News in natural WINTER 2019 FREE - Get Outside Warming Winter Comfort Foods Sweet and Sunny Citrus Lab Grown Meat - LifeSource Natural Foods

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News in natural WINTER 2019 FREE - Get Outside Warming Winter Comfort Foods Sweet and Sunny Citrus Lab Grown Meat - LifeSource Natural Foods
news in natural                                     WINTER 2019 · FREE

Get Outside · Warming Winter Comfort Foods · Sweet and Sunny Citrus · Lab Grown Meat
News in natural WINTER 2019 FREE - Get Outside Warming Winter Comfort Foods Sweet and Sunny Citrus Lab Grown Meat - LifeSource Natural Foods
Turn to page 14 for Waylan’s                                                             Contact Us
 Baked Mac and Cheese recipe.
                                                                                           General Manager
                                                                                           Alex Beamer
                                                                                           Store Manager
                                                                                           Jeff Watson
                                                                                                                                Winter 2019

                                                                                           Grocery & Perishable Manager
                                                                                           Dawn Hinrichs

                                                                                           Grocery & Perishable Curator
                                                                                           Jessica Hill

                                                                                           Matt Trickey

                                                                                           Jimmy Vaughn
We’re past the darkest time of year, a natural time for new                      
beginnings as the sun turns the corner toward brighter days.
As we think about how to be healthier in the New Year,                                     Beer & Wine
Michelle’s article on the benefits of stomach acid and Chris’s                             Liam Stary
about Bone Broth are well timed. A cup of warm bone broth
is one of my favorite winter drinks. So satisfying!
                                                                                           Wellness                             10                                                                                     22
                                                                                           Marie Wallace
For me it’s also a natural time to stay snug by the fire so I                    
really appreciate Tabetha’s encouragement to get outdoors,
                                                                                                                                On the Cover             4   Why Stomach Acid                18   Staff Favorites
even at this time of year! The Salem Area Trail Alliance also                              Deli                                 There is a stellar           is Good For Us                       Chris and Dawn share some
invites us to get out and enjoy this amazing valley we live in.                            Jenna Otto                           variety of citrus                                                 of their favorite picks from
                                                                                                                                                             A surprising must-read
                                                                                     available now.                                                    the LifeSource shelves.
                                                                                                                                                             with a strategy to avoid
Waylan’s homemade Mac and Cheese appeals to the foodie in                                                                       Brighten your winter         acid indigestion.
all of us. And last but not least—citrus! It seems perfect to me                           Mercantile · Health & Beauty                                                                      20   Will Lab Grown Meat
                                                                                                                                with some new tasty
that these bright, summer colored, balls of deliciousness are                              Zira Michelle Brinton                treats. 12
                                                                                                                                                         9   Bone Broth                           Be The Future Burger?
                                                                                                                    Whether you make it or               A look at the pros and cons
ripe and perfect in the middle of winter. They are food for the
                                                                                                                                                             buy it off our shelves, bone         of an upcoming technology.
body and spirit!                                                                                                                Recipes                      broth is packed with good
                                                                                           Marketing & Outreach                                                                              22   Community Matters
                                                                                           Roxanne Magnuson                      6   Blueberry Ginger        nutrition and hearty flavors.
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Spotlight on two of the
Enjoy!                                                                                   Shrub
                                                                                                                                                        10   Get Outside                          non-profits LifeSource
                                                                                                                                 8   Beef Bone Broth         Encouragement to get out             supports: Salem Area Trail
                                                                                           Mailing List
                                                                                                                                11   Vegetable Beef          and stay active with fun             Alliance and Community
                                                                                           Kathy Biskey                                                      winter outdoor activities.           Services Consortium.
Kathy Biskey · Editor                                                            
                                                                                                                                14   Waylan’s Mac &     15   What’s New?                     24   Plastic Bags Be Gone!
                                                                                                                                     Cheese                  Find out what’s fresh at             Salem steps up and bans
                                                                                                  @LifeSourceNaturalFoods                                    LifeSource!                          single use plastic bags.
                             2649 Commercial St SE Salem, OR 97302 · 503-361-7973                                               17   Cranberry Orange
           The material contained in this newsletter is for informational purposes only.
         Always see your healthcare provider before beginning a self-treatment program.           @LifeSource_Foods
News in natural WINTER 2019 FREE - Get Outside Warming Winter Comfort Foods Sweet and Sunny Citrus Lab Grown Meat - LifeSource Natural Foods
Second, the stomach, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas don’t
                                                                                              Why do so many people
                                                                                            experience heartburn, reflux,
                                                                                                                                        receive the signal to do their jobs properly. Acid tells the
                                                                                                                                        stomach to convert inactive pepsinogen into active pepsin so
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Digestive Support
                                                                                          ulcers, poor digestion and poor               that it can break down proteins into absorbable bits before
                                                                                          nutrient absorption? The answer               they enter the small intestine.
                                                                                                                                          Acid tells the liver and gallbladder to release bile which is          Prime your
                                                                                                  may surprise you!
                                                                                                                                        needed to emulsify (break down into small particles) fats so
                                                                                                                                        they can be digested properly. Lipase, which is the enzyme
                                                                                                                                                                                                            1.   digestion
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 and activate
                                                                                                                                        that digests fat, is produced in the pancreas, but it won’t be
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 by taking
                                                                                                                                        secreted properly without the acid trigger. The pancreas also            digestive
                                                                                                                                        needs the acid trigger to produce other protein digesting                bitters prior
                                                                                                                                        enzymes to enable nutrient absorption, as well as creating               to meals.
                                                                                                                                        sodium bicarbonate to neutralize the acidified proteins in
                                                                                                                                        the stomach known as chyme before it goes into the small
                                                                                                                                        intestine. Without that sodium bicarbonate, the chyme will
                                                                                                                                        burn the small intestine.
                                                                                                                                          Third, undigested proteins will go into the small intestine
                                                                                                                                        where they cannot be further broken down or their nutrients
                                                                                                                                        absorbed. This causes intestinal distress, inflammation,
                                                                                                                                        dysbiosis, and eventually, “leaky gut” which means you’re
                                                                                                                                        not getting the nutrients you need, but are susceptible to
                                                                                                                                        having those undigested proteins, as well as bacteria, leak into
                                                                                                                                        your bloodstream causing histamine and immune responses
                                                                                                                                        against the foreign invaders.

