by an independ- view.” derstand crime as it relates to sight of the investigation.” ent committee that found the “We did extensive research, what happens on the installa- In the new structure, the du- agency was failing to prevent calculations and staff work to tion, and what happens off the ties and responsibilities now as- and investigate crimes and sup- develop more comprehensive installation,” Martin said. signed to one general officer port victims. courses of action to present the Created after the disappear- serving simultaneously as the Maj. Gen. Donna Martin, Ar- Army senior leaders,” she said. ance and death last year of Fort Army’s provost marshal general my provost marshal general and Specifically, CID will split Hood Spc. Vanessa Guillen, the and the CID commander will commander of Army Criminal oversight of criminal investiga- Fort Hood review committee re- split. The Army will hire a civil- Investigation Command, known tions with a civilian director, add leased a report in December that ian director with criminal inves- commonly as CID, announced more civilian agents and sup- offered 70 recommendations, tigative experience to lead the the restructuring Thursday, port staff, create a new commis- with 11 focused on improving restructured CID with a general more than five months after the sioned officer tract of criminal CID through its staffing, crime- remaining the provost marshal. Fort Hood Independent Review investigators and staff its securi- suppression efforts and deepen- To maintain and ensure inde- Committee found that the CID ty missions for senior leaders ing their investigations into drug pendence of Army criminal in- detachment at Fort Hood, Tex- with military police instead of crimes and soldier deaths. vestigations, the civilian direc- as, “was unstable, under-experi- CID agents. The inefficiencies stemmed tor will initially report to the un- enced, over-assigned and un- “Because military people from staffing protocols and oth- dersecretary of the Army, the der-resourced, leading to ineffi- tend to transition, every two to er policies and procedures that service said. The provost mar- ciencies that had an adverse im- three years, when we add our ci- transcend Fort Hood, according shal general will continue to re- pact on investigations, vilian capacity on top of our mil- to the report. port to the Army chief of staff especially complex cases in- itary special agents, we believe Following the release of the and the Army secretary. Report: Spc. Guillen harasser was known toxic leader BY ROSE L. THAYER and speaking Spanish in the serves now, but he has been my Futures Command, looked Stars and Stripes workplace, which isolated notified of an intent to relieve into every echelon of Guillen’s AUSTIN, Texas — The sex- those who didn’t understand him from leadership, accord- leadership between April 22 ual harassment that Spc. Va- the language, according to the ing to a military official, who and July 1 to learn what her nessa Guillen faced before her report. spoke on the condition of ano- leaders knew and when they death last year from a noncom- Though the redacted report nymity. knew it. The investigation also missioned officer at Fort Hood does not include his position in Punishment for some of the looked into allegations from wasn’t an isolated incident. Guillen’s unit, he was identi- other leaders at Fort Hood the Guillen family that she had There had been four other fied as her platoon sergeant by came because they continued faced sexual harassment dur- complaints filed against her Gen. Michael Garrett, the to place this NCO in positions ing the 15 months that she platoon sergeant for his mis- commander of Army Forces of leadership, which showed spent at Fort Hood. treatment of subordinates, yet Command who initiated the in- poor judgment, the military of- In Murray’s investigation, he leaders continued to move him ternal administrative investi- ficial said. found two instances of sexual and keep him in charge of sol- gation, known as a 15-6. The report described how a harassment against Guillen diers, according to an Army The platoon sergeant and 20 toxic leader in one platoon cre- from the same man, her pla- report released last week. other leaders have faced dis- ated an “intimidating, hostile toon sergeant. She informally The sergeant, whose name ciplinary action in the wake of environment,” and those able reported the harassment on was redacted in the public re- the investigation and another to stop the harassment failed two occasions. But in both in- lease of the report, was known report by the Fort Hood Inde- to do so. stances, her supervisor failed to yell, belittle and threaten pendent Review Committee The Army investigation, an- to report the harassment, and soldiers with counseling, de- that was released in Decem- nounced in September and un- other leaders failed to take ap- layed promotion or denial of ber. It is unclear where and in der the direction of Gen. John propriate action, according to leave, while playing favorites what position the sergeant Murray, the commander of Ar- the report. Stars and Stripes digest is produced by the news desk at our central office in Washington, D.C. The internet address is: You may contact us by calling (202) 886-0003 or by sending an email to Visit Stars and Stripes online at