 Why Stomach Acid is Good for Us
                                                                                                                                          At the extreme end of this dysfunction is the potential
                                                                                                                                        development of an autoimmune response where your body
                                                                                                                                        starts attacking random proteins in your body (like your
  By Michelle Achée, NPT · Wellness                                                                                                                                                                                 Broad spectrum enzyme blends and
                                                                                                                                        joints, thyroid, or other organs,) rather than just the foreign
                                                                                                                                        invaders.                                                            2.     hydrochloric acid supplements taken with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    meals can help break down your food more

           sk the average person (including    do to ourselves when we do so. Let’s        is the most acidic and 14 is the most          Lastly, without sufficient acid you cannot cleave minerals
           the average doctor) what causes     take a look at some basics.                 alkaline. Battery acid is at 1 on the        into smaller, more absorbable particles. They won’t be in
           heartburn and they’ll answer                                                    pH scale. Lemon juice around 2.5,            useable bits, so your body just excretes them. This is one of
  “too much acid” aka “hyperchlorhydria.”      Why is stomach acid necessary?              and vinegar around 3. So, we want our        the primary reasons why people who take antacids or PPIs
  However, too much acid is far less             What is its function? Stomach acid        stomach acid to resemble something           (proton pump inhibitors) long term end up with mineral
  common than having too little acid.          does several things. It breaks down         like pure lemon juice or apple cider         deficiencies, muscle cramps, anemia, and osteoporosis.
  It’s actually quite rare. So then, why do    proteins, kills pathogenic bacteria and     vinegar. That’s pretty acidic.               They’re simply not getting the minerals they need from food
  so many people experience heartburn,         other microbes that might be lurking                                                     or supplements because their body doesn’t have what it needs
  reflux, ulcers, poor digestion and poor      in our food, triggers the release of        What happens when we don’t                   to make them bioavailable.
  nutrient absorption?                         other digestive enzymes from the liver,     have enough acid?                              So, how can we optimize proper stomach pH to improve
     The answer is surprising: Too little      gallbladder and pancreas, and it breaks        First, the LES doesn’t get the signal     our digestion while lowering incidents of heartburn and acid
  stomach acid.                                down vital minerals like calcium and        to close. Without enough acid, the           reflux?
     The reasons for low stomach acid are      iron so that they can be absorbed rather    door at the top of your stomach stays
  numerous, ranging from stress to aging       than excreted. It’s also responsible for    wide open. When you eat, the food            How can we improve our digestion?
  to poor diet, food sensitivities, eating     ensuring that the Lower Esophageal          doesn’t break down. It just sits there,         One of the best places to start sounds a lot like advice you’d
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Protect the lining
  too quickly, overuse of antacids and
  proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), and the
  “I’ve got to alkalinize my body” craze.
                                               Sphincter (LES,) which is the door
                                               that leads from the esophagus to the
                                               stomach, stays closed so that acid
                                                                                           rotting and fermenting, until gravity
                                                                                           eventually takes over. Meanwhile, gas
                                                                                           is being produced which pushes the
                                                                                                                                        get from grandma: Slow down. Don’t eat on the run. Don’t
                                                                                                                                        eat while stressed or distracted. Sit down and focus on eating.
                                                                                                                                        Chew, chew, chew your food properly. Put your fork down
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   3.      of your esophagus
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           and stomach with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           soothing, coating
  We have been conditioned to view             and food do not come back up the            food, and whatever little acid is present,   between bites. Consume nutritious foods and avoid sugar,                                           herbs.
  stomach acid as the enemy, so we go to       esophagus.                                  up into the esophagus, leading to            sodas and other junk.
  great lengths to suppress it even further,     The optimal pH of the stomach is          heartburn and, in extreme cases, GERD           Some people find that priming the digestion prior to meals
  without understanding the damage we          between 1.5 to 3 on the pH scale. Zero      (GastroEsophageal Reflux Disease.)           is very helpful in activating the enzymes needed. You can do

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News in natural WINTER 2019 FREE - Get Outside Warming Winter Comfort Foods Sweet and Sunny Citrus Lab Grown Meat - LifeSource Natural Foods
this by using digestive bitters or drinking a bit of lemon water
       BLUEBERRY GINGER                                              or apple cider vinegar in water. Acidifying the stomach just
        VINEGAR SHRUB                                                prior to eating or taking mineral supplements will increase
                                                                     your ability to digest properly. Some people find that taking
                                                                     their iron or calcium supplement with orange juice helps
                                                                     them to better absorb the minerals.
   Ingredients                                                          Digestive enzymes that contain HCl (hydrochloric acid)
   •   11/2 cups fresh or frozen   •   1/3 cup raw honey
                                                                     are very helpful. For people who are very sensitive, or who
       organic blueberries         •   1/2 Tbsp fresh grated         have a weak LES, taking DGL (deglycyrrhizinated licorice) to
   •   1/2 cup water                   organic ginger                protect the mucosal lining of the stomach and esophagus is
   •   1/2 cup raw apple                                             helpful. It’s especially useful for people who are titrating off of
       cider vinegar
   Directions                                                           A word about proton pump inhibitors (Prilosec, Prevacid,
   1. Put all ingredients into a blender and blend until             Protonix): Proton pumps don’t just exist in the stomach.
   2. Pour into a glass jar, seal and place in fridge for 1-2 days
                                                                     They exist in almost every cell in the body. Taking a PPI to
                                                                     reduce stomach acid doesn’t just affect digestion. It affects
                                                                                                                                           Spotlight On
   before serving. Over time the vinegar flavor will lessen.         ALL proton pumps throughout the body, including those
   3. Serve about 2 tablespoons in a glass of sparkling water,
   or to taste. Try drinking before meals as a digestive primer.
                                                                     responsible for cellular energy, by interfering with ATP
                                                                     production and storage, reducing nitric oxide production
                                                                                                                                           HERB PHARM
                                                                     which is necessary for proper blood vessel dilation,
                                                                     interfering with brain cells’ ability to communicate with each
                                                                     other, as well as a risk of an increased buildup of amyloid
                                                                     plaque which raises Alzheimer’s risk. Stopping PPIs suddenly
                                                                     will cause a painful and discouraging rebound effect, and
                                                                     it should not be attempted without communicating your
                                                                     intention with your doctor and working with them to                                      ocated in Southern Oregon, Herb Pharm™ is
                                                                     formulate a plan to do so safely.
                                                                        Several other herbs are beneficial demulcents, which
                                                                     protect the mucosal lining of the esophagus, stomach and
                                                                                                                                                          L   a grower and producer of certified organic
                                                                                                                                                              medicinal herbs and herbal healthcare
                                                                                                                                                          products. Herb Pharm has been making herbal
                                                                     gut, allowing them to heal. These include marshmallow                                products since 1979, using medicine-making
                                                                                                                                                          methods set forth and perfected by herbalists
                                                                     root, slippery elm, aloe vera and mastic gum. Mastic gum,
                                                                                                                                                          over millennia. Herb Pharm’s liquid herbal
                                                                     especially when used with zinc l-carnosine, encourages                               extracts are # 1 in the U.S.
                                                                     healing of the mucosal lining of the stomach and gut, as well
                                                                     as possibly inhibiting the ulcer causing bacteria H. Pylori                            Herb Pharm started with a few scrappy
                                                                                                                                                          idealists who believed they could cultivate health
                                                                     and healing damage it causes. Raw cabbage juice contains
                                                                                                                                                          from the land without robbing it and future
                                                                     nutrients which have been shown to heal ulcers in both the                           generations along with it. Herb Pharm only
                                                                     stomach and the gut.                                                                 uses herbs that are grown on its own organic
                                                                        These supplements and nutrients can be incorporated into                          farms or that are sourced from other growers
                                                                     an overall plan to optimize stomach acid, protein digestion                          and wildcrafters who share Herb Pharm’s
                                                                     and nutrient absorption, while minimizing discomfort.                                commitment to environmental stewardship and
                                                                                                                                                          social responsibility. All herbs must meet exacting
                                                                        For more in depth info, with citations to detailed studies, I
                                                                                                                                                          standards for authenticity, purity and potency,
                                                                     highly recommend the book Why Stomach Acid Is Good For                               which are ensured through rigorous on-site and
                                                                     You: Natural Relief from Heartburn, Indigestion, Reflux and                          third-party testing programs.
                                                                     GERD by Jonathan V. Wright, MD and Lane Lenard, PhD.
                                                                        Happy reading and happy eating!                                                     By using the latest technology and proven
                                                                                                                                                          extraction methods in tandem with ancient
                                                                                                                                                          healing traditions, Herb Pharm provides a natural
                                                                     Michelle is a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner right here in                         path to health. From herbs for immune system
                                                                     Salem. Stop in to LifeSource and say hi, and check out her                           support to herbs for energy and vitality, with
                                                                     Nutritional Therapy page at                                 Herb Pharm’s diverse line of herbal healthcare
                                                                                                                                                          products, you are sure to find an herbal product
                                                                                                                                                          to help you meet your health goals.

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No Time to Make
                      BEEF BONE BROTH                                                                      BONE BROTH                                                                         Bone Broth?
                                                                                                                                                                                            Get all the benefits from
                                                                                                                                                                                            these pre-made options!
        We Used                                     Directions                                             A NUTRITIONAL POWERHOUSE
     • 4 lbs grassfed    • 1 small head garlic      1. Blanch marrow bones to remove any impurities:
       beef bones. We    • 5 sprigs fresh thyme     cover with water, bring to a boil, and reduce heat     By Chris Bair · Produce
       used marrow and   • 5 sprigs fresh parsley   to medium high. Simmer for 20 minutes, drain.
       neck bones.         3 bay leaves

                         •                                                                                    f you think bone broth is just       in bone broth supports a healthy
     • 3 stalks celery   • 1 tsp black              2. Roast marrow bones on a parchment lined                soup, you couldn’t be more           lining in your gut, returning your
     • 2 carrots           peppercorns              baking sheet in a preheated 450°F oven for about          wrong. Soup has never been so        digestion to a state where it can
     • 1 medium onion    • 2 Tbsp apple             40 minutes, or until dark brown. Neck bones take
                                                    about 20 minutes. Take care not to burn the bones,
                                                                                                           good for you since the rediscovery      absorb nutrients properly. Recent
     • 1 medium leek       cider vinegar
                                                    but you’ll want them very well done.                   of this miracle broth! Bone broth is    studies show that bone broth can
                                                                                                           actually one of the oldest meals we     help those who suffer from a leaky
                                                    3. While bones are roasting, wash your veggies.        have on record, dating back to the      gut. Leaky gut is when you have
                                                    Feel free to leave the skins on, but slice the ends
                                                                                                           stone age. Yet somewhere along the      permeability within your digestive
                                                    off the onion and leek. Quarter the celery, carrots,
                                                    onion, and leek. Cut the head of garlic in half        way many cultures lost touch with       tract that allows partially undigested
                                                    crosswise. We used all organic veggies.                the health benefits of simple bone      food, yeast, viruses, bacteria, and
                                                                                                           soup. Not everyone is aware of what     other unwanted toxins to enter
                                                    4. Add bones, veggies, herbs and seasonings to         bone broth can really contribute        your bloodstream. This is one of the
                                                    a large stock or crock pot— at least 6 quarts, but
                                                    10 quarts is ideal. Add cold water until ingredients
                                                                                                           to their diet. This amazing food        reasons why bone broth is a main
                                                    are just covered.                                      is packed with valuable nutrients       component in the GAPS diet. The
                                                                                                           that the human body needs.              GAPS diet is often used to support
                                                    5. Bring to a boil, and reduce heat to a low              To make proper bone broth you        children with Autism, and other
                                                    simmer for at least 12 hours. Beef bones can
                                                                                                           simmer the bones of your animal         disorders linked to gut dysfunction.
                                                    simmer for up to 48. Add a little water now and
                                                    then to keep bones covered.                            of choice—beef or chicken are              Another valuable component of
                                                                                                           common—for an extended period           bone broth is protein gelatin. This                     Bone broth
                                                    6. Remove from heat and allow to cool slightly.        time. Simmer for at least six hours,    provides us with the necessary                         for pets too!
                                                    Strain out solids using a colander or mesh strainer,   but typically 24-48 hours to extract    building blocks to form and maintain
                                                    and cool to room temperature. Refrigerate. Skim
                                                    fat off of cooled broth, if desired.
                                                                                                           all of the valuable nutrients. As       strong bones. With so many
                                                                                                           the bone broth simmers, collagen        valuable nutritional components
                                                    Bone broth can be refrigerated for 3 to 4 days, or     leaches out of the bones and into the   in it, bone broth helps to protect
                                                    frozen up to 3 months.                                 broth, becoming readily absorbable.     joints, support gut health, maintain
                                                                                                           For those times when you don’t          healthy skin, support immune system
                                                                                                           have time to make your own,             function, boost detoxification,
                                                                                                           LifeSource has a wide variety of well   aid metabolism, promote
                                                                                                           made and tasty bone broths in the       anabolism, and much more too.
                                                                                                           cooler, the freezer or on the shelf.       As you can see there are many
                                                                                                              Collagen is one of the many          reasons to consume bone broth
                                                                                                           nutrients found in bone broth and       everyday as a very healthy and
                                                                                                           is also the main structural protein     delicious super food. The best part
                                                                                                           found within the human body.            is that you can increase the nutrient
                                                                                                           Collagen helps to form connective       punch of this already nutrient
                                                                                                           tissue and “seal” the protective        rich food by adding in vegetables,
                                                                                                           lining of the gastrointestinal tract.   spices and roots. After hearing
                                                                                                           It is also the jelly like structure     the science behind bone broth,
                                                                                                           that covers and holds our bones         it probably makes you wonder
                                                                                                           together. Collagen forms elastic        why anyone would not want to
                                                                                                           compounds within the skin as well.      participate in making and drinking
                                                                                                              The readily absorbable collagen      this magical, healing food.