Thursday, May 6, 2021 • S T R I P E S L I T E • PAGE 3 US: China’s Africa outreach poses threat Associated Press their gaze to the Atlantic coast and wanting Townsend. “Port projects, economic en- WASHINGTON — The top U.S. general to get such a base there.” deavors, infrastructure and their agree- for Africa is warning that a growing threat Townsend’s warnings come as the Penta- ments and contracts will lead to greater ac- from China may come not just from the wa- gon shifts its focus from the counterterror- cess in the future. They are hedging their ters of the Pacific but from the Atlantic as ism wars of the last two decades to the Indo- bets and making big bets on Africa.” well. Pacific region and threats from great power China’s first overseas naval base was U.S. Gen. Stephen Townsend, in an inter- adversaries like China and Russia. The Bi- built years ago in Djibouti and it is steadily view with The Associated Press, said Beij- den administration views China’s rapidly increasing its capacity. Townsend said as ing is looking to establish a large navy port expanding economic influence and military many as 2,000 military personnel are at the capable of hosting submarines or aircraft might as America’s primary long-term se- base, including hundreds of Marines who carriers on Africa’s western coast. Towns- curity challenge. handle security there. end said China has approached countries U.S. military commanders around the Henry Tugendhat, a senior policy analyst stretching from Mauritania to south of Na- globe, including several who may lose with the United States Institute of Peace, mibia, intent on establishing a naval facility. troops and resources to bolster growth in said China has a lot of economic interests on If realized, that prospect would enable Chi- the Pacific, caution that China’s growing as- Africa’s west coast, including fishing and na to base warships in its expanding Navy in sertiveness isn’t simply happening in Asia. oil. China also has helped finance and build the Atlantic as well as Pacific oceans. And they argue that Beijing is aggressively a large commercial port in Cameroon. “They’re looking for a place where they asserting economic influence over coun- He said that any effort by Beijing to get a can rearm and repair warships. That be- tries in Africa, South America and the Mid- naval port on the Atlantic coast would be an comes militarily useful in conflict,” said dle East, and is pursuing bases and foot- expansion of China’s military presence. But Townsend, who heads U.S. Africa Com- holds there. the desire for ocean access, he said, may be mand. “They’re a long way toward estab- “The Chinese are outmaneuvering the primarily for economic gain, rather than lishing that in Djibouti. Now they’re casting U.S. in select countries in Africa,” said military capabilities. Pacific Fleet’s new leader Blinken reaffirms support for takes command of post Ukraine amid Russia moves Associated Press a news conference after his BY WYATT OLSON er Strike Group 10, according to KYIV, Ukraine — U.S. Sec- meeting with Zelenskyy. Stars and Stripes his official biography. retary of State Antony Blin- By visiting so early in his FORT SHAFTER, Hawaii — As head of 5th Fleet, Paparo ken met with top Ukrainian tenure, before any trip to Adm. Samuel J. Paparo, a naval kept naval watch on Iran dur- officials in Kyiv on Thursday Russia, Blinken signaled that aviator who most recently com- ing a period of heightened ten- and reaffirmed Washington’s Ukraine is a high foreign-pol- manded U.S. 5th Fleet and Na- sion over its nuclear program. support for the country in the icy priority for President Joe val Forces Central Command From Hawaii, Paparo’s at- wake of heightened tensions Biden’s administration. in Bahrain, took the helm of tention will turn to China, what with Russia, fueled by its re- His visit was highly antici- U.S. Pacific Fleet during a cer- Defense Secretary Lloyd Aus- cent troop buildup near the pated in Ukraine, with hopes emony Wednesday at Joint tin at his Senate confirmation borders with Ukraine. for increased military aid and Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, hearing in January called the The top American diplomat strong support for NATO Hawaii. “pacing threat” to U.S. inter- met with Ukrainian Presi- membership being voiced on He replaces Adm. John ests in the region. dent Volodymyr Zelenskyy the frontlines of the battle Aquilino, who assumed leader- Paparo said in the news re- and reiterated the U.S.’s com- against Russia-backed sepa- ship of U.S. Indo-Pacific Com- lease that he looked forward to mitment to Ukraine’s “sover- ratists in the east and in the mand on Friday. leading a Navy fleet with an ar- eignty, territorial integrity halls of government in Kyiv. Paparo is a graduate of the ea of responsibility spanning and independence,” while al- Ukraine has seen an in- Navy Fighter Weapons School 100 million square miles and 14 so underscoring the impor- crease in hostilities in the and has flown the F-14 Tomcat, time zones, an expanse over tance of Ukraine’s efforts to east in recent months. Uk- F-15 Eagle and F/A-18 Hornet which about 60% of the world’s tackle widespread corruption raine’s military says 34 of its fighter jets, among others, the trade passes. and carry out reforms. soldiers have been killed by Navy said in a news release. “The U.S. remains commit- “Ukraine is facing two rebel attacks this year. Rus- Among his operational com- ted to a free and open Indo-Pa- challenges: aggression from sia, which claims its soldiers mand tours at sea were Strike cific that can only be achieved outside, coming from Russia, are not on the ground in east- Fighter Squadron 195 at Yoko- by the teamwork of like-mind- and in effect aggression from ern Ukraine, fueled the ten- suka Naval Base, Japan; com- ed partners, all working with a within, coming from corrup- sions further this year by mand of Carrier Air Wing 7, common commitment to up- tion, oligarchs and others massing troops and conduct- which was embarked in the holding international law and who are putting their inter- ing large-scale military exer- Dwight D. Eisenhower Strike the rules-based, international ests ahead of those of the Uk- cises near the border with Group; and command of Carri- order,” he said. rainian people,” Blinken told Ukraine.