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News in natural WINTER 2019 FREE - Get Outside Warming Winter Comfort Foods Sweet and Sunny Citrus Lab Grown Meat - LifeSource Natural Foods
                           GET OUTSIDE
                           By Tabetha McCrimmon · Produce
                                                                                                                                                                        BONE BROTH SOUP
                                                                                                                                                                   Organic Ingredients

                                  iving in Florida for the past decade   first state in the U.S. to include yurts
                                                                                                                                                                   •    1 1/2-2 lbs grass fed stew meat     •    3 sprigs thyme, minced
                                  has completely ruined my ability to    as a camping option and according to                                                      •    2 Tbsp olive oil, divided           •    3 sprigs oregano, minced
                                  withstand freezing temperatures.       Nation’s Business, yurts are “the biggest      Tabetha and Jason post polar bear plunge   •    1 large yellow onion                •    1 lb red potatoes, chopped
                           If I’m being honest with you—and              money maker to hit Oregon State Parks                                                     •    3 carrots, chopped                  •    2 cups green beans, chopped
                           myself—I’d say it ruined that ability to                                                                                                •    3 stalks celery, chopped            •    1 cup fresh or frozen corn
                                                                         since campgrounds were introduced.”
                                                                                                                                                                   •    5 cloves garlic, minced             •    1 cup fresh or frozen peas
                           anything below 60 degrees. I decided          Most are in the $40-$60 range and are                                                     •    1 28oz can diced tomatoes           •    Salt and pepper, to taste
                           my first winter in Oregon, I would meet       open year-round!                                                                          •    8 cups beef bone broth              •    1/4 cup fresh parsley, chopped
                           this challenge head on. Here are some            Winter is a great time of the year                                                     •    2 sprigs rosemary, minced
                           exhilarating, awe-inspiring and just plain    to head to the coast, where yurts are
                           silly ideas I had to distract myself from     bountiful, with your warm sweaters and                                                    Directions
                           the winter blues. Hopefully these tips        knitted hats. From December to March,                                                     1. Heat 1 Tbsp olive oil over medium-high heat. Cook the beef in batches,
                                                                                                                                                                   browning an all sides. Remove from pot.
                           allow you to try something different this     Grey Whales migrate from their feeding
                                                                                                                                                                   2. Add remaining oil to pot, add onions, celery and carrots. Sauté about 3
                           flurry, foggy season.                         grounds off Alaska to their nurseries
                                                                                                                                                                   minutes, add garlic and sauté an additional minute.
                              I’ll start with an extreme. Snow           off Mexico. There are volunteers all
                                                                                                                                                                   3. Add broth, tomatoes, beef, rosemary, thyme, and oregano. Bring to a
                           camping. It’s just plain ol’ camping          along the coast to help whale watchers                                                    boil, reduce heat and simmer, stirring occasionally, for 30 minutes.
                           but with more campfires. You have to          spot their prizes but I’ve heard the best                                                 4. Add potatoes, continue simmering for 20 minutes.
                                                                                                                                                                   5. Add green beans, continue simmering for 20 minutes.
                            Here are some exhilarating, awe-inspiring and just
                                                                                                                                                                   6. Add corn and peas, simmer for about 5 minutes, or until heated through.
                           plain silly ideas to distract you from the winter blues.                                                                                7.   Add salt and pepper, if desired. Stir in fresh parsley just before serving.

                           remember multiple pairs of clothing,          spots are Depoe Bay and Ecola State
                           even if you’re only camping for a             Park. Enjoy a chilly day hike and finish
                           night. Wear wool or fabric specifically       with a warm thermos of something
                           designed for the snow. You’ll also have       special while you watch these beautiful
                           to remember to bring a warming liquid,        mammals play along our shores.
                           I recommend whiskey. There are many              I’ll end with the most extreme. A polar               Winter hike with Loki and Koya
                           places in Oregon to disperse camp, that       bear plunge into a cold body of water! I
                           is according to the USDA, camping             rang in my New Year at Cape Lookout
                           anywhere in the National Forest outside       State Park. Camping the night before on
                           of a designated campground. Dispersed         the beach allowed my body to adjust to
                           camping means there are no toilets, no        the cool breeze (gusts) of the Pacific. The
                           picnic tables, no trash cans, no treated      next morning, I drank the hottest cup of
                           water, and no fire grates. While this does    Assam tea I could down and ran towards
                           mean you have to be more conscientious        the crashing waves with gusto. Luckily,
                           of your stay in the wilderness, it doesn’t    a raging fire was waiting for me and as
                           mean you can’t enjoy the stillness of the     I steamed, literally, into the new year. I
                           forest as you meditate on the cracklings      wondered if I’d ever be warm again! My
                           of the evening burning away.                  best tip for this is to warm your new, dry
                              If all that sounds good but you want       socks by your car heater before you take
                           more hygge (a mood of coziness and            the plunge. This is my just-plain-silly
                           comfortable conviviality with feelings        idea, I realize, but if you’re looking for a
                           of wellness and contentment), yurt            partner or pusher, I’ll be there again next
                           camping is much cozier and plentiful          year! See you there!
                           in Oregon. In 1993 Oregon became the
                                                                                                                                  Yurt in South Beach State Park

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                                                                        PERSIAN LIMES                                                       This is a type of Minneola

CITRUS                                                                  This is the lime most used in                                       Tangelo: a cross between
                                                                                                         RUBY RED
                                                                        the United States. For us it     GRAPEFRUIT                         the Tangor, Dancy, and
                                                                        is just referred to as “Lime”.   Rich, full bodied flavor,          Encore. Whoever thought
                                                                        This lime is large and sweet     perfect balance of sweet           of crossing these three is a
                                                                        compared to its other lime-      and tart, what’s there to          genius, because the flavor
By Chris Bair · Produce                                                 like cousins.                    complain about?                    and juice content is out of
                                                                                                                                            this world. Perfect balance
Citrus are so good at this time     Mexican Limes. Mexican Limes                                                                            of sweet and tart, with a hint
of year! They are refreshing, can   and Lemons were crossed for                                                                             of floral notes at the end.
be anywhere between sweet,          our Persian Limes. Citrons were
                                                                        MEYER LEMONS                     SHADDOCK POMELO                    ALGERIAN TANGERINE
sour or bitter, and—not to          crossed with the Sour Orange to     Similar to a lemon, although     These are my favorite citrus.      Also known as a Clementine,
mention—they are packed full        create Lemons. The Meyer lemon      sweeter, with more juice,        They taste like a passion          this is a small, easy to
of Vitamin C! Citrus also have      is a distinct cross between the     and less sour. Makes the         fruit, and have a meaty, yet       peel, and generally very
a lot more properties than you      Pomelo/Mandarin, and a Citron.      best lemonade!                   juicy inner flesh.                 sweet orange mandarin
would think. For example, just      Lemons and Sour Oranges were                                                                            hybrid. It has few, if any
one navel orange is also full of    crossed to make the Bergamot                                                                            seeds, making it perfect for
fiber, more than many bowls of      Orange. Another good one to                                                                             snacking on.
                                                                                                         CHANDLER POMELO
whole grain cereal! Most citrus     remember is that Tangerines are                                      This Pomelo is very sweet
                                                                        BLOOD ORANGE
are a great source of potassium,    a type of Mandarin. Tangelos                                         and floral, with pink flesh
                                                                        Beautiful red flesh inside,
vitamin A and vital antioxidants    are a hybrid of the Tangerine                                        and a green to yellow rind.
                                                                        with lovely strong aromatics,                                       SATSUMA MANDARIN
that neutralize free radicals.      and a Pomelo or Grapefruit!                                          Remember that Pomelos              Classic sweet and juicy
                                                                        and a rich flavor reminiscent
   There is no dispute that            Wow, that was a lot of history                                    are difficult to peel due to       mandarin flavor. Super
                                                                        of fresh raspberries.
                                                                                                         the thick pith, so it is best to   easy to peel, and great for
citrus is tasty and healthy, but    for one category of fruit. So
                                                                                                         cut horizontally in half, then     snacking on.
where did they come from?           what next, how do you choose                                         scoop sections out with a
   It is believed that all citrus   which one to buy now that you                                        spoon!
came from 4 fruits. The Pomelo,     know all this? Here is a list to
True Mandarins, Citrons, and        help you choose the perfect         RIO STAR GRAPEFRUIT
Micrantha. Pomelos and True         citrus from this year. If you       These have a lighter skin
Mandarins were crossed to make      can’t decide, do not be afraid      than the Ruby Red. They          MELOGOLD POMELO
                                                                        have a light, floral aromatic                                       MINNEOLA TANGELO
                                                                                                         Similar to the Shaddock,
Sour Oranges, and that was          to ask the Produce Team to
                                                                        flavor, with lots of juice.                                         Easy to peel, a little more
then crossed with Pomelos to        get you a sample. We are more                                        although more juicy and
                                                                                                                                            tart and meaty when
                                                                                                         floral tasting.
make sweet oranges, and those       than happy to help you!                                                                                 compared to a mandarin.
Sweet Oranges were hybridized
with Pomelo yet again to reach
Grapefruit. Micrantha and
Citrons were bred to make                                                                                CARA CARA ORANGE                   BUDDA’S HAND
                                                                                                         Here’s a favorite, these           Here’s a citrus most don’t
                                                                                                         pink fleshed oranges are           know about. It has a very
                                                                                                         not to be missed. Flavor is        fragrant and floral aroma,
                                                                                                         reminiscent of fresh fruit         reminding me of lemon
                                                                                                         punch, perfect for those           drop candies. Of course
                                                                                                         who do not like much               these are great for candying,
                                                                                                         tartness, because these are        use the whole thing as you
                                                                                                         sweet!                             would zest, or use it for

                                                                                                         PAGE TANGELO                       KUMQUAT
                                                                                                         Not the easiest to peel, but       A bitter orange, you eat the
                                                                                                         it makes up for it in flavor.      whole thing as you would a
                                                                                                         Aside from the famed TDE,          berry, and if you get them
                                                                                                         this is a produce team             at the right time, they are
                                                                                                         favorite. It takes the best        absolutely delicious. Ask
                                                                                                         from a satsuma and a               produce for a sample if you
                                                                                                         minneola tangelo.                  have never had one before!
News in natural WINTER 2019 FREE - Get Outside Warming Winter Comfort Foods Sweet and Sunny Citrus Lab Grown Meat - LifeSource Natural Foods
WAYLAN’S BAKED MACARONI AND CHEESE                                                                           WHAT’S NEW?                                                              Grocery
                                                                                                                  ALMOND GLORY
     By Waylan Barber · Custodian                       Directions
     I remember sitting at my grandma’s table on        1.    Preheat oven to 350 degrees.                        Scrumptious single
     summer afternoons waiting for Sunday dinner:       2.    Cook the pasta about one minute less than the
     fresh-from-the-garden cucumber salad, ham                instructions on the package, to al dente. Drain
                                                                                                                  serve cupcakes made
     or homemade meatloaf, boiled corn and—my                 and set aside.                                      with almond meal and
     favorite—homemade baked macaroni and               3.    Take half the butter and melt it in a thick-        without gluten or soy.
     cheese. The rest of the year, macaroni and               bottomed two-quart pot.
     cheese meant boxed noodles and powdered            4.    When the butter is melted, add the diced onion.
     cheese, but in grandma’s house such profane              Stir frequently over medium heat until the onion
     things were unheard of. When I first attempted           starts to caramelize, about 20 minutes. Don’t
     to make this dish as an adult, naturally I               rush it.
     called my grandma for her recipe. She kindly       5.    Once the onion is caramelized, add the rest of
     refused and told me to look it up. So, after             the butter.
     experimenting with several recipes, I came up      6.    Once melted, add the flour, stirring constantly,
     with my own version of this classic dish. My in-         until the mixture is the consistency of cake
     laws love it so much that I can’t go to a family         batter.
     gathering without it.                              7.    Slowly add about a cup of milk, salt, pepper, and
                                                              the mustard, stirring slowly.
                                                        8.    Add a ½ cup of the milk and two generous                                                                                 EATING EVOLVED
     Ingredients                                              handfuls of cheese. Keep stirring.                                                                                       Primal Chocolate Bars
     •   ½ lb macaroni or penne pasta                   9.    Once the cheese is melted into the milk, add the                                                                         Delicious Chocolate bars made
         1 small yellow onion (or ½ large), diced             remaining milk and all but 3-4 oz of the cheese.                                               THE HONEST
                                                                                                                                                                                       with minimal ingredients; Organic
     •   4 Tbs butter, divided                                Stir until just starting to bubble.                                                            STAND · Vegan
                                                                                                                                                                                       Coconut Sugar, Cacao Butter, and
         3 Tbs all-purpose flour                        10.   Taste and adjust salt and pepper.                                                              Cheeze Dips
                                                                                                                                                                                       organic cacao. Chocolate made
     •   3 cups milk                                    11.   Remove from heat and stir in pasta.                                                            Cheesy dip that tastes
         12-16 oz sharp cheddar cheese, shredded              Place mixture in 7 x 11” casserole dish (9 x 9”                                                                          primal!
     •                                                  12.                                                                       KITE HILL                  cheesy—but without
         1 tsp salt (to taste)                                also works) and sprinkle remaining cheese and                       Dairy Free Ravioli         the dairy! Use it as
     •   ½ tsp ground pepper (to taste)                       breadcrumbs over the top.                                           Dairy free raviolis
     •   1 Tbs yellow mustard                           13.   Bake for 20-30 minutes, until the top is evenly                                                a sauce for a vegan
                                                                                                                                  made with Kite Hills
     •   2 Tbs panko bread crumbs (optional)                  browned. Let sit for 5 minutes before enjoying.                                                cheesy pasta that is
                                                                                                                                  award winning almond       true to tradition and
                                                                                                                                  based ricotta!             guilt free!

                                                                                                                                  PRO BAR LIVE               SOUTH RIVER
                                                                                                                                  Live Probiotic             Miso
                                                                                                                                  Nutrition Bars             Organic artisanal
                                                                                                                                  Probiotic nutrition bar    miso, a high protein
                                                                                                                                  with 10g plant-based       seasoning perfect for
                                                                                                                                  protein and no added       soups, marinades,
                                                                                                                                  sugar.                     dressings and dips.