PAGE 4 • STRIPES LITE • Thursday, May 6, 2021 Sailor rescued migrants in capsized boat Associated Press The Navy rescue swimmer citizen without legal status in three or four civilians in about SAN DIEGO — Cale Foy had immediately started running to- the U.S. and a U.S. citizen who ankle-deep water trying to get just started hiking with his wife ward the shore in what would was identified as the pilot, U.S. people out as well,” Foy said. and three kids as they do every become the most dramatic res- Customs and Border Protection Foy, who teaches water res- Sunday when he noticed what cue mission of his 17-year ca- said. Among those rescued cue for the Navy, asked the sail- he thought was an abandoned reer: A migrant smuggling boat were two Mexican minors who or if he was a strong enough fishing vessel approaching the overloaded with 32 people on had been traveling alone — a 15- swimmer to get past the high rocky, wind-swept San Diego board had capsized and year-old boy and a 15-year-old surf. He assured him he was. coastline as 5-to-8-foot waves smashed apart as its passengers girl. They were being placed in The two stood for a second on a were crashing. plunged into the treacherous shelters, Gutierrez Gonzalez rise to see what was happening A moment later, a wave waters. said. before drawing up what he slammed the boat and Foy saw Three people were killed and Foy and another young sailor called the “game plan.” it hit the rocks. Then he spotted two Mexican migrants remain who was also out hiking and is in “We could hear people fran- people tossed into the rough sea hospitalized, including one in basic training as a Navy SEAL tic, kind of chaos, screaming,” before the vessel broke into serious condition, said Carlos recruit were among the first to Foy said, adding that the cries pieces. Gutierrez Gonzalez, Mexico’s respond to the accident Sunday. for help were muffled by the “All of a sudden, we see peo- consul general in San Diego. “We saw a lot of debris and a sound of the waves crashing on- ple jumping into the waves and All but two people on the boat lot of people still in the water to the rocks. on top of the rocks and it was: ‘I were Mexican citizens without and nobody was out there help- “We just jumped in and have to be there. I have to help,’” legal status in the United States. ing other than two or three of the helped out with what we could,” Foy said. The others were a Guatemalan park rangers, and there were Foy said. Army trainee hijacked school bus Marines in Europe, BY COREY DICKSTEIN my physical training uniform and carrying Africa get new boss Stars and Stripes a service rifle during the incident. The trai- BY JOHN VANDIVER ATLANTA — An armed Army trainee nee ran off the post about 7 a.m. and was at- Stars and Stripes from Fort Jackson was arrested Thursday tempting to flag down cars on Interstate 77, STUTTGART, Germany — A two-star morning after he hijacked a bus full of ele- the sheriff said. general took command Thursday of Marines mentary school children using a service ri- Unable to find a ride on the interstate, the in Africa and Europe, where the service has fle, according to law enforcement officials trainee moved to a service road bus stop expanded its mission in recent years with a in South Carolina. where he followed children onto the school heavy focus on security in the Arctic region. The trainee will face multiple charges in- bus bound for Forest Lake Elementary Maj. Gen. Tracy W. King, who previously cluding kidnapping after he was appre- School. served as director of expeditionary warfare hended at about 8 a.m., shortly after aban- “He told the bus driver he didn’t want to in the office of the chief of naval operations, doning the school bus near Columbia, S.C., hurt him, but he wanted him to drive him to will lead Marines from his headquarters near Richland County Sheriff Leon Lott said in a the next town,” Lott said. Stuttgart. news conference just hours after the inci- The sheriff said the driver began driving “The commandant of the Marine Corps has dent. None of the people aboard the bus — the bus as instructed. clearly articulated a vision of how our service 18 children and the driver — were injured in Some of the children on the bus began us- will confront the security challenges of the 21st century,” King said in a statement. “In the incident, he said. ing cellphones to call parents to let them close partnership with the Navy, we will work “Probably one of the scariest calls we can know what was happening, Lott said. After to implement that vision here, making us a get in law enforcement is that a school bus some of the children asked repeatedly if the more lethal and dynamic force, better able to has been hijacked with kids on it with some- trainee planned to hurt them or the driver, support our allies and partners in this thea- one with a gun,” Lott said. the trainee “got a little frustrated” and or- ter.” Lott declined to name the suspect Thurs- dered the bus stopped, allowing the driver King replaces Maj. Gen. Michael Langley, day morning. Fort Jackson officials said and children to get off, Lott said. He then who arrived in Germany in November to they were aware the incident involved one drove the bus several miles before aban- command Marine Corps Forces Europe and of their trainees, but they did not immedi- doning it, with the rifle inside. Africa. ately provide further information about the The man then “went through neighbor- Langley will return to his previous post as suspect including whether he was in Basic hoods” nearby, Lott said, looking for deputy commander of Fleet Marine Force Combat Training or another training pro- clothes, was subsequently spotted by depu- Atlantic in Norfolk, Va., a position that the gram. ties and arrested without incident. Corps has used in the past to fill other com- “We are working closely with Richland The sheriff said his deputies were work- mand vacancies as the need arises. County Sheriff Department to respond to ing with Fort Jackson to investigate the in- Langley filled in after the previous com- this incident,” Fort Jackson spokeswoman cident. He said additional details, including mander, Maj. Gen. Stephen Neary, was re- L.A. Sully said in a statement. the Army trainee’s name, would be released lieved in October in connection with allega- Lott said the trainee was wearing an Ar- later. tions he used a racial slur in front of Marines.
Thursday, May 6, 2021 • S T R I P E S L I T E • PAGE 5 US backs waiving protections for vaccines Associated Press vice of ending this pandemic, supports the Tai’s announcement came hours after WASHINGTON — The Biden administra- waiver of those protections for COVID-19 WTO Director-General Ngozi Okonjo-Iwea- tion on Wednesday joined calls for more vaccines,” Tai said in a statement. la spoke to a closed-door meeting of ambas- sharing of the technology behind COVID-19 She cautioned that it would take time to re- sadors from developing and developed coun- vaccines to help speed the end of the pan- ach the required global “consensus” to waive tries that have been wrangling over the issue, demic, a shift that puts the U.S. alongside the protections under WTO rules, and U.S. but agree on the need for wider access to CO- many in the developing world who want rich officials said it would not have an immediate VID-19 treatments. countries to do more to get doses to the needy. effect on the global supply of COVID-19 The WTO’s General Council took up the is- U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai shots. sue of a temporary waiver for intellectual announced the government’s position, amid In a tweet, the director of the Africa Cen- property protections on COVID-19 vaccines World Trade Organization talks about a pos- tres for Disease Control and Prevention, and other tools, which South Africa and India sible temporary waiver of its protections that John N. Nkengasong, said the Africa CDC first proposed in October. The idea has would allow more manufacturers to produce welcomed the waiver and called the decision gained support among some progressive the life-saving vaccines. “leadership in action.” lawmakers in the West. “The Administration believes strongly in He added: “History will remember this de- Opponents — especially from industry — intellectual property protections, but in ser- cision as a great act of humanity!” say a waiver would be no panacea. Unemployment claims in US fall to under 500,000 Associated Press in January as employers have ramped up hir- ter will be even better. WASHINGTON — The number of Ameri- ing. In March, employers added nearly 1 mil- cans seeking unemployment aid fell last week At the same time, the pace of applications is lion jobs, the most since August. Roughly the to 498,000, the lowest point since the viral still well above the roughly 230,000 level that same number is expected to be reported Fri- pandemic struck 14 months ago and a sign of prevailed before the viral outbreak tore day when the government issues the jobs re- the job market’s growing strength as busi- through the economy in March of last year. port for April. Even so, the economy will still nesses reopen and consumers step up spend- As vaccinations have been more widely ad- be more than 7 million jobs short of its pre- ing. ministered, restrictions on businesses have pandemic level. Thursday’s report from the Labor Depart- gradually lifted and consumers have become The government’s report Thursday showed ment showed that applications declined more willing to travel, shop and dine out, that about 16.2 million people were contin- 92,000 from a revised 590,000 a week earlier. stronger spending has boosted hiring, slowed uing to collect unemployment benefits in the The number of weekly jobless claims — a layoffs and accelerated growth. The economy week that ended April 17, down from 16.6 mil- rough measure of the pace of layoffs — has grew last quarter at a vigorous 6.4% annual lion in the previous week. That’s a sign that declined significantly from a peak of 900,000 rate, with expectations that the current quar- some former recipients have found jobs. India hits another virus record as oxygen demand jumps Associated Press tally to more than 21 million. The Health Hospital authorities said they repaired NEW DELHI — Infections in India hit an- Ministry also reported 3,980 deaths in the the pipeline last week, but the consumption other grim daily record on Thursday as de- last 24 hours, bringing the total to 230,168. of oxygen had doubled since then, the news- mand for medical oxygen jumped sevenfold Experts believe both figures are an under- paper said. and the government denied reports that it count. Demand for hospital oxygen has in- was slow in distributing life-saving supplies Eleven COVID-19 patients died when creased sevenfold since last month, a gov- from abroad. pressure in an oxygen line dropped sudden- ernment official said, as India scrambles to The number of new confirmed cases ly in a government medical college hospital set up large oxygen plants and transport ox- breached 400,000 for the second time since in Chengalpet in southern India on Wednes- ygen. India created a sea bridge on Tuesday the devastating surge began last month. The day night, possibly because of a faulty valve, to ferry oxygen tankers from Bahrain and 412,262 new cases pushed India’s official The Times of India newspaper reported. Kuwait in the Persian Gulf, officials said.