                                                                                                                  Freezer                                    SO DELICIOUS
                                                                                                                                                             Dairy Free Mousse
                                                                                                                                                             Creamy, fluffy, dairy
                                                                                                                                  CAULIPOWER                 free, and with only 330
                                                                                                                                  Pizza Crust                or fewer calories per     BOBO’S · Toast’r Pastries
                                                                                                                                  Pizza crust made with      pint, you can go ahead    A healthier toaster pastry made
                                                                                                                                  real cauliflower! Gluten   and eat the whole         with gluten-free and non-gmo
                                                                                                                                  free, high in protein,     thing. Try strawberry,    ingredients.
                                                                                                                                  nutrient rich, and         peanut butter, or
                                                                                                                                  seriously delicious.       chocolate chip.

14 · News in Natural                                                                                                                                                           · 15
News in natural WINTER 2019 FREE - Get Outside Warming Winter Comfort Foods Sweet and Sunny Citrus Lab Grown Meat - LifeSource Natural Foods
Deli                                           Cubano
                                                 First up is our version of a Cubano.
                                                                                         Tuna. We then mix in just the
                                                                                         smallest amount of mayonnaise
                                                                                                                                                                                                    CRANBERRY ORANGE
  HOT SANDWICHES                                 We take a ciabatta roll and pile on
  NOW AVAILABLE!                                 Beeler’s seasoned pulled pork and
                                                                                         and a few other ingredients for
                                                                                         the perfect flavor combination.
  As part of the recent remodel and              sliced ham, melted swiss cheese,        The sandwich starts with toasted
  expansion of the Deli Kitchen, we              sliced pickles and finish it off with   sourdough bread topped with
  are now offering several exciting,             a spread of yellow mustard. It’s a      our popular tuna salad, red onion,                                                                         Ingredients
  new hot sandwiches that are made               taste of Little Havana here in the      tomato and of course, melty cheddar                                                                        •   2 1/2 cups flour          •     1/2 cup olive oil
                                                                                                                                                                                                        1 1/2 tsp baking powder         1 Tbsp almond extract
  to order at our Deli window.                   Northwest.                              cheese. Pair a sandwich with a                                                                             •                             •
                                                                                                                                                                                                    •   1/2 tsp salt              •     Zest of one orange
                                                                                         cup of soup from our hot bar for a                                                                         •   1/2 cup cane sugar        •     3/4 cup roasted
                                                 Turkey Pesto                            satisfying meal!                                                                                           •   3/4 cup brown sugar             almonds, chopped
                                                 One of our staff favorites is the                                                                                                                  •   3 eggs                    •     1 cup dried cranberries
                                                 Turkey Pesto Sandwich. This hearty      BBQ Seitan
                                                 sandwich also comes on ciabatta         If you are looking for a delicious
                                                                                                                                                                                                   1.   Preheat oven to 325°F.
                                                 bread and combines our house-           sandwich, but are also searching for
                                                                                                                                                                                                   2 In a small bowl, stir together flour, baking powder, salt
                                                 made pesto with spinach, tomato,        vegan options, look no further than
                                                                                                                                                                                                   and sugars.
                                                 melted swiss cheese, and Diestel        our BBQ Seitan sandwich. “Meaty”
                                                                                                                                                                                                   3. Whisk eggs in a large bowl. Stir in olive oil, almond
                                                 sliced turkey breast. A great warm      chunks of seitan are covered in our                                                                       extract, and orange zest. Stir in flour mixture until just
                                                 treat for chilly winter days!           sweet chipotle BBQ sauce. It has                                                                          incorporated. Fold in almonds and cranberries.
                                                                                         a little sweet and a little heat and,                                                                     4. Scoop out dough onto a large pastry lined baking sheet.
                                                 Tuna Melt                               of course, is delicious. A generous                                                                       Form into two logs.
                                                 Of course, we have our own version      portion is served on ciabatta bread                                                                       5. Bake 30 minutes, or until golden. Remove from oven
                                                 of the classic tuna melt! Our tuna      and topped with crisp and delicious                                                                       and allow to cool.
                                                 salad starts with responsibly caught    cole slaw. So good that meat eaters                                                                       6. Cut biscotti into 3/4” slices, arrange on cookie sheet and
                                                                                                                                                                                                   bake again for 15 minutes to crisp them
                   Turkey Pesto                  and sustainably harvested Yellowfin     everywhere will be converted!
                                                                                                                                                                                                   up. Flip after 7 minutes.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   7. Cool on a wire rack. Enjoy with
                                                                                                                                                                                                   coffee or tea.

  Bulk                                                                                                                           Health & Beauty
  LifeSource welcomes St. Fiacre’s Farms, a local source of herbal tea                                                           EVAN HEALY · Skin Care
  blends. The fertile soils and mild climate of the Salem region are                                                             Hello friends of LifeSource! We have a new offering in skin
  perfect for cultivating the many herbs for their tea blends,                                                                   care that is so transformative and beautiful, I could hardly
  so St. Fiacre’s buys most ingredients from                                                                                     wait to share it with you: the Evan Healy Skin Care line.
  local farmers and families. St Fiacre’s
                                                                                                                                 Evan Healy’s philosophy is simple: Oil and Water. The
  Farms careful curation and drying
                                                                                                                                 foundation for everything and the most important thing you
  shows in the vibrant colors and
                                                                                                                                 can do for your skin. Simple, nourishing, and transformative.
  incredibly rich flavors. LifeSource
  has selected some of St Fiacre’s                                                                                               Why oil and water? Because these are the two things that
  most aromatic and colorful blends.                                                                                             make up the top layer of the skin. Within the skin, sweat
  We find them delicious when prepared as                                                                                        glands and sebaceous glands work together to produce a
  either hot or iced tea. You                                                                                                    thin coating of lipids (oil) and perspiration (water) called
  will find St. Fiacre’s in                                                                                                      the acid mantle, or hydrolipid barrier. It allows the skin to
  the bulk department at                                                                                                         self-regulate, detoxify, and balance moisture and hydration
  LifeSource, on the top                                                                                                         levels. It is easily disrupted and stripped by harsh treatment
  shelf of our herbs, spices,                                                                                                    methods (exfoliation, acids, retinols, peels, enzymes, lasers,
  and teas. The wonderful thing                                                                                                  etc) and modern living (tap water, soap, etc).
  about St. Fiacre’s tea is the aroma that wafts from the jars                                                                   Most people who apply a twice-daily application of Evan
  as you scoop your favorite blend. Open the lid, savor the aroma and                                                            Healy Oil Serum (plant oils) and HydroSoul (plant waters)
  choose from our abundant selection of St. Fiacres herbal tea blends.                                                           find that this simple pairing provides enough moisture and
                                                                                                                                 hydration so that they need nothing else for their skin to feel
                                                                                                                                 properly hydrated and moisturized.
16 · News in Natural                                                                                                                                                                                               · 17
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ST. FIACRE’S · Farm Teas
 STAFF FAVORITES                                                     Dawn loves to make kombucha and uses several
                                                                     different teas from our extensive bulk department.
                                                                                                                                                          NEW CASCADIA
                                                                                                                                                                                                FULLER FOODS
                                                                                                                                                                                                Serious Cheesy Puffs

 By Waylan Barber · Customer Service                                 One of her favorites is St Fiacres Farm Teas’
                                                                                                                                                          Gluten Free Sourdough Bread           Blue Cheese and Jalapeño
                                                                                                                                                          Finding good sliced gluten-free       These cheesy snacks are
        he staff here at Lifesource is diverse in many ways,         Rose City Repose. It has a great flavor and adds
                                                                                                                                                          bread can be a daunting endeavor.     among Chris’s favorite food
                                                                     sweetness without needing additional sugar.
        including our taste in food and health and beauty                                                                                                 Chris embraces a gluten-free          indulgences. The flavor and
        products. To highlight our favorites, we place “Staff                                                                                             lifestyle and knows this struggle     size of these cheese puffs is
 Picks” cards throughout the store. We are proud of all the                                                                                               intimately. This bread has great      unsurpassed. They don’t just
 products we carry, but something about these particular items                                                                                            texture and is delicious straight     taste vaguely cheesy with a
 stands out. Feel free to ask us why! In this issue, we will focus                                                                                        from the bag. Even his non-           hint of spice like some cheese
 on just two of our staff members and several of their favorite                                                                                           gluten-free friends enjoy it.         snacks. Fuller Foods Cheese
 foods.                                                                                                                                                                                         Puffs deliver a pleasant
                    Chris Bair is one of our delightful produce                                                                                          MEADOW GROVE · Eggs                    bleu flavor with exactly the
                    clerks. You can find him arranging our                                                                                               Dawn describes these eggs as           right amount of heat on
                    seasonal organic produce in tasteful                                                                                                 vibrant orange and super rich          the back of the tongue.
                    arrangements or sorting bananas. When he                                                                                             in flavor. These chickens are
                    is not beautifying our produce department,                                                                                           100% free range; they get to eat       OREGONIC TONIC
                    he spends his time as a discerning                                                                                                   a lot of bugs and other good           KOMBUCHA · White Peach
                    audiophile and snack food connoisseur.                                                                                               things, making their eggs high in      Kombucha is usually
                   Dawn is our Grocery Manager. Beyond                                                                                                   healthy omegas and Vitamin D.          characterized by a fermented,
                   running LifeSource’s Grocery Department,                                                                                                                                     effervescent flavor with a
                   Dawn is something of a renaissance woman.                                                                                             AURORA VALLEY POULTRY                  hint of whatever flavor is
                   She is a prolific writer and a founding                                                                                               FARM · Organic Chicken                 listed on the label. While this
                   member of an exclusive writers guild. A                                                                                               Dawn says this is the tenderest        often makes for a refreshing,
                   quirky foodie, she enjoys making a variety                                                                                            chicken she’s ever had. This organic   healthful drinking experience,
                   of things from scratch, from kombucha                                                                                                 chicken is local to the Willamette     Oregonic Tonic Kombuchas
                   to baked ziti. Dawn is also a dedicated                                                                                               Valley and exclusively carried at      break the mold. Their products
                   Mariners fan.                                                                                                                         LifeSource. We carry everything        are full of flavor with a slight
                                                                                                                                                         from whole roasting birds to           effervesce. Chris describes his
                                                                                                                                                         thighs. This chicken is very juicy     favorite flavor, White Peach,
                                                                                                                                                maybe open it over the sink.     as “screaming white peach.”
                       PALHAIS · Goat Cheese                                     FACE ROCK CREAMERY
                     When I asked Chris about his favorite                       Triple Pepper Cheese Curds
                     foods in the store he immediately took                      Chris also loves the Face Rock Creamery
                     me to the Palhais cheese. He likes this                     Cheese Curds as a great grab-and-
                     savory cheese for its versatility. It’s great               go snack. You can eat it straight out
                     for frying as a stand-alone hors-d’oeuvre                   of the container without the awkward            LONELY LANE FARMS
                     or in a grilled cheese sandwich. The                        feeling of snacking on a block of               Lamb Bacon
                     saltiness of the cheese pairs well with                     cheese. Beware though; these bite-              The popular saying,
                     apples or figs. Sometimes Chris just                        sized cheese snacks are addictive!              “Everything is better with
                     eats Pahlais right out of the package.                                                                      bacon” is re-imagined as
                                                                                 ROYAL RIVERSIDE FARM                            “Everything is better as
                    GRAND NOIR · Blue Cheese                                     Organic Milk                                    bacon” in this delicacy. Chris
                    Out of all the bleu cheeses available at                     This milk is Dawn’s favorite for two            says lamb bacon combines
                    LifeSource, this one is Dawn’s favorite.                     reasons; it is local and super fresh. Located   the distinctive earthiness
                    If you or someone you love is unsure                         in Albany, Oregon, Royal Riverside is a         of lamb, with the subtle
                    about bleu cheese, she recommends the                        small family-run dairy. Because of this         sweetness of smoked bacon.
                    Grand Noir. It is a mild, approachable                       and how they process their milk, this           Next time you’re in the
                    cheese with a truly dynamic flavor. The                      is probably the freshest milk available         market for bacon, consider
                    creamy texture is well-balanced with                         at LifeSource, often being in the cow           this delicious choice.
                    just the right amount of friability.                         mere hours before it reaches the store.

18 · News in Natural                                                                                                                                                                     · 19
By Branden Hume · Customer Service
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ...given the choice between

    know what you’re thinking, this          the cells with nutrients, water, protein,   like JUST or Memphis Meats from            working on this article I spoke        we know it. The way I see it,
    sounds gross already. This can’t be      and salts, the cells can be tricked into    developing their own recipes.              with a lot of co-workers about         if the cheap way for people to          lab grown, conventional,
    natural. Is LifeSource selling this?     replicating as if they were still in the       Branden, I hear you ask, that’s cool    the subject, and the most              get meat becomes cruelty free,           and free range organic
 Why am I even reading this? Well first,     host’s body. This effectively means         and all, but how does this affect global   common argument I got was              non-GMO, antibiotic free, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 meats, I’m going to go with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      organic every time.
 let me clarify that we are not selling      that no cells are genetically modified      industry? It’s all in the statistics my    that it isn’t natural, and for         environmentally friendly—well,
 lab grown meat. However, that is not        (as long as the host animal is not          friend. According to the WWF “25% of       that reason they wouldn’t try          that’s absolutely fantastic, and in
 why I am writing this article. While        genetically modified) and nutrients can     global land use, and forestry emissions    it. I think that’s fair enough.        my opinion, a step in the right
 we may never sell this in our store,        be added to the mix for a more nutrient     are driven by beef production.”1 and an    However, I ask you not to              direction.
 it is still an interesting development      dense food.                                 oxford study also found that compared      consider whether you would                If you find this interesting,
 that could have a massive impact on            Right now lab grown meats are still      to conventionally grown beef, clean        eat it, but rather the affect it can   I encourage you to research it
 global industries. Allow me to spin you     in the early development phase. While       meat would take 99% less land use to       have on our world.                     yourself. Take a look at www.
 a tale about the growth that very well      the technology falls short of creating      make. It would also use 96% less water,       After thinking long and    to see the story
 may end up becoming the meat of the         whole steaks or cuts of meat, it is able    and contribute 96% fewer greenhouse        hard about the whole thing,            from one of the major front
 future.                                     to produce small amounts of tissue that     gas emissions. 2 Of course, as more        my biggest takeaway has little         runners of the industry, and the
    First off, what exactly is it? It is     when combined, create a ground meat-        discoveries are made and methods           to do with us and the natural          steps they are taking to change
 a cruelty free, antibiotic free, non-       like substance. This has allowed for        perfected, it is expected to be produced   food industry, but rather how          the way we see meat.
 GMO, culmination of cells grown in a        successfully making burgers, chicken        even faster, more efficiently, and         this changes the food everyone
                                                                                                                                    else eats. If these companies,         [1] https://www.worldwildlife.
 laboratory that can be derived without      nuggets and fish sticks—though it           ultimately cheaper than it is now.
                                                                                                                                    the frontrunners of the clean          org/industries/beef
 killing an animal. Also called cultured     may be a while before these are put on         I work at LifeSource, and given
                                                                                                                                    meat industry, can perfect a           [2]
 meat or clean meat, the process of          shelves. These are so unique that the       the choice between lab grown,
                                                                                                                                    way of making cruelty free             abs/10.1021/es200130u
 making it begins by taking stem cells       FDA still has to decide how to regulate     conventional, and free range organic
 from an animal, then filtering the tissue   and classify them, and whether or not       meats, I’m going to go with the organic    meat that is cheap, they could
 and isolating the cells that can grow.      they are actually safe to consume. This     every time—and I think if you’re           potentially topple the industrial
 Then by a careful process of feeding        has not, however, stopped companies         reading this you would, too. While         meat producing industry as