PAGE 6 • STRIPES LITE • Thursday, May 6, 2021 O’s Means throws no-no against Mariners Associated Press This wasn’t a fluke performance — Means Means lowered his ERA to 1.37 and be- SEATTLE — The clubhouse celebration has been one of the best pitchers in the came the first individual Orioles pitcher to that awaited John Means was more than 50 American League to start this season. This toss a no-hitter since Jim Palmer against years in the making for the Baltimore was domination. Oakland on Aug. 13, 1969. It was the 10th no- Orioles and felt more like a playoff berth be- Means (4-0) struck out 12 and walked hitter in franchise history, including six as ing clinched rather than a Wednesday win in none. Seattle’s only baserunner was Sam Baltimore after four as the St. Louis Browns. May. Haggerty after he raced to first after swing- “It’s such a crazy feeling. It’s such a whirl- Only a wild pitch in the dirt kept the ing at a curveball in the dirt for strike three wind of an experience. I don’t think I’ve been Orioles from celebrating perfection. That’s with one out in the third inning. The 1-2 pitch able to process it yet,” Means said. “But to be how dominant Means was in throwing the bounced away from catcher Pedro Severino in the same breath as Palmer, I don’t think major leagues’ third no-hitter of the season and ended up being the only blemish that that it gets much better than that.” in Baltimore’s 6-0 win over the Seattle Mari- separated Means from a perfect game. In a season in which batters are on track to ners on Wednesday. Haggerty wasn’t on base long, getting hit a record-low .234, Means joined a no-hit A franchise still in the midst of a rebuild thrown out attempting to steal second. club that includes San Diego right-hander with little to celebrate in recent seasons was It was Means’ first complete game in 44 Joe Musgrove at Texas on April 9 and Chica- happy to put the spotlight on its tall lefty who career big league starts, and he said he go White Sox left-hander Carlos Rodón overmatched the Mariners with an array of couldn’t care less that it wasn’t a perfect against Cleveland on April 14. unhittable fastballs, breaking pitches and a game. In addition, Arizona left-hander Madison terrific changeup. Means pitched the first non-perfect no- Bumgarner pitched a seven-inning no-hit- No, it wasn’t perfection. But it was about hitter in which the opposing team did not re- ter against Atlanta on April 25, but that is not as close as it comes. ached on a walk, hit by pitch or error, ac- recognized as an official no-hitter by Major “I never really thought I’d be here. I’d al- cording to the Elias Sports Bureau. League Baseball because the game did not ways write ‘MLB player’ when I was a kid on Means threw 79 strikes among 113 pitch- go at least nine innings, shortened under the sheet when asked what you wanted to do es, including first-pitch strikes to 26 of 27 pandemic rules in effect for a second when you’re older, but I never thought it was batters. When Seattle did make contact straight season. a reality,” Means said. “And now that it is, against the 28-year-old left-hander, it was It’s the first time since 1969 there have and now I’m able to throw this, it’s crazy and weak and there were no threats to fall in for a been three complete game no-hitters this I don’t even know how to describe it.” hit. early in the season. Reds take White Sox in 10, lose Votto to injury Associated Press kees (16-14) got three innings of ing New York over host St. Louis Ohtani to beat host Los Angeles. CINCINNATI — Cincinnati’s scoreless relief from their major for a doubleheader split. Tigers 6, Red Sox 5 (10): Joey Votto fractured his left league-best bullpen and won for The loss ended a six-game Jeimer Candelario hit a tie- thumb in the Reds’ 1-0 10-inning the 10th time in 13 games to winning streak for the NL Cen- breaking three-run homer in the victory over the Chicago White move two games above .500 for tral-leading Cardinals (19-13). 10th inning, and Detroit won at Sox on Wednesday. the first time this season. St. Louis won the opener 4-1 as Boston. Votto was hit by Dallas Keu- Cubs 6, Dodgers 5 (11): An- Paul DeJong hit a two-run Marlins 8, Diamondbacks 0: chel’s pitch in the fourth inning. thony Rizzo capped host Chica- homer. Adam Duvall hit his fifth home Votto remained in the game, but go’s two-run 11th inning with an Braves 5, Nationals 3: Mar- run and finished with four RBIs, was replaced at first base by RBI single to complete a three- cell Ozuna hit Atlanta’s third Miguel Rojas scored three times Kyle Farmer in the sixth. Votto game sweep of Los Angeles. grand slam in four games and and five Miami pitchers scat- is not expected to need surgery, The Cubs’ Matt Duffy tied it Max Fried pitched five strong tered five hits to lead the team but could miss up to a month. when he drove in Wilson Contre- innings in his return from the in- over visiting Arizona. Jesse Winker hit a winning ras with a two-out single against jured list in a win at Washington. Indians 5, Royals 4: Josh single in the 10th inning after Garrett Cleavinger (0-3). Duffy Rockies 6, Giants 5: Jon Naylor homered in the ninth in- Chicago’s Leury García was stole third and pinch-hitter Tony Gray tossed six strong innings ning, sending Cleveland to a win caught stealing in the top half. Wolters walked before Rizzo and helped himself with an RBI at Kansas City. Yankees 6, Astros 3: Gian- singled on a sharp grounder to single in Colorado’s victory over Padres 4, Pirates 2: Jake carlo Stanton homered again left. visiting San Francisco. Cronenworth hit a go-ahead, and knocked in four runs, Aaron Blue Jays 9, Athletics 4: Te- Phillies 5, Brewers 4: Didi two-run single in the sixth in- Hicks hit a tiebreaking single in oscar Hernández hit a tiebreak- Gregorius hit his eighth career ning and host San Diego beat the eighth inning and host New ing RBI single during his team’s grand slam and host Philadel- Pittsburgh. York beat Houston for its fifth five-run eighth inning, and To- phia beat Milwaukee for its third Rangers 3, Twins 1: Hyeon- straight victory. ronto won at Oakland. straight victory. Jong Yang made his first major With fans in the Bronx chant- Cardinals 42, Mets 17: To- Rays 3, Angels 1: Brandon league start after 14 years in the ing curses at José Altuve and más Nido hit a two-run homer Lowe hit a three-run homer and Korea Baseball Organization, several other Astros for the sec- and Jonathan Villar added a solo Tampa Bay overcame five getting Texas off to a strong start ond consecutive night, the Yan- shot and an RBI single, power- scoreless innings from Shohei in a victory at Minnesota.
Thursday, May 6, 2021 • S T R I P E S L I T E • PAGE 7 Clarkson leads Jazz’s rout of Spurs Associated Press and host Milwaukee withstood a to their 10th victory in 12 games. the NBA’s worst record at 16-50, SALT LAKE CITY — Jordan triple-double from Russell Denver, which led by as much as lost their third straight and Clarkson and Bojan Bogdanovic Westbrook to beat Washington. 31, moved back into a tie with the eighth in nine games. are rounding into form at the Westbrook had 29 points, 17 Los Angeles Clippers for third Grizzlies 130, Timberwolves right time. assists and 12 rebounds for his place in the Western Confer- 135: Ja Morant had 37 points Clarkson scored 30 points, 179th career triple-double, but ence. and 10 assists and Memphis won Bogdanovic added 24 and the the Wizards still lost for just the Celtics 132, Magic 96: Bos- at Minnesota. Utah Jazz routed the San Anto- fourth time in their last 17 ton guard Kemba Walker tied a Desmond Bane scored 22 nio Spurs 126-94 on Wednesday games. He’s just two shy of Os- season high with 32 points in his points off the bench, including a night. car Robertson’s NBA record of return from a four-game injury few key three-pointers late, and Bogdanovic helped stake the 181 career triple-doubles. absence and Evan Fournier had Kyle Anderson added 20 points Jazz to an early lead and Clar- Giannis Antetokounmpo 18 points in his first game back in for the Grizzlies. kson pushed it out of reach. scored 23 points for the Bucks Orlando since being traded to Trail Blazers 141, Cavaliers “Just trying to be aggressive, I before fouling out with 1:54 left. the Celtics. 