20 · News in Natural                                                                                                                                                                                           · 21
                                                                                                               that engaged. However, as the summer

                                                                                   Salem Area Trail Alliance
                                                                                                               progressed, the same kids that had
                                                                                                               never gardened before, were asking
                                                                                                               questions about whether their cilantro                         Spotlight on Natural Factors
                                                                                                               plants had enough nitrogen and pulling
                                                                                                               any weed that dared to invade the
                                                                                                               space. By the end of the summer the
                                                                                                               kids grew and donated over 764 pounds
                                                                                                               of harvested crops to the Independence
                                                                                                                                                                        FACTORS FARMS
                                                                                                               and Ella Curran food banks! They also
 COMMUNITY MATTERS                                                                                             discovered that eating healthy does not
                                                                                                               mean skimping on taste. We donated all
                                                                                                                                                            A VERY SPECIAL PLACE
                                                                                                                                                            Natural Factors’ exquisite certified-organic farmland gives the company complete
                                                                                                                                                            control over securing the best quality raw materials possible. Literally, control
  By Paige Smith · Outreach Coordinator                                                                        types of different healthy and yummy         from seed selection to finished product.
                                                                                                               goodies for them to snack on. We also
                                                                                                                                                            EVERYTHING STARTS WITH THE SOIL

          major aspect of LifeSource’s       events and all are welcome to attend.                             had them come to the store and do a          This farm has truly unique soil, built up over millennia as water from Otter Lake
          mission is to foster, strengthen   Currently work parties are being                                  tour and class about healthy eating.         repeatedly flooded the valley below. These floods deposited a tremendous
          and promote community. To          held every other week at Silver Falls                               The plan for next year’s crew is to        amount of organic matter onto the land. The resulting alluvial soil is extremely
                                                                                                                                                            fertile. This incredible top soil is over six feet deep in places and has special lime
 this end, we participate in numerous        constructing a new connector trail from                           also sell their produce at the farmer’s      stratification, which plays an important role in neutralizing the pH of the soil.
 health and wellness fairs throughout        the Newt Loop to the conference center.                           market. I am excited about meeting           SEED SELECTION IS CRITICAL
 the Willamette Valley and we teach          You can find out more, and learn how                              next year’s new crew and watching the        One of the advantages of doing our own organic farming is having complete
 classes on various subjects, from           to volunteer at or                            garden—and the kids—grow! These              control over seed selection. We make sure to choose true “species” non-hybrid,
                                                                                                                                                            non-GMO seeds. It’s very important to make sure that the seedlings are natural
 how to eat healthy on a tight budget        find them on Facebook. Be sure to bring                           kids are great and I cannot say enough
                                                                                                                                                            and healthy, because healthy seedlings mean healthy mature plants.
 to how to best store and preserve           your work gloves and a hearty appetite                            about this great program. For more
                                                                                                                                                            CONTROLLING THE HARVEST
 food. We also donate countless gift         for tasty, nutritious LifeSource snacks.                          information contact            We also have full control over the harvest. For example, we selectively handpick
 baskets filled with gourmet and                                                                               cscpolk or              the echinacea flowers, picking only the mature flower heads, because they
 organic treats and gift cards to local      Community Services Consortium                                                                                  contain the highest levels and best ratios of active ingredients. That’s a great
                                                                                                                                                            advantage over mechanical harvesting, which doesn’t allow for selection based
 non-profits and school fundraising             Community Services Consortium                                    I look forward to seeing you out           on the maturity of the plants.
 auctions—over 150 this past year!           is another group that we supply with                              and about town and at the store.
   We also supply several non-profits        food and classes on how to eat healthier.                         We simply could not do all of the
 with healthy, tasty treats to help fuel     Last year was the first year of the                               work in the community without
 their hard-working volunteers.              Community Services Consortium Polk                                the support of all of our wonderful
                                             County Community garden. The results                              shoppers. Thank you!
 Salem Area Trail Alliance                   have been spectacular. The goal was to
                                                                                                                       Community garden for at risk youth

   One of these organizations is the         engage and involve
 Salem Area Trail Alliance. SATA is          a group of at-risk
 an all-volunteer non-profit working         youth in creating a
 to “get more people on more trails in       community garden.
 the greater Salem area.” SATA began         Through the process
 in 2011 and since then has put in           of planning, planting,
 thousands of hours of volunteer work        caring for and
 each year building and maintaining          harvesting a garden
 trails for hikers, bikers and runners.      the kids not only
 Some recent projects include                worked on getting
 building the Catamount Trail and            their G.E.D’s but also
 Newt Loop at Silver Falls State park.       learned valuable work
 They also built Salem’s first pump          and life experience.
 track and bike park at Geer Park               The first time
 as well as maintaining the Croisan          that I went to
 and Skyline trails in South Salem.          Independence to
   SATA hosts frequent trail work            visit the garden the
 parties, outdoor activities and social      kids did not seem

22 · News in Natural                                                                                                                                                                                                                        · 23
2649 Commercial St. SE
Salem, OR 97302

Open 8am-9pm

   LifeSource applauds the Salem City Council
   for voting to support our environment by
   banning most single use plastic bags beginning
   in April 2019! Stay tuned for more information
   as details become available. In the meantime,
   remember to take advantage of the many
   ways to acquire reusable shopping bags, at
   LifeSource and elsewhere. Find out more at
You can also read