105: Damian Lillard had 32 know the team needs me to score Donte DiVincenzo had 19. Jayson Tatum shook off a slow points and nine assists and Enes more without especially Dono- Hawks 135, Suns 103: Clint start and finished with 27 points Kanter had 18 points and 13 re- van (Mitchell),” Bogdanovic Capela scored 18 points to lead for Boston, which swept the bounds, leading Portland to its said. seven scorers in double figures three-game series with the Mag- highest points total of the season With Atlanta’s 135-103 victory and Atlanta pulled away late to ic and beat Orlando for a sixth in a win at Cleveland. over Phoenix, the Jazz re- overcome Devin Booker’s 30 straight time over the past two Lillard scored 16 points in the claimed the No. 1 spot in the NBA points and rout visiting Phoenix. seasons. The Celtics made 21 first quarter and 14 points in the and Western Conference play- The Suns began the night even three-pointers, just two fewer third as the Trail Blazers moved off race despite the All-Star with the Utah Jazz in the race for than their season-best 23 within a half-game of the Maver- backcourt of Mitchell (ankle) the NBA’s best record, thanks to against the Magic on March 21. icks and Lakers for fifth place in and Mike Conley (hamstring) a five-game winning streak. 76ers 135, Rockets 115: the West. Portland is seventh missing another game. Phoenix faded badly in the Joel Embiid had 34 points in just and would be the top seed in the Luka Samanic scored 15 fourth quarter of the back-to- 25 minutes and visiting Phila- play-in tournament. points to lead the Spurs for the back following Tuesday night’s delphia routed Houston for its Kings 104, Pacers 93: Mar- first time this season. Devin Vas- 134-118 overtime win at Cleve- sixth straight victory. vin Bagley III kept Sacramen- sell and Drew Eubanks each had land. The Eastern Conference lead- to’s slim playoff hopes alive, 14 for the Spurs. They have lost Nuggets 113, Knicks 97: Ni- ers were up by double figures for scoring a season-high 31 points five straight as they fight for the kola Jokic scored 24 of his 32 most of the night and their start- and grabbing 12 rebounds to final spot in the NBA play-in points in a dominant first quar- ers barely had to play in the lead the team to a win at Indiana. tournament. ter in host Denver’s victory. fourth quarter to keep the NBA’s Delon Wright added 23 points Bucks 135, Wizards 134: Jokic finished with 12 re- longest active winning streak to help the Kings win their Jrue Holiday scored 29 points bounds to help lead the Nuggets going. The Rockets, who have fourth straight — all on the road. Lightning continue domination of Stars this season Associated Press assist to reach 1,000 career points, Gabriel Sharks 3, Avalanche 2: Tomas Hertl had Vilardi scored twice and Los Angeles elim- two goals and an assist in his 500th career TAMPA, Fla. — Defenseman Erik Cer- inated host Arizona from playoff contention. NHL game and Erik Karlsson scored a go- nak had a goal and two assists to help the Kopitar became the fourth Kings player ahead goal in the third period to lead host Tampa Bay Lightning beat the Dallas Stars to reach 1,000 career points on Sean Walk- San Jose past Colorado. 6-2. er’s empty-net goal. Cal Petersen had 28 Jets 4, Flames 0: Adam Lowry and Blake The defending champion Lightning have saves and Jaret Anderson-Dolan also Wheeler each scored twice and Winnipeg won six of the seven meetings this season scored for Los Angeles. won at Calgary to snap a seven-game losing between the 2020 Stanley Cup Finalists. The Golden Knights 3, Wild 2 (OT): Alex Pie- streak and clinch a playoff spot. teams will meet again Friday night in Tam- trangelo scored at 1:53 of overtime to lift Ve- Senators 5, Canadiens 1: Erik Brann- pa. gas to a win at Minnesota. strom had three assists for his first career The Stars remained alive for the fourth Blue Jackets 4, Predators 2: Mikhail multi-point game, Shane Pinto scored his and final spot in the Central Division after Grigorenko scored the go-ahead goal in the first NHL goal and host Ottawa stalled Mon- Nashville’s loss in Columbus. Dallas is four third period and host Columbus prevented treal’s playoff charge. points back with three games remaining. Nashville from clinching a playoff spot. Capitals 4, Rangers 2: T.J. Oshie had a Andrei Vasileskiy finished with 20 saves Ducks 3, Blues 2 (SO): Troy Terry hat trick, Vitek Vanecek made 19 saves and for his 31st victory of the season. scored the shootout winner in Anaheim’s visiting Washington beat depleted New Kings 4, Coyotes 2: Anze Kopitar had an victory at St. Louis. York in a fight-filled game.
PAGE 8 • STRIPES LITE • Thursday, May 6, 2021 Lower-round quarterbacks face long odds Associated Press The jury is still out on a few others such as “To be playing with the G.O.A.T. and you Jalen Hurts, picked in the second round last have some great, great coaching.” The five teams that took quarterbacks in year by Philadelphia, and 2019 second- Trask, who started 22 games in college, the first round of the NFL Draft head into rounder Drew Lock in Denver, but that his- will get to watch the 43-year-old Brady and the offseason program full of optimism that tory doesn’t bode well for this year’s class. learn from coach Bruce Arians and offen- they have found the franchise cornerstone Five quarterbacks were drafted after the sive coordinator Byron Leftwich. Assistants that will lead to great success for the next first round this year, matching the fewest Clyde Christensen and Tom Moore, who decade. taken after round one in the common draft have helped develop several young passers History indicates that at least a couple of era that started in 1967. As more teams ele- in their decades in the league, also will pro- those teams will be looking for new answers vate quarterbacks up their draft boards to vide a big help. sooner than they hoped with the hit rate on take them in the first round, the quality in Mond has much more college experience successful first-round quarterbacks being the later rounds has dropped. than Trask with 44 starts at Texas A&M, but no better than a coin toss, something the There was speculation that a record-tying will have time in Minnesota to learn behind New York Jets know all too well after taking six quarterbacks could go in the first round Kirk Cousins, who is under contract for two Zach Wilson second overall just three years this year with Trevor Lawrence, Wilson, more seasons. after making Sam Darnold the third overall Trey Lance, Justin Fields and Mac Jones “With a young guy you try to track that as pick. near locks. The next to go off the board end- they come out whether they’re spiraling up The chances that the five teams that se- ed up being Florida’s Kyle Trask, who went or spiraling down and we felt he was on the lected quarterbacks after round one found a to Tampa Bay with the final pick of the sec- right trajectory and has a lot of upside to de- keeper is considerably smaller based on the ond round. velop," general manager Rick Spielman recent track records of those picks. Texas A&M’s Kellen Mond and Stan- said. The days of first-round snubs going on to ford’s Davis Mills then went to Minnesota Mills might not get the luxury of waiting superstar careers such as Tom Brady, Brett and Houston respectively with back-to- depending on how Watson's situation in Favre, Drew Brees, or becoming solid long- back picks early in the third round, Notre Houston plays out. Watson’s future with the term starters such as Matt Hasselbeck, Dame’s Ian Book went to New Orleans in team is in question after 22 women filed Trent Green and Mark Brunell are a thing the fourth and Indianapolis took Sam Ehlin- lawsuits alleging that he sexually assaulted of the past. ger out of Texas in the sixth round. or harassed them. Houston police and the Since a stretch in 2011-12 when Russell With the possible exception of Mills, who NFL are investigating the allegations, leav- Wilson, Andy Dalton, Kirk Cousins and Co- could be rushed into play depending on the ing his future with the team up in the air. lin Kaepernick fashioned successful ca- status of Deshaun Watson with the Texans, Even before all that Watson had been un- reers after being passed over in round one, the other young quarterbacks are behind happy with the direction of the team and re- only a rare few have made it since. entrenched veterans and will be given time quested a trade earlier this year. Of the 70 quarterbacks taken after round to develop. The Texans also have Tyrod Taylor and 1 from 2013-20, including 26 who went in “This is a great place for a quarterback to general manager Nick Caserio says he and rounds two through four, only Dak Prescott, come and be groomed," said Tampa Bay first-year coach David Culley will see how Derek Carr and Jimmy Garoppolo have be- general manager Jason Licht, who won the things play out before determining how come successful starters. Super Bowl last season with Tom Brady. quickly Mills plays. NFL warns players off-site injuries could void deals Associated Press they sustain an injury at a team’s facility. an NFL facility are considered ‘Non-Foot- ENGLEWOOD, Colo. — The NFL is re- They don’t have the same protection if ball Injuries’ and are outside the scope of a minding teams following Ja’Wuan James’ they’re injured working out anywhere else. typical skill, injury and cap guarantee,” the potentially season-ending Achilles injury Players from 20 teams, including the memo said. that they’re not obligated to pay salaries of Broncos, are boycotting voluntary offseason “Such injuries are also not covered by the players who get hurt away from team facil- workouts at team facilities over COVID-19 protections found in paragraph 9 of the NFL ities. concerns. Player Contract, meaning that clubs have no The memo sent to all 32 teams Wednesday The NFL said in the memo that several contractual obligation to provide salary con- and obtained by The Associated Press was teams had raised the issue of compensation tinuation during the year in which the injury spurred by James’ injury he sustained while after James, the Broncos’ starting right was sustained.” working out at a private gym away from tackle, got hurt. “By contrast,” the memo added, “injuries Broncos headquarters on Tuesday. The league said the Broncos are off the sustained by a player while working out at a The league encouraged teams to “remind hook for James’ $10 million salary for 2021, club facility or as specifically authorized by players of the significant injury-related pro- which would have been fully guaranteed his club are considered ‘Football-Related tection provided if they choose to work out at had he gotten hurt while working out at the Injuries.’ Under our agreement with the the club facility and the risks they undertake team’s facilities. NFL Players Association, players that sus- in choosing to train in non-NFL locations.” “Injuries sustained while a player is work- tain ‘Football Related Injuries’ are entitled Players are protected against lost wages if ing out ‘on his own’ in a location other than to significant protections.”
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